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Module 1 My First Day at Senior High(精选4篇)

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Module 1 My First Day at Senior High(精选4篇)

Module 1 My First Day at Senior High 篇1

  language points学案导学 learning aim and demand: to master the language points in the reading material learn difficult and important point: to learn language points learning procedures: deal with the language points in the reading material: 1. information  n.   facts or details telling sth about a situation, person ,event, etc information about/on sb/sth  关于某人/某事的信息 a piece of information  一则消息; 一份情报 ask for information on/about 打听关于……的消息 a source of information 消息来源 provide/ give/ pass on information  提供/给与/传递信息 an information desk 问询处 2. instruction  n.  (pl) sth that sb tells you to do 指示            (pl) information on how to do or use sth 说明 follow the instructions 按说明做/听从指示 instructions on(how to do ) sth (如何做)某事的指示 instructions to do sth 做某事的指示 be under instructions to do sth 被指示做某事 3 embarrassed  adj.  feeling nervous and uncomfortable and worrying be embarrassed  to do sth 羞于做某事 be embarrassed  about/at 对……感到困窘 4 attitude  n  sb’s opinions of feelings about sth, especially as shown by their behaviour attitude to/towards sth/sb  对某人/某事的态度 5. previous  adj  happening or existing before the event or object you are talking about 以前的;从前的 the previous day 前一天 previous to   在……以前 previously adv 以前;从前     6. i live in shijiazhuang, a city not far from beijing (1)far from  a) 远离 b) 毫不;远非;一点也不 (2)away from & far (away) from , 两个短语都可以用来作表语,状语和后置定语。其中away from用在表示具体距离的词后面时,意为“离……(多远), be away from意为“离开”。 far (away) from 通常不和具体的距离的词连用,意为“离某地很远”。 the railway station is 7 miles far away from our school. (wrong, far should be omitted) 7. the teacher is a very enthusiastic woman called ms. shen.

  called ms. shen 是过去分词短语作定语,与所修饰的词之间存在着逻辑上的被动关系,相当于定语从句who/that was called ms. shen。 如:

  we visited the new library built three weeks ago.


  the first textbooks written for teaching english as a foreign language came out in the 18th century.


  most of the artists invited to the party were from south africa.

  被邀请来参加聚会的大多是南非艺术家。 注:短语一般放在被修饰词之后,单个过去分词放在被修饰词之前 8. and we have fun. i don't think i will be bored in ms. shen's class!

  (1)have (great) fun 玩得开心

  =have (a lot of) fun

  = have a wonderful time

  =enjoy oneself      如:

  the children were having a lot of fun with the building blocks.


  you're sure to have some fun tonight.


  they had a lot of fun chatting on the net.


  fun是不可数名词,常用于be fun 结构中,相当于interesting。如

  seeing monkeys in the zoo is great fun.


  what fun it is to play a game after work!


  注: 此处的what fun不能用how funny代替,因为"funny"是“滑稽的,好笑的”的意思。

  [拓展]for fun=in fun 开玩笑地

  make fun of 嘲笑,取笑。如

  i'm not saying such a serious thing for fun.


  it's bad manners to make fun of the blind.


  (2)注意本句属于否定转移。 英语中有些动词,如think, believe, expect, suppose, feel, guess, imagine 等,当它们后面接一个具有否定意义的宾语从句时,通常要把主句的动词变为否定式,而宾语从句中的谓语动词用肯定形式。这种现象称为否定的转移。如:

  we don't think there is anything interesting in your pictures.


  i don't believe what he said is true.我认为他说的不是真话。

  i don't suppose they will object to my suggestion.



  i don't think it's going to rain tomorrow, is it?


  you don't think i have made mistakes, do you?

  你并不认为我犯了什么错误,是吗? 9. in other words, there are three times as many girls as boys.

  (1)in other words 意为“换句话”,在句中用作插入成分。如:

  i'm not used to the way you speak to me. in other words, i don't want to continue our conversations.


  (2) 注意倍数的英语表达:

  ①a + be+倍数 +as+ adj. +as+b

  asia is four times as large as europe.


  ②a+be+倍数+ 比较级+than+b

  asia is three times larger than europe.


  ③a+be+倍数+the size/length/height/depth/width+ of+ b

  asia is four times the size of europe.


  注: time 表示倍数,一般只限于表示基数词在内的三倍或三倍以上,若表示两倍可用副词twice 或形容词double。 time 表示的倍数也可以用分数,百分数或某些表程度的副词替换。

  this pencil is a quarter as long as that one.


  our room is 60% the size of theirs. 我们房间的面积是他们房间面积的60%。 10. i'm looking forward to doing it!我非常渴望去做。

  look forward to sth./doing sth. 意思是“期待着某事/做某事”,其中“to”是介词。

  i look forward to hearing from you as early as possible.


  boys and girls are looking forward to children's day.



  look forward to 盼望……        turn to 求助于;转向;翻到……

  pay attention to 注意……        stick to 坚持

  get down to 开始认真干……       object to 反对

  belong to 属于             refer to 谈到,涉及,参阅

  point to 指向              see to 处理,料理

  come to 共计;苏醒           reply to 答复

  agree to 同意              add to 增加

  devote…to… 贡献……给……       compare…to…把……比作…… 11. …and ms shen’s method of teaching is nothing like that of the teachers at my junior high school. nothing like意为 “没有什么能比得上”, “丝毫不象”。 something like 意为“大约”, “几分像”。 it looks nothing like a horse. it must be something like seven o’clock. 12. today we introduced ourselves to each other. introduce sb to sb 把某人介绍给某人 introduce sth in/ into 把某物引进 introduce sb to sth 引导或带领某人接触某物 introduce sth to sb 宣布并介绍 introduction   n  介绍;引进;引论 an introduction to 对……的介绍;……的引论 . self- test 单项选择 1.there is ___like a holiday to make us feel relaxed. a. something b. anything c. nothing d. everything 2. he didn’t think somebody would disagree with him, ___?- a. would he  b. wouldn’t he  c. did he  d. didn’t he 3. he hasn’t yet been well trained ,but still under____. a. instruct b. instructive c. instructions d. instruction 4. do you feel very tired ? you don’t seem ____today a. by yourself b. to be yourself c. of yourself  d. with yourself 5. what is his attitude ____ the plan? a. to  b. for  c. in  d. by 6. the people here eat ____vegetables this year as they did last year a. more than twice  b. as twice as many c. twice as many as d. more than twice as many 7._____ by the movie, he saw it once again.  a. impressing  b. to impress  c. impress  d. impressed 8.one of my books ____ .i have looked for it everywhere but still ____. a. has lost ; don’t find  b. is missing ; don’t find c. is missing; haven’t found  d. has lost; haven’t found 9. can i help you ? --yes , i bought this tv here last week ,but it ___. a. doesn’t work  b. didn’t work c. don’t work  d. can’t work 10. he was deeply ____ by the ____ novel. a. moving ; moving  b. moved ;moving c. moved; moved d. moving; moved 11. our city _____ square miles. a. covers  b. takes c. uses d. goes 12. there are two libraries here , ____ lies near our house. a. the larger  b. the larger one that  c. the larger of them d. the larger of which 13. ---you forgot your pen when you went to have an exam.    ---my god, ____. a. so did i  b. so i did c. i did so  d. i so did 14.by the policeman arrived , the thief ____.  a. was disappeared  b. has disappeared  c. had disappeared d. had been disappeared 15. ______i know , the two friends live in the same village. a. as long as b. as far as  c. as well as  d. as good as

Module 1 My First Day at Senior High 篇2

  module 1 my first day at senior high


  1.there is ___like a holiday to make us feel relaxed.

  a. something     b. anything      c. nothing       d. everything

  2. he didn’t think somebody would disagree with him, ___?-

  a. would he      b. wouldn’t he    c. did he        d. didn’t he

  3. he hasn’t yet been well trained ,but still under____.

  a. instruct       b. instructive     c. instructions     d. instruction

  4. do you feel very tired ? you don’t seem ____today

  a. by yourself     b. to be yourself   c. of yourself    d. with yourself

  5. what is his attitude ____ the plan?

  a. to             b. for            c. in           d. by

  6. the people here eat ____vegetables this year as they did last year

  a. more than twice          b. as twice as many

  c. twice as many as         d. more than twice as many

  7._____ by the movie, he saw it once again.

  a. impressing      b. to impress      c. impress       d. impressed

  8.one of my books ____ .i have looked for it everywhere but still ____.

  a. has lost ; don’t find          b. is missing ; don’t find

  c. is missing; haven’t found      d. has lost; haven’t found

  9. can i help you ?

  --yes , i bought this tv here last week ,but it ___.

  a. doesn’t work      b. didn’t work       c. don’t work       d. can’t work

  10. he was deeply ____ by the ____ novel.

  a. moving ; moving   b. moved ;moving   c. moved; moved    d. moving; moved

  11. our city _____ square miles.

  a. covers           b. takes            c. uses             d. goes

  12. there are two libraries here , ____ lies near our house.

  a. the larger        b. the larger one that

  c. the larger of them      d. the larger of which

  13. ---you forgot your pen when you went to have an exam.

  ---my god, ____.

  a. so did i        b. so i did       c. i did so        d. i so did

  14.by the policeman arrived , the thief ____.

  a. was disappeared       b. has disappeared

  c. had disappeared       d. had been disappeared

  15. ______i know , the two friends live in the same village.

  a. as long as     b. as far as      c. as well as         d. as good as


  1.[解析] 选c。题意为:没有什么比假期能使我们休息的更好。此题考查固定短语在不同语境中的应用。nothing like相当于 nothing better than,意为“没有什么能比得上”。故选c。

  2.[解析] 选c。题意为:他认为没有人会不同意他的观点。此题考查特殊句式在不同语境中的应用。因为句子的主语不是第一人称,所以此反意疑问句的形式应根据主句来看。故选c。

  3.[解析] 选d。题意为:他还没有被训练好,还在接受指导(教导)。此题考查重点词汇在不同语境中的应用。instruction 作“指导教导”讲时,为不可数名词,并且under instruction 是固定用法。故选d。

  4.[解析] 选b。题意为:你今天感觉到累吗?你似乎身体状况(状态)不好。此题考查固定短语在不同语境中的应用。to be oneself,意为“处于正常的(好的)身体状态”。而且seem to do 是固定结构故选b。

  5.[解析] 选a。题意为:他对这个计划的态度如何。此题考查重点词汇和固定搭配。表示“对….的态度”常用to 和 towards 与 attitude 搭配。故选a。

  6.[解析] 选d。题意为:今年这里的人们吃了去年两倍多的蔬菜。此题考查固定句式结构as…as与倍数表达方式结合应用。句末已经有了一个as所以可排除b,c。a项中句子结构不完整,注意倍数的位置即可。故选d。

  7.[解析] 选d。题意为:被这部电影给深深打动了,他又看了一遍。此题考查重点词汇在不同语境中的应用。be impressed by 意为“被深深打动或感动”,句中by 也是提示。此处用过去分词impressed 在句首做原因状语,相当于because he was impressed by the movie….故选d。

  8.[解析] 选c。题意为:我的一本书丢了,我到处找了但还是没能找到。此题考查重点词汇与时态语态的结合应用。第一个空用be missing 或者be lost意为“丢失的”,都是形容词的用法。第二个空表示截止到现在的动作的结果。故选c。

  9.[解析] 选a。题意为:有什么需要帮忙的吗?我上周从你这里买了这台电视机,但是它现在根本不运转了。此题考查现在时态的应用。b,c两个选项时态直接错了,d项中can’t 强调本身不具备这个能力,不合语境。故选a。

  10.[解析] 选b。题意为:他被这本令人感动的小说深深的感动了。此题考查重点词汇在不同语境中的应用。,be moved by 意为“被感动”,moving意为“令人感动的”。故选b。

  11.[解析] 选a。题意为:我们的城市占地XX平方英里。此题考查重点词汇在不同语境中的应用。cover意为“占(时间,空间)”。其余词汇选项均无此用法。故选a。

  12.[解析] 选d。题意为:这里有两个图书馆,其中较大的那座位于我们家附近。此题考查句式结构定语从句的应用。选项a,c无连接词,b项that 不能引导非限制性定语从句。故选d。

  13.[解析] 选b。题意为:你去参加考试时忘了带钢笔了!天哪,我的确忘了!此题考查so的固定句式在不同语境中的应用。前后两句话的主语是一个人,所以应该是对同一件事情的肯定和呼应,b项句式结构意为“的确确是…”。故选b。

  14.[解析] 选c。题意为:等到警察来的时候小头已经没了踪影。此题考查重点词汇在不同语境中的应用。disappear 是不及物动词,无被动语态,可排除a,d两项。有by 出现的时间状语,主句谓语动词用完成时,故选c。

  15.[解析] 选b。题意为:就我所知道的,这两个朋友住在同一个村庄。此题考查固定短语在不同语境中的应用。as far as意为“就…而言”。而且as far as sb knows是相对固定的用法。故选b。

Module 1 My First Day at Senior High 篇3

  reading and vocabulary学案导学

  learning aims and demands1. to learn new words in the reading text. 2. to get the main idea of each paragraph 3. to get detail information supporting the main idea of each paragraph.self-learning procedures:step 1: learn and understand new words of the textstep 2: read the text fast and try to complete the tables below:                             self introductionname   shi jiazhuang time  new school   friendly    enthusiasticclassroom   the    english  class interesting, funny, not boring teacher     introducing, reading and spelling  friendly, hard-working and more girls step 3: try to find out important language points (to memorize and master)step 4: try to find out difficult language points ( to ask teacher for help/ explanation)step 5: try to finish activity 4 and 6step 6: fill in the blanks blow without referring to the text:my name is li kang. i live in shijiazhuang, a city not far from beijing. it is the capital city of hebei province. today is my first day at senior high school and i'm writing down my thoughts about it.my new school is very good and i can see why. the teachers are very and friendly and the classrooms are. every room has a computer with a special screen, almost as big as a cinema screen. the teachers write on the computer, and their words appear on the screen behind them. the screens also show photographs, text and from . they're !the english class is really interesting. the teacher is a very woman called ms shen. we're using a new textbook and ms shen's of teaching is nothing like that of the teachers at my junior high school. she thinks that reading is important, but we speak a lot in class, too. and we have fun. i don't think i will be in ms shen's class!today we introduced ourselves to each other. we did this in groups. some students were at first but everyone was very friendly and it was really nice. ms shen gave us and then we worked by ourselves.ms shen wants to help us improve our spelling and handwriting. we do this in a fun way, with spelling games and other activities. i like her very much, and the of the other students shows that they like her, too.there are sixty-five students in my class―more than my class in junior high. forty-nine of them are girls. in other words, there are three times as many girls as boys. they say that girls are usually more hard-working than boys, but in this class, everyone is hard-working. for our homework tonight, we have to write a of the street where we live. i'm looking forward to doing it!step 7: retell the text using your own wordsstep 8: write a short passage about your first impression at your senior high

Module 1 My First Day at Senior High 篇4

  introduction,reading and vocabulary学案导学learning aims and demands1. to lead the students to introduce themselves 2. to lead the students to get familiar with some words of subjects3. to lead the students to express their likes and dislikes self-learning procedures:step1: try to introduce yourself to your class. here are some useful expressions to help you:my name is …i am a …i was born on/in …i graduated from ……

  i like/ am good at / am fond of …

  i hope/ think/ want …step 2: try to speak out and write the subjects you learnt at your junior high.       try to guess what subjects you will learn at your senior high.step 3: try to use the following sentence patterns to express your likes and dislikes:       i like / hate / don’t like ______ because _____________.       i think____ is important/ difficult because ________.       i would like to study __________ because ____________.       i wouldn’t like to study _________ because _____________.step 4: self-testl                                                   write a short self-introduction.l                                                   write the names of your learning subjects.l                                                   make sentences to talk about things you like and dislike.                                                                                                      



Module 1 My First Day at Senior High(精选4篇)
