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Would you mind turning down the music学案

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【课题】:Unit 7 Would you mind turning down the music ? Section A (1a-2c)
【励志小木屋】:living without an aim is like sailing without a compass.
⑴会写本课单词和短语:not at all turn down yard right away.
⑵学习Would you mind doing(not) sth ?这一句型,学会恳请对方对于某事如何表达歉意。
3.情感价值观目标: 学会如何恳请对方对于某事来表达歉意,培养学生礼貌行为。
预习重点:句型Would you mind(not) doing sth ?的理解和运用。
预习难点: Would you mind (not) doing sth ?的灵活运用。
Task 1、 通过自学熟练写出下列单词和短语:
1、介意 _________ 2、一点也不 _____________3、把音量调小___________ 4、把音量调大____________ 5、打开(开关)__________
6、关上(开关)___________ 7、院子__________ 8、立刻;马上__________
Task 2、1)学习1a-1c: 谈论日常表述歉意的行为活动
2). 熟读2a,2b中的相关句子,正确理解其含义。
(二)预习诊断. 翻译句子
-------你介意把庭院打扫干净吗? ________________________________
------对不起,我马上去做. _____________________________________
(三)预习反思 Do you have any questions ?

Step 1 预习交流------精讲点拨
Would you mind cleaning the yard ? 你介意去打扫院子吗?
【解析】1)Would you mind doing ... ?“请你做……好吗?” 是常用于请求对方做某事的句型. 否定形式 Would you mind not doing ... ? “请你不要做……你介意吗?”
2)作出回答时,如果表示不介意,则用Certainly not / Of course / Not at all; 如果表示介意,则用Sorry / I’m sorry 等,然后陈述理由。
3) 下面两句句意不同
Would you mind closing the door ? 你介意去把门关上吗?
Would you mind my closing the door? 你介意我把门关上吗?
Step2 Warming-up Step 3 Lead-in
Step4 Pairwork
Step 5 拓展延伸
Step 6 系统总结

三、限时作业 满分 10 分 得分 ________
1. Would you mind t______ down the music ?
2. She’ll move the bike right a_________ .
3. They will finish the work in a m________ .
4. This sweater is too large for me, please give me a______ one.
5. He is badly ill, so he feels t_________ .
6. Would you mind _______ ( buy ) a pen for me ?
7. Would you mind ____ (I) opening the door ?
8. Could you please ____ ask me such kind of question ?
A. no B. not C. don’t D. didn’t
9. ---- The music is too noisy, Lucy .
----- Sorry, Mum. I’ll _____ at once.
A. turn it up B. turn it down C. turn it on D. turn doen it.
10. ---- Would you mind ____ _____ (打开) the light?---- No, _____ ____ ____ (一点也不)


【课题】:Unit 7 Would you mind turning down the music ? Section A (1a-2c)
【励志小木屋】:living without an aim is like sailing without a compass.
1)、会写本节课2个生词:task, poster
2)、掌握would you mind(not)doing……?句型结构
3)、掌握Could you please……?句型结构
3.情感价值观目标: 学会如何恳请对方对于某事来表达歉意,培养学生礼貌行为。
Task 1、 通过自学熟练写出下列单词和短语:
1 . 任务;工作_________ 2 .海报 __________3. 在开会 _________ 4.去购物______________5. 洗餐具 ____________ 6.喂狗 _________ 7.做晚饭_______________8去图书馆 ____________9把书还给图书馆 ________________10. 完成这些任务_________________ 11.去看电影______________12.临时照顾你的小表弟__________________13.制作海报 ________________14.没问题____________________
Task 2 Read 3a and tell T or F
1. Larry’s mother asks him to do many things. ( )
2. Larry’s family has a dog. ( )
3. If Larry doesn’t wash the dishes, he can’t go to the movies. ( )
4. Larry’s mother is reading newspaper at home. ( )
(二)预习诊断. 完成对话:
A: Would you mind _________(起床)?You have to help me ____________(在厨房里) .
B: OK,, I’ll get up _________(立刻).Do___________(我必须洗餐具吗)?
A: ____,and you have to ______________________________(帮我做晚饭).
B: OK. When I finish, could you ________________________(帮我做作业)?
A: Sure .
(三)预习反思 Do you have any questions ?

Step 1 预习交流------精讲点拨
--Yan Ming, could you make some posters ? ---- Sure, that’s no problem.
That’s no problem.可以简化为No problem. 意为“没问题”,用于接收他人的请求(相当于with pleasure.)、谢意(相当于You are welcome.)或歉意(相当于Never mind).
----Could you please pass me an apple?
----No problem.
Step2 Warming-up Step 3 Lead-in
Step4 Pairwork
Step 5 拓展延伸:
Step 6 系统总结

三、限时作业 满分 10 分 得分 ________
1. My little sister is sleeping . Would you mind t_______ down the music?
2. Could you please help me w_____ my English?
3. ---Could you please clean the yard? It’s so dirty.
---- Sure, that’s no p_______
4. If you finish these __________ ( 任务), we can go to a movie tonight.
5. _______ (洗) the dishes is my job .
6. Mr. Smith isn’t here. He is at a _______ (meet) .
7. Could you please _______ ( not smoke ) here ?
8. -------Would you mind my using your pen ? -------__________, please .
A. Thank you B. Of course not C. Yes . D. Sorry, I don’t
9.Could you please ___________loudly ?
A. don’t speak B. not speak C. not to speak D. to not speak
10.--------Would you like to go with me ? -------_______________ .
A. OK B. I’d like C. I’d love to D. I’d like it


【课题】:Unit 7 Would you mind turning down town the music?
Section B(1a-2c)
【励志小木屋】:”Never” is a long word. 不要轻易说“决不”。
【预习目标】:1、掌握单词与短语:waitress, brought, solution, hasn’t
2、掌握would you mind(not)doing……?的句型结构
【预习重点】 : 熟练掌握和运用would you mind(not)doing……?
解决办法 一个糟糕的发型 商店店员_______ 立刻,马上________ 带给某人某物_________你买的钢笔 ____
服装店 太大 抱怨________
1. The barber gave her a good h_____ yesterday.
2. Would you mind not wearing those old jeans? They look t_____.
3. Don’t be l____ for class again.
4. Her mother works in a hotel, she is a w____.
5. My father b_____ me a new bike on my thirteenth birthday.
6. The watch is brother, it doesn’t w_____.
(三)预习反思:Do you have any question?

Step2. Warming-up
Step 3: Lead- in
Step4 Practice
Step 5 精讲点拨: The pen you bought didn’t work. 你买的这支钢笔不能用了。
1)you bought 为定语从句,修饰前面的名词pen.定语从句一般有关系词引导。当先行词表物时,关系代词常用that或which.关系代词在从句中作定语时,可以省略。Eg: The book(that/which) I borrowed yesterday is very interesting.我昨天借得这本书很有趣。
2)work可以表示机器、工具等发挥其功能,意为“运转;工作”,sth. Doesn’t/didn’t work意为“某物出故障了/坏了”,与句型There is/was something wrong with sth.同义。
My watch doesn’t work.=There’s something wrong with my watch.
Step 6 拓展延伸
Step 7 Summary

三、 限时作业 (每空一分,共10分) 得分率______ 1.-----Could you ___the dishes for me ?
A. make B. do C. put D. mind
2.----the radio is too loud .Could you ___a little?
-----Sorry ,I’ll do it right away .
A. turn it off B. turn down it C. turn it down D. close it
3.Jack ___the door ,____the TV ,and then went to bed .
A. closed , closed B. turned off; turned off
C. turned off; closed. D. closed, turned off
4.Internet bars mustn’t let anybody ________bad things .
A. watch B. watching C. to watch D. watches
5.----- -Would you like an orange or pear ?
------_______ . I’d like an apple .
A. Both B. Yes C. Neither D. No
6. ――Do you mind if I sit here?
――_____. It’s for Mr. Brown.
A. Not at all B. Never mind C. Better not D. Of course not
7. ――Can you write a letter in English ?
――No, I______.
A. may not B. mustn’t C. can’t D. needn’t
8. ――May I help you? You have lots of things to carry.
――Would you mind ____ for me?
A. carrying these books B. carry these books
C. to carry these books D. will carry these books
9. Would you mind____(I ) opening the window?
10. Would you mind not ____(follow) me around?


【课题】:unit7 Would you mind turning down town the music?
Section B(3a-selfcheck)
【励志小木屋】:Learn young, learn fair. 学习趁年轻,既学就学好。
【预习目标】1、会写本节课生词:task, poster
2、掌握would you mind(not)doing……?句型结构
3、掌握Could you please……?句型结构
【预习重、难点】:熟练的掌握和运用would you mind(not)doing……?
Could you please……? have to……
Would you mind doing sth ?与Could you please do sth ?的比较运用。
Task1. 词组互译:
wait in line_______ follow sb.________________ get annoyed________ be polite_________ 插队____________ 做同样的事情____________
在将来___________ 站在地铁站门口_________________ happen to sb.__________ try not to do sth._________
Task 2 . 完成self check 中的1,单词填空.
1. It’s p____ to say “Thank you” when someone helps you.
2. ――Where is Tom? ――P_____ he is in the library. I’m not sure.
3. Please close the d____ when you go out.
4. It a____ me when the man next to me began to smoke.
5. I want to help her, but I can’t think of any s____ to her trouble.
(三)预习反思:Do you have any question?

Step2. Warming-up
Step 3: Lead- in
Step4 Practice
Step 5 精讲点拨:
I get annoyed when someone talks to me while I’m reading. 我在看书时有人和我说话我会很恼火。
1)annoy 作动词时,意为“使…….生气”, 后面接人作宾语。
Eg: The noise is annoying me. 这噪音使我很烦恼。
2)annoyed 作形容词,意为“生气的,恼怒的”。
Be/get annoyed with sb.,相当于be/get angry with sb. 意为“生某人的气”;
Be /get annoyed at/for/about sth.意为“因某事而生气’,相当于be angry at sth.
Eg: What do people do when annoying things happen?
Step 6 拓展延伸:

三、 限时作业 (每空一分,共10分) 得分率______
1. Could you please _____(not ride) bikes here?
2. I was ____(excite) to meet one of my old friends in the street yesterday.
3. We should try ____(study) hard for the future.
4. It’s ____ (polite) to speak loudly in public places.
5. I get angry when someone ____(talk) to me while I’m thinking.
6. 有人插队时我很生气。
I was very angry when people ____ ____ _____.
7. 你知道去车站的路吗?
Do you know ____ _____ _____ the bus station?
8. 你让Tom等五分钟好吗?
Could you ask Tom___ _____ ____ five minutes?
9. 我爸爸听到这个消息一定会很惊讶。
My father ____ ______ _____ ______ hear the news.
10. 这种事总是发生在我身上。
This ____ _____ me _____ _____ ______.


八年级(下)英语学案 第41课时
【课题】Unit 7 Reading Would you mind keeping your voice down?
【励志小木屋】Virtue is a jewel of great price.美德乃是无价宝。
【学习目标】(一)知识目标:Master words、phases and sentences.
(二)能力目标:学会运用scanning for details的方法来提高阅读效率,提高学生听、说、读、写及知识自学的综合能力。
Task 1: Lead-in
1. What does the word“etiquette”mean?
Look it up in the dictionary. _______________________
2. 看课本图画,你能看到多少条“etiquette”被破坏了?
Task 2:快读短文,找出每一段的中心句。(见P59 3a)
Task 3:汉英互译
1.压低声音 ___ ______2.一个说英语的国家__________________
3.首先 ______ 4.离…近 ____ 5.一个亚洲国家 ___
6.感到不舒服 ______ ____ 7.in all situations ________ ______ 8.大声交谈 ______ ___9.allow sb. to do sth. _______ 10.在公共场合 ______ __ = __________11.即使 ________ 12.
break the rules____________ 13. 给某人一些建议__________________
14.熄灭_________ 15.当心,小心__________ 16.捡起,拾起_________
(二)预习置疑: Do you have any questions?__________________

Step1: Warming-up
Step2: Lead-in
Step3: Finish some tasks by reading.
Step4 精讲点拨
1.For example,standing very close to the person you are talking with is quite common in some Asian countries.
(1) standing……是一个动名词作主语的句子。
____________ English well isn’t hard.
__________(smoke) is bad for your health.
(2) 句中you are talking with为定语从句,意为“和你正在交谈的人”
Do you know the girl who is singing?
2.take care not to do something. 意为“注意(当心)不要做某事”
试译:当心自己不要过马路。________ _________ _______ _________ go across the road alone.
3.If you see someone you know doing this,…….
A. see/hear sb. do sth. 看/听见某人经常干某事或干了某事
I saw the boy play football yesterday. (昨天我看见男孩踢球了。)
I often see he boy play football.(我经常看见男孩踢球。)
B. see/hear sb. doing sth. 看/听见某人正在干某事
I saw the boy playing football when I passed by.
Step5: 拓展延伸:
Step6: Summary:

三、限时作业:(满分10分). 得分_______
1.I didn’t finish _________(write) my paper because I ran out of time .
2.We should also take care not to cough or sneeze__________(loud) in public if possible .
3._________(drop ) litter is almost never allowed around the world .
4.People don’t usually like to be criticized, so we have to be _________(care) how we do this .
5.I’m ________(interest) in this job.
6.It’s better ___ (keep) your voice down in public places.
7.Would you mind putting out that cigarette ? (同义句)
_________ you ________ put out that cigarette?
8. China is an ___________ country. (Asia)
9.Most people would agree that talking loudly in a library is ____________. ( polite )
10. He __________ litter on the ground and got criticized. ( drop )


八年级(下)英语学案 第42课时

【课题】:Unit7 Revision
【Task 1】: 根据句义及首字母提示补全单词
1.We stood in l_______ for half an hour to wait for the train.
2. Students should speak p_______ to their teachers and parents.
3. Could you please not f_______ me around.
4. I get a_______ when someone talks to me while I’m reading.
5. We should r_______ books to the library on time.
6. We think it’s i________ to speak loudly to your parents.
1. We just need_______________ (keep) working on it and not give up.
2. Your brother is speaking too quickly. Ask him ____________ (speak) more slowly.
3. He said that he had nothing ________________ (say) about the thing.
4. If Mrs Brown ___________(take) more exercise, she will feel much better.
5. Would you mind ______________ (listen) to the foreign music?
Task 3: 单项选择
( )1. ?What happened ___ you? You look ____.
? Some people cut in line.
A. for, annoy B. to, annoy C. for, annoyed D. to, annoyed
( )2. ? Could you please____ me a kite?
---______. That’s no problem.
A. making, Sure B. make, Sure C. making, Sorry D. make, Sorry
( )3. ____ talk with him ___ he is doing his homework.
A. Not, when B. Not, while C. Don’t, when D. Don’t, while
( )4. You are too heavy. You should try ___ junk food.
A. not eat B. not eating C. not to eat D. to not eat
( )5. ?Would you mind __to movies? I want __ tennis with you. ?OK,I’d love to.
A. not go ,to play B. not going,to play
C. don’t go,to play D. going, playing
( )6. ?Could you ___ the bathroom?
? Sorry. It won’t ____ long.
A. get out of, be B. get out, be
C. get out of,/ D. get out, /
( )7. ?Would you mind cleaning your bedroom,Peter?
-- __________.
A. Certainly B. OK, ,I’ll do it at once.
C. Yes, of course D.No, I’d hate to
( )8. ? Could you ____ your shoes?
---They’re too dirty.
A. buy B. clean C. watch D.make
( )9. _____ to come earlier next time?
A. Would you like B. Would you mind
C. Could you please D. Could you mind
( )10. Why not____ help when you are in trouble?
A. you ask for B. ask for C. asking for D. asks for
【限时作业】 满分10分 得分__________
1. China and Japan are both A_______ countries.
2. It’s better to keep your voice down in p______ places.
3. Talking loudly in a library is i__________.
4. If you b_________ the rules of the club, you’ll have to leave.
5. Mother doesn’t a_____ her children to watch TV too much.
The doctor told my father to _________ __________ .
7. 在中国,与你谈话的人站得很近是很普通的。
In China, _________ very close to the person you are talking with ____ quite common.
8. 乱丢垃圾是不好的习惯。
__________ ________ is a bad habit.
9. 人们通常不喜欢挨批评。
People don’t usually like__________ _________ ___________.
10. 即使你与朋友在一起,在公共场合也最好把声音放低点。
_______ _______ you are with your friends, it is better _______ __________ your voice ________ in public places.

【课题】:Unit 8 Why don’t you get her a scarf ? Section A (1a-2c)
【预习目标】 一、知识与能力:
1. 识记下列词汇:personal, creative, interesting ,expensive, special .
What should I get my mom for her birthday?
How about / What about a scarf ? Why don’t you get her a camera?
That’s too boring . That’s a good idea .
重点:运用Why don’t you ...? How/What about ...?等句型结构来表示提供别人建议。
Task 1:重点词组识记
1.太贵___________ 2.tennis ball _________ 3. 怎么样__________
4. sound interesting __________ 5. 足够有创意____________
Task 2 想一想,这些句子该如何表达?
(一)1. 为什么不给他买条围巾?
(二)1). 那太贵了。_______________ 2).那不够特别_____________.
3). 那太私人化。______________4) 听起来不错____________
【预习反思】 Do you have any questions ?
Step 1 预习交流------精讲点拨
(1)What should I get my mother for birthday ?
我该为母亲生日买什么呢?What should ... ? 常用于征求对方意见。
get sb. sth.=get sth. for sb.( = buy sb. sth = buy sth for sb)
(2)How about a scarf ?
How about ... (=what about ) 常用于征求对方意见或提出建议。
Step2 Warming-up Step 3 Lead-in Step4 Pairwork
Step 5 拓展延伸:
June 20 is Father’s Day.What will you get your mom ? Why ?
What will you do for your father? Write three sentences
I will give my mother …. Because it’s … / they’re …
Step 6 系统总结

三、限时作业 满分 10 分 得分 ________
1.This scarf costs too much, it’s too e_________.
2.I don’t like the film because it’s too b________ .
3.The picture is good, but not ______ (特别的) enough.
4.Why not _______ (join) us in the game ?
5.We have something _______ (person) to discuss.
6.---- I don’t know what to do now.
----- How about _________ ?
A.to have a rest B. having a rest C. have a rest
7.The present is not _________ .
a)enough creative B. creative enough
8.This piece of music sounds _________ .
a)very beautifully B. very buautiful C. interested
9.I think the watch is interesting . (改为否定句)
I ______ ______ the watch _______ interesting.
10. Why don’t you buy some flowers?(同义句)
_____ _____ buy some flowers?Homework

【课题】:Unit 8 Why don’t you get her a scarf ? section A 3a--4
【励志小木屋】:Early sow, early mow. 中的早,收的早。
1. 识记下列词汇: personal, creative, interesting ,expensive, special .
What should I get my mom for her birthday?
How about / What about a scarf ? Why don’t you get her a camera?
That’s too boring . That’s a good idea .
【预习任务】 Task One 默写出下列单词:
收到;接受 家伙;人 孩子 (复数)
Task Two:翻译下列句子:
2. 多么幸运的小伙子!
3. 我认为狗对于一个六岁的孩子来说是个好宠物。
Task Three学习3a,把对话改为短文:
The best gift Joe has ever received is a________.He got it ______ _______ _______ ________. His parents it ______ to him.What a guy he is!
【预习反思】 Do you have any questions ?
Step 1 预习交流------精讲点拨
What a lucky guy! 感叹句一般以what 或how开头,后用陈述句语序,句尾用感叹号。
(1) What +a/an+adj.+可数名词单数+(主语+谓语)!
What +adj.+可数名词复数/不可数名词+(主语+谓语)!
What a good girl (she is) !
What beautiful flowers (they are) !
(2) How +adj./adv. +主语+谓语!
How happy the children are!
Step2 Warming-up Step 3 Lead-in Step4 Pairwork
Step 5 拓展延伸:

Step 6 系统总结

三、限时作业 满分 10 分 得分 ________
1.What’s the ________(good) gift Joe _________ever_______(receive)?
2.On his _______(six) birthday,he got lots of gifts.
3.What about _________(go) (swim)?
4.Why don’t you _________(get) your mother something special?
5.On his birthday,do you know who_____(give) present to him ?
6. Did you _______ (收到)My letter last month ?
7. If you want to keep fit, you can’t eat _____food like this.
A. much too B. too much C. too many D. many too
8. That idea ______________________ .(听起来很好)
9. I received a camara on ________________ birthday. (我二十岁生日)
10.The film isn’t ________________ . (不够有趣)


【课题】:Unit 8 Why don’t you get her a scarf? Section B
【励志小木屋】:”Never” is a long word. 不要轻易说“决不”。
2、句型:①It’s good for sb. to……
②It can make sb…… ③Dogs are too difficult to take of.
【预习重点】 :it和too…to...句型
Task1. 汉译英
大腹便便的;大肚子的猪 有利条件;优点
不利条件;缺点 完美的;理想的 兔;野兔 伙伴 ________叫康尼的大肚猪 太……而不能
______________给她建一所特别的房子________________ 足够的时间______________
Task 2、阅读课文3a ,回答问题:
1.What’s the name of David Smith’s pet? _____________________________
2.What does the pet do every night?
3.Why doesn’t she sleep in the house now?
4.Why do you think pot-bellied pigs are popular?
5.What are the advantages and disadvantages of keeping such a pet?
(二)预习反思:Do you have any question?

Step2. Warming-up
Step 3: Lead- in
Step4 Practice
Step 5 精讲点拨:
Dogs are too difficult to take care of.狗太难照料了。
(1)too+adj./adv.+for sb. + to do sth. “对某人来说,太…..而不能做某事”
(2)too… to….结构与…..enough to….可以相互转换。
Eg: The boy is too young to go to school.
=The boy isn’t old enough to go to school.
(3) too… to….结构可以与so….that相互转换。
The boy is too young to go to school.
=The boy is so young that he can’t go to school.
Step 6 拓展延伸

Step 7 Summary

三、 限时作业 (每空一分,共10分) 得分率______
选择 1. I think she is____ to take down the picture from the wall.
A. not tall B. tall enough C. too tall D. enough tall
2. ――Do you want to keep some goldfish?――No, they are___ difficult____ take care of.
A. so; that B. not; enough to C. too; to D. such; that
6.Joy, a ____ girl, can look after a dog very well.
A. seven-year-old B. seven years old
C. seven year old D. seven-years-old
4.Cats are easy____.
A. to take care of B. to take care
C. to take cares D. to take cares of
5. It____ me three hours to read the book yesterday.
A. takes B. took C. cost D. costs
6. Miss Green is___(friend) to her students.
7.Goldfish are easy___(take) care of.
8.I think dogs are ____(popular) pets in our town
9.Cats can catch_____(mouse).
10. Keeping snakes is very____( excite).

【课题】:Unit 8 Why don’t you get her a scarf? Self-Check
【励志小木屋】:”Never” is a long word. 不要轻易说“决不”。
【预习重点】 :能复述课文
Task1. 汉译英; 睡着的 选择 礼物 打开 树叶 稍后;随后 长凳;长椅 瑞典 代替;
短语:入睡 赠送;分发 而不是 太多的礼物 太多的钱 不同种类的礼物
使她高兴 别人 支付 把钱捐给慈善机构
Task 2、阅读课文2 ,翻译下列句子
1.(1)It is enough to make her happy.

(2)Later the same gift may be given away to someone else.

(3)In the USA, some people ask their families and friends to give money to charity rather than buy them gifts.

Gift giving is different in different countries.
In Japan
In Canada
In the USA
In Sweden
(二)预习反思:Do you have any question?
Step2. Warming-up
Step 3: Lead- in
Step4 Practice
Step 5 精讲点拨:
rather than而不是,是一个连词词组,用来连接两个并列成分,表示在两者中进行选择,意思是”是A而不是B/宁愿A而不愿B.”
Eg: He wants to be a policeman rather than a teacher.
rather than 与instead of 意思相近,rather than 前后要接两个同类的词或词组,如名词、形容词、动词等。

Step 6 拓展延伸:
enough 修饰名词放在 ,修饰形容词或副词放在
如:足够的钱 足够富
Step 7 Summary
三、 限时作业 (每空一分,共10分) 得分率______
1.――What about playing basketball this afternoon, Tom?
――I would rather_____ at home than____ football. It’s too hot outside.
A.stay, playing B. stay, play
C. to stay, to play D. to stay, playing
2. Some children think they get____ gifts.
A. too much B. much too C. too many D. many too
3. ――How much did the book_____ you?
――Five yuan.
A. pay B. cost C. take D. spend
4. There are many other fruits____ apples and pears here.
A. besides B. beside C. except D. expect
5. 这个包太重了,我搬不动。
The bag is________ heavy_______ me ______carry.
These books will __________ _____________ ____________ to children
How much did you _______ ________the pen?
His mother ______ _________ _________ __________for him.
My father_________ ________while I was watching
10.We’ll go swimming rather than____(watch) TV at home.


八年级(下)英语学案 第47课时
【课题】Unit 8 Reading Why don’t you learn to sing English songs?
【励志小木屋】What may be done at any time will be done at no time. 明日待明日,明日不再来。
【学习目标】(一)知识目标:Master words、phases and sentences.
(二)能力目标:学会运用scanning for details的方法来提高阅读效率,提高学生听、说、读、写及知识自学的综合能力。
(三)情感目标:To make students be interested in learning English by singing English songs.
Task 1: How can singing English songs help our English?
Make a list(1b)

Task 2: Read and answer
1.How many singers entered the contest?
2.How did these singers sing?
3.Where were the two winners of the competitions from?
4.Why did Jiang Mei win?
5.What does Beijing Speaks English suggest?
6.How many fun ways to learn English are there in the text? What are they?
Task3: 搭配每一段的中心句。

A.People’s opinion about the contes. ( )
B.Many people want to improve their English in different ways.( )
C.Many other fun ways to learn English.( )
D.Some information about the two winners.( )

(二)预习置疑: Do you have any questions?__________________
Step1: Warming-up
Step2: Lead-in
Step3: Finish some tasks by reading.
Step4 精讲点拨
encourage sb to do sth.意为“鼓励某人做某事” 试译:我父亲总是鼓励我努力学习。
My father always ________ me_________ __________ _________.
Step5: 拓展延伸

三、限时作业:(满分10分). 得分_______

1.Many Chinese people want to improve their English ______ _________ ________.(用不同的方法)
2._________ (几乎)all the singers sang very_________(清楚地) and looked ___________(自然的)on stage.
3.Some of the singers were able to sing English songs _______ _______ _______(和…一样好) native speakers.
4.The winner was a _________________(19岁的)girl .
Singing English songs made her ________ ________ ________ __________English.
6.This kind of contest __________ (鼓励)people _________(speak) English。
7.That’s not ___________.
A.enough interesting B.interesred enough
C.interesting enough
8.He is also good at basketball and tennis _____ swimming.
A.except B.besides C.but
9.Miss Li often encourages me _______ hard.
A.to work B.work C.working
10.The woman has an ________ boy.
A.eight-years old B.eight ?year-old
C.eight year old


八年级(下)英语学案 第48课时
【课题】:Unit8 Revision
【励志小木屋】:If you want knowledge, you must toil for it.
(一)知识目标:1、Master words、phases and sentences.
2、Why don’t you …? = Why not …?......
(二)能力目标:培养学生运用Why don’t you …? /how about…? Why not…?.....等句型结构表达个人建议或看法的能力。

【Task 1】: 用所给单词的正确形式填空
1. Would you mind ________________(attend) the meeting instead of me. 2. _________________(read) in the sun is bad for your eyes.
3. This kind of pet is too _________________(hair).
4. He was so tired that he fell fast _____________________(sleep).
5. This question is very _____________(easy), and he can answer it____________(easy).
6. Wang Hong is the ______________(win) of the contest.
7. Reading English in the morning is a good way _____________(learn) English.
8. In the barn there are too many ________________(mouse).
9. They chose this house _______________(live) in.
1. My brother is __________young to go to school.
A. too B. very C. so D. much
2. -Why don’t you buy a scarf? -That’s not __________.
A. interested enough B. enough interested
C. interesting enough D. enough interesting
3. He takes an ______ in collecting stamps.
A. interest B. interests C.interesting D. interested
4. Shall we have fish __________ meat?
A. instead B. not C. but D. instead of
5. He gave me food __________ clothes.
A. with B. as well C. as well as D. too
6. Who else do you know ______ Tom in my class?
A. besides B. beside C. except D. but
7. Why don’t you __________ for some help?
A. ask B. asking C. to ask D. asks
8. What about __________ an English song?
A. singing B. sing C. to sing D. sang
9. What’s the best gift he __________ ever __________?
A. have, received B. has, received C. has, get D. have, get
10. The movie was boring. I __________ half way through it.
A. fell asleep B. fall asleep C. be asleep D. felt asleep
11. When __________ you __________ your birthday party?
A. have, had B. did, have C. has, had D. will, had
12. It’s dangerous for a __________ child to cross the street.
A. five years old B. five-years- old
C. five ?year-old D.five years’ old
【限时作业】 满分10分 得分__________
1. 1. If it’s possible, I can think about___________ (成为) a policeman
2.. He was interested in __________ ( 弹 ) the piano.
3.. ___________ ( 看) TV too much is bad for your health.
4. None of us have_____________ (听说) of Mickey Mouse.
5. The dictionary ________ ( 花) her 50 RMB.
6..Parents often e___________ their child to do homework by themselves.
7.In the barn there are too many __________(mouse).
8.Why not ______(go) to the cinema?
9.The __________(trendy) kind of pet these days is the snake.
10.Would you like ________(play) football.


Would you mind turning down the music学案
