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Unit 5 Going shopping(通用2篇)

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Unit 5 Going shopping(通用2篇)

Unit 5 Going shopping 篇1

  unit 5 going shopping


  班级:¬¬¬¬_____姓名: ___________学号:____

  1.be free(have time), in one’s free/ spare time ,  free (免费)tickets ,  move freely

  ①i’m quite f______ these days so i can go anywhere f__________.

  ②in my f_______ (spare) time ,i like going shopping with my mother.

  2. prefer(-red, -red, -ring )=like… better  

  ① prefer sth / like … better  eg:我更喜欢那件新的牛仔裤。

  a. i___________ the new jeans.  b. i ________ the new jeans _________.

  ② prefer to do sth. =  would rather do sth.  宁愿做某事

  eg: lucy 宁愿一个人呆在家里。

  a. lily_________________ at home alone. b. lily __________________at home alone.

  ③ prefer doing a  to doing b  =  would rather do a. than do b.  比起… 更愿意…

  eg: 比起玩电脑游戏tom更愿意多看点书。



  3. take (__________,_________) /spend (________, ________)/

  pay (_________,_________)/ cost (_________,_________)





  eg: 这块手表多少钱?

  how much is the watch?  =  how much _____ the watch _______?

  = what’s the _____ of this watch?

  4. mind ①a: i’m sorry i’m late .    b: never mind. = it doesn’t matter.

  ② mind (介意) (sb.) doing sth

  eg: would you mind _______(make ) some room for the patient ?

  ③ make up one’s mind to do= decide to do = make a decision to do     

  change one’s mind  (主意)

  5. match(es)  ①  there will be two ___________ ( 比赛) next week.

  ②  it’s dangerous to play with the  _________ (火柴)

  ③  与… 相配   the colour of the shirt _________ ( goes well with) the coat .

  6. hear (heard, heard) 强调听的结果,听见,听到 。 listen (to…) 强调听的动作过程,听。

  ①i ____________ (听) the teacher carefully, but i still couldn’t __________(听 ) her clearly. 

  ②hear sb. do sth  意为“听见某人做某事”,指听到了这个动作的全过程;

  hear sb. doing sth.意为“听到某人做某事”,指听到时候,这个动作正在发生。

  eg:我经常听见他在教室里唱歌。    i often hear him_________ in the classroom.  

  你听见有人在敲门吗?        do you hear some one______________ at the door?

  ( 和hear的用法一样的还有see、watch、notice等。)

  see / watch / notice sb. do sth     意为“看见某人做某事”,指看到了这个动作的全过程;

  see / watch / notice sb. doing sth意为“看到某人做某事”,指看到时候,动作正在发生。

  ③ 常见用法还有:hear of … (听说)    /     sb. hear that + 从句

  / hear from sb. 收到某人的来信 = get a letter from sb.

  eg: i have never __________________the famous singer before. 

  i _________ that she got married.

  i haven’t _______________ my pen-friend for three months.

  7. show  (showed, shown ) 

  常见用法:①show sb. sth. / show sth. to sb把某物给某人看

  ②show sb. around+某地 带某人参观某地

  ③show great interest(n) in... 对…显示出极大的兴趣

  eg:  kitty ______________________ their school by millie last week..

  dave likes playing the piano ,he _________________________it.

  could you ____________ your new watch_________ me?

  8. buy/ get/ make sth for sb = buy/ get/ make sth sb sth  

  9.there be 句型 ①there  is/ are … ②there  will be …(将要有…)③  there was/ were …  ④ there  have/has  been… (已经有了…)⑤there be ……… doing sth. 有…正在…

  eg:  ①a:  what was near the park?

  b: ______________ an old museum there before.

  ②_________________ an important meeting in our school next week.

  ③it’s a sunny day! _______________ many people here on vacation.

  ④when i am playing a game, there are always lots of people ____________(wait)

  for me to finish.

  ⑤_____________________ great changes in my hometown since 1990.


  构成: 主语… be (am /is/are) …v-ing

  时间状语:now / at present /at the moment /right now /these days / look /listen …

  现在分词;① 直接+ing  eating ②去e+ing coming

  ③ 双写+ing  run-running  shop-shopping  swim-swimming

  chat-chatting   get-getting   sit-sitting  stop-stopping  plan-planning

  ④ lie-lying  , die dying  , tie- tying 

  eg: ① listen! some boys ___________ about harry potter .let’s join them.

  a. were talking    b. are talking    c. have talked    d. talk

  ② a: what ________ under your bed, nick? ----- b: oh ,where’s my model plane,dad

  a. do you do   b. are you doing    c. have you done   d. did you do

  ③ on my way to the shopping center ,i found a bag full of things _____ on the floor.

  a. is lying    b. lying     c. lay     d. lied

  11. 介词用法:

  ①if you would like to donate some money, please call us______ on 5551 3871.

  ②she is crying_____ with her hands_____ on her stomach.

  ③when you are _______  in trouble, you can call 110____ for help.

  ④there’s a discount______ on last year’s cards.42.

  ⑤there isn't anything new________ in today's newspaper.

  12. i like watching a film before i go shopping.  =  before _________ shopping.

  13. the mall is a really fun place __________ (go). it's a good place _________ (meet) friends.

  14. it’s better for the middle school students _____________(不要呆在外面太晚).

  15.----can i help you?= what can i do for you?

  -----i would like a skirt for my daughter. = i am looking for a skirt for my daughter.

Unit 5 Going shopping 篇2

  unit 5 going shopping


  1. go shopping /swimming / skating / fishing  去购物、游泳、滑冰、钓鱼

  2. be free =have time 有空

  3. be more expensive/the most expensive = be dearer/ the dearest  更贵、最贵

  4. a discount on last year’s cards 去年的卡片打折 5. mind doing sth 介意做…

  6. match sth =go well with sth 与某物很配

  7. at the moment =at present = right now 现在8. wait for sb 等某人

  9. it’s one’s turn to do sth 轮到某人做某事11. can’t wait to do sth 忍不住做某事12. stay out 待在外面13. stay up late 熬夜

  14. have a birthday party 举行生日聚会15. try on 试穿

  16. sth fits sb well  某物适合某人17. buy sb sth =buy sth for sb给某人买某物

  18. stand at the table 站在桌旁19. donate money to …给……捐款

  20. want sb. to do sth.     想要某人做某事

  21. just a minute=wait a minute稍等片刻

  22. take a look (at)/ have a look (at) 看一看 

  23. have enough money to buy有足够的钱买

  24.have enough stationery to use 有足够的文具用

  25. pay for sth./  pay ( money) for sth付款26. wait for one’s turn 等着轮到某人  

  27. talk to sb. on the phone和某人用电话交谈28. make wishes  许愿 

  29. call 110 for help 打110求助  30. work in groups of three  进行3人小组操练  

  31. what size  什么尺寸32. .a good place to meet friends  约见朋友的好地方

  33. a fun place to go一个有趣的好去处

  34. borrow sth. from sb./ a place 从某人处借某物/某地

  35. need some more再需要一些36. ask sb. to do st h 叫某人做某事 

  37. near the bus stop 公共汽车站附近38. see you later 回头见 

  39. raise some money for 为….募集钱 40. cost a lot of money值许多钱


  1. i want you to go shopping with me today . 我想你今天和我去购物。

  2. i need you to carry all the bags . 我需要你拿所有的包。

  3. simon’s birthday is coming up . i want to buy sth for hi m 


  4. can i help you ? = what can  i do for you ?  我可以帮你吗?

  5. how much do the cards cost ?= how much are the cards ? 卡片多少钱?

  6. there is a discount on last year’s cards .去年的卡片打折。

  7. i don't want to buy the same things as amy did .

  8. 我不想买和艾米买的一样的东西。

  9. don’t stay out too late . 别在外面待得太迟。

  10. what size are your feet ? 你的脚多大尺寸?

  11. she is paying  for her new shoes . 她正在付钱买新鞋子。


  1、 定义:表示现在或目前正在进行的动作。

  2、 结构:am / is /are +v-ing .

  3、 现在分词的构成:1) 一般在动词后+ ing

  2) 以不发音字母e结尾的动词,去e加ing .

  3) 以一个元音字母加一个辅音字母结尾的词,若该元音读短音,且该音节需要重读时,先双写该辅音字母,然后+ ing .

  4、时间状语:now , at the moment ,these days ,/通常还和listen , look , be quiet , don’t talk , it’s +time等结构连用。



  1)i am quite ________ these days so i can do anything ___________(free)

  2)i would like something __________(drink)

  3)i like woking here because everyone  is _________(friend)

  4) alan is the ___________(win) of the photo competition this year .

  5) my cousin is used to ________(study) with his new friends in australia .


  (   )1.--____ ________? i want a shirt for my son ?

  a. can i help you  b. can you help me

  c. excuse me      d. what do you like

  (   )2. i am _________  to watch tv now .

  a. good eno ugh   b. well enough  c. enough goo d d. enough well

  (   )3. tom , let me _____ for you .

  a. pick up it  b. to pick it up   c. pick it up  d. to pick up it 

  (   )4. the dress is very nice , can i try it ________?

  a. out   b. in   c. on   d. away

  (   )5. i __________10 yuan on the book and lily’s book

  _____15 yuan .

  a. spend , spends  b. spend , costs

  c. cost , cost  d. cost , spends

  (   ) 6. the park is a good place ______a rest .

  a. have    b. to have   c. to having   d. having

  (   ) 7. she is waiting for _____ ___ turn to play tennis now .

  a. she   b. hers   c. she’s   d. her

  一、 根据句意、首字母或中文提示写出单词或短语

  1. i will to beijing with him if he __________(邀请)me .

  2. how much do you _________(花费) for this book ?

  3. my grandpa likes travelling and v________(参观) some intersting places .

  4. the old man ha s a bad _________(记忆力) , he can’t remember any th ings .

  5. xu li , with his friends , ________(捡起) waste paper in the park every sunday .

  6. this skirt f________me well , i will take it .

  7. this book is the c__________ of all the books but the best .

  8. i am sorry i won’t be f____ ________tomorrow be cause i amm to busy these days .

  9. please wait for a m_______, i will go and see if he is in the teachers’ office.

  10. when summer comes ,day becomes longer and n_______ becomes shorter .


  (     )1. there ____ a lot of meat on the plate ,would you like some ?

  just a little .

  a. is    b. are    c. am   d. be 

  (     )2. the re _______a lot of rain in this area in august every year .

  a. is     b . was    c. are  d. were

  (     )3. luch and lily __________sisters , they study at the same school .

  a. be   b. am   c. is    d. are  

  (     )4.how much do the st ickers _________?

  a. pay    b., take   c. spend   d. cost

  (     )5. you must ride your bike ________the right side of the road .

  a. at   b. on   c. in   d. for 

  (     )6. i am ________ my  bike , but i can’t _____it .

  a. finding , looking for   b. looking for , finding 

  c. finding , look for d. looking for , find

  (     )7. the room there ________ four windows .

  a. are    b. is   c. have   d. has

  (     )8. do you mind ___ _____the window ? it’s too hot .

  a. to open   b. opening   c. closing  d. to close

  (     )9. some bread and a glass of milk _________on the table .

  a. are    b. is    c. has    d. have

  (     )10. it is seven am now , most of the stu dents ________  a class ,but some __________ .

  a. are having , chatting  b. having , are chatting

  c. have , chat d. are having , are chatting


  1. last week i went to my _____(aunt) house to teach her how to send e-mails .

  2. millie , i left my book at home , may i use ________(you)?

  3. the _________(shelf) in the library are very old .

  4. we hope the weather will be fine , but it is getting even ________(bad)

  5. look !tom ________(write) something in his room .

  6. they will lose __________(they) if they go down that road .

  7. are you satisfied with these _________(dancer) performances in the opera?

  8. when you feel tired , you had better wear _________(energy) colours .

  9. amy wants to buy some presents for ________ (they).

  10. do you understand the ________(mean) of the new world?

  11. do you like to have cold ________ (drink)? 

  12. listen !someone ________ ( knock )at the door.

  13. would you please show ________ ( i ) your pictures?

  14. there _______( be ) a pair of shoes. 

  15. it's twelve o'clock now. the students ________ (have) their lunch. they ________ (have) rice, meat and vegetables for their lunch.

  16. amy ________ (watch) tv every day. she ________ (watch) tv n ow.

  17. i like ________ (drink) coffee .

  18.i have many different ________ ( kind ) of books.


  a: good morning , _________?

  b: yes, please .i want to buy a blouse .

  a: i think this one is nice .

  b: how much does it cost ?

  a: it’s 100 yuan .

  b: oh, dear ! _____________.

  a: it’s silk , a silk one is always expensive . but it’s very good .

  b : _____________ .

  a: yes ,we do . these are all cotton ones .

  b: ________ how much is it ?

  a: 80 yuan .

  b:that’s still expensive for me .

  a: how about this one ? only 50 yuan .

  b: ok , let me try it on .

  a: it’s very nice for you .

  b: all right . _________________.

  a. can i help you ?

  b. this one looks nice .

  c. what are yo u looking for ?

  d. i will take it 

  e. do you have any cotton blouses .

  f.that’s too expensive .



Unit 5 Going shopping(通用2篇)
