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Unit4 Going about

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Unit4 Going about

teaching aims:
1. using nouns to identify objects.
2.using proper nouns to refer to places.
using the simple present tense to indicate facts.
3.using the simple present tense to express interests and preferences.
4. using proper nouns to indicate places
teaching difficult:
1. teach the new words: plane ferry train taxi car bus van.
2、teach the new instructions: how do you go to the park ? i go to the park by bus/taxi.
3、teach the new instructions: get in the car. get off the car.
4、teach the new instructions: i go to…by…
5、teach the new instructions: learn a song

the first period
teaching contents
teach the new words: plane ferry train taxi car bus van.
step1: warming up
t: hello, boys and girls.
ss: hello, teacher.
t: how are you?
ss: fine, thank you. and you?
t: very well. thanks.
let some ss to give the commands and others listen and do.
clean the desk, please.
come and play with me.
step2: free talk
t: what do you like?
s1: i like apples.
t: what do you like to do?
s2: i like to dance.
play a game:
one s ask and another answer. then ask one by one
step3: presentation
1)appreciate the song
t: down by the road waiting for the bus
let ss repeat.
t show the word cards and ss look at the word then read.
2) t: bus, bus, by bus. (explain the word “by”)
3) teach the words ‘car bus van’ by the same way.
2.listen and say.
take out the word cards and ask some individual to read them out.
1. play a game:
s1: is it a plane?
s2: is it a car?
s3: is it a taxi?
s4:is it a bus?
s5:is it a ferry?
(all of the words they have learned should be use in this part.)
2. bomb game.
step4: homework.

the second period
teaching contents
teach the new instructions: how do you go to the park ?
i go to the park by bus/taxi.
step1: warming up
1. greetings:
t: hello, boys and girls.
ss: hello, teacher.
t: how are you?
ss: fine, thank you. and you?
t: very well. thanks.
let some ss to give the commands and others listen and do.
play ,play, play. i like to play. come and play with me.
(run /swim/sleep)……
step2: free talk
t: where do you live?
s: i live in …
t: i love …, too. i go to … by bus. (teach “go to … by bus”)
t: how do you go to the park? (explain it )
s1: (引导学生说出)i go to…
(several times)
step3: presentation
1) t put out the wall-chart and tell a story (english and chinese) and ask the questions:
what’s on the road?
2) ask and answer:
t: i go to the park by bus? how do you go to the park?
s1: i go to by…(引导性).
(ask until ss’s answer is right.)
(several time).
3) listen to tape and ask ss to listen and follow the tape.



Unit4 Going about
