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I. 重点单词
1. affair n. 事务
2. alarm n&vt 警钟,警告
3. ambition n.雄心,野心
4. annual adj. 每年的
5. angle n.角度
6. apology n.道歉
7. annoy vt.(使)恼火
8. approval n.赞成
9. arrangement n.安排
10. aware adj.意识到的
11. assistance n. 帮助,援助
12. agent n.代理人
II. 重点短语
1. sound the alarm发出警报
2. a man of ambition有报复的人
3. at an angle of以...角度
4. be annoyed with sb.for sth.因为...而对某人恼火
5. be of assistance 有帮助
6. all in all总而言之
7. deserve approval值得赞扬
8. as far as I'm concerned据我所知
9. set... aside把...留用
10. be aware of意识到
11. offer/make an apology to sb for sth. 因...而向某人道歉
III. 佳句赏析
1. What I do is focus on the value of the stories that people can translate into their own daily world of affairs.
2. I hope my suggestion will meet with your approval.
3. His son was filled with ambition to become a great inventor.
4. With the assistance of his brother, he sold one painting.
5. Affection blinds reason.
IV. 词汇练习
1. His high temperature a_________ the doctors.
2. The a_________ death rate in the US is 11/1,000.
3. He nodded in a_________.
4. As far as I'm concerned, everyone is happy about this new a____________ of things.
5. My a_______ has power to sign my name.
6. The minister is in charge of the foreign a________.
7. Everybody is a______ of the importance of education.
8. Please accept my sincere a_________ for my rude behaviour.
V. 短语练习
make an apology be annoyed for set...aside be aware of at an angle of set one's affections on deserve approval as well as be alarmed by all in all
1. As far as I _____________, the plan has been submitted to the committee for approval.
2. He _____________ being fired by the boss without any excuse.
3. I must ______________ him fir not taking part in his wedding party.
4. Everyone _______________ by the outbreak of the March's earthquake in Japan.
5. The judge dealt with the accident ____________________ protecting the witness.
6. So ____________ some time for reading, even if it is only five minutes each day, which will benefit you a lot.
7. His widom and courage __________________ but not a punishment.
8. As Samuel Smiles says,"A man may usually be known by the books he reads _________ by the company he keeps."

IV. 1 alarmed 2 annual 3 approval 4 arrangement
5 agent 6 affairs 7 aware 8 apology


