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九年级英语下册 unit2--unit4教学案2

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9B Unit 3


1.continue to the end 坚持到最后
2.take a rest 休息一下
3.wake me up 叫醒我
4.on one’s way back在某人回去的路上
5.Chinese paper cut 中国剪纸
6.dragon dance 舞龙
7.get lost easily 容易迷路
8. the capital of ……的首都
9.be attracted by … 被……吸引
10.the beautiful design of the buildings 建筑群的精美设计
11.a gate of heavenly peace 天界平安之门
12.be filled with tourists 挤满游客
13.watch the raising of the national flag 观看升国旗(仪式)
14.a famous Chinese-stlye garden 一个著名的中国式园林
15.spend the summer 避暑
16.consist of /be made up of 由……组成
17.a man-made lake 一个人工湖
18.all over the area 遍及这个地区
19.run more than 5,000 kilometres across northern China 横跨中国北方绵延5000多里
20.one of the wonders of the world 世界几大奇迹之一
21.exerience its beauty and greatness 体验它的美和伟大
22.step by step 一步一步地
23.in the south of China 在中国的南部
24.lie on the two sides of Li River 座落在漓江两岸
25.in different shapes 形态各异
26.in strange shapes 奇形怪状
27.see ... with one’s own eyes 亲眼所见
28.take a boat trip along Li River 乘船沿漓江游览
29.be open to the public 向公众开放
30.at sunrise 在日出时刻
31.get hot and sweaty 又热又流汗
32.every five minutes 每五分钟
33.in a hurry 匆忙地
34.leave Japan for other Asian countries 离开日本去亚洲其他国家
35.public transport services 公交设施
36.wish sb. a nice trip 祝某人旅途愉快

1.Beijing is in northern China. 北京在中国的北部。
2.Unless you have a map, you will get lost easily. 除非你有地图,否则你很容易迷路。
3.The emperors of the Ming and Qing dynasties used to live here. 明清两代皇帝以前住在这里。
4.You will be attracted by the beautiful design of the buildings, and the clothes and furniture that the emperors used in the past. 你会被建筑群漂亮的设计,以及过去皇帝们穿过的服装和用过的家具吸引。
5.It is the biggest square in the world and is always filled with tourists. 这是世界上最大的广场,游人如织。
6.Every day many tourists gather here early in the morning so that they can watch the raising of the national flag. 每天,许多游客为了观看升国旗,一大早就聚集在这里。
7.It consists mainly of a hill and a man-made lake, with bridges, pagodas and halls all over the area. 它主要是由一座小山和一个人工湖组成,里面到处建有桥、塔和厅堂。
8.It is a long wall which runs more than 5,000 kilometres across northern China.它是一道蜿蜒五千公里横跨中国北方的很长的城墙。
9.You can experience its beauty and greatness although it is very tiring to climb it step by step.虽然一步一步爬上去非常累,但你可以体验它的美丽和雄伟。
10.You cannot imagine how amazing they are unless you see them with your own eyes. 如果你没有亲眼看到它们,就不能想象它们是多么令人惊异。



1)although相当于though, 两词都是连词,引导让步状语从句。如:
①Although/Though she’s young, she knows a lot.
=She’s young, but she knows a lot.
②Although/Though he is in poor health, (yet) he works hard.
=He’s in poor health, but he works hard.
③I’ll never give up English though it is difficult.
=English is difficult, but I’ll never give it up.
②当加强语气时,我们通常说even though,而不说even although。如:
Although/ Though/ Even though she didn’t understand a word of what he said, she kept smiling. 尽管他的话她听不懂一个字,她还是一直微笑着。
She knew all her friends would be there, she didn’t want to go, though.
2) even though意为“即使”、“尽管”、“纵然”,与even if意义相同,也引导让步状语从句。如:
①Even though he’s very nice, I don’t really trust him. 尽管他很好,我并不真正信任他。(事实上“很好” )
②Even if you are not fond of flowers, you shouldn’t miss the flower exhibition.即使你不喜欢花,这次花展你也不应错过。 (假想“不喜欢” )
③She won’t leave the television set, even though her husband is waiting for his supper.纵使她丈夫在等着吃晚饭,她也不愿意离开电视机。
④I’ll get there even if I have to sell my watch to get the railway fare.即使我必须卖掉手表去买火车票,我也要到那里去。
①Unless he comes… = If he doesn’t come… 如果他不来……
②Unless you work hard, you will fail. = If you don’t work hard, you will fail.
①Unless it rains, we’ll go hiking.如果不下雨,我们将去远足。
②Unless he comes, I’ll go instead of him.如果他不来,我将代替他去。
3. so that引导的目的状语从句
1)so that引导目的状语从句,从句中通常带有can, could, may, might, should等情态动词,以适用于目的。如:
①They worked very hard so that they could finish the work before supper.
②He walked by the side of the road so that he would not be hit by cars.
注意:(1)so that从句如为否定结构,则谓语动词中多用情态动词。
(2)so that引导的目的状语从句,可转换成in order that引导的目的状语从句。若从句主语与主句主语一致,还可用in order to (do) 或so as (to do) 改成同义简单句。如:They worked very hard so that they could finish the work before supper.
= They worked very hard in order that they could finish the work before supper.
= They worked very hard in order to finish the work before supper.
= They worked very hard so as to finish the work before supper.
2)so that引导的状语从句也可表示结果,这时so that从句中根据句意可用或不用情态动词。 如:
①They worked very hard so that they finished the work before supper.
②He got up very late this morning so that he was late for school. 今天早晨他起得很晚,结果他上学迟到了。
①The question is so difficult that nobody in our class can answer it.这个问题如此难,我们班上谁也答不上来。
②The shoes are so small that I can’t wear them.这双鞋小得我都穿不上。
③The ice is so thin that you can’t walk on it.冰太薄,你不能在上面走。
④The shirt cost so much that I didn’t want to take it.那件衬衫太贵,因此我没有买。



1.There are too many hills, and my feet are very tired.
1)too many 后接可数名词复数形式,表示“太多的……”
too much 后接不可数名词,表示“太多的……”;too much也可单独使用,相当于一个代词,在句中作表语或宾语。too much还可修饰动词,相当于副词用法,在句中作状语,表示“过于”,“太多”。
much too 修饰形容词或副词,表示“非常,太过”,如:
①There are too many people in the supermarket on Sundays.
②Don’t make too much noise. 别太吵闹。
③It’s much too hot.今天实在太热了。
2)tired 通常指人“疲劳”“疲倦”;tiring指“令人疲劳的”,这两个词在句中可作定语、表语或宾语补足语。如:
①She was tired after a hard day’s work.她辛劳了一天,感到疲倦。
②The work is tiring. It’s tiring work. 这工作很累人。这是累人的活。
注意:He’s tired from the work. 是“这一工作使他很累”之意;而He’s tired of the work.是“他对这一工作感到厌倦了”之意。
2.Although there’s still a long way to go, we must continue to the end.
continue + doing sth./ to do sth./ with sth. 继续做某事,如:
①If the pain continues, see your doctor.如果疼痛持续,你得找医生诊治。
②He continued working / to work late into the night.
③I shall continue with the lessons after the exam.
④The next day we continued our journey.第二天我们继续旅程。
3.Wake me up on your way back.在你回来的路上叫醒我。
1)wake up 醒来;唤醒,叫醒,弄醒
①The boy wakes up early in the morning.
②Could you wake me up at 7:00 tomorrow morning, please?
2)on one’s way意为“在途中”“在路上”,在使用时它常有以下三种搭配形式:
(1)on one’s way to +地点名词。如:
①When l saw them, they were on their way to the cinema. 我看见他们时,他们正在去看电影的路上。
(2)on one’s way +地点副词。如:
①He met an old friend on his way home.
②Oh her way here, she found a bag on the ground.
(3)on one’s way +动词不定式。如:
On my way to go swimming, I lost my watch.
4.Unless you have a map, you will get lost easily.
1)unless 连词,相当于if…not, except if, 意为“如果不,除非”,所引导的从句中常用一般现在时表示将来的动作,如:
①I shall go there unless it rains.
②I will not go unless I hear from him.
2)get lost迷路,走丢。get为连系动词, lost是动词lose的过去分词作表语。如:
①He got lost in the snowstorm.=He lost his way in the snowstorm.
②Their girl got (was) lost in the crowd. = They lost their girl in the crowd.
5.The emperors of the Ming and Qing dynasties used to live here.
used to do, be used to doing 和be used to do
1)used to do表示“过去常常做某事”,言外之意就是现在已不再如此,因此没有现在式,后面总是跟不定式。如:
①It used to be a very rich village.这个村子以前很富。
②We used to help him a lot when he first came here.
注意:used to构成疑问时可借助于助动词did或直接将used移至主语之前。如:
Did you use to see each other? = Used you to see each other?
used to 在构成否定时可借助于didn’t,也可直接在used后面加not构成。如:
She didn’t use to drink. = She used not to drink.她过去不常喝酒。
2)be used to +名词或动名词表示“习惯于某事或做某事”,这里to为介词,后面的动词须用-ing形式,句子的主语通常是“人”。如:
①I’m really not used to such close and wet weather.
②His grandparents has been used to living in the country.
注意:连系动词get, become, grow, seem等可用来代替be, 和used to连用,强调习惯的逐渐过程。如:
①You’ll get used to that in time.你很快就会对此习惯的。
②I’ve become used to such food.我已习惯吃这样的食品。
3)be used to 表示“被用来做某事”,这里be used是被动语态,后面接不定式,主语通常是“物”。如:
This room is used to store rice.这个房间是用来存放稻谷的。
6.The word ‘Tian’anmen’ means ‘a gate of heavenly peace’. “天安门”这个词意思是“天堂般安宁之门”。
‘What do you mean?’ ‘I mean nothing else.’
“你是什么意思?” “我没什么别的意思。”新课 标第 一网
①It means that we can enjoy cleaner air.
②In my opinion, smoking means buying death with money.
①What do you mean by saying so? 你这么说是什么意思?
②What does she mean by that? 她那是什么意思?
①He looked at me with meaning.他意味深长地看着我。
②What’s the meaning of this? 这是什么意思?
7.It is the biggest square in the world and is always filled with tourists.它是世界上最大的广场,而且总是充满了游客。
1)be filled with …= be full of 指状态,表示“放满了……”“装满了”,主语常为“物(容器)”。
①The room is filled with everything. 房间里堆满了一切。
②Their stockings were filled with(= were full of ) Christmas presents(= gifts).
8.It is a famous Chinese-style garden built in a natural landscape.它是一个建在自然风景区的著名的中国式园林。
…built in …过去分词短语作定语,在意思上相当于一个定语从句,修饰前面的名词garden。类似这种表达的还有:
We live in a place called ( = which/that is called) Gum Tree.我们住在一个叫桉树村的地方。
There was a man named ( = who/that was named) Joseph and his wife named( = who/that was named) Mary.有个叫约瑟夫的男人,他的妻子叫玛利亚。
It was the first newspaper sold(= that was sold) on trains in America.
Is there anything planned( = that has been planned) for tonight?
What’s the language spoken( = which is spoken) in that area?
There are problems left(= which have been left) over by history.
Suddenly there appeared a young woman dressed( = who/that was dressed) in green.
9.In the past, the emperors used to spend the summer here.过去,皇帝们经常在这儿避暑。
Where are you going to spend your holiday? 你打算去哪儿度假?
spend后接时间或钱+on sth.意为“在……上花时间或钱”;
spend后接时间或钱+(in)doing sth.意为“花时间或钱做某事”其中介词in可以省略。如:
She spends too much money on clothes.她在衣服上花太多的钱。
I spent 200 dollars on this digital cameras.我花了两百美元买了这部数码照相机。
How much did you spend on this shirt? 你买这件衬衣花了多少钱?
Does he spend much time playing computer games?他花许多时间玩电脑游戏吗?
The car cost (him) too much. 这辆小车花了(他)很多钱。
The watch cost me more than one hundred dollars.这块手表花了我一百多美元。
take的主语多是代替后面动词不定式的形式主语it, 也可以是人或某项活动,常用句型为It takes/took(sb.)some time to do sth., 意为“花费(某人)……的时间做某事”。如:
It took me three days to finish reading the novel.
It takes me over an hour to do my homework every day.
The flight from Shanghai to Los Angeles takes more than fourteen hours.
Pay的主语只能是人,常用 pay(sb.)(some money) for sth. 的结构,意为“付(某人)钱买某物”。如:
She paid ten yuan for the book. 她花了十元钱买这本书。
I paid him 1,000 dollars for that second-hand car.
10.It consists mainly of a hill and a man-made lake, with bridges, pagodas and halls all over the area.它主要由一座山和一个人工湖组成,整个区域有一些桥、宝塔和走廊。
consist of sth.相当于be made up of 意思为“由……组成”,如:
①The band consists of a singer, two guitarists and a drummer.这支乐队由一位歌手、两位吉他手及一位鼓手组成。
②This school consists of an office and some classrooms.这所学校由一个办公室和几间教室组成。
11.It is a long wall which runs more than 5,000 kilometres across northern China.它是一段长长的城墙,横穿中国北部,绵延5000多公里。
across, through, over:三者均可作“穿过”“越过”解。但是,across表示动作在某物的表面进行;through表示动作在某一事物内部进行;over表示从某物的上方越过。如:
①Go across the bridge, then you will find the post office. 过了桥,你就会看到邮局。
②Be careful when you go across the road. 过马路时要小心。
③This road goes through the forest. 这条路穿过森林。
④I can see you through the window.透过窗户我可以看到你。
⑤Go over the hill and you will find them.
12.It lies on the two sides of Li River.它位于漓江两岸。
The hills lie to the north of the town.小镇的北面有山。
lie, lie, lay三个动词很容易使人混淆。
lie(说谎)是规则动词,其过去式和过去分词都是lied, 现在分词为lying。当然lie也可以用作名词,意为“撒谎”。
①I would never lie to you.我永远不会对你撒谎。
②I could tell from her face that she was lying.我能从她脸上判断出她在撒谎。
③Of course it’s true. I wouldn’t tell you a lie.当然它是真是。我不会对你撒谎。
④He found an old man lying on the ground on his way home.在他回家的路上,他发现一位老人躺在地上。
⑤The hen usually lays an egg every day, but she didn’t lay today.那只母鸡通常每天下一个蛋,但今天却没下。
13.All around the city, mountains stand in different shapes ?? you have probably seen some Chinese paintings of the landscape.桂林城四周群山耸立,形态各异??你可能已经看过相关的一些中国山水画。
in different shapes 表示“形状各不一样”。这里要注意介词in和名词shape的搭配。如: 新课 标第一 网
①My garden is in the shape of a square.我的院子是方形的。
②Now radios are made in many different shapes.现在收音机制造的形状各不一样。
①I don’t like any form of exercise.我不喜欢任何形式的运动。
②What’s the shape of the table, round or square?那桌子是什么形状,圆形的还是方形的?
14.You cannot imagine how amazing they are unless you see them with your own eyes.
see sb./sth. with one’s own eyes 意为“亲眼所见”
hear sth. with one’s own ears 意为“亲耳所闻”,如:
①I saw President Hu with my own eyes last year. 去年我亲眼见到了胡主席。
②I saw the sing and dancing parade on the street.我在大街上亲眼目睹了歌舞游行。
15.You can hire a bicycle from the bus station and ride around Guilin very safely. 你可以从汽车站租一辆自行车非常安全地绕城骑行。
hire sth. from sb./sp. 从某人(处)租某物
①We hired a car for the day. 为那天用车我们租了一辆。
②He hired a suit from the shop for the wedding. 为了婚礼他从商店里租了一套礼服。
16.It’s famous for its beautiful mountains and wonderful caves. 它以美丽的山脉和奇妙的溶洞而著名。
1)be famous for = be known (或well-known) for,表示“因……而著名”或“因……而广为人知”。如:
①Hawaii is famous for its beautiful beaches.
②France is famous for its fine food and wine.
③O?Henry was famous for writing short stories.
2)be famous as后跟身份或职业。如:
①O?Henry was famous as a short-story writer.
②Gongli is famous as an actress. 巩莉是作为女演员而出名的。
17.Although there was a train every five minutes, it was still very crowded.尽管每五分钟就有一班火车,但仍然很拥挤。
1)every five minutes 意为“每五分钟”
every +数词+复数名词,表示“每(隔)多少时间或距离”,指动作发生的频率,every在这里不能用each代替。如:
①He goes home every two weeks. 他每两周回家一次。
②She writes to her parents once every two months.
There is a tree every three metres.每隔三米有一棵树。
(2)every other…表示“每隔……”。如:


九年级英语下册 unit2--unit4教学案2
