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《Art》教案 篇1

  英语:unit1 《art》教案(新人教版选修6)



  in order to decorate our classroom, we have several paintings to choose from. now i’d like you to look at the paintings in this unit. (p2 and p44)

  which would you like to put up on the walls of our classroom? and why? what kind of the style for each painting?

  important points:

  1. include v.     including prep.

  e.g. thirty people, including six children, went to visit the factory.

  == thirty people, six children included, went to visit the factory.

  (介词短语including six children可用独立主格结构six children included替换,

  即including sb.=sb. included)

  2. painting n.(油,水彩) 画    paint v.(用颜料)画 

  drawing n.(素描) 画       draw v.(用线条)勾画

  3.abstract           adj.抽象的,深奥的    n.摘要(of)


  (perfect adj./v   increase v./n.    conduct v./n.)

  an abstract painting 抽象画   abstract noun 抽象名词


  in the abstract 抽象地,一般性地

  e.g. beauty is abstract but a house is not.

  e.g. salt can be abstracted from sea water.

  e.g. i like dogs in the abstract, but i can’t bear this one.

  4.what would you rather do … 你更愿意做什么…

  pre-reading (说课p94)reading


  1. what were the artists interested in from 5 th to 15 th century ad?

  they are interested in creating respect and love for god.                          

  2. how did masaccio paint his paintings?

  he drew things in perspective(透视画法), which make picture very realistic.

  3. why did the impressionists have to paint quickly?

  because natural light changes quickly, they had to paint quickly.


  name of ages time artist feature

  the middle ages 5th to 15th century ad giotto di bondone religious, realistic

  the renaissance 15th to16th century ad masaccio perspective, realistic

  impressionism late 19th to early 20th century  detailed, ridiculous

  modern art 20th century to today  controversial, absreact, realistic

  important points:

  1. influence v.& n. 影响(力);有影响(之人或物)

  have an influence on/upon… 对…有影响

  have influence over/with…  对…有影响力

  under the influence of  受…所影响,受…所左右

  e.g. the weather in summer influences the rice crops.

  e.g. he has no influence over his children.

  2. belief n.相信;信念;信仰;信心   believe v.

  belief-believe  life-live  proof-prove  safe-save  thief-thieve

  beyond believe  难以置信

  have belief in… 对…有信心

  it’s one’s belief that-  某人相信

  to the best of one’s belief  (某人)深信

  e.g. my belief is that he will win. 我确信他会赢。

  e.g. her belief in god is very firm. 她对上帝的信仰很坚定。

  3. consequently  adv. 所以;因而(as a result)

  consequent    adj. 作为结果的;随之发生的;由..引起(on)

  consequence   n.结果;后果;重要性

  as a consequence of   作为…的结果     in consequence of    作为…的结果

  be of no consequence to sb. 对…无关紧要

  take/bear/suffer the consequence of one’s action  承担行动的后果

  e.g. as a/in consequence of your laziness and rudeness, i am forced to dismiss you.


  e.g. it’s of no consequence to me.

  e.g. you made the wrong decision, and now you must take the consequences.

  e.g. severe flooding was consequent on the heavy rain. 大洪水是由大雨所致。

  4. …starting from the 5th century ad. 分词短语做方式状语

  e.g. please translate the following sentences, using the words and phrases you have learnt.

  5. …the main aim of painters was to represent religious themes.(不定式作表语)

  aim  n.目标;目的;瞄准   v.瞄准;努力    aimless  adj. 没有目标

  take aim at  瞄准

  achieve one’s aim  达到某人的目标

  aim to do sth.  意欲/力求做某事

  aim (sth.) at sb./sth.  (用某物)瞄准某人/某物

  be aimed at  目标是;目的是

  e.g. what’s your aim in life?  你人生的目标是什么?

  e.g. he aimed the gun at a bird.  他用枪瞄准鸟。

  6. …by the 13th century

  by  prep. 在…之前,不迟于…


  e.g. i had learnt eight thousand words by the end of last month.

  e.g. by the time this letter reaches you i will have left the country.

  7. value  n.价值;(pl.)价值观   v.给…估价

  be of great(some, little, no) value to…   对…有很大(一些,几乎没有,没有)价值

  put great value on sth.  认为某事十分有益

  go up/rise/increase in value  升值

  go down/fall/drop in value  贬值

  cultural/social/moral values  文化/社会/道德观念

  valuable adj. 有价值的;重要的 

  valueless adj. (worthless)   invaluable adj. (priceless)

  8. take the place of  替代,取代(replace)

  take one’s place  入座,就位(当one与主语指同一人时);代替某人的职位

  in the place of  代替;取代(instead of)

  take place 发生;被举行(无变动)

  e.g. please take your place. from now on i will take the place of mr. li as chairman of the meeting.

  9. focus  v. 使聚焦;使集中  n. 焦点

  focus sth. on sth.  聚焦于;集中于

  in focus  焦点对准的;清晰的

  out of focus  焦点未对准的; 模糊不清的

  e.g. all our eyes were focused on the speaker.  大家的目光都集中在发言人身上。

  10. possession   n. 所有;占有;(pl.)所有物;财产  

  possess  v.占有;拥有

  possessor  n. 所有人;持有人

  personal possessions 个人财产

  in possession of 占有;拥有;持有 (主语是人,拥有某物)

  in sb’s possession/in the possession of sb. 

  为某人所有; 在某人的控制下(主语是物,为某人所有)

  come into possession of sth.  /  take possession of sth. 占有某物

  e.g. he was found in possession of some dangerous drugs.

  == some dangerous drugs were found in the possession of him / in his possession.

  e.g. the soldiers took possession of the enemy’s base.

  11. in perspective  用透视画法  perspective n. 透视画法;透视图;观点

  12. convince vt 使确信;使信服

  convince sb. to do sth. 说服某人做某事

  convince sb. of sth. / that-   使某人相信

  be convinced. of sth. / that-   相信

  e.g. it took many hours to convince john of his wife’s mistake.

  e.g. we convinced anne to go by train rather than plane.

  e.g. it’s hard to convince my family that we can’t afford a new car

  e.g. i am convinced that he is telling the truth.

  13. if the rules of perspective had not been discovered, people would not have been able to paint such realistic pictures. (if条件句中表过去情况的虚拟语气)

  14. a great deal 大量;很多(a lot, much)

  修饰不’                  修饰可’                  修饰可’+不’

  much                    a large/great number of      a lot of/lots of

  a great/good deal of        large/great numbers of       a large quantity of

  a great amount of          a great/good many          large quantities of

  dozens of(几十)            plenty of

  scores of(几十)

  15. mostly adv. 大部分地;主要地(mainly, largely)

  most n.大部分;最大程度(作主,宾) adj. 大多数的(表) adv. 最,极其,非常(状)

  e.g. most students say that it is a most (a very) interesting book, but it isn’t the most (最高级)interesting they’ve read, and that they read such books mostly on weekends. .

  16. be accepted as…  被认为是…

  17. nowadays  adv 现今;如今  nowadays many people travel by air

  18. scores of  许多的;大量的;几十的(修饰复数名词时,不与数词连用)

  e.g. i have been there scores of times.

  score  n. (比赛)比分;(测试)分数;二十

  three score (of) years 六十年  (表示“二十”时与数词连用,不加s)

  scores of years      许多年


  19. …but without the impressionists many of these painting styles would not exist….

  without the impressionist介词短语相当于一虚拟条件句 if there were not the impressionists…

  20. attempt  vt.& n. 尝试;努力;企图

  (attempt比try更正式,且attempt 暗含不成功)

  attempt a difficult problem  试着解答难题

  attempt to do sth  试图做某事

  make an attempt to do/at doing sth. 试图做某事

  21. …using colour, line and shape to represent them. (现在分词作伴随或方式状语)

  e.g. he often went running to school.

  22. on the other hand  另一方面,反过来说(状)

  on (the) one hand   一方面

  on hand  现有的,手头上的,即将发生的


  learning about language

  1. historical  adj. 历史(上)的;史学的

  historic   adj.  历史性的;具有历史意义的

  a historical event   历史事件   a historic event  历史性事件

  2. at (the) least  至少,最低限度    at (the) most  至多,最多

  e.g. a child must sleep at least eight hours a day.

  e.g. i can give you 20 dollars at most.

  3.doubt  n.& v.(作 v.时,肯定句可用whether/if/that引导,否定句只用that引导)

  no doubt  很可能,无疑       in doubt   怀疑,不肯定

  there is no doubt of&about sth./ that--        毫无疑问…

  there is doubt whether-                    令人怀疑…

  e.g. there is no doubt that he is honest./of his honesty.

  e.g. he doubted whether they would be able to help. 他拿不准他们是否能够帮忙。

  e.g. i doubt (that) he will come to the meeting.  认为他未必会来

  4.    refer to 指,说(某事)

  e.g. are you referring to me?

  refer…to… ①提交,上呈;②引..去查询、参考

  refer to   ①查询,参考②提及,涉及,指

  e.g. the teacher often refers her pupils to this dictionary.

  e.g. her pupils often refer to this dictionary.

  e.g. don’t refer to this matter again.

  5. bunch  n. 束,串    a bunch of flowers

  using language

  what’s the main idea of this passage?

  the passage introduces some best art galleries of manhattan.

  (it is perhaps from a tourist guide book)

  important points:

  1. collection  n. 收集,收藏;收藏品

  make a collection of…  收藏

  make a collection for…  为…募捐

  have a large collection of…  收藏有大量的…

  2. …leaving his house,…  (现在分词短语作状语)

  e.g. both of them died in the accident, leaving their son alone.

  3. worth  adj. 值得的,价值为

  e.g. this pen is worth five yuan.

  e.g. i think his suggestion is well worth considering. (很值得的用well 修饰)

  it is worth sb’s while / worthwhile to do sth. /doing sth.

  be worth doing

  be worthy of doing / to be done

  e.g. this book is worth reading.

  e.g. this book is worthy of reading / to be read

  4. exhibition   n.展览,陈列;展览会

  hold an exhibition 

  on exhibition/show/display

  5. it is amazing/strange/interesting/disappointing/clear that-

  6. work   un. 工作  cn. 作品 (指工厂时,单复均可)

  e.g. have you read his works? 

  7. every two years=every other year=every second year

  every + 基数词 +复数名词

  every + 序数词 + 单数名词

  every few +复数名词

  every three days=every third day



  prefer n.

  prefer to do sth.

  prefer doing sth.

  prefer + n./doing sth. + to + n./doing sth.

  prefer to do sth. rather than do sth. = would rather do sth. than do sth.


《Art》教案 篇2

  unit1 art

  1、aim n. & v.


  (1) she went to london with the aim of finding a job.

  (2) he took aim at the bird,fired and missed it.

  (3) i drove fast,aiming for / at catching the last bus.

  (4) the hunter aimed at the lion and fired.


  a. 目标,目的 (n.)   b. 瞄准 (n.)

  c. 瞄准,对准 (v.)  d. 意欲,旨在 (v.)

  (1) a (2) b (3) d (4) c

  without aim 漫无目的地

  with the aim of 以期……,意在……

  achieve one's aim 达到目的

  miss one's aim 希望落空,失败

  take aim at 向……瞄准                    aim at 瞄准

  aim at(for) doing sth./aim to do sth. 旨在做某事

  be aimed at 目的是,旨在……

  aimless adj. 无目的的     aimlessly adv. 无目的地


  a person with the (1) aim (n.) of being a success should always do things (2) aiming (v.) at what he has (3) aimed (v.) for. though sometimes he will be (4) aimless (adj.) not knowing what to do; but when he realize what he is (5) aimed (v.) at and make firm steps, he will in time achieve his (6) aim (n.).

  2、adopt vt.


  (1) my mother was adopted when she was four.

  (2) our school has adopted a new teaching method.

  根据语义找匹配:a. 收养,领养  b. 采用

  (1) a (2) b

  adopt an approach / strategy / policy采用某方法 / 战略 / 政策

  an adopted son 养子


  when tracy discovered that she was an (1) adopted ( adj. ) child, she felt depressed. she thought for two days and then decided to (2) adopt (v.) her best friend charlie's suggestion ― to find her birth mother.

  3、possession n.


  (1)the car tom was in_possession_of was once in_the_possession_of his uncle.

  (2)the finance company now has_possession_of the house.

  (3)we lost_all_our_possessions in the terrible earthquake.

  根据语义找匹配:a. 失去了所有财产 b. 拥有…… c. 拥有……的所有权 d.为……所有

  (1) b;d (2) c (3) a

  in the possession of 为……所占有

  in one's possession 为某人所占有

  take possession of 占有,拥有

  have possession of 占有

  possessions 财产(用复数)         possess vt.  控制,占有

  possess sb. of 使某人拥有        be possessed of 拥有


  with his business going on well, he was at first (1) possessed (v.) of big houses, cars; and later he took (2) possession (n.) of stocks of different companies. then,  he found that everything he dreamed of was in his (3) possession (n.). but he was told that the meaning and success of life was not measured by the (4) possessions (n.) he had, but the devotion he made to the society.

  4、score n. & v.


  (1) my score on the test was 85.

  (2) a score of people was found missing in the storm.

  (3) he scored high in the iq test.

  根据语义找匹配:a. 分数 b. 20 c. 得分

  (1) a (2) b (3) c

  scores of 许多,大量     a score of 20个

  three score eggs60个鸡蛋

  three score of these eggs 这些鸡蛋中的60个

  表示“20”,其复数形式通常不加­s,且其后一般不接介词of。当其后的名词前有the,these,those等表示特定的限定词修饰时,或当其后接us,them,you等人称代词时,score 后加of。


  (  )______ the engineers are watching over the project.

  a. scores of                              b. three scores

  c. scores                                   d. three score of

  d 句意:这些工程师中的60人正在视察这项工程。如果选择a项,则要去掉engineers前面的定冠词“the”;b项缺少of,且score不能用复数。

  5、attempt n. & vt.


  (1)i let them talk on, without_any_attempt_to interrupt them.

  (2)she made_every_attempt_to go.

  (3)they attempted_to finish the work within a month.

  (4)they have_attempted a difficult task.

  根据语义找匹配:a. 不想做…… b. 试图做……

  c. 开始(任务) d. 千方百计地

  (1) a (2) d (3) b (4) c

  make an attempt to do sth.试图做某事

  make an attempt on试图对……攻击

  in an attempt to do sth. 尝试做某事

  attempt sth. / to do / doing sth. 企图做某事

  attempted adj. 企图的,未遂的


  a hungry lion make several (1) attempts(n.) on the bull without success. it seemed that neither of them was to give up. again, the lion (2) attempted (v.) to kill his prey but still failed. it was a long and hard work.

  6、specific adj. & n.


  (1) i gave you specific instructions.

  (2) the money was collected for a specific purpose.

  (3) aspirin is a specific for headache.

  根据语义找匹配:a. 具体的 b. 特效药 c. 特定的

  (1) a (2) c (3) b

  a specific aim一个特定的目标

  a specific remedy 一种特定的疗法

  specifically adv. 明确地,具体地,特意地

  specification n. 详述; 说明书


  as i (1) specifically (adv.) mentioned last time, we should never start doing something without a (2) specific (adj.) purpose; or you are likely to fail. you will then feel sorry but there is no (3) specific (n.)  for regret.

  7、figure n.  & v.


  (1)how does she manage to keep her figure when she eats so much?

  (2)where did you get these figures?

  (3)he was one of the leading political figures of this century.

  (4)i can't figure_out why he quit his job.

  根据语义找匹配:a. 想出 (v.) b. 人物 (n.) c. 数字、数据(n.) d. 体形(n.)

  (1) d (2) c (3) b (4) a

  keep one's figure 保持体型

  a political figure 一位政治要人

  figure out想出,理解


  being a popular social (1) figure (n.), she always had to appear with a fine (2)figure(n.) and (3)figured (v.)out ways to attract the attention of the majority.

  8、appeal v.&n.


  (1)the police are appealing to the public for information about the crime.

  (2)the opening ceremony of the beijing olympics appealed to the audience all over the world.

  (3)he appealed to his friends for support.

  (4)this case was appealed to a higher case.

  (5)she made her last appeal to his mother to forgive her.

  根据语义找匹配:a. 上诉(vt.) b. 有感染力,吸引(vi.) c. 呼吁(vi.) d. 恳求(n.) e. 求助(vi.)

  (1) c (2) b (3) e (4) a (5) d

  appeal to sb. for sth. 呼吁某人某事

  appeal to sb. 吸引某人

  appeal to sb. to do sth.呼吁某人做某事

  appeal for sth. 恳求,呼吁


  in his (1) appeal (n.) to me for help, he said something (2) appealing (adj.). but for his bad reputation, his words didn't seem to (3) appeal (v.) to me.

  9、by coincidence


  (1)by_coincidence,_the day i got married was the same as the day my close friend john married.

  (2)what do you think of the coincidence of two accidents?

  根据语义找匹配:a. 巧合地 b. 巧合 (n.)

  (1)a (2)b

  be coincident with 与……一致,巧合的


  the agent's sudden disappearance was (1) coincident with his sudden death, which tom thought was not just (2) by coincidence.

  (  ) 1. (•江西) jack is late again. it is ______ of him to keep others waiting.

  a. normal                                      b. ordinary

  c. common                                   d. typical

  a typical picture at this time was full of religious symbols, which created a feeling of respect and love for god. (p2)

  d 考查形容词的辨析。normal 正常的;ordinary 普通的;common常见的; typical典型的,代表性的。根据句意可知,只有d 项符合题意。

  (  ) 2. (•上海春)some people maintain that watching violence on tv is one of the major causes of ______ behavior and crime in society.

  a. childish                                   b. artificial

  c. aggressive                               d. heroic

  c 考查形容词辨析。childish 孩子般的,幼稚的; artificial 人工的; heroic英雄的,英勇的;aggressive有进取心的;侵略的,好斗的。句意为:有些人坚持认为常看电视上呈现的暴力镜头是造成社会上好斗行为及犯罪的主要原因之一。

  sally is not an aggressive person. (p5)

  (  ) 3. (•湖北)it is illegal for a public official to ask people for gifts or money ______ favors to them.

  a. in preference to                  b. in place of

  c. in agreement with               d. in exchange for

  frick had a preference for pre­twentieth century western paintings, and these are well­represented in this excellent collection. (p6)

  d 考查介词短语辨析。in preference to优先于;in place of代替;in agreement with同意,与……一致;in exchange for交换。句意为:公务员向人索取钱物作为提供便利代价的行为是违法的。

  (  ) 4. (•安徽)china has got a good ______ for fighting against the flu with its careful and smooth organization.

  a. reputation                                b. influence

  c. impression                               d. knowledge

  a 考查名词辨析。have a good reputation for 因……有好名声。 have influence / impression与on 搭配。have a good knowledge of 对……很熟悉,通晓。根据句意,中国由于其在抗击流感方面的精心而有序的组织广受好评。

  the reputation of this museum lies in the variety of its art collection. (p6)

《Art》教案 篇3

  话题:a brief history of western painting and chinese art;

  famous artists and works of art.


  本单元知识结构 语法:虚拟语气(1)

  passage1: a short history of western painting

  内容:passage2: the best of manhattan’s art galleries.


  阅读课文“a short story of western painting”,帮助学生认识国画和西洋画的不同特征、代表性作品及画家。


  一、 词汇扩充:

  1 realistic(adj)现实主义的;现实的---reality(n)现实---realize(v)---实现

  2 belief(n)信仰;信任---believe(v)相信---believe in 相信

  3 consequent(adj)作为结果的;随之发生的---consequently(adv)所以;因而

  ---consequence(n) 结果

  4 value(n)价值(pl)价值观;社会准则---valuable(adj)有价值的---be of great value

  5 religion(n)宗教;宗教信仰---religious(adj)宗教的

  6 possession(n)所有;财产---possess(v)持有;拥有

  7 convince(v)使确信;使信服---convince sb of sth使某人相信某事

  ---be convinced of相信

  8 impress(v)给…留下印象---impression(n)印象---make a strong impression on sb



  9 a great deal(adv)大量---a great deal of (adj)大量的….

  10 predict(v)预言;预告;预测---prediction(n)

  11 scholar(n)学者---scholarship(n)奖学金

  12 flesh(n)肉;肌肉;肉体---fresh(adj)新鲜的---flash(v)闪现

  13exhibition(n) 展览;陈列;展览会---exhibit(n)展览品;陈列品(v)展出

  二、 长难句分析

  1 art is influenced by the way of life and beliefs of the people , and china , unlike europe, has followed a similar way of life for a very long time.


  2 when people first saw his painting they were convinced they were looking through a hole in the wall at a real scene.


  3 among the painters who broke away from the traditional style of painting were the impressionists who lived and worked in paris.


  三、 warming up

  match the words and meanings . these words might help you in your reading .

  ①realistic           ①accurate, minute

  ②abstract           ②state or fact of existing

  ③detailed           ③being in thought but having a physical or practical existence

  ④traditional         ④lifelike, true to life

  ⑤religious          ⑤classical, of old beliefs

  ⑥existence          ⑥sincere to believe in a god or gods

  四、 reading


  1what were the artists interested in from 5th to 15th century ad?

  they were interested in creating ____   ___ and __     __ for god.

  2 how did masaccio paint his paintings?

  he drew things in_______  ___, which makes pictures very __   _____.

  3. why did the impressionists have to paint quickly?

  because the natural light _____  __ quickly, they had to __   ___ quickly.


  1. which of the following statements is true?

  a. paintings in middle ages were very realistic.

  b. western art has changed a lot since the 5th century.

  c. impressionist paintings were painted mainly indoors.

  d. modern art began in the renaissance.

  2. at first most people hated the impressionists’ style of painting, because _____.

  a. their paintings were very abstract.

  b. their paintings were very realistic.

  c. they broke away from the traditional style of painting.

  d. their paintings were very ridiculous.

  3. in the renaissance, painters___.

  a painted religious scenes in a more realistic style.

  b. focused more on religion than on humans.

  c. began to paint outdoors.

  d. returned to classical roman and greek ideas about art. 

  4. ____discovered how to make paintings look more real by using perspective.

  a. giotto di bondone.

  b. masaccio.

  c. claude monet.

  d. pablo picasso

  5. what does the text mainly tell us?

  a. how religious painting developed.

  b. how oil painting developed.

  c. how impressionist painting developed.

  d. how western art developed

  detailed reading: true or false

  (  )1. western art has changed very little over the last seventeen centuries.

  (  )2. painters in the middle ages painted mainly religious subjects.

  (  )3. paintings in the middle ages were very realistic.

  (  )4. renaissance painters tried to paint things in a realistic way.

  (  )5. two important discoveries in the renaissance period were oil paints and drawing in perspective.

  (  )6. impressionists painted their pictures mainly indoors.

  (  )7. at first people did not like the impressionists’ paintings.

  (  )8. modern art began with the impressionists


  fill in the chart according to the text

  ages time artist



  the characteristics of chinese paintings and western paintings:

  chinese painting is often about nature, such as mountain, water, bird-and-flower, etc.

  it has an air of living in nature, harmony (和谐)and peace.

  western painting is about religion, human .

  it is abstract, rich in color, oil, line and shape

  kinds of painting (match the english words and chinese meaning)

  ①oil painting        风景画

  ②water colour       油画

  ③landscape         水彩

  ④cartoon           人物

  ⑤figure drawing      素描

  ⑥sketch             卡通

《Art》教案 篇4

  teaching aims:to practise scanning the text to extract specific informationto practise giving definitions of words with the help of relative pronounsteaching difficulties:to practise using relative clauses. . warming up t: china has a long history therefore it is rich in cultures and arts. it has special art forms that other countries don’t exist.  for example , what style do these pictures belong to?s: chinese paper cutt: which paper cut do you like most?s:t: have you ever tried paper-cutting? on what occasions would you use paper cuts?s:t: do you know its history and uses?s:t: nowadays, paper cuts are chiefly used as decoration. they ornament walls, windows, doors, columns, mirrors, lamps and lanterns in homes and are given as presents themselves. now let’s look at some paper cuts and describe them.picture 1.   this paper cut is of a boy holding a big fish.picture 2    the two women who are dressed in red are dancing.picture 3.   the monkey who is eating a big peach is really lovely.picture4   the girl who is smelling a flower is so lifelike.picture 5  the fisherman go home, followed by his dog. readinghow much do you know about paper cut? do you know the answers to these questions?present the questions in exercise 4, and give students time to read these questions.read the article and you will the knowledge of paper cuts voice your opinionwhat meaning can you get from these paper cuts?paper cuts with a long history is a special art form of china, and it plays an important part in people’s everyday life.  knowledge structuretrue or false1.       the text introduces four uses of the paper-cutting.2. paper cut has something to do with clothing design.3. relations often use paper cuts to do something for the dead on special days.4. the earliest paper cut dates back to the southern song dynasty .5. the text refers to us that paper cuts was once a necessary skill of a young   woman.6. paper cuts are early found in tombs in the northern and southern dynasty. 7. the text introduce the history and uses of chinese paper cuts. answers: 1.f 2.t 3.t 4.f 5.t 6.t 7.t correct mistakes1.       chinese paper cuts has long history.2. paper cuts are usually put on gates and windows for good luck.3. paper cuts are used for religious purposes are often found in temples.4. these paper cuts are prepared for dead.5. before marrying with her , the farmer want to see her paper cuts.answers: 1. has后加 a  2.on改为up  3. 去掉are  4. dead前面加 the  5. 去掉with language pointsmarry  vt.    marry somebody娶某人,嫁给某人  he promises if he marries her , he will make her happy.他许诺如果他娶了她,会让她幸福。 be married to somebody与某人结婚一段时间she has been married to her husband for ten years.她已经和丈夫结婚十年了。2. put up张贴,搭起(帐篷等)put on穿上, 上演,演出put off推迟paper cuts are usually put up during festivals.剪纸通常在节日期间粘贴。tom put on his coat and went out汤姆穿上衣服出去了。we are putting the play on again next week, owing to its success.由于演出的成功, 我们下星期再次上演这出戏。because of the bad weather, we have to put off the sports meeting next week. 由于天气不好, 我们不得不把运动会推迟到下星期。3. be related to与…有亲属关系,同一类型,物种。 are you related to margaret?你与玛格丽特是一家人吗?are you related to alanis, the singer?你与阿兰妮斯,那个歌星有亲属关系吗?the zebra is related to the horse.斑马和马是同一物种。4. try out 试用,试验,试试i’ll try it out and see whether it works.我试试,看它是否有效。i was also ready to try out paper-cutting for myself.我还准备亲自尝试剪纸。 grammardo the exercise 6,7, 8 and 9by doing these exercise students will have a brief understanding of relative clauses homeworkdo the exercise 10, 11and 12.

《Art》教案 篇5

  选修  6 unit 1 art


  1. faith

  n. 信任;信念;信心


  break ones faith with sb.              对某人不守信用

  keep faith with sb.                            守信于某人

  lose faith in                                        不再信任

  have faith in                                       相信; 信任

  in good/bad faith                               真心诚意/虚情假意



  above all, you should have faith            yourself.

  a.in         b. with              c. of          d. for

  解析:选a。have faith in 相信,信任。句意为:首先,你必须要相信自己。故a项符合句意。

  after repeated failure, he lost faith in himself.


  faith can remove mountains. 信仰能移山。

  never break faith, or you will lose all your friends.


  2. aim

  n. 目标;目的

  vi.&vt. 瞄准;(向某方向)努力

  what is your aim in life?



  take aim (at)                    瞄准……

  aim at                              向……瞄准;旨在,针对

  aim high                          胸怀大志;心气很高

  he aimed the gun at the enemy officer.


  our factory must aim at developing new models of machines.




  ①the hope project           helping build schools in the poor areas.

  a. aims                             b. aims to

  c. is aimed to                       d. is aimed at

  ②―what is your                 in this olympic games?

  ―to win the gold medals.

  a. attention        b. idea          c. opinion      d. aim


  ①this antismoking campaign mainly                   (针对) young teenagers.

  ②the hunter                     (瞄准)the lion and fired.

  ③he          (力求)at accuracy.

  ④he could not            (瞄准)straight.

  ⑤he is leading a life without              (目标,方向).

  解析:(1)①选d。考查aim的固定搭配。be aimed at旨在,目的是。

  ②选d。考查词义辨析。attention注意力;idea想法;opinion 观点;aim目的,目标,打算。

  (2)①aims at  ②aimed at  ③aimed  ④aim  ⑤aims

  3. consequently

  adv.&conj. 所以,因而(=therefore)

  mr foster has never been to china. consequently he knows very little about it.



  be consequent on/upon                        因……引起的;


  consequence n.                                      后果;结果;重要性

  be of consequence                                 重要的

  as a consequence=as a result               结果

  in consequence                                       由于

  as a consequence of=as a result of      作为……的结果

  in consequence of                                  由于;作为……的结果

  he is a man of great consequence.




  the rain yesterday was heavy.               , the roads were flooded.

  a. as a result of              b. as a consequence

  c. consequence             d. in consequence of

  解析:选b。此处为“结果”之意,作插入语,应用相当于副词的短语,as a consequence= consequently。

  4. possession

  n. (尤作复数)所有;财产


  in possession of sth.                                      拥有/占有某物

  in the possession of/in ones possession 被……拥有

  take/gain/get/have possession of sth.          拥有某物

  when his father died, he came into possession of a large fortune. 父亲死后,他拥有了一大笔遗产。

  the people had to gather up their few possessions and escape from the hills.



  possess vt.  拥有;具有;支配




  the house is                            /                                              .


  we can’t                                  the house until all the papers have been signed.

  答案:①in my possession/in the possession of me

  ②take possession of

  5. concentrate

  vt. 集中,浓缩


  concentrate on/upon                               集中在; 专心于

  concentrate ones attention/mind on   注意力集中在……

  i quickly concentrated the camera on the children.



  pay attention to                          注意

  focus on                                      集中(注意力,关心)于……

  fix one’s attention/eyes/mind on


  the children fixed their eyes on the teacher in class.




  all her energies are  upon her children and she seems to have little time for anything else.

  a. aimed                    b. concentrated

  c. guided                   d. directed

  解析:选b。concentrate energies upon sth.表示“把精力集中在某事上”。aim可以与at搭配;direct可以与to搭配,表示“把精力集中在……上”。

  6. attempt

  vt. 尝试;企图

  n. 努力;尝试;企图


  attempt to do/doing

  =try to do/doing

  =make an attempt to do/doing                尝试做……

  at one’s first attempt                                某人第一次尝试

  in an attempt to do sth.                           试图做某事

  make an attempt on sb.’s life                  企图谋杀某人

  attempt at/on sth.                                      试图做某事

  they attempted to finish the task before july.


  they attempted on the life of the dictator.


  he made an attempt on the world record.


  her attempt at poetry was a failure.她尝试写诗但失败了。








  he                to escape from the prison, but he couldn’t find anybody to help him.

  succeeded        b. attempted      c. advised     d. thought

  解析:选b。句意为:他企图越狱,但找不到人帮他。attempt to do sth.试图做某事。

  7. score

  n. 二十;划痕, 刻线; 欠帐; 得分, 成绩; 评分;乐谱

  v. 划线,做记号;记分,得分;谱曲

  yao ming scored again in the second half.



  three score (of) people                              60人

  make a good score                                    得分多;成绩好

  in scores                                                     很多的, 大批的

  score out                                                    划掉,删去


  scoreboard n.                    记分板/牌

  scorer n.                             记分员;得分的运动员

  scores of                             很多(前面不能加数词)


  数词+score,不加of;但用a score of。

  score前有数词修饰,而且score后所修饰的名词前有the, those, these等表示限定的词时,必须加of。



  shortly after the flood. two           police were sent to the spot to keep order.

  a. scores of                     b. scores

  c. score of                      d. dozens

  解析:选c。dozen和score前面有具体数字时,它们后面不用复数。正确的表达为:two score (of) police四十名警察; two dozen police 24个警察。


  8. a great deal


  we are living close to each other, so i see him a great deal.




  修饰可数名词复数的:many, a good/great many, a great/large(small) number of, hundreds (thousands/millions/billions) of, dozens of, scores of。

  修饰不可数名词的:a great/good deal of, much, much of, a large/great amount of。

  修饰可数名词复数或不可数名词的:a lot of, lots of, plenty of, half of, part of, one third of, ...percent of。


  a great deal 可在句中作状语,修饰动词或形容词和副词的比较级,此时不加of。

  deal用来表示“大量,相当多”时不用 large修饰,而习惯用 great/good来修饰。

  a great deal of表示“许多”时,只能修饰不可数名词。



  we waited for the report of exam with              anxiety.

  a. a great deal of             b. a great number of

  c. a great many              d. a plenty of

  解析:选a。此处anxiety为抽象名词,排除b、c两项; d项应该为plenty of。


  9. among the painters who broke away from the traditional style of painting were the impressionists, who lived and worked in paris.



  表示方位的副词或介词短语位于句首,主语是名词,谓语是不及物动词,如 come, go, stand, sit, lie 等时,句子经常采用全部倒装的形式。

  in front of the house sat a small boy.


  there comes the bus. 车来了。

  under the tree stand my english teacher and some of my classmates.




  here you are. 给你。



  at the foot of the mountain                       .

  a. a village lie                  b. lies a village

  c. does a village lie             d. lying a village


《Art》教案 篇6

  unit1 《art》教案




  in order to decorate our classroom, we have several paintings to choose from. now i’d like you to look at the paintings in this unit. (p2 and p44)

  which would you like to put up on the walls of our classroom? and why? what kind of the style for each painting?

  important points:

  1. include v.     including prep.

  e.g. thirty people, including six children, went to visit the factory.

  == thirty people, six children included, went to visit the factory.

  (介词短语including six children可用独立主格结构six children included替换,

  即including sb.=sb. included)

  2. painting n.(油,水彩) 画    paint v.(用颜料)画 

  drawing n.(素描) 画       draw v.(用线条)勾画

  3.abstract           adj.抽象的,深奥的    n.摘要(of)


  (perfect adj./v   increase v./n.    conduct v./n.)

  an abstract painting 抽象画   abstract noun 抽象名词


  in the abstract 抽象地,一般性地

  e.g. beauty is abstract but a house is not.

  e.g. salt can be abstracted from sea water.

  e.g. i like dogs in the abstract, but i can’t bear this one.

  4.what would you rather do … 你更愿意做什么…

  pre-reading (说课p94)reading


  1. what were the artists interested in from 5 th to 15 th century ad?

  they are interested in creating respect and love for god.                          

  2. how did masaccio paint his paintings?

  he drew things in perspective(透视画法), which make picture very realistic.

  3. why did the impressionists have to paint quickly?

  because natural light changes quickly, they had to paint quickly.


  name of ages time artist feature

  the middle ages 5th to 15th century ad giotto di bondone religious, realistic

  the renaissance 15th to16th century ad masaccio perspective, realistic

  impressionism late 19th to early 20th century  detailed, ridiculous

  modern art 20th century to today  controversial, absreact, realistic

  important points:

  1. influence v.& n. 影响(力);有影响(之人或物)

  have an influence on/upon… 对…有影响

  have influence over/with…  对…有影响力

  under the influence of  受…所影响,受…所左右

  e.g. the weather in summer influences the rice crops.

  e.g. he has no influence over his children.

  2. belief n.相信;信念;信仰;信心   believe v.

  belief-believe  life-live  proof-prove  safe-save  thief-thieve

  beyond believe  难以置信

  have belief in… 对…有信心

  it’s one’s belief that-  某人相信

  to the best of one’s belief  (某人)深信

  e.g. my belief is that he will win. 我确信他会赢。

  e.g. her belief in god is very firm. 她对上帝的信仰很坚定。

  3. consequently  adv. 所以;因而(as a result)

  consequent    adj. 作为结果的;随之发生的;由..引起(on)

  consequence   n.结果;后果;重要性

  as a consequence of   作为…的结果     in consequence of    作为…的结果

  be of no consequence to sb. 对…无关紧要

  take/bear/suffer the consequence of one’s action  承担行动的后果

  e.g. as a/in consequence of your laziness and rudeness, i am forced to dismiss you.


  e.g. it’s of no consequence to me.

  e.g. you made the wrong decision, and now you must take the consequences.

  e.g. severe flooding was consequent on the heavy rain. 大洪水是由大雨所致。

  4. …starting from the 5th century ad. 分词短语做方式状语

  e.g. please translate the following sentences, using the words and phrases you have learnt.

  5. …the main aim of painters was to represent religious themes.(不定式作表语)

  aim  n.目标;目的;瞄准   v.瞄准;努力    aimless  adj. 没有目标

  take aim at  瞄准

  achieve one’s aim  达到某人的目标

  aim to do sth.  意欲/力求做某事

  aim (sth.) at sb./sth.  (用某物)瞄准某人/某物

  be aimed at  目标是;目的是

  e.g. what’s your aim in life?  你人生的目标是什么?

  e.g. he aimed the gun at a bird.  他用枪瞄准鸟。

  6. …by the 13th century

  by  prep. 在…之前,不迟于…


  e.g. i had learnt eight thousand words by the end of last month.

  e.g. by the time this letter reaches you i will have left the country.

  7. value  n.价值;(pl.)价值观   v.给…估价

  be of great(some, little, no) value to…   对…有很大(一些,几乎没有,没有)价值

  put great value on sth.  认为某事十分有益

  go up/rise/increase in value  升值

  go down/fall/drop in value  贬值

  cultural/social/moral values  文化/社会/道德观念

  valuable adj. 有价值的;重要的 

  valueless adj. (worthless)   invaluable adj. (priceless)

  8. take the place of  替代,取代(replace)

  take one’s place  入座,就位(当one与主语指同一人时);代替某人的职位

  in the place of  代替;取代(instead of)

  take place 发生;被举行(无变动)

  e.g. please take your place. from now on i will take the place of mr. li as chairman of the meeting.

  9. focus  v. 使聚焦;使集中  n. 焦点

  focus sth. on sth.  聚焦于;集中于

  in focus  焦点对准的;清晰的

  out of focus  焦点未对准的; 模糊不清的

  e.g. all our eyes were focused on the speaker.  大家的目光都集中在发言人身上。

  10. possession   n. 所有;占有;(pl.)所有物;财产  

  possess  v.占有;拥有

  possessor  n. 所有人;持有人

  personal possessions 个人财产

  in possession of 占有;拥有;持有 (主语是人,拥有某物)

  in sb’s possession/in the possession of sb. 

  为某人所有; 在某人的控制下(主语是物,为某人所有)

  come into possession of sth.  /  take possession of sth. 占有某物

  e.g. he was found in possession of some dangerous drugs.

  == some dangerous drugs were found in the possession of him / in his possession.

  e.g. the soldiers took possession of the enemy’s base.

  11. in perspective  用透视画法  perspective n. 透视画法;透视图;观点

  12. convince vt 使确信;使信服

  convince sb. to do sth. 说服某人做某事

  convince sb. of sth. / that-   使某人相信

  be convinced. of sth. / that-   相信

  e.g. it took many hours to convince john of his wife’s mistake.

  e.g. we convinced anne to go by train rather than plane.

  e.g. it’s hard to convince my family that we can’t afford a new car

  e.g. i am convinced that he is telling the truth.

  13. if the rules of perspective had not been discovered, people would not have been able to paint such realistic pictures. (if条件句中表过去情况的虚拟语气)

  14. a great deal 大量;很多(a lot, much)

  修饰不’                  修饰可’                  修饰可’+不’

  much                    a large/great number of      a lot of/lots of

  a great/good deal of        large/great numbers of       a large quantity of

  a great amount of          a great/good many          large quantities of

  dozens of(几十)            plenty of

  scores of(几十)

  15. mostly adv. 大部分地;主要地(mainly, largely)

  most n.大部分;最大程度(作主,宾) adj. 大多数的(表) adv. 最,极其,非常(状)

  e.g. most students say that it is a most (a very) interesting book, but it isn’t the most (最高级)interesting they’ve read, and that they read such books mostly on weekends. .

  16. be accepted as…  被认为是…

  17. nowadays  adv 现今;如今  nowadays many people travel by air

  18. scores of  许多的;大量的;几十的(修饰复数名词时,不与数词连用)

  e.g. i have been there scores of times.

  score  n. (比赛)比分;(测试)分数;二十

  three score (of) years 六十年  (表示“二十”时与数词连用,不加s)

  scores of years      许多年


  19. …but without the impressionists many of these painting styles would not exist….

  without the impressionist介词短语相当于一虚拟条件句 if there were not the impressionists…

  20. attempt  vt.& n. 尝试;努力;企图

  (attempt比try更正式,且attempt 暗含不成功)

  attempt a difficult problem  试着解答难题

  attempt to do sth  试图做某事

  make an attempt to do/at doing sth. 试图做某事

  21. …using colour, line and shape to represent them. (现在分词作伴随或方式状语)

  e.g. he often went running to school.

  22. on the other hand  另一方面,反过来说(状)

  on (the) one hand   一方面

  on hand  现有的,手头上的,即将发生的


  learning about language

  1. historical  adj. 历史(上)的;史学的

  historic   adj.  历史性的;具有历史意义的

  a historical event   历史事件   a historic event  历史性事件

  2. at (the) least  至少,最低限度    at (the) most  至多,最多

  e.g. a child must sleep at least eight hours a day.

  e.g. i can give you 20 dollars at most.

  3.doubt  n.& v.(作 v.时,肯定句可用whether/if/that引导,否定句只用that引导)

  no doubt  很可能,无疑       in doubt   怀疑,不肯定

  there is no doubt of&about sth./ that--        毫无疑问…

  there is doubt whether-                    令人怀疑…

  e.g. there is no doubt that he is honest./of his honesty.

  e.g. he doubted whether they would be able to help. 他拿不准他们是否能够帮忙。

  e.g. i doubt (that) he will come to the meeting.  认为他未必会来

  4.    refer to 指,说(某事)

  e.g. are you referring to me?

  refer…to… ①提交,上呈;②引..去查询、参考

  refer to   ①查询,参考②提及,涉及,指

  e.g. the teacher often refers her pupils to this dictionary.

  e.g. her pupils often refer to this dictionary.

  e.g. don’t refer to this matter again.

  5. bunch  n. 束,串    a bunch of flowers

  using language

  what’s the main idea of this passage?

  the passage introduces some best art galleries of manhattan.

  (it is perhaps from a tourist guide book)

  important points:

  1. collection  n. 收集,收藏;收藏品

  make a collection of…  收藏

  make a collection for…  为…募捐

  have a large collection of…  收藏有大量的…

  2. …leaving his house,…  (现在分词短语作状语)

  e.g. both of them died in the accident, leaving their son alone.

  3. worth  adj. 值得的,价值为

  e.g. this pen is worth five yuan.

  e.g. i think his suggestion is well worth considering. (很值得的用well 修饰)

  it is worth sb’s while / worthwhile to do sth. /doing sth.

  be worth doing

  be worthy of doing / to be done

  e.g. this book is worth reading.

  e.g. this book is worthy of reading / to be read

  4. exhibition   n.展览,陈列;展览会

  hold an exhibition 

  on exhibition/show/display

  5. it is amazing/strange/interesting/disappointing/clear that-

  6. work   un. 工作  cn. 作品 (指工厂时,单复均可)

  e.g. have you read his works? 

  7. every two years=every other year=every second year

  every + 基数词 +复数名词

  every + 序数词 + 单数名词

  every few +复数名词

  every three days=every third day



  prefer n.

  prefer to do sth.

  prefer doing sth.

  prefer + n./doing sth. + to + n./doing sth.

  prefer to do sth. rather than do sth. = would rather do sth. than do sth.




