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A man who never gave up

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Unit 7 A man who never gave up
  come up with         产生,发现
  keep doing…         继续做……
  give up            放弃
  the second most useful    第二最有用的
  try out new ideas       实验新的想法
  no matter how + adj. / adv.  +从句 无论怎样……
  have nothing to do with    与……无关
  teach sb. to do sth.     教某人做某事
  became interested in     对……感兴趣
  at the age of         在……岁时
  see sb. doing         看见某人正在做某事
  rush out           冲出去
  by telegraph         通过电报
  open up            建立
  graduate from         毕业于……
  hope to do sth.        希望做某事
  turn sth. down        关小
  make a strange noise     发出奇怪的声音
  work on sth.         从事,工作
  It’s not a very good line.  电话线路不是很好。
  What’s wrong with it?
  What’s the matter with it?
  What’s the trouble with you?
  Which of these would you like most to…?
  What do you want to…?
  I’m trying to…  I’ll…
  I want to …  I hope to …
  I plan to …   I’m going to
  Don’t you think his radio is too noisy?
  Can’t you swim?
  Didn’t you come here?
  Sorry about that.
  Well, that’s easy.
  Good question.
  Anything else?
  Tomorrow if possible.
  That’s a good plan, isn’t it?
1.I’ll be able to write faster. 我就能写得更快些。
be able to 意思是“能够”,相当于情态动词can,只是can 只有现在式和过去式两种(can. could),而be able to则有更多的时态形式。例如:
  Some of us can use the computer now. But we couldn’t do it three years ago.
  The work is so difficult. No one is able to do it.
  I haven’t been able to find the book. How about tomorrow?
  He must be able to use the foreign language, forgetting all about his own.
  When will you be able to help me with my Chinese?
注意:在表示允许、可能、惊异时用can或could,一般不用be able to。如:
  You can go now. Right now, all right?
  Can (could) 可以用来指比较委婉地提出请求,疑问或看法。而be able to 不能这样用。如:
  ― Can I take a message for John?
  ― Yes, thank you.
  ― 好的,谢谢。
  Could you wait a few days for the money? I’ll return it to you in a few days.
  另外,was able 还表示”成功地做到”,相当于managed to do sth/succeeded in doing sth
2. We can come up with the answer together.   我们可以一起发现答案。
  come up with (an answer)意思为find or produce a way to solve, or an answer “发现, 产生/解决办法或答案”。但是,不能说An idea is come up with。如:
  ― He came up with an idea for making kite.
  ― How could he come up with this idea?
  ― 他想出了做风筝的办法。
  ― 他怎么想出这个主意的?
3. We just need to keep working on it and not give up.  我们需要坚持做下去,不能放弃。
(1)keep dong sth.意思为“继续做某事”或“不断/反复做某事”。如:
  Keep reading, and your English will be better and better.
  Keep on doing something也是继续做某事的意思。但是,此时表示在持续的过程中时有间断。如:
  He is a famous writer. He keeps on writing every day.
  work on sth意思是“从事……工作”如:
  The writer is working on a new book. The scientist is working on a new plan. We must work hard on all subjects.
(2)give up 意思为“放弃,停止”,后面可跟动名词形式作宾语。如:
  Give up smoking! It’s no good to you! 戒烟!烟对你没好处!
  I can do nothing more. I have to give up.
4. Which of these do you think is the second most useful invention?
(1) do you think 是插入语,常置于疑问词之后,不能置于疑问词之前,作“你认为……”解释。如:
  ― How old do you think my father is?
  ― I think he’s fifty.
  ― 你认为我父亲多大年纪了?
  ― 我想有五十岁吧。
  ― Who do you think will teach us English this term?
  ― Mr Li, I think.
  ― 你认为这个学期谁将教我们英语?
  ― 我想是李教师。
(2) 在最高级前加系数词second, third…,表示程度比较次要,意思为“居第二/ 第三位的……”。如:
  Changjiang River is the longest one in China. And Yellow River is the second longest one.
  Bill is the second tallest in our class.
(3) 注意词型的转换:invent v. 发明
          invention n.. 发明(物)
          inventor n.. 发明家(者)
  Edison was a great inventor. He invented lots of things. During his lifetime, he had 1093 inventions.
5. When he was a child, he was always asking questions and trying out ideas.
  The girl behind me is always talking in class.
  坐在我后面的女生上课总是讲话。 (表示厌烦)
  The PLA are always doing good deeds for the people.
  人民解放军总是为人民做好事。 (表示赞赏)
(2)try out 意为“试验;试用”。如:
  The inventor is excited, and he is going to try out his new machine. His idea sounds fine, but we need to try it out in practice
  2001年高考题例:We didn’t plan our art exhibition like that but it ________ very well.
  A. worked out B. tried out C. went on D. carried on
6. Most of the questions had nothing to do with his lessons. 多数问题都与他的功课无关。
  have nothing to do with 意思是“与……无关“。如:
  You stay in another city. This has nothing to do with your.
  have something to do with  与……有关
  have much to do with     与……有很大关系
  have a little to do with   与……有一点儿关系
  have little to do with    与……几乎没有关系
  注意:此处的替换词都是不可数的,不能用many, a few,或few替换。疑问句中要用anything,如:
  ― Did her speaking have anything to do with the question?
  ― Yes, it did. What she said had something /much /a little(little) to do with our work.
  ― 她的话与问题有关吗?
  ― 是的,她的话和我们的工作有些关系/有很大关系/有一点儿关系(几乎没有关系)。
7. The teacher didn’t want to teach Tom any more.   老师再也不想教汤姆了。
  not…any more 意思为“不再;再也不”相当于not…any longer,通常可用no longer代替,在句中作状语,表示动词或状态不再延续。如:
  I can not wait any longer /any more. = I can no longer wait.
8. He learnt very fast and became very interested in science.
  be (become ) interested in …对……感兴趣。注意此处是interested,不是 interesting。
  That girl is (becomes ) interested in singing and dancing. My brother feels drawing is interesting. They both have their own special likes and hobbies.
9. Edison saw a little boy playing on the railway tracks at a station.
  see sb doing sth 看见某人正在做某事,表示某人的动作正在进行,用现在分词;see sb.do sth.看见某人做某时,表示某人的动作已结束,使用省略to的不定式。如:
  A thief robbed Jim’s wallet last night. Mary saw a wallet lying on the ground after that. I said I saw the thief enter the shop twice that day.
10. The boy was too frightened to move. …The boy’s father was so thankful that he taught Edison how to send message by telegraph.
(1) too…to…太……以致不能……
  too 后只能接形容词或副词, too…to可以转换成so…that…。so+形容词/副词+that +从句 意思为:“如此;以致于”转换后的that从句应是否定句。如:
  She is too young to do the job. = She is so young that she can’t do the job.
  The book is too difficult for me to read. = The book is so difficult that I can’t read.
  I was so angry that I couldn’t speak. = I was too angry to speak.
  He spoke so fast that I could hardly follow him. = He spoke too fast for me to follow.
  注意后一句中follow 后面不能再接him,因为:如果不定式动词与主语具有逻辑上的动宾关系,则不能再加宾语。
(2)句型such(a/an)+形容词+名词+that从句,也可表示 “如此……以致于……”。such后面的名词可以是单数,复数或不可数。如:
  This is such a good book that all of us like it very much. =
  This is so good a book that all of us like it very much.
  She is such a good teacher that all of us love her. =
  She is so good a teacher that all of us love her,
 注意:在such…that 句型中,当such后的名词有many, much, some, few, little several等词修饰时则需用so…that句式。如:
  She has so few friends that she is always lonely.
  I’ve so many falls that I’m black and blue all over.
11. What do you want to do after you graduate from school?  你毕业后想做什么?
  句中graduate 作动词,后接介词from,如:
  I want to be a teacher after I graduate from school.
12. Don’t you think his radio is too noisy?   难道你不认为他的收音机太吵了吗?
 ― Don’t you think they speak too quickly?
 ― Yes, I do.
 ― 难道你不认为她们讲得太快了吗?
 ― 是够快的。
13. Let’s ask him to turn it down.   我们让他把收音机音量关小。
  turn down意思为“把音量关小“,反义词是turn up把音量开大,类似的短语还有:turn on “打开”,turn off “关掉”,其中on, off ,down, up都为副词,因此代词作宾语,必须位于动词之后,副词之前。如:
  The TV is too noisy. Please turn it down.
  Please turn off the lights when you leave home, and turn up the radio. Then nobody dare break in.
1) 用作宾语
  I’ve begun to learn English.
  The old man always forgets what to do.
  Liu Mei wanted to ask the teacher a question.
  句中to learn English, what to do, to ask the teacher a question分别作谓语动词begun, forgets, wanted的宾语。
  动词不定式作及物动词的宾语,常用的及物动词有begin, want, hope, forget, remember, like, love, need, try, ask, learn, wish, agree, choose, start:等。
2) 用作宾语补足语
  Tell the child not to play on the road.
  My father told me to turn the radio down.
  I often help my mother (to) do housework at home.
  句中not to play on the road, to turn the radio down, (to) do housework at home分别作tell, told, help的宾语补足语。
1.作动词ask, like, tell, want等的宾补时,动词不定式要带to。如:
2.表示感官和使欲的动词,如:let, make, feel, hear, see, watch等,作这些动词的宾补时,动词不定式不带to。如:
  My parents don’t let me swim in the river.
  Did you watch the old man get into the bus?
3. 作动词help的宾语补足语时,动词不定式可带to,也可不带to。如:
  Could you help me (to) do the cooking this afternoon?
  He can’t help me (to) mend my bike.
1.It’s not very ________ to use a pen with a machine.
2.If you keep _________ on it, you will (use) succeed. (work)
3.Which of these do you think is the most useful _________ ? (invent)
4.Isn’t it a _______ idea to fix the bike ? (fun)
5.It’s ______ to use a computer than to make one. (easy)
6.Jim Green has been to many ________ places in china.
1.The man downstairs found it very difficult to get to sleep.
A.bad B.easy C.hard D.impossible
2.Most of the questions had nothing to do with his lessons.
A.were about B.were important
C.weren’t about D.contained
3.I’m so happy that you could come to England with us for the holidays.
A.angry B.glad C.afraid D.hopeless
4.My friend Jim has an old photo of my family.
A.phone B.home C.picture D.person
( ) 1. Have you got the right answer to the question? You’d better ________ it together.
  A. come over to   B. come up to   C. come out   D. came up to
( ) 2. Susan ________ speak Chinese since last year.
  A. will be able to    B. was able to
  C. has been able to    D. is able to
( ) 3. No matter ________ hard the life was ,Tom never gave up.
  A. how   B. when   C. where   D. what
( ) 4. I will make him ________ it again.
  A. to try   B. try   C. trying   D. tries
( ) 5. That’s ________ I’ve come ________ you.
  A. what, to see   B. why, to see   C. how, to see   D. why, seeing
( ) 6. The little boy is always interested ________ music.
  A. with   B. by   C. in   D. at
( ) 7. I want to learn how ________ quickly.
  A. run   B. to run   C. runs   D. ran
( ) 8. Why didn’t you tell her ________ her own?
  A. use   B. used  C. to use   D. using
( ) 9. She is old enough ________ to school.
  A. going   B. to go   C. and goes   D. go
( ) 10. He ________ carefully, but he could ________ nothing.
  A. see, look   B. looked, see   C. saw, look   D. looked, saw
( ) 11. Did you see him ________ on the station tracks just now?
  A. sitting   B. to see   C. sat   D. sits
( ) 12. I don’t understand why he always has ________ work to do.
  A. so many   B. so much   C. such a lot   D. such many
1.You’re tall enough _________ (reach) the book on the shelf.
2.Please ask you father ________ (turn) down his radio a little. The baby is asleep.
3.Is it easy ________ (fix) the car.
4.I really hope _________ (do) something more for you.
5.Tom planned ________(find) a job in a foreign company.
6.When I saw a boy _________ (play) on the railway tracks, I rushed out __________ (save) him.
7.He has finally given up __________ (smoke).
8.I’ll teach you how ________ (send) message by radio.
9.If you keep ______ (try) out new ideas, you’ll invent something sooner or later.
10.Did the accident have anything _______ (do) with his careless driving?
The idea _______________________ but we need _______________in practice.
We’re full of______________________________________________.
The traffic accident ________________________________________.
Tom _______________________________ when he was a child.
I thought this was a ___________________________. I would _______________________.
my __________________________.
1.He used the money to buy a TV set.
_____________________ he bought a TV set.
2.The box isn’t light enough to carry.
The box is ________________________________.
3.The shoes are very small. She can’t wear them.
The shoes are ______ small ___________________________________wear.
4.He can’t come here on time.
He _____________________________________________ on time.
5.Jim’s family visited Mount Emei when they stayed in china.
Jim’s family visited Mount Emei ___________________ in China.
6.No matter how hard it was, he never stooped learning.
_________________________ hard it was, he never _______________________ learning.
7.What he said wasn’t about our lessons at all.
What he said __________________________________ our lessons.
8.At the age of 10, she started drawing.
She ______________________ drawing _________________ she ____________________.
Ⅰ、1、useful  2、working  3、inventions  4、funny  5、easier  6、interesting
Ⅱ、1、C  2、C  3、B  4、C
Ⅲ、 1―5 B C A B B   6―10 C B C B B   11―12 A B
Ⅳ1、to reach  2、to turn  3、to fill  4、to do  5、to find  6、playing, to save  7、smoking
8、to send  9、trying  10、to do
Ⅴ、1、seems fine, to try out
2、confidence in ourselves
3、had nothing to do with him
4、opened up / built up a science lab
5、new start in lifetime, never give up, own ideas
Ⅵ、1、with the money
2、too heavy to carry
3、too, for her to
4、aren’t be able to come here
5、during their stay
6、How ever, gave up


A man who never gave up
