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九年级英语上学期Unit 3 学案

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九年级英语上学期Unit 3 学案

    1. 青少年问题   teenage problems  青少年的(13-19 岁的)
    青少年  teen = teenager  (13-19 岁的青少年)
    2.有 have got (英式) = have (美式)
    3.擅长于….  be good at… = do well in…   在….方面弱  be weak in…
    对…….有好处  be good for…   对……有用  be useful to …对……有价值be valuablel to …
    我擅长英语但我体育较差。 I               English but I                 sports .
    我知道体育对我们的身体有好处。 I know sports is             our bodies.
    我认为把体育学好对我们非常有用     I think learning sports well                   us .  
    4.也许你是对的          / Maybe you are right = you are               right
    5.(灯、电视等)开着、亮着   be on
    电影都放了半小时了  The film                  for half an hour
    他家的灯亮着,他一定在家。The light                in his home,he must be at home.
    现在正进行什么?/(电影院)现在正在上演什么?What's on now?
    6.使某人发疯     make me mad ≈                  
    Don't         so quickly! The way of your         a car nearly                  .
    I don't have any close friends   to talk  to           "to do sth " 作后置修饰语
    My cousin always               and                       .
    9.我父母亲整天工作  My parents work all day/                  .
    10.考试 (越来越正式) quiz ---- test ----- exam
    I don't know       to deal with it = I don't know           to do with it
    deal with 处理,解决 (经常跟how连用)/ do with  处理,解决 (经常跟what连用)

    12.I have no choice but to do my homework. 除了做作业我别无选择。
    have no choice but to ……    别无选择,只能……
    but   prep.(介词),后面的不定式是介词宾语,介词和介词宾语一起构成介词短语,在句中表选择,作状语如果谓语动词为实意动词do的某种形式时,but 后的不定式要省略符号to. 如:
    I can do nothing but let him know.   我只能通知她。
    They did nothing but complain.     他们只是抱怨。
    I often stay up late to complete the exercises ,and then I feel tired the next day
    stay up late  熬夜   stay out late 呆在外面很晚    complete = finish  完成
    14.拒绝做某事     refuse to do sth.
    I want to refuse to do so much work ,but usually I just           it  接受
    I understand that it is important to do my homework and hand it in on time . However, I hardly have any spare time for my hobbies such as playing volleyball and pingpong.

    hand in   交上;递交    spare = free 空闲的
    ●for example和such as 都具有"例如"的意思。
    such as指要将举例的事物一一罗列出来,比如:Three students are my friend, such as: Li Ming,lily and mary .但 for example 只是选举几个典型实例来说明,并不一一罗列(通常都是举一个例子)。 比如:For example, London is the capital of Britain.
    ● hardly 几乎没有, 几乎不
    我快睁不开眼了。I can hardly keep my eyes open.
    There is hardly any time left,                ?
    16. I often doubt whether it is worth working so hard我经常怀疑是否值得这么用功地学习
    be worth sth / doing sth   值得……
    颐和园值得一游The Summer Palace                         .
    这张图片至少值二十美元。 The picture                            .
    这本书值得一读。The book is worth         /It's worth reading the book.
    17. I am looking forward to a holiday without homework我一直都在盼望一个没有作业的假期
    体会 be +v-ing 的特例用法
    Look forward to sth / doing sth  期待/盼望……
    I am looking forward to                     .我一直都期待着收到你的来信 
    He is used to                       .他习惯一个人生活。
    Please pay attention to                &nb

sp;      请注意考试中的书写
    She devoted much of her time to                       .她把她的许多时间奉献给了帮助贫困生。
    18.Can you offer me some suggestions ?   你能给我提一些建议吗 ?
    = Can you offer some suggestions to me? 
    offer = give     offer sb sth=                        
    19.They will be of great value to me 他们对我会很有价值= They will be very valuable to me
    They will be of great importance to us = They will be very important to us
    The book is useful to me .=                                       
    20.This will give you an idea of how much free time you have这将会使你对你有多少空闲时间有所了解
    使某人对….有所了解       give sb. an idea of...
    对….有所了解             have an idea of...    have no idea一无所知,完全不知道
    21. I hope you think that my advice is worth taking我希望你认为我的建议值得采取/采纳/接受
    22.I have plenty of friends       plenty of =a lot of 很多, 大量的
    We believe in taking in                   and getting                    .
    多问。Ask                 .
    23. Then I get into trouble at home because my parents do not allow me to play outside after 6 p.m
    ●get into trouble   陷入麻烦/陷入困境   be in trouble 处于困境中
    ●allow sb to do sth 允许某人做某事  be allowed to do sth 被允许干某事
    24. I really do not understand why they are so strict with me in my study

    strict   adj.严厉的,严格的  be strict with sb   对某人严厉/严格 / be strict in sth  对某事要求严格
    在某事上对某人要求严格   be strict with sb. in sth.

    26. I wish I could have my parents' support我希望能得到我父母亲的支持
    v.支持,支撑  All the students cheered___________________________(支持他们的足球队).
    n. (being supported)支持,拥护    我希望获得父母的支持________________________
    体会wish 表达的是虚拟语气 ,后面用一般过去时
    ●wish 后面接不定式或"宾语+不定式"都可以,意为"想要""希望",相当于would like 或want.
    ●wish 接that从句时一般表示某种强烈而又难以实现的愿望,因此从句中的谓语要用虚拟语气。
    I wish I          fly like a bird. 但愿我能象鸟一样飞。
    I wish I        now in London.我希望我现在在伦敦
    ●wish 可表示良好的祝愿,后面接"宾语+宾补(形容词或名词)"
    I wish you         .祝你幸福。I wish you                .祝你旅途愉快。
    I wish you            /                   .我祝你幸运/新年快乐。
    27. Can you please advise  me   how to achieve a balance between my schoolwork and my hobbies ?
    achieve  vt.                            n.
    ○1( complete, get sth done)完成,达成
    我才完成了一半工作。I                   only half of the work.
    ○2(get or reach by effort)经过努力获得或达到
    没有人能够不努力而有所成就。No one can                                   .
    28.It is better for you to go home earlier你最好早点回家    
    29.I am vey busy at the moment 此刻我非常忙   = at present = now
    30.Pay no attention to those students (who laugh at you) and be proud of your schoolwork.
    31. My penfriend in the USA hasn't replied to my last three e-mails. (回应;回答 )
    reply .  v.  意为"回答;答复"。
    她不愿回我的信      &

    n.意为"回复,答复"。  如;
    32. Many teenagers suffer from stress  许多年轻人都忍受着压力的痛苦
    suffer from….     患(某种病); 受(某种病痛)折磨; 因…而受罚〔苦, 损〕;忍受…..痛苦

    你一定是感冒了。You must have suffered from                 .
    有时我还是在吃这些弱点的苦头。Sometimes I still               these weaknesses.
    33. Trying to keep your worries to yourself can make them worse.
    34 In fact, many students of my age feel stressed.
    35. One main cause of stress is homework 压力的主要原因是家庭作业
    36. You shouldn't blame your parents in this way 你不能用这种方式责备你的父母亲
    如:It's a sunny day.    
    如:Are the children playing games ?        Where is the nearest police station?
    Don't put the glass here. Please put it over there
    What a lovely kite!
    (a)主语+谓语(S+V)→Millie smiles.
    (b)主语+谓语+宾语(S+V+DO)→I eat a banana.
    (c)主语+系动词+表语(S+V+P)→She looks happy.
    (d)主语+谓语+宾语+宾语补足语(S+V+DO+OC)→I find her smart.
    (e)主语+谓语+间接宾语+直接宾语(S+V+IO+DO)→Millie passed me the salt.
    如:(a)I believe him honest. =I believe that he is honest.
    (b)We think him the best student in our class.= We think that he _____ the best student in our class.
    (c)We found her much younger than we expected.
    =We found that she ________________ much younger than we expected.
    (d)I want her to see the pricipal about that problem.
    三、 "wh- words"+ to do sth 的用法  ("wh- words" 包括 who , what , which , when , where , how ,不包含why )
    ●特殊疑问词who、what、which 、how、when、where可以与不定式连用构成不定式短语,在句中作主语、宾语、表语等句子成份。
    1."to do sth" 做主语
    It is very important to hand in homework on time
    It  =   to hand in homework on time   (真正的主语放后面,避免头重脚轻,it 只是一个形式而已)
    2."to do sth" 做表语 (通常放在联系动词 be 的后面,表达按计划,安排等要发生的事情)

sp; My dream is to become a singer
    3."to do sth" 做宾语补足语 ( 通常放在宾语后面,进行补充说明,核心动词后面的那个"东西"就是宾语)
    Mr Wu asks his students to study hard  ! (叫学生干嘛,哦,认真学习!)
    4."to do sth" 做定语 (也就是"后置的修饰语")
    Have you got anything important  to tell me ?
    5."to do sth" 做状语 (目的状语/结果状语)
    He ran fast to catch the first bus  (他跑的这么快干什么,哦,目的是为了赶上早班车)
    Linda came back home to find her house on fire  (Linda 跑回家结果却发现家里的房子都着火了)
    1. He should talk to Mr Wu for help  (对划线部分提问)
    Who should he talk to for help ?
    Paul knows who he should talk to for help  (注意语序变了)
    Paul knows who to talk to for help
    2. Simon doesn't know what he should do  (注意语序)
    Simon doesn't know what to do
    3. You should decide which you should do first
    You should decide which to do first
    4. Simon just forgot when he should meet his friends
    Simon just forgot when to meet his friends
    5. Simon wants to know where he can ask for advice
    Simon wants to know where to ask for advice
    6. Millie doesn't know how she can solve her problem 
    Millie doesn't know how to solve her problem
    ●"疑问词+不定式"结构经常放在tell , show , teach , learn , know , wonder , discuss , forget , remember , decide等词之后作宾语。

    ( )1.I don't know ______tomorrow.Can you tell me ?
    A.when we started B.when did we start  C.when to startD.when will we start
    ( )2.-Could you please tell me ______this camara?  -Sure,It's very easy.
    A.where to use B.when to use  C.how to use  D.which to use
    ( )3.After the discussion,the studentsasked their teacher______next.
    A.which to do  B.what to do   C.how to do   D.when to do
    梁丰初中9A UNIT3期末复习一
    一、 根据句意、首字母或中英文提示完成下列单词:
    1.He likes reading and his classmates call him____________(书呆子).
    2.People in South China are_____________(受苦)from the flood.
    3.We get ready and finish the work_____________(提前) of time.
    4.Can you tell me how to _____________(解决) the problems?
    5.Millie has written an ______________(文章) on the star sings.
    6. I wish I could have my parents' ____________(supporting or being supported).
    7.Can you o____________ me some suggestions?(hold out, give, provide).
    8. Can you please teach me how to a______________(succeed in doing something) a balance between the two?

nbsp;   9. Should I f___________(give special attention to) on my homework and give up my hobbies?
    10. I am a Grade 9 student and I am c_________ about football!(be interested in something or love someone very much).
    11. Your advice is v___________(very useful)to all of us.
    12. They are q_________________(disagree using angry words)with each other.
    13. Many young people have an unhealthy d__________(what you eat).
    14.I'll__________(证明)you are wrong some day.
    15.All we need is knowledge and s___________(技能)to carry on our study.
    (  )1.-Good! Will you please show me _______ it?
    A .what to use   B. how to use   C. when to use  D where to use
    ( ) 2. Mrs Jenny gave us______ on how to learn English well.
    A. some advices B .some suggestion C. a piece of advice   D. a piece of suggestion
    ( )3. _______good time we had last Sunday!
    A. What    B. What a   C. How   D. How a
    ( ) 4. We must _______ourselves and ______our work.
    A. strict in ; with B. be strict in; with   C. be strict with; in    D. strict with; in
    ( ) 5. He can't decide_______.
    A. to buy which one   B. which one to buy   C. which one will buy D. which one buy
    ( )6. What he said _______.
    A. made me sad  B. made I sad     C .made me sadly  D.made I sadly
    ( )7.Do you feel _______when you are_______ at home.
    A .lonely ;alone B. lonely ;lonely C. alone; lonely   D. alone; alone
    (   )8.Mr Hu always makes his class________.
    A. lively and interested  B .lively and interestingC. alive and interested D. alive and interesting
    (   ) 9.Will you please________so much noise?
    A. not make  B.don't make  C.not to make  D.don't to make
    (   )10.The foreigner didn't know_______this word in Chinese.
    A.what to say  B.how to say   C.what to tell   D.how to talk
    (   ) 11. He wants his coffee black. The sentence type is ______.
    A. S+V+DO+OC      B. S+V+IO+DO   C. S+V+P       D.S+V+DO
    (  ) 12. The teacher is drawing a picture. The sentence type is ______.
    A. S+V+DO+OC                   B. S+V+IO+DO
    C. S+V+P                 &n

bsp;       D.S+V+DO
    (  )1 3. He is good at telling jokes which often make us__________ .

    A. to be happy     B. happily       C. happy         D. to be happy
    (  ) 14. We believed ______ unnecessary to do much homework every day .
    A. it is           B. it's            C. it            D. that is
    (  ) 15. The little girl seems _______ because she has got an "A" in the test .
    A. rather excited   B. very exciting    C. much excited   D. quite exciting
    (  ) 16. She doesn't know when_______________ tomorrow .
    A. will she start    B. she start will     C she started    .D.  to start 
    (  )17. I haven't decided where _______________ yet .
    A. is that book bought   B. shall I buy that book C. that book shall be bought  D. to buy that book
    (  ) 18. I didn't know why ______________ this morning .
    A. he was late    B. was he late      C. he late was      D. to be late
    (  ) 19. Lily wonders who__________________ outside the room at the moment .
    A. is playing     B. to play          C. is playing with   D. playing is
    (  ) 20. I can hardly know _______ so complex a matter in such a case.
    A. how to do with    B. what to do with   C. what to deal with     D. how dealing with
    Sometimes you may envy others when they do a ___1__ job than you. It is not strange. If you treat envy in a right way, it can ___2__ you to move ahead. But if you are always __3__others, then it is ___4___ , because much envy may make you ___5__ your own life in the end and you have __6___time to do something you are good at.
    ___7___do you waste time to envy others? Envy ___8___ can change anything. Why not spend more time and try your best to ___9__others? It is up to you.
    Of course it is easier said than__10__. Maybe you hope not to envy others, but you ___11__how to do it, Maybe you tried many times but___12__failed. Please don't lose heart. Set a goal for ___13___, and work hard to realize it. Then you have no time to envy others, When you   ___14___, you don't need envy others any more, Isn't it true?
    Believe yourself, it is also very___15____to you.
    (    ) 1. A bad   B. good    C. worse    D. better

p; (    ) 2. A. stop   B. help    C. make    D. let
    (    ) 3. A. moving  B. helping   C. envying   D. stopping
    (    ) 4. A. lucky   B. good    C. dangerous   D. badly
    (    ) 5. A. have   B. to have   C. lose    D. to lost
    (    ) 6. A. much   B. more    C. a little    D. no
    (    ) 7. A. What   B. When    C. Why    D. How
    (    ) 8. A. them      B. it           C. themselves   D. itself
    (    ) 9. A. catch   B. catch up with  C. fall behind   D. help
    (    ) 10. A. thought  B. made    C. stopped   D. done
    (    ) 11. A. know   B. don't know      C. wanted to know     D. really knew
    (    ) 12. A. no   B. less    C. hardly       D. always
    (    ) 13. A. others  B. the others   C. you     D. yourself
    (    ) 14. A. are happy  B. work hard   C. succeed   D. fail again

    (    ) 15. A. possible  B. important   C. useless   D. dangerous
    1. We all know ______ (hand) in exercises on time is necessary.
    2. You had better try _____ (give) up ______ (smoke) in public.
    3. He seems ______ (keep) worries to himself.
    4. Could you please ________ (not forget) ________ (close) the door before you leave?
    5. I wonder where _______( buy) such nice clothes .
    6. I don't know who ______ (talk) outside now.
    7. I don't know who ______ (talk) to for help.
    8. She can't decide whether _______ (go) abroad or not.
    9. I can't remember where ________ (meet) that foreigner.
    10. Can you work out how much time you need _______ (finish) it?
    1.我的父母总是对我很严格。(be strict with)
    2,他们需要学会在工作和活动中取得一种平衡(need, achieve)
    3,请告诉我何时交作业(when to)
    4.没有亲密的朋友使我觉得很孤单(make sb…)
    5.多吃蔬菜,少吃零食对你有好处。(be good for)
    梁丰初中9A UNIT3期末复习二

p;  1. When they saw the teacher came into the room, they stopped _______ with each other. (吵架)
    2. So far , we have never _______ the balance between hobbies and studies .(获得)
    3. The _______ on Channel 2 are more exciting than those on Channel 1. (节目)
    4. The ______ written by that boy have attracted all the children's attention. (文章)
    5. Don't argue with me any more, you have been ______ to be wrong .(证明)
    6. In the end, we ______ in reaching the top of the mountain. (success)
    7. Please don't disturb me, I am ______ to Jim's letter. (reply)
    8. Thank you for your ______, they have helped me a lot. (advice)
    9. The building ____ after this rich old man was built in 1999.(name)
    10.Try to talk to your friends when ______ sad.(feel)
    1. The members in that football team have good football s______, so they often win the matches.
    2. We will remember the v______ friendship between the Chinese and the Pakistanis.
    3. Before you go shopping, you'd better make a shopping l________.
    4. Eating too much makes you u________, it's not good for you.
    5. Every student should learn how to d_______ with stress from exams and studies.
    1. Our teachers always ask us _____________ our homework on time.
    2. ____________________ the disabled persons is impolite.
    3. It's very difficult for me ______________ this problem.
    4. Please tell me how __________________ between my study and work.
    5. Don't ______________ alone. It is very dangerous for the children.
    6. Nancy feels sad because her parents work _______ and they don't have time for her.
    7. I told her to ___________________ the students who laugh at her.
    8. Last night he would rather watch TV than ___________ his lessons.
    9. Simon felt so tired that he couldn't _____________ his homework.
    10. They __________________ each other about their family now.
    1.目前,我喜欢的爱好是绘画。  _________________ , my favorite hobby ______________ .
    The teacher said ___________________ and ____________ the homework ____________ .
    The problem is __________________ his homework that he can't _____________________.
    4.你最好集中精力于学习,放弃爱好。___________ you ____________ your study and _________________ .
    _______ I wish Liu Xiang __________________ my ________ e-mails !
    Thank you _________ me _____________ , they helped me a lot .
    She ________________

___ and doesn't know _________________ .
    Finally , Andy _________ getting her parents' support and ___________ her study and hobbies .
    ______________ this traffic accident is ________________ .
    Mum is _________ my school work and tells me to ____________ those students ____________ me
    ____________ he is ______________ himself _______________ his work !
    12.吃得太多使你不健康。 ________________ you unhealthy .
    13.潜水和游泳对你很危险。 _______ and _______________ you .
    (1)You ____________stay out too late .  (2)  ___________ you _________ stay out too late .
    One way to solve this problem is _________ your time carefully .
    (1) My job is _____________ traffic accidents.  (2) It's my job ____________ traffic accident.
    (3) ___________ traffic accident is my job.
    17. 不用问他你都知道下一步做什么。   You know _______________ next ____________ .
    18. 请问,到最近的花店怎么走?   Excuse me , could you tell me _____________ the nearest flower shop ?
    (1) _________ that you _____________________.  (wish)
    (2) _________ that you _____________________ .  (hope)
    1. It's good for you to swim and run .(同义句)     _______ and _______ good for you .
    2 He spends two hours doing his homework every day .(被动语态)
    Two hours _______________ his homework every day .
    3. They considered David the best student . (被动语态)   David _____________ the best student .
    4. Yao Ming is the pride of us Chinese .(同义句)   We Chinese ______________ Yao Ming .
    5. Sue seems much happier .(同义句)     ___________ that Sue is much happier .
    6 .Andy is not good at Physics. (同义句)     Andy is ____________ Physics.
    7. I think it important to spend some time on hobbies. (反意疑问句)
    I think it important to spend some time on hobbies.__________?
    8. If you don't go there tomorrow, I won't go, either. (同义句)   If you don't go there tomorrow, ________.
    9. I don't know how I should work out the problem. (同义句)  I don't know ____________ out the problem.
    10. You must decide which you should do first. (同义句)  You must decide ______________ first.
    In some parts of the Unites States, farming is easy. But farming has always been difficult in the north-eastern corner of the country, which is called New England.
    New E



九年级英语上学期Unit 3 学案
