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9B Unit 2教学案2

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9B Unit 2案2
Peter knocked the glass off the table and broke it.
knock back 回敲; 喝掉;
He knocked on the wall and she knocked back.
He has knocked back two double rums.
knock down 击倒;撞倒;击落; 降低(价格);迫使(某人)降价;减少(存货); 拍卖时以击锤表示卖出(货物)

I was almost knocked down by a motorcar.
Our house is being knocked down to make way for a new road.

knock up 以敲门等唤醒(某人); 匆匆安排或准备; 使疲倦,使筋疲力尽;筋疲力尽,垮下来; 获得(收益或薪金),赚得

Would you mind knocking me up at about 7 o'clock tomorrow? As I must catch an early train to Beijing.
My mother knocked up a meal for unexepected guest.
8、When Mr. Jiang got home, he would find his flat in a mess: food was on the floor and his books were in the sink.
将先生回到家, 就会发现家里一团糟: 饭在地上, 而书却在水槽里.
find 既可以表示探寻一种新事物,也可以表示发现曾经拥有而后来丢失的东西。如:
He finally found the missing keys in a jacket he had put away for the summer.
当find的宾语是一个动词不定式短语时,这种结构常写作“find it +形容词+ to do sth. ”的形式,意思是“发现做某事很……”。如:
I find it useful to learn English well.
He found it easy to make friends with others.

1.Mr. Smith ________ a car. So he was the _________ of the car.(own)
2. He doesn’t need ________ (go) home now.
3.Toys were _________(spread) all over the floor by my little son
4.My radio doesn’t’t work. I will put two new ___________(电池) into it.
5. Put your things away. Your room is always in a __________(杂乱).
6. You should pay more attention to your ___________(订单).
7. Robots can help Mum do the ___________(洗衣物) when there are dirty clothes.
8. Have the students ____________ (抄写) all the words on the blackboard?
9.My mother is ___________(熨烫)my father’s shirts now.
10. In winter, the bird flu(禽流感) __________(病毒) is easier to spread.

( ) 1. He didn’t study hard. ___________ he failed to pass the exam.
A. In order to B. As a result C. So that D. In order that
( ) 2. My watch doesn’t work. It needs ___________.
A. repaired B. to repair C. repair D. repairing
( ) 3. Which of the following sentences doesn’t contain(包含) an object clause?
A. Many people believe robots will do most of our work.
B. Scientists should be able to develop plants that grow on Mars.
C. People think that humans on Mars have to wear special boots to make themselves heavier.
D. We all know the next Olympic Games will be held in Beijing.
( )4. I think the robot _______ is very interesting.
A. who was made in China B. that made in China
C. made in China D. that come
( )5. The smoke was so thick that I was having trouble _______.
A. to breathe B. in breath C. with breathing D. breathing
( )6.Some people thought they were dangerous and would do ____ to them .
A. harmful B. harmless C. harmfully D. harm
( )7. The robot is made _______ all the housework.
A. do B. to do C. doing D. to be done
( )8. My teacher was so satisfied ________ Henry’s composition that he read it for us in class.
A. to B. about C. on D. with
( )9. I don’t know what to do ______ the broken computer.
A. for B. with C. about D. of
( )10. You’d better stay at home ______they ______.
A. during, leave B. while, leave C. during, are away D. while, are away
( )11. Please tell us _______ your decision is by replying to this e-mail
A. where B. what C. how D. which

Our headmaster is always _____ _____ person _____ _____ school every morning.
______ ______ ______ catch up with his classmates, he studies ______ ______ now.
She has ______ me _____ _____ _____ _____ _____, so I’m very grateful to her.
Humans have _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ the natural environment.
If a computer _____ _____ _____, it will _____ _____ _____.
I’m terribly sorry to ______ ______ ______
Something has ______ ______ ______ with the engine.
He was not _______ ______ your explanation.

参考答案:Welcome to the unit
(1)post a letter for me (2) make the bed(3)cook dinner (4)wash the dishes(5)扫地 (6)熨烫衣服
(一) (1) remember (2)laundry (3)dishes (4)swept (5)what (6)explain
(二) (1)complaint (2)poster (3)be used (4)scientists (5)playing/to play
Own a robot, 给卧室通风,
have more spare time, 叫醒某人
everyday life, 一团糟
catch a virus 撞翻
make a great difference to 结果,因此
1.owns,owner 2. to go 3.spread 4.batteries
5. mess 6. order 7. laundry 8. copied 9.Ironing 10.virus


the first , to reach; in order to, much harder; changed, a lot in many ways; made a great difference to; catches a virus, cause many problems; knock you over; gone wrong with; happy with
9B Unit2 Vocabulary
词汇:dry wheel chest whatever
词组:wash up dry the dishes tell me a lot of jokes find out the cause of the problems
look like a real person take photos of everything
1.My robot is made to look just like a real person.
be made to do sth.“被迫做某事”,是由主动语态made sb do sth. 变来的。
e.g. We often hear her sing the song in her room.
She is often heard to sing the song in her room.
类似于hear 的感官动词还有see,watch,notice等,类似于make的使役动词还有have,let等。
2.The robot also has three long arms connected to its chest.
过去分词短语connected to its chest 在句中作后置定语,修饰arms.
e.g. I have an English friend named John.
1.I want to ________ ( ) the flowers, and my robot can help me give the flowers some ______ ( ).(water)
2.My robot will wash dishes and then ________ ( ) the dishes. It’s better to keep them ________ ( ) in the cupboard. (dry)
3.In order to keep my flat ________ ( ) all day long, my robot ________ ( ) the flat for me while I’m at work.(clean)
4.Lucy, can you _______ ( ) me with my homework. I want your _______ ( ).(help)
5.There is a bus______ ( ) near our school. You can take it home. But when the light is red,you must ________ ( ).(stop)
6.May I have a ________ ( ) at your photos?
Please _______ ( ) at the blackboard carefully.(look)
7.What ______ ( ) is his hair?/
_________ ( ) the card yellow.(colour)
8.Let’s go to my parents’________ ( ).
Let’s go ________ ( ).(home)
9.Suddenly we heard a strange _______ ( ) behind the tree./
Your idea ________ ( ) great.(sound)
10.You will find the museum on your ________ ( ).
When you come to the traffic lights, turn ________ .( )(left)
11.Millie came _______ ( ) in the Math exam.
Can you answer the question within 30________ .( )(second)
12.Daniel _______ ( ) playing computer games.
Simon,_______ ( ) his father, is good at playing football.(like)
camera speaker arms hands wheels batteries
Salesman: Hello,New Planet Robot Shop.
Daniel: Hi, I saw your advertisement in a magazine and I am thinking of buying a robot.
Salesman: What do you need your robot to do?
Daniel: I need my robot to iron clothes and cook dinners.
Salesman: So you need one with _______ and ______ .Do you think four would be enough?
Daniel: Yes. I need it to be able to listen to me and talk with me.
Salesman: So you need one with a _______ .
Daniel: I hope my robot will be able to move quickly.
Salesman: That’s easy.We can give it some _______ . Would you like your robot to take photos for you?
Daniel: Yes, that is a good idea. Then it will need a ________ .
Salesman: What kind of energy would you like to use?
Daniel: I would like to use _______ .I think that is all.
Salesman: I think Model Ⅱwill be good for you. Would you like to come to our shop and have a look?
Daniel: OK.
9B Unit2Grammar
2.用in order to 引出动作的目的,用 as a result 引出结果。
3.用need to 来讨论我们不得不做的事情。
e.g.What is your name?
Which shirt do you like best?
Why do you learn English?
Where are they from?
When did the car accident happen?
Who will be the winner of the game/
2.课前复习第一单元学过的由that 和 if/whether 引导的宾语从句。
e.g. 1) People think that robots can do a lot of work.
2)We don’t know if/whether our teachers will attend the class meeting.
3. 让学生说出由that和if/whether引导的宾语从句的特点。
词汇:nod knee either
词组:go out for lunch return it to the shop read the instructions again
句型:The robot no longer knew when it should cook breakfast.
Mr Jiang did not know what he should do with the robot.
In order to have more spare time, I need to buy a robot.
I need to buy a robot in order to have more spare time.
The robot did all the housework. As a result, Mr Jiang no longer needed to get up early.
Mr Jiang no longer needed to do housework because he had a robot.
Mr Jiang needs to return his robot to the shop because it is not working.
1.in order to 表示“为了…..”,强调目的,后面接动词原形。可以放在句首或句中。其否定形式为in order not to do sth.可以和so that 或 in order that 引导的状语从句互换。
She spoke loudly in order to let us hear hear.
=She spoke loudly in order that we could hear hea.
=She spoke loudly so that we could hear her.
也可以和so as to do sth互换。
I finished all the homework quickly so as to play football.
=I finished all the homework quickly in order to play football.
注:in order to 可以在句首或句中,而so as to 只能在句中。
2.as a result 表示“因此,所以”,常用于两句之间,用逗号隔开。
as a result of “后果,结果”,后接名词(短语)或动词-ing形式。
He got up late. As a result,he missed the train.
=He missed the train as a result of getting up late.
3.need 作情态动词,表示“需要”,没有人称和数的变化,后接动词原形;否定句在need后加not,也可缩写成needn’t 疑问句把need提前。
1)I need tell you that he has gone.
2) You needn’t finish the work today.
3)?Need I leave now?
---No, you needn’t.
We should help people in need.
( )1. We haven’t decided _______ we will go there for a picnic tomorrow.
A where B why C when D whether
( ) 2.Do you know ________ ?
A What time will the plane take off
B What time would the plane take off
C What time the plane will take off
D the plane will take off at what timewww.xkb1.com
( ) 3.The manager came up to see ________.
A what was the matter B what the matter was
C what the matter is D what’s the matter
( )4.Can you tell me when ________ back?
A will he be B does he come C he will be D did he come
( )5.I don’t know when he _______ back. Please tell him the news when he _______ back.
A come,will come B comes,comes C will come,comes D will come,will
1.Can you tell me _______ else is going to be on duty?( who, what)
2.She said _________ it wouldn’t matter much.(that,if)
3.He always thinks _______ he can do better.(how, who)
4.I really don’t know _______ the bridge will be finished.(how long, how soon)
5.They don’t know _______ we are going hiking.(when,who)
6.I was really surprised at _______ I saw.(why,what)
7.I don’t understand ________ so many people are crowding round him.(why,whose)
8.Do you know ________ skirt it is ?(whose,who)
3. 外面下雨,结果我们只好待在家里。
4. 我今天起得很早,目的是不要错过公交车

5. 因为交通拥挤,他上学迟到了。

9B Unit2 Vocabulary答案
一.1. water(v),water(n) 2.dry(v),dry(adj) 3.clean(adj), cleans(v) 4.help(v), help(n) 5.stop(n), stop(v) 6.look(n), look(v) 7.colour(n),Colour(v) 8.home(n),home(adv) 9.sound(n),sounds(v) 10left(n),left(adv) 11.second(num),seconds(n) 12.likes(v),like(prep)
二.1.arms 2.hands 3.speaker 4.wheels 5.camera 6.batteries

9B Unit2Grammar答案
二.1.who 2.that 3.how 4.how soon 5 when 6.what 7.why 8.whose
三. 1. It’s late. I am afraid I need /have to go back now.
2 .I want to own a robot (in order) to have more free /spare time.
3 .It rained outside. As a result,we had to stay at home.
4 .I got up early in order not to miss the bus.
5 .He went to school late as a result of heavy traffic.

9B Unit2
welcome to the unit

(1)帮我寄封信_________________________ (2)铺床___________________________
(3)烧饭_______________________________ (4)洗盘子_________________________
(5)sweep the floor _______________________ (6)iron clothes ____________________
(7)do the laundry ________________________ (8)explore the sea ____________________
词组:cook dinner; iron shirts; make the bed; wash the dishes; sweep the floor
句型:I don’t know when I will post the letter for you.
1.Post this for me. 帮我把这封信寄出去。
post v. 贴出;邮寄;(常用过去分词)使熟悉;使了解
(1)The names of the members of the team will be posted up today.
(2)Please post this letter for me, as I am too busy to go out.
(3)He kept me well posted on the latest news.
post n. 柱,杆;邮政,邮寄;工作;职位
(1)This shelter was supported by four posts.
(3)(2)I have a new post as a teacher.
(5)(3)I sent her birthday present by post.
(一) 根据字母或句意,写出所缺单词。
(1)my grandfather has a good memory,so he can always r_________ everything well.
(2)Do you help your wife do the l____________ at home, Mr. Yang?
(3)I love cooking for friends but I hate washing the d_______.
(4)Your bedroom must be s___________ and mopped, it’s so dirty.
(5)I no longer believe w________ he says.
(6)Can you e________ to us why you are late again?
(二) 根据句意,用所给单词的正确形式填空。
(1)The shop has received many _____________(complain) letters.
(2)Don’t you see the _________ (post)? There will be a new film in the cinema next week.
(3)The robot can _____________(use) to do many dangerous things.
(4)There are many famous ________________(science) in the college.
(5)Many boy students like ____________(play) computer games.
( )1. My teacher was so satisfied ________ Henry’s composition that he read it for us in class.
A. to B. about C. on D. with
( )2. I think the robot _______ is very interesting.
A. who made in China B. that made in China C. made in China D. that come from China
( )3. I don’t know what to do ______ the broken computer.
A. for B. with C. about D. of
( )4. The robot is made _______ all the housework.
A. do B. to do C. doing D. to be done
( )5. Miss Green didn’t tell us in 2002.
A. where does she live B. where she lives
C. where did she live D. where she lived

9B Unit2 Reading


1. 了解机器人可以怎样改变我们的生活,理解与机器人共处的有关词汇
2. 确定拥有机器人的利与弊
3. 能根据课文内容完成有关练习
1. 了解机器人的常识,预习本课相关词汇
2. 说说电影和电视中一些著名的机器人
3. 词组英汉互译
拥有一个机器人________________________air the bedroom__________________
有更多的空余时间______________________wake sb. up ____________________
日常生活_______________________________in a mess ________________
感染病毒______________________________ knock over ___________________
使…变得不一样________________________as a result _________________
词汇:salesman; everyday; dustbin; mess; rice cooker; mirror; coin; spread; smooth; rubbish
词组:to own a robot; change one’s life; in many ways; have more spare time; make a great difference to …; iron shirts; for an extra hour; do the laundry; air the rooms; return home from work; look as good as new; be happy with …; go wrong; catch a virus; cause problems; knock things over; in a mess;
句型:Mr. Jiang is the first person in Sunshine Town to own a robot.
In order to have more spare time, I need to buy a robot.
As a result, Mr Jiang no longer needed to get up early to do the housework.
1.The first person to own a robot
be the first one to do 第一个做某事
be the first one 后常接不定式。如果这个不定式动词是移动性动词带并有一个方向介词to,则这个不定式动词可省去。序数词后的one也常可省去。
(1)I’m going to be the first one (to get) to school today.
(2)Our maths teacher is always the first to come and the last to leave.
own v. 有;拥有;自白;承认
(1)The peasants own their houses.
own adj. 自己的;特有的
(1)This is my own camera, which I bought with my own money.
(2)She likes to have her own way.
own pron. 属于某人之物
(1)I offered him my pen, but he preferred to use his own.
(2)Those books belong to the library but this is my own.
2.Mr Jiang is a salesman who works in Moonlight Town.
who works in Moonlight Town.是一个定语从句。在复合句中修饰名词或代词的从句叫做定语从句。被定语从句修饰的名词或代词叫做先行词。定语从句必须放在先行词之后,对其先行词起限定作用。
This is Tom.
Tom gave us a talk yesterday.
This is Tom who (that) gave us a talk yesterday.
先行词 定语从句
引导定语从句的关系代词有:who, whom, whose, that, which
引导定语从句的关系副词有:where, when, why
who, whom, whose引导的定语从句
1. who 在从句中作主语,不可省略,它所引导的定语从句所修饰的先行词必须是人。
e.g. This is the doctor who came her yesterday.
2. whom在从句中作宾语,它所引导的定语从句所修饰的先行词必须是人,可以省略。
e.g. The man (whom) you saw last week has left the town.
The man from whom I borrowed the book is Li Lei. = The man( whom )I borrowed the book from is Li Lei.
The girl whom he is taking care of is ill. (take care of是固定词组)
3. whose在从句中作定语,表示所属关系,其所修饰的先行词既可是人也可是物。
e.g. I know the woman whose husband is a doctor.
He lives in the house whose window faces south.
that, which引导的定语从句
1. that, which在从句中作主语,不可省略。
e.g. Hero is the film that/which was directed by Zhang Yimou.
2. that, which在从句中作宾语,可以省略。
e.g. Is this the film (that/which) you talked about last week?
e.g. The house in which he once lived is a meeting-room. = The house (which) he once lived in is a meeting-room.
1. 先行词是复合不定代词everything, anything, nothing等时。
e.g. She didn’t forget anything (that) her mother had told her to buy.
2. 先行词被序数词或the last修饰时。
e.g. This is the first textbook (that) I studied in the primary school.
He is in the last row that is next to the window.
3. 先行词被形容词最高级修饰时。
e.g. That is the highest building (that) I have ever seen.
4. 先行词被the only, the very, the same等修饰时。
e.g. This is the very novel (that) you want to borrow.
5. 先行词是或被all, no, some, any, little, much等修饰时,
e.g. I’ve written down all (that )the teacher doesn’t allow us to do.
They haven’t got any dictionaries (that) we need.
6. 先行词既包含人又包含物时。
e.g. He told us many interesting things and persons (that) we had never heard.
7. 主句是以who, which引导的特殊疑问句时。
e.g. Who is the man (that) you spoke to just now?
Which is the book that was stolen by him?
8. 先行词是主句的表语或关系代词在定语从句中作表语时。
e.g. China is no longer the country (that) it used to be.
关系副词where, when, why引导的定语从句(在从句中作状语)
1. where表示地点,它引导的定语从句修饰表地点的先行词。
e.g. This is the village where he was born.
c.f. This is the village (that/which) he visited last year.
2. when表示时间,它引导的定语从句修饰表时间的先行词。
e.g. I’ll never forget the day when I joined the League.
c.f. I’ll never forget the day (that/which) we spent together.
3. why表示原因,它引导的定语从句修饰表原因的先行词。
e.g. The reason why he didn’t come yesterday is quite clear.

3.“In order to have more free time, I have to buy a robot,” Mr Jiang thought.
in order to为了
People must eat in order to live. =People must eat in order that they can live .
She worked hard in order to win the prize.
She worked hard in order that she could win the prize.
We started early in order to arrive before dark.
We started early in order that we could arrive before dark.
[注] in order to 引导目的状语,而in order that引导目的状语从句
1. 顺序,次序(不可数名词)
The names are in alphabetical order. 名字按字母顺序排列。
2. 状况;良好的状况(不可数名词)
Things were in terrible order. 情况一团糟。
4. 秩序,治安;规律(不可数名词)
The young teacher can't keep order in her classroom.
5. 订单(可数名词)
The company received a large order for computers.
1. 命令;指挥[+(that)]
The mayor ordered that free food be distributed.
He ordered her to go at once. 他命令她立即走。
They ordered him to finish all the work in two days.他们命令他在两天之内完成所有活。
2. 定购;叫(菜或饮料)
Please order me a copy.

4.The robot also ironed Mr Jiang’s shirts and made a lunchbox for him every day.
iron v. 熨,熨平
Mother is ironing father's shirts.
Could you iron this suit for me.
iron n. 铁;烙铁,熨斗,铁制品
Iron is a cheap metal. 铁是一种廉价的金属。
Strike while the iron is hot. (谚)趁热打铁。
Where is the iron. 熨斗在哪?
5.As a result, Mr Jiang no longer needed to get up early to do housework and he could stay in bed for an extra hour.
no longer 不再 相当于not any longer
I go there no longer. 我不再去那儿了。
She no longer needed the shoe! 她不再需要那只鞋子!
5. Mr Jiang could relax and watch his favourite TV programmes.
将先生就可以放松自己, 看看自己喜欢的电视节目。
relax v. 松弛,放松;松懈,缓和;休息
We must never relax our vigilance. 我们决不可放松警惕。
We must not relax in our efforts. 我们决不能松劲。
He lay back and relaxed his mind. 他躺下来让脑子得到休息。
relaxed 是形容词,指人“放松的”“轻松的”。如:
Alice was lying in the sun looking very relaxed and happy.
If you are relaxed in your study, you’ll fall behind others.
6. But then, things started to go wrong.
然而不久之后, 开始出问题了.
go 是连系动词,和wrong构成系表结构。表示“出错”。go 处于……状态,变成,成为
Her complaints went unnoticed. 她的抱怨没人注意。
You’d better go armed while in the jungle. 在丛林中你最好带上武器。
【注】go 表示“变成”“变为”时,多接表示意思不大好的词。如:
The situation went from bad to worse. 情况越来越糟。
The heat has caused milk to go sour. 高温使牛奶变质了。
【注】 常见的表示特征或状态的连系动词有:appear、look、feel、prove、sound、smell、taste、seem、keep、remain;和形容词连用表示状态变化过程的连系动词有:become、come、fall、go、grow、get、turn、run等。
7、While Mr Jiang was at work, the robot would knock things over.
当将先生在上班时, 机器人就会打翻东西.
knock v./n. 1.敲,打 2.碰撞,撞击
Peter knocked the glass off the table and broke it.
knock back 回敲; 喝掉;
He knocked on the wall and she knocked back.
He has knocked back two double rums.
knock down 击倒;撞倒;击落; 降低(价格);迫使(某人)降价;减少(存货); 拍卖时以击锤表示卖出(货物)

I was almost knocked down by a motorcar.
Our house is being knocked down to make way for a new road.

knock up 以敲门等唤醒(某人); 匆匆安排或准备; 使疲倦,使筋疲力尽;筋疲力尽,垮下来; 获得(收益或薪金),赚得

Would you mind knocking me up at about 7 o'clock tomorrow? As I must catch an early train to Beijing.
My mother knocked up a meal for unexepected guest.
8、When Mr. Jiang got home, he would find his flat in a mess: food was on the floor and his books were in the sink.
将先生回到家, 就会发现家里一团糟: 饭在地上, 而书却在水槽里.
find 既可以表示探寻一种新事物,也可以表示发现曾经拥有而后来丢失的东西。如:
He finally found the missing keys in a jacket he had put away for the summer.
当find的宾语是一个动词不定式短语时,这种结构常写作“find it +形容词+ to do sth. ”的形式,意思是“发现做某事很……”。如:
I find it useful to learn English well.
He found it easy to make friends with others.

1.Mr. Smith ________ a car. So he was the _________ of the car.(own)
2. He doesn’t need ________ (go) home now.
3.Toys were _________(spread) all over the floor by my little son
4.My radio doesn’t’t work. I will put two new ___________(电池) into it.
5. Put your things away. Your room is always in a __________(杂乱).
6. You should pay more attention to your ___________(订单).
7. Robots can help Mum do the ___________(洗衣物) when there are dirty clothes.
8. Have the students ____________ (抄写) all the words on the blackboard?
9.My mother is ___________(熨烫)my father’s shirts now.
10. In winter, the bird flu(禽流感) __________(病毒) is easier to spread.

( ) 1. He didn’t study hard. ___________ he failed to pass the exam.
A. In order to B. As a result C. So that D. In order that
( ) 2. My watch doesn’t work. It needs ___________.
A. repaired B. to repair C. repair D. repairing
( ) 3. Which of the following sentences doesn’t contain(包含) an object clause?
A. Many people believe robots will do most of our work.
B. Scientists should be able to develop plants that grow on Mars.
C. People think that humans on Mars have to wear special boots to make themselves heavier.
D. We all know the next Olympic Games will be held in Beijing.
( )4. I think the robot _______ is very interesting.
A. who was made in China B. that made in China
C. made in China D. that come
( )5. The smoke was so thick that I was having trouble _______.
A. to breathe B. in breath C. with breathing D. breathing
( )6.Some people thought they were dangerous and would do ____ to them .
A. harmful B. harmless C. harmfully D. harm
( )7. The robot is made _______ all the housework.
A. do B. to do C. doing D. to be done
( )8. My teacher was so satisfied ________ Henry’s composition that he read it for us in class.
A. to B. about C. on D. with
( )9. I don’t know what to do ______ the broken computer.
A. for B. with C. about D. of
( )10. You’d better stay at home ______they ______.
A. during, leave B. while, leave C. during, are away D. while, are away
( )11. Please tell us _______ your decision is by replying to this e-mail
A. where B. what C. how D. which

Our headmaster is always _____ _____ person _____ _____ school every morning.
______ ______ ______ catch up with his classmates, he studies ______ ______ now.
She has ______ me _____ _____ _____ _____ _____, so I’m very grateful to her.
Humans have _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ the natural environment.
If a computer _____ _____ _____, it will _____ _____ _____.
I’m terribly sorry to ______ ______ ______
Something has ______ ______ ______ with the engine.
He was not _______ ______ your explanation.

参考答案:Welcome to the unit
(1)post a letter for me (2) make the bed(3)cook dinner (4)wash the dishes(5)扫地 (6)熨烫衣服
(一) (1) remember (2)laundry (3)dishes (4)swept (5)what (6)explain
(二) (1)complaint (2)poster (3)be used (4)scientists (5)playing/to play
Own a robot, 给卧室通风,
have more spare time, 叫醒某人
everyday life, 一团糟
catch a virus 撞翻
make a great difference to 结果,因此
1.owns,owner 2. to go 3.spread 4.batteries
5. mess 6. order 7. laundry 8. copied 9.Ironing 10.virus


the first , to reach; in order to, much harder; changed, a lot in many ways; made a great difference to; catches a virus, cause many problems; knock you over; gone wrong with; happy with
9B Unit2 Vocabulary
词汇:dry wheel chest whatever
词组:wash up dry the dishes tell me a lot of jokes find out the cause of the problems
look like a real person take photos of everything
1.My robot is made to look just like a real person.
be made to do sth.“被迫做某事”,是由主动语态made sb do sth. 变来的。
e.g. We often hear her sing the song in her room.
She is often heard to sing the song in her room.
类似于hear 的感官动词还有see,watch,notice等,类似于make的使役动词还有have,let等。
2.The robot also has three long arms connected to its chest.
过去分词短语connected to its chest 在句中作后置定语,修饰arms.
e.g. I have an English friend named John.
3.be absorbed in doing sth 专心致志于某事
e.g We are absorbed in learning English.
4. do whatever it is asked to 此处do 后为一个宾语从句。
1.I want to ________ ( ) the flowers, and my robot can help me give the flowers some ______ ( ).(water)
2.My robot will wash dishes and then ________ ( ) the dishes. It’s better to keep them ________ ( ) in the cupboard. (dry)
3.In order to keep my flat ________ ( ) all day long, my robot ________ ( ) the flat for me while I’m at work.(clean)
4.Lucy, can you _______ ( ) me with my homework. I want your _______ ( ).(help)
5.There is a bus______ ( ) near our school. You can take it home. But when the light is red,you must ________ ( ).(stop)
6.May I have a ________ ( ) at your photos?
Please _______ ( ) at the blackboard carefully.(look)
7.What ______ ( ) is his hair?/
_________ ( ) the card yellow.(colour)
8.Let’s go to my parents’________ ( ).
Let’s go ________ ( ).(home)
9.Suddenly we heard a strange _______ ( ) behind the tree./
Your idea ________ ( ) great.(sound)
10.You will find the museum on your ________ ( ).
When you come to the traffic lights, turn ________ .( )(left)
11.Millie came _______ ( ) in the Math exam.
Can you answer the question within 30________ .( )(second)
12.Daniel _______ ( ) playing computer games.
Simon,_______ ( ) his father, is good at playing football.(like)
camera speaker arms hands wheels batteries
Salesman: Hello,New Planet Robot Shop.
Daniel: Hi, I saw your advertisement in a magazine and I am thinking of buying a robot.
Salesman: What do you need your robot to do?
Daniel: I need my robot to iron clothes and cook dinners.
Salesman: So you need one with _______ and ______ .Do you think four would be enough?
Daniel: Yes. I need it to be able to listen to me and talk with me.
Salesman: So you need one with a _______ .
Daniel: I hope my robot will be able to move quickly.
Salesman: That’s easy.We can give it some _______ . Would you like your robot to take photos for you?
Daniel: Yes, that is a good idea. Then it will need a ________ .
Salesman: What kind of energy would you like to use?
Daniel: I would like to use _______ .I think that is all.
Salesman: I think Model Ⅱwill be good for you. Would you like to come to our shop and have a look?
Daniel: OK.
9B Unit2Grammar
2.用in order to 引出动作的目的,用 as a result 引出结果。
3.用need to 来讨论我们不得不做的事情。
e.g.What is your name?
Which shirt do you like best?
Why do you learn English?
Where are they from?
When did the car accident happen?
Who will be the winner of the game/
2.课前复习第一单元学过的由that 和 if/whether 引导的宾语从句。
e.g. 1) People think that robots can do a lot of work.
2)We don’t know if/whether our teachers will attend the class meeting.
3. 让学生说出由that和if/whether引导的宾语从句的特点。
词汇:nod knee either
词组:go out for lunch return it to the shop read the instructions again
句型:The robot no longer knew when it should cook breakfast.
Mr Jiang did not know what he should do with the robot.
In order to have more spare time, I need to buy a robot.
I need to buy a robot in order to have more spare time.
The robot did all the housework. As a result, Mr Jiang no longer needed to get up early.
Mr Jiang no longer needed to do housework because he had a robot.
Mr Jiang needs to return his robot to the shop because it is not working.
1.in order to 表示“为了…..”,强调目的,后面接动词原形。可以放在句首或句中。其否定形式为in order not to do sth.可以和so that 或 in order that 引导的状语从句互换。
She spoke loudly in order to let us hear hear.
=She spoke loudly in order that we could hear hea.
=She spoke loudly so that we could hear her.
也可以和so as to do sth互换。
I finished all the homework quickly so as to play football.
=I finished all the homework quickly in order to play football.
注:in order to 可以在句首或句中,而so as to 只能在句中。
2.as a result 表示“因此,所以”,常用于两句之间,用逗号隔开。
as a result of “后果,结果”,后接名词(短语)或动词-ing形式。
He got up late. As a result,he missed the train.
=He missed the train as a result of getting up late.
3.need 作情态动词,表示“需要”,没有人称和数的变化,后接动词原形;否定句在need后加not,也可缩写成needn’t 疑问句把need提前。
1)I need tell you that he has gone.
2) You needn’t finish the work today.
3)?Need I leave now?
---No, you needn’t.
We should help people in need.
a 人称的变化:一随主,二随宾,第三人称不更新。
b 时态的变化:引述动词为过去式时,从句中的时态相应往前推一个,一般现在时变过去时
c 一般疑问句的改写:添加if 或whether 后用陈述句语序。
d 客观真理永远用一般现在时
( )1. We haven’t decided _______ we will go there for a picnic tomorrow.
A where B why C when D whether
( ) 2.Do you know ________ ?
A What time will the plane take off
B What time would the plane take off
C What time the plane will take off
D the plane will take off at what time
( ) 3.The manager came up to see ________.
A what was the matter B what the matter was
C what the matter is D what’s the matter
( )4.Can you tell me when ________ back?
A will he be B does he come C he will be D did he come
( )5.I don’t know when he _______ back. Please tell him the news when he _______ back.
A come,will come B comes,comes C will come,comes D will come,will
1.Can you tell me _______ else is going to be on duty?( who, what)
2.She said _________ it wouldn’t matter much.(that,if)
3.He always thinks _______ he can do better.(how, who)
4.I really don’t know _______ the bridge will be finished.(how long, how soon)
5.They don’t know _______ we are going hiking.(when,who)
6.I was really surprised at _______ I saw.(why,what)
7.I don’t understand ________ so many people are crowding round him.(why,whose)
8.Do you know ________ skirt it is ?(whose,who)
3. 外面下雨,结果我们只好待在家里。
4. 我今天起得很早,目的是不要错过公交车

5. 因为交通拥挤,他上学迟到了。


9B Unit 2教学案2
