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初二Unit 2 What should I do导学案

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Unit2 What should I do?
1 读懂文章,了解如何提出自己的问题并给出建议
学习重点: Talk about problems and give advice.
学习难点: 学会有正确的形容词描述自己的问题及感受。
一、课前预习: 写出课文中所学词组
1与某人争论 2 谈论关于……________________
3给某人写封信_____________  4 使某人惊讶________________
5给某人打电话 ______________ 6 跟某人打架________________
7 向某人借某物____________ 8穿同样的衣服___________
9 与……相处得很好__________ 10找一个家教____________
11和我相同的发型____________ 12 被邀请______________
13 发现、查明___________ 14 舞会的票___________
15 过时的 _____________ 16 尽力做某事________________
17 给某人买礼物 18 为……付款
1. invite me to join their school trip 指__________其结构是________ 即“邀请某人做某事”
拓展 invite 用法
Invite 的常用结构有 invite sb, invite sb to+活动内容,invite sb to +地点,invite sb to do sth
谢谢你的邀请。 Thank you for ______________/______________me.
2. either:“也”。用于否定句。例:If you don't go, I won't either. 你如不去,我也不去。
You may go by either road. 你两条路都可以走。
conj. (常与or连用)或者
She is coming either today or tomorrow.
3. Everyone else in my class was invited except me.
was invited“被邀请”:be+动词的过去分词表示被动。
4. I don’t know what to do.是宾语从句的省略用法,相当于I don’t know what I can do.
5. call sb. up给某人打电话。相应的用法还有:
telephone / phone / ring sb.
give sb. a call / ring
6. loud的用法
He has a loud voice. 他的嗓门很大。
adv. 大声地,响亮地
He should not speak so loud. 他不该如此大声说话。
(1) 用所给动词的适当形式填空
1.Thank you very much for ___________(invite) me to join in your school trip.
2.My brother often plays his CDs too _________.(loud)
3. The teacher asked him to tell us his ____________(amaze) trip to Australia.
4.This sweater is (comfortable)of the three.
5.My friend is (popular) than me.
6.Everyone is here (除了)me.
7.This guitar is only 15$.It’s .(expensive)
8. I (借)him my dictionary yesterday, but he didn’t return it.
(2) 句型转换
1. You should write him a letter. (就划线部分提问)
__________ _________ _________do?
2. I think you should finish your homework first.(改为否定句)
3. You are not as popular as your best friend.(改为同义句)
Your best friend is__________ _________than you.
4. I am 14 years old. My best friend John is 14, too. ( 改为同义句)
My best friend John me.
5. He has some money ,too.(改为否定句)
He ________ ________ ________money, ________.
This style of dress _________ _______ _________ now.
I don’t like this computer, it’s _______ _________ _________.
The students shouldn’t __________ _________ __________ ___________.
If you have something to ask me, please ________ ________ _________.
Maybe you could _________ him _______ _________ ________ a ball game.
6. 我不想在电话上谈这事。
I don’t want to talk about it _________ ________ __________.

Unit 2 What should I do? (人教版八年级下册)
1. 情态动词should的用法
你应该再多等一会儿。 .
2. could:除了是 can的过去式以外,还可以表示更加委婉的建议。
--- I need some money to pay for the summer camp.
---Maybe You (could/should) borrow some money from your brother.
3. 情态动词
* 情态动词后接动词原形,可表示说话人的语气。
* 情态动词可表达建议、要求、可能和意愿等。
* 情态动词没有人称和数的变化。
* 常用的情态动词有:can, could, may, might, must, shall, should, will, would.其他还有ought to, need, dare 等。
4.试一试1. A: What’s the ,Sam?
B: I see the board from here.
A:I think you see an optician (眼科医生).
2. you tell me how long we’re going to be away?
3. .My friend is angry with me. What I do?
4. He do nothing except watching TV.
5. Maybe you ask him to play tennis with you.
1. argue with sb. 与某人争论/辩论
have an argument with sb. 与某人发生争论
2. out of style 不时髦的 in style 时髦的
3. keep out 不让……进入
4. call sb. up 打电话给……
5. on the phone 用电话交谈
6. pay for 付款
7. the same as 与……同样的
8. get on 相处
get on well 相处融洽
get on well with sb. 与某人相处融洽 
9. as much as possible 尽可能多
10. all kinds of 各种各样的11. on one hand…on the other hand…
12. borrow sth. from sb. 向某人借某物
lend sth. to sb./ lend sb. sth.
13. find out查明、发现
14. not…until 直到……才
15. complain about doing sth. 抱怨做某事
16. seem to do… 好像……
17. compare…with… 把……与……做比较
18. think for 为……着想
19. find it + adj.+ to do sth. 发现做某事很……
20. learn to do sth. 学会做某事

1. enough:adj./adv. 充足的、充分的
翻译句子:你有足够的时间吗?Do you have ?
他跑得足够快。 .
四把椅子就足够了。Four chairs .
2. call sb. up 打电话给某人
不要忘记给你叔叔打电话。Don’t forget to .
我今天下午要给她打电话。I'll this afternoon.
3. surprise:v. / n.
surprise sb. 表示“使……惊讶”
surprised adj. (感到)惊讶的
surprising adj. 令人惊讶的
to one’s surprise 令某人惊讶的是……
 The news (surprise) us greatly.
I'm to hear the news.
It's a gift, and I love it.
4. either:adv. 用在否定句或否定词组后加强语气,表示“也”,“而且”。
pron. 常表示“两者之中任何一个”。
他也没有钱。He doesn't have any money, .
两本书我都不喜欢。I don't like of the books.
5. need是个情态动词,也可以是行为动词。
当它是情态动词时,后边接动词原形;当它是实义动词时,后接不定式to 再加动词原形。
I need (get)some money to pay for summer camp.
6. pay for 为……而付款
辨析:pay/ cost / spend
(sb.)pay for sth. 为……而付款
(sb.)spend(money)on / doing sth. 在……上花多少钱
(sth.)cost sb.(money) ……花了……多少钱
 ① He yesterday. 他昨天为这本书付了20元钱。
 ② He yesterday. 他昨天花了20元钱(买)这本书。
 ③ The book yesterday. 这本书花了他20元钱。
7. except 是介词,表示“除了……之外(没有……)”
Everyone else in our class has been invited me.
8. seem 似乎,好像
(1) It seems that ….
It seems that . 似乎要下雨了。
(2) sb. seems +adj. / to do
She always . 她好象总是很忧伤。
I a cold. 我似乎是感冒了。
9. find it +adj. + to do 发现做某事是怎样的
These kids might find hard (plan) things for themselves.
Most students play with pets.
Unit 2 What should I do? (I)
1.The coat wasn't cheap enough for me________(buy).
2.He came in without________(knock)at the door.
3.She needs________(go)to see a doctor.
4.Thanks for________(help)me with my English.
5.My father________(get)a ride yesterday.
6.She should________(go)home right now.
7.Tom could________(write)him a letter.
8.I don't want to surprise________(she).
9.Please tell him________(come)here.
10.He is________(popular)than me.
( )1.-What's ________ with you?
-I lost my bike.
A.problems B.wrong C.matter D.the wrong
( )2.-My parents always argue. ________
-You should talk with them.
A.What would you like to do? B.Can I help you?
C.What should I do? D.What did I do?
( )3.-He is often late for school.
- ________
A.Maybe he should get up early.
B.Why don't you go to school?
C.He could walk to school.
D.His teacher should teach again.
( )4.-I have no money to buy the things I like. What should I do?
- ________ you could get ________ part-time job.
A.Why; a B.May be;/ C.Maybe; a D.Sure; /
( )5.I have ________ to say.
A.anything else B.else anything C.something else D.else something
( )6.I don't have ________.
A.money many B.many money C.money much D.enough money
( )7.You can give him a ticket ________ a ball game.
A.on B.of C.in D.to
( )8.My friends have ________ clothes than I do.
A.nice B.good C.well D.nicer
( )9.I need to get money to pay ________ summer camp.
A.for B.with C.in D.on
( )10.He doesn't have any money ________.
A.too B.also C.either D.neither
( )11.Maybe you should ________.
A.call up him B.call him up C.call on him D.call him in
( )12.They are ________ my friends' clothes.
A.the same as B.as the same C.as same D.same as
( )13.I ________ my keys, but I didn't ________ them.
A.looked for; found B.found; find C.looking; for D.looked for; find
( )14.I think you should ________ your parents ________ some money.
A.ask; for B.asked; of C.asking; for D.asked; from
( )15.Bettina could ________ a club.
A.join in B.join C.joined in D.joined
1. 父母希望我每天晚上都呆在家里。

2. 我弟弟总把音响开太大声。

3. 我没有足够的钱。

4. 前天我跟最好的朋友吵了一架。

5. 我的衣服过时了。






Early rising is 1 in more than one way. First, it helps us to have good health. We all need 2 air, it makes our health 3 to take morning exercises, and the air early in the morning is the freshest.
Early rising helps us to study better. In the morning we learn more quickly and find it 4 to learn everything by heart.
Early rising makes people have time to plan the work for the day. We cannot work well 5 a good plan. 6 as the plan for the year should be made in 7 , the plan for the day 8 be made in the morning. So a 9 saying says, "Early to bed and early to rise 10 a man healthy."
( )1.A.helpful B.useful C.well D.nice
( )2.A.cold B.hot C.wet D.fresh
( )3.A.good B.better C.best D.strong
( )4.A.hard B.difficult C.easy D.light
( )5.A.have B.haven't C.with D.without
( )6.A.Only B.Just C.Look D.If
( )7.A.spring B.summer C.fall D.winter
( )8.A.should B.must C.may D.can
( )9.A.old B.popular C.interesting D.well
( )10.A.make B.making C.makes D.made
Many teenagers feel that the most important people in their lives are their friends. They believe that their family members, and particularly(尤其是)their parents, don't know them as well as their friends do. In large families, it is quite often for brothers and sisters to fight with each other and then they can only go to their friends for advice.
It is very important for teenagers to have one good friend or a circle of friends. Even when they are not with their friends, they usually spend a lot of time talking on the phone. This communication(交际)is very important in children's growing up, because friends can discuss something difficult to say to their family members.
However, parents often try to choose their children's friends for them. Some parents may even stop their children from meeting their good friends.
( )1.Many teenagers think their friends know them better than their parents do.
( )2.Children often go to their teacher for advice when they have problems in the family.
( )3.When teenagers stay alone, the usual way of communication is to write to their friends.
( )4.In all families children can choose everything they like.
( )5.Parents often want to choose their children's friends for them.
A few weeks ago, we decided to paint the outside of our house. To save money we decided to do it ourselves. One Saturday morning, we went to the shops and bought some paint and a number of brushes. We already had a ladder(梯子), so we were then ready to start. We began that afternoon with the back of the house. The next day I went to a football match while my wife painted the front windows. We got them all open in the end but I broke three and they were very expensive to repair. Next time when we try to save money, I shall certainly pay someone to do the work.
( )6.Why did the writer and his wife decide to paint the house themselves? Because______.
A.no one else could do the work
B.they didn't want to spend much money
C.they only needed to by some paint
D.windows were expensive to repair
( )7.Why will they pay someone to work for them next time? Because they .
A.don't want to do the work themselves any more
B.have no paint and brushes left
C.want to go to football match together
D.want to save money
( )8.“So we were then ready to start.” That means we .
A.had already started the work
B.has everything we need to begin the job
C.were always ready to do the work
D.were happy to start the work
( )9. On Sunday they finally break ________ of the front windows.
A.both B.one C.three D.none
( )10.The writer spent ________ money in the end.
A.less B.fewer C.little D.more
Dear Mary Lee,
I have a _________ and I _______ _________ _________. I always __________ I was ____________ _______ __________. But I just _________ _________ that my friends _________ _________ a birthday party for my best friend, and they ________ ________ me. Everyone ______ in my class has been invited _________ me, and I don’t know _______. I can’t think _______ ________ ________ . I’m very _______ and don’t know ________ _______ ________. What do you think? Can you _______ me?
Lovely Kid



初二Unit 2 What should I do导学案
