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《牛津小学英语》4A Unit 4 I like…(精选12篇)

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《牛津小学英语》4A Unit 4 I like…(精选12篇)

《牛津小学英语》4A Unit 4 I like… 篇1

  一 教学目标

  1  能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词a car, a bike, a bus 和 a kite。

  2  能听懂、会说、会读和会写句型 what’s this/that in english? it’s a… do you like…? yes, i do. /no, i don’t.

  3  能听懂、会说和会读日常交际用语 i loke puzzles. me, too. i love dolls. thank you very much. look at my kite. it’s nice. let’s…

  4  初步了解名词的单复数。

  5  了解辅音字母j 和 k 在单词中的发音。

  6  能诵读歌谣 fly, fly my kite.

  二 教学重难点

  1能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词a car, a bike, a bus 和 a kite。

  2能听懂、会说、会读和会写句型 what’s this/that in english? it’s a… do you like…? yes, i do. /no, i don’t.

  三 课时安排:5课时


  教学内容:《牛津小学英语》4a unit 4

  一 教学目标

  1能正确听说读写词语in english, do, you, like, don’t, love, a puzzle, a kite, a doll.

  2能正确运用日常交际用语 what’s this/that in english? it’s a puppet. do you like puppets? 及其回答 yes, i do./ no, i don’t.


  二 教学重难点

  1能正确听说读写词语in english, do, you, like, don’t, love, a puzzle, a kite, a doll.

  2能正确运用日常交际用语 what’s this/that in english? it’s a puppet. do you like puppets? 及其回答 yes, i do./ no, i don’t.

  3正确朗读单词 puppet, puzzle.


  三 教学准备


  2准备 puppet puzzle kite 和 doll等玩具和图片。

  3新单词卡片 a kite, a doll, a puppet, a puzzle, love.


  四 教学过程

  a .  free talk :

  1.  good morning/afternoon. / how are you?

  2. t: hello.

  s: hello, miss fan.

  t: what’s that on your desk?

  s: it’s a dog.

  t: can i have a look?

  s: sure.

  t: oh, i love your dog.


  b .  presentation and practice


  1)拿出玩偶说it’s a puppet,跟读。

  2)show these toys to the ss and stick them on the bb.


  1)t point to her toy and say, this is a … let ss introduce their toys with these  sentences’ this is a …’ ‘that is a…’

  2)t: what’s this /that in english?

  s: it’s a ..

  3)ss pratice the sentence with their toys. s----ss

  4)t write down the sentences.

  3.介绍名词单复数,生词like love和句型do you like/ love…?及其回答

  1)t point to the toy and say, a puzzle---puzzles---i like puzzles.

  2) ask the puppet: do you like puzzles?模拟回答 yes, i do./ no, i don’t.

  3) the puppet ask t: do you like …?  tell ss the differences between like and love.

  4) ss practice.

  c. read andsay

  1.look at the pictures carefully and listen to the tape. guess are these sentences right?

  yang ling is in nancy’s home.

  yang ling and nancy like puppets.

  they like kites.

  yang ling and nancy like puzzles.

  they don’t love dolls.







  d.   consolidation

  game  t:what’s this…?

  s:it’s a …  (guess)

  t:do you like this…?

  s:yes, i do. i love…

  t:here is a … for you.

  s:thank you.

  e.assign homework

  1. 听录音,朗读,表演。

  2. 自编对话。


  教学内容:《牛津小学英语》4a unit 4

  一 教学目标

  1.能正确听说读写单词a car a bus a bike a kite.

  2. 能正确听说读单词 a balloon.

  3. 能正确听说读写句子 what’s this/that in english?及其回答it’s a …

  4. 能朗读歌谣fly, fly my kite

  二 教学重难点

  1. 能正确听说读写单词a car a bus a bike a kite.

  2.能正确听说读单词 a balloon.

  3. 能正确听说读写句子 what’s this/that in english?及其回答it’s a …

  三 教学准备




  四 教学过程

  a.free talk

  t: look,boys and girls. what’s this in english? (木偶)

  s: it’s a puppet.

  t: do you like puppets?

  s:yes, i do. no, i don’t.


  b. bevision

  1. review read and say, act it.

  2. 复习单词a puppet a puzzle a doll, 学生贴图片。

  c. look read and learn

  1. (气球) t: look at this picture. what’s this in english? oh, it’s a balloon. it’s red. it’s a nice balloon. do you like balloons?

  ss: yes.

  t: now read the word ‘balloon’ after me. can you put it on the bb?

  2. play a game: what’s missing?

  3. t:look at the picture. what’s this in english?

  ss: it’s a car.

  t: now let’s read andc spell the word ‘car’ (twice)

  t:who can put it on the bb?


  4. play a game what’s missing?


  d. work in pairs

  1.t: look here. what’s this in english?

  ss: it’s a pen.

  t: what’s that in english?

  ss: it’s a book.


  2. work in pairs.

  e. say a rhyme

  1. 听录音,欣赏

  2. 介绍大义,朗读。

  f. assign home work

  1. 抄写四会单词和句子。

  2. 朗读并默写四会单词和句子。


  教学内容:《牛津小学英语》4a unit 4

  一 教学目标

  1. 通过复习,掌握本单元的单词和句型what’s this/that in english?及其回答。

  2. 进一步掌握句型do you like…? 及其回答。

  二 教学重难点

  1. 能四会掌握do you like… 及其回答。

  三 教学准备

  1.磁带 录音机 幻灯 玩具 图片


  四 教学过程

  a. free talk

  1. say a rhyme

  2. free talk

  b. revision

  t: now let’s review some words and sentences.

  what’s this in english?

  ss: it’s pen.

  t: do youlike pens?

  ss: yes, i do.

  t: me, too.


  c. work in pairs

  1. 出示表格ask and answer













  2. practice in groups

  3. report

  1) how many ss like…?

  2) who are they?

  d. look and read



  e. assign homework

  1. 默写本单元的单词。

  2. 用do you like…? 了解别人对物品的喜欢与否。


  教学内容:《牛津小学英语》4a unit 4

  一 教学目标

  1. 通过复习,掌握本单元所学的单词和句型。


  3.能初步了解辅音字母j k在单词重的发音。


  二 教学重难点



  三 教学准备

  1.磁带 录音机 实物投影仪 玩具 六种颜色牌子 水彩笔


  四 教学过程

  a. say a rhyme.

  b. free talk

  t: look! what’s this in english?

  s: it’s a car.

  t: do you like cars?

  s: yes, i do. …

  t: here’s a car for you.


  c. read and act

  1. 出示风筝的头影片

  t: what’s this in english?

  ss: it’s a kite.

  t: … come here ,please.

  s1: all right.

  t: look at my kite. do you like it?

  s1: it’s nice. i like it.

  t; let’s color it.

  t: do you like red? …

  2. 听录音两遍

  3.  ask and answer: whose kuite is it?  do you like it?

  4. 跟读 学生轻声读 同桌分角色读 出示投影编对话。

  d. listen and repeat

  1. t : now let’s look at this picture. ( jim juice key kitchen)

  ss: 跟说这四个单词,体会。

  2. 含有j k的单词 jacket jogging  kite

  e. play a game

  1. 六个人带六种颜色,老师说i like red.有红色的学生把牌子给老师,然后他发口令。

  2. 组内玩游戏。

  3. 输了说歌谣。

  f. assign homework


  2. 背诵并表演read and act

  3. 自编对话。

《牛津小学英语》4A Unit 4 I like… 篇2

  教学内容:d. listen and write  e. read, think and write

  f. think and write










  step 1 warm up


  2、listen a rhyme: i want to write a letter.

  3、duty report


  4. revision

  ①默写单词:also, a penfriend, glue, write a letter.

  ②开火车朗读对话。     ③男、女生分角色背诵对话。


  step 2 presentation

  1. listen and write


  ①在学生听录音前,教师可先引导他们看练习的引言部分,简单介绍对话背景,让他们了解对话主题(at the penfriend club),预测可能听到的内容,做好心理准备。





  2.read, think and write.

  本部分展示了liu tao写给peter的信,要求学生在阅读来信的基础上帮助peter给liu tao回信,重点训练了学生的阅读理解能力和写作能力。


  ②引导学生分组讨论liu tao 的来信和peter的回信,通过问答,如询问“how old is liu tao?”、“where does he live?”、“does he have any brothers or sisters?”等问题让学生理解信中内容。


  3. think and write

  本部分是peter给liu tao的回信,介绍除书信以外的另一种通讯方法e-mail,或称电子邮件。

  ①通过问答如who’s peter? where does he live?等让学生回忆起a部分的一些资料。





  ⑥集体订正。         ⑦集体朗读一遍,分组朗读一遍。

  step 3 homework





  1、课题:unit 7 a letter to a penfriend     2、单词:finish


《牛津小学英语》4A Unit 4 I like… 篇3

  一、教学目标1. 能听懂、会说、会读和会写句型what are these/those? they’re ….how many kilos? …kilos, please.2. 能听懂、会说、会读和会写单词grapes.二、教具准备1、课前在教室四周贴上水果图片,将全班分成6个小组。2、超市小货架,营业员佩带的胸卡、单词、句型卡片、喇叭、帽子、各种水果实物。三、设计思路围绕“听说读写能力的培养”这一主题,通过深入浅出的句型操练,让学生在掌握句型的基础上主动参与购物、自主训练,最终达到把所学知识转化为实际应用能力的目的。三、教学过程step 1 say a rhyme《they are all play》 pears, bananas and pineapple.                   oranges, peaches and apples.                   big fruit and small fruit,                   they are all very good.(设计意图:通过复习三年级学过的一首小诗,充分调动学生的情感因素,变被动为主动,激发学生的学习兴趣。巩固再认各种水果,为呈现任务做好准备。)step 2 presentation(一)teach: what are these/those? they’re ….1. t: boys and girls, now i’ll play a game with you “touch and guess”. look, here’s a big bag. who can come here and touch?  (一生上前来摸一下)t: what’s this?s: it’s an apple.t(面向全班):yes, it’s an apple.t: go on .(s继续摸)t:what’s this?s: it’s an apple, too.t: it’s an apple, it’s an apple, too. they’re apples.t 出示卡片they’re ….ss read together.(设计意图:从触摸游戏入手,激起学生的好奇心和积极参与的欲望,同时将学生的注意力集中到水果复数上,引出句型they’re …,同时达到句型what are these?早渗透、勤反复的目的。)2.(出示单词图片)t:what are these?  引导学生回答they’re ….(apples、oranges、pears、bananas、peaches)  t 最后出示grapes, 学习葡萄,学生拼读练习。 (拿着葡萄问学生)t:what are these?  s: they’re grapes.  practice in chains. (学生进行连锁操练what are these? they’re grapes.)  t出示句型卡片:what are these? 拼读单词these, 读整个句子。  s拿出自己带的水果进行同桌操练。  check: s1: hello, , what are these?        s2: they’re ….        s3: hello, , what are these?        s4: they’re ….        ……(设计意图:用已经学过的水果图片操练句型what are these? they’re…,引出本课新单词葡萄。这样既复习水果单词,又可以让生词、句型结合起来学习。)3. t: now, let’s play a guessing game. i put some fruit over there. can you guess what are those?(手指墙角桌上用布盖好的水果)  s: they’re ….  若学生回答不出来,继续问2遍后揭示答案。  t 手指教室四周墙上的水果图片问:what are those?   ss answer  t 出示句型卡片:what are those?  ss 拼读单词those, 读句子。  pair work: what are those? they’re ….  check(设计意图:以猜的游戏入手,抓住学生的兴奋点,引出句型 what are those?)4.t: now, let’s play. boys and girls, stand up, please. follw me.t: this, that, these, those.(边说边做手势)ss 站起来跟着做。t:now, listen and do.老师说单词,学生做手势。t: let’s say a rhyme: this this this,that that that,these these these,those those those.5. t: what are these/those?  ss: they’re….  t: they are fruit. do you like fruit?  ss: yes, i do.(设计意图:在学完两组句型之后,学生应该得到一点放松,因此接着设计一个简单的rhyme,既复习巩固了知识,又活跃了气氛,使学生全身心放松,缓和了紧张的学习气氛。)(二)teach: how many kilos?…kilos, please.1. t: now, let’s go to the supermarket. ok? close your eyes.老师戴上帽子,将贷架摆上桌,戴上售货员的牌子,拿出一只喇叭,扮演水果店老板叫卖:apples, apples, three yuan a kilo; bananas, bananas, four yuan a kilo。(设计意图:创设购物情境,教师将平时的水果店缩小了放进课堂,扮演水果店老板叫卖,同时将卡片3元/公斤three yuan a kilo、4元/公斤four yuan a kilo出示,使学生对kilo有一个初步的印象,为进一步教学kilo打下基础。)2.t 出示卡片:1公斤:one kilo 学生练说1公斤、2公斤、3公斤、4公斤 t(出示1公斤、2公斤):one kilo and two kilos, how many kilos? ss answer. 反复练习几次。(设计意图:用简单的数学加法引出how many kilos?…kilos.学生容易理解接受。)3.t出示句型卡片how many kilos?…kilos    ss 读这一句子。  t 出示5公斤、6公斤、8公斤,进行学生之间的ask and answer。  t 拿出小型水果筐(装上水电,贴上重量。)进行小组与小组之间的ask and answer.4.t: now ,boys and girls, you can come here and do some shopping. can i help you?s1 come to the front: i’d like some …,please.t: how many kilos?s1: … kilos, please.t: here you are. (老师与学生之间练习两次。i’d like some …,please.三年级已经学过,若学生一时忘了怎么说将这一句型出示一下。)t: now , who will be a saler?s3: i try.s3: can i help you?t: i’d like some …, please.s3: how many kilos?t: four kilos, please.学生与师对话两次。5. t: now you can buy some fruit from your saler. let’s have a competition.(将学生分成6组,每组一个售货员,其他同学扮演顾客向售货员买水果。每个售货员手里有十几张水果的图片,获知所购重量后,直接写在图片上,卖给顾客。最后比较哪一组的售货员卖出的水果多。)6.t: let me see. group 1 , group 2, group 3, group 4, group 5, group 6.评出优

《牛津小学英语》4A Unit 4 I like… 篇4

  教学内容:《牛津小学英语》6b unit 6  a listen,read and say



  2、听懂、会说和会读日常交际用语is that gao shan? yes,speaking. by the way,what are you going to do…?等。






  step1 warm up

  1. greetings

  2. free talk


  step2 revision

  1. words (b look,read and learn)



  ③listen and write.


  2. sentences(c look and say)

  ①group work 或 pair work.


  ③listen and write.


  step3 presentation

  1. free talk渗透is that……? yes,speaking. do you like……? can you……? what do you do on……?

  2. listen to the tape of“a listen, read and say”.

  3. 学习引言部分

  ①教师出示david和gao shan打电话的多媒体课件,上有日历显示为周六,天气暖和,阳光灿烂。

  ②学生自由描述或交谈,讲清短语on saturday morning,have school, talk about, plans for the weekend.



  what day is it today?

  what time is it?

  what is david doing?

  what are they talking about?

  4. 学习第一段(46页)


  what are they going to do today?

  where will they meet?

  ②听录音回答问题,讲清打电话的专用语is that……? speaking与短语a beijing opera show, this afternoon,last year,at one thirty,in front of……


  whowhen activities where 

  ④讲清乐器类前加the,如play the piano;球类前不加the,如play football。

  step4 consolidation

  1. listen to the tape and repeat.

  2. 分角色朗读对话。

  3. 在理解课文的基础上,完成对话后面的练习。

  4. ask and answer


  5. a task

  planning for the weekend:学生在小组中交流,创设情景对话。

  6. 总结一般将来时


  +v. 原形

  ②构成:be going to



  step5 homework

  1. listen to the tape and repeat of“a listen, read and say”.

  2. action.

  3. little reporter(小记者采访)

  用what are you going to do…,? i’m going to…采访同学的周末活动计划并写下来。(至少3位)

  4. 预习d listen and write。



  句型:①is that……? yes,speaking.

  ②by the way,what are you going to do…? i’m going to…


《牛津小学英语》4A Unit 4 I like… 篇5





  教具准备: 投影片,挂图


  step 1  warm up

  1 greetings

  2 sing a song. “excuse me”

  step 2  revision  

  1 出示单词卡,复习第三单元单词。

  2 创设情景,复习巩固问路交际用语。

  (1)投影出示文字介绍及一幅线路图: sally is on holiday in ganyu now. she wants to go to some place ( xinhua bookshop, the post office, hualian supermarket, the bank of china , the cinema ),but she doesn’t know how to get there, and she meets you at hebing park, can you tell her how to get there?


  (3)师生共同操练 how to get to xinhua bookshop,并板书重点句型。

  (4)group work .小组间围绕所给信息进行问答操练。

  (5)act . 指名小组表演对话。

  step 3操练part c look, read and write.

  1 读题,明确题意。

  2 出示第一幅图,教师与一名学生示范,并讲解此种类型题目的方法. 

  3 学生试着完成习题.

  4 交流填写情况.

  5 同桌对话表演,并适当进行改编和扩充.

  6 指名表演对话。

  step 4 作业布置:



  unit 4 review and check

  can you tell me the way to…,please?

  go along this street,and turn… at the …crossing.

  how far is it from here? 

  it’s about…

  .how many stops are there?

《牛津小学英语》4A Unit 4 I like… 篇6


  教学目标:part d、f.


  能听懂、会说、会读和拼写单词weather, spring, autumn, winter, hot, cold.

  能听懂、会说、会读和拼写句型 what’s the weather like…?

  教学难点:能听懂、会说、会读单词season, because, countryside, warm, cool, rain, rainy, sunny, windy, snowy, cloudy, rowing, snowball fights.



  step 1 pre-task preparation:

  1. daily report.

  what’s the weather like today?


  revise the following words: season, because, countryside, warm, cool, rain, rainy, sunny, windy, snowy, cloudy, rowing, snowball fights.

  3.say a chant:

  spring, summer, autumn and winter,

  which season do you like best?

  spring, spring, i like spring best.

  summer, summer, they like summer best.

  autumn, autumn, we like autumn best.

  winter, winter, we all like winter.

  summer is hot, winter is cold,

  autumn is cool and spring is warm

  spring is sunny, summer is rainy,

  autumn is cloudy and winter is windy.

  step 2 while-task procedures:

  look and say:

  show a picture to the ss, then say something about ma li. she is from guangzhou. ma li is now telling su yang about the four seasons in guangzhou.


  what does ma li often do in the park?

  what’s the weather like in summer in guangzhou?

  what’s the weather like in winter in guangzhou?

  where does ma li often go walking?

  2.look and think:


  3.listen and write:

  it is _______ in spring. the trees turn _______. ma li often goes _______ in the park. it is very ______ in summer. it often ________. ma li often goes _______. the days get ________ and the nights get ________ in autumn. it is often sunny. ma li often goes _______ in the countryside. it is not _______ in winter. it is sometimes _________. ma li often goes jogging after school.

  step 3 post-task activity:

  1.a guessing game.

  using the word cards, play a game “what’s missing?”

  2.make and play.


  step 4 homework:

  1. listen to the tape.

  2. surf the internet about the weather in new york.


  warm, green, rowing, hot, rains, swimming, shorter, longer, walking, cold, windy.


《牛津小学英语》4A Unit 4 I like… 篇7

  unit 3  asking the way

  连云港市赣榆县实验小学  董淑鸿


  本单元的核心教学内容是“问路”,围绕这一话题展开各项语言活动。重点学习问路中常涉及的相关用语can you tell me the way to…?how far is it from here? how can i get to…?及其答语。本单元a部分通过创设情景,展开一段有关问路的情景对话;b部分主要学习表示场所的词组以及与问路相关的动词词组;c部分和d部分是本单元的句型结构部分,重点学习句型及其答句。要求学生能够四会掌握这些句型;e部分重点复习了本单元的重点句型turn…at the…crossing和一般过去时;f部分是一个趣味猜迷游戏,可以让学生在听听、看看、做做、玩玩中活动;g部分为语音部分,让学生了解字母组合ou在单词中的读音,提高整体认读能力;h部分是一首歌曲,可以联系本课内容进行填词唱歌。


  1、能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词stop, turn left / right, post office, get on / off, along, street, way。

  2、能听懂、会说、会读单词city, crossing, away, follow, suddenly, shout, thief, shopping centre, middle school, primary school, out of, train station, story museum, kilometre, road, minute, only。

  3、能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型:can you tell me the way to…,please?

  4、能听懂、会说、会读日常交际用语和句型go along this street, and then turn right at the third crossing. how far is it from here? it’s about a kilometre away. you can take bus no.5. how many stops are there? how can i get to the shopping centre?


  6、能演唱歌曲excuse me。


  1、能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词stop, turn left / right, post office, get on / off, along, street, way。

  2、能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型:can you tell me the way to…,please?


  1、能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词stop, turn left / right, post office, get on / off, along, street, way。

  2、能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型:can you tell me the way to…,please?




  第一课时:b look, read and learn及 c look and say

  第二课时:b look, read and learn及 d read and talk

  第三课时:a listen, read and say

  第四课时:e read and number及f play a game

  第五课时:g listen and repeat及h sing a song







《牛津小学英语》4A Unit 4 I like… 篇8

  小学生好动,注意力集中时间短,好胜心强,一般来说比较喜欢猜谜等游戏。在教学过程中,如果我们能够结合学生的年龄特点和心理特点,巧妙并且适时地使用 guessinggame,就能把枯燥的单词或句子操练变成学生乐于接受的学习形式,可以激发学生的学习动机和兴趣,取得良好的教学效果。

  最近,笔者听了一节课,上课内容是《牛津小学英语》1aunit 6“on a farm”第一教时,主要学习句型“it’s a…/what’sthis?”以及相关的词汇“a cat,adog,a duck'’等,本文主要结合这节课中的几个片段和大家一起探讨猜谜游戏在小学英语教学中的作用。



  t:do you like games?s:yes!t:shall we play a guessing game?s:aright.running race动画展示三种动物赛跑场景,请学生们分别选择喜爱的动物,在赛跑过程中大声朗读该动物的名称,为其“加油”。





  [片段2]单词学生掌握了,可单词不能离开句子啊?怎么办呢?t:do you want to guess again?s:yes!hide and seek课件展示农场全景以及躲藏着的小动物。

  t:what’s this?(引导学生用

  it’s a…作答)

  [浅析】教师在猜谜游戏之后适时地进行句型的练习,让学生体验到“用学会的语言做事情”的快乐,充分调动了学生的各种智能,激发了学生学习英语的兴趣,使学生在不断的“探究”中不知不觉地进入了模拟情境――on the farm,优化了学习效果。






  ……(表演)t:what’s t}fis?s:a cat.t:cat,cat,it’s a cat..(引导学


  [浅析]教师根据学生的好动的特点,及时安排学生进行act and guess的游戏,把课堂气氛再次推向了高潮,爱动的学生在表演过程中再次巩固了所学的内容,真正实现了“玩中学”的最高境界。学生通过自身的表演与参与,变被动的学习为主动的探究,正如苏霍姆林斯基所说:“在儿童的内心深处都有一种根深蒂固的需要,那就是希望自己是一个发现者、研究者、探索者。”学生通过对小动物的理解,再用肢体语言表达出来,加深了记忆。同时猜的过程不仅能让学生更好地复习巩固,同时也增加了学生的自信心与成就感。

  [片段4]通过以上的练习,大多数同学都掌握了所学的内容,教师又安排了一个listen and guess的环节来进行巩固和生成的练习。

  t:(课件播放动物的声音)s:a cat.,a cat,it’s a cat.s:a dog,adog,it’s adog.s:a duck,a duck,it’s a duck.

  [浅析]通过这个环节有效地巩固了所学内容,也让学生从动态的课堂气氛中逐渐安静下来,因为“听”的过程就是一个安静下来并获取信息的过程。《英语课程标准》明确指出:小学英语教学的主要目标是培养学生的良好语音、语调和良好的听、说、读、写的习惯,为今后的发展打下坚实的基础。而这个listen and~uess环节的设计有效地培养了学生“听”的习惯。执教教师的这个环节真可谓是“独具匠心”。同时,guess的过程还会有效调动学生的潜能。


  以上是一节精彩的课,针对一年级学生来说,guessinggame游戏带给他们的是快乐的学习,那么中高年级的guessing game是否同样有效呢?以下是笔者根据自己的教学实践所得的几点体会。

  一、将guessing game应用于复习已学的单词,引出新的单词

  在教授新的单词之前,我先准备了一个magic bag,放人一物品并且指出该物品的类别,让学生猜一猜,学生猜的过程就是一个很好的学习过程。

  在教ball这个单词时,我在黑板上画了一个圆,然后问学生:“what am i drawing now?'’学生的回答是各种各样的――“anapple?an orange?a head?…”,最后引出ball这个单词。通过做(~uessing game,学生很好地复习了已学过的知识,还对新的知识产生了非常深刻的印象。

  二、将guessing galtle应用于区别单词,强化记忆

  在教授完he与she时,虽然经过教师再三讲解,学生对其用法已经很明白,但在实际应用过程中仍有一部分学生犯错。这时我就适时的穿插了 guessing game,邀请一位同学到讲台前背对着大家,再请下面的一位同学用变声的方法说话让讲台上的同学猜,最后请讲台上的同学用“he is/she is,’来指认该同学。如果猜对,同学们会爆以热烈的掌声,如果猜错或是搞错了同学的性别则会引起哄堂大笑。通过游戏学生区分了单词,强化了记忆。

  三、将guessing game应用于句子的操练

  把guessing game应用于句子的操练也能收到很好的效果。在教“is that a(an)…?”及其回答“yes,it is./no,it isn’t.”时,我带领同学们做了一个guessing game的游戏,我先选定教室里的一样东西,然后把这样物品的单词写在一位同学的手心上,请其他的同学用“isthat a(an)…?”向该同学提问,并请这位同学用“yes,it is./no,it isn’t.”来作出肯定或否定的回答,同学们各个踊跃参加。



《牛津小学英语》4A Unit 4 I like… 篇9


  1.能听得懂、会说、会用短语a bad cold ,a bad cough,a high fever, have a lot of rest.

  2.能听得懂、会说、会读和会写句型what’s wrong with you? i’ve got …

  3.能听得懂,会说和会读日常交际用语i’m  sorry to hear that.

  4. 能听得懂、会说、会表演e.read and act.

  5. 培养学生关心他人的好习惯.


  能听得懂、会说、会表演e.read and act.


  能听得懂,会说和会用what’s wrong with you? i’ve got …,have a lot of rest.






  1.free talk

  2.play a game:listen and touch.

  3.sing a song

  4.t:are you happy today?

  s1:yes,i am.

  t:but i feel hot.how do you feel now?

  s1:i feel….

  t:i can get a …for you.

  s1:thank you.

  s-s make some dialogues.


  1.s: how do you feel now?

  t:i feel cold.i’ve got a cold.

  teach : a cold?a bad cold? i’ve got a cold.(ss)

  t:look,i’ve got a toothache.i’ve got a headache.(做动作)

  can you say and do like me?

  2. t:what’s wrong with you?

  s:i’ve got a …

  teach:wrong?what’s wrong with you?(ss)

  3.s:what’s wrong with you?

  t:i’ve got a fever.

  teach:fever?a high fever?i’ve got a high fever.

  (同法teach: cough?a bad cough?i’ve got a bad cough.)

  t―s,s-s make some dialogues.

  4. t:what’s wrong with you?

  s:i’ve got a …

  t:i’m sorry to hear that.


  teach: i’m sorry to hear that.

  5.ss practise part d

  6.t:you look ill.i think you’ve got a fever.

  let’s go to see a doctor.


  t:what’s wrong with you?

  s:i’ve got a fever.

  t:anything else?

  s:i’ve got a …,too.

  t:open your mouth and say ‘ah’


  t:you’ve got a cold.take some medicine and have a lot of rest.


  teach :rest? have a rest?have a lot of rest

  have a good rest


  7.read and act.

  step 3.presentation

  1.i’ve got a stomach ache today.i want to  go to see a doctor.you’re doctors.

  oh,there are many rooms in the hospital.

  s:what’s wrong with you?

  t:i’ve got a stomach ache.

  s:anything else?

  t:i don’t want to eat food.

  s:take some medicine and have a lot of rest.


  内科:take some medicine,stay in bed ,have a lot of rest,drink some hot water,don’t eat rich(油腻的) food .don’t drink cold drink…

  牙科医生(dentist):don’t eat sweets,brush your teeth…

  骨科:stay in bed.don’t jump and run.have a lot of rest…

  耳鼻喉科:have a good rest,take some medicine,don’t listen to the walkman…

  s-s make some new dialogues.

  2.give you a proverb

  a good medicine tastes bitter.


  1.copy the new words.

  2.complete part d

  3.make a new dialogue like part e.


  1.本节课的重点是让学生学会关心他人的身体情况。在free talk环节就注意到了与学生情感上的沟通,为下面的教学打好基础。


  3.环节间的联系还有待加强,say a rhyme 的环节可以放在医生给出建议之前进行,这样层次会更清晰。



《牛津小学英语》4A Unit 4 I like… 篇10

  一、教学内容:《牛津小学英语》1blet’s learnlet’s play


  1、能听懂、会说、认读以下八个有关颜色的单词: red、blue、yellow、green、pink、purple、brown、orange;

  2、能用what colour is it? it is…进行问答。







  (1)sing a song;

  (2)greeting with everyone;

  (3)ask some question, call some student answer it。


  (1)show a red colour chalk to students

  t: what colour is it?

  s: red.

  t: yes, it’s red (write the word on the blackboard) follow me [red](repeat three times)


  (teach the word “blue” in the same way)

  (2)ask a student on the yellow clothes

  t: what colour is it?

  s: yellow

  t: right! it’s yellow (write the word on the blackboard) follow me [yeleu](s repeat it, say it one by one)

  t: look, chen wear a green clothes. (write the word on the blackboard) follow me (s repeat it, say it group by group)

  (3)show students a pink balloon

  t: what colour is it?

  s: it’s pink.

  t: good! it is pink (write the word on the blackboard) follow me (s repeat it, say it one by one)

  (teach the word “purple” in the same way)

  (4)show student a brown colour card

  t: what colour is it?

  s: it is brown.

  t: yes, it is brown. (write the word on the blackboard) follow me (s repeat it, say it with other words)

  (teach the word “purple” in the same way)


  (1)listen to the tape and read after the tape while look at the word;

  (2)work in group of 4:one say a colour, the other three point at the right colour card as quickly as possible;

  (3)play a game : guess what colour it is?

  t: (hide a colour card, then say) what colour is it? guess!

  s: it is red

  t: no, it is green./ yes, you are right.


  (1)put all the colour cards together , then ask the students say them out one after another;

  (2)look at the words and read them out;

  (3)do what teacher say: teacher say a colour ,all students draw the right colour on the paper, then show it。


  (1)do the workbook ;

  (2)say out the colours in your bedroom, then tell them to your parents。






  《牛津小学英语》1b unit 3 colours 来自第一范文网。

《牛津小学英语》4A Unit 4 I like… 篇11


  “planning for the weekend”是译林版《牛津小学英语》6a unit6part a,主 要 教学内容是关于娱乐活动类的单词词组,和一般将来时在句中的应用。要求学生围绕这类词组在一定的语境下用“be going to”进行说话,并能在实际生活中熟练地使用,真正让教材服务于生活。设计思路:本节课利用多媒体辅助教学,培养学生学英语的兴趣。通过屏幕呈现动画歌曲“will you join me?”把学生引入课堂教学中。热身运动复习旧知识,也给新课学习作了铺垫。课上教师通过创设真实或半真实的情景与学生进行语言交际,学习、运用本节课词组和句型。“体态语”的运用,座位以小组为单位的排列,为学生创设轻松愉快的英语学习环境,有利于发挥学生最大的能动性。通过课件学习本节课“周末计划”的教学内容,并以各种形式由浅入深的强化训练来巩固课文内容。在拓展运用阶段,让学生通过打电话这一真实的情景进行交际运用,把语言真正应用于实践,做到“学以致用”,最后渗透思想文化教育。


  1 能正确地听、说、读、写单词和词组plan, play, have school,take part in 和句型what are you going to... ? we are going to...

  2 能正确地听、说、读单词和词组concert, opera, singing contest 和句型is that gao shan? yes, speaking. by the way, what are you going to do... ? 

  3 能根据图片提供的情景进行描述。



  1 教具准备:单词图片、与奥运会有关的福娃图片和国旗、五环旗以及多媒体课件。

  2 学生准备:事先布置学生预习本单元的单词。

  3 板书准备:预先写好课题unit 6 planning for the weekend


  i. classroom management


  1. listen to a song “will you join me?”


  2. free talk

  t: what day is it today?

  what date is it today?

  what’s the weather like today?

  it’s warm and sunny. let’s do some exercise.(引导学生复习学过的活动类单词及词组。)

  3. warming up exercise

  t: follow me, please. (多媒体课件上呈现各种运动的场景,教师引导学生边说边做动作。)

  t:  run, run, running. i like running.

  ss: run, run, running. i like running.

  t:  fly, fly, flying. flying a kite.

  ss: fly, fly, flying. flying a kite.(老师说半句,让学生完成下半句,培养学生大脑思维的灵活性。)

  t: surf, surf, surfing. 

  ss: surfing the internet...


  ii. presentation and practice


  1. introduction

  t: boys and girls, we have lessons from monday to friday. theyare weekdays. but we don’t have lessons on saturdays and sundays. they are weekends. we don’t have school at weekends.


  t: i usually do housework at weekends. but this weekend,i’m going to go shopping.

  t: what are you going to do this weekend?  (板书、操练)

  s1: i’m going to go to the park this weekend. (t: good!)


  t: (to s1) please ask him.

  s1:(to s2)what are you going to do this weekend?

  s2: i’m going to do housework this weekend .(t: very good! ) (to s3)

  what are you going to do this weekend?

  s3: i’m going to play basketball this weekend. (t: well done!) …      


  t: who can ask me the question?

  s4: what are you going to do this saturday, miss yin?

  t: i’m going to visit the zoo. by the way, what are you going to do this saturday? (板书)

  s4: i’m going to …

  2.practice and then acting out the dialogue


  eg. --what are you going to do this weekend?

  --i’m going to play basketball. (替换词)

  by the way, what are you going to do this weekend ?

  --i’m going to go to a farm.

  t: today we are going to learn “planning for the weekend”

  (呈现课题, 并操练)

  3 . learn part a of unit 6

  a  introduce the text.


  a. t: now, boys and girls, listen carefully. what’s the sound? can you guess? (钢琴声)

  yes, the sound of the piano. (课件呈现南希弹钢琴图片,运用体态语) nancy can play the piano. she is going to play the piano at the concert this weekend. (板书、操练)

  b. but david can’t. what can he do?


  ss: david can play the violin.

  t: good. you are right. he is also going to play the violin at the concert.

  c. (师唱京剧片段) what’s song?

  ss: (京剧)

  t: yes, you are right. it’s beijing opera. do you like to see  a beijing opera? (板书及操练)

  ss: no, we don’t.

  t: i’m sorry. but i like seeing beijing operas.

  b. listen, read and say

  a. (多媒体播放课文第一部分内容,然后请学生回答问题)


  what are gao shan and david’s plans for the weekend?

  what are they going to do ? let’s listen and watch carefully and find out the answers.

  q: what’s the weather like there?

  q: do the children have school today?

  q: what are they talking about?

  b.  (阅读课文,根据课文内容判断正“t”误“f”。)

  david is going to see the beijing opera with us.  (   )

  he is going to meet us at six in front of the garden theatre. (   )


  c. (讲解语言点,角色朗读,然后填写下列表格)



  plan for saturday

  who :    gao shan and his dad,  david

  plan :  see a beijing opera   

  where : the garden theatre   

  when: on saturday afternoon plan for sunday

  who :david /nancy/gao shan

  plan :play the violin /play the piano /go and watch the concert

  where:at the concert /at the concert /in the school

  when:on sunday afternoon

  d. (根据表格内容,让学生复述课文)


  iii. consolidation



  t: i’m sorry, boys and girls. my friend is calling me.

  can i answer the phone?

  ss: ok.

  a: (接电话) hello!

  b: hello! is that jenny?

  a: yes, speaking.

  b: what are you going to do this sunday?

  a: i’m going to see a beijing opera.

  by the way, would you like to join me?

  b: yes, i’d love to.

  a: that’s good. see you this sunday.

  b: see you.      




  iv. strengthen



  1. t: boys and girls, when is the olympic games held?

  sa: it’s on …

  2. t: what’s liu xiang going to do during the olympic games?

  sb: he is going to …

  3. t: is yao ming going to take part in the olympic games?

  ss: sorry, we don’t know.

  t: but we hope he is going to be better soon.

  4. t: what are you going to do for the olympic games?

  sd: i’m going to do more exercise to get stronger.

  se: i’m going to …



  v. homework




  板书设计:    unit 6 planning for the weekend

  what are you going to do this weekend?

  i’m going to ...

  have school

  beijing opera

  by the way

  at the concert




  六年级课文较长,光通过听录音,模仿、跟读、示范、操练、角色表演等实施教科书上的内容是远不能达到《新课程标准》的要求。针对教学内容,我抓住本课的重点与难点,利用小步子,快节奏,勤反复的教学方法,根据“由浅入深,由易到难,循序渐进”的教学规律, 精心设计课堂教学,强化单词、词组及句型的操练。利用表格中的“关键词”让学生复述课文,把书上静止、单调、枯燥无味的文字通过多媒体辅助教学,转变为说话的能力,激发了学生的求知欲。分组活动学生由于无心理压力,交谈环境宽松,因而积极主动地参与学习,提高了英语交际能力。物质与精神鼓励能增强学生的自信心和成功感。他们获得成功,又有了新的追求,再获得新的成功,这种良性循环带来了好的学习效果,并产生了长远的积极作用。思想教育的渗透,能培养学生热爱祖国、热爱集体,关心他人,乐于助人的好品质,提高他们的综合素质。

《牛津小学英语》4A Unit 4 I like… 篇12

  教材依据:《牛津小学英语》6a unit 7 at christmas a部分。


  1. 学生能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词:watch, teapot, wallet, hairdryer, calculator, skateboard, mine, yours, his, hers, theirs.

  2. 学生能听懂、会说、会读和会写句型:whose … is it? whose … are they?及其回答。

  3. 学生初步掌握a部分的对话。


  whose … is it? whose … are they?及其回答。




  step 1. greetings. (会话导入)

  1. t: hello, boys and girls. my name is vicky, your name please? s: my name is …

  t: nice to meet you. s: nice to meet you, too.

  t: how are you? s: fine, thank you. and you? t: i’m fine, too.

  2. t: i want to make friends with you. let’s sing a song <make new friends>.

  这一步骤主要是通过询问学生姓名,互问身体情况等与学生拉近距离,并且通过演唱歌曲<make new friends>让学生感觉到老师和他们的距离很近,同时也是让他们做好上英语课的准备,调动学生说英语的积极性。

  step 2. learn the new words. (新授b部分单词)

  1. show a calendar. t: today is the 25th of december. it’s christmas day.

  show the pictures and the words ‘christmas, christmas day, merry christmas, christmas tree.’

  2. t: on christmas day, people always sing <ring, ring, ring the bells>

  listen to the song.


  3. t: merry christmas! i have some christmas presents. please look at the picture.

  draw a watch on the blackboard.

  t: what is it? s: it’s a watch.

  write the word on the blackboard, students read and spell the word.

  4. draw a teapot on the blackboard.

  t: it’s a teapot.

  write the word ‘teapot’ on the blackboard, students read the word after the teacher.

  5. draw a wallet on the blackboard.

  t: it’s a wallet.

  write the word ‘wallet’ on the blackboard, students read the word after the teacher.

  6. draw a hairdryer on the blackboard.

  t: it’s a hairdryer.

  write the word ‘hairdryer’ on the blackboard, students read the word after the teacher.

  7. draw a calculator on the blackboard.

  t: it’s a calculator.

  write the word ‘calculator’ on the blackboard, students read the word after the teacher.

  8. draw a skateboard on the blackboard.

  t: it’s a skateboard.

  write the word ‘skateboard’ on the blackboard, students read the word after the teacher.

  9. read all the words together.

  传统的出示图片然后新授单词对学生们来说已经没有了新鲜感,因此在这一步骤中我并没有这样做,而是用简笔画将这些东西画在黑板上然后再学习。因为 watch这个单词学生是学过的,学生比较容易掌握,因此我就让学生自己说出这张图片代表的单词。接着我就边画边说出今天要新授的单词,学生看得认真也听得认真。

  10. play a game. (做游戏)

  t: i will give you 30 seconds. you can make phrases using the new words. let’s see how many you can make.

  make some examples. students work in groups.


  step 3. learn the new sentences. (学习新句型)

  1. show a picture of a teapot. t: who is it from? 很快的闪动一下helen的图片。

  s: it’s from helen.

  show a picture of a hairdryer. t: who is it from? s: it’s from yang ling.

  show a picture of a skateboard. t: who is it from? s: it’s from mike.

  2. show a picture of two wallets. t: who are they from? 很快的闪动一下su yang and su hai的图片。s: they are from su hai and su yang.

  show a picture of a ruler and a pencil. t: who are they from? s: they are from ben.


  3. t: oh, the ruler is from ben. it’s mine.

  show the new word ‘mine’. students read and spell the word.

  show the sentence structure: whose is it? it’s mine.

  ask and answer using their things.

  4. take two or three things of one student. t: whose are they? s: they are mine. t: oh, they are yours.

  show the new word ‘yours’, read and spell the word.

  5. look at the picture of a calculator. ask some students to read the word. listen and repeat the word. t: whose is it?

  students listen and learn the new word ‘his’.

  show the sentence and read: it’s his.

  look at the picture of a magazine. listen and repeat the word. t: whose is it?

  students listen and learn the new word ‘hers’.

  read the sentence: it’s hers.

  6. look at the picture of two skateboards. ask some students to read the word. listen and repeat the word. t: whose are they?

  students listen and learn the new word ‘ours’.

  t: they are theirs.

  show the word. read and spell the word.

  对于小学生来说名词性物主代词是个难点,我使用了学生课桌上的东西来教学。如拿出自己的一本书说:it’s mine.(这是我的。)拿起学生课桌上的两样或三样东西,提问:whose

  are they?学生自然会回答:they are mine. 这时就顺势说出they are yours.并教学新单词yours。这样的方法学生很容易就理解了这些单词和句子的意思,同桌操练起来也非常方便。

  7. let’s chant.(有节奏的朗读)

  watch, watch, it’s mine, mine. skateboard, skateboard, it’s yours, yours.

  hairdryer, hairdryer, it’s his, his. calculator, calculator, it’s hers, hers.

  wallets, wallets, they’re ours, ours. teapots, teapots, they’re theirs, theirs.


  step 4. listen, read and say. (学习a部分课文)

  1. t: the cds are su yang’s. they’re her christmas presents. let’s go back to jim’s grandpa’s house. listen to the tape and tell me whose are these presents.

  students listen to the tape and do the exercise.

  check the answers..

  2. read after the tape.

  read part a together. work in pairs and act.


  step 5. say goodbye.(结束本课并布置课堂作业)

  1. t: christmas is coming. i wish you a merry christmas. let’s sing a song <we wish you a merry christmas>.

  课上到这里学生和老师都比较疲倦了,因此我设计了演唱<we wish you a merry christmas>这首歌,让学生和老师一起唱起来,在轻松愉快的氛围中结束本课。

  2. assign the class work: make a christmas card for your teachers.



《牛津小学英语》4A Unit 4 I like…(精选12篇)
