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高二英语Understanding each other教案

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j.Co M
虚拟语气(The Subjunctive Mood)



① 虚拟语气在非真实条件句中的用法;


② 在状语从句中的用法;




If 从句的谓语形式



had done

would have done



would do



should do

were to do

would do


1. 省略If 当条件状语从句的谓语含有were, had, should时,可以将它们放在句首,省略if。

1. If he should act like that again, he would be fired immediately.

=Should he act like that again, he would be fired immediately.

2. If you were the manager here, what would you do?

=___Were you the manger here_______________, what would you do?

______If it should rain ____/_________Should it rain____ tomorrow(如果明天下雪), we would put off our celebration.

__If you had attended______/___Had you attended______________ the lecture(如果你听了讲座), you could have known the special customs.

2. 错综时间条件句

当条件状语从句表示的行为和主句表示的行为所发生的时间不一致时,被称为"错综时间条件句", 动词的形式要分别根据它所表示的不同时间作相应的调整

1)If he had followed the doctor's advice,he would recover already.如果他遵照医生的劝告,现在病就好了。(从句与过去事实相反,主句与现在事实相反。)

2)If I ___were______ (be) you,I __wouldn’t have missed___ (not miss) the film last night.

3) If the boy __________hadn’t saved_ (not save) this afternoon, his family _wouldn’t be_ (not be) in peace now.

4) If you worked (work) hard now, you _would get___ (get) a good job in the future.

5) If he hadn’t been caught (not catch) in the rain yesterday, he ______wouldn’t be__ (not be) ill now.

二. 虚拟语气用于某些从句中的情况:
在It + be +形容词/ 名词 + that从句的结构中,由于某些形容词/ 名词的原因,that从句中的谓语动词要用虚拟式"should + 动词原形"或是"动词原形"。

这类形容词/ 名词常见的有: important(重要的), necessary(必要的), strange(奇怪的), natural(自然的), essential(绝对必要的), urgent(紧急的), advisable(明智的), regretful(遗憾的),duty(义务、责任), a pity(遗憾), no wonder(难怪), a regret(遗憾):
It is strange that he___say______________ (say) so .

It is a great pity that you____think_____________ (think) so.
It is natural that a bird ___rest_________ (rest) in trees.
It is necessary that he ___be sent___________ (send) to Beijing right away.

It is ordered that …(根据命令、要求……) , It is proposed that …(人们建议……)
It is desired that … (最好、需要……) , It is requested that … (人们要求……)
It is suggested that … (有人建议……) , It is recommended that …(有人推荐……)
It is demanded that …(根据要求……) ,等。例如:
It is suggested that the English evening _be held________ (hold) on Saturday.

一个坚持,两个命令,三个建议,四个要求。即1.insist 2. order, command 3. advise, suggest, propose 4. demand , require, request, desire这些动词后面的宾语从句要使用虚拟语气用法。即从句中的动词使用should +v,或者将should省略。以上动词相应的名词构成的名词性从句包括主语从句,表语从句和同位语也要使用虚拟语气。(order, advice, suggestion, proposal, demand, request, desire)

He proposed that we _set________ (set) a deadline for the complement of the plan .
They requested that we __send___________ (send) a delegation to their country.
I suggested that he ___set_______ (set) off for our headquarters straightaway .

The look on his face suggested that he __was________ (be) quite satisfied with what I had done for him.

He insisted that he _was__________ (be) honest.

3) 在表语从句和同位语从句中
名词suggestion(建议), proposal(提议), order(命令), recommendation(推荐),advice (建议) 等后面所接的表语从句和同位语从句中,谓语动词要用"(should) + 动词原形":
My suggestion is that he __leave_______ (leave) for London at once .

What do you think of his proposal that we __put_________ (put) on a play at the English evening?

4) 在状语从句中
as if 、as though(似乎,仿佛)引出的方式状语从句,如果表示真实情况应该用陈述语气;如果表示非真实情况则应该用虚拟语气, 过去用had done, 现在用did/were, 将来用would do

They are talking as if they __had been_________ (be) friends for years.

The teacher treats the students as if they _were_________ (be) his own children.

They are talking and talking as if they ____wouldn’t meet_____ (not meet) again

5) 在It is (high) time that sb did/were sth从句中 "该是……的时候了",

It is time that we __got______ (get) ready for the final examination.

It is high time that we __had_______ (have) our lunch.

6) 在If only/wish…从句中 "要是……就好了"、"但愿……"

过去:had done 现在:did/were 将来:would do
If only he ____would find_______ (find) a satisfactory job after his graduation.

If only I __were_________ (be) a rich man now.

If only he ___had come________ (come) this morning.

7) would rather that “宁愿” 过去:had done 现在/将来:did/were

I would rather you _paid______ (pay) me now.

I would rather you __had gone_________ (go) yesterday.

Don’t come. I would rather you _came________ (come) tomorrow.


1. If I were (be) you, I would go there with him.

2. If I _had worked________ (work) hard in the school, I would be (be) a college student now.

3. Had he followed (follow)your advice, he would have passed the examinations.

4. If you should not come/came/were not to come (not come) here tomorrow, we _would cancel_________ (cancel) the meeting.

5. If mother had had (have) $10 yesterday, she _would have bought________ (buy) me a present.

6. ----If he had been warned__ (warn), he wouldn’t have taken__ (not take) that food.

----Luckily he was sent to the hospital immediately.

7. You didn’t let me drive. If we had driven ____ (drive) in turn, you _wouldn’t have got_____(not get) so tired.

8. If you __had taken__ (take) your medicine yesterday, you would be (be)well now.


1. We demanded that we __________ of any change in the plan.

A) informed B) would be informed C) be informed D) had been informed

2. It’s necessary that he _________ a recognized qualification.

A) has B) have C) had D) having

3. It's high time we ____________ our attention to this problem.

A) turned B) turn C) had turned D) would turn

4. If only you __________ him what I said! Everything would have been all right.

A) didn't told B) hadn't told C) would not tell D) would have not told

5. Much labor would have been saved if the electronic computers_____________ before.

A) had invented B) were invented C) should have been invented D) had been invented

6. _____________ cease advertising, prices would be significantly reduced.

A) Were they to B) Could they C) If they D) Would they

7. You ____________ the clothes! We have a washerwoman to do that sort of thing.

A) shouldn't have washed B) mustn't have washed

C) can not have washed D) needn't have washed

8. Jean doesn't want to work right away because she thinks that if she _________ a job she probably wouldn't be able to see her friends very often.

A) has to get B) were to get C) had got D) could have got

9. It is politely requested by the hotel management that radios ______ after 11 o/'clock at night.

A) were not played B) not to play C) not be played D) did not play

10. You don't have to be in such a hurry. I would rather you _________ on business first.

A) would go B) will go C) went D) have gone

11. It is important that enough money ___________ to fund the project.

A) be collected B) must be collected C) was collected D) can be collected

12. If only the committee __________ the regulations and put them into effect as soon as possible.

A) approve B) will approve C) can approve D) would approve

13. I don't think it advisable that Tom ________ to the job since he has no experience.

A) is assigned B) will be assigned C) be assigned D) has been assigned

14. You _________ her in her office last Friday; she's been out of town for two weeks.

A) needn't have seen B) must have seen C) might have seen D) couldn’t have seen

15. It is recommended that the project _________ until all the preparations have been made.

A) is not started B) will not be started C) not be started D) is not to be started

16. I wish I ________ longer this morning, but I had to get up and come to class.

A) could have slept B) slept C) might have slept D) have slept

17. I ________ her to the party but I didn't know her well.

A) ought have invited B) would have invited C) should invite D) may have invited

18. You ________ to town to see the film last week. It will be on TV tomorrow.

A) needn't go B) should not go C) had better not go D) needn't have gone

19. With all this work on hand, he __________ to the cinema last night.

A) mustn't go B) wouldn't go C) oughtn't to go D) shouldn't have gone

20. It was essential that the application forms ___________ back before the deadline

A) must be sent B) would be sent C) be sent D) were sent

21. ________ in the regulations that you should not tell other people the password

of your E-mail account.

A. What is required B. What requires

C. It is required D. It requires

22.The chairman thought_____ necessary to invite Professor Smith to speak at the meeting. A. that B. it C. this D. him
23. --- Don't you think it necessary that he _______ to Miami but to New York?

---- I agree, but the problem is ________ he has refused to.

A. will not be sent; that B. not be sent; that

C. should not be sent; what D. should not send; what




高二英语Understanding each other教案
