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九年级英语上学期Unit 5学案

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九年级英语上学期Unit 5学案

    1. well-known=famous    be  well-known for 以……而出名     famous
    她是一位有名的女演员  _______________________________
    China is very_____the Great Wall and panadas.
    A.famous as   B.famous for       C.ready to   D.ready for
    2.devote  V   devote…to sth/doing sth.     将……献给……
    The young man_______the poor and the sick.
    A.devoted himself to help          B.devoted herself to helping 
    C.devoted himself to helping     D.devoted herself to help
    3. play V.     玩,扮演  
    开某人的玩笑______________ 踢球________________  弹钢琴______________
    n. 戏剧   在那个电视剧中扮演主角_______________________________________
    4.not only …but also…不但…而且…
    Not only we but also he____________(have) been to Beijing before.
    ①- What do you think of the book about Harry Potter?
    -I like it very much .It is _______interesting_______exciting.
    A.neither, nor  B.not, but    C.not only, but also   D.either or
    ②______Mr Li_____Mr Gao watched the World Cup,but I didn't.
    A.Either,or  B.Neither,nor    C.Not only,but also D.Either,nor
    5.film  n.电影           V.拍摄
    While__________(拍摄)Monte Carlo Baby, Audrey met the famous writer Colette.
    6.star  n.   a film star     a popular star
    v. 由……主演(starred , starring)
    She_________(act) in many other action films before she ______(担任主角) in Hollywood film.
    I saw a love film s_________ Zhou Xun last night.
    It's my job to introduce the popular s______to the audience.
    . He's a film ___________and has___________ in many films.
    A.star;star  B.starred;star  C.star;starred   D.starred;starred
    7.last  ①adj.最后的,最近的.②adv.最后的,上次,最近一次
    ③v.够……用,够……维持   ④v.持续      ⑤n.最后,末尾
    最近3年中他们一直在 住在这幢楼里.__________________________________________
    8.present &nb

sp;      ①n. 现在   at present    ②v.赠予,授予present sb. with sth.
    He won the first place in the writing competition.Our headmaster will___him__a computer.
    A.give;to   B.offer;/   C.present;to   D.present;with
    9.attract  v.吸引  attract one's attention
    He was________(吸引) by the beautiful scene.
    Her beauty a________the famous writer's attention.
    10.enter v. enter sp=come/ go into sp.            entrance   n.
    11.effort  make an effort 尽力  without effort 毫不费力
    put all one's effort into sth.
    ① 表示在过去某时或某个动作之前发生的动作或存在的状态或表示经历或经验

    ② 表示在过去某一动作之前已完成的动作。
    ③ 由表示过去某一时间以前开始一直延续到那个时间并可能继续延续下去的动作。
    ------How long ____you____in Wuhan before you came here?
    ------About three years.
    A.have, lived  B.had, lived  C.do, live  D.did, live
    -Did you see Mr Smith when you were in France?
    -No, when I ______ France, he __________ to china.
    A.had arrived, had gone    B.arrived, had gone
    C.got to, had gone         D.had reached, had gone
    When we hurried to the theatre, the concert _________for five minutes.
    A.had been on  B.had begun  C.bad begun on   D.began
    -Oh, Mrs King, your dress looks nice. Is it new?
    -No, I_____ it since two years ago.
    A. had   B.bought   C.have had   D.had had
    (1)When I got to the airport,the plane________(leave).So I had to change another plane.
    (2)The little boy said that he _________never________(see) such a terrible movie before.
    (3)By the time the firemen arrived ,the big fire ________(put) out.
    (4)The woman ________(disappear) before I realized she was a cheater.
    (5)She said that she _______(work) in a foreign company for five years before she become an English teacher.
    13,用should、ought to、had better、haveto、must提出建议.
    (1)当我们要用"和善"的方法提出建议时,用should, ought to和had better.
    had better表示"最好",后跟动词原形,否定式是 had better not do sth.

想用"更强硬"的态度提出建议时,用have to 和must.
    Have to /must表示"必须",后跟动词原形。Have to常表示客观要求,must则表示主观愿望.Have to 的否定式是don't have to ,表示"不必要";must的否定式是must not ,表示"一定不能"、"不允许".
    ⑴You ___________arrive early so that you will not miss anything.
    ⑵You____________go to the washroom before the film begins.
    ⑶You____________buy some popcorns or soft drinks before the film begins.
    ⑷You____________keep quiet while watching the film.
    ⑸You____________bring a jacket to the cinema because you might feel cold.
    期末复习9A UNIT4
    1. I'd like to take part in the writing _________________(竟赛).
    2. The ____________(摄影) of Tiger Watch is very excellent.
    3. The film Murder in a House is full of ________________(恐怖).
    4. I _____________(赢) Li Ming in the long jump.
    5. The young girl was __________________(谋杀) by the riverside.
    6. It's good to form a  h_______________(sth you always do) of reading
    7. Is this newspaper a  w______________(for a week) or daily?
    8. His mobile phone is  u_______________(of the present time; modern)
    9. He is the d_________(person who tells actors and actresses what to do in a play or a film) of the film.
    10. He was awarded a  p____________(sth won in a concert; award) for his composition.
    11. Our football team did ___________(差) in the final match last time.
    12. Li Lei jumped ___________(远) of all in the long jump.
    13. Peter run as ____________(快) as Paul.
    14. Travelling by train is much ___________(便宜) than by plane but __________(慢)。
    (   ) 1. -----I enjoyed myself very much at yesterday's party.        ------- _________________.
    A. Yes, you do   B. I'm glad to hear that.  C. Thank you all the same.  D. I think so.
    (   ) 2. -------I got the first prize in this English competition.  --------__________.
    A. Oh, how surprised !        B. It's so nice of you to say so. 
    C. Congratulations.           D. So did you
    (   ) 3. ----- I hope you won't be too careless next time.   ------ __________.
    A. Sorry, I won't  B. Yes, I will  C. Thank you, I know  D. Don't worry
    (   ) 4. ------ Hello, Could I speak to Jim?   ------__________.

    A. Yes, I am   B. No, you couldn't   C. Hold on for a moment.  D. Please don't go away
    (   ) 5. --- I lost my wallet on my way to school this morning. ------ ________.
    A. That's too bad   B. It

doesn't matter   C. What a pity   D. You are welcome
    (   ) 6. ____music fan you are ! You know so ______ about music.
    A. How, little   B. What , lot  C. What a, much   D. How a, many
    (  ) 7. It is ____hard work _____nobody is able to finish it.
    A. too, to   B. so, that   C. a very, so   D. such, that
    (   ) 8. I was doing my homework ______ suddenly a dog came in.
    A. while   B. as soon as   C. when   D. because
    (   ) 9. ____ everyone is here, let's begin our meeting.   A. while   B. if   C. since   D. when
    (   ) 10. Please wait here _____ I come back.   A. when   B. until   C. if   D. as soon as
    (   ) 11. _____ I was writing letters last night, he was watching TV.
    A. because   B. while   C. since   D. after
    (   ) 12. ----______will you be away?   ------ In a couple of weeks.
    A. What time   B. How soon   C. How often   D. How long
    (   ) 13. You should keep your clothes _______. Tom. A. be clean B. to be clean C. clean D. cleaning
    (   ) 14.  ____ your books, Tom. Don't leave your things here and there.
    A. Put on   B. Put away   C. Putting on   D. Putting away
    (   ) 15. ---- have you been away from your hometown? -----  For about 13 years.
    A. How many   B. How long   C. How many times   D. How often
    (   ) 16. Many students enjoy the book Harry Potter _____ by J.K.Rowling.
    A. written   B. was written   C. wrote   D. was writing
    期末复习9A Unit5
    女演员___________      工业 ___________     哀悼 __________     吸引 ___________
    小说 ____________      总统 __________     爆米花__________    此后不久 __________     
    帮助需要帮助的人 _________________________
    为他赢得了许多荣誉 __________________________-
    空前最好的演员   _______________________-  
    进入演艺界 _________________
    .通过向我们展示大自然的美  __________________________________
    1.Many soldiers d______their lives to ou

r motherland during the Anti-Japanese War.
    2.We should take some actions to protect the______(环境).
    3.You shold knock on the door first before e______a room.
    4.Zhao Wei is a famous_______(a waman or a girl who acts in films).I think she is good at performing.
    5.Many people m___________(regret for the loss of sb)the loss of Chen Yifei in 2005.
    6.The beautiful scenes of Yunnan a__________ lots of tourists there.
    7.She put all her _________(trying hard with mind or body) into helping needy children in poor areas.
    8.It is _______(众所周知的) that the earth travels around the sun.
    9.She had been a model before hse became a Hollywood_______(超级明星).
    10.She made her final_______(露面) in films in 1989.
    ( )1.-Do you know Betty well?   -Yes,She and I_____friends since we were born.
    A .had made   B.have become  C.have been  D.have turved
    (   )2.They ______ many English songs by the end of last term.

    A .learn    B.had learnt     C.have learnt  D.learn
    (   )3.You ______drive so fast! It is dangerous.
    A.shouldn't      B.should      C.ought to not      D.must
    (   )4.The girl devoted all her time she had ______others.
    A.to help        B.helping     C.helped       D. to helping
    (   )5.Audrey Hepbourn was born in Belgium____4th ,May 1929.
    A.at            B.in          C.on          D.from
    (   ) 6, Jakie Chan was one of the most famous ___________ in the world.
    A, actress     B, actresses       C, actor     D, actors
    (   )7, ------ My car has broken down. Could you please give me a ride tomorrow?
    -------- I'm sorry I _________. I'm leaving for London tonight.
    A, can't       B, mustn't        C, couldn't     D, shouldn't
    (   )8, I wanted to go out, but I had much homework to do. So I ________ stay at home and do my homework.     
    A, have to      B, had to          C, ought to      D, should
    (   )9, Not only my friends but also I ________ interested in those plays.
    A, are     &nb

sp;  B, am       C, is            D, were
    (   )10, ------- You are very weak. You _______ take more exercise. It's good for you.
    -------- You are right. I'll take your advice.
    A, must       B, have to        C, ought to         D, may
    1.东京作为日本首都而出名。(be famous as)
    2.我认为恐怖片不适合青少年看。(be suitable for)
    4.我们到电影院时,电影已入映了10分钟了。(be on)



九年级英语上学期Unit 5学案
