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Unit 3 Understanding each other单元复习学案

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Unit 3 Understanding each other单元复习学案

unit 3 understanding each other单元复习学案
1.dust and dirt soon  a____________ if a house is not cleaned regularly.
2.it would be  u____________ that such an honest fellow should have betrayed his friends.
3.despair is a  s____________ of weakness.
4.he told a rather rude joke,and everyone looked  e____________.
5.the teacher’s explanation  c____________ the puzzling problem.
6.we have several questions ____________(关于)the report.
7.this button is for ____________(调整)the volume.
8.the equipment must be bought from a supplier ____________(认可)by the company.
9.his remarks show that he ____________(误解)my position on the question.
10.please ____________(包,裹)the box in red paper.
11.a company cannot be sold without the____________(approve) of the shareholders.
12.she fulfilled her____________(ambitious)to become the first woman to run the 10,000 metres within 30 minutes.
1.accumulate 2.unbelievable 3.sign 4.embarrassed 5.clarified 6.concerning 7.adjusting 8.approved 9.misunderstood 10.wrap 11.approval 12.ambition
1.________________   庆祝
2.________________  参加
3.________________  总的来说
4.________________  释放;散发,分发
5.________________  属于
6.________________  举起,抬起
7.________________  讲和;求和
8.________________  调整;适应
9.________________  占据(时间或空间)
10.________________  对……关心
11.________________  打猎;搜捕
12.________________  遇见,碰见
1.in celebration of 2.take part in 3.in summary 4.give out 5.belong to 6.hold up 7.make peace 8.adjust...to... 9.take up 10.be concerned about 11.hunt for 12.meet with
1.(回归课本p38)________ ________that there are so many french words in english________ ________the french ruled england for quite a number of years.
2.(回归课本p33)do you know of any other________ ________ ________that people around the world use?
3.(回归课本p41)________you get into university in the future,you would have to go and________the opportunity.
4.(回归课本p47)________ ________ ________the maori people came from the pacific islands of polynesia.
5.(回归课本p34)he ________ quite ________ whenever it comes to this topic.the british teachers didn’t know what he was talking about or what thanksgiving was held in celebration of.



Unit 3 Understanding each other单元复习学案
