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Unit 1 Will people have robots 导学稿

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Unit 1 Will people have robots?导学稿
Unit 1 Will people have robots?导学稿
1) 由“will / shall +动词原形”构成的一般将来时。
如:It will be very hot tomorrow. 明天会非常热。shall适用于第一人称

2) 与一般将来时连用的时间状语,它们通常是一些表示将来时间的词或词组。例如:

tomorrow (明天)
before long (不久)
the day after tomorrow (后天)
next week (下周)
soon (很快)
in the future (将来)
in three days (三天后)
some day (将来的某一天)

2. There be句型的一般将来时:
There will be +名词+其他成份。它的意思是“将会有……”如:There will be fewer cars. 汽车会更少。
肯定句There will be...
否定句There (will not) won't be
回答Will there be...?
Yes, there will. / No, there won't
特殊疑问句特殊疑问词+will there be...?
There will be 2500 students in our school next year.
There won't be any people here next year.
Will there be fewer trees in the future?

more pollution 更多的污染
fewer apples 更少的苹果
less money 更少的钱

4. 情态动词might可以表示允许或请求,也可以表示没有把握的推测,通常可以译为“可能、可以”。
例如:It might be difficult for them to talk.

5. 短语see sb. do sth.,“看到某人做某事”中,do前面必须省掉“to”。有相同用法的感官动词还有:make、let、hear、feel、watch、notice等。
如:Let each man decide for himself.

1. 我们会告诉他真相。
2. 她妈妈要去澳大利亚度假。
3. 爱丽丝想养一只宠物鹦鹉。
4. 约翰半小时后做完家庭作业。
5. 我要成为一个计算机程序员。
6. 她会住在一套公寓里。
1. The students will go to the zoo this Sunday. (变一般疑问句)
2. Mike will finish middle school in one year. (变否定句)
3. He'll ring you tonight. (对划线部分提问)
4. She will come to see us this weekend. (对划线部分提问)
1.There will be ________(更多的建筑)in 50 years.
2.The students will have ________(更少的家庭作业)to do.
3.There will be ________(更少的污染)here.
4.Kids will have ________(更少的计算机)in their classroom.
5.There will be ________(更多的图书馆)in this city.
6.There will be ________(更少的树)in the park.
Unit 1 Will people have robots?
Name:___________ No.___________
Ⅰ. 词汇 A) 根据首字母提示完成单词.
1. An a can walk in space s .
2. The man wears a blue shirt and black pants, how s he looks!
3. The tall b has one hundred floors.
4. The p is the most important problem of world today.
5. We’ll go to c , when we finish high school.
B) 根据句意及中文提示, 完成句子.
6. There will be (较少) trees in the future.
7. There are many famous (预言) that never came true.
8. Some (科学家) believe that there will be such (机器人) in the future.
9. I’ll be an (工程师) in ten years.
10. I think cities will be big and crowded because there will be a lot (更多) people.
Ⅱ. 用括号内所给词的正确形式填空。
1. There (be) many people at tomorrow’s party.
2. Listen, who (sing) in English?
3. The children will use computers (study) at home.
4. -- they (buy) the house?
--Yes, they will.
5. There will be (many) people in 40 years.
Ⅲ. 单项选择
A) 选出语句中划线部分意思相同或相近的词或短语
1. There will be a speech contest next month.
A. is going to be B. will have C. is going to have D. have
2. The kids may learn from computers at home.
A. study on computers B. study computers
C. learn about computers D. study in the computers.
3. What will happen to our human beings 100 years form now?
A. 100 years ago B. 10 years before now
C. since 100 years ago D. in 100 years
B) 单项选择
4. We are going to have ________ exam tomorrow. (2006, 吉林省中考卷)
A. a B. an C. the D. /
5. ?May I borrow your dictionary, Wang Fang?
--Sorry, it isn’t ________. I think it’s Li Ping’s. (2006, 黑龙江省中考卷)
A. mine B. my C. me
6. ?________ is your math teacher? (2006, 浙江宁波市中考卷)
--The one in red.
A. What B. Where C. Which D. How
7. I think Alice is the right person for the job, because she’s always thinking ________ of others than of herself.
A. much B. more C. little D. less (2006, 安徽省中考卷)
8. There are ____ books on the shelf. You can borrow me. (2006, 贵阳市中考卷)
A. few B. a few C. a little.
9. How long will cats live ______?
A. to B. to be C. for D. on
10. There ______ one country in the world.
A. will be only B. be will only
C. will only be D. only will be
11. -- Will there be robots in people’s homes?
A. Yes, there will B. Yes, there be
C. No, there will D. No, it won’t
12. Mr. Smith will be back to school ______ a week.
A. at B. in C. for D. after
13. The old man has ______ friends, so he often feels lonely.
A. few B. a few C. little D. a little
14. Industrial(工业) ______ has killed much of the river’s wildlife.
A. pollution B. prediction C. subway D. paper
15. ?How do you ____ the machine?
--Let me show you.
A. fall B. use C. study D. go
Ⅳ. 介副词填空
1. Books will only be ______ computers, not ______ paper.
2. ______ the future, people will live ______ be 200 years old.
3. Five years ago, Ben was ______ high school. Today, he is ______ college.
4. Mr. Wu wants to hear everyone’s predictions ______ the future.
Ⅴ. 句型转换,按要求完成句子,每空一词.
1. There are many new students in our class.(改写为一般将来时态)
______ ______ ______ many new students in our class.
2. I think Alexis will have a new bike. (改为否定句)
I ______ think Alexis ______ have a new bike.
3. People will have robots in their homes. (对画线部分提问)
______ ______ people ______ in their homes?
4. Will there be a car in each home? (作否定回答)
No, ______ ______.
5. It’s raining now. (用tomorrow改写)
It ______ ______ ______.

Ⅰ. 情景对话题
A: Do you think people ____1____ have robots in their homes _____2___ 100 years?
B: Yes, I do. I ____3____ a robot on TV, and it cleaned the kitchen.
A: Well, I don’t think there will be any ____4____ money.
B: Do you think everyone will have a credit card?
A: Yeah, probably.
B: I think there will be _____5___ one country.
A: Only one country in the ____6____ world? Will there be world ____7____?
B: I hope so.
A: I bet kids ____8____ go to school. ____9____ will study at home on computers.
B: Oh, I ____10____.
A: You do?
B: Yeah, there will always be schools.
1. ______ 2._______ 3. _______ 4_______ 5 _______
6. ______ 7. ______ 8. _______ 9. _______ 10. _______

Ⅱ. 完形填空
Some day little cars may take the place of today’s cars. If everyone 1 such a little car in the future, there will be less pollution in the air, there will be more parking space in cities, and the streets will be 2 crowded. The space now for one car of the usual size can hold 3 one such little.
The little cars will 4 much less to own and to drive. Driving will be 5 , too, because these little cars can go only 50 kilometers an hour.
The cars of the future will be line for going 6 the city, but they will not be used for going far away. The little car needs only tow batteries― one battery for the motor(发动机), and 7 for the horn(喇叭) and the lights.
If we will 8 the big cars along with the small ones, we will need to 9 two kinds of roads. Some roads will be used 10 the big fast cars, and other roads will be needed for the small, slower cars.
( ) 1. A. drives B. sits C. makes D. sells
( ) 2. A. more B. less C. much D. fewer
( ) 3. A. at most B. no more C. less than D. more than
( ) 4. A. pay B. spend C. cost D. have
( ) 5. A. faster B. harder C. safer D. more dangerous
( ) 6. A. over B. around C. from D. past
( ) 7. A. another B. one C. other D. others
( ) 8. A. think B. use C. park D. love
( ) 9. A. build B. put C. found D. open
( ) 10. A. to B. as C. for D. in
探究目标:there be 和 have 的用法
1. there be表示“某地方存在/有某物/某人”。它是一个完全倒装句型,动词be必须与它后面的主语保持一致(注意就近原则)。there be 句型的基本结构是:there be + 某物/某人 + 某地。
例:There is a bank next to the post office. 邮局隔壁有一家银行。
2. have 表示“某人/某物有某物”,它有完整的,“主语 + 谓语 + 宾语”结构,动词have必须与前面的主语保持人称和数的一致。 例:
Tony and I have a nice bedroom. 我和托尼有一间漂亮的卧室。
注意:当there be 句型的一般疑问句和特殊疑问句时,there不能被人称代词it或they代替,只能重复there.
应用:1. I can see there __________ (be) a lot of people in the auditorium.
2. I think __________ more pollution in the world
A.there are B. there have C. they are D. we have
3. My cousin Mike __________ (have) a cute black dog.
Can you imagine your life in the future? 设想一下你的未来生活。
Unit 1 Will people have robots?(2)
Name:_________ No.__________
1. fall v. 落下;跌落;变成;n.秋天
常用搭配: fall asleep 入睡 fall behind 落后于(某人或某物)
fall down 跌落 fall in love with 喜爱;爱上
fall off 掉下 fall over 跌落;被绊倒
谚语:He who does not advance falls backward. 不进则退。
Pride goes before a fall. 骄兵必败。
1.The book ________________the shelf. 这本书从架子上掉了下来。

2. alone adv. 独自地;孤独地
(1)alone 既可用作形容词,又可用作副词,意思是“独自的(地);
?let / leave somebody / something alone 不干涉某人或某物;听其自然
?let alone 不管;不必考虑
谚语:An evil chance seldom comes alone. 祸不单行
1.She is ___________ at home. 她独自一人在家。
2.I like to work ___________. 我喜欢独自一人工作。
3.That's a ____________ island. 那是一个荒凉的岛屿。
4.I was alone but I didn't feel ___________. 我独自一人,但我并不感到孤独。

3. dress v. 穿衣; n.女服;连衣裙
辨析:dress,put on 和wear:
(1)用作动词时,dress既可以表动作,也可以表状态,常用人作宾语。 “给自己穿衣” dress oneself (= get dressed);
(2)put on 意思是“穿(戴)上”,强调动作。
常用搭配:dress sb. up化妆打扮
谚语:Eat to please myself, but dress to please others. 吃是使自己受用,穿是使别人受用。
1.Is she old enough to ___________ herself yet? 她会自己穿衣服了吗?
2.Mary ________ a long red ________ last evening. 玛丽昨晚穿了件红色的连衣长裙。
3.She is only a girl of three. She can't _______ herself. 她只是一个三岁的女孩,她还不能自己穿衣服。
4.She was __________ in a red coat. 她穿着一件红色的上衣。
5.He _____ ______ his coat and went out. 他穿上大衣就出去了。
6.Lucy's mother often _______ a pair of glasses. 露西的母亲常常戴着一副眼镜。

4. prediction n. 预言,预测
predict v. predict + that 后接从句
1.The weather forecast __________ sunshine for tomorrow.
2.I ___________ that he will win. 我预测他会赢。

5. besides prep. 除了……还;
1._______________________, he also plays soccer well.除了打篮球以外,他踢足球也踢得很好。

( ) 1.I think kids will study at home on computers ____ ten years.
A.at B.for C.after D.in
( ) 2.Hurry up! The train ______ in two minutes.
A.go B.went C.will go D.goes
( ) 3.My father was _____ than he is now.
A.thinner B.thin C.less D.few
( ) 4.The boy _____ off the bike and hurt his leg yesterday.
A.fall B.fell C.falls D.will fall
( ) 5.I have _____ homework to do than you.
A.much less B.much C.very little D.fewer
( ) 6.Do you like playing _____ football or playing violin?
A.the,the B.the,/ C./,the D./,/
( ) 7.I think that England _____ next time.
A.will win B.won C.is winning D.wins
( ) 8.His mother_________ in a village five years ago.
A.lives B.lived C.is living D.will live
( ) 9.__________ seems very hard to work out this problem.
A.That B.This C.I D.It
( ) 10.There is only_________ time left.We must hurry.
A.Little B.a 1ittle C.few D.a few






like, worth, interesting, more,less,
credit card, space station, as well as
1.I will be a reporter and meet many ____ people.
2.A _____ is the place to live in space.
3.Everyone will have a _______ to buy things in 100 years.
4.The work of Picasso is well ____ buying.
5.What will your 1ife be ____ in ten years?
6.Skiing is interesting ______ exciting.
7.There will be ____ money coming to the tsunami(海啸) area.
8.I have __ leisure time this term because I have a lot of homework.

Tom and Fred are talking about the year 2020."What will our world be like in the year 2020?""I don't know." says Fred."What do you think?" "Well, no one knows, but It's interesting to guess." "In the year 2020 everyone will carry a pocket computer. The computer will give people the answers to all their problems. We shall all have telephones in our pockets, too, and we'll be able to talk to our friends all over the world. Perhaps we'll be able to see them at the same time." "A lot of people will live and work under the sea. Perhaps there will be big towns, factories and farms under the sea, too." "Machines will do most of the work, and so people will have more holidays, perhaps they'll work only two or three days a week. They'll be able to fly to the moon by spaceship and spend their holidays there." "I'm looking forward(期待) to the year 2020. I hope to go to the moon!" "And I hope I'll be able to live under the sea."says Fred. "Won't that be very interesting? Just like a fish!"
( ) 1.Tom and Fred talked about .
A.their school life
B.some interesting news
C.their life in the past
D.their life in the future
( ) 2.Machines will .
A.do most of the work instead of people
B.do some of the work instead of people
C.do as much work as people
D.do as 1ittle work as people
( ) 3.From their talk, we know that .
A.only Fred hopes to fly to the moon
B.both of them hope to fly to the moon
C.one of them hopes to fly to the moon
D.neither of them hopes to fly to the moon
( ) 4.Fred said .
A.he liked fish very much
B.he would like to live under the sea like a fish
C.he would go fishing under the sea
D.he would spend a few days on the moon
( ) 5.Which of the following statements is Not mentioned?
A.People will be able to fly to the moon in a spaceship.
B.People will have more holidays.
C.Many people will live and work under the sea.
D.All the factories and farms will be built under the sea.

Ⅱ.Choose the correct answers.
1. D 2. C 3. A 4. B 5. A 6. C 7. A 8. B 9. D 10. B

Ⅲ.Form sentences.
1. There will be less pollution in 100 years.
2. There won't be any paper money.
3. There will be more leisure time.
4. Which country will win the next World Cup?
5. What do you think the weather will be like tomorrow?

Ⅳ.Fill in the blanks with these phrases.
1. interesting 2. space station 3. credit card 4. worth 5. like 6. as well as 7. more 8. less

(A) 1. D 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. D (B) 1. B 2. D 3. B 4. C 5. C


Unit 1 Will people have robots 导学稿
