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Unit 6 School Life教案

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Unit 6 School Life教案

一. 内容:
Unit 6 School Life (1)
Lesson 21 The computer room is next to the art room.
Lesson 22 He is th e school janitor.

二. 重点、难点:
1. 学习有关校园生活的词汇
2. 复习表示方位的常用介词
3. 复习There be句型,并能在日常生活中景 象 描述
4. 复习一般现在时,能在一定情景中正确使用

Lesson 21 The computer room is next to the art room.
I. Words Study单词学习:
walk up auditorium hall dinning hall
entrance science lab main end at the end of
map world wall dictionary hallway
before look f or i nformation door chalk

II. Expression Patterns常用的表达方式:
1. 表示方位的介 词
opposite 在……对面
next to 紧接着,相邻
between 在……之间(两者)
2. There be句型

用 法句 型
肯 定 式There is…
There are…
否 定 式There is not(isn’t)…
There are not(aren’t)…
疑 问 式Is there a / any…? Yes, there is.
No, there isn’t.
Are there any…? Yes, there are.
No, there aren’t.

3. Students can look for information here. 学生们可以在这里查找信息。
look for 寻找,查找
He looks for his tennis shoes.
They walk from street to street, look for the small book shop.

4. How many door s are there in the picture? 图中有几扇门?
How many…? 用于表示数量的多少 ,后跟可数名词的复数。

Lesson 22 He is the sc hool janitor .
I. Words Study单词学习:
principal coach hard janitor bus
driver answer answer the phone receive
visitor drive keep clean chess
teach grade supervise select team
organize tra ining live primary
primary school

II. Expression Patterns常用的表达方式:
1. I help Ms. Wilson with letters and e-mails.
I often help my mo ther with the housework.
Lily helps me with my English.
2. 一般现在时
主语人称be动词形式例 句
IamI am a student.
ar eYou are my teacher.
You are teachers.
WeWe are sisters.
TheyThey are brothers.
isHe is Tom.
SheShe is Alice.
ItIt is a dog.
构 成 规 则原 形第三人称单数形式
结尾是e的动词 加-sdrive
go washes
fl ies
一 般 动 词动 词 be动 词 have

肯 定 式I know it.
You know it.

We know it.
They know it.
He knows it.
She knows it.
It runs.I am a student.
You are my tea cher.
You are teachers.
We are sisters.
They are brothers.
He is Tom.
She is Alice.
It is a dog.I have a pen.
You have a pen.
You have pens.
We have pens.
They have pens.
He has a pen.
She has a pen.
It has a tail.

否 定 式I don’t know it.
You don’t know it.

We don’t know it.
They don’t know it.
He doesn’t know it.
She doesn’t know it.
It doesn’t run.I am not a studen t.
You are not my teacher.
You are not teachers.
We are not sisters.
They are not brothers.
He is not Tom.
She is not Alice.
It is not a dog. I don’t have a pen.
You don’t have a pen.
You don’t have pens.
We don’t have pens.
They don’t have pens.
He doesn’t have a pen.
She doesn’t have a pen.
It doesn’t have a tail.

疑 问 式Do you know it?
Do they know it?
Does he know it?
Does she know it?
Does it run?Are you a student?
Are you teac hers?
Are they brothers?
Is he Tom?
Is she Alice?
Is it a dog?Do you have a pen?
Do you have pens?
Do they have pens?
Does he have a pen?
Does she have a pen?


Unit 6 School Life教案
