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It’s raining教案(精选2篇)

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It’s raining教案(精选2篇)

It’s raining教案 篇1

  unit 6 it’s raining


  i. 重点短语集结号:

  1. 感谢你加入环球世界节目。

  thank you for joining around the world show.

  2. 在度假   on vacation

  3. 一些…另一些… some…others

  4. 照相         take photos

  5. 躺在沙滩上 lie on the beach

  6. 看这群正在打沙滩排球的人 look at this group of people playing beach volleyball.

  7. 看起来酷 look cool

  8. 感到吃惊、放松 be surprised/relaxed

  9. 在这么热的天气里玩 play in this heat

  10. 穿外套带围巾 wear coats and scarfs/scarves

  11. 每个人都正玩得开心。

  everyone is having a good time/having fun/enjoying themselves .

  12. 看望她的祖母 visit her grandmother

  13. 开晚会    have a party

  ii. 重点点拨:

  1. 风云变幻说天气how’s the weather in shanghai?=_____the weather_____in shanghai?

  描述天气的形容词:刮风的 ______ 晴朗的______ 下雨的 ______ 下雪的 ______多云的______晴朗的_____ 炎热的______寒冷的______凉爽的      温暖的      干燥的      潮湿的     湿的 ____

  回答天气也可以用 it's+v.-ing,表示天气正处于某种状况。



  it’s ____ ___.(rain) now . it often _______ (rain).

  it’s often ________ (rain).there is much _____ _ (rainy) here today .

  练习the weather here is sunny.

  ______ ______ the weather here?

  ______ the weather ______ here?

  2. 最近怎么样?________?好极了______.


  (2)go 在句中的意思是“进展”。例如:

  everything goes well. 一切进展顺利。



  3. i am surprised they can play in this heat.



  we ______ _______ at the news.

  这个消息令人吃惊the news ______ ________.

  同样用法的单词有:[ :]






  i’m very ______ in this ________ news.


  (1)谢谢参加我们的访谈节目,我很惊讶今天来了这么多人。thanks ________ _______ our talk show, i______ _______ so many people come here.


  i am ______ to hear the ______ story.

  4. others are lying on the beach.

  lie (v.),”躺”。单三:lies,现在分词:lying


  he ____ _____ on the _____ to _____the sunshine.

  拓展迁移lie  (v.)”撒谎”(n)”谎言”

  例如:不要说谎。don’t tell ______.

  5. everyone is having a good time.


  have a good time=______ ______=______ ______




  everyone ______ ______ books in o ur family.

  6. there be句型加doing 表示:___________

  例:有一大群人正躺在沙滩上,他们玩的很愉快.there _______  a _______ _______ people ________ on the beach , they’re _______ _______ .

  test time for unit 6

  (  ) 1. “          ?””he’s playing volleyball.”

  a. what is he doing b. how is it going

  c. what does he dod. how does he do

  (  )2. don’t go out. it        hard.

  a. snowb. snowyc. is snowingd. are snowing

  (  )3. look !there are many people on the beach. they are         and happy.

  a. relaxed b. relaxing.c. relaxesd. relax

  (  )4.---      you        the photos ?yes,i am. a.do;takeb. is; tak ingc. do; takingd. are;taking

  (  )5.“i’m going to shanghai for vacation.”

  a. it’s good b. you’re right

  c. have a good ti me d. goodbye

  ( )6.there are many people in the small garden. some are talking;        are singing.

  a. othersb. anotherc. otherd. the other

  (  )7.”what’s the weather like in guizhou ?”

  a. hot and sun b. windy and cloudy

  c. rain and windyd. rainy and sun

  (  )8.what        aunt sarah and uncle jeff doing ?a. is  b. do  c. are  d. have

  (  )9.---how is your project going ?

  a. hot  b. great  c. sure  d. of course

  (  )10.what    you     when it is raining a. are ; dob. are ; doingc. do ;dod. are ; going to do

  1.everyone in our family           (like) watching tv except (除了)my grandma.

  2.who’s the old man       (lie) on the ground ?

  3.--- how’s the weather in changchun ?

  ---it’s cold and        (snow).

  4.swimming in cold weather sounds       ________(terribly).

  5.thank you for       (tell) me the good news.

  6.mingming               (not talk) on the phone. he             (study).

  7.look!the students  _(have) fun in the garden .

  8. our english         (teacher) name is li jie.

  9. he’s from france and he can speak           ______(france).

  10.there are a lot of           (cloud) in the sky. it’s          (cloud) today. 

  1.he often reads eng lish in the morning .(用now 改写)he                 english         .

  2.there was a lot of wind last night .

  = it                   last night .

  3.her birthday party is very terrible .

  her birthday party ?

  4.the people are drinking tea in the restaurant .

  are the people      in a restaurant ?

  5. he is studying at home now.用often改写

  he ______ ______ at home.

  1. 济南冬天很冷吗?

  ______ it ______ ______ in winter in jinan?

  2. 夏季,澳大利亚有很多人度假。

  ______ ______ many people in australia ______ ______ in summer.

  3. 海口天气怎么样?夏天很热。______ the weather ______ in haikou? it’s very ______ in summer.

  4. 我对打沙滩排球很感兴趣,我认为这是一项非常有趣的运动。i’m very ______ _____ _ playing beach volleyball. i think it’s ______ ______ sport.

  5. 泰德正在穿衣服。他爸爸正在做饭。

  ted ______ ______ ______ clothes now.his  father ______ ______.

  1.i’m very________[sə'praizd]to hear the ________ [sə'praiziŋ]news

  2.in winter people always wear ______[sk:vz]

  3.the______['weðə] today is ______ [wɔ:m]and ______['hju:mid].

  4. they are really very ______[ri'lækst].

  5. look at this ______[gru:p] of people playing in this ______[hi:t]

  alex is going to study in chicago for a year. he’s reading a travel book about the weather,which say: it’s usually cool in sprin g. sometimes it rains. it’s usually hot and sunny in summer. it’s normally cool and windy in autumn. it gets very cold in chicago in winter. he asks himself, “what can i do there during that time? oh,i can have a lot of free time in summer. in autumn, i can’t have a lot of free time because i’ll be in school. i can play football. i can’t go ice-skating, because i don’t know how to ice-skate.then i can visit my family in florida at christmas and new year and get some sunshine.”

  1. where is alex going to study?

  2. what’s the weather like in spring?

  3. is it very hot in summer?

  4. what sport can alex play in autumn?

  5. what can alex do in winter?

It’s raining教案 篇2

  学习内容unit 6 it's rainingsection b(3a--selfcheck)p35--36学习目标1、熟练掌握本课词汇 vacation  lie  beach  group  cool  surprised  heat 2 巩固用英语谈论天气的表达法。3 描述正在发生的事情,巩固现在进行时的用法。学习重点现在进行时的用法。课时第三课时课型读写课

  学          习        过           程

  学法指导一、自主学习(教师寄语:knowledge is power.)模块一:学习任务一: 会读写本课以下单词吗:vacation  lie  beach  group  cool  surprised  heat模块二:自读3a你能找出以下词组吗?1 在度假_________2 拍照 ____________ 3 看,朝……看___________             4一群……______________ 5玩得高兴______________ 6在沙滩上________________                    7看起来酷______________ 8 一个很有趣的地方_____________________             模块三: 重点单词用法预览:1.surprised  adj.常用于be surprised  at或be  surprised  to或be  surprised {that}从句结构中意为“对……感到惊奇”   2.everyone不定代词,意为“人人,每人(=everybody),在做主语时,谓语动词用单数,不能和of连用。3、have  a  good  time-enjoy oneself“玩得高兴过得愉快。   二.课堂展示与点拨:模块一:自学展示:1.小组开展词汇听写竞赛,看谁记得词汇多而快                      2.组内同学合作,完成 3a.3b的填空。模块二:情景体验:1、熟读3a请在人们所从事的活动下划线。并将关于描写天气的词圈出来。2、 理解并翻译下列句子。①.thank you for joining cctv’s around the world show.②.some are taking photos. others are lying on the vacation.3、再读3a.回答下列题。①.how’s the weather in austrlia today? ②.how many people are there on vocation?③.why is the writer surprised?④.is this a very interesting place?4、完成3b.look at the pictures of france. then fill in the blanks.用下列对话询问你的同学在不同的天气中都做什么。a:what do you usually do when  it’s  raining?b:i usually read a book.模块三:合作交流:(教师寄语:many hands make light work. )


  辨析:a. one/ the other, b. one/the others,         c. some/ others d. some/ the others1)there are two students here, one is boy,_______ is a girl.2)of six the students, one is a boy,____________ are girls.3)there are many students, some are dancing,_______ are singing.  4)the students of class two are in the classroom. some are singing, some are dancing,____________ are cleaning.  你能用简单的图示表示吗?3.everyone不定代词,意为“人人,每人(=everybody),在做主语时,谓语动词用________,不能和of连用。你会填空吗?  1)everyone ________(be) here.  2) everyone ________(come) here.4.have  a  good  time-enjoy oneself    翻译成汉语:____________________________你会选择吗?  1)all the students are happy ,they are ________.     a. have a good time      b. having good time.     c.enjoying  oneself    d. having a good time.  2) all the students are happy ,they  ________.     a. enjoying   oneself          b. having good time.     c.enjoy   themselves       d. has a good time.模块四:学以致用:用下列对话询问你的同学在不同的天气中都做什么。a:what do you usually do when  it’s  raining?b:i usually read a book.




  ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________三:第三课时达标检测根据句意,补全下列单词。1. thank you for j________ cctv's "around the world" show.2. some are t________ photos of the great buildings.3. look at this group of people p________ beach volleyball.4. how's the weather? it's c________.5. what is the weather like? it's r________.6.thank you for j________our program..7、look!they're l______ on the beach.ii.complete the sentences according to the chinese.  根据汉语意思完成句子(一空一词)。1.有很多人在这儿度假。there are ________ ________ here ________ ________.2.我们正在巴黎街头漫步,那里阳光明媚。we are in paris, _______in the ________. it's _______beautiful, ________day.3. 天空正在下雨时,你在干什么?   我在看书。--what are you ________ when it's ________?  --i am ________ a ________.4.一些人正在公园唱歌,另一些人正在骑自行车。in the park, ________ are ________ songs, ________ are ________ bikes.5.典型例题解析:1、what's he doing?  he,s _.a swim   b swims   c swimming2、the song  _ interesting.a hears   b listens   c sounds3、everyone  _ the answer to the question.a knows   b know   c to know 6.中考链接1.the music           .a sounds well  b sound well  c sounds good2.look,the old woman_under the big tree.a talk  b talked  c are talking3.of the six students, one is a boy,______ are girls.  a the other  b other c others d the others4.there are many students, some are singing, ______are dancing,a the other  b other c others d the others小组之间交流自学情况开展小组表演比赛:(评价 加分)1.   2.   3.  4.    5.  6.7.    8.   9英语组长组织交流:英语小先生讲解:英语教师点拨:错题纠正:错误分析



It’s raining教案(精选2篇)
