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Unit 1 Use your eyes!Look and say(精选2篇)

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Unit 1 Use your eyes!Look and say(精选2篇)

Unit 1 Use your eyes!Look and say 篇1

  unit 1 use your eyes!look and say

  教学目标 知识与技能:using adjectives to show quantities

  using prepositions to indicate position

  过程与方法:locate specific information in response to simple instructions or questions.

  use modelled phrases and sentences to communicate with teacher and other learners.

  locate specific information in a short text in response to questions.


  教学重点和难点 using adjectives to show quantities

  using prepositions to indicate position

  教学媒体 the pictures of fruit

  课前学生准备 english book ,  some fruit

  教学流程 pre-task preparation

  1. review the names of different kinds of fruit. ask: what is it?/ what are they?

  2. ask and answer. what have you got? have you got any…..? where are they?

  3. review phonetic symbol

  while-task procedure

  1. play the cassette. listen and follow.

  2. play again. repeat.

  3. the students read the dialogue in pairs.

  4. invite a few pairs to read the dialogue in front of the class.

  post-task activity

  1. read: ask and answer. the students practise the model dialogue.

  2. invite a few pairs to role-play in front of the class.

  3. play a shopping game.

  4. workbook page2

  5. invite students to tell you the names of different objects in the classroom.

  6. students play the game: have you got any….? in pairs. they ask and answer about the classroom objects.

  板书设计 have you got any…?

  yes, i’ve got some…

  i can’t see. where are they?

  they’re… (beside, near, behind, in front of)



  1. have you got _____(some)durians?sorry,i haven’t got _____(some)durians.部分学生对some和any的用法还不是很清楚。

  2. the green plums are behind the black plums.(换一种说法,保持句意不变)部分同学易遗漏 are出现the black plums in front of the green plums的错误,指导订正.

Unit 1 Use your eyes!Look and say 篇2

  unit 1 use your eyes!look and say

  教学目标 知识与技能:using modals to talk about ability

  asking ‘wh-’ questions to find out position

  using imperatives to give instructions and directions

  过程与方法:use modeled phrases and sentences to communicate with teachers or other learners.

  identify key words in an utteance by recognizing the stress


  教学重点和难点 using modals to talk about ability

  asking ‘wh-’ questions to find out position

  using imperatives to give instructions and directions

  教学媒体 a box, some toys, cards

  课前学生准备 english book. a clock

  教学流程 pre-task preparation

  1.daily talk.

  2. recite the words of page 2

  3. review: in, on, behind, in front of and beside. (using a student , the box and the soft toy)

  ask the students to say something about the soft toy. e.g. it’s behind the box.

  4.phonetic symbol

  while-task procedure

  1. look at my pencil.where is it? it’s inside the pencil case.

  teach the new word: inside/outside.

  2. invite a student to place the pencil/book/ruler.

  3. ask: where is it?  practise inside/outside…

  4. play the cassette: look and say.

  5. play again. listen and repeat.

  6. read: read and match.

  7. complete the exercise.

  post-task activity

  1. photocopiable p2

  2. play a guessing game

  where is it?

  invite one student to hide the toy. the others guess.


  grammar practice book page2

  板书设计  i can’t see my…

  where is it?   where are they?

  it’s…        they’re…

  inside   outside    glasses   a pair of glasses




  1. my glasses_____(be)on my head.

  2. the pair of glasses_____(be)on the desk.第一小题易理解而第二小题错误率较高,讲解订正。



Unit 1 Use your eyes!Look and say(精选2篇)
