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People and work

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Unit 26 People and work


一. 语音

 1. 辅音字母组合的发音:
 ch [t∫] child teach China

 sh [∫] shop shirt English

 th [?] throw thank thirsty

 th [ e] there then that

 wh [w] where why white

 wh [h] who whose

 2. 句子重音和语调
 Do you ′have a?brother? ′Yes, I?do.

 Do you′speak ?English? ′Yes, she ?does.

 ′Where does he ?work?

 He ′works on a ?farm.

二. 词汇

 1. 单词
 driver, farmer, soldier, nurse, factory, station, hospital, farm, post, office, party, medicine, businessman, assistant, postman
 * job, writer, cleaner, turn, grow, baker, artist, hobby, place

 on a farm 在农场

 in a factory 在工厂

 every week 每星期

 in the day 在白天

 at night 在晚上

 at weekends 在周末

 make money 赚钱

 post office 邮电局

 work hard 努力工作

 a shop assistant 售货员

 bus station 公共汽车站


 1. What do you do?
  I'm a teacher.

 2. What does he do?
  He is a postman.

 3. Where does his father work?
  He works in a factory.

 4. Are you a businessman?
  Yes, I am./ No, I'm not.

 5. Good evening
  Good evening.

四. 语法

 The Simple Present Tense 一般现在时

 1. 用法:一般现在时用来表示经常的或习惯性的动作。
 e.g. Uncle Wang works in a factory.
 We usually stay at home on Sundays.
 Tom often helps me with my English.

 2. 当主语是第三人称单数时,动词形式发生变化。这一变化被称为"动词的第三人称单数形式。"
 规 则 动词原形 第三人称单数形式

规 则 动词原形 第三人称单数形式
一般动词在词尾加-s. help
swim helps
以字母s, x, ch, sh, o结尾的动词加-es guess
wash guesses
以辅音字母加y结尾的动词,先变y为i,再加-es. fly
study flies

 3. 结构:


 1. What does he do? 他是干什么的?
 What do you do ?
 I'm a teacher.
 What does your mother do?
 She 's a nurse.
 询问对方职业和身份时,还可以说"What are you?" "What's you mother?"
 而" Where does your mother work?"则是用于询问某人工作地点的句型。

 2. The people there are very friendly.
 friendly是形容词,而不是副词。表示"对某人友好"用be friendly to sb, 强调一方对另一方的态度;这时friendly相当于nice, good, kind等词的意思。表示"与某人友好相处"用be friendly with sb, 这一句中的friendly 不能用nice,kind或 good代替。
 I have some good friends,. They are friendly to me.
 You're not very friendly to newcomers.
 形容词friendly在句中不能作状语,通常用in a friendly way这一介词短语作状语,意思是"以友好的方式"。
 Li Lei talks to me in a friendly way.

 3. Nice meeting you 与Nice to meet you.
 两者都表示"见到你很高兴",但Nice to meet you是见面时的问候语,而Nice meeting you表示告别时的用语。
 类似的还有:Nice talking to you, but we have to say good-bye.

 4. She's also learning Chinese medicine there.
 I also like playing basketball.
 He has a new bike, too.

 5.He wants to make more money.
 want (sb) to do sth 表示"要(某人)做某事"。
 He wants to go home.
 She wants me to go with her.


一. 根据意思,写出所缺的单词,每个单词的第一个字母已给出。
 1. I often watch TV at w_________.

 2. The Chinese people are very f__________.

 3. Mark Twain is a great American w_________.

 4. Sichuan food is very h_________.

 5. My uncle is a worker. He works in a f_________.

 6. --- What are you?
  --- ____________.
 A. I'm very well.       B. I'm thirteen.
 C. I'm in Mr Green's office.  D. A postman.

 7. Mr Black works _________ a farm.
 A. on  B. in  C. at  D. to

 8. Can he ________ you English?
 A. teaches  B. teach  C. teaching  D. teacher

 9. Does Mr. White __________ in Beijing?
 A. likes working   B. likes work
 C. like working   D. like work

 10. He ________ works in the hospital.
 A. also  B. too  C. does  D.is

三. 用括号中所给动词的正确形式填空.
 11. He wants _________ ( draw ) a picture.

 12. What about something __________ ( drink) ?

 13. _________ (not close) the door, please.

 14. Look! They _________ (run ) over there.

 15. Let me _________ (help) you.

 16. He __________ (do) his homework in the evening.
   But he __________ ( not do ) at this time.

四. 下列每句中均有一处错误,请找出并加以改正。

 22. It’s a hard work for us to do.

 23. I don’t have much money of these things.
  A B C D
 24. The boy want to eat some ice cream.
  A B C D

 25. His mother often works at the night.
  A B C D

 26. He doesn’t likes playing basketball at all.
  A B C D
五. 句型转换:

 27. What does your uncle do? (改为同义句)
 ________ ________ your uncle?

 28. Where is Bill from? (改为同义句)
  Where _______ he ________ from?

 29. Mr. Green works in an office. (对划线部分提问)
 ________ ________ Mr. Green ________?

 30. They watch TV in the evening. (对划线部分提问)
 _______ _______ they ______ in the evening?

 31. Lily has some new pencils. (改为一般疑问句)
 _______ Lily _______ ________ new pencils?

六. 阅读理解

 The Sawyers live at 87 King Street.
 In the morning, Mr. Sawyer goes to work and the children go to school. Their father takes them to school every day. Mrs. Sawyer stays at home every day. She does the housework. She always eats her lunch at noon. In the afternoon, she usually sees her friends. They often drink tea together. In the evening, the children come home from school. They arrive(到达)home early. Mr. Sawyer comes home from work. He arrives home late. At night, the children always do their homework. Then they go to bed. Mr. Sawyer usually reads his newspaper, but sometimes he and his wife watch television.

 根据短文内容,判断正误。(True or False)
 32. Mrs. Sawyer takes the children to school.

 33. Mrs. Sawyer does the housework at home.

 34. Mrs. Sawyer and her friends drink coffee in the afternoon.

 35. Mr. Sawyer and the children arrive home early.

 36. Sometimes Mrs. Sawyer reads the newspaper at night.

七. 书面表达
 根据下列表格内容,以My friend为题,写一篇50字左右的短文,要求语句流畅、表达清楚。

姓 名 李 雷 年 龄 13 班 级 一(5)班
爱 好 踢球、看书、电脑、英语
学 校 合肥一中 父亲:教师 母亲: 护士(nurse)
地 址 明光路55号

 1. 我经常在周末看电视,故所缺词为weekends.

 2. 中国人民很友好,应填friendly

 3. 马克`吐温是个伟大的美国作家,应填writer.

 4. 四川食物很辣,应用hot.

 5. 所缺词为factory.

 6---10 DABCA 11---15 BCDCD

 6. 问题是"你是干什么的",答案应为D (postmen指邮递员)。" How are you?" 的答语为"I'm very well." "I'm thirteen."所对应的问题是"How old are you?"
而"I'm in Mr Green's office."的问题为"Where do you work?"。

 7. "在农场"应使用介词on,而不用in.

 8. 情态动词can的后面应用动词原形。

 9. 本题是一般现在时的第三人称单数的一般疑问句形式,助动词does已体现了第三人称单数的形式,在使用动词时应用like,而不用likes; like+doing sth表示"喜欢做某事",故答案为C.

 10. 他也在医院工作。用在行为动词work前,应用also表示"也"。

 11. 动词want意为"想要",want to do sth表示"想要做某事",应填 to buy。

 12. 表示"所喝的东西",用something to drink.

 13. 本题是祈使句的否定形式,肯定的祈使句动词原形开头,否定的祈使句以Don't +动词原形开头,应填Don't close.

 14. 从look 来分析,本题应表达一个正在发生的动作,即: 看! 他们正在那边跑呢.应填.are running

 15. "让某人做某?quot;,用let sb do sth 的句型,let 后动词应用原形,故填help。

 16. 本题第一句表示习惯性的动作,即:他在晚上做作业,主语是he,故应用 does;第二句意为现在他不在做作业,用现在进行时态的否定形式,填isn't doing。

 21---26 BCADB

 17. work作为名词,意为"工作",是不可数名词,所以前面不能加冠词a,应把B去掉.

 18. money 多与介词for连用表示"……的钱",把of 改为for。

 19. 第三人称单数the boy 做主语,故把动词want 改为wants。

 20. at night是固定搭配,表示"在夜晚",去掉the。

 21. 助动词does 已体现出第三人称单数的变化,所以动词likes应改为like。

 22. What is your uncle? 与What does your uncle do? 有同义。

 23. be from与come from同义,所以,第二句为Where does he come from?

 24. 对地点进行提问,应用表地点的疑问词where, 本句时态为一般现在时的第三人称单数,助动词应用does, 所缺词为Where, does, work。

 25. 对"作什么"进行提问,用"What",第二句话为What do they do in the evening?

 26. 一般现在时的第三人称单数,助动词应用does,原句中的动词has在一般疑问句中要变成原形have, some要变为any,故,所填词为Does, have, any.

 32---36 FTFFF

七. 书面表达

 Li Lei is my good friend. He's thirteen years old. He's in Class 5, Grade 1 in No. 1 Middle School in Hefei. He likes playing football, reading and playing computer games. He's good at English. He can speak English well.

 He's from a family of three people. His father is a teacher. And his mother is a nurse. They work hard. His home is at No. 55Mingguang Road. It's near his school.


People and work
