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高二英语下册Unit 5教案

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高二英语下册Unit 5教案

选修七  unit 5
1.  we know it must be very difficult  to  a          to living abroad.
2.  there is a c            in our school ,where you can get what you like to eat.
3.  usually, at the beginning of the essay, we should a         everybody who has given us help.
4.  we attended a l        given by a famous professor yesterday.
5.  the teacher r        the book written by dickens to his students.
6.  whenever she did badly in her tests, her parents would do what they could to c       her.
7.  as is suggested by the doctors , sweets cannot be the s         of cigarette.
8.  they set out to work as soon as they s        in.
9   he is always o        with his work so that he couldn’t have time to do physical exercise.
10.  his t         helped him a lot in finishing his graduating paper.
1.适应;调节                              2 保持优秀成绩;继续干下去
3.相适应;相融合                          4 为……做准备
5.舒适地                                  6 对某人来说是一种安慰
7.就……而言                              8 忙于(做)某事
9.与……相似                             10 排队等候
11.习惯于(做)某事                      12 向某人问路
13.预科课程                              14 学术要求


高二英语下册Unit 5教案
