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1B Unit 2 period(精选4篇)

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1B Unit 2 period(精选4篇)

1B Unit 2 period 篇1


  1. 词汇:make, card, draw, write, fold, miss

  2. 词组: a new year card

  3.  句型:make a new year card.  happy new year, miss li.


  1.  using imperatives to give instructions    e.g. draw.

  2.  using formulaic expressions to greet people during the new year  e.g. happy new year, miss li.

  3.  pronounce words properly.

  4.  identify specific information in response to simple instructions.


  1.  using imperatives to give instructions    e.g. draw.

  3.  using formulaic expressions to greet people during the new year  e.g. happy new year, miss li.

  3.  pronounce words properly.

  4.  identify specific information in response to simple instructions.


  pre-task preparation

  1.  ●read the words

  2.  ●★do some exercises ( give a situation and choose the suitable expression)

  1)you meet your friend on the first day of school.

  2)today is christmas day. 

  3)today is sam’s birthday.

  4)  today is new year’s day.

  while-task procedure

  1. ★(show a picture) t: today is new year’s day.  a teacher is coming to your house. guess: who is she? 

  p: she is _______.

  t: no. she is miss li.

  learn:  miss li

  t: do you know the teachers in our school?  tell me.

  ●p:  miss ____.

  2.  t: on new year’s day.  miss li is coming to your house.  guess:  who is coming to my house? 

  learn:  mr.

  ● ★try to read:  hi, hi, hi,

  my dear miss li.

  how are you?

  how are you?

  fine, fine, thank you.

  hi, hi, hi,

  my dear mr. xie.

  how are you?

  how are you?

  very well, very well, and you?

  2.  t: mr xie is coming to my house.  i have got a present for him.  guess:  what is it?

  ● p: it is a _______.

  3.  lead in: card

  t: ( show a new year card ) it is a card.

  ●practice: make phrases:  red card

  t: what kind of card is it?  it is for new year.  so it is a new year card.

  learn: a new year card

  补充:a christmas card, a birthday card

  4.  lead in:  make a new year card

  t: have you got any crayons?  we will make a new year card today?

  learn: make a new year card

  ●  practice: whom do you want to make a new year card for?

  p: make a new year card for _______

  5.  get the students to make new year cards.




  a: old―fold  

  b: try to read:  cold, gold, hold, sold,

  post-task activities:

  1.  read the process of .making a new year card.

  2. introduce the card

  this is a new year card.

  it is for ________.

  look!  this is a ______.  it is _______.


  1. copy the new words.

  2. listen to the tape and repeat

  1b unit 1 period 3 来自第一范文网。

1B Unit 2 period 篇2


  1.词汇:and, sky, flying, high

  2.词组: up and down, in the sky, very high



  1. using adjectives to identify colours e.g. it is red.


  1. using adjectives to identify colours e.g. it is red.


  pre-task preparation

  1.say a rhyme <i have two eyes>

  2.t: i see cars in the street. what do you see in the classroom?

  p: i see…

  t: what colour is it?

  p: it is…

  t: (show a tree) what colour is it?

  p: it’s green and brown.

  while-task procedure

  1.(lead in): …and…  1) read the phrase

  ● ★2) practice 1:  make a rhyme.

  what colour is it?

  what colour is it?

  it is green.

  it is brown.

  green and brown.

  green and brown.

  make a new one in a group.

  2. (lead in):in the sky

  ●t: (show a yellow and brown kite) say a rhyme

  it is a kite. it is in the sky.

  1)★read the phrase.

  2)★practice 1: _________ in the sky

  ●(show some pictures: a butterfly, a balloon, a bird, a bee, the moon, the sun)

  3)★practice 2: say a chant   

  ●in the sky, in the sky

  _______ in the sky.

  in the sky, in the sky

  _______ in the sky.

  t: in the sky, in the sky, a butterfly in the sky

  look at this butterfly. it is flying.

  3.(lead in): flying very high

  t: the butterfly is flying very high

  1)read the phrase

  2)practice : sing a song

  ●i am flying, i am flying, very high, very high.

  kites, kites, kites, kites, kites, kites in the sky, in the sky.

  3)★t: miss ___ in the sky. flying very high.

  p: ___ in the sky.  flying very high

  t: miss zhang is flying. look, i’m flying up and down.

  4. (lead in) up and down

  1)  read a phrase   up and down

  ★2) do the action   hands up, hands down, stand up, sit down.

  5.listen to the tape and read after it.

  6.read it together.    

  post-task activities:

  1.act out the rhyme.

  2.make a new one.

  ★●one, two,

  red and blue.

  up and down,

  orange and down.

  ______ in the sky,

  flying very high.


  1.listen to the tape and repeat.

  2.try to make a new rhyme.

  1b unit 3 period 4 来自第一范文网。

1B Unit 2 period 篇3

  课题:unit 2 small animals ●★


  1. 词汇:butterfly  rabbit  fly   bee

  2. 句型:i see a/an…


  1.using formulaic expressions to indicate what people see

  eg .i see a bee.

  2.  using nouns to identify small animals e.g. frog

  教学重点、难点:using formulaic expressions to indicate what people see

  eg .i see a bee.

  using nouns to identify small animals e.g. frog


  pre-task preparation

  1. say a rhyme <one, two, three>

  2. talk about the small animals.

  t: look at me. i am a bee. i can fly.

  i am a ______. i can ______.

  p: i am a fly. i can fly.

  while-task procedure

  1.  (lead in): i see…

  1)read the sentence.

  2)●practice 1: pall: i see …( a bird, a butterfly, a rabbit, a bee, two frogs, three rabbits)

  p1: i see a…(choose one of them)

  ★practice 2: t: i have got a magical mirror. i see a bird in the mirror. what do you see?

  p1: i see a …

  ★practice 3: t: i see a lot of things in the magical mirror. i also can see a lot of things in our classroom.

  t: i see a _______. it is _______.

  p: i see a ruler. it is long.

  t: you did a good job. here’s a present for you.

  open it and see.  what do you see?

  2. (lead in) what do you see?

  1)read the sentence

  2)★practice 1. a chant. what do you, what do you, what do you see?

  i see, i see, i see a bird.

  pall: what do you, what do you, what do you see?

  p1: i see, i see, i see a…

  ★practice 2●. t: look, it is a fruit shop. i see an apple. what do you see?

  p1: i see a pear. what do you see?

  p2: i see a melon. what do you see?

  post-task activities:

  1. read after the tape.

  2. ●see a movie

  t: tell me what judy see?

  p: a frog…

  pall: i am judy. i see ______, _______, ________, ______ and _______.

  3. ★make a dialogue.

  ●we are in the park. we see some small animals.

  a: hello, a.

  b: hello, b.

  a: what do you see?

  b: i see a bird. what do you see?

  a: i see a rabbit. it can jump.

  b: oh, how lovely!


  1. listen to the tape and repeat.

  2. make a new dialogue with your friend.

  1b unit 2 period 2 来自第一范文网。

1B Unit 2 period 篇4



  2.句型:three little rabbits.


  1.using numerals to count

  eg: three little rabbits.

  教学重点、难点:1. using numerals to count


  pre-task preparation

  1.review the numbers:

  t: i have got a lot of pencils here. how many pencils? please guess.

  p: seven pencils…

  t: you did a good job. now let’s sing a song. <ten little indians>

  while-task procedure

  1.(show ten little rabbits)

  t: i have many little rabbits. how many little rabbits?

  p: guess: seven little rabbits

  p2: ten little rabbits

  t: let’s count together.

  one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, ten little rabbits.

  ask some students to count.

  2.listen to the song.

  t: here i have a song about ten little paper rabbits. do you know paper rabbits?

  p: students listen to the song.

  1)sing with them for a few times

  2) sing this song one group by one group.

  post-task activities:

  1. divide the class into four groups. have each group practise singing a new song substituting “rabbit” with other small animals just like butterflies, ladybirds, etc.

  2. invite every group to sing their songs to the class.


  1.listen to the tape and sing after it .

  2.try to make a new sing.



1B Unit 2 period(精选4篇)
