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Unit 11 What time do you go to school 教案

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Unit 11 What time do you go to school? 教案
Section B(P69-70) P+C
学习目标:(Dec.11) (1’)
一、单词、词组、句型加油站 ( 温 故知新,可以为师矣!)
A、单词 (方法指导:先根据自己的记忆完成,不会的再翻看课本。)
信 大约 开始 书写
告诉 不久 最好的 希望

B、词组 翻译下列词组并造句
want to do 译: 例:
get up译: 例:
do one’s homework译: 例:
eat breakfast译: 例:
go to school译: 例:
tell sb about……译: 例:
in fact译: 例:
best wishes 译: 例:
1.Thanks for your letter.因为你的来信而感谢。/谢谢你的来信。
用英语表示“因某事感谢某人”要用 “Thanks for sth.” 或 “Thanks for doing st h.”。例如:“谢谢你的帮助?”可译为“Thanks for your help.”或“Thanks for helping me.”?
巩固练习:Thanks for ___________(tell) us the news(消息).
Thanks a lot __________ the birthday cake.
2.School stars at nine o’clock.学校在9点钟开始上课。
拓展:Star是动词,译为“开始”,相当于begin,后面可以接名词、代词、动名词或动词不定式。即:star doing sth 或者star doing sth.
巩固练习:Class __________ at 8:25 in our school.
Let’s start __________ (read) the text(课文). What time does the party __________?
3.write to sb=write sb a letter=write a letter to sb给某人写信
巩固练习:She often _________(写) to her aunt in America.
Please write a letter to ________(he) soon.
4.tell动词,译为“告诉,讲述”。 拓展:常用的短语有:tell a story讲故事;tell sb sth告诉某人某事;tell sb about sth告诉某人关于某事;tell sb (not) to do sth告诉某人(不要)做某事。 巩固练习:Mother always tells us __________(work) hard(努力学习).
5.best wishes最好的祝愿
给某人最好的祝福:Best wishes to sb. 为某事做最好的祝福:Best wishes for sth.
巩固练习:Best __________ to you and your family.
Unit 11 What time do you go to school? Section B(P69-70) P+P
学习目标:(Dec.12) (1’)
1.、读3a简写给莫娜的书信,将时间与Jane所做的事情匹配并回答下列问题。 (5’)
①What time does Jane do her homework?_________________________________[
②What time does school start?________________________________________
2、再读3a短文,自己读、译它。 (4’)
3、小组内讨论通过疑难句子,并将含有主语I的句子改写为主语Jane的句子. (5’)
①Jane usually gets up at around six fifteen. ②____________________________________
③____________________________________ ④___________________________________
3、展示读、译3a。 (5’)
4、分层展示3a课文(A层背诵课文,B层可根据下列短文口头填空.) (5’)
Dear Mona,
________ _______(因……感谢) your letter.Do you ______ ______ ______(想知道)about my morning?Well,I usually _______ _______(起床) at ______(大约) six fifteen.I _____ ______ ______(做作业)a t six thirty,and then I _______ ______(吃早餐) ______(大约) seven thirty. ______(大约) eight o'clock,I_____ ______ ______(去上学).School _______(开始) at nine o'clock, Please write and ______ _______ _______(告诉我关于) your morning.
6、根据68页2b关于Tom的早上活动信息,补全Tom写给蒋民的信。 (2’)
7、结对活动:假设你是a movie star(一位电影明星),在时间表上填出你通常做的事情,然后写出你一天的活动,题目为“My Busy Weekend”,不少于八句话。 (5’)
_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
8、70页3a,小组内调查“周末你的同学都干什么”,并完成填写调查表,然后分组在班上口头汇报,也可以事先写出来。 (5’)

三、日日清习题: (8’)
Ⅰ. 单项选择:
( )1. Jack usually gets up at six ______ the morning ______ Sunday.
A. on, atB. in, at C. at, onD. in, on
( )2. ―I am sleepy (瞌睡的). ―Why not go to ______?
A. work B. bed C. school D. movie
( )3. I often do ______ homework before dinner. A. IB. meC. myD. our
( )4. Do you have a pen? I want to ______ a letter.
A. writeB. buyC. workD. tell
( )5. Saturday and Sunday are our ______.
A. clubsB. weekends C. birthdaysD. games
( )6. What time does she ______ school and ______ home every day?
A. get, get B. get, get to C. get to, get to D. get to, get
( )7. The music is great. Do you like to ______ it?
A. listen to B. have a look at C. help with D. play with
( )8. ______ a sweater, June goes to Huaxing Clothes Store.
A. BuyB. Buys C. To buyD. Buying
( )9. ―Do you know ______? ―He is f ifteen.
A. how old is he B. what he isC. how old he is D. what is he
( )10. ―What’s the time now?―______.
A. It is fine B. It is seven-thirty C. It is Monday D. It is May 5th
Ⅱ.句型转换 根据要求改写下面句子:(10分)
11. He gets home at five in the afternoon. (就划线部分提问)
__________ __________ __________ he __________ home in the afternoon?
12. I think Tom is at home. (否定句)
I ______________ think Tom ____________ at home.
13. Now it’s five thirty. (同义句)
Now it’s _____________ _____________ _______________.
14. She goes to work by car.(就划线部分提问)
_____________ ______________ she _____________ to work?
15. Jack’s family has one shower. (就划线部分提问)
____________ ___________ ___________ does Jack’s family ____________?

Dear student,
My name is Bob Smith. I come from America. I want a pen pal(笔友) in China.I think China is a very interesting country(国家).I'm 13 years old and my birthday is in November.I can speak a little English. I have a sister,Anna.She has a C hinese pen pal.I like going to the movies with my friends and playing sports.My favorite subject is P.E. It's fun.But I don't like math.It's too(太) difficult!
Can you write to me soon(不久以后,很快)?

Dear student,
My name is Bob Smith. I come from America. I want a pen pal(笔友) in China.I think China is a very interesting country(国家).I'm 14 years old and my birthday is in November.I can speak English and a little Chinese. I have a sister,Anna.She has a Chinese pen pal.I like going to the movies with my friends and playing sports.My favorite subject is P.E. It's fun.But I don't like math.It's too(太) difficult!
Can you write to me soon(不久以后,很快)?
Guidance Case for December 29 (P+P)
Learning aims:
1.Learn some useful language sentences.(学习一些有用的语句。)
2.Read and retell the text.(读并复述课文。)
3.Rewrite according to the text.(根据课文内容仿写一篇短文。)
Ⅰ.Read the text and find out the following phrases.(读课文并找出下列短语。)2’
1.来自……___________________ 2.一个中国的笔友___________________
3.在11月___________________ 4.说一点儿汉语_____________________
5.和……去看电影_________________ 6.做运动___________________
Ⅱ.Read the text again,then answer the following questions.2’
1.Where is Bob from?________________________ ______________
2.What’s Bob’s father’s last name?___________________________
3.What does Bob want?_____________________________
4.What does Bob like doing?______________________________
Ⅲ.Let’s go into our “Task Supermarket”.(让我们进入任务超市。) 6’
Task One:( 7-8号直接读课文加3分,看下列短文读并填空加6分)
Dear student,
My name is Bob Smith. I _________ __________(来自) America. I_____(想要)a pen pal(笔友) _________ __________(在中国).I think China is a very_________(有趣的) country(国家).I'm 14 years old and my birthday is _________ __________(在11月).I can _________ _________(说英语) and _________ _________ _________(一点儿汉语). I have a sister,Anna.She has a ________(中国的) pen pal.I like_________ _____ _____ _________ __________(去看电影) with my friends and _________ __________(做运动).My favorite subject is P.E. It's fun.But I don't like math.It's too(太) difficult!
Can you ______ _______(写信给……) me soon(不久以后,很快)?
Task Two:(4-6号根据下列提示仿写短文,能顺利完成者加6分)
Pen Pal’s name: Tom King
Age: 13
Language: English
Favorite Subject: music
Favorite Sport: running
Favorite Movie: Rush Hour
Family: a brother and a sister
Task Three:(1-3号口头用英文介绍你笔友的情况。6分)


Unit 11 What time do you go to school  教案
