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What would you do教案3

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What would you do教案3

    The Third Period
    Ⅰ.Teaching Aims and Demands
    1.Knowledge Objects
    (1) Key Vocabulary
    pimple, trouble
    (2) Target Language
    I can't sleep the night before an exam.
    Then I'm too tired to do well. What should I do?
    If I were you, I'd take a long walk before going to bed.
    I really want a dog, but my parents won't let me have one.
    Well, dogs can be a lot of trouble. Maybe you should get a small pet, like a goldfish.
    That's a good idea.
    2.Ability Objects
    (1) Train students' reading skills.
    (2) Train students' integrating skills.
    3.Moral Object
    Everyone may have some trouble. Don't worry.
    Ⅱ.Teaching Key Point
    2.Target language
    Ⅲ.Teaching Difficult Point
    Give advice using the target language.
    Ⅳ.Teaching Methods
    1.Reading Practice
    Ⅴ.Teaching Aid
    The blackboard
    Ⅵ.Teaching Procedures
    Step Ⅰ Revision
    Check homework. Get students to talk about what they would do if a teacher criticized them. For example, a student might say I'd explain to the teacher and so forth.
    Step Ⅱ 3a
    This activity provides reading practice using the target language. Point to the problems on the left. Ask different students to read them to the class.
    Point out the pieces of advice on the right. Get different students to read them to the class.
    Point out the sample answer. Invite a pair of students to read the problem and the piece of advice to the class.
    SA: I'm really shy and I just don't enjoy parties. I don't know what to say or do.
    SB: If I were you, I'd talk to someone who looks friendly. Then you won't feel so shy.
    Say, Please match each problem on the left with the correct advice on the right. Get students to complete the activity on their own. As they work individually, move around the room answering any questions students raise and offering help as needed.
    Check the answers.
    1.c 2.a 3.b
    Step Ⅲ 3b
    This activity provides oral practice using the target language.
    Read the instructions to the class. Invite a pair of students to read the sample conversation.
    SA: I can't sleep the night before an exam. Then I'm too tired to do well. What should I do?
    SB: If I were you, I'd take a long walk before going to bed. That should help you relax.
    Say, Please think of different advice for the problems in Activity 3a.

sp;  Collect suggestions from students. For example, for the third problem, a student might say, If I were you, I'd watch TV to relax my mind.
    Ask students to make conversations with partners using new suggestions to each problem. As they work in pairs, walk around the room offering language support as needed.
    After each student has a chance to play both parts, stop the activity. Get several pairs of students to say their conversations.
    Step Ⅳ Part 4
    This activity provides writing, listening and speaking practice using the target language.
    Read the instructions to the class. Get a pair of students to say the sample conversation to the class.
    SA: I really want a dog, but my parents won't let me have one.
    SB: Well, dogs can be a lot of trouble. Maybe you should get a small pet, like a goldfish.
    SA: That's a good idea.
    Write the conversation on the blackboard.
    Point out the sample answers in the chart. Say, What problems do you have at home? At school? Make a list in the chart. Then ask your classmates for advice and write their advice in the chart too.
    Get students to complete the activity in groups of four. As the groups work together, move around the room to make sure students discuss the topic in English and know how to fill in the chart.
    Check the answers by asking different pairs of students to say their conversations to the class.
    Answers will vary.
    Optional activity

    Ask, What would you do if there were no classes tomorrow? Ask students to write as many answers as they can. Then get students to work in pairs. One ask the other the question and see how many new answers the other is able to think of.
    Step Ⅴ Summary
    Say, In this class, we've done a lot of reading, speaking and writing practice using the target language.
    Step Ⅵ Homework
    (1) Review the target language by reading the conversations in Activity 3a.
    (2) Finish off the exercises on pages 11~12 of the workbook.
    Step Ⅶ Blackboard Design
    Unit 4 What would you do?
    Section A
    The Third Period
    Target language:
    A: I can't sleep the night before an exam. Then I'm too tired to do well. What should I do?
    B: If I were you, I'd take a long walk before going to bed. That should help you relax.
    A: I really want a dog, but my parents won't let me have one.
    B: Well, dogs can be a lot of trouble. Maybe you should get a small pet, like a goldfish.
    A: That's a good idea.



What would you do教案3
