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2023届高考英语必考词汇90天复习案:第43天 篇1


  1.identity  n. 身份;一致                   

  2.ignore  vt. 忽略;不理睬;不理会

  3.injure  vt. 损害;伤害                    

  4.insure  vt. 给……买保险;确保

  5.invade  v. 侵入;侵略                    

  6.journal  n. 日报;杂志;期刊;日志

  7.judge  v.&n. 判决;裁判                  

  8.latter  n. 两者之中的后者

  9.league  n. 联盟,社团                    

  10.leap  v.&n. 跳跃;飞跃;骤变

  11.legal  adj. 合法的,法定的               

  12.loose  adj. 松散的;自由的

  13.mankind  n. 人类                       

  14.mean  vt.意味着;打算  adj. 小气的

  15.nationality  n. 国籍;民族   native  adj.本土的;天赋的  n. 本地人


  1.为了;以……为目的  in order to           

  2.处于困境/不幸中  in trouble

  3.不吃劳苦地做某事  take the trouble to do sth  

  4.参加,加入  join in

  5.根据……可以看出  judging from    以……来判断 judge…from…

  6.与某人勾结  in league with sb              

  7.灰心  lose heart

  8.全心全意地  heart and soul  用全部精力去做  put one’s heart into sth

  9.成功;达到目的  make it             辨认出;理解  make out

  10.利用  make use of        做……是徒然的  it’s no use doing

  11.打算做  mean to do sth                    意欲做  mean doing sth

  为……而准备的  be meant for/ to do           一点也不  by no means

  12.开夜车  burn the midnight oil              

  13.不再 no loner/ not…any longer

  14.忽视某人的忠告  ignore one’s advice        

  15.伤某人自尊  injure one’s pride

  16.前者……后者…… the former…the latter     

  17.用尽;耗光  use up



  he has a great deal of native intelligence.


  look before you leap.


  you can’t judge a man by his appearance.


  don’t lose heart, whatever happens.


  he has always been mean with his money.


  1.only when your i_______ has been checked will you be allowed in.

  2.how can the government i_________ the wishes of the most people?

  3.people without i_________ had to pay for their own repairs.

  4.he has french n__________.

  5.the policeman asked smith to i________ the man who robbed the bank the other day.

  6.john and james are brothers. the former is a teacher; the l_____ is an engineer.


  1.they accused him of being ____ _______ ___(与……勾结) the terrorist.

  2.these chairs _____ _______ ___ (为……准备)guests.

  3.teacher tend to be ______ _____(由……来判断) their students’ exam grades.

  4.he ______ _____ _______ ___(不辞劳苦) gather the materials for us.

  5.we started early ___ ______ ___(为了) arrive before dark.

  6.we only need one more player for this game―can you persuade your sister to ___ ___(参加)?



  1.identity   2. ignore   3.insurance   4.nationality  5. identify   6.latter


  1. in league with 2.are meant for 3. judged from 4.took the trouble to 5.in order to 6.join in

2023届高考英语必考词汇90天复习案:第43天 篇2

  i. 重点词汇

  1. liquid n. 液体

  2. longitude n.经度

  3. loop n. 环,圈

  4. manufacture v. 制造

  5. meanwhile n. adv 其间,同时

  6. mild adj. 温和的

  7. motivation n. 动机

  8. moveable adj. 可移动的

  9. navigation n. 导航,航行

  10. negative adj . 消极的

  11. neighbourhood n. 附近,

  12. nerve n. 神经,胆量

  13. nosebleed n. 流鼻血

  14. ointment n. 药膏,油膏

  15. opportunity n. 机会

  16. optimistic adj . 乐观的

  17. organ n. 器官

  18. original adj. 最初的,原始的

  ii. 重点短语

  1. lose sight of 看不见

  2. make a difference  有影响,有差异

  3. move about 到处移动

  4. move on 继续向前移动

  5. over and over again再三,反复

  iii. 佳句赏析

  1. meanwhile, expectations are rising, even if habits have not yet caught up.


  2. an optimist sees an opportunity in every calamity; a pessimist sees a calamity in every opportunity.


  3. so they are looking not only for skills but also for passion and motivation.


  4. if you compare the translation with the original, you will find the inaccuracy.


  iv. 词汇练习

  1. the           (液体) falls from the container drop by drop.

  2. what is your          (动机) ?

  3. it is because that i always enjoy my life and i have an o            heart.

  4. systemic lupus can affect almost any        or organ system in the body.

  5. the first-generation americans viewed the country as a land of o             .

  v. 短语练习

  1. there are so many new words in the passage that i could hardly make any          of them at all.

  a  meaning  b use   c  idea   d  sense

  2. no matter how i tried to read it , the sentence did not                  to me.

  a make clear b  make out    c make sure   d  make sense

  3. although she has a lot of problems, she manages to remain           

  a  optimistic   b  cautious

  c  concerned  d   anxious


  liquid  / motivation  / optimistic  / organ  / opportunity

2023届高考英语必考词汇90天复习案:第43天 篇3

  i. 重点词汇

  1. reception   n. 接待;招待会;接收

  2. regulate    vt. 调整,调节;管理,控制

  3. relic       n. 遗物;遗迹;纪念物

  4. reunite     vt. 再统一;再联合;重聚

  5. revolutionary   adj. 革命的   [c]革命者

  6. rub        vt.&vi. 摩擦;揉擦

  7. rubber      [c]橡皮;黑板擦   [u]橡胶

  8. secure      adj. 安全的,可靠的;放心的,无忧的,有把握的 

  vt. 使安全;保证;保卫;获得

  9. security     [c]& [u]安全;保护物;保证人;担保

  10. sensitive    adj. 敏感的;易受伤害的;灵敏的

  11. simplify     vt. 简化

  ii. 重点短语

  1. remove one’s doubts   消除某人的疑虑

  2. be removed from office   被撤职

  3. roll over   翻身;打滚

  4. secure sb. from attack   保证某人不受袭击

  5. secure a position in a firm   在一家公司找到一个职位

  6. be sensitive to    对……敏感

  iii. 佳句赏析

  1. silent tears slowly rolled down her cheeks.


  2. a good fire is a security against wild beasts.


  iv. 词汇练习

  1. this species of plant is becoming increasingly ________(稀少).

  2. those who have come here for celebration ceremony should sign their names at the _______(接待)desk.

  3. there is a _________(定时的)bus service to the airport.

  4. he said unmistakably that he would __________(消除)all the obstacles in his way.

  v. 短语练习

  1. our bodies are strengthened by working out. ____________, our minds are developed by learning.

  a. likely   b. similarly    c. probably   d. therefore

  2. the elderly need special care in winter, as they are _________ to the sudden changes of weather.

  a. sensitive   b. sensible   c. flexible   d. positive

  3. please remain ____________; the winner of the prize will be announced soon.

  a. seating   b. seated   c. to seat   d. to be seated


  iv.1.rare  2. reception   3. regular   4. remove

  v. 1. b   2. a  3. b

2023届高考英语必考词汇90天复习案:第43天 篇4

  XX届高考英语必考词汇90天复习案: 第44天

  i. 重点单词

  1. tolerate  v.忍受,容忍,宽恕          

  2. treatment  n.对待,治疗,疗法   

  3. typewriter  n.打字机                  

  4. unbelievable  adj.不可相信的,难以置信的

  5. uniform n..制服        

  6. universal  adj.普遍的,宇宙的,全世界的,通用的,万能的  

  7. variety  n.变动,变化,多样化  various adj.不同的,各种各样的  vary  v.变化,不同 

  8. victim 牺牲者,受害者                

  9.abnormal  adj.畸形的n,异常的

  10. absolutely  adv.绝对地,完全地      

  11. abstract adj.抽象的  n..摘要 v.摘录,提取             

  ii. 重点短语

  1. 容忍做….. tolerate doing                   

  2. 学生会the students’ union

  3. 成为…的牺牲品fall/ become a victim to      

  4.种种,多种多样  a variety of   

  5. 对….上瘾 be addicted to doing              

  6. 习惯于.be/ get  accustomed to         

  7. 确凿的事实an absolute fact                 

  8. 从….提取 be abstracted from                             

  iii. 佳句赏析

  1. 她拒不接受被称为撒谎者.

  she refused to tolerate being called a liar.

  2. 微笑是世界性的语言

  a smile is a universal language..


  some young people have become addicted to smoking.

  4. 我不习惯这么早起床.

  i am not accustomed to getting up so early.


  union gives strength.


  1. our world is but a small part of the         (宇宙)

  2.there are several            (多样) of red roses.

  3. he refused         (绝对).

  4.it is easy to           (滥用) one’s power.

  v. 短语练习(单项选择)

  1.--- they are quiet, aren’t they ?

  --- yes. they are accustomed         at meals.

  a. to talk      b. to not talk     c. to talking    d. to not talking

  2.          to computer games, the boy has lost all interest in his lessons.

  a. addicted    b. having addicted    c. addicting  d.  to addict

  3.---do you think there is a possibility that they’ll get married?

  ----        . they don’t have any common tastes.

  a. absolutely      b. certainly    c. absolutely not     d. absolute not

2023届高考英语必考词汇90天复习案:第43天 篇5

  i. 重点词汇

  psychological adj.心理学的            

  psychology n.心理学 

  pyramid n 金字塔.                  

  rainfall n. 一场雨

  random n. 偶然/随便的行动          

  receptionist n.招待员         

  reckon vt. 计算;估计               

  reckoning n.计算 

  recovery n.恢复                     

  reference n. 参考

  reform vt.改革;改造                 

  refresh vt.使清新 

  reliable adj.可靠的                   

  rely vi.依靠 

  repentance n.后悔                

  reservation n保留. 

  response n.回答;反应           

  restriction n. 约束   

  ripe adj. 成熟的         

  roar vi.吼叫       

  rotten adj.腐烂的       

  routine n.常务            

  rusty adj. 生锈的  

  sacred adj.庄严的       

  scale n.磅秤          

  ii. 重点短语

  1. at random随便地

  2. in reality 实际上;

  3. recover oneself 恢复知觉

  4. in/ with reference to关于;

  5. without reference to 与。。。无关

  6. rely on/upon 依赖

  7. in response ( to) 对。。。的回答/反应   

  iii. 佳句赏析

  1. we worked hard to recover lost time.

  2. the british criticized the dictionary, but it quickly become a standard reference book in the state.

  3. you have made no response to our request.   

  iv. 词汇练习

  1. he is slowly    (恢复)from his illness.

  2. much to my       (抱歉), i must leave. 

  v. 短语练习

  1. peter is my close friend, who can be      what he promises.

  a. relied on to do   b. relied to do   c. relied on doing  d. relying to doing

  2. he hasn’t     from the shock.

  a. learned  b. recovered  c. heard  d. received

  3. the government placed many restrictions     foreign trade.

  a. to  b. on  c. in  d. at

  4. this method,     in areas near shanghai,        in a market rise in total production.

  a. trying; resulting  b. tried; resulted  c. trying; resulted  d.tried; resulting

  5. you may rely on       linda will finish the task on time.

  a. that   b. it that  c. what  d. about

  iv. 1.recovering 2. refresh

  v. 1. a 2.b 3.b 4. b 5. b

2023届高考英语必考词汇90天复习案:第43天 篇6

  i. 重点词汇

  1.  pension n. 养老金

  2   plough n.犁,vt. 耕田

  3.  privilege n. 特权,优惠  vt 给特权

  4 .  profit n. vt.vi 利益,好处

  5.  psychological   adj心理学的

  6.   qualify  vi 具有资格

  7.  rectangular  n.长方形

  8.  relevant    adj 密切相关的

  9.  revise     vt 复查,修正

  10. ridge n 山脊,屋脊

  ii. 重点短语

  1.make a cause 停顿

  2.pile up 堆积

  3.plough up 用犁把  翻起

  4. in preparation for ,make preparations for为  作准备

  5.make a purchase 买东西

  6. criminal psychology犯罪心理学

  7. be relevant to  与  密切相关

  8.  jump the queue 插队

  9. a routine report 例行报告

  10. resign from a job 辞职

  iii. 佳句赏析

  1.the facts are relevant to the  case.


  2.i hope to profit from your comments .


  3.he has the right qualification for the job.


  4.we want to make science more relevant to high school students .


  iv. 词汇练习

  1.i'm not willing to but i have to_______(费劲的阅读) through that dull textbook .

  2.they are busy making ________ for the wedding .

  3 ladies and gentlemen , i have the  privilege ____ introducing our speaker for tonight .

  a in   b of  c about  d on

  4 usually a child's behaviour is a ___ of his family environment .

  a recognition  b reflection  c return  d record

  v. 短语练习

  1.it's required that the students __ mobile phones in their school ,so seldom ___ them using one .

  a not use  , will you see  b should not use , you will see

  c don't  use , will you see  d not use , you will see .

  2.his son's excellent work _______ his rise in the company, while his daughter's laziness ___ her failure in the entrance exams .

  a led in , resulted from  b led in , resulted in c led in , resulted to   d led for , resulted from

  3.the old man should listen to the doctor 's recommendation that he ___ in bed .

  a stay   b  stays   c  stayed   d staying


  iv. 词汇练习   1. plough  2. preparations  3 b  4. b

  v. 短语练习   a ba

2023届高考英语必考词汇90天复习案:第43天 篇7


  1.accent  n.重音;腔调;口音             

  2.ancient  adj.古代的;远古的

  3.active  adj.积极的;活跃的       

  passive  adj.消极的;被动的;顺从的

  4.add  vt.加,增加;接着说vi.增添;加起来  

  5.altitude  n.高度,海拔;高处,高地

  6.anti-black  adj.反黑人的                 

  7.attack  v.&n.攻击,进攻,侵袭

  8.attitude  n.态度;看法                  

  8.base  vt.基于n.根据,基地

  9.beg  v.乞讨,祈求;请求                

  10.bend  v.使弯曲,使屈服 n.弯曲

  11.block  n.街区;块vt.堵塞;妨碍         

  12.boil  v.沸腾


  1.若干;许多  a number of             ……的数量  the number of

  2.积极参加…… be active in (doing) sth/take an active part in

  3.增加  add to                           

  4.事实上  as a matter of fact/in actual fact             

  5.好像,似乎  as if/though                 

  6.像往常一样;照例  as usual

  7.以……结束  end up with                 

  8.授予/赠送某人某物  present sb with sth

  9.遭受攻击  under attack                  

  10.基于  base on

  11.对……感到厌倦  be tired of             

  12.使……爆炸blow up

  13.埋头于/专心于  be buried in              

  14.使平静/镇静  calm down

  15.下定决心,打定主意  make up one’s mind   

  16.上台;执政  come to power=take power

  17.变为现实  come true             

  18.由于,因为  because of/due to/owing to/thanks to

  19.闯入;突然  burst into             大声喊叫;突然……起来  burst out

  20.对……持肯定的/否定的态度  take a positive/negative attitude towards/to



  since “life is a stage”, we are actually all actors and actresses.


  as is known to all, good friends add happiness and value to life.


  i remember the whole thing as if it happened yesterday.


  they made up their minds to go wherever they were needed most.


  1.he said he was from the southeast, but his a________ gave him away.

  2.a______ is the best form of defence.

  3.it is difficult to breathe at these a__________.

  4.―do you think it’s a good idea to make friends with your students?

  ―_______, i do. i think it’s a great idea.

  a.really         b.obviously      c.actually        d.generally

  5.despite such a big difference in ______ towards what one eats, there is no doubt that people in the west regard the chinese food as something special.

  a.point          b.idea           c.attitude         d.sight


  1.the police station was _______ ______(使爆炸) by bad people.

  2.may all your dreams ______ _______(梦想成真).

  3.there’s an opinion _________ on the facts.

  a.based on      b.basing on     c.that base on      d.which base on

  4.the trees _____ in the storm have been moved off the road.

  a.being blown down     b.blown down     c.blowing down      d.to blow down

  5.smell the flowers before you go to sleep, and you may just _______ sweet dreams.

  a.keep up with         b.put up with       c.end up with        d.catch up with



  1. accent       2. attack        3.altitudes       4. c      5. c


  1. blown up    2. come true     3. a             4. b      5. c

2023届高考英语必考词汇90天复习案:第43天 篇8

  i. 重点词汇

  boom n.繁荣;隆隆声             

  booming adj.发隆隆声 

  boundary n.界限;边界            

  boycott vt/vi.抵制

  breathlessly adv.呼吸急促的        

  brewery n.酿酒厂 

  bride n.新娘                     

  bridegroom n.新郎 

  brief adj.简短的                  

  brotherhood n.兄弟般的关系 

  bungalow n. 平房                

  burden n. 担子;精神负担 

  burglar n.夜贼                   

  cab n. 出租汽车; 

  caption n.(文章)标题           

  cash n. 现款 

  cassette n.盒子                   

  caution n.谨慎;小心 

  centigrade adj.摄氏               

  chain n.链子  

  changeable adj. 多变化的          

  chaos n.混乱 

  cheerfully adv.高兴的              

  chef n.厨师 

  ii. 重点短语

  1. breathless from effort因用力而气喘吁吁

  2. in brief 总而言之

  3. be burdened with tasks负担很多工种

  4. care for照顾;喜欢;关心

  5. buy sth. for cash 用现金买某物

  6. run out of cash 现金缺陷

  7. for caution’s sake 为慎重起见

  8. give sb. a caution 告诫某人

  9. in chains 戴着镣铐;在囚禁中

  10. shake off chains 摆脱枷锁 

  iii. 佳句赏析

  1. music born in hong kong is booming.

  2. the burden of government sits heavily on my shoulders.

  3. i received a caution from the doctor about fat in my diet.   

  iv. 词汇练习

  1. the river is the           (边界)between the two countries.

  2.the          (酿酒厂)in oldtown makes better beer than the one in our town.

  3.he could not carry the        (担子)alone.

  v. 短语练习

  1.mr smith,      of the      speech, started to read a novel.

  a. tired; boring   b. tiring; bored   c. tired; bored   d. tiring; boring

  2.he was a         investor who studied the market before buying.

  a. careless     b. hasty    c. cautions     d. impatient

  3. i will not      you with a lengthy account of what happened.

  a. off    b. give     c. put     d. burden 

  iv. 1. boundary 2. brewery 3. burden

  v. 1. a 2.c 3.d

2023届高考英语必考词汇90天复习案:第43天 篇9

  i. 重点词汇

  1  applicant  n .申请人

  2  arbitrary  adj  随意的,专横的

  3  associate  n    伙伴 adj  副的

  4  assume vt  假定  承担

  5  attain vt 获得,到达

  6  authentic   adj  真的,可信的

  7  authority  n 权利,官方

  8   bead  n  小珠子,滴

  9   boom   n 繁荣   vi,vt 使繁荣  

  10  bother vt,vi 打扰,麻烦

  ii. 重点短语

  1   apply  for   申请

  2   arrest sb for sth  因某事逮捕某人

  3  associate editor   副主编

  4   an authentic report   可靠的报道

  5   back to back   背靠背

  6   be bound to   一定,注定

  7  bear hardship   忍受痛苦

  8  bear in mind   记住

  9  beaten track   常规,惯例

  iii. 佳句赏析

  1. assuming it rains tomorrow , what shall we do ?  

  假设明天下雨的话, 那我们怎么办?

  2 the lion is the king of beasts .


  3. we are bound to win the victory .


  4. you will attain your objective if you work hard .

  如果你努力, 一定可以达到目标。

  iv. 词汇练习

  1. the agent was __ for carrying a false passport .

  a  arrested   b accused  c  charged  d suspected

  2. when college students_______ future employment , they often think of status , income and prestige .

  a  anticipate  b  apply  c assume  d demand

  3. i am sorry to have ___ you wish so many questions on such an occasion .

  a attracted  b  abstracted  c impressed  d  bothered

  v. 短语练

  1. ---- why did bob cry?

  ---- he couldn't bear ____ like that before the whole class.

  a  making fun of  b  being made fun of c  to be laughed  d being made fun

  2. seeing the road ___ with snow , we had to spend the holiday at home , watching tv.

  a blocking  b to block  c blocked  d to be blocked


  iv. 词汇练习  acd 

  v. 短语练习  bc  

2023届高考英语必考词汇90天复习案:第43天 篇10

  i. 重点词汇

  visual adj.视觉;视力                 

  vomit n.呕吐

  voyage n. 航海                       

  wage n.工资;报酬

  wasp n.黄蜂                          

  wisdom 智慧n.

  abuse v.滥用                         

  acquisition n.获得;得到的东西

  acute adj.严重的                      

  admirable adj.令人钦佩的

  adopt vt.收养;采纳                   

  adore vt.崇拜;敬爱

  advocate vt.拥护;提倡                

  album n.相册 

  allergic adj.对。。。过敏              

  allocate vt. 分配

  almighty  adj. 全能的               

  ambiguous  adj.有多种意思的   

  ii. 重点短语

  1. visual pollution 视觉污染

  2. go on/ make/take a voyage 航海旅行

  3. get good wages 拿优厚的工资

  4. a man of wisdom 贤人

  5. a worthy champion 当子无愧的冠军

  6. go aboard 上船/飞机

  7. an acute shortage of food 严重缺乏食物

  8. advocate doing sth. 拥护。。。

  9. against one’s will 违心

  10. an ambiguous reply意思含糊的答案  

  iii. 佳句赏析

  1. the teacher is worthy of great respect.

  2. don’t abuse your power.

  3. this car is my latest acquisition.

  4. he is an advocate of cold baths in the morning.   

  iv. 词汇练习

  1.he had the      (智慧)to decline the invitation.

  2. dogs have an       ( 敏锐的)sense of smell.

  3. she       (非常喜欢)the cinema/ going to the cinema.

  4. he is       (敏感)to penicillin.

  v. 短语练习

  1.there are not many teachers who are strong      of traditional method in english teaching.

  a. sponsors     b. contributors   c. advocates   d. performers

  2.-excuse me, could you tell me the way to the british museum?


  a. thanks anyway  b. it doesn’t matter    c.  never mind    d. no problem

  3.his       directions confused us; we did not know which of the two roads to take.

  a. ambiguous    b. complicated   c. arbitrary   d. inreicate 

  iv. 1.wisdom 2. acute 3. adores 4. allergic

  v. 1.c 2. a 3.a

2023届高考英语必考词汇90天复习案:第43天 篇11

  i. 重点词汇

  departure n.启程;离开                  

  deposit vt.存入;寄存   

  desperate adj.绝望的;不顾一切的         

  devotion n.现身;热心   

  dial vt.拨(电话号码)                  

  dilemma n.困境     

  dishonest adj.不诚实的                   

  distant adj.遥远的    

  doom vt. 注定;判决                    

  dove n.鸽子       

  drawback n.缺点                        

  dull adj.阴暗的;呆笨的   

  dusk n.黄昏;                          

  ecology n.生态;生态学  

  economics n.经济学                      

  enclosure n.围地    

  encyclopedia n.百科全书                  

  entirely全部地 adv.  

  equator n.赤道                           

  ethics n.伦理学   

  evolution n.进化;发展                   

  expedition n.探险(队) 

  expense n.花费;费用                     

  exploration n.探险;探测


  ii. 重点短语

  1. be in a desperate state 处境严重      

  2. be caught in a dilemma 处于进退两难的境地

  3.be distant from 离太阳很远          

  4. be dull of hearing 听觉不灵敏

  5. form/send/take part in an expedition 组织/派遣/参加探险/远征队                            

  6.at the expense 以….为代价          

  7.at sb’s expense 由某人付钱

  8.at the extreme edge of 在…的极边缘

  iii. 佳句赏析

  1 .on our departure from tahiti, some of the crew took over the ship.

  2. he has deposited a lot of money recently.

  3. it’s too dark,too dull,and basically uninteresting.

  4. as dusk fell,we seem to face an uncertain future.

  6. broadly speaking ,i would agree with shirley,though not entirely.

  8.he finished the job at the expense of his health.

  9. he had his book printed at his own expense.

  10. we must explore all the possibilities.

  11. it is so wet there that the trees are extremely tall.   

  iv. 词汇练习

  1.his failure made him     (绝望)

  2. i am in      (完全)agreement with you.

  3.i         (存钱)ten dollars in my savings account.

  v. 短语练习

  1.her son, to whom she was so     , went abroad ten years ago.

  a. loved   b.cared      c. devoted   d. affected  

  2. his business was very successful, but it was at the    of his family life.

  a.fare    b.fee     c. expense    d.charge

  iv. 词汇练习

  1. desperate  2. entire  3. deposited

  v. 短语练习

  1. c. 2. c 

2023届高考英语必考词汇90天复习案:第43天 篇12

  i 重点词汇

  1.terminal n.末端;终点(站)adj. 末端的;极限的

  2. tiresome adj. 使人疲劳的;累人的

  3.tradition  n. 传统;惯例;常规          

  4. traditional adj.  传统的;惯例的

  5.troop  n.  pl.军队;部队;士兵           

  6.unbearable adj.  难以容忍的;不能容忍的

  7.underneath adv. 在下面prep.  在 下面   

  8.unjust  adj.  不公平的;不公正的

  9.unwilling  adj.不愿意的,不情愿的;厌恶的

  10.urgent  adj.  急迫的;紧要的;催促的

  12.vague  adj.  模糊地的;,含糊的       

  13.vain  adj. 徒劳的;自负的;爱虚荣的

  14.venture [c u]    冒险;冒险的行动     

  15.vital  adj.  生命攸关的;有生命力的;必不可少的

  16.vacant  adj.  空的;头脑空虚的;神情茫然的;空闲的

  ii 重点短语

  1. a terminal examination 期中考试       

  2. think ill of 对...评价不高   

  3.think better of  对…有高度的评价     

  4.think of  考虑; 想起;想象;对  有看法 

  5.think of …as                        

  6. under the name of  用…名字;在 …名义下

  7.a vain man 爱虚荣的人               

  8.a vague idea   模糊的想法

  9.call sb. names 辱骂某人              

  10. in name  在名义上

  11.in sb.’s name  以某人的名义         

  12.make a name  成名;出名

  13.by/ of/ under the name of 名叫         

  14.a vital question 生命攸关的问题

  15.up to一直到;相当于;忙于…,在做…;由……决定的


  1. i could never think of giving up the project.

  2. …and in the winter the total absence of daylight can be tiresome, and for some, depressing.

  3. he is a scholar in name but not in reality.

  4. he applied for a vacant position in an office.

  janet's answer to my question was vague and did not help me understand my problem any better.

  5. nothing ventured, nothing gained.

  6.up to now he has been very quiet.

  7.what have you been up to lately?

  8.it’s up to the cleaners to lock the doors at night.

  iv 词汇练习

  1.we will pick you up at the railway__________ (终点站)

  2. it was a __________(令人厌倦的) speech.

  3.do you like ____________ (传统的 )chinese art using brush and ink?

  4.the boy is quite _________(受不了的).

  5.even so there is another _________(转折)to this story.

  6.they were ____________ (不愿) for the doctor to come.

  7.in a frog everything looks ________(模糊).

  8. speed is _________(至关重要的)to success.


  1.john was dismissed because he wasn’t ______ his work.

  a. up to    b. up for   c. up in    d. up towards

  2.in ______ chinese culture . marriage decisions were often made by parents for their children.

  a. traditional   b.  historical   c. remote     d. initial 

  3.mr smith, ______ of the ______ tiring speech, started to read a novel.

  a. tired ; boring   b. tiring ; bored    c. tried ; bored   d. tiring; boring

  4.---shall we go to the art exhibition right away?

  a. it’s your opinion  b. i don’t mind   c. it’s all up to you  d. that’s your decision

  5._____ team win on sunday will go through to the national championships.

  a. no matter what   b. no matter which   c. whatever    d. whichever

  1.terminal  2.tiresome  3.traditional 4.unbearable  5.twist  6.unwilling  7.vagant 8.vital


2023届高考英语必考词汇90天复习案:第43天 篇13

  i. 重点单词

  1.adolescence  n.青春期,青春         

  2. adolescent  n.青少年,adj.青春期的

  3. adopt  v.采用,采纳,收养          

  4. advocate  v.拥护,主张,提倡  

  5. aggressive   adj.侵略的,好斗的     

  6. allergic adj.对….过敏的

  7. anxiety  n焦虑,忧虑                

  8. appeal v/n呼吁,恳求,申述       

  9.appoint  v.任命,委派,约定           

  10.appreciate  v.欣赏,赞赏,,感激    

  11.appropriate 合适的,恰当的         

  12.ashamed adj.惭愧的,羞愧的             

  13. attempt v/n努力,试图             

  14. automatic adj.自动的,习惯性的      

  15. avenue  n.林荫道,大街            

  16.average  adj.平均的             

  17. awkward  adj.局促不安的,笨拙的   

  18.balcony  n.阳台

  ii. 重点短语

  1. 采纳某人的建议adopt one’s advice     

  2. 旨在,目标是aim at

  3. 有吸引力appeal to                  

  4.为某事向某人呼吁appeal to sb for sth   

  5.呼吁某人做某事appeal to sb to do      

  6. 与….约定make an appointment with

  7.感激做某事 appreciate doing     

  8.如果….将不胜感激i will appreciate it if             

  9. 对……而羞愧 be ashamed of        

  10. 处境危险,在危险中at risk

  11. 冒险做某事 run/take the risk of doing sth  

  12.打算/试图做make an attempt to do      

  13. 通常,平均说来 on average          

  14. 禁止某人做…..  ban….from doing                        

  iii. 佳句赏析

  1. 这场反吸烟运动主要是针对青少年的.

  the anti-smoking campaign is mainly aimed at young teenagers..

  2. 政府呼吁人人节约用水.

  the government is appealing to everyone to save water..


  i really appreciate working with someone who does such a good job.


  the government is thinking about banning smoking on public transport.


  1.students experience high levels of      (焦虑) before the college entrance examination.

  2.a lawyer was           (任命) to represent the child.

  3.it is        (恰当的) that you set out early.

  v. 短语练习(单项选择)

  1.he studied hard ,          the exam.

  a. aim at      b. aiming at passing    c. aiming passing   d. aimed to passing

  2.since they won’t listen to the advice , we have to         force.

  a. appeal to       b. stick to         c. keep to          d. yield to

  3.the chinese are looking forward to the first       to land on the moon after yangliwei’s successful trip to space .   a. measure       b. attempt    c. purpose        d. desire



