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第一卷(选择题 共85分)

第一部分:听力 (共两节,满分20分)

第一节 (共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)


1. How will the woman go to Beijing?

A. By bus. B. By plane. C. By train.

2. What time does the supermarket close?

A. At 8:30. B. At 9:00. C. At 9:30.

3. Where does the conversation probably take place?

A. In a hospital. B. In a restaurant. C. In a bookshop.

4. What does Steven do?

A. He makes cars. B. He buys cars. C. He sells cars.

5. What does the man mean?

A. A raincoat is unnecessary.

B. It’s going to rain at noon.

C. He’ll wait for her till noon.

第二节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)



6. What newspaper does the man take?

A. News Weekly. B. New Yorkers. C. Morning Post.

7. How much change does the man get?

A. One and a half dollars. B. Two and a half dollars. C. Three and a half  dollars.


8. Why does Susan visit Jim?

A. To invite him to go shopping.

B. To wish him a happy birthday.

C. To help him do some cleaning.

9. When did the two speakers become friends?

A. About 2 months ago. B. About 10 years ago. C. About 20 years ago.

10. What will Tim do with the present?

A. He’ll put it with an art work.

B. He’ll use it to put things in.

C. He’ll place it in the room.


11. What did the woman do just now?

A. She went shopping. B. She drew a picture. C. She visited a friend.

12. Where was the man just now?

A. At home. B. In a post office. C. In a store.

13. Why didn’t the man visit Lucy?

A. Because he preferred to be alone.

B. Because he forgot all about it.

C. Because he went out shopping.


14. How did the man know the restaurant?

A. He heard about it from one friend.

B. He followed one of his friends.

C. He had been there once before.

15. What kind of food does the man order first?

A. A green salad. B. Mushroom soup. C. Chicken.

16. What dessert does the man order?

A. A cake. B. An apple pie. C. Ice cream.


17. What’s the main means of transport in the future according to the  speaker?

A. The car. B. The private plane. C. The spaceship.

18. What will be people’s attitude towards work in the future?

A. People will work to live.

B. People will live to work.

C. People will work for money.

19. Which of the following will people prefer?

A. Washing machines. B. Television sets. C. Computers.

20. Whose lives will be concerned about in the future?

A. Teenagers’. B. Teachers’. C. Robots’.




21. _______ the beginning of 1999, the popularity of MP3 has increased  greatly.

A. In B. Since C. To D. At

22. Shanghai is among the largest cities across the world _______ its size  and population.

A. in place of B. in case of C. in terms of D. in control of

23. Look! My suit is badly out of _______. There must have been somebody  sitting on it.

A. date B. balance C. order D. shape


An unlocked door is an _______ to car stealing.

A. invitation B. interest C. attention D. addiction

25. The boy will _______ crazy if you do not allow him to use the  computer.

A. prove B. fall C. go D. grow

26. — Did you win the match?

— Unfortunately, we were beaten slightly _______ one goal.

A. with B. by C. from D. on

27. It was too dark and I couldn’t _______ the words written on the  wall.

A. make out B. give up C. talk over D. look around

28. Latest researchers show children _______ with high levels of air  pollution during their first year of life run a great risk of developing certain  disease.

A. to be associated B. being associated

C. having been associated D. associated

29. — I’m sorry to have caused you so much trouble.


A. My pleasure B. That’s all right C. Nothing at all D. You’re welcome

30. Electricity is cut off in the earthquake. Villagers have to make some  candles _______ light.

A. giving B. given C. give D. to give

31. I’ll never understand _______ it came about that you were late three  times a week.

A. when B. what C. how D. why

32. It was over a decade _______ they paid off all their debt. You can  imagine what a hard life they had.

A. before B. until C. after D. while

33. Hundreds of people had to be _______ because the stadium was so full  that couldn’t even admit one drop in.

A. looked into B. picked up C. turned away D. sent for

34. Bob’s leg got hurt when _______ up Huangshan.

A. climbing B.his climbing C. climbed D. he climbed

35. _______ all my letters, I had a drink and went out for a walk.

A. Finished B. Having finished C. Finishing D. To finish

第二节:完形填空 (共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)



Dear Abby,

In a recent column, a lady wrote to say that one of her guests at a dinner  party had stolen a fork. She did not know how to 36 it.

I was not that guest, but over the last ten years I have 37 three things  from where I have been a guest. Abby, I cannot understand 38 I took these  things! I have thought over as to how I can give these things 39 !

I cannot do it openly and 40 that I took them. This is a small town, and I  am well known here. If just one of these people 41 about it, I would be  finished.

Abby, what is wrong with me? They are 42 unimportant things. I  considered seeing an __43 for a long time, but should I be 44 going to an  expert, it would be known in the entire town 45 . I am sure thousands of people  like me wish to have the courage to return __46 does not belong to themselves.  Should I just wait until it is 47 , and then find a good chance to 48 the things  in the mailboxes of their right 49 ?

Help me! I’m eagerly looking forward to your reply!

A Guilty Conscience


Dear Guilty Conscience,

Yes. It will make you feel 50 to tell your story, but it will not solve  your problem. You need to 51 help to find out why you took those things so you  won’t 52 this kind of behavior. See an expert in 53 town or city nearby to  protect your 54 . He/She will give you much help.

Please 55 my advice, and let me hear from you again. I care.


36. A. get B. cover C. recover D. discover

37. A. made B. taken C. borrowed D. delivered

38. A. when B. how C. where D. why

39. A. out B. back C. off D. away

40. A. remember B. understand C. admit D. forget 41. A. talkedB. worried C. quarreled D. imagined

42. A. hardly B. really C. lately D. shortly

43. A. editor B. official  C.expert D. artist

44. A. avoided B. understood C. seen D. allowed

45. A. in no time B. at one time

C. ahead of time D. for the time being

46. A. which B. that C. as D. what

47. A. dark B. dawn C. broken D. gone

48. A. research B. bring C. put D. carry

49. A. owners B. relatives C. parents D. friends

50. A. worse B. good C. bad D. better

51. A. provide B. seek C. supply D. enjoy

52. A. realize B. continue C. stop D. mention

53. A. other B. the other C. others D. another

54. A. story B. clue C. privacy D. article

55. A. follow B. offer C. refuse D. send

第三部分:阅读理解 (共15小题;每题2分,满分30分)



Big football matches are always exciting affairs. Besides the action on the  field, the noise the crowd makes really creates the unique atmosphere. At this  summer’s World Cup, you can be sure that every country’s fans will be in full  voice, supporting their teams.

The football chant(口号) is as old as the sport itself. It’s a way for fans to  express their support for their team. It’s common for the noise of supporters to provide the encouragement for a team to win a  match. Most agree that a chant is for building a great atmosphere and to support  the team.

One of the most famous football songs is the Liverpool club anthem(颂歌)  You’ll Never Walk Alone,originally from a 1945 Broadway show, which was adopted  by Liverpool and is sung before every match. It has been said that as soon as  the opposite hears the song, they become aware of how tough winning at Anfield  (Liverpool’s stadium) will be.

The key to a good football song is that it should be simple. It has to be  easy for all fans to sing along with. When I went to watch Beijing Guo’an last  season, I could join in one chant though I could only speak a little Chinese.  “Beijing wo ai ni,” the Guo’an fans sang — you didn’t have to be gifted to work  out what that meant.

At the World Cup, the first songs you’ll hear at matches will be the  national anthems. Fans and players join together to sing the anthems before each  match, and it is considered a mark of respect that the opposite remains silent  while each team’s anthem is being sung.

So, even though I’ll be supporting England from home in the summer, you can  be sure I’ll be chanting at my TV: “En-ger-land, En-ger-land, En-ger-land!”

56. From the passage we can learn that _______.

A. a good football chant is usually very long

B. the football chant can express support to the team

C. the football chant appears later than football itself

D. a fan is talented to learn foreign languages

57. What can fans do to support their team?

A. To kick the ball on the field.

B. To fight with the opposition fans.

C. To provide encouragement with chants.

D. To donate money to the players.

58. Why the national anthems of both the teams can be heard at the World  Cup?

A. Because it is a sign to show the respect to each other.

B. Because it is sung for the leaders of the host country.

C. Because it represents encouragement from their fans.

D. Because either team senses the support from their country.

59. Which of the following is the best title?

A. Football — A Popular Sport B. National Anthems at Matches

C. You’ll Never Walk Alone D. You’ll Never “Cheer” Alone


An election year is one in which all four numbers can be divided by four  (1944, 1948, etc.). Since 1840, American presidents elected in years ending in  zero have been noticed to die in office. William H. Harrison, the man who served  the shortest term, died of a kind of deadly illness several weeks after he took  office.

Abraham Lincoln was one of the four presidents who were murdered. He was  elected in 1860, and his death came just five years later.

James A Garfield, a former Union Army general from Ohio, was shot during  his first year in office (1881) by a man to whom he wouldn’t give a job.

While in his second term of office (1901), William McKinley, another  Ohioan, attended the Pan-American Exposition at Buffalo, New York. During the  reception, he was killed while shaking hands with some of the guests.

Three years after election in 1920, Warren G. Harding died in office.  Although it was never proved, many believed he was poisoned.

Franklin D. Roosevelt had been elected four times (1932, 1936, 1940, and  1944), the only man to serve so long a term. He had suffered from  poliomyelitis(小儿麻痹症)in 1921 and died of the illness in 1945.

John F. Kennedy, the last of the line, was shot in 1963, only three years  after his election.

60. Which of the following was an election year?

A. 1962 B. 1928 C. 1890 D. 1846

61. _______ served the shortest term in office.

A. Abraham Lincoln B. Warren G. Harding

C. William McKinley D. William H. Harrison

62. Which of the following statements is true?

A. All presidents elected in years ending in zero died in office.

B. Only presidents from the state of Ohio have died in office.

C. President Abraham Lincoln died in the year of 1865.

D. Franklin D. Roosevelt completed four times as president.

63. How many presidents elected in years ending in zero since 1840 have  died in office?

A. 7 B. 6 C. 5 D. 4


New Zealand

Fact box: New  Zealand

Position: South of the Equator  (赤道);

Nearest neighbor:  Australia, 1600 km away.

Size: Two main islands — North  Island and

South Island, 268.680 sq.  km together

Population: 4  million

Capital:  Wellington

Languages: English and  Maori

What can you  see?

Mountains, volcanoes, rivers,  lakes, waterfalls, forests, beaches. Both islands are mountainous. In fact, only  30% of New Zealand is flat.

Who can you  meet?

Most people live on North Island.  Eighty-five percent of New Zealanders are white men, whosegreat grandfathers came from  Europe. Ten percent are Maoris. The Maoris came to New Zealand from the  Polynesian islands probably around the tenth century. Europeans started to  arrive in New Zealand about 200 years ago as farmers and  traders.

The  Maoris

When the Maoris first  #FormatImgID_11# arrived in New Zealand, they lived in  villages and were excellent fishermen, hunters and farmers. About 50 years ago  many Maoris started to live and work in large cities and took jobs in  government, industries, medicine and education. They are proud of their culture  and are determined to keep many of the customs which are part of their way of  life.

64. Which of the following is a fact about New Zealand?

A. Maoris make up 20% of the population.

B. There are four million white people.

C. It’s about 1600 km south of the Equator. 

D. Nearly 1/3 of the country is plains.

65. When did the white people begin to live in New Zealand?

A. 1000 years ago. B. 200 years ago. C. 85 years ago. D. 50 years ago.

66. What do the Maoris value most in life?

A. Living in small villages.

B. Developing farming skills.

C. Keeping their own culture.

D. Taking up government jobs.


When students and parents are asked to rate subjects according to their  importance, the arts are unavoidably at the bottom of the list. Music is nice,  people seem to say, but not important. Too often it is viewed as mere  entertainment, but certainly not an education priority(优先). This view is  shortsighted. In fact, music education is beneficial and important for all  students.

Music tells us who we are. Because music is an expression of the beings who  create it, it reflects their thinking and values and the social environment it  came from. Rock music represents a lifestyle just as surely as does a Schubert  song. The jazz influence that George Gershwin and other musicians introduced  into their music is obviously American because it came from American musical  traditions. Music expresses our character and values. It gives us identity as a  society.

Music provides a kind of perception(感知)that cannot be acquired any other  way. Science can explain how the sun rises and sets. The arts explore the  emotive meaning of the same phenomenon. We need every possible way to discover  and respond to our world for one simple but powerful reason: No one way can get  it all.

The arts are forms of thoughts as powerful in what they communicate as  mathematical and scientific symbols. They are ways we human beings “talk” to  each other. They are the language of civilization through which we express our  fears, our curiosities, our discoveries, our hopes. The arts are ways we give  form to our ideas and imagination so that they can be shared with others. When  we do not give children access to an important way of expressing themselves such  as music, we take away from them the meanings that music expresses.

Science  and technology do not tell us what it means to be human. The arts do. Music is an  important way we express human suffering, celebration, the meaning and value of  peace and love.

So music education is far more necessary than people seem to realize.

67. According to Paragraph 1, students _______.

A. regard music as a way of entertainment

B. disagree with their parents on education

C. view music as an overlooked subject

D. prefer the arts to science

68. In Paragraph 2, the author uses jazz as an example to _______.

A. compare it with rock music

B. show music identifies a society

C. introduce American musical traditions

D. prove music influences people’s lifestyles

69. According to the passage, the arts and science _______.

A. explain what it means to be human differently

B. explore different phenomena of the world

C. express people’s feelings in different ways

D. approach the world from different angles 

70. What is the main idea of the passage?

A. Music is an effective communication tool.

B. Music should be of top education priority.

C. Music education deserves more attention.

D. Music makes students more imaginative.





56 BCAD 60. BDCA 64. DBC 67. ABDC

71. harmful, exposed; 72. tried out; 73. What, necessarily, favorite; 74.  Not being accustomed (used); 75. charge, attached; 76. closed, under repair.




Text 1

W: Is there any train to Beijing this afternoon? I need two tickets.

M: Yes. It leaves at half past two in the afternoon.

Text 2

W: I’m going to buy some soft drink before the supermarket closes.

M: My watch says 9:05, so we have only 25 minutes left.

Text 3

W: It’s so crowded here! How long do you think I’ll have to wait?

M: Sorry, madam, there’ll be a dinner table available in minutes.

Text 4

W: Kate says you are mad about cars, Steven.

M: I have to be. I make my living by selling them.

Text 5

W: Please wait a moment. I’ll go back to get my raincoat.

M: But the weather report said it would clear up by noon.




M:Good morning. I’d like to buy a copy of today’s Morning Post.

W:Yes. Here it is.

M:Thank you. How much is it?

W:One dollar.

M:OK. I’m also looking for the magazine – New Yorkers. Do you have any?

W:Sure. That’s 2 dollars 50 cents.

M:OK,I’ll take both. Here’s 5 dollars.

W:Your change, please. Thank you very much.


M: Susan! It’s lovely to see you. We haven’t seen each other for two  months.

W: Hello, Tim, and happy birthday to you!

M: Thank you very much. Come in, please.

W: This is just a little gift for you. I hope you like it.

M: Oh, the box is beautiful. What’s inside?

W: Why not open it and see for yourself?

M: Sure. I can’t wait… Oh, lovely, what a nice bowl!

W: Yes. I thought you could either use it to put things in, or simply use  it as a work of art.

M: I’ll keep it as a work of art and put it in my living room. Thank you so  much!

W: You’re more than welcome. After all, we’ve been good friends for about  ten years.


W: What have you been up to while I’ve been out shopping?

M: Oh, nothing much. I’ve written a couple of letters, that’s all.

W: I thought you’d go to see someone this afternoon.

M; That’s right. I was going to see Lucy.

W: What made you change your mind?

M: I didn’t. I simply forgot all about it.

W: Won’t she be worried?

M: I don’t think so. After all, she prefers to stay alone.


W: Good morning, sir. How many?

M: Just one.

W: This is the first time you’ve been here, isn’t it?

M: Yes. I heard about it from one of my friends.

W: This is a nice restaurant. I’m sure you’re going to like it. Follow me,  please.

M: OK. I’d like a drink before dinner. Um… a Coke, please.

W: What would you like to eat, sir?

M: I’d like to start with mushroom soup.

W: Yes. And to follow?

M: A green salad. And I’ll have chicken for the main course.

W: All right. Mushroom soup followed by a green salad and chicken. Anything  else?

M: What desserts do you have?

W: We have cakes, pies, ice cream, and fresh fruit.

M: I think I’ll have an apple pie. That’s all.

W: Fine. It won’t be long.


Who knows what the world will be like in the future? But one thing is  certain: if we are still in the world, we will be people of the last century!  Let’s imagine another possible world.

Human civilization will reach a higher level than it has ever achieved  before. Cars will be replaced by private planes. The television set will no  longer be the most important member of the family, but will be treated like the  fridge or the washing machine. Actually people will prefer to attach themselves  to computers. People will work to live but not live to work. People will no  longer confuse the quality of things with the quality of life. People will  concern more about the lives of teenagers. Rich children will not be treated  like kings, because there will be no rich children. Education will not only be  the right of those who can pay for it. Teachers will lose their jobs because  computers and robots will do the teaching instead.















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