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The Hand教案

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    Unit 11 The Hand
    ① 知识目标 熟练掌握本单元的单词、短语、句型和语法
    ② 能力目标 能够熟练运用老师所教的阅读技巧,高效地完成阅读任务
    1. 单词: 本单元中单词的音、形、意
    2. 短语:
    1) feel nervous                   感觉紧张
    2) seem disappointed              似乎很失望
    3) at first                       首先
    4) play with                     玩耍,和……一起玩儿
    5) be worried about               为……担心
    6) during the vacation             在假期里
    7) tell me a story                 给我讲故事
    8) on the fourth Thursday of November   在十一月份的第四个星期四
    10) most of them                      他们当中绝大部分人
    11) look forward to doing sth.            期望做某事
    12) hand in                           上交
    13) thank sb. for doing sth.               感谢某人做某事 
    14) be made to do sth.                   被要求做某事
    15) talk in front of the class              在全班面前说话
     17) night and night                     一个晚上接一个晚上
    18) burst into tears                    大哭起来
    19) keep back the tears                  收住眼泪
    20) a friend of mine                   我的一个朋友
    21) in a weak voice            

    22) forget to do sth.                    忘记做某事
    3. 句型:
    1) You seem to be very happy.     你似乎非常高兴。
    2) You look nervous.             你看上去很紧张。
    3) You are excited.              你很兴奋。
    4) What happened?              发生什么事了?
    5) I don't know whether I should tell my mother the truth.
    6) I don't understand why my boss didn't let me go to America.
    7) I don't remember where I have put the books.   我不记得我把书放哪里了。
    8) The teacher asked whose hand it was.         老师问这是谁的手。
    9) It is their custom to give thanks to God for the harvest.
    10) A teacher of an elementary school asked her first graders what they were thankful for.

    11) She asked them to draw a picture of it.      她让他们把所感谢的东西画出来。
    12) Thei


r families could hardly provide them with a big dinner for the holiday.
    13) She wondered how little they had to be thankful for.
    14) She knew that most of them would draw pictures of turkeys on tables because they had looked forward to having turkey for a long time.
    15) The teacher was surprised and puzzled by the picture that Jack handed in- a hand, a simple childishly drawn hand!
    16) When others were back at work, the teacher bent over Jack's desk and asked whose hand it was, "It's your hand, teacher," he said in a weak voice.
    1. A friend of mine told me a story about Thanksgiving, a holiday Americans celebrate on the fourth Thursday of November. It is their custom to give thanks to God for the harvest. A big dinner is prepared, and turkey is usually the main dish.
    a friend of mine 我的一个朋友
    tell me a story   讲故事
    a big dinner is prepared   大餐已经准备好
    2. One Thanksgivin

g Day, a teacher of an elementary school asked her first graders what they were thankful for. She asked them to draw a picture of it. These children were from poor neighborhoods. Their families could hardly provide them with a big dinner for the holiday. She wondered how little they had to be thankful for. She knew that most of them would draw pictures of turkeys on tables because they had looked forward to having turkey for a long time. The teacher was surprised and puzzled by the picture that Jack handed in- a hand, a simple childishly drawn hand!
    most of them            他们当中的绝大部分人
    look forward to doing sth.     期望做某事
    hand in                 上交
    3. But whose hand? The class was excited by the strange painting. "I think it must be the hand of God that brings us food," said one child. "it must be the farmer's hand," said another, "because he raises turkeys."
    I think it must be the hand of God that brings us food,"
    must be...   一定是……
    raise turkeys   养火鸡
    4. Finally, When others were back at work, the teacher bent over Jack's desk and asked whose hand it was, "It's your hand, teacher," he said in a weak voice.
    5. She remembered she had taken Jack, a poor shy child, by the hand several times. She often did that with the children, but is meant so much to Jack. Perhaps this was everyone's Thanksgiving, not for the material things given to us, but for the chance, in whatever small way, to give to others.




The Hand教案
