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高三英语模块考点复习教案 篇1

  module 11 unit 2

  word study

  textbook p74~

  1. daily: a ~ routine 日常事务

  on a ~ basis按日

  a copy of china daily一份中国日报

  2. develop―developer―development

  eg. as sth develops,…

  with the development of sth,…

  develop the habit of doing…

  develop a new software

  have the film developed

  property developers房地产开发商

  a software developer软件开发人员

  3. champion(冠军)―championship(冠军称号/地位)

  4. future: ~ generations;

  in the near/foreseeable future

  in ~= from now on今后

  5. present: the people ~ at the meeting出席会议的人

  the ~situation目前的形势

  give sb. a ~礼物

  at ~目前,现在

  ~ a more modern image展现出更加现代的形象

  6. import(进口)―export(出口)

  7. on one’s own=by oneself=alone

  8. mind: ~one’s own business少管闲事

  ~ (sb’s) doing…介意

  ~ sth介意;注意

  never ~=don’t worry/it doesn’t matter

  bear/keep sb/sth in ~将…记在心中

  bring/call sb/sth to ~想起;记起

  make up one’s ~ (to do…)作出决定;下定决心

  on your ~挂在心上;惦念

  take your ~ off sth暂时将…忘记

  9. gap: fill in the ~s 填空

  a generation ~

  ~ year

  10. graduate: n.大学毕业生(常指本科生);毕业生

  a ~ in history历史学学士

  a high-school ~高中毕业生

  v. ~ from…

  11. make a/no/some/a lot of/little,etc. difference (to/in sb/sth)


  eg: the rain didn’t make much ~ to the game.

  changing schools makes a big ~ to my life.

  make all the difference (to sb/sth)关系重大;大不相同

  12.   conserve―conservation


  12. rural―urban

  13. refrigerator―fridge

  14. switch on/off=turn on/off

  15. furniture : a piece of ~一件家具

  furnish: a furnished flat

  16. hammer:

  eg: the decision is a ~ blow for the steel industry.


  she hammered the nail into the wall.


  17. spade: call a ~ a ~是啥说啥;直言不讳

  18. harvest: a good ~很好的收成

  get in crops/~ crops收获庄稼

高三英语模块考点复习教案 篇2

  m10   unit1


  rainfall 降雨;降雨量     cattle 牛(bull, cow, calf) politician  政治家;政客

  catastrophe灾难,灾祸(disaster)  statesman 国务活动家,国家领导人

  mosquito 蚊子   target将……作为目标   pregnant 怀孕的     

  crossroads 十字路口  switch 转换,转变   irrigation 灌溉(irrigate)

  import 进口;输入/export  出口;输出    electricity 电力;电

  male 男性;男性的   wire 金属丝;电线   output 产量

  conventional 传统的,常规的(traditional)  belly 肚子,腹部(stomach)

  artificial 虚假的,假装的;人造的,人工的(false, fake, man-made)

  grain 粮食,谷物      dignity 尊严           interest 利息

  finance 金融,财政; (finances) 财源,财政收入   typewriter  打字机

  squeeze 拮据,紧缺;挤压       handy 手边的,随手可用的

  casual 随意的,非正式的;不经意的,漫不经心的   counter 柜台

  basement  地下室   sleepy 困倦的,瞌睡的  handkerchief  手帕

  passer-by  路过者,行人(pedestrian) grand 盛大的,豪华的(great, big)           

  suitcase手提箱,行李箱(trunk)  bell 铃,钟  shower 淋浴

  bare 不加掩饰的,不加发挥的;赤的,无遮蔽的 

  grandchild 孙子,孙女   boil (使)沸腾   electrical 电的,用电的

  petrol 汽油(gas)  coal 煤  oilfield 油田  poison毒,毒药(poisonous)

  alternative 可供选择的,二选一的      solar 太阳的     flour 面粉

  storage 储藏,储存   tank 箱,罐,桶,槽;坦克

  plant 工厂(factory, works)   tentative  尝试的,试探的,试验性的            

  operator 操作员(operate, operation)  systematic 系统的(system)


  put pressure on  给……施加压力         on top of 另外,此外

  at risk处于危险状态 (at the risk of)       in debt  负债   

  without doubt毫无疑问 (no doubt, in doubt)   push for 努力争取

  at a crossroads处在抉择的关键时刻         show off 展示,炫耀 

  be dependent on依靠,依赖;随……而      solar energy 太阳能   

  grand opening 正式开业,盛大开业      in danger 处于危险状态 

  put ... into practice 将……付诸实施      fill one’s belly 填饱肚子

  contribute to 有助于,促使(发生某情况);power plant 发电厂

  standards of living 生活标准   set alarm bells ringing  敲响警钟


  1. in doing sth. (on/upon doing)    2. so ... that ... (so that)

  3. there is a saying that goes ...(as the saying goes, ...)

  4. 祈使句+and/or+陈述句 

  5. one way to do sth. is to do/by doing sth. 

  6. it is believed that ... (sb./sth. is believed to ...) 

  7. in order for sb. to do sth. (in order for sth. to be done)

  8. sth. makes/made it difficult for sb. to do sth.


  关联词语:① 顺序关联词 ② 因果关联词  ③ 对照关联词   ④ 附加关联词

高三英语模块考点复习教案 篇3

  模块十  unit 4学案

  part i  (reading)

  1. hatred

  「解析」 hatred 名词 意为 “憎恨; 仇恨; 憎恶; 恶意”由动词hate变化而来。如:

  he looked at me with hatred in his eyes.  他以憎恨的眼光望着我。

  相关习语:have a hatred for/of  憎恶...  in hatred of  憎恨

  she has a profound hatred of fascism.  她对法西斯主义怀有深仇大恨.

  2. lastly

  「解析」 lastly  副词 意为 “最后一点; 最后” 如:

  lastly, we're going to visit athens, and fly home from there.

  最后我们将访问雅典, 然后从那儿乘飞机回国.

  注意:last也可以充当副词 意为: “上次, 最近”

  i saw him last in new york.  我上次见到他是在纽约。

  3. identify

  「解析」identify 主要是及物动词 有以下三个意思:


  i cannot identify this signature.  我识别不出这是谁的签字。

  (2) 视...(与...)为同一事物[(+with)]

  never identify wealth with happiness.  千万不要把财富和幸福等同起来。

  不及物动词意思为:“ (与...)认同;一致;感同身受[(+with)]”

  i identified with the heroine of the novel.


  3. accuracy

  「解析」accuracy 名词 意为:“精确, 准确”(尤指用心的结果) 如:

  it is impossible to say with any (degree of) accuracy how many are affected.




  「解析」annually 副词 意为:“每年;每年一次”

  they celebrate their wedding anniversary annually.


  annual 既是形容词又是名词

  annual report 年度报告  annual ring 【植】年轮

  名词:“年刊, 年报, 年鉴, 年金, 年税”

  4. regarding 

  「解析」regarding 介词 意为:“关于(某人/某事物);” 如:

  i wrote a letter regarding/as regards my daughter's school examinations.


  其同义词:as regards / concerning / over 

  part ii  (grammar and usage)

  1.  spy

  「解析」 spy作及物动词,不及物动词和名词 spies (第三人称单数) spied (过去式、过去分词) spying (现在分词)


  (1) 暗中监视;侦察出

  he sent out a party to spy the enemy.  他派出一个小分队暗中监视敌人的行动。

  (2) 察觉,发现(复合宾语)

  we spied a stranger hanging around the corner.  我们发现一位陌生人在拐角处闲荡。



  we spied on the man.  我们监视那个人。



  she liked the adventures of a spy.  她喜欢间谍的冒险。

  part iv (project)

  1. similarly 

  「解析」 similarly 副词 有以下两层意思:

  (1) 相似地; 类似地:

  the two boys dress similarly. 两个小男孩穿得差不多一样。

  (2) 也; 同样:

  she was late and i similarly was delayed. 她迟到了, 我也晚了。

  similar 形容词 “相像的,相仿的,类似的[(+to)]”  如:

  his problem is similar to yours.  他的问题和你的相似。

  similarity 名词


  the similarity between the two reports suggests that one person wrote both.



  bees and wasps both sting, but they have other similarities too.


  2. strait

  「解析」strait 名词 常以复数表示单数意义, 尤其用于专有名称] 

  (1) 海峡; (联接两大水域之间的)狭窄水道  如:

  the straits of gibraltar 直布罗陀海峡  the magellan straits 麦哲伦海峡.

  (2) 困难; 陷于(恶劣的[极度的/严重的])财务困境中(常用复数)

  she has been in great straits (financially) since her husband died.

  自从她丈夫去世, 她(在经济方面)一直处于困境。

  3. aboard

  「解析」 aboard  a-=on 在…上+board 木板 有以下两种词性:



  all passengers aboard fell into the river.  船上所有乘客皆落入河中。



  they were the last two to go aboard the ship.  他们是最后两位上船的。

  介词短语on board = aboard

  we went on board the ship.  我们登上了轮船。(做状语)

  everybody on board was worried and we were curious to find out what had happened.


  注意:aboard ≠ abroad (adv.往国外, 到处, 海外)

  4. apology

  「解析」 apology 可数名词

  (1) 道歉;赔罪[(+to/for)]

  i make an apology to you for my rudeness last night.  昨天晚上我太粗暴,应该向你道歉。

  (2) 辩解,辩护

  her open letter was really an apology for her way of life.



  apologize to sb.for (doing)sth. (因……而向某人道歉)

  he apologized to her for not going to her party.他因没有出席她举行的宴会而向她表示歉意。

  5. alone




  she watches tv when she is alone.  独自一人时,她便看电视。

  (2) 只有,仅;单单

  the rent alone is $300.  单房租就三百元。

  副词 (状语):

  (1) 单独地

  for years mary lived alone in new york.  玛丽孤身一人在纽约生活了好几年。

  (2) 独自地

  i can do it alone.  我可以独自办理此事。


  1. relate to

  「解析」 relate to = relate with


  to what events did your remarks relate?  你的话指的是什么事?

  (2)使联系; 显示出...与...的关系(to , with) [及物动词]

  i can't relate what he does with [to] what he says.  我没法把他做的和说的联系起来。

  (3)使有亲戚关系 [常用被动语态]

  they are related to each other.  他们彼此之间有亲戚关系。

  2. break into

  「解析」 break into 有以下四层意思:如:

  (1) 强行进入某处:

  his house was broken into (e. g by burglars) last week.  上星期有人闯入他的房屋(如窃贼)。

  (2) 突然开始(大笑、唱歌、欢呼等): 

  as the president's car arrived, the crowd broke into loud applause. 总统的汽车到达时, 群众中爆发出热烈的掌声。

  (3) 突然改变(由慢到快): 

  the man broke into a run when he saw the police. 那人一见到警察, 拔腿就跑。


  all this extra work i'm doing is breaking into my leisure time. 我目前的这一切额外工作用去了我的闲暇时间.

  3. keep up

  「解析」 keep up分别由四种不同用法: 如:

  (1)(指雨、 雪、 好天气等)持续不停(及物动词)

  if this rain keeps up, the garden will be ruined.  如果这雨继续下,花园就完蛋了。

  (2) 保持;维持(及物动词)

  the high cost of materials keeps up prices.   材料的昂贵费用使价格居高不下。

  (3)  keep up (with) 跟上(某人[某事物]); (与某人[某事物])同步前进: 

  they walked so fast that i could not keep up (with them).  他们走得那么快,我没法跟上。

  注意:keep up with “和...保持联系”

  she has kept up with some of her friends since her retirement.


  4. no doubt

  「解析」no doubt作副词使用 通常在no doubt后省略there be结构。如:


  no doubt i will succeed in the end. = there is no doubt i will succeed in the end..



  no doubt he was just trying to help, but he's spoiled our work.


  part ii   (grammar and usage)

  1. get into a bad habit of

  「解析」 get /fall into a bad habit of = form a bad habit of 养成[染上]某习惯

  be in a habit of 有某种习惯  break off the habit of  改掉...的习惯

  part iv   (project)

  1. apply to

  「解析」apply to

  (1) 适用于

  the discount no longer applies to him because he’s over eighteen. 他不再享受打折待遇,因为他已超过18岁。

  (2) 向...申请(或要求)

  we applied to them for help.  我们向他们求援。

  2. be faced with

  「解析」be faced with 意为 “面临; 面对 ” 如:

  this country is now faced with the prospect of war.  这个国家目前正面临战争。

  此句可以改成:this country is now facing the prospect of war.

  相关短语:lose/save face (丢脸/保全面子) in the face of (面临…)

  to one’s face(直接地)  make a face (做鬼脸)

  3. take…to court

  「解析」take…to court  意为:“起诉某人; 控告某人”

  i took her to court for repayment of the debt.  我为索取债务而起诉她。



