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Lesson 67教学设计方案(精选17篇)

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Lesson 67教学设计方案(精选17篇)

Lesson 67教学设计方案 篇1

  Lesson 96 教学设计方案

  Teaching objectives:

  Grasp the Past Continuous Tense and some useful expressions.

  Language focus:

  street seller, in class, walk along, do morning exercises, be fed up with, borrow. . . from, decide to do sth., scissors, tennis rackets

  Properties: Tape-recorder, Overhead projector,多媒体视频,图片。

  Teaching procedures:

  Step 1 Revision

  First get the students ask what were they doing at a certain time yesterday with each other.

  What were you doing at eight o’clock yesterday night?

  I was doing my homework.

  Show the students some pictures and Get them to answer the question “What were they doing?”


  A: What were you doing in the picture?

  B: I was reading a story book.

  In the picture Li Lei was swimming in the river.

  Step 2 Listening

  Listen to the tape and make sure the students understand what to do.

  Play the tape again. Then finish the Exercise one on page 118. Let them check their answer in pairs.

  Step 3 Read and say

  Say: I am a policeman. Yesterday morning a man was killed. I want to know what you were doing at ten o’clock yesterday morning.

  Then teacher goes around the classroom, asks the questions “What’s your name? What do you do? What were you doing at ten o’clock yesterday morning? Who was with you at that moment?” Students may answer the questions with the sentences given or they may make up their own answers.

  First read through the directions. 让学生选择不同的职业的人的答语。

  Then, students make u dialogues like this:

  A: What was the driver doing?

  B: He was driving a truck to Tianjin.

  Step 4 Practice

  播放视频文件:Lesson 96情景演示,展示过去进行时的运用。


  Here is another situation for the students to practise. A very famous drawing was stolen in the art gallery last night. You are trying to find out who did that. You can ask the question “What were you doing at nine o’clock last night?” After everyone has answered the question, the class discuss together, “Who do you think stole the painting from the gallery? Why?”

  Step 5 Read and talk

  Read the table about what David was doing at different times yesterday, then ask and answer in pairs.

  A: What was he doing at three thirty yesterday afternoon?

  B: He was playing basketball.

  播放视频:What were you doing?,让学生进行模仿练习。

  Have each student write out their own time table of what they did yesterday. Then they can ask and answer questions according to their own time table.

  Step 6 Writing

  Get the students to write a paragraph about what they were doing at a certain time/during a period of time yesterday.

  教师可让学生参照Part 3列出昨天的时刻表,然后根据表中的时间提示写出昨天这些时间正在干什么。

  Step 7 Reading

  Say: We've talked about the relationship among neighbours. Now we re going to read another story about how neighbours get on with each other.

  Play the tape for the students to listen.(或播放视频:A bad neighbour)Ask How do you think the neighbour wasn’t a good neighbour?

  Learn new words by showing pictures. (scissors, racket)

  Play the tape again for the students to listen and repeat. Then answer these questions:

  1. Why were Masha and Sasha tired of Misha?

  2. What did Masha borrow today?

  3. Did Sasha want to lend him?

  4. What did Sasha decide to do?

  5. How did Sasha do?

  6. What do you think happened at last?

  7. What will you do if you were Sasha?

  Step 8 Discussion

  Students talk about the story and the people in the story and discuss what a person should or should not do in the neighbourhood.

  People shouldn't make too much noise after 11:00 at night.

  Step 9 Checkpoint

  Go through the checkpoint



  Step 10 Exercise

  Fill in the blanks with proper forms of the word “borrow” and “lend”.

  1. I’ve left my pen at home. Can you _________ me one?

  You can ________ this one. But let me have it back at the end of the lesson.

  2. Banks make a profit by _________ money, but they also have to _________ it from time to time.

  3. The bank would not _________ him any money. But he managed to _________ what he needed from friends.

  4. I don’t trust him. He’s always _________ from friends and forgetting to pay them back. I wouldn’t _________ any money to him if I were you.

  5. You can _________ books from the library but they won’t _________ you a book unless you are a member. They don’ t_________ books to non-members.

  Keys: 1. lend, borrow 2. lending, borrow 3. lend, borrow 4. borrowing, lend 5. borrow, lend, lend

  Step 11 Homework

  1. Write about what David was doing at different times yesterday. Begin like this “David had a busy day yesterday. He was having an English class at eight o’clock in the morning. . . .”

  2. Finish off the workbook exercises.

  3. Write a short passage about what you were doing at different times yesterday.

  Writing on blackboard

  Lesson 96

  A Bad Neighbour

  1. Answer the questions according to the question.

  (1) What was he doing at three thirty yesterday afternoon?

  (2) He was playing basketball.

  2. Discussion.

  What should/should not a person do in the neighbourhood?

Lesson 67教学设计方案 篇2

  Lesson 88教学设计方案

  Teaching Aims:

  1. Help the Ss to remember what they have learned in this unit.

  2.  Finish the listening task.

  Teaching procedures:

  Step I Revision

  1. Check their homework.(if possible, the teacher can show a passage written by one student on the blackboard and ask the others to correct it.)

  2. Give a dictation in class.(if possible, after class the teacher can ask one student who often makes many mistakes in the dictation to check the others’ papers, it is good for him/her)

  Step II Listening

  1. Listen to the tape and answer one question.

  What is the water used for ? (2 things)

  Answers: (1).to make electricity

  (2).to be sent to large cities in England

  2. Listen to the tape again and fill in the blanks in the ppt.

  3. Listen to the tape again and do the exercise on Page 128.

  Step III Test

  P32. Part 2. Fill in the blanks.

  Step IV Extra work

  If possible , the teacher can read English newspapers and get some sentences which use the Past Perfect Tense. Give them to the students and help them to understand.

  1.The passengers, who had organized their tour through six Chinese travel agencies from provinces such as Hubei, Guangdong, Guangxi and Shandong, were thrown from their seats.(这是一篇关于中国乘客在越南附近海域遇难的报道)(过去完成时)

  2.The yacht had stopped completely. (过去完成时)

  3.Li draws attention to the particularly high suicide rate of Chinese women, which is 25 percent higher than that of men.(定语从句)

  4.The more easily they are satisfied with themselves and society, the less likely they are to attempt suicide.(句型:the+比较级…,the +比较级….)

  5.Zhang says it is common for people to experience a sense of defeat.

  (句型:It is adj for sb to do sth.)


  6.Like many other US-based airlines, United had a prosperous 1990’s, in which its staff and their wages increased rapidly.(定语从句)

  Step V Composition


  假如你是李华,在一所中学读书,最近受到美国朋友先生的来信. 他三年前参观过你校,听说现在变化很大,希望了解有关情况.参照下图,给他写一封回信,介绍你校的变化.

  (1).教学楼   (2).操场   (3).教学楼   (4).操场


  1. 回信须包括图画的主要内容,可以适当增减细节,是内容连贯;

  2.  词数100左右.

  July 9

  Dear Mr Smith,

  Best wishes,


  Li Hua


  July 9

  Dear Mr Smith,

  I was so pleased to hear from you and I am writing to tell you somtthing about my school. You are right. Quite a few changes have taken place. On one side of the road there is a  new classroom building . On the other side, where the playground used to be now stands another new building―our library. In it there are all kinds of books, newspapers and magazines. The playground is now in front of the school. We have also planted a lot of trees in and around the school. I hope you come and see for yourself some day.

  Best wishes,


  Li Hua

  Step VI Homework

  1.Finish off the rest of the exercises in the workbook.

  2.Prepare for the next unit.

Lesson 67教学设计方案 篇3


  1. Grasp the rules of spelling and word formation.

  2. 掌握请假条等英文应用文的写作。


  1. Making words

  1) Nouns→Adjectives “+ ful, +y”

  eg. help→helpful sun→sunny

  2)Adjectives→Adverbs “+ly”

  eg. lucky―luckily nice―nicely simple―simply good―will

  3)Verbs→Nouns “+er, +or”

  eg. teach―teacher run―runner visit―visitor

  4) Compounds

  eg. schoolbag

  2. New words and expressions.

  stay in bed, ask for, two days leave, take. . . to. Penguin, as cold as an ice box, all around, all the time, not. . .at all, most of. . . , lay, at last, stand on one s toes, rub, human, shellfish

  教具:Picture, recorder and overhead projector.


  Step 1 Making words


  1.help → helpful, wonder→wonderful, color→colorful

  2.sun → sunny, wind →windy, snow → snowy, hill→ hilly

  3.run→ runner, teach → teacher, driver → driver, listen → listener

  4.shop→ shopkeeper, class→ classroom, some → sometime

  5.lucky→ luckily, true→truly, great→greatly, new→newly

  再让学生观察以上单词并找出词型变换规律:名词变形容词+ ful , y动词变名词+ er, 形容词变副词+ ly


  Step 2 Word study

  教师可以事先让学生收集一些单词的缩写形式和原形,上课时将学生分成小组进行讨论,总结本组所找到的单词。然后,让组长将本组的词写在黑板上,其他同学在下面记录(重复的不记)最后,教师解释What’s anther ways of saying bike/ TV…? 这句话的意思然后再提问,让学生回答。

  教师可进行这样的游戏:让一个学生说short from,另一人学生说出其full from。

  Step 3 Listening

  Listen to the tape and compete the sentences on the page130.

  First Listen and try to get the general meaning of the material.

  Play the tape again and pause after important information. Let the students check the answer.

  Listen sentence by sentence and check the answers.

  Step 4 Writing

  Tell the student how to write a note for sick leave:

  Pay attention to some points. In the note you have to write out clearly the date, who this note is to, why you are asking for a leave, how many days you are asking for, your name, etc.



  Dear _____: 



  Explains some phrases.

  1. stay in bed

  He's very sick, so he has to stay in bed.

  2. two days’ leave

  Julia asked for three days, leave from work because her son was ill.

  3. sick leave is a period of time when you are allowed to spend away from work or school because you are ill.


  Step 5 Reading


  Have the students read the story and guess where the penguins live.


  go back to, jump up, stand on my toes, rub, etc.

  Play the tape for the students to listen and repeat. Answer the questions:

  1. What season does the Penguin like best?

  2. What does the Penguin eat?

  3. Can they fly?

  4. Who lays eggs, James Penguin or Jane Penguin?

  Step 6 Exercises in class

  Choose the correct words to fill in the blanks.

  1. He didn’t do the work ________(careful/carefully) .

  2. The rain had already washed the car________(clean/cleanly) .

  3. I can understand him if he speaks English ________(slow/slowly) .

  4. The coat will keep you _________(warm/warmly) .

  5. He drank the beer _________(quick/quickly) .

  Keys: 1. carefully  2. clean  3. slowly  4. warm  5. quickly

  Fill in the blanks with correct prepositions.

  1. He is asking ________ a leave.

  2. I want to rest ________ a few days.

  3. Penguins get their food ________ the sea.

  4. _______ last he found his lost car.

  Keys: l. for  2. for  3. from/in  4. At

  Step 7 Homework

  1. Finish off the workbook exercises in this unit.

  2. Recite the article.              

  3. Go over the whole unit.

  Writing on blackboard

  Lesson 104

  Making words

  1. Nouns→adjectives “+ful, +y”

  eg. help→helpful  sun→sunny

  2. Adjectives→Adverbs “+ ly”

  eg. lucky→luckily  nice→nicely, simple→simply

  3.Verbs→Nouns “+er, +or”

  eg. teach→teacher  visit→visitor

  4. Compounds

  eg. schoolbag

  5. Discussion

  1) Where does a penguin live?

  2)What’s the weather like there?

  3) What do they eat?

Lesson 67教学设计方案 篇4

  Lesson 87 教学设计方案

  Teaching Objectives: Finish reading the passage about the relay race and grasp one sentence pattern “not so/as. . .as. . .”

  Language Focus: far behind, come on, bad luck, the finishing line, well done, congratulations to sb. on sth…not. . .as/so. . .as

  Properties: Tape-recorder, Overhead projector

  Teaching Procedures:

  Step 1 Revision

  1. Revise the vocabulary of sports meetings by retell the story on Workbook Lesson 86, Ex.3..

  2. Ask the students to retell the passage about the relay race.

  Step 2 Reading

  1. Ask the students to guess which class won the relay race.

  2. Ask the students to read the end of the story and see whether their guess is correct.

  3. Explain the language points.

  1)not far behind 在后面不远处

  说一个物体离另一个物体(一处离另一处)很远或不远,用far from或not far from。

  2) enough作adv. 修饰adj. 或adv.时,必须位于其后。作为adj. 修饰n. 时,一般位于其前,也可位于其后。

  ①The question is easy enough. We can work it out.

  ②The water is cool enough to drink. Let’s drink. We are all thirsty.

  ③Don’t worry. We have enough tickets for all of you.

  3) Class 3 were the winners! class集体名词,指全体,是复数概念,所以were, winners 均为复数。类似的集体名词还有family, school等。

  ①His family are all sports lovers. They all like watching games.

  ②The whole school are shouting with joy at the good news.

  4) congratulations to sb.on sth.

  congratulate sb. on sth.

  ① Congratulations to you on your good result!

   Thank you!

  ② Congratulate you on your good result!

  4. Ask the students to read the story after the tape, and answer these questions:

  Who won the race?

  Who was second?

  Who was third?

  What happened to Wu Peng?

  5. Get the students to make sentences using fast/faster than/fastest of all about the race.

  Jiang Honglin ran fast. Lin Tao ran faster than Jiang Honglin. Wu Peng ran fastest of all.

  Step 3 Presentation

  Show these sentences form Part 1 Read, and revise the comparative and superlative forms of adverbs.

  Lin Tao didn’t run as fast as Wu Peng.

  Jiang Honglin did well. Wu Peng did better than Jiang Hong lin. Lin Tao did best of all!

  well/ better/best badl/worse/worst

  Step 4 Read and learn

  1. Call several pairs of students and make comparisons like:

  A is tall. B is tall, too. →A is as tall as B. But A didn’t run as fast as B.

  A studies as carefully as B.

  A is as old as B.

  A runs as fast as B.

  A isn’t as/so hard-working as B.

  A doesn't play basketball as well as B.

  2. Show the pictures on Page 38, summarize the sentence pattern not as/so. . . as . Answer these questions:

  Who did worse, Han Mei or Lucy?

  Who did better, Lily or Han Mei?

  Who did the worst of all?

  Explain the meaning of rather=quite.

  3. Ask the students to make sentences with “(not) as/so, ..as”.

  The girls’ 100-metre race

  Han Meimei 18"7 (not very well)

  Lucy 20"91 

  Li Fang 21"8

  The boys' long jump:

  Li Lei 5, 15m (very well)

  The girls' 100-metre race;

  Han Meirnei didn't do very well. She did rather badly. Lucy did worse than Han Meirnei.

  Li Fang did worst of all. Bad luck!

  4. Practice: Ask the students to finish Exercise 3 on the book.

  Step 5 Exercises in class


  congratulate  good  start  far  bad

  1. Lin Tao was first past the ________ line and Class 3 won.

  2. Well done! ________, Han Meimei!

  3. I got up early and hurried to the station, but the train had already gone.________ luck!

  4. Lucy jumps much ________ than Lily.

  5. Lily did rather________ in the shot-put, but Han Meimei did________ of all.

  Keys: 1.finishing 2.Congratulations 3.Bad 4.farther 5.badly, worst


  1. A tortoise is ________ than a duck.

  2. The Changjiang River is ________ than the Yellow River.

  3. Hares ran _________ than cats.

  4. The peasants are ________ in autumn than in winter.

  5. It is ________ in winter in Harbin than in Beijing.

  6. Mary's handwriting is _________ in her school.

  7. When spring comes, the weather gets ________ and ________.

  8. Jenny usually gets up ________ than her sister.

  9. The Mount Qomolangma is ________ mountain in the world.

  10. Which is _________,the sun, the moon or the earth?

  Keys: 1.slower 2.longer 3.faster 4.busier 5.colder 6.the best 7.warmer, warmer 8.earlier 9.the highest 10.the biggest

  Step 6 Homework

  1. Finish exercises on page 105.

  2. Recite the end of the relay race.

  3. Make ten sentences, using( not) as. . .as, than, of all, in. . . .respectively.

  4. Finish the workbook exercise.

  Writing on blackboard

  Lesson 87

  At last: Class 3 were the winners!

  Make comparisons:

  Lin Tao didn’t run as fast as Wu Peng.

  Jiang Honglin did well. Wu Peng did better than Jiang Hong lin. Lin Tao did best of all!

  well/ better/best   badl/worse/worst

  A is as tall as B. But A didn’t run as fast as B.

  A studies as carefully as B.

  A is as old as B.

  A runs as fast as B.

  A isn’t as/so hard-working as B.

  A doesn't play basketball as well as B.

Lesson 67教学设计方案 篇5

  Lesson 95 教学设计方案

  Teaching Aims

  1.Study the advice collected from Qi Min Yao Shu and learn more about farming.

  2.Learn the grammar item: Indirect speech

  Teaching Procedures

  Step 1 Lead in

  1.Revision Lesson 94 and ask them some questions about Jia Sixie.

  2.Show the pictures to the students.

  Step 2 Reading  

  1.Ask the students to read the passage.

  1) What did the first advice from Jia Sixie’s book?

  2)How to plough the soil from Jia Sixie’s book?

  2. Let the students get a general idea of the passage.

  Step 3 Language study

  Deal with some notes and language points.

  1) go against  2) year after year  3) now and then  4) agree to do sth.

  Step 4 Grammar

  Indirect Speech

  1. Review what the students learned about the indirect speech before by doing some exercises.    2. Teach the forms of indirect questions.

  a. the use of “if or whether” for “yes/ no questions” 

  b. the change in word ( subject- verb)

  c. the change in tense (back one step)

  d. the change in pronouns (“you” to “he, etc.”)

  e. no question marks

  3. Teach the forms of indirect imperative.

  a. Change of pronouns

  b. Use of an introductory phrase: He told/advised farmers to. . ./that, or they asked him...

  c. Change of tense in the reported phrase when appropriate    

  Step5 Practice

  1).Lesson 95 Part 2. Let the students work in pairs, get some students to report the advice to the whole class.

  2) . Lesson 95 part 3.

  Go through the examples in the book with the students and revise the forms of indirect questions. Let the students work alone or in pairs. Check the answers with the whole class.

  Step 6 Practice

  Let the students do Ex. 2 on page 96.

  Say something about Jia Sixie's pieces of advice from his book “Qi Min Yao Shu”

  His advice on time

  If you sow seed and grow young plants at the correct time of year,

  less work, results will be better

  If you go against nature,

  do more work and the results will be not good

  His advice on soil

  Examine the soil on your farm carefully.

  If the condition of the soil is not good, you should improve it.

  How to plough

  The first time―autumn ploughing

  plough deeply

  The second time―spring ploughing

  Plough less deeply

  Why to change the crops

  You will harvest good crops.

  How to use the fields

  Grow different plants next to each other in the same field.

  Step 7 Homework

  1.Retell Lesson 94 and Lesson 95.

  2.Finish off the Workbook exercises.

Lesson 67教学设计方案 篇6

  Lesson 100 教学设计方案

  Teaching Aims

  Teaching procedures

  Step 1 Revision

  l .Check the homework exercises.

  2. Revise the contents of the story in Lessons 98 and 99.

  Step 2 Listening

  Listening Cassette Unit 25. Play the tape for Ex. 1 two or three times as necessary. Then do E. 2 and 3. Pause the tape at important moments and help the Ss to find the answers when they need help.

  Step 3 Practice

  Listening Unit 25, Ex. 4. The Ss tell the story to their partners.

  Step 4  Presentation

  Write this on the Bb:


  1 He must might / may / could can't be American.

  2 They might not / may not be very happy.

  For sentence 1, if possible, show some pictures of men to the Ss and ask them to guess whether they are American or not, using these phrases. Point out the categories: Certain and Impossible. Tell the Ss that when we are sure about something we can use must be or can't be. Point out that it is a mistake to say mustn't when we are talking about something which we think is impossible. Tell the Ss that might, may and could are used when we are not very sure about our guess.

  For sentence 2, tell the Ss that we say might not/may not when we are not very sure about our guess, but that could not is incorrect.

  Step 5 Practice

  SB Lesson 100, Part 2. Go through the instructions and do Number I orally with the class. Then get the Ss to complete this exercise individually. Go over the answers with the class.

  Suggested answers:

  1. He must be in his office.

  2 .He may / might / could be at the conference.

  3 .They must have / earn a lot of money.

  4 .They must be foreign.

  5 .He must walk too fast.

  6 .They may / might not be at the station.

  7 .He can't be terribly busy.

  8 .She may / might / could be in the organizer's office.

  9 .It may / might / could be an interesting talk.

  10. You may / might not be interested in the conference.

  Step 6 Test

  Give the Ss this test which practise modal verbs. Write sentences about these situations, using must / might / may / could / can't.

  1. Perhaps the theatre will be full.

  2. I'm sure that necklace is valuable.

  3. I'm sure the medicine isn't in the cupboard.

  4. Perhaps my neighbours are away.

  5. Perhaps we will have a good trip.

  6. I'm sure it isn't made of gold.

  7. Perhaps his girlfriend isn't in the hotel.

  8. I'm sure that restaurant is a good one.

  9. Perhaps the train ticket is as expensive as the air ticket.

  10. Perhaps there will be all sorts of different nationalities there.

  [1] [2] 下一页  


  1. The theatre might / may / could be full.

  2. That necklace must be valuable.

  3. The medicine can't be in the cupboard.

  4. My neighbours might / may / could be away.

  5. We might / may / (could) have a good trip.

  6. It can't be made of gold.

  7. His girlfriend may / might not be in the hotel.

  8. That restaurant must be a good one.

  9. The train ticket might / may / could be as expensive as the air ticket.

  10. There might / may / could be all sorts of different nationalities there.

  Step 7 Writing

  SB Lesson 100, Part 3. Give the Ss some time to write the summary. Let them look at each other's writing in groups, then revise their drafts and finalize their compositions.

  Step 8 Workbook

  Wb Lesson 100, E. 1 - 3.

  E. 1 and 2 should be done orally in class. For Ex. 2, your help is needed. For example, you have to tell the Ss in what kind of situation “Come on!” is used. Say He Xiaofeng sings English songs beautifully. Would you please sing us a song, Xiaofeng? Seeing she is hesitating, you may say Come on! Don 't feel shy. Similar explanations have to be made with some of the other sentences.

  If possible, ask your Ss to do Ex. 3. You may make up one with a good student. Then let the Ss work in pairs. Call out several pairs to give their performance.

  Step 9Homework

  Finish off the Workbook exercises.

  上一页  [1] [2] 

Lesson 67教学设计方案 篇7

  Properties: Recorder, Overhead Projector.

  Teaching Objectives:

  1. Let the students understand the text and learn -some new words and phrases.

  2. Go over the Attributive Clause.

  Teaching focus: rob somebody, inspector, thief (thieves), detective.

  Teaching Procedures:

  I. Showing the teaching aims

  II. Revision

  Check the students' homework. Go through the dialogue in Lesson 65. Ask some students to act out the dialogue.

  III. Leading in

  Say: In Lesson 65, we've learned that someone stole a necklace, he called the policeman. Ask: What will you do if you are robbed? Give the students a few minutes to discuss.

  IV. Presentation

  Get the students to look at Exercise 1 in the workbook and read through the questions with the students and make sure they can understand them.

  Let the students read the passage carefully and then discuss their answers in pairs. Finally check the answers with the whole class. Deal with any difficulties that the students may have. Get the students guess the meanings of new words and sentences.

  1. There is no need to thank me.

  2. I need to do something

  3. This is the cage that Polly lives in. There is no chair for me to sit on.

  4. hear someone shouting

  5. hands up =put up your hands

  V. Practice

  Speech Cassette, play the tape for the students to listen, then play it again, let the students repeat after it. At last the students can read the following tape.

  Give the students some free time to practise reading aloud. Then ask some of them to read in class. Check their reading.

  VI. Workbook

  For Exercise 2, let the students do it orally first, then write down the answers. The answers are: missing, stolen, called, house, necklace, strange, who, without, suddenly, anyone, the, why, be, seen

  VII. Consolidation

  Read the passage again, ask the students to understand the sentences with the Attributive Clause. Go over the tense orally. Then tell the students to act out this dialogue.

  Exercises in class

  1. Make up a story.

  2. Do Exercise 3 in the workbook, write it down in the exercise book.

  VIII. Homework

  Retell the story.

  Revise the grammar: the Attributive Clause.

Lesson 67教学设计方案 篇8

  Teaching Objectives:

  Grasp the Past Continuous Tense.

  Language focus:

  cook a meal, play volleyball, PE/physical education, chemistry lab, feed, sweep the floor, look out of...

  Properties: Tape-recorder, Overhead projector, 课本挂图。

  Teaching procedures:

  Step 1 Revision

  1. Act out the play about neighbourhood relationship. Other students answer the question “What were they doing in the play?”.

  2. Revise the Past Continuous Tense by performing actions, such as: cleaning the floor, closing the window.

  What was I doing? What was he/she doing? What were they doing?

  Step 2 Presentation

  Draw this time table on the blackboard. (or on a flashcard) as a model:

  Yesterday: Li Lei


  reading playing football


  having a rest shopping with Jim

  Present this dialogue:

  A: What was Li Lei doing at half past nine yesterday morning?

  B: He was reading.

  Get the students to practise the dialogue with other time. Repeat it for Han Mei instead of Li Lei.

  Get the students to ask and answer in pairs.

  Step 3 Ask and answer

  Students ask and answer the questions in pairs.

  Then get the students to draw a time line showing what they were doing at a certain period of time last Sunday. Have them ask and answer about what they were really doing.

  Explain the word: PE, chemistry, sweep

  Step 4 Practice

  Show the students the picture and say: One Sunday morning the man upstairs heard the sound of children playing in the park. What did he see when he looked out of his window.

  Now look at the picture, what were the children and other people doing?

  Explain the using of playing in the park.

  Get the students to ask and answer in pairs.

  A: What was the man doing?

  B: He was selling the fruit.

  The boys were playing basketball.

  Do WB EX.1.

  Play the video: 过去进行时, Get the students to act in pair.

  Step 5 Exercise

  Ask questions.

  1. The girl was making a paper boat.

  2. Tony was telling a story.

  3. My brother was playing the piano at six o clock yesterday.

  4. They were doing homework. (general question)

  Keys: 1. What was the girl doing?

  2. Who was telling a story?

  3. When was your brother playing the piano?

  4. Were they doing homework?

  Step 6 Homework

  1. Write a short article to describe the picture in this lesson.

  2. Draw a picture for other students to talk about.

  3. Do exercises on page 117. Finish off the workbook exercises.

  Writing on blackboard

  Lesson 95

  1. The Past Continuous Tense

  What was the girl/boy/man/woman doing?

  What were the men/women doing?

Lesson 67教学设计方案 篇9

  Teaching Aims

  1. Study this lesson and know the way how learn foreign languages Karl Marx.

  2. The students are trained to improve their reading ability and comprehension.

  Teaching Procedures

  Step 1 Pre-reading activity

  Let the students talk about the picture and say something about Karl Marx.

  Step 2 Fast reading

  1. Ask the students, to read the text quickly and do some True or False questions according to the text:

  (1) Karl Marx was horn in Belgium. (F)

  (2) He was forced to leave his homeland when he was young. (T)

  (3) Marx made such rapid progress in English that Engels telephoned him and praised him for it. (F)

  (4) Marx was good at learning foreign languages. (T)

  (5) In one of his books, Marx gave some advice on how to learn English. (F)

  Step 3 Intensive reading

  1. Listen to the tape.

  2. Answer the questions in Workbook Lesson 82, Part 1.

  Step 4 Deal with some difficult sentences

  1. He made such rapid progress that before long he began to write articles it English for an American newspaper.

  2. However, he went on to explain that he was not sure about two things ― the grammar and some of the idioms.

  3. In the 1870s, when Marx wag already in his fifties, he found it important to study the situation in Russia, so he began to learn Russian.

  4. When they use the foreign languages, they should try to forget all about their own.

  Step 5 Practise

  Read the text and choose the best answer to each question.

  1. Marx was forced to leave Germany __________.

  A. when he was in his fifties B. when he was young

  C. in the year 1849 D. because he made London the base for his revolutionary work.

  2. When Mars. came to England, he ____________.

  A. knew little English B. knew some English

  C. didn't know any English, but he knew French

  D. knew English quite well

  3. Engels wrote to Marx and praised him for his good English after he __________.

  A. read Marx’s letters to him

  B. received Marx’s letters to him

  C. read Marx’s articles in an American newspaper

  D. read the great works The Civil War in France

  4. Choose the right order of the following events.

  a. Marx received his doctor s degree.

  b. He and his wife had to move from one country to another

  c. He went to high school.

  d. He began writing articles for a newspaper.

  e. He mole The Civil War in France.

  f. He learned Russian by himself.

  A. a, c, b, d, e, f                     B. (;, a, d, b, e, f

  C. c, a, b, d, f, e                     1). b, a, c, d., e, f

  5. The last paragraph of the passage mainly tells us ________.

  A. that London was Marx s revolutionary base

  B. how Marx began hi& revolutionary work when he was young

  C. why Marx began to work hard at foreign language

  D. why Marx lived an unsettled life in his early life

  6. Which of the following best shows us that Marx was able to use English freely?

  A. He once worked and lived in London for a long time.

  B. He wrote The Civil War in France in English.

  C. He had been able to write to Engels in English.

  D. He had written articles in English for an American newspaper.

  7. If we want to use a foreign language freely, we must _______ .

  A. learn by heart as many new words as we can

  B. first make it clear how to use the grammar and idioms

  C. always translate it into our native language first

  D. try to forget our native language while we are using it


  Step 6 Deal with the language points.

  Step 7 Workbook

  Finish the exercises in Workbook Lesson 82, Parts 2, 3.

  Step 8 Homework

  1.Retell the text with your own words.

  2.Preparation the Lesson 83.

Lesson 67教学设计方案 篇10

  Lesson 95 教学设计方案

  Teaching Aims

  1.Study the advice collected from Qi Min Yao Shu and learn more about farming.

  2.Learn the grammar item: Indirect speech

  Teaching Procedures

  Step 1 Lead in

  1.Revision Lesson 94 and ask them some questions about Jia Sixie.

  2.Show the pictures to the students.

  Step 2 Reading  

  1.Ask the students to read the passage.

  1) What did the first advice from Jia Sixie’s book?

  2)How to plough the soil from Jia Sixie’s book?

  2. Let the students get a general idea of the passage.

  Step 3 Language study

  Deal with some notes and language points.

  1) go against  2) year after year  3) now and then  4) agree to do sth.

  Step 4 Grammar

  Indirect Speech

  1. Review what the students learned about the indirect speech before by doing some exercises.    2. Teach the forms of indirect questions.

  a. the use of “if or whether” for “yes/ no questions” 

  b. the change in word ( subject- verb)

  c. the change in tense (back one step)

  d. the change in pronouns (“you” to “he, etc.”)

  e. no question marks

  3. Teach the forms of indirect imperative.

  a. Change of pronouns

  b. Use of an introductory phrase: He told/advised farmers to. . ./that, or they asked him...

  c. Change of tense in the reported phrase when appropriate    

  Step5 Practice

  1).Lesson 95 Part 2. Let the students work in pairs, get some students to report the advice to the whole class.

  2) . Lesson 95 part 3.

  Go through the examples in the book with the students and revise the forms of indirect questions. Let the students work alone or in pairs. Check the answers with the whole class.

  Step 6 Practice

  Let the students do Ex. 2 on page 96.

  Say something about Jia Sixie's pieces of advice from his book “Qi Min Yao Shu”

  His advice on time

  If you sow seed and grow young plants at the correct time of year,

  less work, results will be better

  If you go against nature,

  do more work and the results will be not good

  His advice on soil

  Examine the soil on your farm carefully.

  If the condition of the soil is not good, you should improve it.

  How to plough

  The first time―autumn ploughing

  [1] [2] 下一页  

  plough deeply

  The second time―spring ploughing

  Plough less deeply

  Why to change the crops

  You will harvest good crops.

  How to use the fields

  Grow different plants next to each other in the same field.

  Step 7 Homework

  1.Retell Lesson 94 and Lesson 95.

  2.Finish off the Workbook exercises.

  上一页  [1] [2] 

Lesson 67教学设计方案 篇11

  Teaching Aims

  Teaching procedures

  Step 1 Revision

  l .Check the homework exercises.

  2. Revise the contents of the story in Lessons 98 and 99.

  Step 2 Listening

  Listening Cassette Unit 25. Play the tape for Ex. 1 two or three times as necessary. Then do E. 2 and 3. Pause the tape at important moments and help the Ss to find the answers when they need help.

  Step 3 Practice

  Listening Unit 25, Ex. 4. The Ss tell the story to their partners.

  Step 4  Presentation

  Write this on the Bb:


  1 He must might / may / could can't be American.

  2 They might not / may not be very happy.

  For sentence 1, if possible, show some pictures of men to the Ss and ask them to guess whether they are American or not, using these phrases. Point out the categories: Certain and Impossible. Tell the Ss that when we are sure about something we can use must be or can't be. Point out that it is a mistake to say mustn't when we are talking about something which we think is impossible. Tell the Ss that might, may and could are used when we are not very sure about our guess.

  For sentence 2, tell the Ss that we say might not/may not when we are not very sure about our guess, but that could not is incorrect.

  Step 5 Practice

  SB Lesson 100, Part 2. Go through the instructions and do Number I orally with the class. Then get the Ss to complete this exercise individually. Go over the answers with the class.

  Suggested answers:

  1. He must be in his office.

  2 .He may / might / could be at the conference.

  3 .They must have / earn a lot of money.

  4 .They must be foreign.

  5 .He must walk too fast.

  6 .They may / might not be at the station.

  7 .He can't be terribly busy.

  8 .She may / might / could be in the organizer's office.

  9 .It may / might / could be an interesting talk.

  10. You may / might not be interested in the conference.

  Step 6 Test

  Give the Ss this test which practise modal verbs. Write sentences about these situations, using must / might / may / could / can't.

  1. Perhaps the theatre will be full.

  2. I'm sure that necklace is valuable.

  3. I'm sure the medicine isn't in the cupboard.

  4. Perhaps my neighbours are away.

  5. Perhaps we will have a good trip.

  6. I'm sure it isn't made of gold.

  7. Perhaps his girlfriend isn't in the hotel.

  8. I'm sure that restaurant is a good one.

  9. Perhaps the train ticket is as expensive as the air ticket.

  10. Perhaps there will be all sorts of different nationalities there.


  1. The theatre might / may / could be full.

  2. That necklace must be valuable.

  3. The medicine can't be in the cupboard.

  4. My neighbours might / may / could be away.

  5. We might / may / (could) have a good trip.

  6. It can't be made of gold.

  7. His girlfriend may / might not be in the hotel.

  8. That restaurant must be a good one.

  9. The train ticket might / may / could be as expensive as the air ticket.

  10. There might / may / could be all sorts of different nationalities there.

  Step 7 Writing

  SB Lesson 100, Part 3. Give the Ss some time to write the summary. Let them look at each other's writing in groups, then revise their drafts and finalize their compositions.

  Step 8 Workbook

  Wb Lesson 100, E. 1 - 3.

  E. 1 and 2 should be done orally in class. For Ex. 2, your help is needed. For example, you have to tell the Ss in what kind of situation “Come on!” is used. Say He Xiaofeng sings English songs beautifully. Would you please sing us a song, Xiaofeng? Seeing she is hesitating, you may say Come on! Don 't feel shy. Similar explanations have to be made with some of the other sentences.

  If possible, ask your Ss to do Ex. 3. You may make up one with a good student. Then let the Ss work in pairs. Call out several pairs to give their performance.

  Step 9Homework

  Finish off the Workbook exercises.

Lesson 67教学设计方案 篇12

  Lesson 74教学设计方案

  Teaching Aims

  1. Study this lesson to find out Mr. King’s secret and the reason for it.

  2. Improve the students’ reading ability.

  3.Get the students to find out the main idea of each paragraph.

  Step 1 Lead in

  Questions and answers:

  1. What do women do in China? (All kinds of jobs. )

  2. Is it difficult for women to get good jobs in China? (Yes.)

  3. Why is it difficult? (Maybe people’s traditional views about women are working. )

  Step 2 Reading

  1. Ask the students to finish workbook Lesson 74 page 70, Ex. 1.

  2. Check the answers with the students.

  3. Listen to the tape and read after it.

  4. Reread the text and find out the main idea of each paragraph:

  Paragraph 1: Mr King and his work.

  Paragraph 2; Mr King had an accident which let out his secret later.

  Paragraph 3: Mr King was in hospital.

  Paragraph 4: The secret was discovered by his company.

  Paragraph 5: Mr King’s reason for pretending to be a man.

  Step 3 Language points

  2. 总结并巩固由whose引导的定语从句:

  1)Mr. King, whose legs were badly hurt, was taken to hospital.

  2)The boss in whose department Mr. King worked called at the hospital.

  3)The book whose cover was torn is mine,

  4)The room whose windows face to the south is the manager’s.

  Step 4 Workbook

  Page 70, Ex.2

  1) Do it individually.

  2) Check in class.

  Step 5 Exercise


  1. Never p _________ to know anything that you really don’t know.

  2. Don’t be afraid. We all s________ you.

  3. On the way home, Mary p ________ up a wallet with a lot of money in it.

  4. They are _________(铺放) a new carpet in the living room.

  5. My father is one of the _________ (设计者) of the great building.

  6. My younger brother is a college student while my elder brother is an _________ (工程师) .

  参考答案:1. pretend  2.support  3.picked  4.laying  5 designers   6. engineer


Lesson 67教学设计方案 篇13

  教学设计示例 Lesson 103 教学设计方案

  Teaching Aims

  1. Read the second part of the text “An Interesting Life” Get the students to know Bob Geldof’s next project.

  2. How to use model verbs.

  Teaching Procedures

  Step 1. Revision

  Ask some questions of Lesson 102.

  Step 2 Watch the video


  When were the pop concerts held and how many people watched the programme?

  Key: The pop concerts were held on July 13th 1985 and about 1. 5 billion people in 160 countries watched the programme.

  Step 3 Reading

  Read the second part quickly and answered the following questions:

  1. What was Bob Geldof’s next project?

  2. What did Bob ask the airlines to do?

  3. How much money did he collect at last?

  4. Where was the money sent?

  1.He had the idea of organizing two big pop conceits on the same day.

  2.He asked all the airlines to fly the pop stars for free.

  3.Over 92 million dollars.


  Step 4 Language study

  Read the text again. Find out the useful expression's and phrases:

  1. persuade somebody to do something

  2. provide something to somebody

  3. non-stop TV time

  4. a further 7 million dollars

  5. the total money collected

  6. at the concert

  Step 5 Speaking

  Say something about the second project of Bob Geldof―two big concerts:

  Place of the two concerts

  One is in

  The other is in

  Who will go and sing at the concerts?

  Who will go and sing at the concerts?

  Who would they go there?

  What would BBC do?

  When were the concerts held?

  How many people watched the programme?

  How much money was collected from the two concerts?

  Step 6 Practise

  1.Review the use of model verbs.

  2.Do Ex.2 on Page 106. Check the answers in ClASS.

  Step 7. Homework

  1.Retell Lesson 102 and Lesson 103.

  2.Finish off Workbook exercises.

Lesson 67教学设计方案 篇14

  Teaching Objectives:

  1. Grasp the comparative and superlative degrees of adjectives and adverbs as well as the past tense.

  2. Learn the words and expressions of sports meeting.

  Language Focus:

  hold/have a sports meeting   do well   hold―held hurt―hurt   fast faster fastest

  well/good better best  high higher highest  far farther farthest

  Properties: Tape-recorder, Overhead projector and some pictures of sports

  Teaching Procedures:

  I. Revision

  Revise the comparative and superlative forms of adjectives and adverbs.

  Ask three tall students to stand up or show pictures like this.

  Mr. Read is tall.

  Mr. King is taller.

  Mr. Green is the tallest of the three.

  The bike is going fast. 

  The tractor is going faster. 

  The taxi is going the fastest.

  Revise the comparative form er/-est.

  II. Leading-in

  Ask the students the following questions:

  1) Does your school hold a sports meeting every year?

  2) Do you take part in it? Which sport can you do well in?

  3) How many sports are there at the sports meeting?

  Help the students to answer 100-metre race, 400-metre race, 800-metre race, long jump and high jump.

  III. Presentation

  Teach new words and phrases about sports.


  IV. Read and learn


  The gilrs’ 100-metre race

  Han Meimei




  Wu Dong


  Play the tape of this part and ask the students to answer the questions.

  [1] [2] [3] 下一页  


  The boys' high jump

  Lin Tao

  1.59 m



  Zhang Jun


  Play the tape of this part and ask the students to answer the questions.


  Ann 4.05m Liu Mei 3.8m Huifang 4. 0m


  4. Play the tape again and ask them to answer the following questions:

  1) Who was first/second/third in the 100-metre race?

  2) Who won the race?

  3) Who was first/second/third in the high jump?

  4) Who won?

  5) Who was first/second/third in the long jump?

  6) Who won?

  5. Explain the language points.

  1) hold/have a sports meeting hold( held, held)

  ①Our school held a sports meeting successfully last Sunday.

  2) do well in do badly in

  ①Bob does better in maths than I, but he doesn’t do so well as I in English.

  ②Lucy did badly in the last physics exam. But Mary did even worse.

  ③Did Tom do well or badly in the sports meeting?

  6. Summarize the usage of the comparative and superlative degrees of adjectives and adverbs.(有条件的可通过多媒体进行讲解或是利用资源库中的相关动画或视频讲解)

  V. Practise

  Ask the students to make sentences, using the past tense verbs and the comparative and superlative degree forms of adverbs.

  VI. Read and act

  1. Read the dialogue after the tape. Or play the video.

  Explain the sentence: Which sport are you in today?

  It means Which sport are you taking part in today?

  2. Recite the dialogue, changing with the words in the box.

  VII. Exercises in class


  1. Who can jump _________, you or he?

  A. high B. tallest C. higher D. taller

  2. The Changjiang River is one of________ rivers in the world.

  A. long B. the longer C. the longest D. the long

  3. They ________ the game yesterday, didn’t they?

  A. won B .gave C .took D. got

  4. Jane is ________ of the three. She can’t go to school by herself.

  A. young B. younger C. youngest D. the youngest

  5. History is as _________ as geography, you see.

  A. important B .more important

  C. such important D. so important

  上一页  [1] [2] [3] 下一页  

  6. China is _________ than any other country in Asia.

  A. larger B. the largest C. large D. more large

  7. Which subject do you ________, maths or chemistry?

  A .like best B .to like

  C. very much like D. like better

  8. Xiao Li did quite _________ in maths, but _________ in English.

  A. well, badly B. good, bad C. bad, well D. badly, good

  Keys: 1.C 2.C 3.A 4.D 5.A 6.A 7.D 8.A

  VIII. Homework

  1. Finish exercises on page 103.

  2. Rewrite the passage.

  VI. Summary



  Last week No. 14 Middle School _________ (hold) a sports meeting on the playground. Lily _________(run) fastest of all in the 100-metTe race. Zhang Jun _________(do) best of all in the high jump and Liu Mei _________ (jump) farthest of all in the long jump. Ling Li ________ (fall) and ________(hurt)his neck, so he _________(do)take part in any sport. Now he ________(be) much better.

  Keys: held, ran, did Jumped, fell, hurt, didn’t, is

  VIII. Writing on blackboard

  Lesson 85

  1. Language points

  (1) hold/have a sport meeting

  (2)do well in do badly in

  2. Past forms

  hold―held run―ran hurt―hurt win―won do―did is―was fall―fell

  3. Comparison of adjectives and adverbs

  fast faster fastest, good/well better best, high higher highest,

  far farther farthest

  4. Questions

  (1)Who won the race?

  (2) Who jumped highest?

  (3) Who jumped farthest of all?

  上一页  [1] [2] [3] 

Lesson 67教学设计方案 篇15

  Lesson 75 教学设计方案

  Teaching Aims

  1. Study the second part of the story.

  2. Go through attributive clauses with relative pronoun whose

  Teaching procedures

  Step 1 Revision

  Ask the students to say something about the first part of the story according to the main idea of each paragraph.

  1. Who was Mr. King and where he worked?

  2. The accident.

  3. In the hospital.

  4. The secret was out.

  5. Mr. King’s reason for the secret.

  Step 2 Reading

  1. Ask the students to read the text quickly.

  2. Get the students to find out the main ideas of the first 3 paragraphs.

  (1) What the company did the next day and why?

  (2) Mr. Little’s opinion about Mr. King’s matter.

  (3) Mr. Pattis’ opinion about the matter.

  3. Ask the students to infer the company’s final decision; Let Mr. King stay there.

  Step 3 Listening

  Listen to the tape and then work in pairs to finish Ex. 1, 2 in the workbook.

  Step 4 Language points

  Deal with the language points in the text:

  discuss the problem/the matter make a decision

  tell a lie for a moment

  not have somebody doing =not allow somebody to do. . .

  Step 5 Grammar


  This is the boy whose father/mother/brother/sister is a worker.

  This is the girl whose leg/arm/hand/foot/head was hurt.

  This is the house whose window is broken.

  Step 6 Practise

  Language study of part 3

  1. Get the students to join the sentences by using “whose”.

  2. Ask the students to tell the differences between the following sentences:

  (1) I know the person whose company produces new machines,

  (2) I know the person, whose company produces new machines.

  (3) I know the person, and his company produces new machines.

  Step 7 Exercise

  Do Ex.3,4,5 on Page 71.

  I. 完成句子。

  1. It is easy to use a short-wave radio to ______________ (收听) the programmes.

  2. _____________(使我们失望的是) , he wasn’t chosen our monitor.

  3. One can’t learn a foreign language well_____________ (如果……不) he studies hard.

  4. I’m going to start early _____________ (以便) I can catch the first bus.

  5. Our new neighbour _____________ (访问) us as soon as they moved here.

  II. 句型转换

  1. In my opinion, there will not be any chance for him.

  I _____________ _____________ that there _____________ be _____________ chance for him.

  2. It seems that it’s harder for women to get a job in that company.

  It seems ______________ ______________ for women _____________ _____________ a job in that company.

  3. The teacher was surprised to find some flowers on the table when she opened the door.

  _____________ _____________ ______________, the teacher found some flowers on the table when she opened the door.

  4. It is so hot that we don’t want to go out.

  It is _____________ a hot day ______________ we don’t want to go out.

  5. This afternoon I will ask the barber to cut my hair shorter.

  This afternoon I will ______________ my hair _____________ shorter.


  I. 1. pick up 2. To our disappointment 3. unless 4. so that 5. called on

  II. 1. don’t, think; will; any 2. more, difficult; to, get 3. To, her, surprise 4. such; that 5. have; cut

Lesson 67教学设计方案 篇16

  Lesson 66教学设计方案

  Properties: Recorder, Overhead Projector.

  Teaching Objectives:

  1. Let the students understand the text and learn -some new words and phrases.

  2. Go over the Attributive Clause.

  Teaching focus: rob somebody, inspector, thief (thieves), detective.

  Teaching Procedures:

  I. Showing the teaching aims

  II. Revision

  Check the students' homework. Go through the dialogue in Lesson 65. Ask some students to act out the dialogue.

  III. Leading in

  Say: In Lesson 65, we've learned that someone stole a necklace, he called the policeman. Ask: What will you do if you are robbed? Give the students a few minutes to discuss.

  IV. Presentation

  Get the students to look at Exercise 1 in the workbook and read through the questions with the students and make sure they can understand them.

  Let the students read the passage carefully and then discuss their answers in pairs. Finally check the answers with the whole class. Deal with any difficulties that the students may have. Get the students guess the meanings of new words and sentences.

  1. There is no need to thank me.

  2. I need to do something

  3. This is the cage that Polly lives in. There is no chair for me to sit on.

  4. hear someone shouting

  5. hands up =put up your hands

  V. Practice

  Speech Cassette, play the tape for the students to listen, then play it again, let the students repeat after it. At last the students can read the following tape.

  Give the students some free time to practise reading aloud. Then ask some of them to read in class. Check their reading.

  VI. Workbook

  For Exercise 2, let the students do it orally first, then write down the answers. The answers are: missing, stolen, called, house, necklace, strange, who, without, suddenly, anyone, the, why, be, seen

  VII. Consolidation

  Read the passage again, ask the students to understand the sentences with the Attributive Clause. Go over the tense orally. Then tell the students to act out this dialogue.

  Exercises in class

  1. Make up a story.

  2. Do Exercise 3 in the workbook, write it down in the exercise book.

  VIII. Homework

  Retell the story.

  Revise the grammar: the Attributive Clause.

Lesson 67教学设计方案 篇17

  Lesson 92 教学设计方案


  1.掌握重点单词和词组: play joke on , make sb laugh, ask sb. to do sth. , laugh at, give a lecture

  2.进一步掌握I am sure / I am not sure 的句型。





  Step 1 Revision

  1. Revise the sentences “I’m sure…” and “I’m not sure…”

  方案1:播放视频I’m sure句型演示此句型的运用。

  情景1: Do you like Bill Gates?  Do you want to be a person like him?

  Student answered: I am sure that…. I am not sure that….

  情景2: Your birthday is coming. What gift your mother will give you?

  Student answered: I am sure that…. I am not sure that….

  2. Revise the vocabulary in this unit.

  Step 2 Leading in

  Say: Have you ever done the shopping? Have you ever bought any clothes? What did you buy? What do you care when you buy clothes? Today, we are going to a shop to see what the girl will buy for her mother.

  Step 3 Puzzle dialogue

  Read and match the puzzle dialogue. Check the answer in class.

  Have the students guess the meanings of size and almost. Explain “must be, either”.

  Practice the dialogue in pairs and act it out.(学生可以准备一些实物教具如衣服等, 讲台可以做柜台。)

  Step 4 Presentation

  Say: Do you like playing jokes? I like to hear a good joke. Have the students guess the meaning of joke. Explain it to them in Chinese if necessary.

  Say: There was a famous American writer who liked to play jokes. Do you know who he was? His name was Mark Twain? Can you tell me anything about him? Have you read any of his novels?

  Show the students the picture of Mark Twain.

  Step 5 Reading

  方案1:Play the tape for the students, listen and read. Then answer: How many train tickets did Mark Twain really buy? Give the students a few minutes to scan the text for the answer. Check the answer in class.

  方案2:播放视频文件:Mark Twain,让学生对整个故事有个大概了解,然后找出答案。

  Teach the new words: speaker, lose, hide, conductor, check, lie, deaf

  Explain the phrases: make sb. do sth,. play a joke on sb.(可播放音频进行讲解)

  Play the tape again and have the students listen and repeat. And answer the following questions.

  1.What does Mark Twain like to do?

  2. What did his friend ask him to do?

  3. What did Mark Twain say to his friend?

  4. How many tickets did he buy at last?

  5. Was his friend a really strange man?

  6.Why did everyone laugh?

  7.What do you think his friend’s feeling is?

  8. What do you think of Mark Twain from this story?

  Give the key words and phrased on the blackboard or on the flashcard. Have the students retell the story.

  Step 6 Writing

  Students read the story and fill in the blanks on page 45. Then check the answer in class.

  Keys: write, speaker, play jokes on, joke, his, nothing, laugh, bring, lecture/speech, sure/confident, laugh, sat, funny/interesting, but, either, was, later, about, knew

  Students read the story and try to retell it.

  Step 7 Practice

  Divided the students into small groups, have them tell a story about a famous person they know.

  Step 8 Checkpoint

  Go over the grammar Articles. Practise the “Useful expressions”. Discuss any questions that the students may raise.

  Step 9 Exercise

  Fill in the blankets with the right articles if necessary.

  1. _______ English is ________ useful language.

  2. _______ China is one of ________ largest countries in _______world.

  3. He borrowed _______ dictionary from ________ school library.

  4. _______ book on ________ desk is mine.

  5. _______ Blacks visit China every year.

  6. I’m good at playing ________ football but he isn’t.

  7. What ________ exciting match it is!

  8. ________ sun is much bigger than ________ moon.

  9. She likes playing ________ piano very much.

  10. He went to school before ________ breakfast this morning.

  答案:1./, a  2./, the, the  3.a, the  4.The, the  5.The  6./  7.an  8.The, the  9.the  10./

  Complete the conversation.

  Good morning. Can I help you?

  Yes. I’d like one of those T-shirts, please. A blue one.

  Right.   (1)  ?

  Large. I think.

     (2)  ?

  Yes, please.

  Yes. this is fine.  (3)  ?

  £ 12.99.

  OK.  (4)  .

  Keys: (1) What size do you want?   (2) Would you like to try? /Do you want to try?  (3) How much is it?  (4)I’ll buy it.

  Step 8 Homework

  1. Finish exercises on page 112.

  2. Tell the stories to your friends (in English).

  3. Review the grammar.

  4. Finish off the workbook exercises.

  Writing on blackboard

  Lesson 92

  Mark Twain



Lesson 67教学设计方案(精选17篇)
