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Unit 5 Fruit教案(通用2篇)

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Unit 5 Fruit教案(通用2篇)

Unit 5 Fruit教案 篇1

  1、 能听懂一般疑问句is this a …?并能够根据情况给予肯定答案yes , it is .

  2、 能使用一般疑问句is this  a …?向他人讯问和确认某件物品,语音语调正确。

  3、 能听懂、会说banana ,pear, mango 和peach的单数形式,发音准确。

  4、 能使用学过的句子开展对话,作自我介绍和讯问简单的信息。

  5、 会说歌谣mango.


  一、 教学目标

  1. 能听懂、会说banana ,pear, mango 和peach的单数形式,发音准确。

  二、 教学重点

  1. 能听懂、会说banana ,pear, mango 和peach的单数形式,发音准确。

  三、 教学难点

  1. 能听懂、会说banana ,pear, mango 和peach的单数形式,发音准确。

  四、 教学准备


  五、 教学过程

  step  1

  free talk  and  revision

  step  2


  step  3

  look  and  learn

  t:good …, boys and girls.

  t: what's this?(出示文具类用品和单词卡片)

  1. game

  t: boys and girls, let's play a game. look, this is my bag. guess what's in it?

  依次教" a banana,  a pear,    a mango,  a peach.

  2. competition.

  t: what's missing?

  3. 一闪而过


  t: good … miss li.

  ss: it's a … .

  ss: touch  and  guess.

  smell  and  guess.

  ss read the words together /  one by one/  in roles.

  ss  speak  out  the  missing  word.

  ss  read after the tape.

  read together.





  板书:              unit  5   fruit


  一、 教学目标

  1. 能听懂一般疑问句is this a …?并能够根据情况给予肯定答案yes , it is .

  2. 能使用一般疑问句is this  a …?向他人讯问和确认某件物品,语音语调正确。

  二、 教学重点

  1. 能听懂一般疑问句is this a …?并能够根据情况给予肯定答案yes , it is .

  2. 能使用一般疑问句is this  a …?向他人讯问和确认某件物品,语音语调正确。

  三、 教学难点

  1. 能听懂一般疑问句is this a …?并能够根据情况给予肯定答案yes , it is .

  四、 教学准备


  五、 教学过程

  step  1

  free talk  and revision

  step  2




  step  3

  learn to say

  step  4

  assign homework

  t: who's she/he?

  what's this?


  t: boys and girls, do you like riddles? here's a riddle. can you guess? it's a kind of fruit. (出示课题 unit 5 fruit,

  教 fruit

  t: (出示谜面) 又高又瘦,黄衣白肉; 又香又甜,营养全面。

  t: is this a banana?(出示图片)

  yes, it is.( 板书)

  t: another game. ( 出示文具用品,或水果的一部分)

  t: is this a …(板书) 领读


  t: look, today helen and her father are in the supermarket. look, what's in helen's hand?

  t: is this a banana? it's green. let's listen to the tape.(听2-3遍)

  t: is this a banana?

  t: you are right. now, let's read after the tape.

  1. 读unit5 a b部分,每个5遍。

  ss: she's / he's …

  ss: a ….

  ss: read the word together , one by one.

  ss: banana!

  ss: yes.

  yes, it is.( 跟着老师读)

  ss: yes, it is.

  s1: is this a pear?

  ss: yes, it is. / no, it isn't.

  ss: a banana.

  ss: yes, it is.

  ss: read after the tape.



  在教授一般疑问句"is this...的回答时,除了书上的肯定回答,自然而然地穿插否定回答no, it isn't.

  板书     unit 5   fruit

  is this a banana?    yes, it  is.

  no,  it  isn't.


  一、 教学目标

  1. 会说歌谣mango.

  2. 复习巩固一般疑问句is this …? 及其回答。


  4. 完成《同步探究》unit  5 部分练习。

  二、 教学重点

  1. 会说童谣"mango"。

  2. 巩固句型和单词。

  3. 完成练习。

  三、 教学难点


  四、 教学准备

  投影,录音机,图片, 盒子。

  五、 教学过程

  step   1

  free  talk  and revision

  step   2

  say  a  rhyme

  step  3

  do the exercise.

  step  4

  assign  homework

  t: what's this?(出示水果类单词和文具用品单词的图片)

  t: guess, what's in this box?(提示水果类或文具类)

  t请学生上台操练。who wants to have a try?

  1. t: i have some bananas here. look one for , one for, one  for .

  (板书 one  for…)

  2. listen to the tape. (投影书24页),




  read the rhyme 5times.

  ss  speak  out  the  words together  or  one  by  one  or  in  roles.

  ss: (提醒他们用)is  this  a…?

  s1: is  this  a …?

  s2: yes, it is.  /  no, it isn't.

  ss listen and  watch the book.

  ss: 跟读。


  ss: 看着老师的示范,做题。


  边说边做,让学生理解one  for…的含义。


  板书:   unit  5  fruit

  mango ,  mango,   i  love  you.

  one  for  tommy.  one  for  joe.


  一、 教学目标

  1. 复习巩固单词,一般疑问句及其回答。

  2. 完成《同步探究》unit 5剩下练习。

  3. 复习童谣 mango.

  二、 教学重点

  1. 复习巩固单词,一般疑问句及其回答。

  2. 完成《同步探究》unit 5剩下练习。

  三、 教学难点

  完成《同步探究》unit 5剩下练习。

  四、 教学准备

  录音机, 磁带, 投影

  五、 教学过程

  step  1

  free  talk  and  revision

  step  2

  do the exercise

  1. t: what's this?(出示水果图片)

  2. is this a …?

  3. say a rhyme.

  t: change the words.


  ss: it's a …

  ss: read the rhyme together.

  ss: yes, it is./ no, it isn't.

  ss: mango, mango, i love  you.

  one for tommy, one for joe.

  ss: 听录音,看示范,做题。



  unit 5测验



Unit 5 Fruit教案 篇2

  language focus:

  using nouns to identify objects e.g.apple,pear.

  asking yes/no questions to obtain simple responses e.g.is this an apple?

  using formulaic expressions to confirm or deny e.g.yes,it is. /no, it is not!

  language skills:

  listening: identify key words in an utterance by recognizing stress.

  speaking: pronounce words properly

  use modelled phrases to open and maintain an interaction by providing information in response to factual questions

  use modelled phrases to communicate with other learners.

  materials: student’s book 1a

  cassette player

  workbook 1a

  word and picture cards

  pre-task preparation:

  greeting and warm up: hello! how are you? nice to meet you!

  listen and do

  sing an apple song

  draw an apple on the bb, then ask ‘what’s this?’ show the word card and stick it onto the correct place.

  draw a pear on the bb, then ask ‘is this an apple?’ lead ss to answer ‘no, it isn’t .’repeat. ‘what’s this?’ ‘it’s a pear.’ then show the word card.

  draw an orange on the bb.ask ‘is this a pear?’ lead ss to answer ‘no, it isn’t.’ it’s an orange.’ show and stick the word card.

  draw a banana on the bb. ask ‘is this an orange?’ ‘no, it isn’t. ‘it’s a banana.’ show and stick the word card. read it.

  read all the words

  ask and answer : is this ? no, it isn’t.

  ask ‘is this an apple?’ by pointing to the drawing. lead ss to answer ‘yes, it is.’ show the sentence card and stick onto the bb .repear 7 with other three fruit names.

  while-task procedure:

  1. clear the drawings one by one. ask students to identify each word by looking at word cards.

  2. show fruit pictures by asking ‘is this ?’ then stick them onto the bb.

  3. put up the picture and word cards in random order. ask individual students to come up and re-arrange them.

  post task activities:

  1. divide the class into groups. each group’s name is the name of a fruit. when you say a fruit, the whole group has to stand up. then let them listen and do.e.g.apple, touch you eye,etc.

  2. play a game: turn around and close my eyes. choose one student from each group. let him/her point to one fruit . guess, ‘is this an apple?’ let ss answer ‘yes, it is .’/ no, it isn’t.’

  3. show some real fruit . ask and answer. play the second game: put fruit into a box one by one. let ss guess using the sentence ‘is this ?’ everyone has two chance .if he/she is right, he/she will be given the fruit.


  do exercises by speaking out the answer:

  draw a line to match the word to it’s picture.

  put a tick in the correct box.

  1. homework : read the words.

  blackboard design:

  unit 5 fruit

  apple pear orange banana

  is this an apple?

  yes, it is .

  no, it isn’t.



Unit 5 Fruit教案(通用2篇)
