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The Adventures of Tom Sawyer教案

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    1. have a rest  休息一会儿 He sat down under a tree to have a rest. 他坐在一棵树下休息一会。
    2. come by  经过 When Ben came by, he saw Tom pick up his brush and go back to work  Ben 路过,见到Tom捡起刷子回去工作。
    3. and so on  等等 Tom got a kite, an apple, 12 marbles, and so on. Tom得到了一只风筝、一个苹果、12粒玻璃珠子等等。
    4. all sorts of  各种各样的 Tom gained all sorts of toys. Tom得到了各种各样的玩具。
    5. do a good job   干得好  Aunt Polly thought that Tom did a good job.Polly 阿姨认为Tom干得很好。
    6. dig up   挖出 Robby saw the other two men dig up the body of a man.Robby看见另外两人挖出了一个男人的尸体。
    7. have an arguement   吵架 They had an argument. 他们吵架了。
    8. knock out   打昏 Dr. Robby knocked out Potter. Robby医生把Potter.打昏了。
    9. call out   大声叫出 The lawyer called out Tom's name.律师大声叫出Tom的名字。
    10. set free   释放 Potter was set free. Potter.被释放了。
    11. come up   跟上来 Aunt Polly came up behind him. Polly阿姨从后面跟上来。
    12. have one's own way   有自己的一套 We all have our own way to remember words.我们几单词都有自己的一套。
    13. here and there   到处 They made smoke marks here and there.他们到处用烟做记号。
    14. hurry away   使...迅速离开  Tom knew it was dangerous and took Becky's hand to hurry her away. Tom知道这很危险,拖着Becky的手,让她迅速离开。


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The Adventures of Tom Sawyer教案
