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2022中考七年级 Unit 5 Topic 1复习学案(通用5篇)

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2022中考七年级 Unit 5 Topic 1复习学案(通用5篇)

2022中考七年级 Unit 5 Topic 1复习学案 篇1

  XX中考七年级 unit 5 topic 2复习学案

  unit 5topic 2



  1.listen to music 听音乐                     6.return=give back 归还

  2.be good at =do well in 擅长于……           7.what else? 还要别的什么?

  i am good at english .=i do in english.          else放在疑问词或不定代词之后

  3. on the playground 在操场                  8. put on 穿上

  on the shelves 在架子上                     9.at the back of 在……的后部

  on the great wall 在长城上                  10. work on a computer 操作电脑

  4.on time 准时 in time 及时

  5. look for  寻找                          11. talk to sb. 与某人交谈

  talk with sb. (强调双方参与)



  1.-how long can i keep them? -two weeks. 我可以借它们多久?-两个星期。


  2.-thank you. it’s a pleasure. 谢谢 不客气






  tom is reading english.


  否定句:主语+ is/am/are+not+现在分词





  (1)直接+ing(例:sleep+ing sleeping)

  (2)去 e +ing(例:bite-e+ing biting)

  (3)重读闭音节,且末尾只有一个辅音字母,双写辅音字母+ing(例:sit+t+ing sitting)




  例:we are waiting for you.


  例:mr. green is writing another novel.(说话时未必在写,只处于写作的状态。)

  例:she is learning piano under mr.smith.


  i’m leaving for hong kong next week.(已经安排了)

  we’re fiying to paris tomorrow.(票已经拿到了)



  例:the leaves are turning red. 叶子渐渐变红了。

  it’s getting warmer and warmer .天气渐渐变得暖和起来了。


  例:you are always changing your mind.



  (1) 当句子中含有now时,常表示动作正在进行,这时要用现在进行时。例:

  they are playing basketball now.(at the moment)现在他们正在打篮球。

  (2) 以look,listen 开头的句子,提示我们动作正在进行,这时要用现在进行时。例:

  listen!she is singing an english song.听,她正在唱英文歌。

  (3) 表示当前一算时间或现阶段正在进行的动作,且此时有this week ,these days 等时间状语,这时常用现在进行时。


  we are making model planes these days.这些天我们正在做飞机模型。

  (4) 描述图片中的人的动作,也为了表达更生动。此时也常用现在进行时。例:

  look at the picture 。the children are flying kites in the park.


  (5) 以it’s 几点作为暗示表“现在”的时间状语。例:

  it’s seven o’clock in the evening.i am doing my home work.

  (6) 表面是问某人在哪里,但实际回答为动作。例:

  where is jim? he is having lunch in the doing-room.

  (7) 根据上下文提示。(可简单记忆为“问什么时态,答用什么时态”)例:

  what are you doing? i am reading in the library.


  1.my friend      me.i have to leave now.

  a.waits for               b.waited for         c.is waiting for         d.was waiting for

  2.it      outside.you’d better take an umbrella with you.

  a.rains                  b.is raining          c.rained               d.has rained

  3.the zoo-keeper is worried about the number of visitors       smaller and smaller.

  a.become                b.became           c.is becoming          d.have become

  4.-alice ,turn down the tv,please.i       on the phone..


  a.have talked             b.talked            c.am talking            d.talk

  5.-where is peter?                

  -he       volleyball with his friends in the school gym.

  a.plays                 b.played           c.is playing

  6.-hurry up!we         for you at the gate.

  a.waits                 b.waited           c.are waiting

  7.-it’s time for dinner.where is your father,emma?

  -he         his bike in the yard.

  a clean                 b.cleaned          c.is cleaning             d.will clean

  8.-jane,hurry up!it’s time to leave.

  -ok.       .

  a. i come              b.i’ve come        c.i’m coming

  9. -my spoken english is poor,what shall ido?

  -join an english language club to practice,you’ll     it.

  a.be good at         b.drop in           c.deal with

  10. jim couldn’t sing in the past,but now he         (擅长于)it.

  11.it’s snowing outside,you’d better      (穿上)your overcoat when you go out.

  12.-the sun is shining brightly.       your sunglasses,amy.


  a.put away          b.put off           c.put on

2022中考七年级 Unit 5 Topic 1复习学案 篇2

  XX中考七年级 unit 5 topic 1复习学案

  七年级unit5 topic1 



  1、 知识与技能:


  b:学习频度副词:通常        经常       总是        有时       

  很少        从来都不        

  c:学习交通方式的表达法:骑自行车:by bike ;你来试一试:



  特别注意!:步行_______________ (可以参考课本p2):学习频度副词组:

  every day 每天; every week______________ ; every sunday _____________; once a week 一周一次; twice a week


  three times a year_________________ ; very often ________________

  ★★★对以上词组提问用how often …? 一定要记牢哦!



  how do you usually come to school ?____________________________?

  i usually come to school by bus . _______________________________




  二 过程与方法


  2、 情感态度价值观:

  (1) 随着社会经济的发展,人们的生活水平和生活质量越来越高,各种交通工具开始进入人们的日常生活,我们要学会珍惜


  (2) 交通安全时时刻刻要牢记!

  三 、重点难点




  step1 : read 1a . 理解并翻译下列词组或句子,然后在文中标出。

  step2频度副词   通常        经常       总是        有时       

  很少        从来都不        

  step 3 交通方式




  step 4重点句子


  1. happy new year ! 

  the same to you !

  2. how do you usually coem to school ?

  3. i usually come to school by subway .happy new year ! 

  the same to you !

  4. how do you usually coem to school ?

  i usually come to school by subway .

  1. take a bus /plane/train/ship/boat to +地点

  = go/come to +地点+by bus /plane/train/ship/boat

  2. walk to +地点=go/come to +地点

  3. ride a / one’s bike to +地点= go / come to +地点+by bike

  4. drive a/one’s car to +地点=go / come to +地点+by car .

  step 5 practice


  大门       很少           图书馆       墙            开始

  听         美国的         奶奶         早的          必须

  步行       组             生命         比赛          第一 


  在学校大门口      在平日              到家            对…也一样

  了解              快点儿              一会儿          步行        

  新年快乐          去上学              笨鸟先飞        听音乐

  多久一次          去图书馆            一周两次        一天三次    

  吃午饭            在某人空余时间      看电视          结束   

  做家庭作业        去游泳              休息            在外面吃   

  去睡觉            非常少学生          上课            踢球

  看起来漂亮        看电影    


  1、工作第一 。________________________________

  2、该是上课的时间了。______________  / ____________________


  4、乘汽车/飞机/轮船/小船/地铁. by______/_____/______/______/_____.

  5、michael sometimes goes home by subway=michael sometimes_____ ____ ____home.

  6、jane often comes to school by bike = jane often ______ ______ ______ to school.

  7、we go to school on foot = we _____ _____ the park.

  8、they go to the park by bus = they____  ____  ____ to  the  park.

  9、八点开始上课 _________  _________  ________  _________

  10、上午有四节课 ______  ______  ______  ______in the morning

  11、she ____ ____ ____(去睡觉)at about____ ____ ____(9:45)

  12、______  ______  ______  ______ (与你交谈很开心)


  never(0%)<_______< _______< _______< ______< _____(100%)

  14、学校课程几点结束?what time ________ school________over ?

  15、i play soccer twice a day (对画线部分提问)

  ________  ________ do  you  play  soccer ?

  16、miss gao always goes home by car (对画线部分提问)

  _______  ________ miss gao always_______ home?

  17、kang kang does his homework at home (改否定句)

  kang kang  _____  _____  ____  _____at home

  18、what ___ he    usuauy do ____ ______(放学)?

  he usually _____  _____  _____ (弹钢琴)

  19、i want to know about _____  _____  _____

  _____  _____  _____(美国学生的学校生活)

  20、the new bike _______  _____(看起来漂亮)

  四).. 单项选择题                

  (  )1.happy new year !   _________________!

  a.thank you ! b. you are right ! c. the same to you ! d. sorry !

  (  )2. ___ do you usually have lunch ?    at school .

  a. when  b. where  c. how   d. why

  (  )3. how are you going to the summer palace ?   we are going there ____ bike . 

  a. for   b. at   c. of    d. by

  (  )4. _____ do you usually go to your office ?  by bus .

  a. how often b. what time  c. when  d. how

  (  )5. it’s five o’clock . it’s _____ go home .

  a. time to b. time for c. time d. time to go to

  (  )6. kangkang’s new shoes look _________.

  a. happy  b. well   c. nice   d. the same

  (  )7. ___________________ ?    it’s half past six. 

  a. what’s the o’clock         b. what’s the time is.

  c. what time is it         d. what’s the time is it

  (  )8. hi, li ming , your book is very interesting (有趣).    _____________.

  a. thank you .  b. don’t say so ! c. that’s right d. you are right

  (  )9. i usually take the subway to school . __________?

  i usually go to school by bus .

  a. how are you  b. how do you do  c. what do you  do  d.how about you

  step 6written (写作)课堂上提问口头表达,然后写在作文本上

  i mom father sister

  go to school  go to work go to his office go home

  on foot by bus by car by bike









  1、交通工具的表达法:by +______________.









  1. my mother o_______ goes to work by bus .

  2.they a_______ play games after school .

  3. they are brothers , they look the s________.

  4. it’s a long way , you must go there by t____________.

  5. do you often come to school on f__________


  1. what do you usually do on ____________(平日)?

  2. the early bird _________(捉住) the worm .

  3. mary often ____________(骑) her bike to school .

  4. jim often gets up _________(早地) to catch the bus .

  5. i __________(很少)watch tv on weekdays .

  (三) 单项选择题

  (  )1.happy new year !   _________________!

  a.thank you ! b. you are right ! c. the same to you ! d. sorry !

  (  )2. ___ do you usually have lunch ?    at school .

  a. when  b. wher  c. how   d. why

  (  )3. how are you going to the summer palace ?   we are going there ____ bike . 

  a. for   b. at   c. of    d. by

  (  )4. _____ do you usually go to your office ?  by bus .

  a. how often b. what time  c. when  d. how

  (  )5. it’s five o’clock . it’s _____ go home .

  a. time to b. time for c. time d. time to go to

  (  )6. kangkang’s new shoes look _________.

  a. happy  b. well   c. nice   d. the same

  (  )7. ___________________ ?    it’s half past six. 

  a. what’s the o’clock         b. what’s the time is.

  c. what time is it         d. what’s the time is it

  (  )8. hi, li ming , your book is very interesting (有趣).    _____________.

  a. thank you .  b. don’t say so ! c. that’s right d. you are right

  (  )9. i usually take the subway to school . __________?

  i usually go to school by bus .

  a. how are you  b. how do you  c. what do you  d.how about you

  (  )10. i don’t want ______ so early . a. to get up b. gets up c. get up d. getting up

  (   )11. my father never _____. a. cooks  b. cook  c. cooking   d. is cooking

  (   )12. will you get there by ____ train ?  no, i’ll take ______ taxi (出租车)

  a. / a   b. a / the   c. /  /    d. the / a

  (   )13. does your mother get up early every day ? _________.

  a. yes, she does b.no, she does c. yes, she does  d. no, she don’t .

  (   )14.xiao ming never _____ home on foot . she often takes the subway .

  a. go to b. goes to c. walks  d. goes .


  1. i usually go to school on foot . (同义句转换)

  2. he always goes home by bike . (同义句转换)

  3. jane sometimes gets up at 6:00  (对划线部分提问)

  4. my father always watches tv in the evening .(改为否定句)


2022中考七年级 Unit 5 Topic 1复习学案 篇3

  XX中考七年级 unit 6 topic 3复习学案

  unit 6 our local area

  topic 3 which is the way to the post office?














  1) ________________________________________________________

  2) ________________________________________________________

  3) ________________________________________________________





  1) ________________________________________________________

  2) ________________________________________________________

  3) ________________________________________________________




  1) ________________________________________________________

  2) ________________________________________________________

  3) ________________________________________________________



  1) ________________________________________________________

  2) ________________________________________________________

  3) ________________________________________________________







  1. what’s wrong with jim? he has an a_____ and hurts his leg.

  2. what should we do before we c_______ the road? we should stop and look both ways.

  3. students shouldn’t be l______ for school.

  4. you must be c_______ when you want to go across the bridge.

  5. if you drive too fast, you’ll get a t_______ for speeding.


  1. when i ride a bike in the street, i never ride _____ _______(太快).

  2. it is not right for us to _____ ______ ______ _______(上学迟到).

  3. when you get on the bus, you should wait for _____ _______(轮到你).

  4. let’s go to the zoo, ok? i have two ________(票).  great.

  5. we must stop and _____ _______ _______(向两边看) before we cross the road.


  1. if everyone _____ the traffic rules, the roads will be much safer(安全得多).

  a. obey  b. obeys  c. obeies  d. obeying

  2. it’s good ___ children and old people to cross the road.

  a. to help b. help c. helps  d. helping

  3. _____ your turn when the traffic lights are red.

  a. it’s  b. stay for c. wait for  d. stay at

  4. it’s our duty(责任) _____ old people to cross the road.

  a. to help  b. helps  c. to hurt  d. hurts

  5. we mustn’t cross the road if the light ____ red.

  a. turning  b. are c. turns  d. is


  1. zhou lan will go to bed after she finishes her homework.(改为同义句)

  zhou lan _____ ______ to bed _______ she finishes her homework.

  2. mr. li takes a bus to work.( 改为同义句)

  mr. li goes to work _______ _______.

  3. excuse me, how can i get to the park?( 改为同义句)

  excuse me, which is _______ _______ _______ the park?

  4. my home is about two kilometers from here.(对划线部分提问)

  ______ ________ is your home from here?

  5. there is some orange in the glass.(改为否定句)

  there ______ _______ milk in the glass.


  1. 在书店和医院的中间有一个公园。

  there is a park ______ the bookstore _________ the hospital.

  2. 沿着这条路往下走,你可以看到邮电局,它就在你的左边。

  go _______ the road, you’ll see the post office ______ your ______.

  3. 然后在太平桥处换乘21路公交车。

  then _____  to the no. 21 bus _______ taiping _______.

  4. 小明昨天从自行车上摔下来受伤了。

  xiaoming fell down from ______ and got _______ yesterday.

  5. 你能在星期六之前完成这项工作吗?

  can you finish the work _____ saturday?

  六. 补全对话.

  a.1_____ me. 2______ the nearest(最近的) bank, please?

  b.walk 3_____ this street. 4_____ right at the third street.

  a.5_____ 6______ is it from here?

  b.about 5 kilometers away.

  a.oh, dear! i don’t think i can 7______ there. i must 8_____ a bus.

  b.you can take the no. 3 bus.

  a.where’s the nearest bus stop?

  b.it’s just 9_______ from the street. look! the bus is coming!

  a.thank you very much.

  b.you’re 10__________.





2022中考七年级 Unit 5 Topic 1复习学案 篇4

  XX中考七年级 unit 5 topic 3复习学案





  1. 学科名词:

  政治 语文 数学 英语 历史 地理 生物 音乐 体育 美术

  politics chinese math english history geography biology music p.e. art

  2. 一周七天名词:

  星期日 星期一 星期二 星期三 星期四 星期五 星期六

  sunday monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday saturday

  3.work on math problems .解答数学题            4. learn about the past 学习历史学习过去

  5.do outdoor activities 进行户外活动             6.draw pictures画画

  7.the school life学校生活                       8.school times《学校时报》

  9.science today《每日科技》                   10.be over结束

  11.every week每周every day每天               12.learn…from向…学习

  13.wash one’s face洗脸                        14. some other subjects 一些其他的课程

  15.learn hou to read and write in chinese学着用中文读写

  16.care about 关心,担心                      17.do one’s best  尽力去做某事

  18 do one’s homework 做家庭作业              19 between…and…在…与…之间

  20.the school life 学校生活                     21.on thursday morning 在星期四早晨

  22 have a music class 上音乐课                 23 every wednesday=on wednesdays 每周三

  difficult hard    every wednesday 每周三boring interesting         difficult easy           begin




  1.you must like english very much . 你必定非常喜欢英语。

  2.i don’t like it at all 我一点也不喜欢它

  3.my school life is very interesting.我的学校生活非常有趣.

  4.english is my favorite subject.= i like english best. 英语是我最喜欢的科目.

  5. what do you think of english = how do you like english? 你觉得英语怎么样?

  6.my teachers are very friendly to me. 我的老师们对我非常友好.

  7.i can learn a lot from it 我能从中学到很多很多.

  8. thank you for your hard work. 感谢你的努力工作.

  9 write a letter to your pen pal. 写一封信给你的笔友.

  10. how many lessons does he have every day? 他每天上多少节课?six .六节课

  11.__what do you think of it ? __i think it’s too difficult.你认为它怎么样?我认为它太难了。

  12.―what day is it today ?―it’s wednesday.今天是星期几?今天是星期三。

  14.why do/don’t you like english ?:

  because it’s easy and interesting .因为它既容易又有趣。

  because it’s difficult and boring。因为它既难又烦人。


  三、重点讲解 :  以wh- 开头的疑问句



  述句语序。常用的疑问词有:what, who(whom), whose,which, when, where, why等,回答时针对问句中的代词和副词来回答






  5)对具体时间提出疑问,如 in the morning,last sunday等,疑问词用when;对具体几点钟提问,疑问词应用what time。   



  for example:

  1. what day问星期

  a: what day is it today? 今天星期几? 

  b: it is wednesday.星期三.

  2. what class问什么课

  a: what class are they having? 他们正在上什么课?  

  b: they are having a music class.他们正在上音乐课.

  3 what time问时间

  a: what time does the class begin? 课什么时候开始? b: at ten o’clock.在10点钟.

  4. a: what time is it over?它什么时候结束? b:at a quarter to eleven.在10点45分.

  5. why问原因

  a: why do you like english? 为什么你喜欢英语?       

  b: because it’s easy and interesting. 因为它简单有趣

  a: why don’t you like english? 为什么你不喜欢英语

  b: because it’s difficult and boring. 因为它难学又枯燥.

  6. :which subject 问哪个科目

  a: which subject do you like best ?你最喜欢哪个科目?

  b: i like history best . 我最喜欢历史。



  1.---______ subject do you like best?        --i like english best.

  2.--_______ does li xiang like chinese?     --because it’s interesting.

  3.__in yushu,qinghai province.many people lost their lives in the earthquake_______april 14,.             a

  .on       b.in      c.at

  4.he likes to stay at home and help his mother do the housework on________(星期天)

  5―whose computer doesn’t work ?       --________,i think .

  a.john has    b.john does    c.john’s

  6.__how long have you been collecting shells ?     --_______.

  a.after i left school                              b.before i moved here

  c.when i went to the beach                        d.since i was ten years old

  7--_______tv do you watch every day ?     --- _______about two hours.

  a.how much          b.how many        c.how long      d.how often

  8--________do you have an art festival in your school ?  --once a year.

  a.how much          b.how many        c.how soon

  9--________have you stayed in new york ?    --for about two weeks.

  a. .how soon        b. how often       c. how long

  10.--________do you have p.e. lessons ?    --three times a week.

  a. how long           b. .how soon       c. how many      d. how often

  11--________is it from here to the railway station ?    -about ten kilometers.

  a.how far             b. how fast         c.how soon      d. how often

  12--_________can we get there ?    --in five minutes.

  a. how often           b. how far         c. how soon      d. how long

  13--_________the population of hong kong ?  --seven million people.

  a.how is              b.how much is      c.what are    d.what  is

  14.--_________were you away from school last term ?   --more than two weeks.

  a. how often           b. how long         .c. how soon

  15 we often do our outdoor  _____ at 4:20.

  a. activity  b. activitys c. activities  d. activies

  16―where’s mike?       ―he is working _____ physics _____ in the classroom.

  a. in; problem b. out; problem c. in; problems  d. on; problems


  1―what day is it today?        ―m_____. it’s the second day of the week.

  2.h_____ is boring, but it is useful. we can learn about the past.

  3―i w_____ you good luck in america.―thanks.

  4 we are having a_____ (乏味的) meeting. we all want to sleep.

  5 .my classmates are _____ (友好的)to me.

  6―what _____ (别的)things do you want?

  ―i want to use some rulers.

  7―what do you think of english?

  ―it’s _____(难的) and boring, and i don’t like it at all.


  1.we have six lessons every day. (对画线部分提问)


  2.i listen to the radio every friday.(将every friday改为now)


  3.i like geography best.(对画线部分提问)


  4.it’s not easy to study english well.(改为同义句)


  5.how does she like math?(改为同义句)


2022中考七年级 Unit 5 Topic 1复习学案 篇5

  XX中考七年级 unit 6 topic 1复习学案

  unit 6 topic 1



  1、 知识与技能:



  b:复习there  be  句型:如there is a lamp,acomputer,some bookand so on.

  c:复习介词的表达法:在沙发上:on the sofa;你来试一试:









  there  be  句型和 have的区别



  1. 在……的前面

  2.  收到某人的来信

  3.  靠近 

  4. 归还

  5. 一会儿

  6. 上楼

  7.  看一看

  8.  把……收起来

  9. 玩球

  10.  在第二层


  step1 :理解并翻译下列词组或句子

  1. in front of

  2. hear from sb.

  3. next to  

  4. give back

  5. for a while

  6. go upstairs

  7. have a look

  8. put away

  9. play with a ball

  10. on the second floor

  11. look after


  1. why not go upstairs and have a look?

  (1) go upstairs上楼        go downstairs下楼

  (2) have a look看

  have a look at… 看……

  have a walk散步

  have a bath洗澡

  have a swim游泳

  have a talk谈话

  have a rest休息

  (3) why not+动词原形…?句型是提建议的一种表达法,形同“why don’t + 人称代词 + 动词原形上+ …?”。这样的句型

  常用来启发或建议某人做某事。回答常用ok, let’s…/all right./that’s a good idea.

  2. please give it back soon.请尽快地把它还给我。

  give …back:(=return)归还:代词作宾语时应放在give 和back的中间,如果是名词作宾语,可放在中间,也可放在后面。例


  give the book back;/give back the book.

  give it back / give them back

  类似的短语还有put away, put on, try on, take off,

  3.let’s play computer games for a while.让我们玩一会儿电脑吧。

  (1) play computer games玩电脑游戏

  (2) let’s …=let us后接动词原形:让我们……

  4.my pet dog plays with the ball everywhere.我的宠物狗在家里到处玩球。

  (1) everywhere=here and there处处;到处

  (2) play with 其后接人时,意为“与……玩”


  play football, play basketball, play volleyball指技术性较高的运动

  5.there is a watermelon and lots of apples in the box.箱子里有一个西瓜和许多苹果。

  (1) lots of =a lot of 许多的;大量的,用来修饰名词

  there are a lot of students in that school. (=many)

  there was a lot of snow last year.(=much)

  there’s a lot of rice in the bag.(=much)

  step 3: 语法:

  there be句型和have的区别

  类型 there be have

  涵义不同 侧重 "存在关系",表示"某地或某时间存在某人/某物",there只是引导词,无意义。

  如:there is a boat in the river.河里有一条船。 侧重 "所属关系",示"属于……所拥有"的东西,第三人称用has。如:

  i have a nice watch.


  she has a new computer.


  句型不同 1.肯定式:there is/are+主语+其它。

  2.否定式:there is/are+ not+主语+其它。

  3.疑问式:--is/are there+主语+其它?

  --yes, there is/are.

  --no, there isn't/aren't 1.肯定式:主语+have/has+其它。

  2.吉伯定式:a)主语+don't/doesn't have+其它;





  主谓一致不同 1.there is +单数主语/不可数主语…如:

  there is some milk in hte bottle.

  there is a hat on the desk.

  2.there are+复数主语…如:there are some flowers in the basket.

  3.there is +单数主语+and+复数主语…如: there is a mouse and two pens on the deak.

  4.there are+复数主语+and+单数主语…如:there are two pens and a mouseon the desk. 1.主语(第三人称单数)


  she has many new clothes.

  tom has a nice feather.

  2.第一、二人称单数和复数主语+have+…如:you have some good firends but they have few.

  划线提问不同 1.对主语提问一律用"what's+某地/某时?"结构,其中谓语动词须用is,且there要省略。如:there are

  some pictures on the wall.---what's on the wall?

  2.对地点提问要用"where is/are there…?"如:there is a black car under the tree.--where is there a black car?

  3.对主语的数量提问要用"how many+主语(复数)+are there…?/how much+主语(不可数)+is there…?"

  如: there're three people in my family. --how many people are there in your family?

  there's some rice in the bag.

  ---how much rice is there in the bag? 1.对主语提问要用"who/has/have+…?"如: mary has a sweater.--who has a


  we have new brooms.--who hsve new brooms?

  2.对宾语提问要用"what have/has+主语?/what do does+主语+have…?"如: my father has a big farm .

  what has your father?/

  what does your father have?

  3.对宾语的数量提问用"how many+复数名词+have/has+主语?/how much+不可数名词+have/has+主语?"或"how many +复数名

  词+do/does+主语+have?/how much+不可数名词+do/does+主语+have?"

  如:i have two pictures.

  --how many pictures do you have?/how many pictures have you?

  注意 there be结构在改为否定或疑问句时,一般将some改为any.

  如:there are some dishes on the desk.

  --there aren't any dishes on the desk./are there any dishes on the desk? have 句型在改为否定句时,也应将

  some 改为 any.

  如: she has some fruit.

  --she hasn't/doesn't have any fruit./has she any fruit?/does she have any fruit?

  注:在表示 "附属于某物/某处的东西"时,there be结构与have句型都可以用。如:

  there are four windows in the classroom =the classroom has four windows.

  the house has eighteen floors.=there are eighteen floors in the house.









  1. she usually         (watch)tv on saturday evening.

  2. he doesn’t         (do)his homework every day.

  3.he  can             (swim).

  4.do you love _________ ( dance ) ?

  5.i want           (learn )japanese. can you teach me

  6. my bedroom is on the          floor.(one)

  7. how many          are there in your home?(study)

  8. look! she ____________(sing) the english songs.

  9. how about             (go) to the park with me?

  10. she       (get) up at 6:00. now she__________(get)up.


  (   )1.i have________old pen and my brother has _______ new one.

  a.a, an    b.an, a    c.a, a

  (   )2. _______there any lamps on the table?

  a.have    b.is     c.are

  (   )3. the post office is _______ the bookshop and the hospital.

  a. from   b. between   c. at   d. on

  (   )4. listen! kate _____ now. oh., she always________

  a. is singing ; is singing . b. sings; sings.  c.sings; is singing .d. is singing ; sings

  (   )5.there________ some good news_____ the newspaper.

  a.are, in    b.are, on    c.is, in

  (   )6.―_______ does sally go shopping?

  ―once a week.

  a.when    b.how    c.how often

  (   )7.your friend often __________tv at night.

  a.watch    b.watches   c.watching

  (   )8.you can _____ the book for two weeks.

  a.borrow    b.keep    c.return

  (   )9. ―what’s on the floor?


  a. that’s my key. b. there’s a book. c. it’s red.

  (   )10. i have two pens here.        is blue,        is black.

  a. one, the one b. one, other  c. one, the other

  (   )11.―where ________your grandfather live?

  ―he lives __________ the second floor.

  a.does, on   b.do, on    c.do, in

  (   )13.―i’m sorry, i can’t help you now.


  a.thank you very much     b.thank for your help    c.thank you all the same

  (    )14. there _______ a lamp ,a mirror, a clock and some books on the desk.

  a. have   b. be    c. are    d. is.

  (   )15. these are your books. please _______

  a, put it away   b. put away it  c. put them away    d. put away them

  (   )16. i have two pens here.        is blue,        is black.

  a. one, the one b. one, other c. one, the other

  (   )17. he’s       his purse, but he can’t       it.

  a. look, find b. looking for, find c. finding, look for

  (     ) 18. ____ are good friends.

  a. you, i and he    b. i, he and you    c. you, he and i    d. he, you and i

  (    )19.― ______is the new tv ?  ― $1000.

  a. how many   b. how much   c. what      d. how

  (    )20. there ______ orange juice in the bottle.

  a. aren’t many   b. aren’t much   c. isn’t much    d. isn’t many


  1. there are some teachers in the teachers’s room.(改否定句)

  there                    teachers in the teachers’s room.

  2. put it on the shelf. (改为否定句)

  it on the shelf.

  3.―what time is it?(改同义句子)       ―what time is it?

  ―it’s 9:45.                     ―it’s a                    10.

  4. why don’t you go there by bus? (改同义句子)

  why          go there by bus?

  5.ther is a map on the wall.(一般问句)   

  ______  _____ a map on the wall?

  6.ther are two books and a pen on the desk.(对划线部分提问)

  _______  ______on the desk?

  7.there are three birds in the tree.

  ______  ______ birds ______  _______ in the tree?

  8.li ming usually walks to school.(同义句)

  li ming usually _____ to school ____  ______.    

  9.he does her homework every evening ( 用now 改写)

  she _______  _______ her homework now.


  提示:请以“my home”为题写一篇短文,可以有适当的发挥,。不得少于10句话。




2022中考七年级 Unit 5 Topic 1复习学案(通用5篇)
