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Unit 2 Growing Up(精选2篇)

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Unit 2 Growing Up(精选2篇)

Unit 2 Growing Up 篇1

  unit 2 growing up

  一、单元分析( unit analysis)

  (一) 单元地位 ( unit position)


  在学习课文的同时,教师应创造机会让学生对一些社会人物的人生和一些行为进行评价,教师提供一些典范人物作为学生的榜样,从而培养他们的是非观念和对人生的积极地思考,对人生的意义有一个更加正确的理解。在此基础上,让学生描述“ 我想成为一个什么样的人”。


  additional reading 是一则非常贴近学生生活的成长故事。应该让学生学会欣赏文章的语言,学习对故事的叙述。鼓励让学生集体活动,互相分享自己的成长故事和经历,

  (二) 单元目标(unit target)

  1. 理解人生的真谛,树立正确的人生目标。



  4. 能对一些社会人物和现象进行评价, 学习友善地表达自己的反对意见;能比较流畅的叙述自己的故事和经历。

  (三) 单元重点(unit points)

  1  关键词:


  experience, shelter, decline, fashion, puzzle, deed, endure, dim, attempt, apologize, guilt, confess,

  let go, hold fast to, marvel at, a progression of, be bound to, live on, add to, be lighted with, tear from, a pile of, invest sth. with, , waste time doing ,of enduring worth, in the process, go beyond. on condition that, lose track of time , reflect on, show up


  1、对人生的描绘性词:  beauty, goodness, truth, love, fairness, justice, imperfection, glorious colors of hope, wisdom, meaning, golden sunshine, golden minute, the art of living, a timeless pattern


  look at the facts.

  it seems an exaggeration, to say the least.

  i don’t deny that ….but …..

  oh, i just can’t accept that ….

  perhaps you’d let me finish.

  aren’t you going a bit too far when you say that…

  2. 功能

  1)it teaches us to hold fast to its many gifts while it also orders us to give them up.

  don’t waste your lives accumulating objects.

  pray not for the material but for wisdom.

  put them all together, go beyond their present imperfections, and you have a future lighted with the glorious colours of hope.

  2) 用不定式进行描述


  二、教学设计(teaching designs)

  教学内容 教学实施建议 教学资源参考

  1   reading 1. lead-in,

  可以先让学生观看《阿甘正传》的一个片段,然后引出“ life is like a box of chocolate.” 引起学生对人生的思考。

  然后利用课文前面的诗歌,引导学生欣赏并体会人生的无奈,然后引出:life is a paradox.


  【链接1】lead-in 的操作建议。


  1)利用scanning 让学生找出文中提到的“ losses” and “ gains”, 由此可以引出新词。

  2) skimming: 给文章分成三个部分,并归纳出main idea,使学生能够跳出自然段落的束缚,重新组织文章,为文章的整体阅读构建一个框架,使学生对文章有一个整体性把握。


  3. 教师详解课文后,让学生根据文章的outline复述全文组织讨论:in your opinion, which one is the priority, material or wisdom?


  【链接2】辩论的操作建议。 课文20页

  highlights  部


  借助于a1, a2, b, c1 和c2 部分理解练习对课文进行更深刻的理解和掌握。

  2   listening 对于课文中的听力可以让学生集体讨论一下在青少年时期会遇见的问题与烦恼,在听这段材料的时候有身临其境的亲切感。同时, 这份材料比较贴近生活,建议教师鼓励学生听的过程中记笔记,并根据自己的笔记复述,这是一个能提高听力的一个行之有效的方法。 课文第26页―― listening practice

  3   speaking 以” life “ 为主题展开口语活动:



  活动二; 通过问题回忆课文中如何解决人生中的矛盾问题。然后为学生提供一些名人的成长经历的录像,或者文字材料,讨论如何才能寻求更加积极有意义的人生。

  活动三:与师长,朋友,同学等一些对自己比较熟悉的人进行交流,请他们对自己的优缺点进行评价,并对自己成为一个什么样的人提出希望和要求,在此基础上,学生综合考虑后向全班作介绍: i would like to be a person who…..

  活动四: 让学生找出一些关于生活的名人名言作为自己的座右铭并出一期相关的墙报。【链接4】 课文第27页――speaking practice

  4   writing 学习记叙文的写作方法,然后模仿additional reading 的写作方式以:my unforgettable experience 为题写一则自己在成长道路上亲身经历的故事。【链接5】记叙文的写作指导 

  5   structure 复习归纳不定式的用法,然后让学生在语篇中正确运用不定式;并为学生提供情景让学生运用不定式进行实际操练。

  【链接6】不定式的教学建议。 课文第25页――structure部分

  6   additional

  reading 本部分与课文内容直接相关,建议放在最后一课时。

  本文出现的重要词汇与词组:drive him into; on the condition that, pick up; drop off; lose track of time, apologize for, tell the truth, show up, confess to , reflect on, let down

  重要句型:they had taken longer than had been expected.

  对于一个成长过程中的故事,教师应引导学生理清故事的前因后果,并学会欣赏叙述故事的技巧,然后引导学生讨论: 为什么这是一个令人难忘的故事,它对作者的意义何在。


  课文第30页――additional reading


  step 1. 让学生讨论: what is life?

  让学生用 life is ….造句。

  step2. 让学生欣赏《阿甘正传》的一个片段,引出他的名言: life is a box of chocolate.


  step 3. 欣赏单元前面的诗歌: the road not taken

  利用a1中的问题增加学生对诗歌的理解,从而引出life is a paradox.

  step 4. 展开小组活动,用头脑风暴的方法列举出尽可能多的人生得与失的矛盾现象, 以此作为词汇的复习和引出。


  说明:辩论能为学生提供平台表达自己对某一现象的看法。在辩论过程中学生学会如何友善地表达自己不同的见解。这种方式能训练学生的即兴表达能力,闪现他们智慧的火花, 并在辩论的过程中逐渐形成一个共识,使他们的思想和认识得以深化和升华。




  辩论开始, 选出一个主持人主持辩论。提醒双方要始终坚持自己的观点。

  辩论结束,让主持人发表对辩论的看法。同时引起大家的共识: 比尔.盖茨的行为对社会产生积极的影响,值得称颂。


  look at the facts.

  it seems an exaggeration, to say the least.

  i don’t deny that ….but …..

  oh, i just can’t accept that ….

  perhaps you’d let me finish.

  aren’t you going a bit too far when you say that…

  【链接3】word bank

  childhood  童年                    adulthood   成年

  girlhood 少女时期                  boyhood    少年时期

  in one’s teens 年龄十几岁 (13-19岁)  in the prime of life 壮年

  adolescence  青春期               adult / grown-up 成年人

  a middle-aged person   中年人      the old / aged 老年人

  the young / the youngsters 年轻人

  teenage fashions 青少年的时尚       teenage problems 青少年问题

  adolescent concerns 青春期忧虑      adolescent traumas 青春期精神创伤

  adolescent problems 青春期问题

  innocent 天真的                     ignorant  无知的

  weather-beaten 饱经风霜的          naive  幼稚的

  mature  成熟的                     pure  纯真的


  proverbs on life

  truth and roses have thorns about them.

  a word spoken and an arrow let fly can’t be recalled.

  time and tide wait for no man.

  give a man a fish, and he’ll eat for a day; teach him how to fish and he’ll eat forever.

  if you are planning for a year, sow rice; if you are planning for a decade, plant trees; if you are planning for a lifetime, educate people.

  life can be heaven or hell. it’s your choice.

  give away what is not essential and you will discover what is.

  he that can’t endure the bad will not live to see the good.

  it is not how many years we live, but rather what we do with them.







  1. 在下笔时先要定下内容和中心。定内容就是常说的选材,选材要注意一是新颖,二是真实。因为新颖的题材能够吸引读者的兴趣,真实的内容才能流露出真情实感,这是评定一篇佳作的标准。选材时不一定总是要写惊天动地的大事,也可以写日常生活中的小事,通过“以小见大”的点滴小事更能反映出一个人的性格特征和精神风貌,更能体现生活气息,更能打动读者。定中心时要注意一是明确,二是集中。明确就是要抓住文章要表现什么,要做到心中有数,让读者一目了然。集中就是文章要表达的意思,不能太分散。另外在定中心时一定要把握好分寸,不必过分追求突出。

  2. 要交待要素,即时间、地点、人物、事件的起因、经过和结果。一般需要直接或间接表达以下六个问题,即:when? where?who?what? why? how?在行文的过程中交待要素时,不能像答题时一样呆板,要根据情况灵活把握,不需作者交待读者就能明白的可以省略。

  3. 要力求内容具体。有了具体的内容,文章才能显得生动,才能使人受到感染并留下深刻的印象。要做到这一点,必须善于在叙事过程中对最能体现人物思想、性格特征的肖像、语言、行动和心理等进行适当地描写。

  4. 要根据文章的中心确定详略并且要得当。

  5. 重要的是一定要写出作者的思想感情,或表达出作者的人生态度和追求等。


  7. 写作顺序可以采用“顺叙”、“倒叙”和“穿插叙述”的方法





  to go on like this is dangerous.


  it is easy / difficult / right / wrong / important / necessary / essential / convenient (for sb.) to do sth.

  it is a(n) pleasure / pity / honor (for sb.) to do sth

  it takes / costs / requires + n. ( for sb. ) to do sth

  nothing is more + adj. than to do sth.

  it is brave / careful / clever / considerate / cruel …( of sb. ) to do

  n.b. it is + adj. + of sb. to do 通常可以改为: sb. + are / is + adj. + to do

  it is kind of you to think so much of us.

  = you are so kind to think so much of us.

  2. 作表语

  my mission is to help patients.

  1)常接不定式做表语的名词有:  hope /wish/ idea / plan / aim / intention / attempt / decision /

  2) seem / appear + 动词不定式

  3) be to do 的特殊含含义

  the highway leading to the neighboring province is to be open to traffic on october 1. (将要)

  the school regulations are to be observed. ( 必须)

  3. 不定式作宾语


  afford , agree / refuse / intend / attempt / plan / choose / decide / wish / hope / expect / demand , offer / learn, manage, pretend, threaten等。

  疑问词+ wh- to do

  tell / teach / show sb. what / how / when / where / whether…to do

  当有宾补构成复合宾语时,常用it 作形式宾语

  find / think / consider / feel / believe it + adj. / n. to do sth.


  1) 作宾语补足语

  you mustn’t force him to lend money to you.

  常跟不定式作宾补的动词persuade / advise / permit / allow / force / ask sb. to do

  常跟不定式作宾补的动词词组有: rely on / depend on / call on / appeal to sb. to do sth.

  带省略to 的不定式作宾补的动词: see / watch / hear / notice / observe sb do

  make / let / have sb. do

  look at / listen to

  记忆口诀: 一使 二让三听五看一感觉

  2) 作主语补足语

  this song is thought to be most popular.



  2)修饰the first / the last / the best (最高级) / the only / the next 多用不定式


  here is a pen for you to sign with.

  4) 后面带不定式作宾语的动词的名词形式后多跟不定式作定语

  choice, decision, wish, need, desire, ambition, failure, intention , plan, ability to do sth.

  6. 作状语

  1)作目的状语, in order to / so as to

  in order to find the escaped prisoner, the police decided to question whoever comes along the roads.

  n.b. 句子的主语与不定式的逻辑主语应相一致

  in order to improve english, a lot of tapes were bought. (x)

  in order to improve english, jenny bought a lot of tapes.

  2) 作结果状语

  only to…. enough to… so..as to…too…to..

  he lifted a rock only to drop it on his own feet.

  3) 作原因状语

  the little boy was afraid to stay home alone.

  4) 作条件状语

  to hear hi talk, you would think he owned the whole world.

  5) 固定搭配

  to be honest, to tell the truth, to begin with, to make the matter worse, to cut the long story short, to be exact

  二. 注意

  1. 动词不定式的时态和语态

  主动式 被动式

  一般式 进行式 完成式 完成进行式 一般式 完成式

  to do to be doing to have done to have been doing to be done to have been done

  2. 否定式的not 或never 置于最前面。

  3. 作定语时与现在分词的区别

  4.  动词不定式用主动代替被动的情况。

  1) 句子中如果出现了difficult, easy, interesting, hard, likely 等

  there is little time to waste on empty talk.

  the maths problem is difficult to work out.

  2) 不定式动词为blame, rent 等

  the careless driver is to blame for the accident.

  5.  stop / remember / forget / regret/ hate / like / try等接不定式与动名词作宾语的区别

  6. 动词不定式表示虚拟: would like / wanted/ intended / planned / hoped …to have done= had planned / hoped / intended … to do

  2. practice

  1) 给学生提供一个语篇,使学生能根据上下文的语境来运用不定式填空。

  2) 设计一个情景: 转述老师要求学生参加一个集体活动的要求, 尽量用上: ask, tell, would like, expect, advise, warn, persuade 等词

Unit 2 Growing Up 篇2

  unit 2 growing up

  一、单元分析( unit analysis)

  (一) 单元地位 ( unit position)


  在学习课文的同时,教师应创造机会让学生对一些社会人物的人生和一些行为进行评价,教师提供一些典范人物作为学生的榜样,从而培养他们的是非观念和对人生的积极地思考,对人生的意义有一个更加正确的理解。在此基础上,让学生描述“ 我想成为一个什么样的人”。


  additional reading 是一则非常贴近学生生活的成长故事。应该让学生学会欣赏文章的语言,学习对故事的叙述。鼓励让学生集体活动,互相分享自己的成长故事和经历,

  (二) 单元目标(unit target)

  1. 理解人生的真谛,树立正确的人生目标。



  4. 能对一些社会人物和现象进行评价, 学习友善地表达自己的反对意见;能比较流畅的叙述自己的故事和经历。

  (三) 单元重点(unit points)

  1  关键词:


  experience, shelter, decline, fashion, puzzle, deed, endure, dim, attempt, apologize, guilt, confess,

  let go, hold fast to, marvel at, a progression of, be bound to, live on, add to, be lighted with, tear from, a pile of, invest sth. with, , waste time doing ,of enduring worth, in the process, go beyond. on condition that, lose track of time , reflect on, show up


  1、对人生的描绘性词:  beauty, goodness, truth, love, fairness, justice, imperfection, glorious colors of hope, wisdom, meaning, golden sunshine, golden minute, the art of living, a timeless pattern


  look at the facts.

  it seems an exaggeration, to say the least.

  i don’t deny that ….but …..

  oh, i just can’t accept that ….

  perhaps you’d let me finish.

  aren’t you going a bit too far when you say that…

  2. 功能

  1)it teaches us to hold fast to its many gifts while it also orders us to give them up.

  don’t waste your lives accumulating objects.

  pray not for the material but for wisdom.

  put them all together, go beyond their present imperfections, and you have a future lighted with the glorious colours of hope.

  2) 用不定式进行描述


  二、教学设计(teaching designs)

  教学内容 教学实施建议 教学资源参考

  1   reading 1. lead-in,

  可以先让学生观看《阿甘正传》的一个片段,然后引出“ life is like a box of chocolate.” 引起学生对人生的思考。

  然后利用课文前面的诗歌,引导学生欣赏并体会人生的无奈,然后引出:life is a paradox.


  【链接1】lead-in 的操作建议。


  1)利用scanning 让学生找出文中提到的“ losses” and “ gains”, 由此可以引出新词。

  2) skimming: 给文章分成三个部分,并归纳出main idea,使学生能够跳出自然段落的束缚,重新组织文章,为文章的整体阅读构建一个框架,使学生对文章有一个整体性把握。


  3. 教师详解课文后,让学生根据文章的outline复述全文组织讨论:in your opinion, which one is the priority, material or wisdom?


  【链接2】辩论的操作建议。 课文20页

  highlights  部


  借助于a1, a2, b, c1 和c2 部分理解练习对课文进行更深刻的理解和掌握。

  2   listening 对于课文中的听力可以让学生集体讨论一下在青少年时期会遇见的问题与烦恼,在听这段材料的时候有身临其境的亲切感。同时, 这份材料比较贴近生活,建议教师鼓励学生听的过程中记笔记,并根据自己的笔记复述,这是一个能提高听力的一个行之有效的方法。 课文第26页―― listening practice

  3   speaking 以” life “ 为主题展开口语活动:



  活动二; 通过问题回忆课文中如何解决人生中的矛盾问题。然后为学生提供一些名人的成长经历的录像,或者文字材料,讨论如何才能寻求更加积极有意义的人生。

  活动三:与师长,朋友,同学等一些对自己比较熟悉的人进行交流,请他们对自己的优缺点进行评价,并对自己成为一个什么样的人提出希望和要求,在此基础上,学生综合考虑后向全班作介绍: i would like to be a person who…..

  活动四: 让学生找出一些关于生活的名人名言作为自己的座右铭并出一期相关的墙报。【链接4】 课文第27页――speaking practice

  4   writing 学习记叙文的写作方法,然后模仿additional reading 的写作方式以:my unforgettable experience 为题写一则自己在成长道路上亲身经历的故事。【链接5】记叙文的写作指导 

  5   structure 复习归纳不定式的用法,然后让学生在语篇中正确运用不定式;并为学生提供情景让学生运用不定式进行实际操练。

  【链接6】不定式的教学建议。 课文第25页――structure部分

  6   additional

  reading 本部分与课文内容直接相关,建议放在最后一课时。

  本文出现的重要词汇与词组:drive him into; on the condition that, pick up; drop off; lose track of time, apologize for, tell the truth, show up, confess to , reflect on, let down

  重要句型:they had taken longer than had been expected.

  对于一个成长过程中的故事,教师应引导学生理清故事的前因后果,并学会欣赏叙述故事的技巧,然后引导学生讨论: 为什么这是一个令人难忘的故事,它对作者的意义何在。


  课文第30页――additional reading


  step 1. 让学生讨论: what is life?

  让学生用 life is ….造句。

  step2. 让学生欣赏《阿甘正传》的一个片段,引出他的名言: life is a box of chocolate.


  step 3. 欣赏单元前面的诗歌: the road not taken

  利用a1中的问题增加学生对诗歌的理解,从而引出life is a paradox.

  step 4. 展开小组活动,用头脑风暴的方法列举出尽可能多的人生得与失的矛盾现象, 以此作为词汇的复习和引出。


  说明:辩论能为学生提供平台表达自己对某一现象的看法。在辩论过程中学生学会如何友善地表达自己不同的见解。这种方式能训练学生的即兴表达能力,闪现他们智慧的火花, 并在辩论的过程中逐渐形成一个共识,使他们的思想和认识得以深化和升华。




  辩论开始, 选出一个主持人主持辩论。提醒双方要始终坚持自己的观点。

  辩论结束,让主持人发表对辩论的看法。同时引起大家的共识: 比尔.盖茨的行为对社会产生积极的影响,值得称颂。


  look at the facts.

  it seems an exaggeration, to say the least.

  i don’t deny that ….but …..

  oh, i just can’t accept that ….

  perhaps you’d let me finish.

  aren’t you going a bit too far when you say that…

  【链接3】word bank

  childhood  童年                    adulthood   成年

  girlhood 少女时期                  boyhood    少年时期

  in one’s teens 年龄十几岁 (13-19岁)  in the prime of life 壮年

  adolescence  青春期               adult / grown-up 成年人

  a middle-aged person   中年人      the old / aged 老年人

  the young / the youngsters 年轻人

  teenage fashions 青少年的时尚       teenage problems 青少年问题

  adolescent concerns 青春期忧虑      adolescent traumas 青春期精神创伤

  adolescent problems 青春期问题

  innocent 天真的                     ignorant  无知的

  weather-beaten 饱经风霜的          naive  幼稚的

  mature  成熟的                     pure  纯真的


  proverbs on life

  truth and roses have thorns about them.

  a word spoken and an arrow let fly can’t be recalled.

  time and tide wait for no man.

  give a man a fish, and he’ll eat for a day; teach him how to fish and he’ll eat forever.

  if you are planning for a year, sow rice; if you are planning for a decade, plant trees; if you are planning for a lifetime, educate people.

  life can be heaven or hell. it’s your choice.

  give away what is not essential and you will discover what is.

  he that can’t endure the bad will not live to see the good.

  it is not how many years we live, but rather what we do with them.







  1. 在下笔时先要定下内容和中心。定内容就是常说的选材,选材要注意一是新颖,二是真实。因为新颖的题材能够吸引读者的兴趣,真实的内容才能流露出真情实感,这是评定一篇佳作的标准。选材时不一定总是要写惊天动地的大事,也可以写日常生活中的小事,通过“以小见大”的点滴小事更能反映出一个人的性格特征和精神风貌,更能体现生活气息,更能打动读者。定中心时要注意一是明确,二是集中。明确就是要抓住文章要表现什么,要做到心中有数,让读者一目了然。集中就是文章要表达的意思,不能太分散。另外在定中心时一定要把握好分寸,不必过分追求突出。

  2. 要交待要素,即时间、地点、人物、事件的起因、经过和结果。一般需要直接或间接表达以下六个问题,即:when? where?who?what? why? how?在行文的过程中交待要素时,不能像答题时一样呆板,要根据情况灵活把握,不需作者交待读者就能明白的可以省略。

  3. 要力求内容具体。有了具体的内容,文章才能显得生动,才能使人受到感染并留下深刻的印象。要做到这一点,必须善于在叙事过程中对最能体现人物思想、性格特征的肖像、语言、行动和心理等进行适当地描写。

  4. 要根据文章的中心确定详略并且要得当。

  5. 重要的是一定要写出作者的思想感情,或表达出作者的人生态度和追求等。


  7. 写作顺序可以采用“顺叙”、“倒叙”和“穿插叙述”的方法





  to go on like this is dangerous.


  it is easy / difficult / right / wrong / important / necessary / essential / convenient (for sb.) to do sth.

  it is a(n) pleasure / pity / honor (for sb.) to do sth

  it takes / costs / requires + n. ( for sb. ) to do sth

  nothing is more + adj. than to do sth.

  it is brave / careful / clever / considerate / cruel …( of sb. ) to do

  n.b. it is + adj. + of sb. to do 通常可以改为: sb. + are / is + adj. + to do

  it is kind of you to think so much of us.

  = you are so kind to think so much of us.

  2. 作表语

  my mission is to help patients.

  1)常接不定式做表语的名词有:  hope /wish/ idea / plan / aim / intention / attempt / decision /

  2) seem / appear + 动词不定式

  3) be to do 的特殊含含义

  the highway leading to the neighboring province is to be open to traffic on october 1. (将要)

  the school regulations are to be observed. ( 必须)

  3. 不定式作宾语


  afford , agree / refuse / intend / attempt / plan / choose / decide / wish / hope / expect / demand , offer / learn, manage, pretend, threaten等。

  疑问词+ wh- to do

  tell / teach / show sb. what / how / when / where / whether…to do

  当有宾补构成复合宾语时,常用it 作形式宾语

  find / think / consider / feel / believe it + adj. / n. to do sth.


  1) 作宾语补足语

  you mustn’t force him to lend money to you.

  常跟不定式作宾补的动词persuade / advise / permit / allow / force / ask sb. to do

  常跟不定式作宾补的动词词组有: rely on / depend on / call on / appeal to sb. to do sth.

  带省略to 的不定式作宾补的动词: see / watch / hear / notice / observe sb do

  make / let / have sb. do

  look at / listen to

  记忆口诀: 一使 二让三听五看一感觉

  2) 作主语补足语

  this song is thought to be most popular.



  2)修饰the first / the last / the best (最高级) / the only / the next 多用不定式


  here is a pen for you to sign with.

  4) 后面带不定式作宾语的动词的名词形式后多跟不定式作定语

  choice, decision, wish, need, desire, ambition, failure, intention , plan, ability to do sth.

  6. 作状语

  1)作目的状语, in order to / so as to

  in order to find the escaped prisoner, the police decided to question whoever comes along the roads.

  n.b. 句子的主语与不定式的逻辑主语应相一致

  in order to improve english, a lot of tapes were bought. (x)

  in order to improve english, jenny bought a lot of tapes.

  2) 作结果状语

  only to…. enough to… so..as to…too…to..

  he lifted a rock only to drop it on his own feet.

  3) 作原因状语

  the little boy was afraid to stay home alone.

  4) 作条件状语

  to hear hi talk, you would think he owned the whole world.

  5) 固定搭配

  to be honest, to tell the truth, to begin with, to make the matter worse, to cut the long story short, to be exact

  二. 注意

  1. 动词不定式的时态和语态

  主动式 被动式

  一般式 进行式 完成式 完成进行式 一般式 完成式

  to do to be doing to have done to have been doing to be done to have been done

  2. 否定式的not 或never 置于最前面。

  3. 作定语时与现在分词的区别

  4.  动词不定式用主动代替被动的情况。

  1) 句子中如果出现了difficult, easy, interesting, hard, likely 等

  there is little time to waste on empty talk.

  the maths problem is difficult to work out.

  2) 不定式动词为blame, rent 等

  the careless driver is to blame for the accident.

  5.  stop / remember / forget / regret/ hate / like / try等接不定式与动名词作宾语的区别

  6. 动词不定式表示虚拟: would like / wanted/ intended / planned / hoped …to have done= had planned / hoped / intended … to do

  2. practice

  1) 给学生提供一个语篇,使学生能根据上下文的语境来运用不定式填空。

  2) 设计一个情景: 转述老师要求学生参加一个集体活动的要求, 尽量用上: ask, tell, would like, expect, advise, warn, persuade 等词



Unit 2 Growing Up(精选2篇)
