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Traffic Jam(精选6篇)

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Traffic Jam(精选6篇)

Traffic Jam 篇1

  module 2   traffic jam

  learning paper   4  exercise

  i. words

  1. have you ever been s________ in a traffic jam?

  2. public transport p________ a cheap way to get around in beijing.

  3. in a m_______ you always get a seat even in rush hours.

  4. it’s the first time the painting has been d________ in public.

  5. his collection of paintings is most i__________.

  6. we must arrange a c___________ time and place for the meeting.

  7. this dictionary is ____________(值得) buying.

  8. trolleybus is ____________(与……相连) electric wires.

  9. tokyo was our final ________________(目的地)

  10. you can’t enter a military base without a ____________(通行证) 

  ii. the best choice

  1. mary, ______ here--- everybody else, stay where you are.

  a. come   b. comes   c. to come   d. coming

  2. stand over there, _______ you’ll be able to see it better.

  a. or      b. while       c. but       d. and

  3. start out right away, ________ you’ll miss the first train.

  a. and      b. but     c. or       d. while

  4. must i be here before 8:00?


  a. no, you needn’t     b. no, you mustn’t   

  c. yes, you need       d. yes, you ought

  5. i didn’t laugh at all during the whole day---- i just wasn’t in the ________.

  a. pleasure     b. joy    c. love    d. mood

  6. he _______ the list of name only to see that no one had been left out.

  a. checked    b. examined      c. tested     d. observed

  7. i’ve been asked to ________ my speech to fifteen minutes.

  a. make     b. give     c. explain       d. limit

  8. the government will not permit you ______ here.

  a. building    b. built     c. to build      d. are building

  9. don’t smoke in the meeting room,__________ you?

  a. do       b. can       c. will       d. could

  10. it’s better ______ weight when you are young.

  a. lose      b. to lose     c. losing     d. lost

  11. you will need a parking _______ if you want to park in this street.

  a. passport       b. permit      c. pass     d. promise

  12. they have a lot __________ and so become good friends.

  a. in case          b. in common    

  c. in surprise        d. out of the common

  13. if you want to _______ the narrow alleys of old beijing, you’d better use the pedicab.

  a. express      b. explore       c. exchange    d. explode

  14. how much is the t-shirt ______?      -- 65 dollars.

  a. worth       b. cost        c. worthy     d. paid

  15. it’s no use _________ with him.

  a. argued    b. to argue    c. argue     d. arguing

  . reading comprehension.

  the volcano is one of the most surprising frightening forces of nature. maybe you have seen pictures of these “fireworks” of nature. sometimes when a volcano erupts, a very large wall of melted rock moves down the side of a mountain. it looks like a “river of tire.” sometimes volcanoes explode, throwing the melted rock and ashes(灰)high into the air. but where does this melted rock come from?

  the earth is made up of many layers(层). the top layer that we see is called the crust. under the crust are many layers of hard rock. but far, far beneath the crust whose rock is so hot, that it is soft. in some places it even melts. the melted rock is called magma. sometimes the magma breaks out to the surface through cracks(爆裂声)in the crust. these cracks are volcanoes.

  most people think of mountains when they think of volcanoes. but not every mountain is a volcano. a volcano is simply the opening in the earth from which the magma escapes. the hot magma, or lava as it is called, cools and builds up on the surface of the earth. over thousands of years, this pile of cooled lava can grow to be very, very big. for example, the highest mountain in africa, kilimanjaro, is a volcano. it towers more than 16,000 feet above the ground around it.

  1.the underlined word “erupts” means .

  a. moves down        b. breaks away

  c. builds up           d. suddenly throws out lava

  2.which words in the passage have the same meaning as “melted rock”?

  a. “volcano” and “explode”.    b. “crust” and “hard rock”

  c. “magma” and “lava”         d. “volcano” and “magma”

  3.which is the correct order of the layers of the earth(beginning with the top layer)?

  a. crust-hard rock-magma-soft rock

  b. crust-hard rock- soft rock-magma

  c. magma-soft rock- hard rock-crust

  d. volcano-cracks-magma-crust

  4.the best title(标题) of the passage should be _____.

  a. the volcano              b. kilimanjaro volcano

  c. the mountains             d. the melted rock

  key: dcba

Traffic Jam 篇2

  module 2 traffic jam 例题解析

  例1―alice,you feed the bird today,_____?

  ―but i fed it yesterday.

  a.do you     b.will you     c.didn’t you    d.don’t you


  此题考查祈使句的反意疑问句的用法。祈使句有时为了加强语气,指明向谁提出请求或命令,以引起听话者的注意,也可说出主语。题干中的you feed the bird today就是这种含有主语的祈使句。当陈述部分是祈使句时,反意问句可用will you/won’t you/would you/can you/can’t you,故选择b项。



  例2______down the radio―the baby’s asleep in the next room.

  a.turning         b.turned          c.turn         d.to turn




  读懂全句意思是做题的第一步,同学们平时做题时一定要看清整个句子的含义,不要太心急,有些同学不等看完题干就动手选答案,这样做很容易只见树木不见森林,错误地理解句意。例3―susan,go and join your sister cleaning the yard.

  ―why______?john is sitting there doing nothing.

  a.him          b.he        c.i        d.me


  在祈使句中有时为了指明向谁提出的请求或命令,也可以在前加称呼语。理解这一点是做此题的关键,另外根据下文信息“john is sitting there doing nothing”可以看出,d项符合此语境,其中why me?=why do you ask me to do that?


  读懂全句的意思很重要,尤其要注意两句话之间的连接词和省略句中的省略部分。如此题中补充完整后的句子是:why do you ask me to do that?我们在解带有省略的句子时,一定要记住将省略的部分补充完整,这有利于对句子结构的分析,从而找到做题的突破口。

  例4(nmet )―i think you should phone jenny and say sorry to her.

  ―____.it was her fault.

  a.no way                     b.not possible

  c.no chance                   d.not at all


  本题考查交际用语的使用情况。对话中一个人向另一个人提出建议,根据下文所提供的信息“it was her fault”可以断定第二个人表示断然拒绝此建议。a项no way意为“不行、决不,没门儿”,符合语境。


  做交际用语这一类题,一定要排除母语对我们的干扰,不要将汉语的习惯表达直接翻译成英语,而英语中的习惯表达有时也不能按单词意思去理解,如it’s up to you.(由你决定。)take your time.(慢慢来/别着急。)be my guest.(请便、别客气。)far from it.(一点也不。)等等,平时要注意积累正确的英语表达方式。

  例5(nmet )―sorry,joe,i didn’t mean to....

  ―don’t call me joe.i am mr.baker to you.and _____you forget it!

  a.do       b.didn’t          c.don’t            d.did


  don’t you forget it是祈使句。有时为了表明向谁提出请求和命令,或为了加强语气,祈使句中也可说出主语。在否定结构中don’t 放在you 之前,答案为c。







  we interrupt this programme to bring you a special news bulletin.this afternoon,a school bus that left central junior high school at 3 p.m.was struck by a tractor-trailer truck that crashed headlong into the rear of the bus.the student getting off the bus plus 10 other children were badly injured.the truck driver also was hurt when the truck overturned into a ditch.authorities say that there is no indication that the truck driver or the bus driver had been drinking,nor can poor weather conditions be used to explain the accident.we return you to the mid-afternoon music show.a complete report will follow the five o’clock news.

  1)this special news interrupted_______________________ .(which programme)

  2)the accident happened________________________ .(what time)

  3)(how many)______________________ people were hurt in this accident.

  4)if you want to get further information about this matter,you can return to____________ .(which programme)

  参考答案:1)the mid-afternoon music show

  2)shortly after 3 p.m.


  4)the programme of the five o’clock news


  第一小题,文章第一句中提到“we interrupt this programme”,文章倒数第二行中提到“we return you to the midafternoon music show”,从这两句可以看出this programme指的是the midafternoon music show;第二小题,从文章第二句中得知车下午3点从学校开出来,然后出事了,可以推出出事的时间是下午3点以后;第三小题,从文章第三、四句可知一个正下车的学生、其他十个孩子还有卡车司机都受了伤,共12个人;第四小题,从文章最后一句“a complete report will follow the five o’clock news”可以看出5点新闻后会播出有关事故的详细报道。











Traffic Jam 篇3

  book 2   module 2  traffic  jam

  learning paper 1   words and phrases

  learning aim: to master the new words and phrases.

  importance and difficulty: memory of the words and phrases.

  i. words

  1. 郊区的,市郊的 ____________  (反义词)____________

  2. 展示,陈列 _______________ be on display ____________

  3. permit (n.)__________ permit (v.)___________

  permit doing sth. _______________ permit sb. to do sth.____________

  4. air-conditioned ____________________


  5.limit(v)_________limit(n) _________  (adj)_________________

  be limited to _______________ within limits ________________

  without limit___________

  6. impressive__________ (反义词)____________

  (v)___________ (n) ________________

  7. provide ______________

  为某人提供某物 1) provide ____ for _______

  2) provide _____ with _______

  provide for sb. 供应某人所需

  provide for sth. 为某事做好准备

  8.convenient _______ (n) _____________反义词 _____________

  be convenient to sb. __________________________

  it’s convenient to do sth. ___________________________

  9. return (n) _______________ return (v) _______________



  10. 探索  v. _____________ n. ____________________

  探索者 n. _____________________

  11. 反应  v._________________ n. __________________

  react to ____________________

  react with__________________________

  react on ___________________________

  react against_____________________________

  12. solution _________________  (v.) solve________________

  ii. phrases.

  1. be connected to __________________

  be connected with __________________________

  2. 被困在 ______________________________

  3. 马上, 一会儿____________________________

  4. get around _____________  

  5. under construction_________ under discussion______________

  under consideration_______________ under repair_____________

  6. switch on _____________ 关上,断开_______________

  7. 保持冷静_______________

  8. no way _____________________

  9. rush hour ____________________

  10. have a (good) view of_____________________

  11. be worth doing sth._____________________=be worthy of sth./being done/to be done


  iii. the best choice

  1. it’s the first time the painting _______to the public.

  a. has been displayed      b. has displayed

  c. displayed              d. is displaying

  2. the government will not permit you ______ here.

  a. building       b. built    c. to build   d. are building

  3. they worked hard to _____ their large family.

  a. provide with        b. provide for   

  c. provide against      d. provide that

  4. if it is quite ______ to you, i’ll visit you next tuesday.

  a. convenient    b. fair    c. easy   d. comfortable

  5. how did he react ______ you when you told him you were leaving him?

  a. against     b. on    c. to     d. with

  6. i’m all right . i’d like a cup of tea, though.

  -it’s all ready. and i’ll get you something to eat________.

  a. in no time    b. at times    c. at one time   d. for a time

  7. the teaching of history should not be limited _____ dates and figures.

  a. of     b. to    c. on      d. with

  8. how about putting some pictures into the report?

  - _______. a picture is worth a thousand words.

  a. no way     b. why not    c. all right    d. no matter

  9. the road is still ______ repair and we’d better turn back and find another way out.

  a. above     b. at    c. under    d. for

  10. what do you think of the speech?

  - the speaker said almost nothing worth ___________.

  a. to be listened        b. listening  

  c. of being listened      d. listening to



  she________________________ the smiths.


  they ____________________________________ for three hours.


  the train comes_______________.


  i dream of ________________ the world.


  the car is still _____________________.


  his works ___________________ in the art gallery.


  come to see me if it ________________you.


  the teacher won’t ________________be absent or late.

Traffic Jam 篇4

  module 2 traffic jam

  learning paper 3 extensive reading

  learning aim: to practice learning skills and revise words and expressions in this module

  learning methods: group work, discussing, etc.

  activity 1: read the passage on page 19 and try to answer the following questions.

  1. which city is the usa’s most congested city?

  2. why did the government in london decide to do something about the traffic jam?

  3. what is a congestion charge?

  4. does the congestion charge work? how do we know?

  5. do you agree with the idea of the congestion charge? why?

  activity 2: read the passage on page 75 and try to answer the following questions.

  1. why shouldn’t we carry heavy bags when we are traveling?

  2. if you want to sleep, what should you do with your suitcase?

  3. why do many foreigners pay the taxi too much money?

  4. why do travelers wear dark clothes?

  5. what attitudes should you have to the locals?

  6. when you cross the street, it’s a good idea to walk with other people, why?

  7. why should you carry a spare bag?

  8. which tips do you think are useful for you when you want to travel abroad? why?

  activity 3:

  阅读下面短文,并根据短文后的要求 回答问题 (请注意问题后的字数要求) 。

  shanghai’s primary and secondary schools began to reduce class hours and introduce more exercise when the new semester started on monday, hoping that students will get more sleep and improve their health. 

  some schools in shanghai’s hongkou district axed a morning study session and advanced the time students are expected to arrive at school from 7:30 to 8:00. morning classes will begin at 8:20, 10 minutes later than last semester. 

  in the luwan district first central primary school, students are required  __________________  8:30 and do at least 15 minutes of exercise before classes begin at 8:45. 

  “morning exercises are vital because it gives students a boost for the whole day,” said wu rongjin, a teacher from the school. 

  chinese schools are famous for their intense and long days which have led to a decline in the health of young students.

  a study completed by china youth and children research center in , showed more than two thirds of the primary and secondary schools students were not getting enough sleep and 20 percent of them slept poorly.  the survey contacted 2,500 students in six major cities including beijing and shanghai. 

  in shanghai, the rate of obesity among students is higher than the national average and the city has the highest percentage of students with bad eyesight, according to a recent shanghai education commission report. 

  this year the commission is requiring all primary and secondary schools to ensure students have at least an hour of sports a day.

  76.what is the best title of the passage?(please answer within 10 words.)


  77. which sentence in the passage can be replaced by the following one?

  the health condition of many students in chinese schools is getting worse as a result of long hours of hard work.


  78. please fill in the blank in the third paragraph with proper word or phrases to complete the sentence. (please answer within 10 words.)


  79. do you think reducing school hours is a good solution to the health problem of students? why or why not? (please answer within 30 words.)



  80. translate the underlined sentence in the first paragraph in chinese.














Traffic Jam 篇5

  高一外研必修四第二模块讲义module 2 traffic jam

  will smiles

  word study

  1. display

  (1)vt. 展示;陈列;显示

  e.g. we will display our new products in this hall. 我们将在这个大厅展示新产品。

  it’s the first time the painting has been displayed to the public. 这是该画首次公开展出。

  the boy didn’t want to display fear in his heart. 这男孩不想显露出他内心的恐惧。

  the peacock displayed its fine tail feathers when it noticed any gay colors.



  e.g. the shop window display attracted me. 这家商店橱窗陈列吸引了我。

  what lee did is only a display of anger. 李所做的只是愤怒的表现。


  on display 正在展览中

  e.g. there are so many fancy cars on display here that i don’t know which to buy.



  on display 的同义词组:on show; on exhibition

  2. permit


  e.g. you cannot enter a military base without a permit. 无通行证者不得擅入军事基地。

  have you got a driver’s permit? 你有驾驶执照吗?


  e.g.the facts permit no other explanation. 事实不容许有其它的解释。

  do you permit your children to smoke? 你准许你的孩子们吸烟吗?

  固定结构:permit sth/doing sth 允许某事/做某事? permit sb to do sth 允许某人做某事?

  e.g. the old lady doesn’t permit making noises in her house. 这位老太太不允许(别人)在她家里吵闹。

  our teacher won’t permit us to be absent or late. 我们老师不允许我们旷课或迟到。

  构词解析:permit n. 许可证;执照 vt. 许可;容许 permission. n. 许可;准许;同意 permissive adj. 许可的;纵容的;放任的

  3. provide

  (1) vt.提供;供给

  e.g. the school will provide tents, but we have to bring our own food.


  常用短语:provide sb with sth/ provide sth for sb 给某人提供某物

  e.g. we provided the sufferers with food and clothes. 我们给受难者提供食物和衣服。

  the company has provided me with a car. 公司供给我一辆轿车。

  (2) vi.预防(灾害);为(将来)做准备

  固定结构:provide for/against sth 预防某食物

  e.g. we’d better provide against a typhoon. 我们最好做预防台风的准备。

  what will she do to provide for old age? 她将怎样防老呢?

  构词解析:provide vt. 提供;供给 provide vi. 预防(灾害);为(将来)做准备 provision. n. 供应;提供 provisional adj. 临时的;暂时性的 provided conj. 假如;倘若

  4. convenient


  e.g. i can’t phone you now; it’s not convenient. 我现在不方便给你打电话。

  注意:convenient 形容事物,指事情“方便的”,不能形容人。

  常用短语:it is convenient for sb to do sth 对某人来说做某事是方便的

  e.g. will it be convenient for you to start work tomorrow? 你明天开始工作方便吗?

  our house is convenient for the shops. 我们家到商店很方便。

  构词解析:convenient adj. 方便的;适合需要的;近便的 convenience 方便;便利? inconvenient adj. 不方便的;不合适的? inconvenience. n. 不方便之处;麻烦


  5. explore

  (1) vi, vt. 勘探;探险;考察

  e.g.columbus discovered america but did not explore the new continent.


  they were exploring for oil in this region. 他们在这一区域勘探石油。

  (2) vt. examine (sth) thoroughly in order to test or find out about it 仔细检查;探究;调查

  e.g. those scientists are exploring all possible ways to cure the disease.


  构词解析:explore vi. vt. 勘探;探险;exploration. n. 勘探;探究 explorer. n. 探险家;调查人员 exploratory adj. 勘探的;实地调查的

  6. react


  固定结构:react to sb/sth 对某人/某物作出反应?

  e.g.the eye reacts to light. 眼睛对光会起反应。

  successful leaders dominate events rather than react to them.


  (2)vi. have an effect on sth or produce a change in sth. 有影响;起作用

  固定结购:react on/upon sb/sth 对某人/某物有影响

  e.g. unkindness often reacts on the unkind person. 恶人有恶报。

  sincere words reacted on the cold-hearted person.


  常用短语:react by doing sth 通过做某事作出反应

  e.g. how did your mother react to the news? she reacted by getting very angry.

  你妈妈对这个消息反应如何? 她的反应是非常生气。

  构词解析:react vi. 反应;作出回应;有影响;起作用 reaction. n. 反应;感应 reactionary adj. n. 反动的;反动分子

  7. solution

  n. [u, c] a way of solving a problem or dealing with a difficult situation 解决方法;解答 ;答案


  e.g.he can find no solution to his present troubles. 他无法克服目前的困难。

  the best solution would be for them to unite. 最好的解决方案是他们团结起来。

  构词解析:solution. n. 解决方法;解答 solve vt. 解决;解答? solvable adj.(问题等)可解决的;可解答的

  language study

  1. this bus is connected to electric wires.

  =this bus is joined to electric wires.这辆公交车连接到电线上。

  be connected to: be joined to 同...... 连接在一起

  e.g. the refrigerator wasn’t connected to the electricity supply. 冰箱没有被接通电源。

  have the two parts been connected properly? 这两个部件连接好了吗?

  常用结构:be connected with... 同......有关系(have a relationship with...; be related to...)

  connect with...连接;与......联系

  connect.... to/with... 把......与......连接

  e.g. his disappearance was connected with the robbery. 他失踪和这起抢劫案有关。

  this corridor connects with the living room. 这走廊与客厅相连接。

  if the tunnel is built , it will connect britain to europe for the first time in history.


  2. have you ever been stuck in a traffic jam?

  =have you ever been caught in a traffic jam? (have you ever been in a situation in which there are so many vehicles and it is impossible for you to move?) 你有没有遭遇过交通阻塞呢?

  be/get stuck in: not be able to move or continue doing sth 陷于;在......里卡住

  e.g.they got stuck in the elevator. 他们被困在电梯里了。

  help! i’m stuck in the mud. 救命啊!我陷进泥里不能动了。

  3. simply raise your hand, and a taxi appears in no time.

  = a taxi will come to you the moment you put up your hand.只要你招招手,立刻就会有出租车。

  in no time: very quickly; immediately; at once; right away 立刻;马上;很快地

  e.g. after his mum came back, little tommy became happy in no time.


  lisa is very quick in thinking; she always answer you in no time no matter what you ask her.


  拓展 (time组成的相关短语) :

  ahead of time 提前

  all the time 一直;向来

  at all times 随时;永远

  at one time 曾经;从前

  at other times 在其它时候;也有时候

  at the same time 同时

  at a time 每次

  at this/that time 在这/那时

  at times (sometimes) 有时

  behind the times 过时的;落伍的

  for the time being 目前;暂时

  from time to time 不时;偶尔

  in time 及时;迟早

  in/out of time 合/不合节拍

  once upon a time 从前

  on time 按时;准时

  time after time/time and time again 屡次;无数次

  4. public transport provides a cheap way to get around in beijing.

  =public transport provides a cheap way to go or travel to different places in beijing.


  get around (=go about):

  (1) (be able to) go or travel to different places; move from place to place 各处走动?

  e.g. my grandfather is very old now and he doesn’t get around much any more.


  it’s hard to get around without a car. 没有汽车的旅行很艰难。

  (2)(news or information, etc )is told to a lot of people (消息等)传播出去

  e.g. it got around quickly that andylau would give a concert in harbin.


  5. you’ll have a good view of the rapidly changing city.

  = you’ll take in the sights of the rapidly changing city. (you’ll feast your eyes on the scenes of the rapidly changing city) 这样你会一览这个飞速发展城市的亮丽风景。

  view: n [c, u] what you are able to see or the possibility of seeing it; what you think or believe about something; a way of considering or understanding something 景色;美景;视野;想法;见解


  have a good/ wonderful / bad view (of...) 对......能够很好/不好得观看

  come into view 看得见;进入视野

  be in view 看得见;在视野中;考虑中;计划

  in one’s view (in one’s opinion) 在某人看来

  e.g. i sat in the front of the bus to get a good view of the countryside.


  as we turned the corner, a fascinating castle came into view.


  there was nothing in view except the vast sea.? 除了浩瀚的大海以外什么也看不到。

  in my view, you must have misunderstood him. 我觉得你一定是误会他了。

  6. there are four underground lines in beijing, and several lines are under construction.

  = there are four underground lines in beijing, and several lines are being constructed/ built. 北京有四条地铁线,还有几条线也正在建设之中。

  under construction: being built 在建造中;正在施工

  e.g. a dam is under construction. 水坝在建筑中。

  the new airport is still under construction. 新机场仍在修建中。


  under reconstruction 在重建中

  under repair 在修理中;正在修理

  under way 在进行中;在航行中

  7. tricycles are worth using if you want to explore the narrow alleys (hutong) of old beijing.

  = if you want to explore the narrow alleys (hutong) of old beijing, you may as well use the tricycle which is a rewarding way. 如果想去老北京的胡同探秘,三轮脚踏车绝对是值得一坐的。

  worth: adj(作表语)having a certain value; giving or likely to give a satisfactory or rewarding return for (doing sth) 有......的价值;值得

  常用结构:be worth + n./ doing sth

  e.g. this bicycle is worth £50. 这辆自行车值50英镑。

  your computer is worth the price. 你的电脑是值这个价钱的。

  although at times, learning a language was frustrating, it is well worth the effort.


  suzhou gardens are worth visiting. 苏州园林值得游览。

  the dragon chronicles is well worth reading. 天龙八部非常值得一读。

  8. keep cool!

  =keep calm! 保持冷静!

  keep cool: keep low in temperature, but not cold, often in a pleasant way; keep calm, not nervous. 保持凉爽;保持冷静,镇定自若

  e.g. let’s sit in the shade and keep cool. 我们做到树荫下去凉快凉快吧。

  don’t get excited about the examination; keep cool! 不要对考试太激动,沉着点。

  keep strong, if possible. in any case, keep cool. have unlimited patience. (b. h. liddell hart)如果可能,保持强壮。任何情况,保持冷静。要有无限的耐心。(b. h. 里德尔•哈特)

  9. motorists could take a bus into the city center and arrive at work or shops relaxed and in a good mood. 驾车者可以轻松地乘公交车进入市中心,心情愉快的工作或购物。

  = motorists could go to the city center by bus and arrive at work or shops feeling relaxed and happy.

  be in a good mood: feel happy心情好;感到高兴

  e.g.why are you in such a good mood? 你心情怎么这么好?

  the boss is not in a good mood now; you’d better not ask for trouble.



  be in a bad mood 心情不好;不高兴

  be in the mood for sth/doing sth 有做某事的心思或兴致

  be in no mood for sth/doing sth 没有做某事的心思或兴致

  10. there was no way i was going to catch the plane.

  =it was impossible for me to catch the plane. 我无论如何也赶上飞机了。

  no way: under no circumstances or by no means (will something happen/ be done) 没门儿;决不;无论如何不

  e.g.you want me to give up my holiday? no way! 你想让我放弃假期?没门儿!

  there’s no way we’re going to get this finished on time. 我们不可能按时完成这个工作。


  on the way (to...) 在(去......的)路上

  all the way 一路上

  by the way 顺便说一句;在途中的路边上

  by way of 路经;途经

  in a/one way 在某种程度上

  in the way 挡路;阻碍

  under way 正在进行中

  11. after only six months, traffic coming into central london was reduced by about 30 percent and journey times by about 15 percent.

  = after only six months, traffic coming into central london was reduced to about 70 percent and journey times to about 85 percent. 仅六个月后,进入伦敦市中心的交通车辆减少到百分之七十,车辆穿行的次数减少了约百分之八十五。

  by: used to show the amount or degree of something. 用来表示某事物的数量或程度,例如“增加了/减少了/提高了/降低了多少”或者“相差多少”。

  e.g. the number of students in this school has been increased by 20 percent this year.


  the cost of production was reduced by rmb 30,000 yuan last year.


  our basketball team lost the game by only one score.


  i am taller than her by 5 centimeters. 我比她高五公分。

  16. b.

  12. what’s more, central london shops did not lose business even though there were fewer cars.

  = in addition (besides), central london shops did not lose money even though there were fewer cars. 另外,伦敦市中心商店的销售情况并没有因为车辆减少而受损。

  what’s more: and that; also 而且

  e.g. my husband has a good heart, what’s more, he’s quite talented.


  the price is too high, and what’s more, i don’t like the color of the coat.


  the cellar was dark and forbidding, what’s more, i knew a family of mice had nested there.



  what’s more 的同义词或词组:besides; in addition; moreover; furthermore; further more

  grammar exploration





  祈使句一般没有主语,实际上是省略了主语“you”,有时需要强调对方时,可表示出主语。 谓语动词用原形。句末用感叹号或句号,用降调朗读。

  e. g. come here, please. 请来这里。

  please open the window. 请打开窗子。

  come and meet my family. 来见见我家人。

  you clean the blackboard. 你来擦黑板!

  3. 基本句型

  (1) do 型? (以行为动词原形开头) e. g.. get out! 出去!?

  (2) be 型 e. .g be quiet! 安静!

  (3) let +宾语+ do型 e. g. let’s listen to the music. 我们听音乐吧。注意:


  e. g. help him, please! 请帮帮他!

  please pass me that book. 请把那本书递给我。

  4. 祈使句的否定结构

  don’t/never + 动词原形

  e. g. don’t do that again! 不要再做那件事了!

  never do that again! 再也不要做那件事了!

  don’t make any noise! 不要发生噪音。

  don’t let a child do whatever he likes! 不要让小孩子为所欲为.

  注意:let’s 型祈使句,其否定式也可用let’s not表达。

  e. g. let’s not play any more! 我们不要再玩了!

  let’s not waste our time! 我们不要再浪费时间了!

  5. 祈使句的附加疑问句

  (1). 在祈使句的附加疑问句中,附加疑问部分一般用will you? 回答部分则用(yes) i will. 或(no) i won't.

  e. g. -----turn down the tv, will you? 把电视机(音量)调低一些好吗?

  ----yes, i will./ no, i won’t. 好的/不。

  (1). 以let's开头的祈使句,其附加疑问句一般用shall we,而以let us开头的祈使句,其附加疑问句则用will you。因为let’s中的us包含听话者(即被请求者),而let us中的us不包含听话者在内。

  e. g. let’s practice our spoken english, shall we? 我们(一起)练习英语口语,好吗?(即请求者要求与被请者一起练习)

  let us play the football this afternoon, will you? (您)今天下午让我们踢足球,好吗?(踢足球的人不包含被请求者) 

Traffic Jam 篇6

  module 2 traffic jam

  learning paper 2 intensive reading

  teaching aims:

  1. enable the students to understand the passage thoroughly

  2. enable the students to know the use of some important words, phrases and sentences structure

  activity 1: read the passage on page 2 getting around in beijing.

  deal with the passage part by part.

  part 1. fill in the blanks.

  1. simply _______ your hand, and a taxi ________ in no time.

  2. they _______ the price per kilometer on the window.

  3. you should ________ the cab has a business permit.

  part 2. read the part and answer the true or false questions.

  1. public transport provides an expensive way to get around in beijing.(   )

  2. air-conditioned buses cost more than ordinary ones. (   )

  3. buses numbered 1 to 100 are limited to travel outside the city centre.(   )

  4. you’ll have a good view of the rapidly changing city if you sit upstairs on a double-decker bus.(   )

  part 3. translate

  minibuses with seats for 12 passengers offer an alternative to expensive taxis and crowded public transport in some areas.

  part 4.  read the fourth part and answer the following questions.

  1. how many underground lines are there in beijing?

  2. how much does a one way trip cost?

  3. when is the underground open?

  part 5.read the last part and choose the best answers.

  1. tourists like these human-pedaled ________ but they can be _________.

  a. minibuses; expensive          b. underground; cheap

  c. pedicabs; expensive           d. taxis; cheap

  2. before you begin the journey, you should _______.

  a. stand at the station            b. make sure you know the price

  c. buy a ticket                   d. get on it

  activity 2: read the passage again more carefully and fill in the chart.

  means of transport  working hours  advantages  disadvantages


  buses and trolleybuses    




  activity 3: discussion: if you want to get around in beijing, which means of transport do you like best?

  activity 4: learn the following sentences by heart.

  1. simply raise your hand, and a taxi appears in no time.






  2. public transport provides a cheap way to get around in beijing.


  however, there is also a night bus service, provided by buses with a number in the 200s.

  不过,也有夜班车,编号200-300之间.(此句中的provided by buses with a number in the 200s是过去分词短语作非限制性定语,相当于一个以which引导的非限制性定语从句,修饰bus services)

  常用短语:provide sb with sth/ provide sth for sb 给某人提供某物 

  e.g.  we provided the sufferers with food and clothes. 我们给受难者提供食物和衣服。

  3. it’s a good idea to avoid public transport during the rush hour.


  it 作形式主语句型如下:

  it is +n. + to do something.

  it is +adj. (for/of sb.) + to do something.





  4. buses numbered 1 to 100 are limited to travel within the city centre.


  be limited to 限于…….

  the teaching of history should not be limited _____ dates and figures.

  a. of        b. to         c. on         d. with

  5. there are four underground lines in beijing, and several lines are under construction.


  under construction=being built 正在建设中

  under repair=being fixed   正在修理中



  5. tricycles are worth using if you want to explore the narrow alleys of old beijing.


  be (well) worth doing something   (很)值得做某事(注意doing用主动形式表被动含义) 


  be worthy +n. 值多少钱 


  be worthy of being done=be worthy to be done 值得做某事




  recite the 1-2 paragraphs.



Traffic Jam(精选6篇)
