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九年级英语Garage Sale教案(精选2篇)

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九年级英语Garage Sale教案(精选2篇)

九年级英语Garage Sale教案 篇1

  unit 7 garage sale


  unit 7 garage sale









  1. dark blue                                  深蓝色

  2. light brown                                浅褐色            

  3. go with                                   与……匹配                

  4. on monday morning                       在周一的上午                

  5. …call mike’s mom through the car window     ……透过车窗嚷道迈克的妈妈

  6. garage sale                                宅前旧货出售

  7. collect various things                      搜集各种东西 

  8. set up the table                           支起桌子              

  9. be useless to them                                对他们来说没用  

  10. pretty early tomorrow                      明天特别早

  11. string up a clothesline                      拉起一根晾衣绳   

  12. divide …into                              把……分成……

  13. specify the price                         注明价格

  14. pick up                                  拾起,捡起             

  15. grin at sb.                              冲某人咧嘴笑

  16. pay for                                  付款


  1. it took them hours to divide the things into categories.


  2. can you think of anything we are forgetting? 你能再想想咱们忘了什么吗?

  3. “could i have this set for 1 dollar?”     我能一美金买一套吗?

  4. why not?    为什么不呢?


  1. “i’ll see you on monday morning!” called mike’s mom through the car window.

  aunt ann was going to have a garage sale this saturday. mike was staying to help. he and his mom had collected various things which were useless to them: baseball gloves, camping articles, tools, handbags, old records, tapes, silver spoons, scarves...




  知识点:1) have a garage sale

  2) various things

  3) called mike’s mom through the car window

  through   通过, 穿过, 经过, 遍及, 贯穿, 以……, 经由……  例如:

  go through

  walk through

  drive through

  through, along 和across 的区别:

  (1) along 表示“沿着”,通常用于狭长的东西:

  i saw him running along the road. 我看见他沿着这条路跑。

  we walked along the river. 我们沿河散步。

  (2) across 和 through 都可表示“横过”或“穿过”,前者主要表示从某物的表面“横过”,涉及“面”的概念;而后者则表示从某个空间内“穿过”,涉及“体”的概念:

  he walked across the road carefully. 他小心地走过马路。

  he walked through the forest alone. 他独自一人走过森林。

  有时 across 表示“横过”也可表示在“体”内进行,但此时它仍与through 有差别:前者表示从某个“体”的一端到另一端,而后者表示穿过两端

  he walked across the hall. 他从大厅的一端走到另一端。

  he walked through the hall. 他穿过大厅。

  2. “what’s the first thing we need to do?” asked mike.

  “well, i think we could set up the tables. we’ll have to start pretty early tomorrow morning. people may come before we get ready.”

  together, they set up a long table where they could place the small objects. they also strung up a clothesline to hang old clothes. then they carried all the articles out to the yard. it took them hours to divide the things into categories, and place them in the right place. when they finished. it was almost dark.




  他俩一起支起了一张长桌子,把一些小的物品放在上面。他们还拉起了一根晾衣绳,将旧衣服挂在上面。然后,他们把所有物品拿到院子里。把这些东西分类并摆好, 花了他们好几个小时的时间。当他们干完活时,天几乎黑下来了。


  1) set up the tables

  2) place the small objects


  n. 地方, 地点, 位置, 住所, 座位, 地位, 处境, 特权, 空间, 余地, 职务

  vt. 放置, 寄予, 认出, 评定, 任命

  take one’s place      就座, 入座; 就职

  take place           发生, 举行

  take sb.’s place       代替某人; 接替某人的位置

  take the place of      代替

  walks from place to place.   从一个地方走到另一个地方

  aimless wandering from place to place 无目的的从一个地方到另一个地方

  he shifted from place to place.     他到处迁移。

  to travel from place to place.      从一个地方巡游到另一个地方。

  keep in dark place               避光保存

  place a large order               大量订货

  to place a contract               订合同

  3) string up a clothesline          拉一根晾衣绳

  string up  勒死, 吊, 挂起; 紧张

  string n. 线, 细绳, 一串

  vt. 串起, 成串, 收紧, 缚, 扎

  vi. 成一串

  3. “mike, can you think of anything we are forgetting?” asked aunt ann.

  mike thought for a moment. “won’t we need money to make change for our customers? also, i think we need to make a poster, specifying the price for each article.”

  “you’re right,” said aunt ann, “i’ve thought of the changes, but i’ve completely forgotten the poster. it would save us a lot of time answering questions. good thinking!”


  “迈克,你能再想想咱们忘了什么吗?” 安姨问。



  知识点:1)think of

  think,think of,think about,think over的区别和用法


  he is thinking how to work out the problem.他在思考如何解这道题。

  i think i’ll take it.我想我会买。

  当think后面的宾语从句含有否定意义时,通常形式上否定 think,但意义上却是否定宾语从句。如:

  i don’t think it will rain.我认为不会下雨。

  think of意为“考虑到、想到”,后常接代词、名词或动词-ing形式;意为“认为”时,一般用于疑问句中,与what连用。如:

  it’s good to think of the future.考虑到未来是对的。

  he thought of a good plan.他想到一项好计划。

  如果问对方觉得怎样,常用what…think of…? 这一句型

  what do you think of the play?(=how do you find /like /enjoy the play?)你觉得这部戏剧怎么样?

  think about,表示“考虑”,特别是考虑某一计划是否可行,后接名词、动名词


  what are you thinking about?

  i am thinking about how to make the poster.

  2) think for a moment

  3) save

  n. 救球

  vt. 解救, 挽救, 储蓄, 保存, 节省, 保留

  vi. 挽救, 节省, 救球   例如:

  save up for a trip                为准备作一次旅行而把钱储存起来

  do not waste , save!            不要浪费,要节约!

  children should learn to save.     孩子们应学会储蓄。

  need to save your work?       需要把你做的工作保存起来吗?

  4. the next morning, they got up early. aunt ann took the green and red sign “garage sale” out of the house. she went inside to cook breakfast while mike waited in the yard. she was right. soon came their first customer of the day, grandpa luis. he was looking for something that his grandson would like. finally he picked up some baseball cards and asked, “ these are 5 cents each, right?”

  mike nodded, “ yes, grandpa.”



  “could i have this set for 1 dollar?”

  why not? anyway, they were useless to mike and aunt ann.

  when aunt ann came back to the yard with a plate of pancakes. mike grinned at her. three sales already! a good start for today.





  grin at sb.     冲某人咧嘴笑

  laugh at sb.  嘲笑某人

  smile at sb.    冲某人微笑

  why not?     为什么不呢?

九年级英语Garage Sale教案 篇2

  unit 7 garage sale 




  glove, towel, toothbrush, toothpaste, scarf, trousers, jeans, silk, shorts, overcoat, handbag, sweets, soap, cooker, record, chopsticks, fair, gift, clothing, kind, taste, sour, perfect, dollar, fit, granddaughter, copy, match, dressing, expensive, tight, various, useless, camp, tool, silver, spoon, set up, place, clothesline, clothes, carry, category, money, specify, price, grandson, cent, anyway, plate, pancake, place.


  1. dark blue                                                     

  2. light brown                                                  

  3. go with                                                      

  4. on monday morning                                           

  5. call mike’s mom through the car window                        

  6. garage sale                                                          

  7. collect various things                                           

  8. set up the table                                                

  9. be useless to them                                              

  10. pretty early tomorrow                                                

  11. string up a clothesline                                          

  12. divide …into                                                   

  13. specify the price                                              

  14. pick up                                                      

  15. grin at sb.                                                   

  16. pay for                                                            










九年级英语Garage Sale教案(精选2篇)
