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高二英语The environment教案(通用2篇)

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高二英语The environment教案(通用2篇)

高二英语The environment教案 篇1

  teaching plan for grammar and usage

  teaching  aims

  1.       help ss understand verbing form as an adjective or adverb

  2.       master a verb-ing as attributive, predicative, object complement ect.

  teaching difficult points

  1.        how to use verb-ing form as an adjective or adverb

  2.        how to use verb-ing phrases

  teaching steps;

  step1  lead-in

  1.       the children stopped____as the teacher came in

  a.talk     b.to talk   c.talking   d.talked

  2.  if  he can stop them ____there ,i will do it

  a.go       b.to go    c.gone    d.going

  3.  he is quite used _____in all sorts of weather

  a.fly       b.to fly    c.to flying  d.to flied

  4.  doctor bethune went on_____throughtout the night

  a.work      b.worked    c.to work  d.working

  5.   your shoes are dirty .they need____badly

  a.wash      b.washed     c.to wash   d.washing

  step2  1.verb-ing form as an adjective or adverb


  it is a very moving film and it is well worth seeing

  canada is an english-speaking country

  the girl sitting in the corner is my best friend.


  your journey in kerya is really exciting

  what you did was disappointing.

  *object complement

  we find the journey to america exciting.

  i heard someone playing the violin in the next room.

  注:在see hear watch feel notice等动词后,用现在分词构成的复合宾语,表示动作正在进行。而动词原形则表示动作的全过程,即动作已结束。

  we saw the teacher making the experiment.

  isaw the girl get into the car and drive off.

  2.a verb-ing can be used after verbs like stand,sit,lie .these two action are happening at the same time.

  they stood talking to each other .

  they stood when they were talking to each other. 

  3.a verb-ing has a perfect form , eg having worked,

  having worked side by side with many environmentalists,i know that a healthy environment and stable economy should be possible at the same time.

  step 3. practise. p29 a and b

  homework: 1. review verb-ing form as an adjective

  2. finish the exercise

  verb-ing phrases

  teaching steps;

  step 1: lead-in

  1.-------full preparations, we decided to put off the meeting till next week.

  a.we did not make  b.having not make c we had not made d.not having made

  2.european football is played in 80 countries,-------it the most popular sport in the world.

  a.making   b makes   c made    dto made

  3.-------what the situation would be like ,they decided to keep silent.

  a. having not know b knowing not c.not know  d.not knowing

  step 2 verb-ing  phrases

  1.       verb-ing phrases can express


  seeing the big snake ,the girl was almost frightended to death.

  =when she saw the big snake,………


  being a student,i must work hard.

  =because i am a student, i must work hard.


  the factory keeps releasing smoke,making the air dirty.

  =the factory keeps releasing smoke.as a result ,the air is made dirty.


  preparing  fully, we can achieve great things

  =if we prepare fully, we can ….

  2.       we can also use the pattern conjunction+verb-ing to express time.the common conjunctions are when,whenever,while,once,and until.

  we have to take environmental protection into consideration when developing the economy.

  3.       the understood subject of a verb-ing clause is usually the same as the subject of the main clause

  he travelled on the plane like this, keeping the tortoise hidden in a blanket.

  =when he travelled on the plane like this , he kept the tortoise hidden in a blanket.

  4.       we put not before the verb-ing to create its negative form

  he sat there, not knowing what to say.

  step 3. practise   p31

  step 4  exercise:

  homework: 1.review verb-ing phrases

  2.       finish the exercise

高二英语The environment教案 篇2

  m5u2 the environment

  language points


  1. i am talking to you about the way large areas of the world are damaged by industrial waste.



  they probably threw it away, thinking it was waste paper.

  2) 同她争论是浪费时间.

  it is a waste of time arguing with her.

  3) 浪费时间来讨论这件事是如何发生是没有用的.

  it is no use wasting time discussing how it happened.

  4) 我多么后悔浪费了这么多时间玩电脑游戏.

  how i regretted wasting so much time playing computer games.

  2. factories produce large amounts of poisonous chemicals.

  a large amount of= large amounts of 修饰不可数名词


  a large amount of money is needed badly.

  复习几个“大量的”相关词组:a great deal of +______________; a large quantity of/large quantities of +__________

  3. these boats catch large numbers of fish without giving them time to lay eggs.

  a large number of= large numbers of 修饰可数名词复数

  the number of +名词复数  表示…的数量/数目,后面的谓语动词用单数

  1) a number of students are admitted (admit) to our school this term.

  2) the number of the students admitted to our school is increasing (increase) year by year.

  躺,位于         lie---lay---lain---lying

  说谎             lie---lied---lied---lying


  the little boy lied to his mother he saw the white hen laid two egg and he laid them on the table, but in fact, it usually lays one egg every day.

  4. result in (l16)

  lead to sth :导致=result in=contribute to=cause

  the discovery of new evidence led to the thief being caught (catch).

  反义词:result from= happen because of 因…而起,起因于

  1) three people were killed in the accident.

  the accident resulted in three people being killed.

  =three people ‘s death resulted from the accident.

  2) the new building fell because of its soft base.(句型转换)

  the falling of the new building resulted from its soft base.

  =its soft base resulted in the falling of the new building.

  5. the world’s population has grown by more than six times what it was in 1800.


  …times +as+adj./adv.+as+…

  …times +比较级+than…

  …times +the +名词(size /width/length/depth/weight/…)+of+…


  this river is four times as long as that one.

  this river is three times longer than that one.

  this river is four times the length of that one.

  grow /increase /rise/climb to 增加到      grow /increase /rise/climb by增加了

  1) 工人们正全力以赴,力争使产量增长到五年前的三倍。

  the workers are going all out to make the output rise to three times what it was five years ago.

  2) 这座城市居民的收入在过去的两年里增加了百分之六十,这让人感到惊讶。

  it is amazing that the income of the people in the city has increased/risen by60 percent in the last two years.

  6. it’s our duty to try to cut back on production and reduce the amount of things we make and buy.

  cut back on/upon 削减,缩减 ,减少,降低


  the government insisted on never cutting back on the cost of the search for bin laden and at last they succeeded in killing him.


  many companies are cutting back on staff at the moment.


  as the new products aren’t selling well, the members of board have decided to cut back on production.

  7. it is clear that you are very concerned about the present situation of our environment.

  concern vt 与…有关,关系到,关于      n.关心、焦虑、忧虑

  concerned  adj.  担心的、关心的、挂念的

  be concerned about/for  担心,担忧...

  be concerned with   关心,关注,对...感兴趣 ;   与。。。有关 

  as far as sb/sth is concerned 就…来说,就…而论

  concerning prep.  关于


  everybody was filled with concern when news came that the ship was sinking.


  we ‘re all concerned for/about his safety.

  3)这件事与我们大家都有关。(concern/ be concerned with)

  this matter concerns us all/we are concerned with this matter..


  concerning his future, he talked a lot with his closest friend.


  as far as i am concerned, walking in such bad weather is not a good idea.

  8.be seen as ...(p 23, l29)    被看成... ;被认为是...

  be seen as + n/doing

  1) 贫困和富裕被看成是一块硬币的两面.

  poverty and wealth are seen as the two faces of the same coin.

  2) 他被看成愚笨、坏脾气,不乐意容人。

  he is seen as being stupid, bad-tempered and unwilling to tolerate others.

  类似“be seen as”的词组还有:be considered as ; be looked on as ; be thought of as;be referred to as; be treated as

  9 asking around, i find many people willing to pay slightly higher prices for things that are environmentally friendly.(l48)

  asking around=when i ask around


  hearing the news, he couldn’t help crying.


  having suffered from heart trouble for years, the president has to take some medicine with him wherever he goes。

  3)被带领参观完实验室之后, 校长又带领我们参观了图书馆。

  having been shown around the lab, our headmaster showed us around our library.

  10.what if they run out ? 它们要是耗完了会怎么样?

  what if... =what would happen if ... “要是。。。。会怎么样?”


  what if the train is late?

  sth run out  (某物)耗完、用尽

  sb run out of sth  某人用完、耗尽某物


  the petrol has run out /has been run out of /has been used up.


  11.range (n.)  范围  a wide range of  大量的,各种各样的,多种多样的


  the company sells new cars with a wide range of prices.

  range (v.)  范围是...  range from ...to..../range between...and...


  their ages range from 25 to 50/range between 25 and 50.

  12. rely on it for water.(l5)

  rely on :count or depend on sb./sth. 依赖,指望

  1) nowadays we rely increasingly on computers to help (help) us.

  2) you can rely on me to keep (keep) your secret.

  3)i relied on you(r) coming( come)early.


  he can’t be relied on.

  5)you may rely on it that the work will be finished ahead of time.


  13.two special government projects are also under way.(p12)

  under way:已在实施中,正在进行中

  1)the project is under way.

  2)economic recovery is already under way.


  in a way在某种程度上

  in no way 决不

  in this/that way 以这种/那种方式

  in the way 妨碍、挡道

  by way of: 途径

  no way 没门

  on one’s (the ) way 1)在途中 2)即将来临

  all the way : 一路上,自始至终 

  lead the way 领路,带路

  feel one’s way摸索前进

  lose one’s way 迷路

  make one’s way (辛苦地)前进

  make way for 让路,让位

  14.result in farmers replacing their crops with trees or grass

  result in sb/one’s doing

  类似的: imagine sb/one’s doing ;  mind sb/one’s doing


  do you mind me/my opening the window?

  15.anytime something is burnt, carbon is put into the atmosphere.(l4)

  anytimg (conj) 连接状语从句,相当于whenever


  anytime you see hinm, please remind him to visit me.

  16.....the carbon we produce is much less than that produced by a car

  that 在英语中常指代一个不可数名词, 在这句中指代carbon


  the weather in beijing is much better than that in shanghai.

  17.there are times when......   有时候会....


  there are times when we are angry for no reasons.



高二英语The environment教案(通用2篇)
