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1.Zhang Guimei is a great teacher. _______ helps many girls in poor villages to achieve their dreams.
  • A. She
  • B. Her
  • C. Hers
2.Monkey King plays an important _______ in Journey to the West (西游记). He is always brave to face the difficulties.
  • A. game
  • B. role
  • C. joke
3.—What do you think of the new film the Battle at Lake Changjin (长津湖)?
— The war (战争) was terrible! We are _______ to live a happy and comfortable life now.
  • A. lucky
  • B. creative
  • C. meaningless
4.When the _______ from CCTV said that Shenzhou X (神舟十三号飞船) was launched successfully, we were excited.
  • A. trader
  • B. artist
  • C. reporter
5.The 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic Games are coming, so we can watch the skaters moving _______ on the ice in Figure Skating (花样滑冰).
  • A. loudly
  • B. clearly
  • C. beautifully
6.Jack _______ to make a delicious meal for his mom on Thanksgiving Day to make her happy.
  • A. decides
  • B. stops
  • C. forgets
7.I believe we can beat COVID-19 _______ we live in the great country — China.
  • A. because
  • B. so
  • C. and
8.Shanxi has the _______ ancient (古代的) buildings in China. We are proud of it.
  • A. many
  • B. more
  • C. most
9.—We are going to the old people's home. What do you want to do for the old people?
—I _______ tell some funny stories to make them happy.
  • A. am similar to
  • B. am up to
  • C. am ready to
10.—We just learned the poem (诗) Wang Yue from Du Fu. What do you think of it?
—_______ It is beautiful and meaningful.
  • A. I really love it.
  • B. I can't stand it.
  • C. I don't mind it.
11.  On National holiday, I had an unforgettable trip to Beijing. My family and I watched the flag-raising ceremony (升旗仪式) at Tian'anmen Square (广场).
  That is a (1)       important moment for us Chinese. It is (2)       for us to get up very early because the ceremony started at sunrise (日出). (3)       spent three days getting a chance (机会) to watch the ceremony. On the first day, (4)       we got up at 5 a. m., we still missed the ceremony. The following day, we got up a little bit (5)       in the morning. But when we got to the square, the street was already so (6)       that we couldn't move. At last we could not get closer to the ceremony. So on the (7)       day, we got up at around 3:30 a. m. .We (8)       the square before the ceremony began. One hour later, we had a close and (9)       view (看) of the flag-raising ceremony. Seeing it gave me a sense of pride (自豪) and it really (10)       my heart.
  I was lucky to see it in Beijing because most people could only see that on TV. I am proud to be a Chinese student, and I hope our country will be stronger and stronger.
12.A:Hi, Anna, Lucy. Long time no see. (1)      
B:I went to Hong Kong with my family.
C:Nowhere. I just stayed at home to watch TV.
A:Watch TV? (2)      
C:I watch TV three or four times a week on school days.
A: (3)      
C:I like watching news, because I hope to find out what's going on in the country even around the world.
B: (4)      I think it's boring.
C:But through the news, I heard that Shanxi met the heaviest rain in the autumn.
A:Yeah. It broke many places of interest and useful things. We're sorry to see that.
C:However, people in Shanxi united (团结) together to face it bravely and actively.
A:Let's buy something to help them.
B: (5)      

A. Not really.
B. Oh, I can't stand the news.
C. I like it, too.
D. How often do you watch TV?
E. Where did you go on vacation?
F. What kind of TV shows do you like?
G. Good idea. 
13.  Different students are talking about their favorite kinds of TV shows. Let's have a look.
Yan Jia
I love the Street Dance of China best. It is a dancing program and I usually watch it on Friday and Saturday, I take dancing lessons every Thursday and I also set up a dancing club in my school. I hope to learn a lot about how to dance better in different dancing styles so that I can teach other club members and make my club more popular at school. 
Wang Yaobin
I like sports shows best. I always watch sports games with my brother on Monday after school. He enjoys sports very much just like me. We often play basketball on weekends. I want to be a great basketball player like Wang Zhizhi. 
Hu Chao
I love animals, so the program Animal World suits (适合) my taste. It is a wonderful and I educational program. I see amazing scenes of nature (自然) on the program and I learn a lot about animals and nature. I watch it on Wednesday and Sunday. If you want to see a rich and beautiful world, watch this program. 
14.  After selling my house and leaving my job, I planned to take my cat Cindy to travel around the world.
  In the past, we went to quite a few places in America. We saw forests and mountains together and they were fantastic. This year, we spent three months staying on the beach in Canada. Some people were surprised to find that I was traveling with a cat. Once a woman even shouted, "Excuse me, there is a cat trying to get into your van!"
  I know. The van, a small house on wheels, is our home. I built it by myself with a bed, a kitchen and enough places for a small cat to live in. | drove my van to many places. It might be small, but the whole country is our backyard.
  Cindy enjoys finding out places she has never visited, but she doesn't like to go too far from our van. She loves to sit in the van and enjoy the great view through the window. I post our photos on the Internet and millions of people around the world like our trip.
  We are lucky to have each other. I will never forget about the trip we had together. If Cindy taught me something, it is that you don't need a lot to be happy. A bit of food, a shelter, and a lot of love.
15.  Zhong Kaitong, a fourth-grader from Guangzhou, enjoyed a fun vacation this summer. Instead of having English or math classes, she played badminton and basketball most of the time.
  In July, China introduced (介绍) the "double reduction" policy (双减政策) and it helped Zhong enjoy some free time during the summer. Students are happy about this policy because they have less homework and no after﹣school classes.
  According to the policy, children below the third grade will not have homework anymore. It should take no more than 90 minutes for junior high school students to finish their homework.
  Students can't take subject based (基于学科的) after-school classes on weekends. However, they can develop (培养) their hobbies on weekends, like learning to dance and play soccer.
  "The policy really helps me a lot", said Liu Rui, a 13-year-old student. "My homework is clearly less than before, so I can finish it at school. I have more time to read books and do sports. More importantly, I can no longer see the ranking (排名) after each exam."
  Schools should improve their education quality, take the main responsibility for students' education and not push them into after-school classes.
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  My name is Jack and I am a middle school student. My best friend is Bob, and let me introduce him to you.
  We have (1)      in common. That's why we are best friends. We (2)      enjoy studying, so we always study together. He always wears a pair of glasses. In my mind, he is more (3)      than any other classmates in our class. He listens to the teachers carefully in class. As a result, he always gets good (4)      in every subject. He helps me a lot in my study. However, I'm better at sports (5)      him. I ask him to run with me every day after school. (6)      sometimes it is really cold outside, he never gives up. He tries (7)      best to do sports to have a stronger body like me. We believe the best way to relax is through exercise. When I feel sad, he is always there to listen. As his best friend, I (8)      help him, too. It's not necessary to be the same, but the most important thing is to find a friend who (9)      cares about you. A good friend is the sunshine in winter, (10)      it warms my heart. I'm sure I've found a friend for love.
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  If you go to a club and pay to hear someone tell funny stories, it's called "stand-up comedy". Stand-up comedy (单口喜剧) first (1)       more than 150 years ago in the US. Today, a show called Rock & Roast (脱口秀大会) is very popular in China. Some performers become famous because of this. Among (2)      , there are many great women performers. Their (3)      usually come from their own experiences. When it comes to women performers, people pay more attention to their looks. They care more about if the performer is (4)      than others.
  Yang Li, the 28-year-old girl, is one of them. She observed (观察) things (5)      and tried to find humor (幽默) in everyday life. She got a lot of attention (关注) last year and many people discussed her online. It was difficult for women to do it, (6)      she never gave up. She also told reporters that stand-up comedy needed more women (7)      their ideas because there were only a few women performers.
  Wang Mian is another performer. (8)      others, he showed his ideas by singing while playing the guitar. By (9)      some interesting topics, he got the first prize last competition. His jokes were not only funny, but they also taught people (10)      to face difficulties in an interesting way.
18.2020东京奥运会上中国健儿的出色表现向世界人民展示了我们中国的力量, 展现了中国人民更佳健康的体魄和心态.作为青少年的你, 是如何看待健康的?请描写自己的一次经历, 向我们分享你健康的生活体验.


