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2023届高考英语Module 4 Book 5第一轮复习学案(精选2篇)

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2023届高考英语Module 4 Book 5第一轮复习学案(精选2篇)

2023届高考英语Module 4 Book 5第一轮复习学案 篇1

  XX届高考英语module 4 book 5第一轮复习学案

  课题名称 module 4 book 5

  学习目标:1. 复习并熟练掌握本单元的基础知识及语法

  costume, hide, confusion, extend, pretend, memory, revive, book, wander, elegant

  2. 通过阅读理解练习,提高学习的阅读理解能力

  重点,难点:1. 语法


  2. 长句的理解与掌握

  1)the drop is so great that anyone inside the vehicke is lucky to survive.

  2) every morning he climbs up to the bend with large circular board in his hand.


  costume, hide, confusion, extend, pretend,

  memory, revive, book, wander, elegant

  1. he has a terrible ______ (记忆)of the war after he left the army.

  2. dale h ________ behind some garbage cans until the man passed.

  3. before having a meal in the resturant, you’d better ________(预定) a table.

  4. the actors are performing in beautiful c__________.

  5. after the earthquake, everything was in ________(混乱).

  6. for an hour and a half we w_______ around the old city, totally lost.

  7. the labout party will not _______(复苏) until it can show how to achieve jobs for the workers.

  8. as time passed, the carnival period was ________(延长).

  9. her _________(优雅的) manners impressed all the people present at the party.

  10. i don’t think he’s asleep―he is just p__________.

  . 根据要求完成句子:

  1. leave it with me and i ________ (see) what i can do for you.

  2. go straight ahead ____ you wil see the post office.

  3. 努力学习,你就会取得进步。_________________________________________

  4. 快一点,不然你就要迟到了。_________________________________________

  5. he runs so fast that he is the first _________(arrive) at the finishing line.

  6. li ming works hard and he is always __________________________________ (第一个到最后一个离开的人)

  7. read books is a pleasure. (改错)

  8. missing the train means _______(wait) for another day.

  9.when the teacher came in, he ______________(假装正在做作业) . 10. when i told him the news, xiao wang_________________.(假装已经知道了)

  11. there are a number of wild animals living in the area, __________________(其中一些)are in danger.

  12. the old man has two sons, ______________  (其中没有一人)wants to look after him.

  . 翻译句子

  1. 想到春节,人们就想到对联(couplets),爆竹(fireworks)以及其他的东西。


  2. 同学们把这一周看作是通过考试的最后机会。


  3. 通过考试意味着付出更多的努力。


  4. 有些人在假装学习而有些同学却周末不休息努力学习。


  5. 这里有许多建筑,其中最美的一个是始建于清朝。


  . 综合巩固题目:


  1. 1)people saw carnival as a last chance to have fun at the end of the winter season.(翻译)


  2) having fun meant eating drinking and dressing up.(翻译)


  3) “carnival” comes from two latin words, _____ (mean) “ no more meat”.

  4) people ________ carnival___ a last chance to have fun at the end of the winter season.(填空)

  5) in europe, where it began, carnival was _____(follow ) by forty days without meat, as people prepared for the christian festival of easter.

  2. 1)as time passed, however, the carnival period was extended, so that it began just after christmas.(翻译)


  2) the most famous _______ in europe was in venice. at the beginning, it ______ for just one day.(填空)

  3) people ate, drink, and wore masks.(改错)

  4) 把某人投入监狱;  连续几周(翻译)

  _________________  ____________________________

  5)so that 用法


  3. 1)pretend 的用法  _________________________________

  2) ordinary people could pretend to be rich and important, while famous people could have romantic adventures in secret.(翻译)


  3) for weeks ______ _______ people walked round the streets wearing masks, doing ______ they wanted without _______ recognised.(填空)

  4) in secret (翻译)_________________________________

  5)many crime went unpunished. (改错)

  2. 1)the government realised that wearing masks had become a problem.(翻译)


  2)in later times more laws were pass.(改错)


  3)they were not allowed to _________ as woman. (填空)

  4) their use was limited by laws.(翻译)


  3. 1)people who wore masks could not carry firearms, and no one could enter a church ____a mask.(填空)

  2) 翻译:their use use limited by laws.____________________________

  come to an end            ____________________________

  3)having fun meant eating, drink and dressing up.(改错)

  4. 1)people who wore masks couldn’t carry firearms.

  people ________ masks couldn’t carry firearms.(句型转换)

  2) in the late 1970s the tradition was revived by students. (翻译)


  3)be good for  ____________ ;  in secret _________________

  4)as time passing, the carnival period was extended(改错).

  5) their use was limited by laws, ___________ (最早的) dates back to the fourteenth century.

  5. 1)think of carnival, and you think of crowds costumes and confusion.(翻译)


  2) 祈使句常用句型


  3) 短语: think of __________________

  4) think of carnival, and you think of crowds, costumes and confusion.改为 if引导的条件句形式


  5) 从…到 :_______________________________________________

  homework: make notes

  revise the next module

2023届高考英语Module 4 Book 5第一轮复习学案 篇2








  主 备 人


  使 用 人


  module 6 book 4 复习学案 学习目标:复习并熟练掌握本单元的基础知识及语法;重点、难点:语法: may have/might have i. 根据所给汉语或所缺单词的首字母,写出单词的正确形式。1.      a    ___  is the best form of defense.2.      the giant panda will soon become e   ___   .3.  she c   ___    the ownership of the land.4.      many people are very concerned about the d___________(毁灭)of the rainforests.5.      you must stay c     _____  in case of an emergence.6.      the search was called for the sailors who ___________(消失) in the storm.7. the custom of arranged marriages will ____________ (存在) in many countries.8. the knife is not ___________ (锋利) to cut the grass.9. 70% of the __________ (表面) of the earth is covered with water.10. the farm ____________(占面积) an area of 200 square kilometers.11. on the other hand, it has a ___________ (积极) effect on our life.12. a red sky at night ____________ (象征) fine weather the following day.13. i had the good ____________ (运气) to be chosen for trip abroad.ii. 从下面方框内选择适当的单词,并用其正确形式填空。教学资源集散地。" type="#_x0000_t202">sight, fortune, destroy, indicate, hair, claim, cover, adapt, skeptical, extinct

  1. they are making an effort to build a new factory _________ an area of 20 square kilometers.  2. he shook his head ___________ that she didn’t agree with what she had said.  3. she won a small _________ buying lotteries.  4. he________ that he had been dining with some friends at the time of the murder.  5. can you tell us some stories about the _________ of dinosaurs?  6. may scientists remain ________ about the value of this research program.  7. these flowers are well ________ to the harsh winter.   8. he is a skinny guy with _________ legs.   9. several people in this area have reported _________ of ufos.   10. everyone felt shocked when they saw the total _________ of the beautiful town by the earthquake.iii. 完成句子 1. it will attack anyone who goes close to it.===it will attack those who ______ close to it.===it will attack __________ goes close to it.2. the monster of lake tianchi in jinlin province, _______________ (再次成为新闻话题) after several resent sightings.3. meng fangying said the monster, _______ seemed to be black in colour, was 10 meters from the edge of the lake.a. which     b. that     c. /      d. whom4. 1) although no one really _______________ (看清楚) the mysterious creature, xue junlin ______________________________________(声称它的头看起来像一匹马).     2) 一群战士称他们看到一个动物在水面移动。     3) he claims _______________ (see) a round black creature moving quickly through the water.( 用括号内动词的适当形式填空)4) she ___­­_______(that) she is related to the queen.== she _­­­­­­________ _____ be related to the queen.(她声称和女王有亲属关系)5. there ______(be) reports of monsters in lake tianchi since the beginning of the last century, (用括号内动词的适当形式填空) although no one has seen ______ close up.     a. it    b. that     c. which     d. one6. the soldiers who were walking along the side of the lake, watched the creature __________ (swim) for about two minutes.     (把定语从句改为分词短语作定语,并用括号内动词的适当形式填空)7. the valley is a new part of the reservoir created by the three gorges dam.(将划线部分改为定语从句)8. ----who called me this morning when i was not in?  ----- a man _____himself robert.(用call的某种形式填空)  -----a man ______ robert. (用call的某种形式填空)  -----a man _____ ____ ______ robert.(用定语从句改写)-----a man ____ _____ _____ robert.( 用定语从句改写)9. the wild flowers looked like a soft blanket ________ the desert.(用cover的某种形式填空,然后再把其改成定语从句)iv.单项选择1. many people think the monster ________ related to nessie.     a. may be    b. maybe    c. must be    d. should be2. ----who is knocking at the door at such late time?----it ______ xiaowang. he said he would come to see you just now.a. can be    b. could be    c. must be   d. may be----no, it _______ be him. he has gone to beijing. a. cant   b. mustn’t    c. couldn’t     d. may not----- ______ it be xioali? he lives at the next door.  a. can    b. could    c. must    d. may3. -----tom graduated from college at a very young age.  -----oh, he _____ have been a very smart boy then.     a. could   b. should     c. might    d. must4. -----excuse me. is this the right way to the summer palace?  -----sorry. i’m not sure. but it _______ be.     a. might    b. will    c. must    d. can5. ----who did it sound like? anybody you know?  ----well, it _____ be sarah, but that’s just a guess. i ______who was calling.   a. might; should have asked    b. could; would have asked c. may; should ask       d. must; cold have asked6. in china, the idea of the dragon_____ from the alligator --- a shy animal which lives in rivers.   a. must have come     b. may have come   c. can have come       d. should have come7. -----is jack on duty today?  -----it _____ be him. it is his turn tomorrow.   a. mustn’t    b. won’t    c. can’t     d. needn’t8.      we saw several natives advancing towards our party, and one of them came up to us, _______ we gave some bells and glasses.a.     to which  b. to whom  c. with whom  d. with which9.      she was educated at beijing university, ______ she went on to have her advanced study abroad.a. after which   b. from which      c. from that     d. after that10. her pale face suggested that she ______ ill, and her parents suggested that she ______ a medical examination.a. be; should have     b. was; have c. should be; had      d. was; has11. my suggestion that she _____ till next week is reasonable.     a. wait   b. are waiting   c. will wait   d. would wait12. ------the experiment had failed.    -----i suggested you ______ again.     a. try   b. trying    c. will try    d. would try13. the manager insisted the plan ______ reasonable and we _____.     a. was; carry it out      b. were; carried it out     c. was; carried it out     d. be; carry it out14. i advised that he _____ to the hospital at once, but he insisted that he _______ quite well then.  a. be sent; was feeling      b. was sent; felt  c. be sent; feel           d. should be sent; should feel知识整理words:phrases:grammar:



2023届高考英语Module 4 Book 5第一轮复习学案(精选2篇)
