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Sports 篇1


  Teaching aims and demands

  通过本单元的教学,通过词汇的学习学生能掌握exciting, take part in, hand in等单词和词组的用法,学习表达爱好的用语以及如何询问对方的爱好的表达方法。根据课文所提供的内容,用英语描述奥林运会的历史、发展、过去与现状,能够列举出中国运动员所参加的一些项目和在奥运会中取得的优异成绩。继续学习由关系代词who, that, which等引导的定语从句,并掌握这部分语法内容。

  Teaching important and difficult points

  I. Words and phrases

  athlete, compete, competitor, competition, unusual, swift, medal, gold, prize, Olympic Games, in modern times, take part in, exciting, have sports, read out

  II. Useful expressions

  Which do you prefer, ...or...?

  I prefer. . .to. . .

  III. Grammar

  Learning prep + which / whom+ Clause



  建议教师在上些课时,可采用以下方法,比如:1)教师可给学生展示奥运会图片,供学生讲述。2)教师利用多媒体形式,如:录像、VCD在课堂上给学生放映等,可提高学生的兴趣与积极性。3)教师可用一些课文中出现的数字、时间进行组织教学,用一些词连接起来,组成一篇文章,如:776BC,The old Olympic Games began around the year 776 BC in Greece. At that time the young men competed in running, jumping and wrestling., so on.


  本单元主要用英语描述奥林运会的历史、发展、过去与现状,详细列举出在1984、1992年奥林匹克运动的扩大、中国运动员所参加的一些项目和在奥运会中取得的优异成绩等,课文中最大的特点是采用大量的数字与年代,如:393AD,8,000,25th等。同时在语言运用中使用prep .+which / whom+ clause,如:Some of the games in which the young men competed….so on.


  have sports的用法

  have sports 是个固定搭配,sport常用复数形式(包括运动和户外活动),表示“进行体育运动”。

  We often have sports at school after class.课后我们经常在学校进行体育活动。


  have a good time玩和高兴

  have a meeting (match, rest, swim, tall, walk, etc.) 开会(比赛、休息、游泳、谈话、散步,等)

  have a class/classes/lessons 上课 have a cold 感冒

  have a baby (boy, girl) 生小孩(男孩、女孩)have a cough 咳嗽

  have a holiday 放假 have an accident 出事故

  have to do sth. 不得不做 have some medicine 吃药

  have breakfast /lunch /supper 吃早饭/午饭/晚饭have got sth. 得到某物

  have sth for breakfast 早饭吃……



  Which would you prefer, tea or coffee?


  I’d prefer you to wash the clothes. 我想要你来洗衣服。

  2)prefer A to B (=like A better than B) “喜欢A而不喜欢B/喜欢A胜过喜欢B”

  I prefer dogs to cats. 我喜欢狗不喜欢猫。

  3)prefer to do rather than (to) do “宁愿……而不……”

  She preferred to go with us rather than stay behind.他宁愿和我们一道去,而不愿留下。

  2 . sport, game, match 与 race辨析


  sports jacket 运动服sports meet 运动会

  sportsman 男运动爱好者,男运动员

  sports woman女运动员sports ground 运动场

  sports page of the paper 报纸体育专版

  school sports 校运会

  2)game作“游戏、比赛”解,指有一定规则的游戏或运动,且以输赢为主要目的。指球赛时,美国英语用game, 英国英语用match。game还可指大型的国际体育运动会、比赛。

  the Asian Games 亚运会the Olympic Games 奥运会


  They are having a football match. 他们举行一场足球比赛。


  100-metre race 100米赛跑 go to the races 去看赛马

  3 . join, take part in ,attend的辨析



  join the Army/the Party/the League参军/入党/入团

  join (sb.) 指参与某项活动,口语中常与take part in 通用。

  He joined you in the walk.他和你们散步。

  2)take part in指参加群众性活动、会议并在其中起积极作用。

  May I take part in your game? 我可以参加你们的游戏吗?


  He'll attend an important meeting tomorrow.他明天要参加一个重要会议。

  The same as, the same that的辨析

  1) the same …as有两个含义:“和……一样”,“像……那样”。比如:

  She is wearing the same dress as she wore yesterday. 这句话有两个含义:



  2)the same…that为“和……一样的”。比如:

  She is wearing the same dress that she wore yesterday.她穿着昨天穿的那件衣服。即只等于the same …as的第一个含义。






  in modern/ancient times 在现代/在古代

  He is one of the most important men of the time. 他是当代最重要的人物之一。


  I’ve met her several times. 我见过她好几次。


  This room is 3 times as big as that one. 这个房间是那个房间的三倍大。


  compete: 比赛;竞争,是不及物动词,常与介词in, for, against等连用。

  They're competing for a prize. 他们在为获奖而竞争。

  compete 的名词有:competitor 参赛者competition竞争,竞赛(可指各种形式的竞赛)。

  More than 1,000 competitors took part in the competition.一千多参赛者参加了这项竞赛。

  every four years 每四年

  every 与数词或few, other 连用,表示时间或空间的间隔,其中几个主要结构如下:


  I go there every three days.我每隔两天(每三天)到那儿去一趟。

  They move on to a new place every two or three years.


  He comes to see his uncle every third week.

  ③every +other+单数可数名词,“每隔……”。

  He goes to town every other day(every two days).

  ④every +few+复数名词 ,“每隔几……”。

  He stopped and turned around every few metres.

  教学设计方案Lesson 37

  Teaching Aims

  1 .To train the Ss’ skills in listening, speaking, reading and writing.

  2. To learn some useful sentences and some new words and expressions through practice.

  Which do you prefer, ...or...?

  I prefer. . .to. . .

  have sports, be good at, read out ,exciting

  Teaching procedures

  Step I Warming up

  1.What sports do you know?

  Collect the English words on the Bb.

  Volleyball/ basketball/ football /table tennis/ tennis/ badminton/ golf/ horse riding/ shooting/ wrestling/ sailing/ swimming/ hunting/ fishing/ skiing

  2.Which sport do you like better, ...or...?

  Use all the names of sports the Se have learned to answer this question. )Then ask the 58:

  3.Which sport do you prefer, ... or... ?

  Ask one e student to answer the question using the following structure.

  I prefer. . .to. . .

  Ask more students to practise the two structures.

  Step ⅡListening

  First we'll listen to the tape. After that there are two questions for you to answer. Please listen carefully with your books closed. Questions:

  1) Which Sport does A prefer?   2)What about B?

  horse → riding             shooting

  2. Let the Ss listen to the tape again and repeat.

  Ask them to pay more attention to the pronunciation and intonation of the dialogue.

  Step Ⅲ Practise

  Paraphrase the following sentences and words.

  1) Which do you prefer, horse - riding or shooting?

  Which do you like better, horse - riding or shooting ?

  2)I prefer horse - riding to shooting.

  I like horse-riding better than shooting.

  3)In fact, I'm on our city team.

  In fact, I'm working for/belonging to our city team.

  Step Ⅳ Oral practise

  1)Let the Ss make similar dialogues according to the following pictures

  Names: football, basketball, sailing, jumping, running, swimming, shooting, wrestling

  -Do you often have sports?

  -Sure/Of course.

  -Which sport do you prefer, . . . or. . . ?

  -I prefer. . . to. . .

  Step ⅤSummary

  1. Ask the Ss to sum up all the expressions and structures in this lesson.

  Which do you prefer, ...or...?

  I prefer, ..to...

  have sports, be good at, read out, exciting

  2. Let the Ss make some sentences using these expressions and structures.

  Step Ⅵ Homework

  1. Finish the exercises in this lesson.

  2. Revise the names of different sports.

  3. Preview Lesson 38.

  Lesson 38教学设计方案

  I: Teaching Aims and Demands

  1. Have a good understanding of the text

  2. Language points

  3.Master the Attributive clause with prep.+which/whom

  4. Get the students to understand the history ,spirits and meanings of the Olympic Games

  ІI: Important and Difficult Points

  1.the same …as…

  2.the different uses and meanings of time

  3. prep .+which / whom+ clause

  IV: Teaching Procedure

  STEP I. Revision :

  1.Revise the names of some sports:

  horse riding, shooting, wrestling, sailing

  2.Allow the Ss some minutes to make up dialogues with the names of different sports and practise the following structures.

  Which do you prefer, ...or...?

  I prefer. . . to. . .

  STEP II Warming-up:

  1. The T shows the picture of the Olympic Flag to the Ss. The teacher may ask a question like this: “Do you know the Olympic flag?”

  2. Ask them to discuss the Olympic Flag.

  There are five rings joined together. The five rings stand for five continents. They are Asia, America, Africa Europe, and Oceania. They are joined together as a sign of friendship. The different colours stand for different continents. Asia: yellow; America: red; Africa: black; Europe: blue; Oceania: green

  STEPIII Listening:

  I. Listen to the tape twice, then T show some numbers to the Ss

  1)4 years  2)776BC   3)393AD  4)1896(311/13)  5)1984   6)1992(8,000/150//250/16/12)

  II. Allow the Ss enough time to discuss the meanings of these numbers first in groups and then  in class. The T should write some key words on the Bb.

  1) every 4 years, take part in

  2) around the year 776BC, the old Olympics

  3) about the year 393AD, stop

  4) in 1894, the first Olympic Games, 311 competitors, 13 countries

  5)in 1984,4 gold medals

  6) in 1992, 8, 000 competitors, 150 countries, 16 gold medals, 12 gold medals won by women

  STEP ⅣReading:

  Ask the Ss to read the text from the beginning to the end and try to find out the answer to the following question.

  1) How often are the Olympic Games held?

  2) When and where did the old Olympic Games begin?

  3) When did the Olympic Games stop?

  4) When did the first Olympic Games in modem times happen?

  5) How many competitors were there in the 1896 games?

  6) In which Olympic Games did Carl Lewis win 4 gold medals?

  7) When and where did the 25th Olympic Games begin?

  8) How many competitors went there?

  9) How many gold medals did the Chinese team win in Barcelona?

  10) How many gold medals were won by the Chinese women?

  StepⅤLanguage points:

  Ask the Ss to sum up the new words and expressions and help them to explain them in English. Write the new words and expressions on the Bb.

  athlete → a person who is very good at sports and who competes in games

  compete→ to try to win in competition with someone else

  competitor→ someone who takes part in a competition

  unusual →something strange, not usual

  motto→ a short sentence or a few words taken as the guiding principle of a person and the way he believes.


  prize→something of value given to someone who is successful in a game, race, competition, etc.

  take part in→work. or play with other people in. 

  2. Ask the Ss to fill in the gaps with the new words

  1. John ____ for a place at their school, but didn’t get in.

  2. During the ____, they exchanged experience with the players from other countries.

  3.____ will be given for the three best stories.

  4. You will need a ____ horse to take you there.

  5. Don't lose hope; remember the ____ “Never say die”.

  6.I like that painting; it's most____.

  7. British ____ won five gold medals in the Olympics.

  8. Tell the ____ for the next race to come here.

  9. Did you ____ ____ ____ the fighting?

  Keys: competed; competitions; Prizes; swift; motto; unusual; athletes; competitors; take part in

  STEP Ⅵ:Discussion:

  1.Where will the 2008 Olympic Games be held ?

  2.What do you think you prepare for the 2008 Olympic Games ?

  3.Discus where and when several Olympic Games hold in modern times?

  STEP Ⅶ:Exercise:

  Ask the Ss to fill in the passage according to the text.

  The Olympic Games are held every   1   years. Athletes   2   all over the world   3   it.

  The old Olympic Games began around the year  4  in Greece. Many of the sports were the same   5   they are now.   6  were not allowed to take part in it.

  After about the year  7  the Olympic Games stopped. For  8  there were no Olympic Games.

  The first Olympic Games  9   happened in   10 . It was held in Greece. There are   11

  competitors from just   12  countries. In 1992 over   13   competitors from more than   14  countries went to Barcelona for the   15   Summer Olympics! There are over   16   different sports in the games. Sailing, horse riding and shooting are some of the unusual sports. In Barcelona the Chinese team got   17   gold medals, of which   18   were won by women.

  STEP Ⅷ Summary

  1. We know the history, spirit and meaning of the Olympic Games.

  2 .We have learned some language points

  3 .prep. +which/whom

  STEP Ⅸ Homework:

  1. Finish off the exercises in this lesson.

  2. Read the passage again.

  3. Retell the text

  4. Point out the Attributive Clause in this lesson.



  教师给学生题目进行探讨,如:Which sport do you like best?,教师可提供与此体育运动名称相关词组,如:prefer, good at, badminton, gymnastics, archery, rowing, skating, so on.教师可简单给学生一个范例,如:

  I love sports. I prefer badminton to rowing. In fact, I’m also good at skating…….

Sports 篇2


  Teaching aims and demands

  通过本单元的教学,通过词汇的学习学生能掌握exciting, take part in, hand in等单词和词组的用法,学习表达爱好的用语以及如何询问对方的爱好的表达方法。根据课文所提供的内容,用英语描述奥林运会的历史、发展、过去与现状,能够列举出中国运动员所参加的一些项目和在奥运会中取得的优异成绩。继续学习由关系代词who, that, which等引导的定语从句,并掌握这部分语法内容。

  Teaching important and difficult points

  I. Words and phrases

  athlete, compete, competitor, competition, unusual, swift, medal, gold, prize, Olympic Games, in modern times, take part in, exciting, have sports, read out

  II. Useful expressions

  Which do you prefer, ...or...?

  I prefer. . .to. . .

  III. Grammar

  Learning prep + which / whom+ Clause



  建议教师在上些课时,可采用以下方法,比如:1)教师可给学生展示奥运会图片,供学生讲述。2)教师利用多媒体形式,如:录像、VCD在课堂上给学生放映等,可提高学生的兴趣与积极性。3)教师可用一些课文中出现的数字、时间进行组织教学,用一些词连接起来,组成一篇文章,如:776BC,The old Olympic Games began around the year 776 BC in Greece. At that time the young men competed in running, jumping and wrestling., so on.


  本单元主要用英语描述奥林运会的历史、发展、过去与现状,详细列举出在1984、1992年奥林匹克运动的扩大、中国运动员所参加的一些项目和在奥运会中取得的优异成绩等,课文中最大的特点是采用大量的数字与年代,如:393AD,8,000,25th等。同时在语言运用中使用prep .+which / whom+ clause,如:Some of the games in which the young men competed….so on.


  have sports的用法

  have sports 是个固定搭配,sport常用复数形式(包括运动和户外活动),表示“进行体育运动”。

  We often have sports at school after class.课后我们经常在学校进行体育活动。


  have a good time玩和高兴

  have a meeting (match, rest, swim, tall, walk, etc.) 开会(比赛、休息、游泳、谈话、散步,等)

  have a class/classes/lessons 上课 have a cold 感冒

  have a baby (boy, girl) 生小孩(男孩、女孩)have a cough 咳嗽

  have a holiday 放假 have an accident 出事故

  have to do sth. 不得不做 have some medicine 吃药

  have breakfast /lunch /supper 吃早饭/午饭/晚饭have got sth. 得到某物

  have sth for breakfast 早饭吃……



  Which would you prefer, tea or coffee?


  I’d prefer you to wash the clothes. 我想要你来洗衣服。

  2)prefer A to B (=like A better than B) “喜欢A而不喜欢B/喜欢A胜过喜欢B”

  I prefer dogs to cats. 我喜欢狗不喜欢猫。

  3)prefer to do rather than (to) do “宁愿……而不……”

  She preferred to go with us rather than stay behind.他宁愿和我们一道去,而不愿留下。

  2 . sport, game, match 与 race辨析


  sports jacket 运动服sports meet 运动会

  sportsman 男运动爱好者,男运动员

  sports woman女运动员sports ground 运动场

  sports page of the paper 报纸体育专版

  school sports 校运会

  2)game作“游戏、比赛”解,指有一定规则的游戏或运动,且以输赢为主要目的。指球赛时,美国英语用game, 英国英语用match。game还可指大型的国际体育运动会、比赛。

  the Asian Games 亚运会the Olympic Games 奥运会


  They are having a football match. 他们举行一场足球比赛。


  100-metre race 100米赛跑 go to the races 去看赛马

  3 . join, take part in ,attend的辨析



  join the Army/the Party/the League参军/入党/入团

  join (sb.) 指参与某项活动,口语中常与take part in 通用。

  He joined you in the walk.他和你们散步。

  2)take part in指参加群众性活动、会议并在其中起积极作用。

  May I take part in your game? 我可以参加你们的游戏吗?


  He'll attend an important meeting tomorrow.他明天要参加一个重要会议。

  The same as, the same that的辨析

  1) the same …as有两个含义:“和……一样”,“像……那样”。比如:

  She is wearing the same dress as she wore yesterday. 这句话有两个含义:



  2)the same…that为“和……一样的”。比如:

  She is wearing the same dress that she wore yesterday.她穿着昨天穿的那件衣服。即只等于the same …as的第一个含义。






  in modern/ancient times 在现代/在古代

  He is one of the most important men of the time. 他是当代最重要的人物之一。


  I’ve met her several times. 我见过她好几次。


  This room is 3 times as big as that one. 这个房间是那个房间的三倍大。


  compete: 比赛;竞争,是不及物动词,常与介词in, for, against等连用。

  They're competing for a prize. 他们在为获奖而竞争。

  compete 的名词有:competitor 参赛者competition竞争,竞赛(可指各种形式的竞赛)。

  More than 1,000 competitors took part in the competition.一千多参赛者参加了这项竞赛。

  every four years 每四年

  every 与数词或few, other 连用,表示时间或空间的间隔,其中几个主要结构如下:


  I go there every three days.我每隔两天(每三天)到那儿去一趟。

  They move on to a new place every two or three years.


  He comes to see his uncle every third week.

  ③every +other+单数可数名词,“每隔……”。

  He goes to town every other day(every two days).

  ④every +few+复数名词 ,“每隔几……”。

  He stopped and turned around every few metres.

  教学设计方案Lesson 37

  Teaching Aims

  1 .To train the Ss’ skills in listening, speaking, reading and writing.

  2. To learn some useful sentences and some new words and expressions through practice.

  Which do you prefer, ...or...?

  I prefer. . .to. . .

  have sports, be good at, read out ,exciting

  Teaching procedures

  Step I Warming up

  1.What sports do you know?

  Collect the English words on the Bb.

  Volleyball/ basketball/ football /table tennis/ tennis/ badminton/ golf/ horse riding/ shooting/ wrestling/ sailing/ swimming/ hunting/ fishing/ skiing

  2.Which sport do you like better, ...or...?

  Use all the names of sports the Se have learned to answer this question. )Then ask the 58:

  3.Which sport do you prefer, ... or... ?

  Ask one e student to answer the question using the following structure.

  I prefer. . .to. . .

  Ask more students to practise the two structures.

  Step ⅡListening

  First we'll listen to the tape. After that there are two questions for you to answer. Please listen carefully with your books closed. Questions:

  1) Which Sport does A prefer?   2)What about B?

  horse → riding             shooting

  2. Let the Ss listen to the tape again and repeat.

  Ask them to pay more attention to the pronunciation and intonation of the dialogue.

  Step Ⅲ Practise

  Paraphrase the following sentences and words.

  1) Which do you prefer, horse - riding or shooting?

  Which do you like better, horse - riding or shooting ?

  2)I prefer horse - riding to shooting.

  I like horse-riding better than shooting.

  3)In fact, I'm on our city team.

  In fact, I'm working for/belonging to our city team.

  Step Ⅳ Oral practise

  1)Let the Ss make similar dialogues according to the following pictures

  Names: football, basketball, sailing, jumping, running, swimming, shooting, wrestling

  -Do you often have sports?

  -Sure/Of course.

  -Which sport do you prefer, . . . or. . . ?

  -I prefer. . . to. . .

  Step ⅤSummary

  1. Ask the Ss to sum up all the expressions and structures in this lesson.

  Which do you prefer, ...or...?

  I prefer, ..to...

  have sports, be good at, read out, exciting

  2. Let the Ss make some sentences using these expressions and structures.

  Step Ⅵ Homework

  1. Finish the exercises in this lesson.

  2. Revise the names of different sports.

  3. Preview Lesson 38.

  Lesson 38教学设计方案

  I: Teaching Aims and Demands

  1. Have a good understanding of the text

  2. Language points

  3.Master the Attributive clause with prep.+which/whom

  4. Get the students to understand the history ,spirits and meanings of the Olympic Games

  ІI: Important and Difficult Points

  1.the same …as…

  2.the different uses and meanings of time

  3. prep .+which / whom+ clause

  IV: Teaching Procedure

  STEP I. Revision :

  1.Revise the names of some sports:

  horse riding, shooting, wrestling, sailing

  2.Allow the Ss some minutes to make up dialogues with the names of different sports and practise the following structures.

  Which do you prefer, ...or...?

  I prefer. . . to. . .

  STEP II Warming-up:

  1. The T shows the picture of the Olympic Flag to the Ss. The teacher may ask a question like this: “Do you know the Olympic flag?”

  2. Ask them to discuss the Olympic Flag.

  There are five rings joined together. The five rings stand for five continents. They are Asia, America, Africa Europe, and Oceania. They are joined together as a sign of friendship. The different colours stand for different continents. Asia: yellow; America: red; Africa: black; Europe: blue; Oceania: green

  STEPIII Listening:

  I. Listen to the tape twice, then T show some numbers to the Ss

  1)4 years  2)776BC   3)393AD  4)1896(311/13)  5)1984   6)1992(8,000/150//250/16/12)

  II. Allow the Ss enough time to discuss the meanings of these numbers first in groups and then  in class. The T should write some key words on the Bb.

  1) every 4 years, take part in

  2) around the year 776BC, the old Olympics

  3) about the year 393AD, stop

  4) in 1894, the first Olympic Games, 311 competitors, 13 countries

  5)in 1984,4 gold medals

  6) in 1992, 8, 000 competitors, 150 countries, 16 gold medals, 12 gold medals won by women

  STEP ⅣReading:

  Ask the Ss to read the text from the beginning to the end and try to find out the answer to the following question.

  1) How often are the Olympic Games held?

  2) When and where did the old Olympic Games begin?

  3) When did the Olympic Games stop?

  4) When did the first Olympic Games in modem times happen?

  5) How many competitors were there in the 1896 games?

  6) In which Olympic Games did Carl Lewis win 4 gold medals?

  7) When and where did the 25th Olympic Games begin?

  8) How many competitors went there?

  9) How many gold medals did the Chinese team win in Barcelona?

  10) How many gold medals were won by the Chinese women?

  StepⅤLanguage points:

  Ask the Ss to sum up the new words and expressions and help them to explain them in English. Write the new words and expressions on the Bb.

  athlete → a person who is very good at sports and who competes in games

  compete→ to try to win in competition with someone else

  competitor→ someone who takes part in a competition

  unusual →something strange, not usual

  motto→ a short sentence or a few words taken as the guiding principle of a person and the way he believes.


  prize→something of value given to someone who is successful in a game, race, competition, etc.

  take part in→work. or play with other people in. 

  2. Ask the Ss to fill in the gaps with the new words

  1. John ____ for a place at their school, but didn’t get in.

  2. During the ____, they exchanged experience with the players from other countries.

  3.____ will be given for the three best stories.

  4. You will need a ____ horse to take you there.

  5. Don't lose hope; remember the ____ “Never say die”.

  6.I like that painting; it's most____.

  7. British ____ won five gold medals in the Olympics.

  8. Tell the ____ for the next race to come here.

  9. Did you ____ ____ ____ the fighting?

  Keys: competed; competitions; Prizes; swift; motto; unusual; athletes; competitors; take part in

  STEP Ⅵ:Discussion:

  1.Where will the 2008 Olympic Games be held ?

  2.What do you think you prepare for the 2008 Olympic Games ?

  3.Discus where and when several Olympic Games hold in modern times?

  STEP Ⅶ:Exercise:

  Ask the Ss to fill in the passage according to the text.

  The Olympic Games are held every   1   years. Athletes   2   all over the world   3   it.

  The old Olympic Games began around the year  4  in Greece. Many of the sports were the same   5   they are now.   6  were not allowed to take part in it.

  After about the year  7  the Olympic Games stopped. For  8  there were no Olympic Games.

  The first Olympic Games  9   happened in   10 . It was held in Greece. There are   11

  competitors from just   12  countries. In 1992 over   13   competitors from more than   14  countries went to Barcelona for the   15   Summer Olympics! There are over   16   different sports in the games. Sailing, horse riding and shooting are some of the unusual sports. In Barcelona the Chinese team got   17   gold medals, of which   18   were won by women.

  STEP Ⅷ Summary

  1. We know the history, spirit and meaning of the Olympic Games.

  2 .We have learned some language points

  3 .prep. +which/whom

  STEP Ⅸ Homework:

  1. Finish off the exercises in this lesson.

  2. Read the passage again.

  3. Retell the text

  4. Point out the Attributive Clause in this lesson.



  教师给学生题目进行探讨,如:Which sport do you like best?,教师可提供与此体育运动名称相关词组,如:prefer, good at, badminton, gymnastics, archery, rowing, skating, so on.教师可简单给学生一个范例,如:

  I love sports. I prefer badminton to rowing. In fact, I’m also good at skating…….

Sports 篇3


  Teaching aims and demands

  通过本单元的教学,通过词汇的学习学生能掌握exciting, take part in, hand in等单词和词组的用法,学习表达爱好的用语以及如何询问对方的爱好的表达方法。根据课文所提供的内容,用英语描述奥林运会的历史、发展、过去与现状,能够列举出中国运动员所参加的一些项目和在奥运会中取得的优异成绩。继续学习由关系代词who, that, which等引导的定语从句,并掌握这部分语法内容。

  Teaching important and difficult points

  I. Words and phrases

  athlete, compete, competitor, competition, unusual, swift, medal, gold, prize, Olympic Games, in modern times, take part in, exciting, have sports, read out

  II. Useful expressions

  Which do you prefer, ...or...?

  I prefer. . .to. . .

  III. Grammar

  Learning prep + which / whom+ Clause



  建议教师在上些课时,可采用以下方法,比如:1)教师可给学生展示奥运会图片,供学生讲述。2)教师利用多媒体形式,如:录像、VCD在课堂上给学生放映等,可提高学生的兴趣与积极性。3)教师可用一些课文中出现的数字、时间进行组织教学,用一些词连接起来,组成一篇文章,如:776BC,The old Olympic Games began around the year 776 BC in Greece. At that time the young men competed in running, jumping and wrestling., so on.


  本单元主要用英语描述奥林运会的历史、发展、过去与现状,详细列举出在1984、1992年奥林匹克运动的扩大、中国运动员所参加的一些项目和在奥运会中取得的优异成绩等,课文中最大的特点是采用大量的数字与年代,如:393AD,8,000,25th等。同时在语言运用中使用prep .+which / whom+ clause,如:Some of the games in which the young men competed….so on.


  have sports的用法

  have sports 是个固定搭配,sport常用复数形式(包括运动和户外活动),表示“进行体育运动”。

  We often have sports at school after class.课后我们经常在学校进行体育活动。


  have a good time玩和高兴

  have a meeting (match, rest, swim, tall, walk, etc.) 开会(比赛、休息、游泳、谈话、散步,等)

  have a class/classes/lessons 上课 have a cold 感冒

  have a baby (boy, girl) 生小孩(男孩、女孩)have a cough 咳嗽

  have a holiday 放假 have an accident 出事故

  have to do sth. 不得不做 have some medicine 吃药

  have breakfast /lunch /supper 吃早饭/午饭/晚饭have got sth. 得到某物

  have sth for breakfast 早饭吃……



  Which would you prefer, tea or coffee?


  I’d prefer you to wash the clothes. 我想要你来洗衣服。

  2)prefer A to B (=like A better than B) “喜欢A而不喜欢B/喜欢A胜过喜欢B”

  I prefer dogs to cats. 我喜欢狗不喜欢猫。

  3)prefer to do rather than (to) do “宁愿……而不……”

  She preferred to go with us rather than stay behind.他宁愿和我们一道去,而不愿留下。

  2 . sport, game, match 与 race辨析


  sports jacket 运动服sports meet 运动会

  sportsman 男运动爱好者,男运动员

  sports woman女运动员sports ground 运动场

  sports page of the paper 报纸体育专版

  school sports 校运会

  2)game作“游戏、比赛”解,指有一定规则的游戏或运动,且以输赢为主要目的。指球赛时,美国英语用game, 英国英语用match。game还可指大型的国际体育运动会、比赛。

  the Asian Games 亚运会the Olympic Games 奥运会


  They are having a football match. 他们举行一场足球比赛。


  100-metre race 100米赛跑 go to the races 去看赛马

  3 . join, take part in ,attend的辨析



  join the Army/the Party/the League参军/入党/入团

  join (sb.) 指参与某项活动,口语中常与take part in 通用。

  He joined you in the walk.他和你们散步。

  2)take part in指参加群众性活动、会议并在其中起积极作用。

  May I take part in your game? 我可以参加你们的游戏吗?


  He'll attend an important meeting tomorrow.他明天要参加一个重要会议。

  The same as, the same that的辨析

  1) the same …as有两个含义:“和……一样”,“像……那样”。比如:

  She is wearing the same dress as she wore yesterday. 这句话有两个含义:



  2)the same…that为“和……一样的”。比如:

  She is wearing the same dress that she wore yesterday.她穿着昨天穿的那件衣服。即只等于the same …as的第一个含义。






  in modern/ancient times 在现代/在古代

  He is one of the most important men of the time. 他是当代最重要的人物之一。


  I’ve met her several times. 我见过她好几次。


  This room is 3 times as big as that one. 这个房间是那个房间的三倍大。


  compete: 比赛;竞争,是不及物动词,常与介词in, for, against等连用。

  They're competing for a prize. 他们在为获奖而竞争。

  compete 的名词有:competitor 参赛者competition竞争,竞赛(可指各种形式的竞赛)。

  More than 1,000 competitors took part in the competition.一千多参赛者参加了这项竞赛。

  every four years 每四年

  every 与数词或few, other 连用,表示时间或空间的间隔,其中几个主要结构如下:


  I go there every three days.我每隔两天(每三天)到那儿去一趟。

  They move on to a new place every two or three years.


  He comes to see his uncle every third week.

  ③every +other+单数可数名词,“每隔……”。

  He goes to town every other day(every two days).

  ④every +few+复数名词 ,“每隔几……”。

  He stopped and turned around every few metres.

Sports 篇4

  Lesson 85教学设计示例



  (1)掌握句型:1)Lucy ran faster than Meimei. 2)Wu Dong ran fastest of all. 3)Which sport are you in today?




  1)Who was first/ second/ third? 2)Who won the race? 3) Who jumped highest/ farthest of all?






  1.复习 值日生报告。



  The gilrs'100-metre race

  Han Meimei 16″7

  Lucy 16″2

  Wu Dong 15″4




  The boys'high jump:

  Lin Tao 1.59m

  Bill 1.64m

  Zhang Jun 1.77m



  Ann 4.05m

  Liu Mei 3.8m

  Huifang 4.0m








  英美人的姓名是名在前,姓居后。名又分为教名(Christian/ given/ first name)和中间名(middle/second name)。一个人全名的写法是: 1)教名 2)中间名 3)姓氏(family name/ surname)。其中的中间名只有在极为正式的场合才使用,其他场合均不用全称。如:Paul Calvin Adams可以写作Paul C.Adams(中间名缩写)或Paul Adams(中间名略)或P. C. Adams (教名与中间名均缩写)。称某人为Mr. 时,则称Mr.Paul Adams或Mr. Adams.

  英美人姓名的一个有趣现象就是他们有一部分姓氏产生于职业名称。如:铁匠姓Black Smith;木匠姓 Carpenter;裁缝姓Taylor;屠户姓Butcher;磨坊主姓 Miller;面包师的姓就是Baker。还有一部分姓氏是由祖辈的姓氏转化而来。这类名字后往往加上-son充作姓氏。如:Johnson; Robinson; Willson及Woodson等。

Sports 篇5




  New words and phrases: hold a sports meeting, race, 100-metre race, win, high jump, long jump, neck, active, take a active part in, relay, starting line/ finishing line, runner, as…as, a moment later, go on doing(sth), fall behind, winner, loud, loudly, lap, pass on, stick, catch up with, neck and neck, well done, congratulation, not as/ so as, rather, loudspeaker, result, dance, headteacher, take turns, do one’s best, hooray.  


  Bad luck.

  Come on.

  well done !

  Congratulations(to …)



  规则形式:fast faster fastest

  不规则形式:well better best , badly worse worst, far farther/further farthest/ furthest

  Wu Peng ran as fast as Lin Tao.

  She didn’t run as / so fast as Lily.













  本单元围绕学校开运动会,教授了hold, win, pass, shout, loud等二十多个生词和一些短语、习惯用语及固定搭配,如:go on doing sth., stop to do sth., get ready to do sth. 等,学习了enough在句中的位置和作用,还有一些表示祝贺的日常用语。在教学对话、课文的同时,复习了一般过去时态。本单元重点讲授副词的比较级、最高级的构成和用法。其实我们在第二册书中已学过形容词比较级、最高级的构成、用法。副词和形容词一样有三个级,构成及用法相同,只是副词最高级前一般不用定冠词。本课通过运动会的跑、跳,生动、形象地列举了副词比较级、最高级在句中的作用,教会了很多有关体育方面的用语,同时复习了很多过去学过的词语和固定搭配。


  教师可以利用图片等直观教具展示给学生,在学生脑海中,确立鲜明的形象,加深记忆。有关图片可以参照课文36页,或利用学生用书彩色插页上的插图,问题如下: What is the boy doing? What are the girls doing? What is the girl doing? 然后教师可以将几张图片都展示在黑板上:Why so many people are on the playground? 引导学生将出:They are having a sports meeting.自然引出新课。



  (1)教师可以叫三两个学生到黑板前面来,让他们站成一行.然后,提问:Who is taller? Who is the tallest? Who is short? Who is the shortest? Can you tell me who runs faster? Who runs fastest? 等学生回答完后,教师可以在教室前面划一条线,告诉学生这是staring line.叫另一名同学当发令员,教会他发令的表达法,指挥两个学生从教室前跑到教室后面,然后提问; Who runs slowly? Who runs more slowly? Who runs most slowly? Can you tell me who runs faster? Who runs fastest? Who won? 教师还可以根据具体的情景指导学生就as…as/ not so as…as.句型进行练习。

  [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] 下一页  

  (2)教师还可以叫学生进行立定跳远比赛,教师设计问题如下:Who jumps high? Who did well? Who did worse? Who did worst of all? Who jumps highest of all?  此部分练习可以在讲87课时运用。

  (3)教师准备一个拉力器几个学生前来,比较谁的力气大谁拉的长。问题设计如下: Who is stronger? Who is the strongest? Who is taller? Whose chest-developer is longer? Whose chest-developer is the longest? Who is powerful? Who is the most powerful man? Is Xiao Ming as powerful as Tom?




  At starting line: Hu shouted: “Ready? Go!” Runners started to run.

  On the first lap: Li Lei ran faster.

  On the second lap: Yu Yan began to catch up with Jim. They were neck and neck.

  On the third lap: The Class 3 and Class 1 runners were still neck and neck. The Class2 dropped the stick. Class 4 fell and hurt.

  On the fourth lap: Wu Peng in the front dropped his stick and fell behind. Lin Tao ran past him.




  hold shout still race hurt drop stick rather

  cold about till face nurse top ticket father


  bad→badly loud→loudly

  run→runner win→winner



  形容词兼副词 fast high long far

  动词兼名词 jump race

  介词兼副词 behind


  play + ground → playground loud + speaker → loudspeaker

  5.同类词 可用图表示人体各部分的名称

  eye hair arm nose mouth neck body hand leg foot



  A: Congratulations.

  B: Thank you.

  A: Can you tell me your name?

  B: My name is Zhao Fang.

  A: Which class are you in?

  B: I am in Class 3 Grade 2.

  A: How did you win the game?

  B: I didn’t play well at first. But the rival made a big mistake. I am lucky.



  2.本单元应着重练习形容词、副词的比较等级和有关祝贺(Good wishes and Congratulations)的日常交际用语。形容词和副词的比较等级在日常生活中运用比较多,务必要熟练掌握。




  The 100meter-race

  上一页  [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] 下一页  

  The high jumps

  Julia Read



  Linda White



  Sally Brown




  The 800meter- race

  The long jump

  Simon Hill

  3’ 30


  John smith

  3’ 24


  Ben little

  3’ 20



  The 1,500meter-race

  The shotput

  Jim green

  8’ 40


  Oliver tour

  9’ 14


  Carol Jones

  9’ 14


  教师可以先让学生阅读本表,然后用形容词和副词的比较级或者as/ so …as的句型造句。不得少于6句。




  She is holding up an umbrella. 她正打着伞。

  He held me by the sleeve. 他抓着我的袖子。

  Hold the line.稍候[别挂断]。(打电话用语)


  The hall can hold 1000 people.这个大厅能容纳1000人。


  I held the job for two years. 这工作我干了两年。


  They held many get- togethers with the foreign friends. 他们和和外国朋友举行了多次联欢。


  a. hold back“阻碍、阻止”,如:

  No one can hold back the wheel of history. 谁也不能阻止历史车轮前进。

  b. hold on意为“等待、停止、不要挂断电话”。如:

  Hold on a moment till I put my coat on.等一下,让我穿上外衣。

  c. hold one’s head high意为“昂首挺胸”。如:

  They held their heads high when they walked into the meeting hall.他们昂首挺胸地走进了会场。

  d. hold up意为“举起,抬起,耽搁”。如:

  Women can hold up half the sky. 妇女能顶半边天。

  The storm held us up. 暴雨把我们耽搁了。

  Lesson 85多媒体教学设计方案

  Teaching Procedures:

  Step 1 Revision

  Revise the comparative and superlative forms of adjectives and adverbs.



  Jim is young.

  Lucy is younger than Jim.

  Kate is the youngest.

  The bike is going fast. 

  The tractor is going faster. 

  The taxi is going the fastest.

  (学生活动)让学生看图片用比较级表达图片中的人物,然后让学生总结出the comparative form:Regular forms and Irregular forms

  Step 2 Presentation


  上一页  [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] 下一页  

  设问导入  本课关于运动会的教学

  1. Does your school hold a sports meeting every year?

  2. Do you take part in it? Which sport can you do well in?

  3. How many sports are there at the sports meeting?


  hold a sports meeting, the 100-metre race, the high jump, the long jump, the relay race

  Step 3 Read and learn

  (录像演示)演示the 100-metre race的情景,回答:Who was first/second/third in the 100-metre race?

  (录像演示)演示the high jump的情景,回答:Who won the high jump?

  (录像演示)演示the long jump的情景,回答:Who was first/second/third in the long jump?


  Step 4 Practise



  The gilrs’ 100-metre race

  Han Meimei




  Wu Dong



  The boys' high jump

  Lin Tao

  1.59 m



  Zhang Jun


  Step 5 Read and act

  (录像演示)演示对话的情景,学生了解对话内容,教学新单词neck,解释句子:Which sport are you in today?

  It means Which sport are you taking part in today?。

  Step 6 Exercises


  Last week No. 14 Middle School _________ (hold) a sports meeting on the playground. Lily _________(run) fastest of all in the 100-metre race. Zhang Jun _________(do) best of all in the high jump and Liu Mei _________ (jump) farthest of all in the long jump. Ling Li ________ (fall) and ________(hurt)his neck, so he _________(do)take part in any sport. Now he ________(be) much better.

  Keys: held, ran, did Jumped, fell, hurt, didn’t, is


  best, far, fall, which, better, jump, hold a sports meeting

  1. Zhang Liang ________highest of all.

  2. They ________on the playground this year.

  3. Who jumps ________than Mark?

  4. Zhang Jun did ________of all.

  5. Who _______and hurt his leg yesterday?

  6. ________sports is he in today?

  7. Who is ________than Lin Feng?

  Keys: 1.jumped  2.will hold a sports meeting  3.farther/further  4.best  5.fell  6.Which  7.better

  上一页  [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] 下一页  

  Step 7 Homework

  1. Finish exercises on page 103.

  2. Rewrite the passage.

  3. Finish off the workbook exercises.

  上一页  [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] 

Sports 篇6

  Lesson 87教学设计示例



  (1)掌握句型: 1) to stop to do sth. 2) Not far behind him was Lin Tao.


  ①表示祝贺的用语及应答:①Well done! ②Congratulations! ③It was nothing.

  ②有关运动会项目用语: He/ She was first/ second/ third past the finishing line.








  1.复习 值日生报告。教师检查课文复述。





  The girls'100-metre race

  Han Meimei 18″7(not very well)

  Lucy 20″91

  Li Fang 21″8

  The boys' long jump:

  Li Lei 5.15m(very well)

  Jim 5.37

  Wu Dong 5.49m


  The girls'100-metre race:

  Han Meimei didn't do very well. She did rather badly. Lucy did worse than Han Meimei. Li Fang did worst of all. Bad luck!


  T:The boys' long jump:

  Li Lei did very well. Jim did better than Li Lei. Wu Dong did best of all. Good luck!





  1.Jiang Honglin was catching up fast, too, but not fast enough. 姜洪林也在紧紧追赶,但稍慢些。


  1) You don't get up early enough. 你起得还不够早。

  2) He is old enough to go to school. 他已经到上学年龄了。


  1) We haven't enough time. 我们没有足够的时间。(enough是形容词)

  2) I've had enough, thank you. 我已经(吃)够了,谢谢。(enough是代词)

  2.He stopped to get it and of course he fell behind. 他停下来去捡棒,当然就落在大家后面了。

  stop to do sth. 表示停下某事做(另外)某事。例如:

  He stopped to listen. 他停下来,仔细听。(指他停下手里的事,去听)试比较:

  He stopped listening. 他不再听了。

  fall behind意为:落后。

  3.She did rather badly. 她(投得)相当糟糕。

  rather badly意为:相当差;糟糕。但有时rather一词也可用来形容人们较为喜欢的事物。

  例如:I was rather pleased when I got the news. 当我听到这个消息时,很高兴。

Sports 篇7

  ● word power  types of sportsbrainstorminglet’s discuss the following questions:are you interested in sports? what kind of sports are you particularly fond of? are there any school clubs in your school? have you ever joined one of them? if not, are you planning to join one? how many different kinds of sports can you name?read part a and summarize the clubs zhou ling has discussed in her diary. for reference:have you ever been to a gymnastic club? there are many kinds of equipment in a gym club. people can choose whichever they like and do many types of exercises to keep fit. sometimes there will be trainers or experienced members giving some demonstrations for you to follow. do you think you would join a gym club?vocabulary learning1. in part b, there are 12 different sports listed, each with a picture. please look at these pictures carefully and describe each sport. you may consult each other or the dictionary whenever you meet new words before consulting me. you may ask such questions as how many team members are there in this sport? how is the sport played? what are its rules? what instructions does a new player have to pay attention to etc. ? you may talk to each other about your favorite sports and also give the reason why.2. focus on part c and finish it individually first. and then answer the following questions:what kinds of suggestions does zhou ling give to amy?zhou ling gives specific advice to amy about the exercises she can do after the operation.first, if amy wants to get strong and have some sun with her friends, ________________________________.if amy just wants to build her strength up by herself, zhou ling advises her to_________________________.if amy only wants to have some fun and exercise with some of her friends, she can try ___________________.possible answers:part c 1. basketball  2. volleyball   3. football   4. baseball   5. aerobics   6. shooting   7. weightlifting  8. badminton   9. boxing  10. tennisshe could try basketball, volleyball, football, softball or baseball.she may try aerobics, shooting or weightlifting.she can try badminton, boxing , tennis or fencing.3.       deal with part d 1 on page 97 in workbook.possible answers: 1. popular   2. exercise   3. control   4. regularly   5. skip   6. who    7. overweight  8. advice   9. cost   10. especially   11. cause vocabulary extension1. let’s discuss the following questions:sports are quite popular all over the world. different people have different interests and tastes. some sportsare done indoors, while others are done outdoors. each has its advantages and disadvantages. differentsports require different skills and abilities. can you fill in the following diagram with different sports?  indoors   advantages/ disadvantagesskills/ abilities    outdoors advantages/ disadvantagesskills/ abilities    2. have a discussion on the following questions:suppose one of your friends doesn’t like sports and usually kills his or her time by reading or watching tv. doyou think you can persuade him or her to give up this bad habit? what kinds of advice or suggestions will yougive to him or her?imagine it’s the first time for your mother to come to a gym. as she has never done exercise on equipment, what tips will you give to her?   usually when you do outdoor activities either by yourself or with your friends, what preparations do youhave to make?3. please read the two articles in pats a and b in reading on pages 98 and 99 in workbook and answer the questions below the two articles. part a. 1. have the japanese been living longer in recent years?      2. why is it not true that the reason for japanese people’s long lives is genetic?      3. what are the differences between western lifestyles and those of the japanese?      4. which parts of a western lifestyle are seen as damaging for health?      5. what can we learn from the japanese lifestyle?answers to part a (page 98):part a  1.yes, they have been living longer.2. after the second world war the japanese usually died young.3. the japanese eat less, take more exercise and are more relaxed. their diet includes a lot of fish but western diets include very little fish. they get more exercise.4. western people eat too much, don’t exercise enough and do not relax.5.we should all think about what we eat and make sure that we get enough exercise.part b. 1. what do scientists think is now the biggest cause of weight gain?2. what happened to the laboratory mice that had the special ‘ fat storing’ gene?3. what is the difference between people who burn off fat easily and those who often gain weight?4. what should people do to control their weight?5. what do the scientists hope to be able to do for humans using their results from the study on mice?answers to part b (page 99):1. they think it is genetic.2.they gained weight.3.the people who burn off fat easily are missing one special gene.4.people should be careful about what they eat and they should exercise to control their weight.5. they hope to produce new medicines to help people lose weight.

Sports 篇8

  unit 5 sports and games教案


  一. 教学内容:

  unit 5 sports and games (2)

  less on 19 what can you do on the ice rink?

  lesson 20 what are your favorite sport?

  二. 重点、难点:

  1. 学习有关运动项目、运动器材和运动设施的词语

  2. 学会表达“在……地方,用……物品,进行……运动项目”

  3. 获取信息并表达最喜欢的事物和能力

  lesson 19  what can you do on the ice rink?

  i. words study单词学习:

  center            almost            outdoors         court              go skat ing              special

  deep        pool               exercise           object             racket                   helmet

  bat          glove              ping pong paddle

  ii. expression patterns常用的表达方式:

  1.  why not come down to the apollo sports center?

  why not…? 意思是“为什么不……?”,表示建议。后跟动词原形。

  why not go skating?

  why not have a  rest?

  2. 表示“有什么样的运动设施”

  there be …

  there’s a basketball field.

  there are three tennis courts.

  3. 表示“在……地方”

  at the sports center  在运动中心

  on the ice rink      在溜冰场

  on special courts    在专用场地

  outdoors            在户外

  indoors            在室内

  4. what sport can you play with a racket?  i can play tennis.


  i can play tennis with a racket.

  we write the words with a pen.

  (2)play与play with


  the boys play football after school.

  she can play volleyball well.

  play with作为短语,意为“玩,玩耍……”

  she often plays with her cat.

  don’t play with fire.

  lesson 20  what are your favorite sport?

  i. words study单词学习:

  roller-skate                   basketball               ski                 take lessons

  be interested in              enjo y

  ii. expression patterns常用的表达方式:

  1. favorit e表达最喜欢的事物

  my favori te colour is red.

  who is your favorite movie actor?

  2. 询问获取他人喜好的信息

  what’s your favorite…?

  can you…?

  what spo rt can you do?

  3. be good at “擅长于……,在……方面做得好”,后跟名词、代词或动词的-ing形式

  he is good at math.

  ann likes volleyball very much. she is good at it.

  i’m good at dancing.

  4. enjoy doing “喜爱做……”,表示享受某种乐趣

  mr. black enjoys fishing.

  my parents enjoy listening to music.

  5. be  interested in “对……感兴趣”,后跟名词、代词或动词的-ing形式

  she is interested in scienc e.

  i am interested  in drawing.

  this book is very interesting. he is interested in it.

  6. i go running and jogging almost every d ay.


  go swimming

  go shopping

  go fishing

Sports 篇9

  评课人:宝山区行知小学     姜敏

  刚才大家看到的是大华二小季延峰老师参加上海市英语教师教学评优的参赛课:Oxford English 2B Unit 4 《In the park》第二教时Let’s talk。季延峰老师是我区英语教师队伍中相当优秀、相当有活力的青年教师。本堂课充分展示了他作为一名青年男教师独特的教学风格和充满生机的教学魅力。今天我想从本堂课的教学目标与设计,教学方法与过程,教学效果与教师素养四个方面进行点评。

  一、   合理的设计中体现明确的教学目标

  1.   课的开始,教师询问学生日常生活中能做的事情:Can you sing an English song? Can you dance? Can you walk? Can you swim? 由此自然地展开本课的话题,使课堂教学从一开始就进入比较真实的交际场景,学生在回答的同时会唱的就唱了起来,会跳舞的就扭了起来,全体学生在笑声中开始进入兴奋状态。

  2.   接着老师以运动会Sports meeting为话题,继续进行交流,What can you do in the sports meeting? I can play… in the sports meeting.谈谈运动会上各人擅长的项目,突出了本课的重点:运用情态动词“can”表达某人的ability,并恰当地给予拓展,即在问答句中加入了“地点”。 在这个操练环节中,老师给了学生结合自身实际操练语言的机会,同时也让学生在众人面前展示了自己的能力,听课的老师能从他们脸上看到一种成就感。

  3.   然后教师将话题自然地从sports meeting 讲到了其中的一个项目:skip the rope,恰当地引出了新单词skip。当学生与老师一齐沉浸在I can skip like this.这样跳、那样跳地时候,老师手中舞动地绳子不小心失手飞到别处去了。这时学生为老师要拿到这根绳子而想尽办法:You can fly. You can stand on the chair. You can jump. You can play football. You can play basketball. 体现了信息差、交际性。老师也按学生所讲的一一进行了尝试,但都没有成功的拿到挂在树上的绳子。此时,学生的思维完全被激活,老师适时地让同学看了一段动感十足、喜闻乐见的迪斯尼动画,片段中活灵活现地展示了各种场合的climb,学生马上就将新词汇运用到刚才没有解决的问题中去。两个重点单词skip climb的教学就这么顺利地解决了。 

  4.   最后,2008奥运会这一素材的运用更是将气氛推向高潮,教师将学生分成Yao ming Team and Michael Team, 进一步操练已学句型。在加油助威声中,相信英语学习对于这批孩子来说已不再是形式、负担,他们完全enjoy it。接着,在I love Beijing, like Sam and May…的儿歌声中结束了本堂课的全部教学。让学生运用所学知识,极好地与生活、社会、世界结合在了一起。

  这样的设计,符合二年级学生的年龄特点和认知规律,体现了以学生为主体的学习过程,培养了学生的学习能力,运作效果良好。从中我们可以看出教师是通过认真的钻研教材,在理解教材的基础上,制定了切合实际的“知识与技能目标”:学会用What can … do? 来提问并用…can…给予回答;“过程与方法目标”:在课堂上感受语言的运用性,学会用该句型去了解同学、朋友的相关资料与信息;“情感与态度目标”:展示学生的爱好与才能,鼓励学生开展丰富多彩的课外活动。重点、难点把握准确,抓住了关键。

  二、   清晰的过程中充满新颖的教学方法



  一种好的教学方法总是相对而言的,它总是因课程,因学生,因教师自身特点而相应变化的。今天的这堂课,对象是二年级的学生,教学内容是can句型与词汇的掌握,教师是充满活力的季教师,因此各种方法的选用就显示出相当的贴切与有效。开始部分的儿歌sing, sing, sing a song. Dance, dance, dance with me. Write, write, write a letter… 非常有节奏;展开部分的Ask and answer、find partners能够贴近学生;动作表演action,表情模仿imitation,唱歌,观看卡通片watching video,贯穿始终的情景表演(situation)等方法更是有效地促进、巩固了教学。 


  教学活动的复杂性决定了教学方法的多样性。所以教师必须面向实际,恰当地选择教学方法,同时还要在教学方法多样性上下一番功夫,使课堂教学超凡脱俗,常教常新,富有艺术性。本堂课该教师安排了多样的学生活动,其中有个人、小组和全班性的,有教师指导性的,如小对话的教学,老师就起到了很好的示范作用。也有需学生独立或合作完成的。如:Talk about the pictures.活动均有明确的目标与要求,并能够安排在一定的语境和情景中进行,突出了培养学生用英语做事情和用英语进行交流的能力,体现了交际语言教学的思想。



  三、   活跃的气氛中展现良好的教学素质


  今天我们在课堂感受到的,最强烈的就是飞扬在整个课堂上的师生的激情。季教师夸张到位的肢体语言climb、run、swim、skip学生感受真切;丰富的脸部表情sad、happy、angry强烈地吸引了学生的注意力,口琴的吹奏更是增色不少。 同时,季老师也营造了良好的、平等的课堂氛围:与学生一起skip the rope、play the basketball、climb on the floor,师生互动的课堂是多么快乐的地方;当有一位学生模仿Goofy反复不成功时,老师俯下身贴着学生的耳朵耐心地个别辅导,直到清晰地发出这个音为止,这些都让学生感受到了教师的真诚与投入。其次是良好的语言表达能力,语音纯正、语调自然,口齿清晰,极富感染力,几乎是完美的完成了一个老师应表现的素养。


Sports 篇10

  module 5 the great sports personality

  grammar―review of adverbial clauses


  ● to review adverbial clauses


  step 1  reviewing the adverbial clauses

  adverbial clauses are less than (subordinate to) sentences.  they do not contain a complete thought.

  adverbial clauses always modify the verb in the main clause (the sentence) to which the adverbial clause is attached.

  an adverbial clause tells how, when, why, how much, to what extent and under what conditions the action in the main clause takes place.

  adverbial clauses always begin with a subordinating conjunction.  the most common subordinating conjunctions are listed below.

  before, after, unless

  although, if, until

  as, in order that, when

  as, since, whenever

  as long as, so that, where

  as soon as, than, wherever

  because, though, while

  adverbial clauses, like all subordinate clauses, are structured in the same way all sentences are structured.  all adverbial clauses will fall into one of the five sentence patterns that have already been described.


  the whole country was saddened when oswald assassinated kennedy.

  when is the subordinating conjunction introducing this adverbial clause which modifies was saddened.  oswald is the subject of the clause.  assassinated is the action verb which transfers its action to the direct object, which is kennedy, all of which makes this clause transitive active.

  little joe was punished because the window was broken.

  because is the subordinating conjunction introducing this adverbial clause.  window is the subject.  was is the helping verb, and broken is the action verb which transfers its action back to the subject making this clause transitive passive or pattern #2.

  since the boy was disruptive, he was expelled from school.

  since is the subordinating conjunction introducing this adverbial clause which modifies was in the main clause.  window is the subject of the clause.  was is the helping verb, and disruptive is the predicate adjective making the clause intransitive linking or pattern #4.

  note that the natural order of an adverbial clause is after the main clause.  however, an adverbial clause is okay at the beginning of a sentence.  if it comes at the beginning, however, a comma is used to separate it from the main clause.

  can you determine the correct pattern number of the following examples of adverbial clauses?

  franklin roosevelt served as governor of new york before he became president of the united states.

  if we continue burning fossil fuels, the temperature of the earth will rise.

  agatha made coffee as i cooked the bacon.

  since grandfather died, i have been lonely.

  grandfather died before he was ready.

  although spike broke the window, he did not feel guilty about it.

  can you put both an adjective clause and an adverbial clause in the same sentence as the following example does?

  after oswald assassinated kennedy, oswald was killed by a man who was overcome with sympathy for the dead president.

  step 2  making sentences with adverbial clauses

  next we are going to make our own examples. it's the best, most active way to learn.

  before, after, unless; although, if, until; as, in order that, when; as, since, whenever; as long as, so that, where; as soon as, than, wherever; because, though, while

  1. they called him the prince of gymnasts because, when he retired at the age of 26, he had won 106 gold medals in major competitions across the world.

  2. li ning did so well as an athlete that he won six out of seven gold medals at the 1982 world championship, and three at the 1984 olympics in los angeles (as well as two silver and a bronze).

  3. when sports journalists met in 1999 to make a list of the greatest sportsmen and sportswomen of the twentieth century, li ning's name was on it, together with footballer pele and boxer muhammad ali.

  4. but even though he had won everything it was possible to win in his sport, li ning retired with the feeling that he had failed.

  5. he was disappointed because he had not performed well in the 1988 seoul olympics.

  6. because he had experienced the sense of failure in the 1988 seoul olympics li ning became determined to succeed in his new life.

  7. after he retired a year after, li ning began a new career--as a businessman.

  8. he longed to work for sports because he didn’t forget his sporting background.

  9. li ning decided to launch a new brand of sportswear in order that he could compete with global giants like nike and adidas.

  10. people thought that he made the unusual choice, because he had chosen his own name as the brand mark.

  11. as the bright red logo is made up of the first two pinyin letters of li ning's name, l and n, li ning's sports clothes sold very well soon after they came onto the market.

  12. as the number of young people with money to spend was on the increase young people became the most important buyers of li ning's sports clothes.

  13. because li ning's designs were attractive, they had a major advantage over their better-known rivals.

  14. because a pair of nike trainers, for example, could cost up to five times as much as a similar li ning product, success for li ning was guaranteed.

  15. today as a li ning product is purchased every ten seconds, li ning has won more than fifty per cent of the national market.

  16. if you go into a school or university anywhere,the chances are you will see students in li ning tracksuits with the familiar logo.

  17. the company has grown so internationally that the spanish and french gymnastics teams wear li ning clothes.

  18. whenever chinese athletes step out onto the track during the olympics, they will be wearing li ning tracksuits.

  19. but li ning's goal when he retired was not to make money.

  20. if your dream is to open a school for gymnasts you have to go for your post-graduate studies first.

  21. ever since he became a businessman li ning has managed to help young people to achieve their sporting ambitions.

  22. li ning has discovered that the work of a great sportsman does not finish when he retires from the sport.

  23. and if you are a great sportsperson, anything is possible, as li ning's advertising slogan says.

  step 3  doing a quiz on adverbial clauses


  1.you like sports_____i’d like to read.

  a.when          b.while          c.but       d.yet

  2. _____ we were singing, the teacher came in.

  a.before      b.after       c.as       d.until

  3.i was about to leave my house _____the phone rang.

  a.while          b. when      c.as       d.after

  4.they did not stop fighting_____ there was no enemy left.

  a.until       b.after       c.when          d.since

  5.i have not seen him_____ he went to college.

  a.when       b.before      c.as       d.since

  6.it is five days_____ we came here.

  a.when          b.before      c.as       d.since

  7.it was not long_____ he got to know it.

  a.when          b.before      c.after       d.until

  8.we shall go_____we are free.

  a.whenever      b.whatever      c.wherever      d.however

  9. _____i live i must serve the people heart and soul.

  a.when      b.so long as         c.as soon as     d.on condition

  10.i was reading a novel_____ he was watchingtv.

  a.when          b.while          c.before      d.as

  11.put the medicine_____you can easily get it.

  a.so that       b.where      c.which      d.there

  12.we will go_____the party wants us to go.

  a.wherever      b.there          c.to the place     d.which

  13. _____ there is a will there is a way.

  a.when      b.where      c.whether      d.how  

  14.i am going_____ you went last week.

  a.where      b.wherever      c.when          d.the place

  15. _____ you go , you should bear the motherland in your mind.

  a.where      b.wherever         c.whatever      d.however

  16. _____ weather permits, we’ll have an outing.

  a.for        b.though      c.while      d.if

  17.you won’t succeed_____harder.

  a.unless you will work           b.unless you work

  c.unless you don’t work           d.if you won’t work

  18.i wonder if he_____us, and i think if he_____us we’ll be able to complete the task ahead of time.

  a.helps, helps             b.will help, helps

  c.helps, will help                d.will help, will help

  19.i don’t like to be interrupted if i_____.

  a.speak          b.will speak         c.am speaking  d.spoke

  20.if you_____this experiment you will understand the theory better.

  a.will be doing  b.have done         c.will have done  d. would do

  21.i would like to do it_____i like it.

  a.since          b.because   c.because of   d.now that

  22. _____everybody is here, let’s set off.

  a.since          b.because   c.for    d.after

  23.it was_____he was ill that he was absent yesterday.

  a.because      b.as    c.since       d.now that

  24. _____it is raining, we had better take a taxi.

  a.for       b.as    c.because of   d.when

  25.“why can’t you do it now?” “_____i’m too busy.”

  a.since          b.as    c.because   d.for

  26.he must have passed this way, _____here are his footprints.

  a.since          b.because of   c.now that   d.for

  27. _____everybody is here, let’s begin our meeting.

  a.now that      b.because   c.for    d.when

  28.his speech made_____deep impression on the audience that they could hardly forget it.

  a.such a       b.so a     c.so    d.such

  29.they worked hard_____they finished their work ahead of time.

  a.so       b.so that   c.such that   d.so as to

  30.he was_____weak_____ he couldn’t stand up.

  a.such, that      b.so, that   c.very, that   d.so, as to

  31.the foreigner spoke_____ his interpreter could hardly catch his words.

  a.such fast that          b.so fast  

  c.so fast that              d.so fastly that

  32.the book is_____ it gives a wrong idea of the facts.

  a.so writing that              b.such written that  

  c.such writing that         d.so written that

  33.the house cost_____ we didn’t buy it.

  a.so much money that         b.so many money that

  c.such much money that        d.such many money that

  34.it is_____ all of us can do it.

  a.so easy exercise that            b.such easy an exercise

  c.such easy exercise         d.so easy an exercise that

  35.she has _____she remembers all the names of the students she has taught.

  a.so good memory that        b.such a good memory that

  c.such good memory that        d.good memory

  36.they stopped at tianjing_____they might visit the tv tower.

  a.so        b.because   c.so that      d.in order

  37.we all got up early_____we might start at six.

  a.in order that      b.in order to      c.so        d.so as to

  38.let the dog loose so that it_____have a run.

  a.should       b.must       c.could          d.need

  39. _____clearly so that your teacher_____you correctly.

  a.write, can understand        b.having written, can understand

  c.to write, could understand       d.writing, will understand

  40.he started early so that he_____there in time.

  a.could get   b.got       c.had got      d.would have got

  41. _____it was late , she went on working.

  a.though   b.because      c.since          d.whether

  42. _____we fail , we _____trying.

  a.even if , don’t stop         b.even though, won’t stop

  c.even, will not stop         d.even although, shall never stop

  43. _____ the pain was bad, _____he did not complain.

  a.although, but          b.though, but 

  c.though, yet          d.even, still 

  44. _____ physics, he likes maths better.

  a.as he much likes          b.much as he likes   

  c.much likes as he          d.likes much as he

  45. _____telephones, tell him i’m out.

  a.no matter whoever b.who          c.whoever      d.anyone

  46.we’ll carry the reform to the end_____ happens.

  a.no matter how          b.whatever  

  c.anything           d.no matter which

  47.it takes_____time to go there by plane than by ship.

  a.far fewer           b.far less  

  c.much fewer          d.more less

  48.he is taller than_____ in his class.

  a.others           b.all the students  

  c.any other one           d.the other

  49. _____ it was finished in time.

  a.as the work was difficult           b.difficult as the work was

  c.difficult as was the work        d.as was the work difficult

  50.i am sorry_____ i have caused so much trouble.

  a.that     b.for       c.as    d.since

  51. _____ he came, he would bring us a lot of flowers.

  a.every times   b.one time      c.every time   d.once a time

  52.i’ll tell him about it_____i see him.

  a.as soon as      b.so soon as         c.while    d.as

  53.i had hardly sat down_____ the telephone rang

  a.than        b.when          c.as     d.after

  54.sit _____ you like.

  a.where   b.at the place     c.as     d.wherever

  55. _____ he  wasn’t ready in time, we went without him.

  a.since    b.as       c.for    d.because of

  56.all plants need air_____ they need water.

  a.like     b.as if           c.as     d.so

  57.work hard _____ you can succeed.

  a.in order to   b.so that      c.for fear that  d.in case

  58.if you_____i will go with you.

  a.go to    b.went       c.will    d.should go

  59.the hard he works, _____he will make.

  a.the greater              b.the greater progress

  c.and the more             d.more

  60. _____ we have thought it over , we’ll take_____steps.

  a.till, not       b.when , no      c.until, any         d.until, no

  (1.b 2.c 3.b 4.a 5.d 6.d 7.b 8.a 9.b 10.b 11.b 12.a 13.b14.a15.b 16.d 17.b 18.b19.c 20.b 21.b 22.a 23.a 24.b 25.c 26.d 27.a 28.a 29.b 30.b 31.c 32.d 33.a 34.d 35.b 36.c 37.a 8.c39.a 40.a 41.a 42.b 43.c 44.b 45.c 46.b 47.b 48.c 49.b 50.a 51.c 52.a 53.b 54.d 55.b 56.c 57.b 58.c 59.b 60.d)

Sports 篇11

  lesson 2 extreme sports


  teaching aims:

  1. to practice strategies for preparing to listen to a text

  2. to practise expressing preferences

  3. to practise using phrasal verbs

  4. to practise using correct intonation in questions

  teaching main points:

  1. to improve students’ listening ability

  2. to talk about the extreme sports

  teaching aids:  cai

  teaching procedures:

  step1.  warm up

  talk about the extreme sports

  read through the key words with the students and have them match the words to the pictures.

  step2.  pre-reading

  read through the listening strategies with the class.

  ask students what clues they get about the content of the next listening text from the title of this lesson, the pictures and their own knowledge of the world.

  give students time to read through the questions and guess the answers before play the cassette.

  step3. listening

  task1. students listen to the cassette and check their guesses.

  task2. read the entries in the table with the class and check that students understand that would like to means that the person has not yet done the sport.

  play the cassette for students to complete the table.

  check students’ answer by having them make sentences about carol and jonathan.

  step4. exercises

  step5. homework 

Sports 篇12




  2.掌握本单元的有关"water sports"的单词和短语,能听、说、读部分地名,重点掌握 no mater,both…and…,all over等短语或习惯用语的用法。



  5.运用本单元所学知识来描述某一运动。如:the Olympic Games或surfing或diving等。


  1. 进一步学习现在完成时,灵活运用already, just, ever, never等词语。

  2. 引导学生对水上运动和其他运动进行描述,达到阐述自已喜好的目标。

  3. 在学习过程中,让学生了解体育运动对每个人的生活和工作的重要性。

  4. 通过各种教学手段,如声音、图片、动画、电视、网络等,让学生在了解有关体育知识的基础上,自觉参与各项体育运动,培养积极向上的生活情趣。

  5. 引导学生尝试运用不同的学习工具、学习方法、媒体素材等进行学习和提高。


  本单元是围绕这一中心话题,结合现在完成时态来开展教学活动的。我们要能运用所学知识来谈论"运动",特别是一些与生活密切相关的运动项目。本单元进一步讲述了现在完成时态以及常与之连用的一些副词,通过对话将现在完成时态与一般过去时态进行了比较,使我们搞清了两种时态的差异和所强调的语法点,以及他们所需时间状语的范围。进而使学生对现在完成时态的第一种用法,表示过去发生或已经完成的动作对现在造成的影响或结果的认识更加清晰。本单元的写作训练是an interview about Li Lida who first tried to cross the Qiongzhou Channel in June, 2000。


  1. both … and …

  2. neither … nor …

  3. not only … but also …

  4. 主句+ though + 从句

  5. one of

  6. No matter +wh-词

  7. - How long have you been here in Sydney?

  - Since last Wednesday.

  - I have been here for two weeks already.

  8. -Has anybody done sth. before?

  -We have. / Bruce has. /Nobody has. / …

  9. -Have you ever been to + 地点?

  -Yes, I have. No, I haven't. /Never. / …

  10. He has gone to + 地点

  11. -Would you like to have a try?

  -Yes, very much.


  1.What's the surfing like today? 今天冲浪怎么样?

  surf作名词,意为"拍岸之浪,拍岸浪花";作动词用,意为"冲浪,作冲浪运动"。surfing是surf的动名词形式,surfer意为"冲浪者,冲浪运动员"。surfing是一项水上运动,水上运动的项目还有water-skiing滑水,water polo水球,dive跳水,Swim游泳。

  2.Have you ever been to Hawaii? 你去过夏威夷吗?

  have been to. . .意思是"到过,去过",表示曾到过某地,但此时人已不在那儿了。而have gone to…意思是"去了某地",现在人可能在去的途中或已在那个地方了,而不在说话人处。例如:

  (1)Have you ever been to Hong Kong? 你曾经去过香港吗?

  (2)Jim has gone to England. 吉姆去英国了。

  (3)Where is Lily? Has she gone to the library? 莉莉在哪儿?她去图书馆了吗?

  3.The beaches there are better than the ones here 中的the ones如何理解和使用?


  -Have you a watch? -Yes, I have a good one.


  -Have you got any pens? -Yes, I have got many good ones.




  As we have finished the first chapter, now we'll read the second.


  (不能将 the second改为 one)

  He has two red pencils and two blue ones.




  -Have you still the radio set? -No. I have sold it.


  (这里的订是指前面的the radio set,它们是同一个无线电收音机。)

  -Is this fountain pen yours? -No, it is my sister's. Mine is the one on the table.


  (这里的one不是前面的那支fountain pen,它们不是同一支自来水钢笔。)

  -Do you want the watch? -Yes, I want it.


  (同一块表,it即:the watch)

  -What are pandas like? -I've never seen one, so I don't know what they are like.



  4.I don't know how to surf. 我不知道怎样冲浪。

  how to surf是"疑问词 + 动词不定式"作宾语。英语中,"疑问词 +动词不定式"可作一些及物动词的宾语,疑问词可以是what,which,who,whose等疑问代词,也可以是when,where,how等疑问副词。可以用此结构作宾语的动词有:know,decide,find out,tell,forget,remember,see,understand等。这类简单句往往是由(含特殊疑问句变成的宾语从句的)复合句转化改写而成。例如:

  (1)She didn't know which blouse to buy. ( =She didn't know which blouse she should buy.) 她不知道该买哪件衬衫。

  (2)I'm thinking about what to say. ( =I'm thinking about what I should say. ) 我在考虑说什么。

  5.Now it is enjoyed by people all over the world. 现在全世界的人都喜欢这项运动。

  is enjoyed是被动语态,by people all over the world 被全世界的人。这一句也可改写成: People all over the world enjoy it now.

  6.It's neither too hot nor too cold all the year round. 全年天气既不太冷也不太热。

  neither… nor… 既不……也不……,它们可以用来连接相同的两个句子成分或词类。如果连接的是主语,则谓语与第二个主语保持一致。

  例:(1) He isn't a student. I'm not a student.

  Neither he nor I am a student.

  (2) He doesn't speak French. He doesn't speak Japanese.

  He speaks neither French nor Japanese.

  Neither…nor的完全肯定形式是:both…and或not only…but also。

  但both…and如连接主语,则谓语动词用复数,not only…but also与第二个主语保持一致。

  例:He likes singing. I like singing, too.

  Both he and I like singing. ( =Not only he but also I like singing. )

  7. Li Lida, a 12-year-old schoolboy first tried to cross the Qiongzhou Channel in June, 2000.



  例如:100-metre race 一百米赛跑。

  two-month holiday两个月的假期。

  试比较:The boy is five years old.

  He s a five-year-old boy.



  例:(1)Jack was through with the English test.


  (2)The old lady crossed the street carefully and slowly.


  (3)The ship passed through the bridge.


  (4)The boy climbed over the wall to get his ball.


  (5)The blind man walked across the street slowly.


  8.His teacher, Mr Feng, spoke highly of his students 中的speak highly of ?

  这里的speak highly of是指"高度评价","赞扬"的意思。例如:

  The teachers present all spoke highly of his spirits.


  We should speak highly of his saving the girl in the cold water against the risk of his life.


  He was spoken highly of by the girl's parents.



  speak ill of 说……坏话

  speak for 充当……代言人

  speak for oneself 为自己辩护

  speak sb fair 对某人彬彬有礼说话

  to speak of 值得一提(常用于否定句中)

  9.He is not only the pride of our school but also the pride of all the people in Hainan.


  not only…but also意思是"不仅……而且",应连接相同的语法成分。当连接主语时,谓语动词采用就近原则,即随后面的主语而定。例如:

  (l)Not only you but also your father is coming. 不但你,而且你父亲也要来。(连接主语)

  (2)Jane is not only beautiful but also kind. 珍妮不但漂亮,而且人非常好。(连接表语)

  (3)He plays not only the piano but also the violin. 他不仅弹钢琴,还拉小提琴。(连接宾诺)

  (4)They not only sing but also dance. 他们不但唱还跳。(连接谓语)

  10.no matter +what/who/which/when/where /how

  无论……。No matter这个词组可以用来接两个分句,不能只用于一个分句。另外,no matter后面用的是现在时,其含义却是将来。

  No matter what you say, I won't believe you.


  No matter who telephones, say I'm out. 无论谁打电话来,都说我出去了。

  No matter when you come, you'll be more than welcome.


  No matter how hard you try, you'll never lose your English accent.


  11. none,neither

  none一般指三者或三者以上"都不",是代词all的反义词。当谈到两个人或两件事的时候,不用non,而用nether,意思是"两者都不",是代词both的反义词。none和none of作主语时,谓语动词即可以用单数形式,也可以用复数形式。当表示一个人或物"都不"时,一般用单数形式;当表示所有的人或物"都不"时,一般用复数形式。当它在非正式的文体中更常用复数形式。neither,neither of作主语时,谓语动词一般用单数形式。但如果是neither…nor…"既不……也不;两者都不"作主语时,谓语动词根据nor后面的主语而定(也称为邻近原则)。

  None of her students are/is here.她的学生中没有一个在这里。

  None of those buses go to Tianjin.


  Neither of her parents helps her. 她的父母都不帮助她。

  Neither of the two boys is right. 这两个男孩没一个对。

  Neither Tom nor I have been to New York.


  Neither you nor he has come home early. 你和他都未早回家。

  12. journey和trip的区别


  It's over 40-hour journey by train from Beijing to Yunnan.


  Have a good journey! 祝你旅途愉快!

  (2)trip严格说来指"短途旅行",目的可以是公事或娱乐。但在日常用语中也可与 journey互换。

  We're planning to make a trip to the Great Wall.





  She has come. (她来了。)

  这句话说明两点:1)她是过去某一时候来的; 2)她现在还在这里。而主要说明她还在这里了。


  She has gone. (她走了。)



  Look! The blackboard is so clean now.

  He has cleaned the blackboard. (他已经擦过黑板了。)


  He speaks French so fluently. He learned it in Paris. He was there for two years.

  He has studied French. (他学过法语。)



  He hasn't cleaned the room. Everything here is in a mess. (他没有打扫房间。)


  He has never learned English. He doesn’t know English. (他从来没有学过英语。)



  He has cleaned the room. Now room is very cleanly. (他已经打扫房间了,现在房间很干净。)

  He cleaned the room an hour ago,but it's dirty now. (他一小时前打扫过房间,可是现在房间又脏了。)



  1)The teacher has written some new words on the blackboard.

  The teacher wrote some new words on the blackboard.

  2) I’ve just washed my clothes.

  I washed my clothes before supper.

  2.英语动词的现在完成时态是由助动词have(has)+ 动词的过去分词构成的。规则动词的过去分词和它的过去式相同,即在原形后加-(-d)。可参考教参上的不规则动词的过分分词分类,以便记忆.


  can could may might must must will would shall should



  1) Have they cleaned the room?

  Yes, they've already cleaned it.

  When did they clean it?

  They cleaned it an hour ago.

  2) She has gone to London, hasn't she?

  Yes, she has.

  How did she go there?

  She went there by plane.

  3) Have you got Kate's phone call?

  Yes, I've just got it.

  What did she say?

  She wanted me to ask you to call back.






  I. What sports do you like best?

  What is the surfing like?

  Where did surfing first start?

  o Why is Waikiki one of the best beaches for surfing in Honolulu?

  o Who surfs three times a day if possible?

  o How does Jake Booth make a living in Honolulu?

  o When does he go surfing every day?



  1) Have they cleaned the room?

  Yes, they've already cleaned it.

  When did they clean it?

  They cleaned it an hour ago.

  2) She has gone to London, hasn't she?

  Yes, she has.

  How did she go there?

  She went there by plane.

  3) Have you got Kate's phone call?

  Yes, I've just got it.

  What did she say?

  She wanted me to ask you to call back.


  What's the surfing like today?

  How long have you been …?

  Have you ever been to …?

  Would you like to have a try?






  Where did surfing first start?

  Why is Waikiki one of the best beaches for surfing in Honolulu?

  What's the difference between serious surfers and the so-called "beach boys"?

  Is Jack Booth a serious surfer or a beach boy?

  How does he make a living in Honolulu?

  When does he go surfing every day?


  如:Surfing is one of the world's most popular water sports.

  Waikiki is one of the best beaches for surfing in Honolulu.

  There is a big difference between serious surfers and the so-called "beach boys"

  About the man named Jake Booth who gave up his job to surf in Hawaii and His opinions on surfing.


  1. 根据第八课的短文,组织学生用英语仿写一篇关于Li Lida游过海峡的新闻报道,全文不少于10句话。要求写清楚发生了什么事,事件的地点、时间、人物,以及相关人士的评论等。

  2. 以My Favourite…为题准备一篇英文短文,应不少于10个句子。题目范围可放宽,可以自由选择,只要有个人的喜好就可以。如My Favourite Animal/ Food/ Farm/ Life/ Color/ Sport/ Season/ Song/ film …

  3. 书面表达

  假设你刚从海南岛度假回来,享受了阳光,沙滩,冲浪,美食…… 根据本单元所学的内容,用英语写一篇大约50字左右的短文。

Sports 篇13

  unit 8 adventure lesson 30 extreme sports教案

  lesson 30 extreme sports教案(北师大必修3)

  teaching aims:

  1. to practise strategies for preparing to listen to a text.

  2. to practise expressing preferences

  3. to practise using phrasal verbs

  4. to practise using correct intonation in questions

  teaching difficulties:

  1. to practise expressing preferences

  2. to practise using phrasal verbs

  teaching aids: computer and cassette 

  teaching procedures:


  do you want to know more knowledge about extreme sports? now we’ll listen to dialogue about it. before listening we study listening strategies, which help you improve listening abilities.

  task 1 listen and check your answers for exercise 2

  t: the extreme games attract growing numbers of participants. can you name some extreme sports?(some students may not know much about extreme sports and have less knowledge to use when preparing for the listening text,


  t: who prefer extreme sports, the young or the old?


  t: if you have chance would you like to try extreme sports?  why?

  s: trying and experience extreme sports is exciting and challenging or the life is too dull.

  s: extreme sports are too dangerous, i wouldn’t try. life is valuable and only once , maybe you’ll cost your life for that.

  (students’ answers are various. it is likely that they will give more wonderful answers)

  task2 listen to two people talking about extreme sports .complete the table (to practise expressing preferences)

  task3 listen again. complete the function file with the following words (to practise and consolidate expressing preferences)


  do the exercise 6 use these words to write sentences about your preferences

   vocabulary phrasal verbs

  do the exercise7,8

   pronunciation: intonation in questions

  listen to the questions below. in which of them does the intonation go up at the end?

  after the student give the answers listen again and repeat the questions together. then ask them “do you find out the “rule” about intonation in questions?”

  guide student’s to come to the conclusion: the rising intonation is used in questions that can be answered by ‘yes/no.’. the falling intonation is used in question-word questions, i.e. beginning with ‘wh-’

   speaking and listening

  do the exercise 10 firstly in pairs, use the questionnaire to interview your partner. secondly comparing cultures listen to a person talking about sports in the usa britain and answer these questions


  exercise 7

Sports 篇14

  i.                                           analysis of the material.this lesson is the second part of the unit 8. it mainly deals with listening and speaking. the central topic in this lesson is the extreme sports, such as, bungee jumping, ice diving, sky surfing, snowrafting and snowboarding. after learning it, ss can improve their listening skills and have the chances to enhance speaking ability. it is predicted that this lesson will need two periods.ii.                                        analysis of the ssthe ss may firstly have difficulty in listening due to the absence of vocabulary. so it is necessary to learn some new and key words in advance. meanwhile, some of the ss may feel shy to speak in class. so the t should encourage them to speak out.iii.                                     teaching methods1.                   double-activity2.                   ss-central teaching method3.                   group work and individual workiv.                                      teaching objectives1. to practise strategies for preparing to listen to a text.2. to practise expressing preferences3. to practise using phrasal verbs4. to practise using correct intonation in questionsv.   teaching difficulties1.                   to practise expressing preferences2.                   to practise using phrasal verbsvi.                                                    teaching key points1. to practise strategies for preparing to listen to a text.2. to practise using correct intonation in questionsvii.  teaching aids: computer and cassette


  first period(listening)step 1. lead-in1.         t asks ss to look at the pictures of extreme sports and think of the benefits from doing extreme sports.2.         find some of these extreme sports in the photos. the key words may help you.key words: bungee jumping, ice diving, sky surfing, snowboarding, snowrafting, white-water rafting.设计意图:复习已学过的词汇,并引导学生说出做极限运动的好处,使学生关注运动。同时再学习几个新的关于极限运动的词语,达到知识的扩展。step 2. pre-listening1. t presents new vocabulary through pictures and sentences.in order to, gymnastics, similarity, upside down, risk, excitement, various.e.g. most people have to work in order to live. 为了…e.g. you have to be very loose-limbed to do gymnastics well. 体操e.g. the similarity between them has often been remarked on. 类似,相似e.g. you've got the picture upside down, you dope! 颠倒地,倒置地e.g. we must risk getting caught in a storm. risk doing sth. 冒做某事的风险e.g. we're making changes in various directions, ie of various types. 各种各样的2. t introduces the listening strategies. and prepare to answer the questions showing on the screen.l                       people do extreme sports in order to feela) excited        b) nervous      c)happyl                       extreme sports have become popular in the lasta) 5 years         b)10 years     c)20 yearsl                       people usually bungee jump froma)airplanes        b)high buildings      c) bridgesl                       in sky surfing people do mid-air a) gymnastics      b)dancing        c) swimmingl                       snowboarding has similarities witha) skiing        b) surfing      c) canoeingl                       snowrafting isa) quite dangerous     b)very dangerous     c) not very dangerousl                       for white-water rafting you need a) a big river     b) a warm river       c) a mountain riverl                       ice divers a) swim under the ice        b) walk on the bottom of lakes c) walk upside down under the ice设计意图:听前熟悉部分生词,通过句意了解词语;提前和同学一起熟悉题目,降低听力难度。step 3 listeningtask 1. listen to michelle’s talking about extreme sports. and check the eight answers above.task 2.  1.  listen two people talking about extreme sports. complete the table.sportscaroljonathanlikesdoesn’t likewould like to trywouldn’t like to try2.                    listen again. complete the function file with the following words:quite like, ‘d love, can’t stand, love, like, wouldn’t like, ‘d quite like, prefer, hate, ‘d preferpreferences+ing/noun                                   +to+infinitive1. i _bungee jumping                      2. i _to try sky surfing.4. i_doing boring sports                    3. i_ to do snowrafting.6. i_ winter sports.                        5. i_to stay at home.7. i_going skiing.                         10. i_ to go ice diving.8. i_snowboarding.9. i_ slow sports.notes: ▲ can’t stand doing sth. 无法忍受做某事▲                         would love/like/prefer +to+infinitive▲                         like/love/hate +noun/ving/to do▲                         prefer +to do/noun设计意图:训练同学听文章主旨大意获取主要信息的能力和听去细节信息的能力,进一步强化词汇。在听力过程中学习和巩固一些句型结构step 4 post-listeningt shows some pictures about sports. encurage the ss to write sentences about their preferences. try to use the sentences structures above.examplesi love skiing. (you have been skiing.)i’d like to try skiing. (you have never been skiing.)设计意图:运用本课所学词汇,表达法和已提取的信息进行输出,鼓励学生表达自己的想法。板书设计1. vocabulary:  in order to, similarity, upside down, risk doing sth., various2. preferences:  can’t stand doing sth. 无法忍受做某事would love/like/prefer +to+infinitivelike/love/hate +noun/ving/to doprefer +to do/noun


  second period(speaking)step 1. reviewlet the whole class work together to review some of the extreme sports. then ask some ss to remenber the words learnt in the last class.设计意图:帮助学生回顾已学词汇。step 2. vocabulary: phrasal verbs1. replace the verbs in italics with these words in their correct form. check your answers in a dictionary.①take up = start doing 着手处理,开始(从事)e.g. when did you take up basketball?②be into = be really interested 给迷住,对…深感兴趣③turn up = arrive 出现,发生e.g.something unexpexted has turned up.④back out = not do it 不遵守(诺言等)e.g.she backed out of her engagement.⑤go through with = do it as planned完成,把…进行到底e.g. he is determined to go through with the undertaking.⑥put on = wear 穿上 e.g. why on earth did you put on that outfit?⑦set up = organise准备; 安排e.g.all the arrangements have been set up for the newspapermen to meet the queen.⑧get across = explain(使)被理解; (使)被接受e.g. how can we get this across to the students?2. complete some sentences with the phrasal verbs above.1) ann waited for tom for ages but he didn’t_.2) what kind of music _ you _ ?3) a friend of mine _ just _ jogging in order to get fit.4) why don’t we _ our computer in the study?5) they were going to have a party last saturday but _ at the last minute.keys: turn up; are into; has taken up; set up; backed out.设计意图:举例和练习巩固使学生理解短语意思。在语境中学习词汇。step 3. pronunciation: intonation in questions1. listen to the questions below. in which of them does the intonation go up at the end?sports questionnaire:1)                  what sports do you like doing?2)                  do you like watching sports on tv?3)                  have you ever turned up for a match?4)                  if your school asked you to be in a team,would you try to back out?5)                  do you think you’ll ever take up a dangerous sports?6)                  what extreme sports would you to try?7)                  have ever watched extreme sports on tv?2. listen again. repeat the questions and translate them into chinese.设计意图:训练语音语调,一般疑问句用升调,特殊疑问句用降调。为接下来的说做准备。step 4. speaking in pairs, use the questionnaire to interview your partner.example:a: what sports doyou like doing?b: i’m really into ice skating.is your partner:a)                                                                               very/quite/not very keen on sports?b)                                                                              very/quite/not very interested in extreme sports?设计意图:巩固所学动词短语和语音语调,达到语言输出。step 5. assignment 1. review the phrasal verbs.2. preview the next lesson.blackboard design:phrasal verbs:①take up 着手处理,开始(从事)②be into 给迷住,对…深感兴趣③turn up 出现,发生④back out 不遵守(诺言等)⑤go through with完成,把…进行到底⑥put on 穿上⑦set up准备; 安排⑧get across(使)被理解; (使)被接受

Sports 篇15

  unit 2 water sports教案



  2.掌握本单元的有关"water sports"的单词和短语,能听、说、读部分地名,重点掌握 no mater,both…and…,all over等短语或习惯用语的用法。



  5.运用本单元所学知识来描述某一运动。如:the olympic games或surfing或diving等。


  1. 进一步学习现在完成时,灵活运用already, just, ever, never等词语。

  2. 引导学生对水上运动和其他运动进行描述,达到阐述自已喜好的目标。

  3. 在学习过程中,让学生了解体育运动对每个人的生活和工作的重要性。

  4. 通过各种教学手段,如声音、图片、动画、电视、网络等,让学生在了解有关体育知识的基础上,自觉参与各项体育运动,培养积极向上的生活情趣。

  5. 引导学生尝试运用不同的学习工具、学习方法、媒体素材等进行学习和提高。



  1. both … and …

  2. neither … nor …

  3. not only … but also …

  4. 主句+ though + 从句

  5. one of

  6. no matter +wh-词

  7. - how long have you been here in sydney?

  - since last wednesday.

  - i have been here for two weeks already.

  8. -has anybody done sth. before?

  -we have. / bruce has. /nobody has. / …

  9. -have you ever been to + 地点?

  -yes, i have. no, i haven't. /never. / …

  10. he has gone to + 地点

  11. -would you like to have a try?

  -yes, very much.


  1.what's the surfing like today? 今天冲浪怎么样?

  surf作名词,意为"拍岸之浪,拍岸浪花";作动词用,意为"冲浪,作冲浪运动"。surfing是surf的动名词形式,surfer意为"冲浪者,冲浪运动员"。surfing是一项水上运动,水上运动的项目还有water-skiing滑水,water polo水球,dive跳水,swim游泳。

  2.have you ever been to hawaii? 你去过夏威夷吗?

  have been to. . .意思是"到过,去过",表示曾到过某地,但此时人已不在那儿了。而have gone to…意思是"去了某地",现在人可能在去的途中或已在那个地方了,而不在说话人处。例如:

  (1)have you ever been to hong kong? 你曾经去过香港吗?

  (2)jim has gone to england. 吉姆去英国了。

  (3)where is lily? has she gone to the library? 莉莉在哪儿?她去图书馆了吗?

  3.the beaches there are better than the ones here 中的the ones如何理解和使用?


  -have you a watch? -yes, i have a good one.


  -have you got any pens? -yes, i have got many good ones.




  as we have finished the first chapter, now we'll read the second.


  (不能将 the second改为 one)

  he has two red pencils and two blue ones.




  -have you still the radio set? -no. i have sold it.


  (这里的订是指前面的the radio set,它们是同一个无线电收音机。)

  -is this fountain pen yours? -no, it is my sister's. mine is the one on the table.


  (这里的one不是前面的那支fountain pen,它们不是同一支自来水钢笔。)

  -do you want the watch? -yes, i want it.


  (同一块表,it即:the watch)

  -what are pandas like? -i've never seen one, so i don't know what they are like.



  4.i don't know how to surf. 我不知道怎样冲浪。

  how to surf是"疑问词 + 动词不定式"作宾语。英语中,"疑问词 +动词不定式"可作一些及物动词的宾语,疑问词可以是what,which,who,whose等疑问代词,也可以是when,where,how等疑问副词。可以用此结构作宾语的动词有:know,decide,find out,tell,forget,remember,see,understand等。这类简单句往往是由(含特殊疑问句变成的宾语从句的)复合句转化改写而成。例如:

  (1)she didn't know which blouse to buy. ( = she didn't know which blouse she should buy.) 她不知道该买哪件衬衫。

  (2)i'm thinking about what to say. ( = i'm thinking about what i should say. ) 我在考虑说什么。

  5.now it is enjoyed by people all over the world. 现在全世界的人都喜欢这项运动。

  is enjoyed是被动语态,by people all over the world 被全世界的人。这一句也可改写成: people all over the world enjoy it now.

  6.it's neither too hot nor too cold all the year round. 全年天气既不太冷也不太热。

  neither… nor… 既不……也不……,它们可以用来连接相同的两个句子成分或词类。如果连接的是主语,则谓语与第二个主语保持一致。

  例:(1) he isn't a student. i'm not a student.

  neither he nor i am a student.

  (2) he doesn't speak french. he doesn't speak japanese.

  he speaks neither french nor japanese.

  neither…nor的完全肯定形式是:both…and或not only…but also。

  但both…and如连接主语,则谓语动词用复数,not only…but also与第二个主语保持一致。

  例:he likes singing. i like singing, too.

  both he and i like singing. ( = not only he but also i like singing. )

  7. li lida, a 12-year-old schoolboy first tried to cross the qiongzhou channel in june, .



  例如:100-metre race 一百米赛跑。

  two-month holiday两个月的假期。

  试比较:the boy is five years old.

  he s a five-year-old boy.



  例:(1)jack was through with the english test.


  (2)the old lady crossed the street carefully and slowly.


  (3)the ship passed through the bridge.


  (4)the boy climbed over the wall to get his ball.


  (5)the blind man walked across the street slowly.


  8.his teacher, mr. feng, spoke highly of his students 中的speak highly of ?

  这里的speak highly of是指"高度评价","赞扬"的意思。例如:

  the teachers present all spoke highly of his spirits.


  we should speak highly of his saving the girl in the cold water against the risk of his life.


  he was spoken highly of by the girl's parents.



  speak ill of 说……坏话

  speak for 充当……代言人

  speak for oneself 为自己辩护

  speak sb fair 对某人彬彬有礼说话

  to speak of 值得一提(常用于否定句中)

  9.he is not only the pride of our school but also the pride of all the people in hainan.


  not only…but also意思是"不仅……而且",应连接相同的语法成分。当连接主语时,谓语动词采用就近原则,即随后面的主语而定。例如:

  (l)not only you but also your father is coming. 不但你,而且你父亲也要来。(连接主语)

  (2)jane is not only beautiful but also kind. 珍妮不但漂亮,而且人非常好。(连接表语)

  (3)he plays not only the piano but also the violin. 他不仅弹钢琴,还拉小提琴。(连接宾诺)

  (4)they not only sing but also dance. 他们不但唱还跳。(连接谓语)

  10.no matter +what/who/which/when/where /how

  无论……。no matter这个词组可以用来接两个分句,不能只用于一个分句。另外,no matter后面用的是现在时,其含义却是将来。

  no matter what you say, i won't believe you.


  no matter who telephones, say i'm out. 无论谁打电话来,都说我出去了。

  no matter when you come, you'll be more than welcome.


  no matter how hard you try, you'll never lose your english accent.


  11. none,neither

  none一般指三者或三者以上"都不",是代词all的反义词。当谈到两个人或两件事的时候,不用non,而用nether,意思是"两者都不",是代词both的反义词。none和none of作主语时,谓语动词即可以用单数形式,也可以用复数形式。当表示一个人或物"都不"时,一般用单数形式;当表示所有的人或物"都不"时,一般用复数形式。当它在非正式的文体中更常用复数形式。neither,neither of作主语时,谓语动词一般用单数形式。但如果是neither…nor…"既不……也不;两者都不"作主语时,谓语动词根据nor后面的主语而定(也称为邻近原则)。

  none of her students are/is here.她的学生中没有一个在这里。

  none of those buses go to tianjin.


  neither of her parents helps her. 她的父母都不帮助她。

  neither of the two boys is right. 这两个男孩没一个对。

  neither tom nor i have been to new york.


  neither you nor he has come home early. 你和他都未早回家。

  12. journey和trip的区别


  it's over 40-hour journey by train from beijing to yunnan.


  have a good journey! 祝你旅途愉快!

  (2)trip严格说来指"短途旅行",目的可以是公事或娱乐。但在日常用语中也可与 journey互换。

  we're planning to make a trip to the great wall.





  she has come. (她来了。)

  这句话说明两点:1)她是过去某一时候来的; 2)她现在还在这里。而主要说明她还在这里了。


  she has gone. (她走了。)


  look! the blackboard is so clean now.

  he has cleaned the blackboard. (他已经擦过黑板了。)


  he speaks french so fluently. he learned it in paris. he was there for two years.

  he has studied french. (他学过法语。)



  he hasn't cleaned the room. everything here is in a mess. (他没有打扫房间。)


  he has never learned english. he doesn’t know english. (他从来没有学过英语。)



  he has cleaned the room. now room is very cleanly. (他已经打扫房间了,现在房间很干净。)

  he cleaned the room an hour ago,but it's dirty now. (他一小时前打扫过房间,可是现在房间又脏了。)


  2.英语动词的现在完成时态是由助动词have(has)+ 动词的过去分词构成的。规则动词的过去分词和它的过去式相同,即在原形后加-(-d)。可参考教参上的不规则动词的过分分词分类,以便记忆.


  can could may might must must will would shall should



  1. 根据第八课的短文,组织学生用英语仿写一篇关于li lida游过海峡的新闻报道,全文不少于10句话。要求写清楚发生了什么事,事件的地点、时间、人物,以及相关人士的评论等。

  2. 以my favourite…为题准备一篇英文短文,应不少于10个句子。题目范围可放宽,可以自由选择,只要有个人的喜好就可以。如my favourite animal/ food/ farm/ life/ color/ sport/ season/ song/ film …

  3. 书面表达

  假设你刚从海南岛度假回来,享受了阳光,沙滩,冲浪,美食…… 根据本单元所学的内容,用英语写一篇大约50字左右的短文。


  1. it was dark, but they went on ______. they never work so late, though they worked late last night. now they are not working, they are having a rest.

  a. work b. to work c. worked d. working

  分析与解答:go on doing sth.意为"继续做某事",go on to do sth.意为"接着做另外一件事"。根据题意,本题答案为d。例如:he didn't have a rest but went on running. 他没有休息而是继续跑了。

  2. - who jumps _____in your class?

  - li ming. he cleared the 1.6 meter ban last week.

  a. high b. highest c. the most highly d. tallest

  分析与解答 high表示"高的,高地",既可以作形容词又可以作副词。highly adv. 表示:"高度的,高尚的"等, think highly of somebody 意思是器重某人,speak highly of somebody意思是"称赞某人"。在这里表示跳得高,只要用 high就可以,又根据in the class所以用最高级,选b。tall主要用来表示形容人或物的高低。

  3. 根据句意选择合适的词语填空。

  1). the important thing is to be good at ______.

  we must ______ this problem carefully, (study, learn)

  2). when you _______a street, you must walk _______it quickly and not run.     (cross, across)

  3). during this holiday, i'm going to make a long _______ with my family.     (journey, trip)

  4). my son is my ________. he can speak english very well.

  i'm ______of knowing the football star. (pride, proud)

  5). the children have ______made a snowman. they are singing and dancing around it.

  the children made a snowman ______. (just, just now)

  6). ______ tom ______ i are happy to be your students.

  ______ tom ______ i am good at painting. (both…and…, neither…nor…)


  1).learning 此句意思是:重要的事情是要学会学习。)study(我们必须认真研究这个问题。研究用study。)

  2).cross, across(第一个空需要一个动词,而第二个空由于前面有动词walk所以需要一个介词。)


  4).pride(意思是我的儿子是我的骄傲。用名词。)proud(我以认识那位球星为荣。用be proud of句型。)

  5).just(第一句是现在完成时的句子,所以用just表示刚堆完雪人,不强调具体什么时间堆,而主要强调雪人堆完后现在孩子们的心情。)just now(第二句动词用过去时,强调过去的具体某个时间做的这件事。译文是:孩子们刚才堆的雪人。)


Sports 篇16




  New words and phrases: hold a sports meeting, race, 100-metre race, win, high jump, long jump, neck, active, take a active part in, relay, starting line/ finishing line, runner, as…as, a moment later, go on doing(sth), fall behind, winner, loud, loudly, lap, pass on, stick, catch up with, neck and neck, well done, congratulation, not as/ so as, rather, loudspeaker, result, dance, headteacher, take turns, do one’s best, hooray.  


  Bad luck.

  Come on.

  well done !

  Congratulations(to …)



  规则形式:fast faster fastest

  不规则形式:well better best , badly worse worst, far farther/further farthest/ furthest

  Wu Peng ran as fast as Lin Tao.

  She didn’t run as / so fast as Lily.













  本单元围绕学校开运动会,教授了hold, win, pass, shout, loud等二十多个生词和一些短语、习惯用语及固定搭配,如:go on doing sth., stop to do sth., get ready to do sth. 等,学习了enough在句中的位置和作用,还有一些表示祝贺的日常用语。在教学对话、课文的同时,复习了一般过去时态。本单元重点讲授副词的比较级、最高级的构成和用法。其实我们在第二册书中已学过形容词比较级、最高级的构成、用法。副词和形容词一样有三个级,构成及用法相同,只是副词最高级前一般不用定冠词。本课通过运动会的跑、跳,生动、形象地列举了副词比较级、最高级在句中的作用,教会了很多有关体育方面的用语,同时复习了很多过去学过的词语和固定搭配。


  教师可以利用图片等直观教具展示给学生,在学生脑海中,确立鲜明的形象,加深记忆。有关图片可以参照课文36页,或利用学生用书彩色插页上的插图,问题如下: What is the boy doing? What are the girls doing? What is the girl doing? 然后教师可以将几张图片都展示在黑板上:Why so many people are on the playground? 引导学生将出:They are having a sports meeting.自然引出新课。



  (1)教师可以叫三两个学生到黑板前面来,让他们站成一行.然后,提问:Who is taller? Who is the tallest? Who is short? Who is the shortest? Can you tell me who runs faster? Who runs fastest? 等学生回答完后,教师可以在教室前面划一条线,告诉学生这是staring line.叫另一名同学当发令员,教会他发令的表达法,指挥两个学生从教室前跑到教室后面,然后提问; Who runs slowly? Who runs more slowly? Who runs most slowly? Can you tell me who runs faster? Who runs fastest? Who won? 教师还可以根据具体的情景指导学生就as…as/ not so as…as.句型进行练习。

  (2)教师还可以叫学生进行立定跳远比赛,教师设计问题如下:Who jumps high? Who did well? Who did worse? Who did worst of all? Who jumps highest of all?  此部分练习可以在讲87课时运用。

  (3)教师准备一个拉力器几个学生前来,比较谁的力气大谁拉的长。问题设计如下: Who is stronger? Who is the strongest? Who is taller? Whose chest-developer is longer? Whose chest-developer is the longest? Who is powerful? Who is the most powerful man? Is Xiao Ming as powerful as Tom?




  At starting line: Hu shouted: “Ready? Go!” Runners started to run.

  On the first lap: Li Lei ran faster.

  On the second lap: Yu Yan began to catch up with Jim. They were neck and neck.

  On the third lap: The Class 3 and Class 1 runners were still neck and neck. The Class2 dropped the stick. Class 4 fell and hurt.

  On the fourth lap: Wu Peng in the front dropped his stick and fell behind. Lin Tao ran past him.




  hold shout still race hurt drop stick rather

  cold about till face nurse top ticket father


  bad→badly loud→loudly

  run→runner win→winner



  形容词兼副词 fast high long far

  动词兼名词 jump race

  介词兼副词 behind


  play + ground → playground loud + speaker → loudspeaker

  5.同类词 可用图表示人体各部分的名称

  eye hair arm nose mouth neck body hand leg foot



  A: Congratulations.

  B: Thank you.

  A: Can you tell me your name?

  B: My name is Zhao Fang.

  A: Which class are you in?

  B: I am in Class 3 Grade 2.

  A: How did you win the game?

  B: I didn’t play well at first. But the rival made a big mistake. I am lucky.



  2.本单元应着重练习形容词、副词的比较等级和有关祝贺(Good wishes and Congratulations)的日常交际用语。形容词和副词的比较等级在日常生活中运用比较多,务必要熟练掌握。




  The 100meter-race

  The high jumps

  Julia Read



  Linda White



  Sally Brown




  The 800meter- race

  The long jump

  Simon Hill

  3’ 30


  John smith

  3’ 24


  Ben little

  3’ 20



  The 1,500meter-race

  The shotput

  Jim green

  8’ 40


  Oliver tour

  9’ 14


  Carol Jones

  9’ 14


  教师可以先让学生阅读本表,然后用形容词和副词的比较级或者as/ so …as的句型造句。不得少于6句。




  She is holding up an umbrella. 她正打着伞。

  He held me by the sleeve. 他抓着我的袖子。

  Hold the line.稍候[别挂断]。(打电话用语)


  The hall can hold 1000 people.这个大厅能容纳1000人。


  I held the job for two years. 这工作我干了两年。


  They held many get- togethers with the foreign friends. 他们和和外国朋友举行了多次联欢。


  a. hold back“阻碍、阻止”,如:

  No one can hold back the wheel of history. 谁也不能阻止历史车轮前进。

  b. hold on意为“等待、停止、不要挂断电话”。如:

  Hold on a moment till I put my coat on.等一下,让我穿上外衣。

  c. hold one’s head high意为“昂首挺胸”。如:

  They held their heads high when they walked into the meeting hall.他们昂首挺胸地走进了会场。

  d. hold up意为“举起,抬起,耽搁”。如:

  Women can hold up half the sky. 妇女能顶半边天。

  The storm held us up. 暴雨把我们耽搁了。

  Lesson 85多媒体教学设计方案

  Teaching Procedures:

  Step 1 Revision

  Revise the comparative and superlative forms of adjectives and adverbs.



  Jim is young.

  Lucy is younger than Jim.

  Kate is the youngest.

  The bike is going fast. 

  The tractor is going faster. 

  The taxi is going the fastest.

  (学生活动)让学生看图片用比较级表达图片中的人物,然后让学生总结出the comparative form:Regular forms and Irregular forms

  Step 2 Presentation


  设问导入  本课关于运动会的教学

  1. Does your school hold a sports meeting every year?

  2. Do you take part in it? Which sport can you do well in?

  3. How many sports are there at the sports meeting?


  hold a sports meeting, the 100-metre race, the high jump, the long jump, the relay race

  Step 3 Read and learn

  (录像演示)演示the 100-metre race的情景,回答:Who was first/second/third in the 100-metre race?

  (录像演示)演示the high jump的情景,回答:Who won the high jump?

  (录像演示)演示the long jump的情景,回答:Who was first/second/third in the long jump?


  Step 4 Practise



  The gilrs’ 100-metre race

  Han Meimei




  Wu Dong



  The boys' high jump

  Lin Tao

  1.59 m



  Zhang Jun


  Step 5 Read and act

  (录像演示)演示对话的情景,学生了解对话内容,教学新单词neck,解释句子:Which sport are you in today?

  It means Which sport are you taking part in today?。

  Step 6 Exercises


  Last week No. 14 Middle School _________ (hold) a sports meeting on the playground. Lily _________(run) fastest of all in the 100-metre race. Zhang Jun _________(do) best of all in the high jump and Liu Mei _________ (jump) farthest of all in the long jump. Ling Li ________ (fall) and ________(hurt)his neck, so he _________(do)take part in any sport. Now he ________(be) much better.

  Keys: held, ran, did Jumped, fell, hurt, didn’t, is


  best, far, fall, which, better, jump, hold a sports meeting

  1. Zhang Liang ________highest of all.

  2. They ________on the playground this year.

  3. Who jumps ________than Mark?

  4. Zhang Jun did ________of all.

  5. Who _______and hurt his leg yesterday?

  6. ________sports is he in today?

  7. Who is ________than Lin Feng?

  Keys: 1.jumped  2.will hold a sports meeting  3.farther/further  4.best  5.fell  6.Which  7.better

  Step 7 Homework

  1. Finish exercises on page 103.

  2. Rewrite the passage.

  3. Finish off the workbook exercises.



