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Unexplained Mysteries of the Natural World(通用2篇)

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Unexplained Mysteries of the Natural World(通用2篇)

Unexplained Mysteries of the Natural World 篇1

  book4     module6

  unexplained mysteries of the natural world

  learning paper1     words and phrases

  learning aims: to master the new words and phrases

  importance and difficulty: memory of the words and phrases

  i.words and phrases

  1. attack (v/n.)_______;攻击者________;

  make an attack on ..._______________

  2. frightening__________;frightened______________

  3. exist (v.)_______ ;( n.)________;

  4. calm (v.)______(adj.)_______;保持冷静___________

  5. disappear (v.)_________;反义词____________

  6. adapt (v.)______;adapt to__________


  7. generous (adj.) ________; be gegerous with sth________

  be generous in doing sth_____________eg:他花钱大方________________;他慷慨助人______________________

  8. indicate (v.)________ ;( n.)___________


  ___________; (adv.) ____________ (反义词) ____________


  11. claim (v/n) ________  __________;

  12. die out_________13.come straight to the point__________


  15. get a clear look at sth___________16.stick out________

  17. throw light on___________; 18.according to____________

  19. be related to__________; 20.close to____________

  ii. fill the blanks with the words in the correct forms.

  1. a local photographer_______ that he saw a monster.

  2. it is a very__________experience to find yourself face to face with a tiger.

  3. tigers are very________animals and they can be extremely dangerous.

  4. most scientists are_________about the existence of sea monsters in cold lakes.

  5.there are many__________creatures which people claim to see around the world.

  6. this plant________only in australia.

  7. he_______from the bridge to rescue the drowning child.

  8. as a party member, he is always________in giving help.

  iii. complete the sentences.

  1. 那小孩以惊恐的眼神看着那个令人害怕的男人。

  the child stared at the _________man with________eyes.

  2. 当你靠近一头老虎时,你会感到既紧张又激动。

  when you____ ____ ____a tiger, you will fell nervous and excited.

  3. recent research___ ___ ___ ___ (已使了解)the cause of the disease.

  4. he talked and talked but never___ ___ ___ ___ ___ (谈到正题)

  5. 没有人看清这个人是谁。(get a clear look at)


  iv.best choice

  1. in my opinion, it is important to keep_____in an emergency. a. quiet  b.calm  c. still  d.silent

  2. many of the earth’s plants and animals have already____and several other species are endangered.

  a. died away  b.died out  c.died off  d.died up

  3. to cut steak(牛肉), you need a knife with a_____edge.

  a. narrow   b.small   c.sharp   d.clear

  4. they run to the pool, ___in and swam to the other side.

  a. dived   b.dropped   c.dipped   d.fell

  5. the_____winds knocked over many telephone lines.

  a. fierce   b. large   c. huge   d. noble

  6. that ring must be worth a _____.

  a. fortune  b. money  c. wealth  d. property

  7. he is just trying his____because it is impossible for him to work with brilliant directors.

  a.favour   b.fortune   c.life   d.way

  8. this company has a very bad____ in that province.

  a. repetition  b.reputation  c.famous  d. name

Unexplained Mysteries of the Natural World 篇2

  book 4 module 6 unexplained mysteries of the

  natural world   (learning paper 4 exercise)

  . best choice

  1. she is very _____ with her time--- always ready to help others.

  a. full     b. good      c. kind       d. generous.

  2. i last saw him going back into that burning building---he _____ badly hurt.

  a. shall be              b. would be

  c. would have been       d. may have been

  3. hoping that he might be able to throw some _____ on the problem, i asked him to look at the engine.

  a. light     b. glow     c. flame       d. lamp

  4. his ____ was destroyed when he was caught stealing some money.

  a. role    b. character   c. reputation  d. personal

  5. it’s quite ____ to have sailed across the atlantic ocean on your own.

  a. anything  b. something  c. everything  d. nothing

  6. one kind of living creature died _____each year. 

  a. from  b. away  c. out  d. off

  7. there’s no light on―they ____ be at home.

  a. can’t   b. mustn’t   c. needn’t   d. shouldn’t

  8. the cake is very sweet. you _____a lot of sugar in it.

  a. should put            b. could have put

  c. might put             d. must have put

  9. the weather turned out to be fine yesterday. i____ the trouble to carry my umbrella with me.

  a. should have taken      b. could have taken

  c. needn’t have taken      d. mustn’t have taken

  10. the flowers are dead. i _____ them yesterday.

  a. should water           b. must water

  c. should have watered     d. must have watered

  . 根据所给汉语或所缺单词的首字母,写出单词的正确形式。

  1. a      is the best form of defense.

  2. the giant panda will soon become e      .

  3.  she c       the ownership of the land.

  4. many people are very concerned about the d_______ (毁灭)of the rainforests.

  5. you must stay c       in case of an emergence.

  6. the search was called for the sailors who _______(消失) in the storm.

  . 用所给的单词或短语将下列句子译成英语。

  1.在古代中国,龙和皇室有密切的联系。(be connected to )


  2.年轻人很快就能适应新的变化和新的环境。(adapt to)


  3.不要废话了,直接说正题吧。( come straight to the point )


  4.该队的成功很大程度上是由于他的努力。( due to )


  5.你喜欢现代音乐吗?( go for )


  6.根据天气预报,明天会是个晴天。( according to )


  7.天可能要下雨。( be likely to )


  . 完形填空。

  in the north of scotland, there is a long lake. mountains 1    along its sides. between them, the big lake stretches(延伸)  2   the eye can see. the water is deep and dark. this is loch ness―loch is the scottish word for “lake”.

  loch ness is a lake with mystery, which goes back hundreds of years. it has  3   to do with a big, strange creature that was  4   to live in the loch.

  the local people believed in this creature. most of the time, they said, it lived  5   water. once in a while it came to the surface,  6   someone might catch sight of some parts of it.  7   was it?  no one could say, for no one ever got a good look at it. they thought it must be some kind of  8

  since it lived in the loch. but it did not  9   any fish they knew.

  before the 1939s, few people outside had  10   the creature. then a road was built  11   loch ness. many visitors began seeing the loch and hearing about the big, strange creature, and some of them believed they had caught  12   of it.

  one of these sightings was written up  13   a local newspaper. when the editor read the story, he said, “if that is 14  , we will have to call it a monster. that was  15   it became the loch ness monster. from then on, many papers  16  stories about the monster. they made good reading.

  these stories made the 17   famous. but many readers thought it was a joke. to them, a monster was a make-believe animal,  18   one might see in a movie. they thought the  19 

  had invented a monster to draw tourists to the  20 .

  1a run         b rise        c stay        d raise

  2a as far as     b as long as   c as clear as   d as deep as

  3a nothing      b everything  c something   d anything

  4a told         b found      c warned     d said

  5a over        b above      c under       d near

  6a but         b and        c while       d as

  7a what        b where      c when       d how

  8a bird         b beast      c plant       d fish

  9a like         b around     c for        d into

  10a cared of    b heard of    c thought about  d worried about

  11a inside      b under      c through     d along

  12a sight       b hold       c cold        d breath

  13a to         b for         c on         d in

  14a strong      b cruel       c big        d strange

  15a how       b why        c when      d what

  16a wrote      b told         c knew      d printed

  17a loch       b editor       c monster    d paper

  18a something  b someone     c that       d what

  19a visitors    b editors       c scots      d lake

  20a mountain  b loch         c scotland    d story

  . reading comprehension

  the bermuda triangle(百慕大三角) is in the atlantic ocean, near florid in the usa. during the past 60 years more than 1,000 seamen in ships and pilots in the planes have lost their lives. it is known as the triangle of death for its strange sea water and sudden storm. what’s the strangest is the light of the sea water which looks

  so bright that it can be seen even from an outer spaceship.

  at 2:00 p.m. on december 5, 1945, five planes took off in fine weather from the airport of florida, on a training task. two hours later, the leader in the sky radioed that he was completely lost. then there was silence. another plane was sent to look for them and it also disappeared.

  one of the largest ships that had disappeared in the triangle was an american coal ship, 500 meters long. the weather was good, and there were no messages for help before it was gone. no broken ships or dead bodies have been found so far.

  no one is able to tell how all these accidents have happened. a group of japanese scientists went there to see what it was really like in 1995, but nothing has been heard of them ever since.

  (   ) 1. what is this passage mainly about?

  a. how the bermuda ate up the planes and ships.

  b. why many of the planes and ships have disappeared.

  c. strange accidents happened in the triangle and no one can tell why.

  d.when the bermuda triangle was formed very strangely

  (   ) 2. how many planes have lost in december, 1945?

  a. five     b. six      c. seven      d. eight

  (   ) 3. what does the underlined word “radioed” mean?

  a. wrote sound messages using a radio.

  b. listened to sound messages using a radio.

  c. sent sound messages using a radio.

  d. received sound messages using a radio.

  (   ) 4. why was the leader in the plane lost?

  a. he met with terrible weather

  b. he was losing the right direction.

  c. airport didn’t give him an answer.

  d. the reasons are still unknown.

  (   ) 5. what about japanese scientist who went to bermuda?

  a. they have also disappeared very strangely.

  b.they have not heard of anything important.

  c.they are still working hard in bermuda.

  d.they’ve come back, knowing nothing about it.



Unexplained Mysteries of the Natural World(通用2篇)
