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九年级英语第六单元 篇1

  科目 英语

  年级 初三

  文件 middle3 unit6.doc

  标题 In the library

  章节 第六单元




  1. 词汇

  A. 单词

  四会: several, yet, on, reading room, return, polite, politely, star,

  everywhere, pay (paid, paid), before, ever,

  三会: dictionary, shelf (shelves), anywhere, helpful, pity, history

  B. 词组/句型

  have got =have in the school library

  on the shelf find + n./pron. + prep.短语

  five minutes ago in the reading room

  on time work at one/'s desk

  borrow sth. from sb pay for sth

  at that moment Please be more careful.

  from now on never …before

  Not at all. speak to sb

  foreign music travel on a train

  hours ago

  2. 日常用语

  * Excuse me. Have you got … ?

  * Sorry. I haven/'t got one.

  * Sorry. We haven/'t got any at the moment.

  * Have you seen it anywhere?

  * I/'m so glad.

  * Excuse me, have you got any … ?

  * I/'ve looked for it everywhere.

  * I can/'t find it anywhere.

  * What a pity!

  * Please be more careful from now on!

  * I/'ve never lost a book before.

  * It won/'t happen again.

  * Have you ever made dumplings?

  * I/'ve just done my homework.

  * Has he returned his library book yet?

  3. 语法: The Present Perfect Tense (1) 现在完成时(一)

  1) 构成: have/has + done

  2) 过去分词的构成:

  规则形式: ask asked asked

  travel travelled travelled

  不规则形式: lose lost lost

  eat ate eaten

  find found found

  3) Statement forms陈述句形式

  I/You/We/They have just seen …

  He/She/It has just seen …

  4) Question forms疑问句形式

  Have you/we/they seen … yet?

  Has he/she/it seen … yet?

  Short answers简略答语

  Yes, I/you/we/they have.

  Yes, he/she/it has.

  No, I/you/we/they haven/'t.

  No, he/she/it hasn/'t.


  1. have got =have

  ★have got形式上是现在完成时,但实际上却和have同一个意思。

  She has got a new watch.=She has a new watch.


  Has she got a new watch?=Does she have a new watch?


  She hasn/'t got a new watch. =She doesn/'t have a new watch.


  ★have to有时也可用have got to代替

  Have you got to go there by bus? =Do you have to go there by bus?


  2. 现在完成时的用法(一)

  ★ 对现状有影响的某个已发生的动作,或者说动作虽发生在过去,


  I have lost my bike.


  Thank you. I/'ve had my supper.


  I have seen the film.



  I have found my bike.


  I found it this morning/yesterday/last week/three days ago.


  The visitors have left.


  They left just now/a moment ago/before I came.


  ★句中如有already, just, yet, every, never, before这类副词作状语,谓语动词常用现在完成时。


  already, just, ever, never常位于助动词后,before常位于句尾。

  never, ever和before有时也可以与一般过去时连用。

  She has already finished her work.


  They have just won a relay race.


  Have you got ready yet? Not yet.


  Have you ever spoken to a foreigner?


  I have never read this book.


  Have you listened to this song before?


  ★ago不能单独使用,应说three days ago, hours ago, a minute ago, a long time ago等,与过去时连用。before可单独使用,一般与完成时连用。

  3. several的用法

  adj. 几个的,数个的,数人的(至少3人)

  There are several students in the classroom.


  I met him several days ago.


  pron. (视为复数) 几个,数个,数人

  Several of the students put up their hands.


  4. on prep. 有关,关于…方面(比about表示更专门的内容, 即on 多暗示内容属于专门性,而about则多用在内容或观点 比较一般性的情形)

  a book on Shakespeare


  a talk about money


  Do you have any idea on this subject?


  5. be strict in sth.


  be strict with sb.


  He is strict with himself in everything.


  She is very strict with everybody.


  6. return的用法

  1) vi. 回到 (=go back)

  My father will return to this factory this morning.


  Many fish have returned to the river.


  2) vt. 归还 (=give back) You must return the book to the library on time.


  He hasn/'t returned me my bike yet.


  7. on time准时 / in time及时

  The train starts on time. 火车准时出发。

  She will be back in time to get ready for the dinner.


  8. look round/around/about … 环顾,四下寻找

  I/'ve looked round the whole school.


  9. whole和all的用法

  ★whole一般位于冠词、物主代词或别的限定词之后,而all须位于 这些词之前。

  all the time =the whole time

  all my life =my whole time

  al the class =the whole class

  【注】如名词前没有限定词,不能用whole, 如可以说all day,而不能说whole day

  ★all和whole都可指“未经分割的整体”,all还可用来指“已经分 割或分散的”人和物,而whole不能这样用。

  the whole school =all the school

  all the classes (不能说the whole classes)

  ★whole一般不能修饰不可数名词或物质名词,修饰复数名词时一般 前面有数量词,而all能用于各种情况。

  all the money ( 不能说the whole money)

  three whole days

  10. pay + sb + money + for sth. 为了(某事物)付款给(某人)

  =pay + money + to sb + for sth

  Did you pay him 100 dollars for the old bike?

  =Did you pay 100 dollars to him for the old bike?


  11. from now on(副)从今以后

  I will be more careful from now on.


  I will work hard from now on.



  I. 单词辨音。

  1. A. politeB. pityC. giveD. strict

  2. A. severalB. shelfC. reportD. helpful

  3. A. whiteB. whatC. whereD. whose

  4. A. paysB. awayC. saysD. plays

  5. A. scienceB. dictionaryC. excuseD. music

  6. A. starB. parkC. quarterD. hard

  7. A. houseB. countC. aboutD. country

  8. A. learnB. earlyC. heartD. earth

  II. 找出与划线部分意思相同或相近的词语。

  ( ) 1. Miss Yang is very helpful.

  A. reads many books

  B. is a very kind teacher

  C. is always ready to help others

  ( ) 2. There are several books on the shelf.

  A. some

  B. few

  C. many

  ( ) 3. She always comes on time.

  A. late

  B. early

  C. not late or early

  ( ) 4. At that moment, Lucy came into the library.

  A. Now

  B. At that time

  C. Just now

  ( ) 5. He returned the book to the library.

  A. bought

  B. gave back

  C. borrowed

  III. 用所给动词的适当形式填空。

  1. ________ you ________ (write) a letter in English before.

  2. I ___________________ (just read) an interesting story.

  3. Such a thing ____________ (never happen) before.

  4. My brother ____________ (not do) well in the English exam (考试).

  He ________ (fall) behind. He ________ (be) more careful from now on.

  5. As you ________ (lose) your pen, you can use mine now.

  6. When you ________ (do) your work, you can have a holiday.

  7. When you ________ (come) tomorrow, please bring your wife.

  8. I ________ (ride) my bike along when something ________ (hit) me from behind.

  IV. 综合选择。

  1. I lost my book yesterday. So my mother told me to be ________ from then on.

  A. most careful

  B. more careful

  C. carefuler

  D. more carefuler

  2. I lost a science book and had to go to the library to __________ .

  A. pay it

  B. pay for

  C. pay it for

  D. pay for it

  3. Have you returned the book ________ ?

  A. as B. yet C. too D. also

  4. I have studied English ________ three years.

  A. for B. / C. in D. before

  5. He went round the whole school and tried to ________ his lost bike.

  A. find B. look for C. see D. get

  6. My watch is different ________ yours.

  A. as B. with C. to D. from

  7. My father is a doctor in this hospital. My mother ________ here.

  A. too works B. works too C. also works D. works also

  8. ________ were pleased at the happy news.

  A. Whole city B. The whole city C. Whole the city D. The all city

  9. Our English teacher is very strict ________ us.

  A. in B. to C. for D. with

  10. Please try to find the answer ________ this question.

  A. of B. to C. for D. with

  11. “Have you ________ seen the film?” “No, never.”

  A. never B. just C. ever D. yet

  12. My parents like us children ________ to bed early and ________ up early.

  A. going, getting B. to go, to get

  C. to go, get D. going, get

  13. There will be a talk ________ American history this afternoon.

  A. with B. in C. on D. for

  14. _________ go and ask your sister to see the film with us?

  A. What about B. Why don/'t C. Why not D. Do you please

  15. When you speak to your teacher, you should be ________ .

  A. as polite as possible

  B. as politely as possible

  C. as you can as politely

  D. as polite as you could

  V. 阅读理解

  Tom was seven years old. He went to a school near his house. He could go there and come home by bus or by school-bus every day, but he always went to school and came home on foot. He usually got back on time, but last Friday he came home late from school. When he ran into the house, his mother was in the sitting-room. When she saw him, she said, “Why are you late today, Tom?”

  “My teacher was angry and sent me to the headmaster after school?” Tom answered.

  “To the headmaster”his mother said in surprise.“Why did she send you to him”

  “Because she asked a question in class,”Tom said,“and none of the children gave her the answer except me.”

  His mother was angry. “ But why did the teacher send you the headmaster then? Why didn/'t she send all the other children” she asked Tom.

  “Because her question was who put glue (胶水) on my chair”

  1. Tom went to school ________ .

  A. by bus B. by school-bus C. on foot D. by bike

  2. Tom/'s school was ________ .

  A. far from his house

  B. not far from his house

  C. in front of his house

  D. on the other side of the street

  3. Last Friday Tom came home late because ________ .

  A. he didn/'t come home by bus

  B. he put some glue on the teacher’s chair

  C. the headmaster asked the teacher to do it

  D. he could answer the question correctly (正确地)

  4. Who do you think Tom/'s mother would be angry with at the end of the story?

  A. Tom/'s teacher B. The headmaster C. Tom D. Tom/'s classmates

  VII. 完形填空。

  Nasreddin is an old man. ____1____ he and some of his old friends were talking ____2____ young people in their town. They _____3____ agreed that old people were cleverer than ____4____ . Then one of the old men said, “But young men are ____5____ than old men.”

  ___6____ of them agreed that it was ____7____ except (除…之外) Nasreddin. He said, “No, I am as strong now as I ____8____ in my young days.”

  “____9____ do you mean” said his friends. “How ____10____ that be true (真的)?”

  “Well,”said Nasreddin,“____11____ is a big stone at a corner(角落) of my field. ____12____ I was a young man, I tried to ____13____ it, but I couldn/'t. I am old now. I ____14____ can/'t move it, just like when I was ____15___ .”

  1. A. A day B. Other day C. One day D. Some day 2. A. to B. with C. over D. about 3. A. both B. every C. everyone D. all 4. A. the young B. young C. the little D. little 5. Stronger B. cleverer C. better D. more foolish 6. Every B. Nobody C. All D. Some 7. Wrong B. right C. sure D. all right 8. A. am B. did C. will be D. was 9. A. How B. What C. Which D. Who 10. A. will B. must C. shall D. can 11. A. Here B. There C. This D. It 12. A. Because B. After C. When D. Before 13. A. move B. get C. carry D. find 14. A. maybe B. certainly C. sometimes D. still 15. A. old B. big C. small D. young

九年级英语第六单元 篇2


  unit 6  i like music that ican dance to.

  teaching materials analyzing andrearranging教材分析与重组

  1. 教材分析

  本单元以i like music that i can dance to为话题,共设计了四个部分的内容:

  section a

  该部分有4个模块:第一模块围绕the music that…这一话题展开思维(1a)、听力(1b)、口语(1c)训练;第二模块围绕music进行听力(2a-2b)、口语(2c)训练;第三模块继续就music这一话题展开训练,训练形式为阅读配对(3a)和角色表演(3b);第四模块仍就one’spreferences以pairwork的形式进行讨论,展开口语训练(4)。

  section b

  该部分有4个模块:第一模块就one’sfavorite展开思维训练;第二模块就两个孩子的对话继续对things onelikes进行听力(2a-2b)、口语(2c)训练;第三模块继续围绕上一话题展开阅读(3a-3b)和写作(3c)训练;第四模块仍就whatwould you prefer to do这一话题以口语训练形式为主展开小组活动(4)。

  self check



  该部分共设置了3项任务:第一项任务以问题讨论的方式激活学生相关背景知识(section1);第二项任务要求学生运用所供策略完成阅读;第三项任务要求学生通过快速阅读获取信息(section 2, section3);第四项任务通过讨论、写作等形式要求学生进行一次class survey. (section 4)。






  vi. teaching procedures and ways教学过程与方式

  period 1  new functionpresenting

  language goals 语言目标

  1. words & expression_r_rs 生词和短语

  prefer, lyrics, gentle, energy, interest, known,sing along with, remind sb. of

  2. key sentences 重点句子

  i prefer music that has greatlyrics. (p44)

  i love music that i can singalong with. (p44)

  rosa likes music that’s quietand gentle. (p45)

  ability goals 能力目标

  enable the ss to talk about different kinds ofmusic and their own preferences.

  emotion & attitude goals 情感和态度目标

  enable the ss to enjoy kinds of music.

  strategy goals 策略目标

  listening for key words.

  culture awareness goals文化意识目标

  people’s different preferences to different kindsof music.

  teaching important points 教学重点

  1. 由that 引导的定语从句,其先行词为物。关系代词that 作主语和作宾语两种情况。

  i like the music that has great lyrics.

  i like the music that i can dance to.

  2. 由who 引导的定语从句,其先行词为人。关系代词who 做主语。

  i like the musician who writes his own songs,

  teaching procedures and ways 教学过程与方式

  step i  warming-up

  play the beautiful, lyric song like do, re, mi inthe movie “the sound of music”. (让学生在轻松、愉快的情境中进入新课)

  step ii lead-in and presentation. (呈现歌词并句子)(师生互动,学习探究)

  1.     the music has great lyrics.

  2.     the music is loud and energetic.

  3.     the music isn’t too loud.


  1. i like the music that has great lyrics.

  2. i like the music that is loud and energetic.

  3. i like the music that isn’t too loud.

  并说明,that 在从句中做主语。总结:1+1=“1”




  step iii listening (1b: p44)

  ask the students to listen to the dialogue betweentony and betty

  t: now let’s listen to the tape and find what kindof music tony and betty like. look at 1b on p44. tickle the kindsof music that tony and betty like while listening.

  ask a student to read the three headings to theclass.

  t: first let’s guess what kinds of music they willtalk about by reading the three headings given.

  ss: music that one can dance to, that has greatlyrics and that one can sing along with.

  play the tape. and then check the answers.



  step iv  oral practice (1c:p44)

  ask the students to talk about the music theylike.

  t: as we all know, different people may havedifferent ideas on the same question, and different people may havedifferent preferences. then talk with your partners about the kindsof music you prefer. first, who’d like to read the example in thebox? ok, you two, please.

  ask two ss to read the example first.

  t: now work with your partners, talking about musicyou prefer with the help of the expression_r_rs here.

  show the following.

  be awarded prizes, be full of energy, interestsomebody,

  known to many people, reminds somebody of, showlove to …

  sample dialogue 1:

  s1: what kind of music do you like?

  s2: i like music that is played by famous bands.what about you?

  s1: i prefer music that makes me happy.


  step vi  summary and homework

  t: this period, we’ve learnt how to express ourpreferences to different music. after class, please,

  1. listen to the conversations again.

  2. try to talk about the kinds of music you likewhy you like or dislike them.


九年级英语第六单元 篇3




  1. my father likes french food, while my mother prefers ______ food. (italy)

  2. kevin is ______ in stamp collection. (interest)

  3. look at these ______! i took them in paris. (photo)

  4. are there many ______ students in your university? (india)

  5. we will consider your ______ later. (suggest)

  6. as is ______ to all, the earth is round. (know)

  7. there will be a chinese painting ______ in the national museum next week. (exhibit)

  8. we had a great time with the ______in this village. (fisherman)

  9. in your spare time, what do you like for ______ besides watching tv? (entertain)

  10. gu changwei is one of the top ______ in china. (photograph)


  1. i prefer watching tv to ______ music every day.

  a. listen to     b. listen    c. listening to     d. listening

  2. look at that girl ______ name is lucy.

  a. who       b. whose    c. which        d. whom

  3. my money is not the only thing ______ is missing.

  a. which      b. that      c. who         d. whose

  4. i hate people ______ talk much but do little.

  a. who       b. that      c. which        d. whose

  5. do you know what ______?

  a. his favourite song is       b. is his favourite song

  c. his favourite song         d. his most favourite song is

  6. i like the music that i can sing ______.

  a. along and      b. along with     c. with     d. along

  7. i like this kind of music that i can dance ______.

  a. to            b. in            c. with      d. along

  8. the story reminded me ______ an experience i once had.

  a. of            b. to            c. at        d. on

  9. no matter what you do, you can't change the situation.

  a. whoever       b. wherever      c. whatever  d. what ever

  10. beijing is one of the ______ in the world today.

  a. busiest city      b. busiest cities    c. busy city  d. busy cities

  11. i mean ______ class meeting on monday afternoon.

  a. have      b. to have     c. having      d. to having

  12. mary sings english songs well and ______.

  a. jane does too    b. either does joes   c. so janes does   d. so does jane

  13. i didn't know ______.

  a. where does he live                b. where do he lives

  c. where he lives                     d. where he lived

  14. what the boy said sounds ______.

  a. reason       b. reasonable        c. reasonably       d. reasoning

  15. i feel my heart ______ fast now.

  a. beated           b. beating          c. beat             d. to beat


  at the moment, for a moment, in time, on time, hurry up, hurry over, make mistakes, make problems, hear from, hear of

  1. one of my classmates was very glad to ______ bill clinton.

  2. the policeman arrived just ______ to save the boy.

  3. this book is very popular with the students ______.

  4. when the doctors learned about the accident, they ______ to the spot.

  5. people who are watching football games sometimes ______. they might fight with each other.


  man: what do you think of the speeches?

  woman: i learned a lot about international business.

  man: is this your first meeting?

  woman: yes, it is. 1______ i'm marie pirelli. please call me marie.

  man: okay…marie. my name is mayumi yamada.

  woman: 2______ i didn't catch your first name.

  man: it's mayumi. 3______

  woman: i' m with coca-cola. 4______

  man: i work for the sony corporation.

  1. a. where are you from? b. what's your name? c. it's very nice to meet you. d. it's a nice day.

  2. a. nice to see you again. b. i'm sorry. c. what a strange name! d. i'm happy.

  3. a. who do you talk with? b. what company do you work for? c. where is your company? d. when did you start to work there?

  4. a. how are you? b. how much is it? c. how do you do? d. how about you?


  1. albert found the key. i lost the key yesterday.(合成一句)


  2. she is the tallest girl in her class. she can play the violin.(合成一句)


  3. where is the beautiful picture? you bought it last week.(合成一句)


  4. we are looking for the nurse. she looked after my little sister.(合成一句)


  5. she was ill, but she still went on working.(改为同义句)

  ______ she was ill, she still went on working.

  6. the mother told her son, "don't read in the bed."(改为简单句)

  the mother ______ her son ______ ______ read in the bed.

  7. they prefer this kind of fruit to that kind.(改为同义句)

  they ______ this kind of fruit ______ ______ that kind.

  8. they have just had some sandwiches.(对划线部分提问)


  9. how about the book?(改为同义句)

  what do you ______ ______ the book?

  10. i didn't know how i could repair the bike.(改为简单句)

  i didn't know ______ ______ repair the bike.


  1. tom的确在这场篮球赛中表现出色。

  tom __________________ in this basketball match.

  2. 她喜欢能够一起舞起来的快歌。

  she likes music __________________.

  3. 我有一个月没收到我澳大利亚亚笔友的来信了。


  4. 王叔叔教我们如何修自行车。

  uncle wang teaches us __________________.

  5. 妈妈脸上露出了满意的笑容。

  mother __________________ on her face.

  6. 这幢建筑使我想起了我的母校。

  this building __________________.

  7. 你对这部新影片有什么看法?

  what do you __________________ of the new film?

  8. 这顶帽子非常适合您,女士!

  this hat __________________, madam!

  9. 导演正在为他们的新影片寻找一位女演员。

  the director __________________ for his new film.

  10. 快,电影已经开演约十分钟了。

  hurry up! the film __________________ for about ten minutes.


  concorde's birthday

  concorde, the world's fastest passenger plane, will soon be over 33 years old. it first 1______ on 2 march 1969 in france. concorde was developed by both france and britain. from 1956 these two countries had a 2______ of a supersonic passenger plane. in 1962 they started to 3______ together on the project. the plane 4______ over 1.5 billion pounds to develop. it is the most tested plane in the history. it was given over 5000 hours of testing. concorde flies at twice the speed of 5______. this means that it 6______ only 3 hours 25 minutes to fly between london and new york, compare with 7-8 hours in other passenger jets. because of the five-hour time difference between the usa and britain, it is 7______ to travel west on concorde and arrive in new york before you leave london! you can catch the 10:30a.m. 8______ from london, heathrow and start work in new york an hour 9______! concorde is much used by business people and film stars. each concorde is built at a cost of 55 million pounds. twenty have been built so far. air france and british airway 10______ the most. they each have seven planes.

  1. a. invented    b. produced    c. flew      d. took off

  2. a. talk        b. dream      c. meeting   d. fight

  3. a. work       b. do         c. carry      d. finish

  4. a. paid        b. wanted     c. needed     d. cost

  5. a. voice       b. sound      c. noise      d. shout

  6. a. spends      b. takes       c. covers     d. travels

  7. a. possible     b. impossible   c. real       d. unreal

  8. a. plane       b. passenger    c. flight      d. airline

  9. a. later        b. late         c. earlier      d. early

  10. a. build       b. make      c. sell        d. own


  the idea of what shaking the head means is not always the same in different countries. maybe some visitors would be surprised when they first came to india. when talked to an indian, he would often shake his head. the visitors might think that the indian did not like what they said. but, in fact, they would be completely wrong.

  indians always shake their heads when they talk to each other. it does not have the same meaning as our "no". if someone wants to visit india, he should know this, or it will give him some trouble.

  one day, a foreign officer went to india on business. he hired a car and an indian to drive it. when he told his driver to send him to his office, the indian shook his head at once. the office said again, and the driver shook his head again. at last, the office, of course, got angry.

  "how dare you refuse my order?" he shouted. "drive me to my office at once!"

  the driver answered in quite loud voice, too. "yes, sir!" but to the officer's surprise, the driver shook his head at the same time.

  the car started, and the foreign officer was now too surprised to say a word. he thought about it for a while, and then he nodded with a smile, "no mean yes here!"

  1. an indian would shake his head when ______.

  a. he didn't want to do anything b. he agreed with others c. he talked to others d. other people were wrong

  2. the foreign officer was surprised that ______.

  a. the driver could not understand him                b. the driver refused his order

  c. the driver drove him to another place               d. the driver shook his head as he said, "yes"

  3. the sentence "no mean yes here!" means ______.

  a. in india the words yes and no have the same meaning

  b. indians don't say no when they don't agree with each other

  c. there is no difference between yes and no

  d. we shake our heads to say no, not yes as indians do

  4. india is ______.

  a. a developed country b. in america c. next to australia d. to the southwest of china

  5. which of the following sentences isn't true?

  a. shaking the head doesn't always have the same meaning in different countries.

  b. when an india shakes his head, he really means yes.

  c. in india shaking the head means no.

  d. in china shaking the head means no.

  九、请你以"the more money one owns , the more friends he will have ?"为话题,写一篇80-100词左右的短文。






  一、1. italian 2. interested 3. photos 4. indian 5. suggestion 6. known 7. exhibition 8. fishermen 9. entertainment 10. photographers

  二、1-5 cbbaa  6-10  baacb  11-15 bddbb

  三、1. hear from 2. in time 3. at the moment 4. hurried over 5. make problems

  四、1-4 cbbd

  五、1. albert found the key which/that i lost yesterday.

  2. she, who can play the violin, is the tallest girl in her class.

  3. where is the beautiful picture which/that you bought last week?

  4. we are looking for the nurse who looked after my little sister.

  5. though/although

  6. told; not; to

  7. like; better; than

  8. what have they just had?

  9. think; of

  10. how; to

  六、1. does have done a good job 2. that she can dance to 3. i haven't heard from my australian pen pal for a month. 4. how to repair bikes 5. had a satisfied smile 6. reminds me of my mother school 7. think of 8. suits you very much 9. is looking for an actress 10. has been on

  七、1-5 cbadb 6-10 baccd

  八、1-5 bdddc

  九、yesterday we had a discussion about whether we should keep animals in zoos.

  twenty students thought that it was good to keep animals in zoos because people could see many different kinds of animals there and animals were taken good care of in the zoos. thirty students thought it not good for animals. since the animals were kept in cages, they were not able to travel(walk, run)freely. animals liked to live in nature.



