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Unit 4 Main task教学案

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Unit 4 Main task案
1.睁着眼睛睡觉____________________ 2.in the daytime____________________
3.at night _________________________ 4.在陆地上________________________
5.in a day _________________________ 6.walk on tiptoe_____________________
【体验与实践】Ⅰ 预 习情况交流
1.Fish sleep _______ their eyes open .
2.Fish sleep _______ the daytime but some sleep _______ night .
3.Elephants are the biggest living animals __ ____ land .
4.There are no bones ______ the back _____ elephants’ feet .
5.Elephants walk _______ tiptoe .They can walk _____ the mud easily .
6.Elephants can eat 100 _____ 1000 pounds _____ grass ______ a day .
1.in the daytime 在白天 ,其反义词组是 at night 在夜晚
We can see the sun___________ and the moon___________ .
2.on land 在陆地上 in water 在水中 in the sky在空中
Elephants are the biggest animals___________
Whales are the biggest animals ____________
3.in a day 在一天中
He can eat 100 dumplings_____half an hour .
in 后接一段时间还可表示一段时间以后
He’ll come back _______two days
Ⅲ 目标达成检测
_______ _________ , they got up very early.
They ________ ________ and got on the bus .
On our way to school , we ____ _______ _______ our teacher .
‘I heard something .’she _______ _______ ________ .
They were _____ afraid __ ____ ________ .
Fish sleep _______ their eyes ________ .
Elephants can _____ in the mud _________ .
Can you walk ________ ______ ?
1. He is very ________ (细心) in doing his homework.
2. Most boys are ________ (喜爱) of football or basketball.
3. Many girls are _________ (着迷) about popular singers.
4. The animals ________ (有) two long ears is the rabbit.
5. Are there any ________ (星星) in the sky ?
6. China is a country with a h________ of more than 5,000 years.
7. Edison i_______ the lamp and many other things.
8. Today we use c________ TV but we used black-and-white TV sets many years ago.
9. My mother cooks meals for us and I usually wash the d_______ after meals.
10. There are no b_______ in the body of an ant.
( )1. He lear nt swimming all by _________.
A. he B. himC. hisD. himself
( )2. Yesterday he kept on ______ for twelve hours.
A. workB. to workC. workingD . worked
( )3. What did they ______ about at the meeting last night?
A. discussB. discussedC. to discussD. discussing
( )4. It is terrible. The cat miaowed a lot at night recently(近来). It ___ a baby crying.
A. soundB. soundsC. sound likeD. sounds like
( )5. ?My mother is ill. I have to look after myself.
-- ______________.
A. That can’t be trueB. Bad luck
C. I’m sorry to hear thatD. Sorry to listen
( )6. --Would you like to give me _____ salt, please?
--Sorry. There is _____ in the bag.
A. some ; littleB. any ; a littleC. any ; littleD. some ; a little
( )7. I like wearing clothes ______ cotton.
A. are made ofB. are making ofC. made ofD. made in

Unit 4 Checkout
1. There are sixty _______ in an hour.
2.He is at home alone, so he feels _______.(害怕)
3.His grandfather _______ five years ago.(死)
4.I read a book about d_______.
5. Fish can’t live _ ______ water.(没有)
I 预习情况交流
一、What, How 迷了路,你一定能帮助他们找到家。
1. _______ a good time they are having!
2._______ beautiful the girl is!
3._______ lovely weather it is today!
4._______ fast he is running!
5._______ many birds there are in the tree!
6._______ a heavy rain it was!
7._______ high buildings they are!
8._______ happy they are to see each other!
1.She is _______ teacher.(I)[
2.Those books are _______. (they)
3.His room is big but _______ is small. (she)
4.I am _______ friend. (you)
5.Look, there is a cat _______ eyes are big. (it)
1. It takes somebody some time (money) to do something.
例如:It takes them two weeks to complete the work.
2.Here it is. 表示“在这里”
这是个倒装句,正常的语序我们用It is here.英语中主类倒装句的特点是:
Here _________ the bus. 汽车来了。
Here he ________. 他来了。
There goes her son. 她儿子去那儿了。
There he goes. 他去那儿了。
(一)你会用括号内 的单词的适当形式填空吗?
1. Tom does everything _______ and people say he is a _______ person. (care)
2. My pet is very _______. (frighten)
3. --- Would you like _______ (travel) with us?
--- Sure.
4. Look! He _______ (practice) running in the playground.
5. Can you tell us an _______ (amaze) thing?
(二) 下列人称代词和物主代词你会正确选用吗?
1. --- Is this card _______ (you, your, yours)?
--- Yes, it’s _______.(me, my, mine)
2. --- This isn’t _______ (you, your, yours) car. It’s _______ (us, ours, our)
--- Sorry. _______ (me, I, mine) is over there.
3.Don’t touch the tiger. _______ (It, Its, It’s) very dangerous.
4.You mustn’t close _______ (yours, your) eyes when you play the game.
5.The cat can’t eat anything. _______ (It, Its, It’s) couldn’t stand up.
_______ (It, Its, It’s) was too weak.
Is the line busy?
A man bought a parrot and tried to make him talk. He kept repeating “Hello. Hello!” Finally, the parrot opened one sleepy eye and said,” What’s the matter? Is the line busy?
有个人买了只鹦鹉,想让它说话。他一遍遍地说“喂,喂”。最后,鹦鹉睁开一只惺忪的眼睛说,“怎 么回事?电话线很忙吗?”
It was raining hardly yesterday afternoon. On 1._______
my way to home, I saw a boy fall off the bike. 2._______
I run to the boy and then took him to the 3._______
hospital at once. After that, I return back home. 4._______


Unit 4 Main task教学案
