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Travel 篇1


  Teaching aims and requirement


  Teaching important and difficult points

  1.Words and expressions

  separate, guide, sharp, destroy, through, across, travel, trip, journey, go off see. . . off take a taxi/train/bus. . . ,by taxi/train/bus. . . ,tie. . . to, move on, be made from/of/into/by/,in. . . every two or three days

  2.Useful phases

  be about to do; nothing except/but. . .

  3. Oral expressions

  Give my regards to. . .

  Have a nice /good/wonderful time!

  Have a good/pleasant trip!

  Say “Hi/Hello” to sb. from me.

  Good luck!

  The same to you!


  Revise the Present Continuous Tense is often used for plans in the near future.
















  2.  创设一个人合乎情理,符合逻辑的语言环境。本单元是围绕travel这一话题为主题,教师与学生通过面对面的交流如:Do you like traveling? When are you going to….?Have a nice time, so on.教师也可提供给学生们真实的录像,对本单元的主要交际用语反复练习,如:角色扮演,学生自述等。


  本单元的语法是现在进行时表示将来时的用法,教师一定要注意遵循精讲多的原则,通过大量的练习和反复的实践使学生理解并能熟练运用,形成比较自然的语言习惯。比如:教师可用来去几个词,come, go, arrive, set off等词语用口语的从式进行操练和练习。


  本单元通过给出假日之行的有关,主要是学习如何写旅游日记的写作知识,本文的对话主要是祝愿,问候,转达致意的基本表达方法。本单元的语法重点是用现在进行时表示将来的行为动作的用法,一些重点词汇的用法在本单元出现如:separate, see…off等词,词汇的辨析trip, journey, travel的区别,in, after表示时间的区别,except, besides, but, make…from, make of make…into,及what, how引导的感叹句等在课文和对话中均是本单元中需要掌握的重点内容。


  1.separate adj.

  ―forming a unit which is distinct and which exists apart个别的,单独的

  Jane and Betty are going on separate holidays in a few days’ tune.简与贝蒂几天后就要各自休假了。

  ---divided; not joined or united 分离的,分开的

  Although both these shops sell vegetables, they are quite separate. 虽然这两个商店都卖蔬菜,但是他们是独立经营。

  v. ―make, become or keep separate 使分离,分开,隔开

  England is separated from France by the Channel. 英法两国由英吉利海峡隔开。

  separate sth. /sb. / from sth. (some place)把……与……分开;把……与某地分开

  We should never separate from the masses. 我们绝不应该脱离群众。


  vt.-break into pieces; make useless; put an end to 毁灭,毁坏,破坏

  The houses were destroyed by a fire [a flood, an earthquake].房屋被火灾[水灾, 地震]所毁。

  It can easily be destroyed by the burning and by the cows.它很容易被烧毁和被牛损坏。

  Don't destroy that box, it may be useful.不要把那个盒子毁掉,它也许有用。

  3) guide

  n.-person who shows the way, esp. a person employed to point out interesting sights on a journey or visit 向导

  Our guide buys some food from the villagers and we cook it ourselves.我们的向导从村民那儿买了些食物后,我们亲自烹调。

  The guide led us into that mountain. 导游带我们进山了。

  v.-act as guide to 引导;指导

  The Party guides us forward from victory to victory. 党指引我们从胜利走向胜利。

  guide 和 lead 的区别

  1) guide指充当向导,率先而行,对所走的路或所干的事非常精通。

  He guided the child across the forest. 他领着孩子穿过森林。

  2) lead指在前面带路,让别人跟着走。

  He led us to a room upstairs. 他把我们带到楼上的一个房间里。


  1)n.―sth. that is seen, esp. sth. remarkable; sth. which looks very bad or laugh景象,景物,尤指显著物;很难看或很可笑的事物

  What a sad sight it was! 那是多么凄惨的景象啊!

  What a sight you are! 你多惹人注意啊!

  2)-the power of the eye; limit within which seeing is possible 视力,视觉

  The Grand Canyon is one of the sights of the world. 大峡谷是世界名胜之一。

  have good( poor) sight( eyesight) 视力良好(不好)/ in( within) sight; out of sight看得见;看不见

  Land was not yet in sight. 陆地仍然望不见 / Victory was still out of sight. 胜利尚不可及

  7)see sb. off

  ―go to the railway station, dock, airport, etc. with sb., who is starting on a journey 到火车站,码头,飞机场等送某人

  Is anybody seeing you off? 有人送你吗?

  the same usage:

  1) see something (somebody) out (through)办好某事(送某人出去);使某事顺利通过

  2) see somebody later (again)再见

  注意:以上例句中out, off, through, later (again)都是adv.。如果动词宾语是代词,应把宾语置于以上副词之前。



  A. Give my regards/ best wishes / love to…

  B. Say “Hi/Hello/ Sorry/ Yes/ No” to sb.


  Have a nice/ good/ wonderful time.

  ―Have a nice weekend!

  ―The same to you.


  How about sb./ sth.?


  be + v-ing表一般将来时态

  go, come, leave, start, arrive, move, stay等瞬间动词用于进行时态时,表示将来含义。如:

  I’m leaving for Beijing tomorrow. 明天我要去北京。


  l)will/ shall +动词原形。

  They will go to visit the Great Wall tomorrow.

  2)be going to do sth. 表示打算要做或准备要做某事,或将要发生或肯定要发生的事。如:It is going to snow.天要下雪了。

  3)一般现在时表将来时,表示按计划或时刻表要发生的事,仅用于come, get, go, leave, start, stay等表来去的少数动词。如:

  The plane leaves at seven. So I think we’ll take a taxi to the airport.飞机7点起飞,所以我们将要乘出租车去机场。

  4)be about to do sth. 表正要做某事,但不和具体的时间连用。如:

  I was about to leave when he came to see me. 我正要离开,这时他来看我。

  4.Jane and Betty are going on separate holidays in a few days’ time.

  I’m going there for holiday with my parents.


  Sunday is a holiday.

  The summer holidays begin.

  They had a five day’s holiday.

  They had a five-day holiday.

  They had a holiday of five days.

  搭配一:for holiday 度假

  A French student went to London for his holiday.

  搭配二:on holiday 正在休假

  She is on holiday in France.

  [注意]表示放多少天假时,只能用 “a holiday of … days”, “…days’ holiday”或 “…day holiday”.

  This summer we have 50 days’ holidays.

  This summer we have a holiday of 50 (days).

  搭配三:have/take/spend a holiday 度假

  I spent my holiday in the village.

  搭配四:summer vacation 暑假


  搭配五:sick leave病假

  [注意] leave多指军队等的假期,亦指病假。

  辨析 shout at/shout to

  shout at 的意思是“对某人大声叫嚷”含有警告责备等含义。shout to 则是“大声喊叫某人”,使对方能听到喊声。例如:

  (1)Why shout at me all the time? Is it possible that I have done something wrong?   为什么老对我大叫大嚷?莫非我做错了什么?

  (2)I heard someone shout to me in the distance. 我听到有人在远处叫我。

Travel 篇2


  Teaching aims and requirement


  Teaching important and difficult points

  1.Words and expressions

  separate, guide, sharp, destroy, through, across, travel, trip, journey, go off see. . . off take a taxi/train/bus. . . ,by taxi/train/bus. . . ,tie. . . to, move on, be made from/of/into/by/,in. . . every two or three days

  2.Useful phases

  be about to do; nothing except/but. . .

  3. Oral expressions

  Give my regards to. . .

  Have a nice /good/wonderful time!

  Have a good/pleasant trip!

  Say “Hi/Hello” to sb. from me.

  Good luck!

  The same to you!


  Revise the Present Continuous Tense is often used for plans in the near future.
















  2.  创设一个人合乎情理,符合逻辑的语言环境。本单元是围绕travel这一话题为主题,教师与学生通过面对面的交流如:Do you like traveling? When are you going to….?Have a nice time, so on.教师也可提供给学生们真实的录像,对本单元的主要交际用语反复练习,如:角色扮演,学生自述等。


  本单元的语法是现在进行时表示将来时的用法,教师一定要注意遵循精讲多的原则,通过大量的练习和反复的实践使学生理解并能熟练运用,形成比较自然的语言习惯。比如:教师可用来去几个词,come, go, arrive, set off等词语用口语的从式进行操练和练习。


  本单元通过给出假日之行的有关,主要是学习如何写旅游日记的写作知识,本文的对话主要是祝愿,问候,转达致意的基本表达方法。本单元的语法重点是用现在进行时表示将来的行为动作的用法,一些重点词汇的用法在本单元出现如:separate, see…off等词,词汇的辨析trip, journey, travel的区别,in, after表示时间的区别,except, besides, but, make…from, make of make…into,及what, how引导的感叹句等在课文和对话中均是本单元中需要掌握的重点内容。


  1.separate adj.

  ―forming a unit which is distinct and which exists apart个别的,单独的

  Jane and Betty are going on separate holidays in a few days’ tune.简与贝蒂几天后就要各自休假了。

  ---divided; not joined or united 分离的,分开的

  Although both these shops sell vegetables, they are quite separate. 虽然这两个商店都卖蔬菜,但是他们是独立经营。

  v. ―make, become or keep separate 使分离,分开,隔开

  England is separated from France by the Channel. 英法两国由英吉利海峡隔开。

  separate sth. /sb. / from sth. (some place)把……与……分开;把……与某地分开

  We should never separate from the masses. 我们绝不应该脱离群众。


  vt.-break into pieces; make useless; put an end to 毁灭,毁坏,破坏

  The houses were destroyed by a fire [a flood, an earthquake].房屋被火灾[水灾, 地震]所毁。

  It can easily be destroyed by the burning and by the cows.它很容易被烧毁和被牛损坏。

  Don't destroy that box, it may be useful.不要把那个盒子毁掉,它也许有用。

  3) guide

  n.-person who shows the way, esp. a person employed to point out interesting sights on a journey or visit 向导

  Our guide buys some food from the villagers and we cook it ourselves.我们的向导从村民那儿买了些食物后,我们亲自烹调。

  The guide led us into that mountain. 导游带我们进山了。

  v.-act as guide to 引导;指导

  The Party guides us forward from victory to victory. 党指引我们从胜利走向胜利。

  guide 和 lead 的区别

  1) guide指充当向导,率先而行,对所走的路或所干的事非常精通。

  He guided the child across the forest. 他领着孩子穿过森林。

  2) lead指在前面带路,让别人跟着走。

  He led us to a room upstairs. 他把我们带到楼上的一个房间里。


  1)n.―sth. that is seen, esp. sth. remarkable; sth. which looks very bad or laugh景象,景物,尤指显著物;很难看或很可笑的事物

  What a sad sight it was! 那是多么凄惨的景象啊!

  What a sight you are! 你多惹人注意啊!

  2)-the power of the eye; limit within which seeing is possible 视力,视觉

  The Grand Canyon is one of the sights of the world. 大峡谷是世界名胜之一。

  have good( poor) sight( eyesight) 视力良好(不好)/ in( within) sight; out of sight看得见;看不见

  Land was not yet in sight. 陆地仍然望不见 / Victory was still out of sight. 胜利尚不可及

  7)see sb. off

  ―go to the railway station, dock, airport, etc. with sb., who is starting on a journey 到火车站,码头,飞机场等送某人

  Is anybody seeing you off? 有人送你吗?

  the same usage:

  1) see something (somebody) out (through)办好某事(送某人出去);使某事顺利通过

  2) see somebody later (again)再见

  注意:以上例句中out, off, through, later (again)都是adv.。如果动词宾语是代词,应把宾语置于以上副词之前。



  A. Give my regards/ best wishes / love to…

  B. Say “Hi/Hello/ Sorry/ Yes/ No” to sb.


  Have a nice/ good/ wonderful time.

  ―Have a nice weekend!

  ―The same to you.


  How about sb./ sth.?


  be + v-ing表一般将来时态

  go, come, leave, start, arrive, move, stay等瞬间动词用于进行时态时,表示将来含义。如:

  I’m leaving for Beijing tomorrow. 明天我要去北京。


  l)will/ shall +动词原形。

  They will go to visit the Great Wall tomorrow.

  2)be going to do sth. 表示打算要做或准备要做某事,或将要发生或肯定要发生的事。如:It is going to snow.天要下雪了。

  3)一般现在时表将来时,表示按计划或时刻表要发生的事,仅用于come, get, go, leave, start, stay等表来去的少数动词。如:

  The plane leaves at seven. So I think we’ll take a taxi to the airport.飞机7点起飞,所以我们将要乘出租车去机场。

  4)be about to do sth. 表正要做某事,但不和具体的时间连用。如:

  I was about to leave when he came to see me. 我正要离开,这时他来看我。

  4.Jane and Betty are going on separate holidays in a few days’ time.

  I’m going there for holiday with my parents.


  Sunday is a holiday.

  The summer holidays begin.

  They had a five day’s holiday.

  They had a five-day holiday.

  They had a holiday of five days.

  搭配一:for holiday 度假

  A French student went to London for his holiday.

  搭配二:on holiday 正在休假

  She is on holiday in France.

  [注意]表示放多少天假时,只能用 “a holiday of … days”, “…days’ holiday”或 “…day holiday”.

  This summer we have 50 days’ holidays.

  This summer we have a holiday of 50 (days).

  搭配三:have/take/spend a holiday 度假

  I spent my holiday in the village.

  搭配四:summer vacation 暑假


  搭配五:sick leave病假

  [注意] leave多指军队等的假期,亦指病假。

  辨析 shout at/shout to

  shout at 的意思是“对某人大声叫嚷”含有警告责备等含义。shout to 则是“大声喊叫某人”,使对方能听到喊声。例如:

  (1)Why shout at me all the time? Is it possible that I have done something wrong?   为什么老对我大叫大嚷?莫非我做错了什么?

  (2)I heard someone shout to me in the distance. 我听到有人在远处叫我。

  教学设计方案----Lesson 13

  (一)Teaching Aims

  1. To understand the dialogue fully.

  2. To develop the Ss' ability to make similar dialogues using present continuous tense for the plan in the near future.

  3. To study the usage of some words and expressions in the dialogues.

  (二) Teaching procedures

  Step I Introduction

  Tell the Ss that in this period we are going to study a dialogue between two girls and learn to talk about the future plan in the Present Continuous Tense and try to make a travel plan for a holiday.

  Step II Dialogue

  1. T: National Day is coming. We will have a holiday. How are you going to spend it? Are you going to travel? If “yes”, answer the questions below:

  1 ) Where are you going?         2) Why are you going there?

  3) When are you starting off?     4) How are you travelling there?

  5) Is anybody seeing you off or meeting you?

  6) How long are you going to stay?

  ( Ask these questions in the Present Continuous Tense. )

  2. Introduce the dialogue in brief to the Ss

  Step Ⅲ Listening

  1. Listen to the dialogue twice with the books closed.

  2. After listening, ask the Ss to fill in the following form with the information in the dialogue.


  Where to go

  When to leave

  How to go

  Whom to stay with

  How long to stay



  Step ⅣReading

  1.T play the recorder one or twice, the Ss follow it to read. Then ask them read loudly by themselves.

  2.After reading, let the Ss judge whether the following statements are true or false according to the information in the dialogue. Do it orally.

  1) Betty is going off to Guangzhou next Friday afternoon. (False)

  2) Nobody is seeing her off. (False) .

  3) Her plane leaves at seven and they'll take a taxi to the airport. (True)

  4) Betty is staying with her friend in a hotel although the hotels in Guangzhou are expensive.  (False)

  5) She is going there by train. (False)

  6) She is staying there just for the weekend. (True)

  7) Betty and Jane wish each other a good trip. (True)

  Step Ⅴ Language points

  1.Prepare some sentences and ask the Ss to fill in the blanks using the words and expressions in the dialogue.

  1).Jane and Betty are going on ____holidays in a few ____time.

  2)When are you going to ____Guangzhou?

  3)Is anybody ____you off?

  4)Do give her my____.

  5)____a good trip!

  2. Point out some of the words and expressions.

  1.separate   2.see..off    3.in a few weeks’ time=in a few weeks  5.Please say “Hi” to sb.

  6.The Present Continuous Tense----Future Use  

  Step Ⅵ Practice

  1. Make a summary of the Present Continuous Tense. Tell the Ss that the present continuous tense. can be used for a plan in the future. Come, go, leave, start and so on are often used in this way.

  2. Make similar dialogues. Given situations:

  1) You are going to have a football match.

  2) You are going to see a film.

  3) You are going to meet a friend on Sunday.

  Allow them a few minutes to make dialogues in pairs. Then ask them to play in the front of the class.

  Step Ⅶ Workbook

  Finish Ex. I and 2 on Page 72 as quickly as possible.

  StepⅧ Homework

  Make a travel plan    

  教学设计方案---Lesson 14-15

  (一)Teaching Aims

  1. To make clear the meanings of some of the difficult sentences.

  2. To come to know about the causes of the forest's being destroyed and find about the ways to protect the forest.

  (二)Teaching procedures

  Step I Introduction

  1.Tell the Ss in this period we’ll discuss the causes why the forest is being or to be destroyed and how we can protect them.

  2. T gives a brief introduction to the passage using the pictures in the textbook.

  Step II Listening

  1.T play the recorder twice, let the Ss listen carefully.

  2.After listening, T will give some questions in order to check the Ss’ listening comprehend?

  1)      What’s the main idea about the text?

  2)      What’s happening to the forest?

  Step III Reading

  1.T gives the Ss some minutes to read the text loudly.

  2. Ask the students to read Part One silently and quickly and answer the following questions orally.

  1) Where is the writer when she is writing the diary?

  2) How do they have to travel? Why?

  3) What do they eat for supper?

  4) What can they hear at night?

  3. Read Part Two carefully and answer the questions below.

  1) What did they see when they flew over the forest?

  2) How is the population of the country?

  3) What do they do after they move to the forest?

  4) Why do they plant crops for cows?

  5) How often do they move on to another place?

  6) What will happen to the soil when the soil is destroyed?


  Part One

  1) On a rock.

  2) By boat. Because there aren't any roads.

  3) Chickens, eggs, buds or monkeys.

  4) The strange sounds of wild birds and animals.

  Part Two

  1) Nothing but a great fire and lots of smoke.

  2) It is growing every minute.

  3) They burn the forest and plant crops.

  4) To sell their beef at a high price in the capital.

  5) Every two or three years.

  6) It will become sand again.

  Step Ⅳ Language points

  Difficult sentences in the text

  1) . . .they can eat a person in two minutes, leaving only bones. =they can eat a person very quickly and only the bones will be left.

  2) . . . I was just about to go swimming when lucidly our guide saw me and shouted at me. . .      =It was lucky for me that out guide was in time to stop me before I went into the river.

  3) The population of the country is increasing every minute. =In every minute many babies are born, so the peculation is growing very fast in the country.

  Step Ⅴ Workbook

  1.       Finish Ex. 2 on Page 73 as quickly as possible. Ask the Ss practise in pairs

  2.       As to Ex. 3 an Page 73,let the Ss do it by themselves.

  Step Ⅵ Practice

  T organize Ss in group to discuss the following the questions, then ask someone to answer individually

  1) Why is the forest destroyed?   2) What should be done to protect the forest?


  1) People move to the forest and they bum the trees to plant crops for the cows to make a living.

  2) Control the population, provide them jobs, make laws to protect the forest, and so on.

  Step Ⅶ Homework

  1. Ex. 2 and 3on Page 74

  2.Try to retell the text in your own words.


  1.Discuss in groups

  1) Why do you travel and what it brings you?

  2) How yon plan for an imaginary travel and what you should prepare for a travel?


  1)date and the place to visit 2)how many travelers, 3)how to get there, 4)other activities, 5)anything special, 6)what time you are back, so on.

Travel 篇3


  Teaching aims and requirement


  Teaching important and difficult points

  1.Words and expressions

  separate, guide, sharp, destroy, through, across, travel, trip, journey, go off see. . . off take a taxi/train/bus. . . ,by taxi/train/bus. . . ,tie. . . to, move on, be made from/of/into/by/,in. . . every two or three days

  2.Useful phases

  be about to do; nothing except/but. . .

  3. Oral expressions

  Give my regards to. . .

  Have a nice /good/wonderful time!

  Have a good/pleasant trip!

  Say “Hi/Hello” to sb. from me.

  Good luck!

  The same to you!


  Revise the Present Continuous Tense is often used for plans in the near future.
















  2.  创设一个人合乎情理,符合逻辑的语言环境。本单元是围绕travel这一话题为主题,教师与学生通过面对面的交流如:Do you like traveling? When are you going to….?Have a nice time, so on.教师也可提供给学生们真实的录像,对本单元的主要交际用语反复练习,如:角色扮演,学生自述等。


  本单元的语法是现在进行时表示将来时的用法,教师一定要注意遵循精讲多的原则,通过大量的练习和反复的实践使学生理解并能熟练运用,形成比较自然的语言习惯。比如:教师可用来去几个词,come, go, arrive, set off等词语用口语的从式进行操练和练习。


  本单元通过给出假日之行的有关,主要是学习如何写旅游日记的写作知识,本文的对话主要是祝愿,问候,转达致意的基本表达方法。本单元的语法重点是用现在进行时表示将来的行为动作的用法,一些重点词汇的用法在本单元出现如:separate, see…off等词,词汇的辨析trip, journey, travel的区别,in, after表示时间的区别,except, besides, but, make…from, make of make…into,及what, how引导的感叹句等在课文和对话中均是本单元中需要掌握的重点内容。


  1.separate adj.

  ―forming a unit which is distinct and which exists apart个别的,单独的

  Jane and Betty are going on separate holidays in a few days’ tune.简与贝蒂几天后就要各自休假了。

  ---divided; not joined or united 分离的,分开的

  Although both these shops sell vegetables, they are quite separate. 虽然这两个商店都卖蔬菜,但是他们是独立经营。

  v. ―make, become or keep separate 使分离,分开,隔开

  England is separated from France by the Channel. 英法两国由英吉利海峡隔开。

  separate sth. /sb. / from sth. (some place)把……与……分开;把……与某地分开

  We should never separate from the masses. 我们绝不应该脱离群众。


  vt.-break into pieces; make useless; put an end to 毁灭,毁坏,破坏

  The houses were destroyed by a fire [a flood, an earthquake].房屋被火灾[水灾, 地震]所毁。

  It can easily be destroyed by the burning and by the cows.它很容易被烧毁和被牛损坏。

  Don't destroy that box, it may be useful.不要把那个盒子毁掉,它也许有用。

  3) guide

  n.-person who shows the way, esp. a person employed to point out interesting sights on a journey or visit 向导

  Our guide buys some food from the villagers and we cook it ourselves.我们的向导从村民那儿买了些食物后,我们亲自烹调。

  The guide led us into that mountain. 导游带我们进山了。

  v.-act as guide to 引导;指导

  The Party guides us forward from victory to victory. 党指引我们从胜利走向胜利。

  guide 和 lead 的区别

  1) guide指充当向导,率先而行,对所走的路或所干的事非常精通。

  He guided the child across the forest. 他领着孩子穿过森林。

  2) lead指在前面带路,让别人跟着走。

  He led us to a room upstairs. 他把我们带到楼上的一个房间里。


  1)n.―sth. that is seen, esp. sth. remarkable; sth. which looks very bad or laugh景象,景物,尤指显著物;很难看或很可笑的事物

  What a sad sight it was! 那是多么凄惨的景象啊!

  What a sight you are! 你多惹人注意啊!

  2)-the power of the eye; limit within which seeing is possible 视力,视觉

  The Grand Canyon is one of the sights of the world. 大峡谷是世界名胜之一。

  have good( poor) sight( eyesight) 视力良好(不好)/ in( within) sight; out of sight看得见;看不见

  Land was not yet in sight. 陆地仍然望不见 / Victory was still out of sight. 胜利尚不可及

  7)see sb. off

  ―go to the railway station, dock, airport, etc. with sb., who is starting on a journey 到火车站,码头,飞机场等送某人

  Is anybody seeing you off? 有人送你吗?

  the same usage:

  1) see something (somebody) out (through)办好某事(送某人出去);使某事顺利通过

  2) see somebody later (again)再见

  注意:以上例句中out, off, through, later (again)都是adv.。如果动词宾语是代词,应把宾语置于以上副词之前。



  A. Give my regards/ best wishes / love to…

  B. Say “Hi/Hello/ Sorry/ Yes/ No” to sb.


  Have a nice/ good/ wonderful time.

  ―Have a nice weekend!

  ―The same to you.


  How about sb./ sth.?


  be + v-ing表一般将来时态

  go, come, leave, start, arrive, move, stay等瞬间动词用于进行时态时,表示将来含义。如:

  I’m leaving for Beijing tomorrow. 明天我要去北京。


  l)will/ shall +动词原形。

  They will go to visit the Great Wall tomorrow.

  2)be going to do sth. 表示打算要做或准备要做某事,或将要发生或肯定要发生的事。如:It is going to snow.天要下雪了。

  3)一般现在时表将来时,表示按计划或时刻表要发生的事,仅用于come, get, go, leave, start, stay等表来去的少数动词。如:

  The plane leaves at seven. So I think we’ll take a taxi to the airport.飞机7点起飞,所以我们将要乘出租车去机场。

  4)be about to do sth. 表正要做某事,但不和具体的时间连用。如:

  I was about to leave when he came to see me. 我正要离开,这时他来看我。

  4.Jane and Betty are going on separate holidays in a few days’ time.

  I’m going there for holiday with my parents.


  Sunday is a holiday.

  The summer holidays begin.

  They had a five day’s holiday.

  They had a five-day holiday.

  They had a holiday of five days.

  搭配一:for holiday 度假

  A French student went to London for his holiday.

  搭配二:on holiday 正在休假

  She is on holiday in France.

  [注意]表示放多少天假时,只能用 “a holiday of … days”, “…days’ holiday”或 “…day holiday”.

  This summer we have 50 days’ holidays.

  This summer we have a holiday of 50 (days).

  搭配三:have/take/spend a holiday 度假

  I spent my holiday in the village.

  搭配四:summer vacation 暑假


  搭配五:sick leave病假

  [注意] leave多指军队等的假期,亦指病假。

  辨析 shout at/shout to

  shout at 的意思是“对某人大声叫嚷”含有警告责备等含义。shout to 则是“大声喊叫某人”,使对方能听到喊声。例如:

  (1)Why shout at me all the time? Is it possible that I have done something wrong?   为什么老对我大叫大嚷?莫非我做错了什么?

  (2)I heard someone shout to me in the distance. 我听到有人在远处叫我。

  教学设计方案----Lesson 13

  (一)Teaching Aims

  1. To understand the dialogue fully.

  2. To develop the Ss' ability to make similar dialogues using present continuous tense for the plan in the near future.

  3. To study the usage of some words and expressions in the dialogues.

  (二) Teaching procedures

  Step I Introduction

  Tell the Ss that in this period we are going to study a dialogue between two girls and learn to talk about the future plan in the Present Continuous Tense and try to make a travel plan for a holiday.

  Step II Dialogue

  1. T: National Day is coming. We will have a holiday. How are you going to spend it? Are you going to travel? If “yes”, answer the questions below:

  1 ) Where are you going?         2) Why are you going there?

  3) When are you starting off?     4) How are you travelling there?

  5) Is anybody seeing you off or meeting you?

  6) How long are you going to stay?

  ( Ask these questions in the Present Continuous Tense. )

  2. Introduce the dialogue in brief to the Ss

  Step Ⅲ Listening

  1. Listen to the dialogue twice with the books closed.

  2. After listening, ask the Ss to fill in the following form with the information in the dialogue.


  Where to go

  When to leave

  How to go

  Whom to stay with

  How long to stay



  Step ⅣReading

  1.T play the recorder one or twice, the Ss follow it to read. Then ask them read loudly by themselves.

  2.After reading, let the Ss judge whether the following statements are true or false according to the information in the dialogue. Do it orally.

  1) Betty is going off to Guangzhou next Friday afternoon. (False)

  2) Nobody is seeing her off. (False) .

  3) Her plane leaves at seven and they'll take a taxi to the airport. (True)

  4) Betty is staying with her friend in a hotel although the hotels in Guangzhou are expensive.  (False)

  5) She is going there by train. (False)

  6) She is staying there just for the weekend. (True)

  7) Betty and Jane wish each other a good trip. (True)

  Step Ⅴ Language points

  1.Prepare some sentences and ask the Ss to fill in the blanks using the words and expressions in the dialogue.

  1).Jane and Betty are going on ____holidays in a few ____time.

  2)When are you going to ____Guangzhou?

  3)Is anybody ____you off?

  4)Do give her my____.

  5)____a good trip!

  2. Point out some of the words and expressions.

  1.separate   2.see..off    3.in a few weeks’ time=in a few weeks  5.Please say “Hi” to sb.

  6.The Present Continuous Tense----Future Use  

  Step Ⅵ Practice

  1. Make a summary of the Present Continuous Tense. Tell the Ss that the present continuous tense. can be used for a plan in the future. Come, go, leave, start and so on are often used in this way.

  2. Make similar dialogues. Given situations:

  1) You are going to have a football match.

  2) You are going to see a film.

  3) You are going to meet a friend on Sunday.

  Allow them a few minutes to make dialogues in pairs. Then ask them to play in the front of the class.

  Step Ⅶ Workbook

  Finish Ex. I and 2 on Page 72 as quickly as possible.

  StepⅧ Homework

  Make a travel plan    

  教学设计方案---Lesson 14-15

  (一)Teaching Aims

  1. To make clear the meanings of some of the difficult sentences.

  2. To come to know about the causes of the forest's being destroyed and find about the ways to protect the forest.

  (二)Teaching procedures

  Step I Introduction

  1.Tell the Ss in this period we’ll discuss the causes why the forest is being or to be destroyed and how we can protect them.

  2. T gives a brief introduction to the passage using the pictures in the textbook.

  Step II Listening

  1.T play the recorder twice, let the Ss listen carefully.

  2.After listening, T will give some questions in order to check the Ss’ listening comprehend?

  1)      What’s the main idea about the text?

  2)      What’s happening to the forest?

  Step III Reading

  1.T gives the Ss some minutes to read the text loudly.

  2. Ask the students to read Part One silently and quickly and answer the following questions orally.

  1) Where is the writer when she is writing the diary?

  2) How do they have to travel? Why?

  3) What do they eat for supper?

  4) What can they hear at night?

  3. Read Part Two carefully and answer the questions below.

  1) What did they see when they flew over the forest?

  2) How is the population of the country?

  3) What do they do after they move to the forest?

  4) Why do they plant crops for cows?

  5) How often do they move on to another place?

  6) What will happen to the soil when the soil is destroyed?


  Part One

  1) On a rock.

  2) By boat. Because there aren't any roads.

  3) Chickens, eggs, buds or monkeys.

  4) The strange sounds of wild birds and animals.

  Part Two

  1) Nothing but a great fire and lots of smoke.

  2) It is growing every minute.

  3) They burn the forest and plant crops.

  4) To sell their beef at a high price in the capital.

  5) Every two or three years.

  6) It will become sand again.

  Step Ⅳ Language points

  Difficult sentences in the text

  1) . . .they can eat a person in two minutes, leaving only bones. =they can eat a person very quickly and only the bones will be left.

  2) . . . I was just about to go swimming when lucidly our guide saw me and shouted at me. . .      =It was lucky for me that out guide was in time to stop me before I went into the river.

  3) The population of the country is increasing every minute. =In every minute many babies are born, so the peculation is growing very fast in the country.

  Step Ⅴ Workbook

  1.       Finish Ex. 2 on Page 73 as quickly as possible. Ask the Ss practise in pairs

  2.       As to Ex. 3 an Page 73,let the Ss do it by themselves.

  Step Ⅵ Practice

  T organize Ss in group to discuss the following the questions, then ask someone to answer individually

  1) Why is the forest destroyed?   2) What should be done to protect the forest?


  1) People move to the forest and they bum the trees to plant crops for the cows to make a living.

  2) Control the population, provide them jobs, make laws to protect the forest, and so on.

  Step Ⅶ Homework

  1. Ex. 2 and 3on Page 74

  2.Try to retell the text in your own words.


  1.Discuss in groups

  1) Why do you travel and what it brings you?

  2) How yon plan for an imaginary travel and what you should prepare for a travel?


  1)date and the place to visit 2)how many travelers, 3)how to get there, 4)other activities, 5)anything special, 6)what time you are back, so on.

Travel 篇4






  4.能够理解和运用部分动词所带否定的宾语从句的否定前置。如:I don't think they can came on time.

  5. 除会叙述旅行之外,我们还要给出We should write a short passage about travelling. What do you think of travelling? Is it good or bad? 等题目进行写的练习。


  1. 学习新的语法知识:The Object Clause。

  2. 熟练掌握有关打电话和旅行的词汇、短语及日常用语。

  3. 鼓励学生在学习过程中锻炼听说读写的能力,并不断提高相关知识的语言应用能力。

  4. 向学生通过对旅行知识的学习,了解祖国的大好河山,教育他们热爱祖国、建设祖国、保卫祖国的理念。



  本单元围绕这一中心话题,结合Lesson 14“Jim’s train ride”和与travel相关的对话Lesson 15开展教学活动。Lesson 13是由格林先生打电话给校长引出了本单元的语法功能项目――宾语从句。由that引导的宾语从句是本单元教学的重点知识之一。本单元学习了用英语写电话留言(telephone message),重现和新学了一些打电话的专用术语。本单元所阐述的有关travel的内容,和我们生活密切相关,如Lesson16,应灵活掌握,就其中的某些问题能有自己的独特见解。对于有关travel的交际用语,学生应学会熟练地使用。


  1. 本单元句型及交际用语

  (1) ― Could I speak to sb, please?

  ― I’m sorry he isn't here right now.

  (2) ― May I help you?

  ― That's very kind of you.

  (3) That would be fine.

  (4) I’ll leave a message on his desk.

  (5) Many thanks.

  (6)― What does sb say?

  ― He/ She says that….

  (7) What a pity! I’m sorry I missed it.

  (8) How exciting!

  (9) You must be very tired.

  (10) The score was 2-1.

  (11) Hurry up! Or we’ll be late.

  (12)It takes about ten minutes.

  (13)― What do you think is the fastest way to travel?

  ― I think the fastest way to travel is by plane.

  (14) It takes sb some time to do sth.

  (15) I’m free every day except today.

  2.  关于打电话的一些专用语:


  Hello, could I/may I speak to Carter Bronte?


  Hello, is Mr. Parley in?


  Hello, this is John here (speaking). Who’s that (speaking)?



  Hold on for a moment, please. 请稍等。   

  He is on another phone. 他正在接听另一通电话。

  May I ask who is calling? 请问是谁?

  Is that John (speaking) ? 你是约翰吗?

  Sorry, but he is not here at this moment. 对不起,他不在。

  The line is bad, please speak a little louder.


  Someone wants you on the phone. 您的电话。


  Could I take a message for you? 我替您留个口信好吗?

  Do you want to leave a message? 您想留个口信吧?

  He is not in right now. Would you call back? 他不在,你(一会儿)再打过来好吗?

  I’ll hang up now, bye! 我挂了,再见!


  1. I hope to see him as soon as possible.

  as…as possible是一个固定词组,与as … as I can/ could同义。soon为副词,可将soon换为别的副词或形容词,作“尽可能……地(的)”解。如:

  as soon as possible 尽可能早

  as quick as possible 尽可能快 

  as often as possible 尽量经常 

  as friendly as possible尽量友好


  (1)You’d better leave here as soon as possible.


  (2)Try to be as friendly to your classmates as possible.


  (3)Your should go home to see your sick mother as often as possible.


  (4)Get up as early as possible tomorrow ==Get up as early as you can.


  (5)Will you please say it as clearly as possible? =Will you please say it as clearly as you can?


  (6)Do it as quickly as possible =Do it as quickly as you can.尽快去做吧。

  需要注意的是as soon as possible指时间的迟早;而as quickly as possible则表示动作的快慢。

  2. I’ll leave a message on his desk. 我将在他的桌子上留言。

  (1)leave a message. “留言;留话”,类似的还有:

  give sb a message 给某人带个口信;

  take message带个口信,带个话;

  send a message to sb 发信息给某人

  (2)leave 的用法归纳

  1)离开;出发。词组有:leave…for… 离开…去…;leave for 动身去…,如:

  When will you leave Beijing? 你们什么时候离开北京?

  We are leaving Beijing for Shanghai. 我们将离开北京去上海。(leave此句中是及物动词)

  When are you leaving for London?什么时候你将动身去伦敦?(leave此句中是不及物动词)


  I left my bay in your home. 我把我的书包忘在你们家了。

  3)过去分词left 用在名词后作宾语,意为“剩下”,如:

  Don’t worry, there is some time left. 不要着急,还剩一点时间。


  Will you leave the door open? 请把门敞开好吗?

  3.I’m free every day except today. 除了今天我每天都空。

  在英语中,besides,but和 except作为介词,都有“除……之外”的意思。besides是“除……之外,还有……”是肯定的;而except和but是“除……之外,没有……”是否定的。在否定句中,besides可以和 except,but同义。与but相比,except所含“除外”的意味更明确,语气也更强烈。例如:

  (1)All came back besides Kate.除了凯特已回来,其他所有人也回来了。

  (2)All came back except/ but Kate.除了凯特,全都回来了。(意思是凯特还没有回来)

  (3)I don't want anything but / except this.除了这个,我什么都不要

  (4)We go to school everyday except Sunday.除了星期天,我们每天都上学。

  4. What does the teacher say?

  She says that she will leave a message on the headmaster’s desk.


  I hear she will be back in an hour.

  He said she lived with her mother.

  He told me that the sun is the biggest of the three.




  6. It is much cheaper and far more enjoyable than a rushed trip by air.

  句中的much和far是用在比较级前表示程度的。类似的还有:a little,still,a lot,even等。例如:

  (l)This text is a little more difficult than that one.这篇课文比那篇稍难一点。

  (2)I’m feeling even worse today.我今天觉得更不舒服。

  (3)I’ve made a lot more mistakes than you have.我犯的错比你犯的多多了。

  7. It takes about ten minutes.


  “花费某人多长时间做某事”通常使用 It takes/took sb.some time to do sth.句型。


  (1) It took me three hours to finish my work.


  (2)It usually takes me half an hour to do morning exercises.


  8. They kept watching the beautiful scenery out of the window.

  The conductor kept coming go offer them hot water and selling them magazines.

  此两句中共同用到keep doing,keep作为动词有许多用法:


  Will you keep this seat for me?


  Does your watch keep good time?


  Who holds the position to keep goal? Who’s the goal keeper?



  We should keep the motherland in mind and the whole world in view.


  We’ll keep you informed.


  Sorry to have kept you waiting.



  The Chinese people always keep their word.


  She keeps regular hours.



  How do you keep Spring Festival by yourself?


  To keep the Sabbath is a kind of habit of Europeans.



  The old man kept his bed for 15 years.


  The girl keeps the house.



  keep away 站开,使离开

  keep back 后退

  keep from 阻止

  keep down 镇压,控制

  keep off 让开,不接近

  keep out  靠外,免入

  keep under 压制,控制

  keep up with 跟上,赶上.




  Did you have a good journey?


  They went on a long train journey.


  It's more than 27 hours 'journey by air from Beijing to London.



  This is my trip to the seaside.


  Their honeymoon trip to Venice is exciting.



  另外,它们的另一个同意词是travel,当travel作名词时,它的“旅行”含义是“出国旅行”。它不能与不定冠词连用,例如: a travel。如果要表示“一次”,我们可以说:“a trip”,“a journey”。

  is much cheaper than it used to be.



  I am writing an account of my travels about America.





  She says (that) she will leave a message on the headmaster’s desk. 她说她将在校长的桌子放个留言条。

  I hope (that) you’ll have a good holiday. 希望你(们)假日愉快。

  2. 后面常接that引导的宾语从句的动词有:think, hope, say, tell, know, see, hear, mean, agree, fell等。如:

  I see (that) you come here on foot today. 我看你今天是步行来的。

  I hear (that) one of the pandas has a baby.我听说有只熊猫生了个小熊猫。


  Please tell Mr. Hu that I’m working hard on my Chinese. 请告诉胡老师我在努力学习汉语。

  You can see from my photo that I have a big smile and long black hair. 你可以从我的照片中看到我的笑容和黑长发。


  I don’t think any of the programmes is interesting. 我认为这些节目没有一个有趣。

  I don’t think chickens can swim. 我认为鸡不会游泳。

  3.后面常接宾语从句的形容词有:sure, glad, pleased, happy, afraid等。如:

  I’m sure he would love to come to your birthday party. 我相信他会很乐意参加你的生日聚会。

  We are both very happy that we are twins.  我们俩都为我们是双胞胎而感到高兴。



  I think I’ve lost my key.我想我已把钥匙丢了。

  I see you are on foot today.我看见你今天是步行来的。

  He says Jim will come back soon.他说吉姆很快会回来的。

  I’m glad she didn’t hurt herself.我很高兴她没有伤着自己。



  He said that he had a very good journey home.


  He said he was working hard on his Chinese.



  He said he would have to give presents to all the family, but he hadn't chosen any yet.




  The teacher told us that the sun is the nearest star to us of all.


  (4)Could you tell me… ?是表示“请求”的委婉句型,并不表示过去时,所以其后的宾语从句的时态可根据需要用任何时态。

  Could you tell me what time the plane leaves?


  关于Making telephone calls的教学建议



  ★ 如想找某人听电话时,可说:

  May/Could/Can I speak to…, please?

  ★ 如你就是某人时,可答道:

  This is …(speaking). /This is …here/…here / speaking 不能说I’m…

  ★ 当对方想问你是否某人时,说:

  Is that,…(speaking)? 而不说Are you…?

  肯定回答是:Yes,it is. 不说Yes,I am.

  否定回答是No,this is … 而不是No,I'm…

  ★ 如要让对方等一等,可说:

  Hold on(for a moment),please. 或One moment,please.

  He/She isn’t here right now / at the moment.

  或I’m sorry he’s / she’s our at the moment. 表示要找的人不在。

  ★ 在这种情况下,接电话的人表示愿意传话,可说:

  Can I take message (for you)?

  I’ll leave a message (on her/his desk).

  I’ll give her/ him the message.

  ★ 听电话时,开始要用招呼语,如Hello! Hi! 如要问候对方,就用问候语:

  ― How are you?

  ― Fine,thanks. What about you?/And you?

  ― I'm fine,too. Thank you.

  ★ 结束时用告别语:Goodbye! /Bye. /See you(tomorrow).等。

  另外,在通话过程中可用May I help you?表示可以帮忙,That's very kind of you. 表示感谢,Yes,that would be fine. 表示同意。


Travel 篇5

  unit 7 travelling in garden city

  the second period

  language focus:

  using there will be

  e.g.what will travelling in garden city be like in 10 years` time?

  perhaps there will be fewer traffic jams

  key points:

  1. in 10 ten years` time..

  2. how to, perhaps, instead, few and more…

  learning procedure

  before class

  put the following into english

  rewrite the sentences as reqired

  1. i have a lot of homework to do.(改为一般疑问句)

  _____________you _________a lot of homework to do?

  2. there will be more roads.  (改为定句)

  there ________ ________ be more.

  3. all of teenages are boys.(保持原句意思)

  ________ _______the teeages is a girl.

  4.nowdays, more people go to work by underground. (对划线部分提问)

  ________ _______more people go to work by underground ?

  5. in the past, many people went to work on foot(对划线部分提问)

  ________ _______ many people go to work in the past?

  put the following into english

  1  10 年后                                     2   交通堵塞          

  3  坐摆渡出行_________                         4   地铁站    _________

  5  像        _________                         6   坐地铁出行_________

  7  人行桥     _________                        8   或许      _________

  in class

  i. revision (dictation and checking)

  1. review some useful phrases

  2. learn some names of transportion you can use when you want to travel.

  3. think and say

  4 play the recording

  5. listening and speaking (what will travelling in garden city be like in 10 years` time)

  complete the blank with the words given

  in the past, many people (1) _________ (like) (2) _________ (travel) by bus. all passengers (3) _________ (have to) (4) _________ (buy) tickets. there (5) _________ (be) a bus conductor in each bus. he (6) _________ (collect) money from the passengers and (7) _________ (put) the money in a bag. nowadays, passengers (8) ____________ (not buy) tickets from a bus conductor. they (9) _________ (put) their money in a fare box or (10) _________ (use) a public transportation card instead.

  after class

  choose and complete

  1. in the past,_______(all / none) of the buses were double-decker buses.______ (none /most) of them wre air-conditioned.

  2. in the past,________(some / all) of the bus-drivers were men.._______(noen/ most) of  them were women._______.(all /none) of the passengers had to buy tickets from the bus conductors

  3. now days, ______(all /some ) of the buses have a fare box. _______(none / some) of the passengers use a public transportation card instead.

  choose the best answer

  1. in the past, people ______by bus.

  a. travel    b. travellled       c. travelling        d. travels

  2.―what did mr jones do before he moved here?

  __ he ______ a bus.

  a. is driving     b. drives        c. drove        d. has driven

  3 . this is ______empty bottle. could you give me ______full one?

  a. a … a      b. an…a     c.  the…the          d. / …a

  4._________of us likes playing football.

  a. all        b. most       c. none          d. many

  5. they _______ to wear sunglasses in writer .

  a. haven`t      b. have not       c.  don`t have       d. have

  6. in summer, more people like taking____________buses.

  a. cold        b. hot        c. different      d air-conditioned

  7. there are few________in the fridge. let`s go and buy some peas, carrots and cabbages.

  a. vegetables   b. fruit       c. meat       d. eggs

  8. __i have _______money with me. would you please lend me some?

  __of coures. here.

  a. a few      b. a little        c.  few      d.  little

  9. there ________a sports meeting in our school next week.

  a. will have    b. will hold       c. is going to be      d  is going to have

  10. _______ people like to travel by ferry._______people like to take the underground because it is faster.

  a. fewer… fewer   b. less…less    c. fewer… more    d less…fewer

  11. he________in three days.

  a. won`t come      b. didn`t      c. doesn`t come    d.   hasn`t  come

  12. sam and sandy are my little brothers._________of us like playing basketball.

  a  both      b. all        c none       d some

Travel 篇6

  module 2 changes

  unit 7 travelling in garden city

  the third period

  language focus:

  a poster of future travelling

  tavelling in…in 10 years` time

  before class

  write a poster travelling(write and draw)

  1. perhaps all of the people will travel by_________>

  2. pohaps most of the people will travel…

  3. _______some of the people will…

  4. ________none of the people will…

  5. ________there will be more….

  6. ________there will be fewer…

  in class

  look and say

  read and say

  look and write

  draw and write

  after class


  trvelling in sunny bay in 15years` time

  perhaps _________the people will not travel by ferry

  perhaps ________the people will travel by_________>

  perhaps there will be _________railways.

  perhaps there will be_____________.

  read and match

  1. the traffic in shanghai is much______(good, better) than before.

  2. we need___________ ( much, more) car parks because many people have their own cars now.

  3. there are about sixty ___________(woman, women ) teachers in our school.

  4. there not any ________(fly, flyovers ) in shanghai thirty years ago.

  5. ________( none. not ) of us finished the homework, so mr. zhang was angry.

  6. --.who is the lady standing at the ________(cross, crossing) with james?

  --she is james` aunt.

  choose and complete

  1. in the past, the farmers________(grow/grew) food with their hands.

  2. ______(nowdays/ in 10 years` time), perhaps each family will have their own cars in our city.

  3. ________(none/some) of the students is late for school.

  4. i_______(will/won`t) go swimming any longer.

  5. it`s too hot today.please give_______(she /her) a bottle of orange juice.

  6. you should eat________(fewer/ less)food and take _______(more/less) exercise.

  7. __would you like some more rice?

  __yes. just______(a few/ a little).

  8. mary is very careful and she makes ______ (a few/ few) mistakes in her work.

  9. i only have one book. i want _________(few/more).

  10. mum, this t-shirt is much too small for me. would you buy me a _______(smaller/larger) one?

  read and tick (true or fales)

  many,many years ago,the world had only a few thousand people. the moved from place to place.they hunted animals for food.

  a long time passed. these ancient(古代的)people began growing crops .no one today knows how and where those people learnt about it.but they knew that that. from then on the life of those people changed.they didn`t have to move their houses any more.

  they could stay in one place and grow crops.people began to live near each other. and so the first villages grew.many people came to work in the villages. these villages became bigger and bigger.then people had machines,and life in the villages changed villages grew into cicties. then city life began.

  (   )1.there were millions of people in the worl many,many years ago.

  (   )2.at that time, they hunted animals and grew crops for food.

  (   )3.the ancient people`s life changed after they began growing crops.

  (   )4.the first villages grew when people began to live near each other.

  (   )5.machines made the life in the villages change again.

  (   )6.people built factorise and then factories becane cities.

  read the passage and choose the best answer(根据短文内容 ,选择最恰当的答案)

  left hand or right hand

  which of your hands do you use most? very few of us use both of our hands well. most of us are right-handed. only about five people out of a hundred are left-handed. new-born babies can take things with either of their hands, but in about two years they like to use their right hands. scientist don’t know why this happens. they have studied it. they think our animal ancestors(祖先) right-handed, but this may not be true. monkeys are our closest relations(亲缘) in the animal world. scientists have found these monkeys like to use one of their hands more than the other but it can be either hand. there are so many right-handed ones. next time you visit the zoo, watch the monkeys. you’ll see that some of them will swing(摆动) from their right hands and others will use their left hands. but most human beings(人类) use their right hands better and this makes right-handed ones. we live in a right-handed world.

  1.very few of us can use both of our hands well.it means_____.

  a. we can`t use one hand as well as the other

  b. we can`t use both hands

  c. many people can use one hand as well as the other

  d. some of us can use both hands

  2.new-born babies______at first.

  a. can only use their right hands         b. can only use their left hands

  c. can ues theirhands                  d. can ues both of their hands

  3. which of the following is ture?

  a.monkeys are left-handed.              b. monkeys are right-handed

  c. some of the monkeys are left- handed ,others are right-handed.

  d. there are many more right-handed monkeys than others left-handed monkeys

  4. we live in a(n)______

  a. left- handed world              b. right-handed world

  c. monkey world                 d. animal world

  5. left-handed people are difficult in life because__________.

  a. they can`t use their right hands at all

  b. most of people use their right hands better

  c. they can`t use both of their hands

  d. they can`t use their left hands

Travel 篇7

  unit 3 travel journal备课教案北师大版



  在经过前几个课时“热身”(warming up),“读前”(pre-reading),“阅读”(reading),“理解”(comprehending),“语言学习”(learning about language)和“语言运用”(using language)部分中的第一方面综合训练部分后,学生对本单元的话题已形成基本框架,同时也掌握了----些新单词来描述旅游,这些都为学生语言运用打下基础。本课时涉及到“listening”围绕中心话题,讲述王薇和王坤在去往大理与表兄弟会面的路上与一个老挝女孩的对话。“reading and writing”先让学生了解diary和journal的区别,通过找出课文中的“real”和“unreal” things ,加深对课文的理解,然后要求学生围绕话题写一封短信。







  1). 单词record  topic  familiar  brave

  2).祝愿和告别 (good wishes and farewells)

  a)have a good day / time! have a good journey / trip! good luck! enjoy yourself! best wishes to you.happy new year! merry christmas! happy birthday!

  b)thank you.you, too.the same to you.






  1) 激发学生的想象能力,培养他们的事实求是以及科学探索冒险精神。







  1)、探究式和合作学习教学理念。本节课我多次组织各种形式的合作学习,如group work, comparison 鼓励学生通过体验、讨论、合作和探究他们自己感兴趣的问题并自主解决问题,强调让学生在中习得英语。同时还可培养学生的合作精神和互助的精神。

  2)、任务型教学理念。学生在做中学、在做中练、在做中巩固。在教学中采用presentation-practice-production 教学环节。本节课共设计了 8 个任务,不仅可以拓展学生的知识,更可以培养学生的学习兴趣,以致提高学生综合运用英语的能力。









  1、了解diary和journal的区别并且找出课文中的“real”和“unreal” things。



  根据上述教材特点,我本着《英语课程标准》以学生“能做某事”的教学目标,尽量避免单纯传授语言知识的教学方法,而设计采用“任务型”教学途径,针对学生实际水平,立足教材,适当活化教材, 设置难易程度不一的任务,适合不同层次的学生。让“师本”走向“生本”,突出学生主体,着眼学生的发展,关注学生情感、态度、行为表现,尊重学生的个体差异,尊重学生已有的知识,以“参与即得分”的方式鼓励学生关注课堂,适时表扬。并采取多媒体辅助教学手段,吸引和组织学生积极参与课堂。学生通过小组比较,与同伴讨论、合作,主动探究等学习方式,学习和运用所学知识,从而实现目标的达成。









  step1 listening

  task1.leading-in and pre-listening

  t: last class we learned part 2. a night in the mountain .and we know wang kun and his sister wang wei stayed in the tibetan mountains for a night .(展示图片)

  t : are they eager to see their cousins dao wei and yu hang ?

  ss: yes ....

  t: can you guess what they will do the next morning ?

  s1: they will still stay in the mountain .

  s2: they will travel along the mekong river .

  ss: ....

  t: who are right ? let’s listen to part 3(page23) chatting with a girl . on the way to meet their cousins, the two travelers see a girl (g)walking along the road.wang kun (wk)stops to speak to her.please tick the words you hear on the tape.

  ss: ....



  t : what have you got from it ?

  ss: a girl from laos is talking with them about the mekong river such as forests, mountains, laos, tibet, fish and waterfalls etc.

  t: let’s listen for a second time .

  t: who can fill in the chart on the blackboard ?

  ss: (cheering up ……)


  southwest china


  local name of the river

  the water of the rocks

  the sea of laos

  uses of the river

  washing, fishing and transport

  what to see

  many different animal. plants and bird species

  small villages along the river


  waterfalls and rapids

  river passes through mountains and forests; temples, caves and a waterfall


  设计意图:第一次听完 让学生了解文章关键词语,了解大意,从而降低了听力难度。第二次听完以表格的形式,对比不同地区的人对湄公河的不同描述,从而让学生了解如何描写旅游日记。


  ask students to read the listening material in roles .one is the laos girl and the other is wang kun

  ss: ....




  t: do you know what are the differences between diary and journal ?

  ss: (thinking)

  t: next the passage will us what they are .

  ss: (fast-reading)

  t: diary : personal record how they feel soon after things happen .

  journal : isn’t personal ; has different purpose ; record their experiences ideas and afterthought about what they have seen ;better understand what has happened to them ;topics including people ,things and events less familiar to the readers .

  设计意图:通过快速阅读,让学生区分diary 和journal 不同的体裁,学习了解何为旅游日记,为将来的科学探险研究准备

  task2.  comparison 

  t : in this unit ,we have learned the first two parts of a travel journal .some of the things described in these travels are real and some are not real .

  ss: what is“ real ”and“ unreal ”?

  t: the word "real" here refers to things that exist or have happened.so the things that are not real refers to anything that doesn't exist or hasn't happened.in other words, the people and events described in this journal are fictitious.

  t: and we know the real and unreal things in a travel journal .next let’s have a group work .try to find out some of the things described in these travels are real and some not real .compare your lists with group mates about and discuss the differences in your list.

  ss: .... (divided into several groups with 3-4 students.)

  设计意图:在讨论过程中,学生运用他们已经掌握的语言知识,通过小组合作探究,高中学生争强好胜的心理特征得以激发,培养学生用英语思维和表达的方式。活跃了课堂气氛,进一步深化对journal体裁 的认识和理解。

  t: answers will vary since lists will vary in length.

  real details include anything about the geography of china and southeast asia, and the people who live there.also, the places the bikers visit are real details.for example ,the source of the mekong is in qinghai province.

  t: unreal details include anything about the four bikers and their personal experiences.e.g. it was so quiet in the mountain that night --there was almost no wind ,only the sound if the fire .




  t: suppose you are a friend of wang wei .she will make a journey down the mekong river what will you say to wish her when she leaves ?

  s1: i’ll say “have a nice /good time or have a nice /good trip ”.

  s2: good luck on your journey .

  s3: say hello to your cousins

  s4: take care ,write to me , waiting for your early reply .

  ss: ....

  t: yes ,quite right!

  t: imagine that you are a friend of wang wei .write a short letter to her and ask her to describe : how she feels , what she is doing ,and some place you want to know about .then wish her well on her journey by using at least two of these expressions:

  have a nice /good time             have a nice /good trip

  good luck on your journey           say “unreal” to ...

  take care                           write to me

  waiting for your early reply             have fun

  give my love /best wishes to ....

  t: you may begin like this:

  my dear brave little wei,

  how i worry about _____ and _______.

  your friend forever,




  ss: writing the letter according to the requests.

  sample writing:

  my dear brave little wei,

  how i worry about you and wang kun! are you enjoying your trip? i hope so.what are you doing now? are you in cambodia yet? when you get to phnom penh, tell me about the buddhist temples there.please send some photos with your next letter! well, have fun and don't forget to write to me! say hello” to wang kun for me.good luck on your journey.

  take care!

  your friend forever,

  ju lin


  设计意图:作文展示评价(同伴评价,集体评价,教师评价 ) 同伴评价实际上是合作形学习的一种形式,其重要理论基础就是考卡夫(kafka, k)最早提出的“群体动力理论”(group dynamics)。



  2、就你写给wangwei 的信,假设你是wangwei请以她的名义写一封回信。


  熟记所学语言知识,养成良好学习习惯。学生通过课文的学习,小组讨论,相互的交流,已做出了较为深入的思考, 接收了大量的信息, 学生能用英语进行一些表述。为进一步达到语篇建构的目的,写是一个重要的环节。通过书面表达,学生能更好地学会整理思路、组织素材、组织语言、遣词造句等书写的方法和策略。同时通过对写回信,使整个单元的教学富有整体感,使学生所学知识更有连贯性。





  生词与短语:record  topic  familiar  brave


  have a nice /good time             have a nice /good trip

  good luck on your journey          say hello to ...

  take care                        write to me

  waiting for your early reply        have fun

  give my love /best wishes to ....

Travel 篇8

  unit 3 online travel( speak up and study skills)学案

  一、learning aims

  1、to improve the abilities of listening and speaking

  2、to develop sorting and categorizing skills

  3、to develop an understanding of relationships between a variety of words and ideas

  4、to categorize vocabulary and ideas according to different types of information

  二、learning importance and difficulty

  1、to develop sorting and categorizing skills

  2、to develop an understanding of relationships between a variety of words and ideas

  三、learning method

  listening,speaking and understanding

  四、learning aids

  tape-recorder, pictures, a small computer and learning cards

  五、learning steps

  part one : preview exercises and preview exchange


  1. my new k_______ is very comfortable and i can type very easily.

  2. a computer has a s_________ like tv and we can see words and pictures on it.

  3. a h_______ disk can store more information than a floppy disk.

  4. if you have p________ ,you can put the words and pictures onto paper.

  5. if you want to control the computer you have to know some i_________ first.


  (   )1.a. apple    b. mango   c. cake   d. banana

  (   )2.a.pencil    b.eraser    c.radio    d.ink

  (   )3.a.doctor    b.teacher   c.reader   d.worker

  (   )4.a.shirt      b.skirt      c.shoes    d.short

  (   )5.a.music     b.english   c.subject   d.maths

  (   )6.a.wednesday b.weekend  c.sunday   d.thursday

  (   )7.a.tie        b.neck     c.shoulder  d.knee

  (   )8.a.feet       b.ears      c.eyes     d.mouth

  (   )9.a.baseball   b.football   c.chess     d.tennis

  (   )10.a.radio    b.recorder   c.tv      d.ruler

  part two : exchanges show and directions improve


  ask students to prepare their own conversation about how to use daily english  .


  2、playing a game

  divide the class into five teams. give each team a card showing these headings:

  ‘vegetables’, ‘sports’, ‘colors’, ‘items of clothing’’ ‘fruit’, ‘jobs’, 

  ‘animals’,‘countries’, ‘weather words’.


  sports   :____________________________________________________________

  colours  : ___________________________________________________________

  cities   :____________________________________________________________

  clothing :____________________________________________________________

  fruit   :_____________________________________________________________

  jobs   :_____________________________________________________________



  weather :_____________________________________________________________

  ask each group to think of as many word as possible.

  part three: have a test for the class:



  fruit    :_____________________________________________

  animal  :_____________________________________________


  cities   :_____________________________________________

  food    :_____________________________________________


  my best holiday

  1、who did spend your holiday with you?     5、where did you go?

  2、what places of interest did you visit?      6、what was your feeling?

  3、what time was it?                     7、what was the weather like that day?

  4、what activities did you have?            8、what food did you eat that day?

  introduction:__________main body: __________   conclusion:_______________


  1. review what we have learnt and do some exercises about it.

  2. try to think of some headings and remember more words in the same categories.

  3.preview "main task" and do some preview exercises about it. 

Travel 篇9

  unit 3 online travel[grammar(i)]学案

  一. 预习p47---48,在课文中划出你认为重要的词组

  二. 翻译,小组讨论,得出结论并尝试记住以下词组和句子。

  1. 我能为您效劳吗?(3种翻译,至少说出一种)

  2. 很多种个人电脑

  3. 特别为学生设计的

  4. 被广泛的使用(找出书上的例子,尝试举例)

  5. 考虑

  6. 打开我电脑上的新电子词典

  7. 关闭所有的窗口

  8. 重启电脑

  9. 检查设置

  10. 连接,与-----相连

  三. 被动语态学习导航

  1. 主动语态: 强调动作的执行者

  2. 被动语态: 强调动作的对象

  3. 被动语态的构成: 所谓的被动语态,相当于中文中所说的“被……”,“由……”

  形式:主语 + be(am,is are/was,were) + done

  e.g  his cap was stolen.

  the buildings were built in .

  4. 被动语态运用的条件:


  e.g.  word processing skills are taught in our computer lessons.


  e.g.  the printer was sold already.

  paper is made from wood.


  e.g.  educational cd―roms are sold in many countries.







Travel 篇10

  unit 2 travelling


  1.去..旅游                               go on a trip to..

  2.我已经去过那儿许多次。     i have been there many times.

  3.肯定是有趣                          must be fun

  4.带你出去几天                      take you out for a few days

  5.想把每样东西带在身边        want to bring everything with sb

  6.感到如此兴奋                      feel so excited

  7.全世界不同的地方               different places around the world

  8.自由女神像                          the statue of liberty

  9.加入我们                             join us

  10.去徒步旅行                  go hiking

  11.看美丽的风景              see beautiful view

  12.日本的一种象征           a symbol of japan

  13.受欢迎的旅游胜地       popular tourist attractions

  14.写信给                         write a letter to

  15.度过一个真正地美妙的时光have a really fantastic time

  16.花一整天做                 spend the whole day doing sth

  17.最著名的主题公园       the most famous theme park

  18.包括四个不同的公园    include four different parks

  19.在入口处的鲸鱼喷泉前拍照take photos in front of the whale fountain at the entrance

  20.景点之一                     one of the attracions

  21.以高的速度移动           move at high speed

  22.在整个游程中尖叫欢笑scream and laugh through the ride

  23.在一家快餐店吃午饭    eat lunch in a fast food restaurant

  24.对做..感兴趣                be interested in doing

  25.午饭后冲往那儿          rush there after lunch

  26.遇到了许多我特别喜欢的迪斯尼人物meet many of my favourite disney characters

  27.忍不住不停地干某事    can’t stopping doing sth

  28.看起来如此美丽和可爱look so cute and lovely

  29.迪斯尼人物的大游行    a parade of disney characters

  30.下午的晚些时候           later in the afternoon

  31.一天中最精彩的部分    the best part of the day

  32.穿着不同的戏服           wear different costumes

  33.向人们挥手致意           wave to people

  34.往前穿过公园              march across the park

  35.高兴地拍手尖叫起来    clap and scream with joy

  36.象魔法一样                  be like magic

  37.呆在那儿看狮子王秀    stay there to watch ‘ lion king’ show

  38.为我的侄子买些文具    buy stationery for my cousin

  39.在这一天结束的时候    at the end of the day

  40.在睡美人城堡前看烟火watch fireworks in front of sleeping beauty

  41.看起来闪闪发光                  look shiny

  42.总共                                   in all

  43.呆在公园12小时                stay at the park for 12 hours

  44.把他们展示给你看             show them to you

  45.变得激动                           get really excited

  46.那听起来不错                     that sounds great

  47.以中国风                            in chinese style

  48.带着激动尖叫                    scream with excitement

  49.无尽的队伍                        endless line

  50.在队伍等是无希望的          it’s hopeless to wait in the line

  51.真的是一个高兴的假期      a really delightful holiday

  52.足球俱乐部成员之一           a member of the football club

  53.会议结束                           the conference is over

  54.观看有趣的电视节目           watch an interesting programme

  55.一个重要的一天                  an important day

  56.庆祝他们XX年的结婚纪念日celebrate their fifteenth years of marriage

  57.在商店碰面                         meet at the shopping mall

  58.喜欢收集纪念品                  love collecting souvenirs

  59.在那个时刻                         at that time

  60.世界之窗                            window of the world

  61.水上运动                            water sports

  62.在任何季节                         in any season

  63.整年                                   all year round

  64.计划去国外旅游                  plan to travel abroad

  65.在五一节假期                     during this may day holiday

  66.乘飞机去那儿                     take a plane there

  67.不错的天气                         pleasant weather

  68.我们去香港的日子终于到了。the day of our trip to hong kong finally arrived

  69.关于这次特别旅行很激动   be very excited about this special trip

  70.三个半小时                         three and a half hours

  71.相当不同                            be quite different from

  72.在第三天                           on the third day

  73.观看海豚秀                        watch dolphin show

  74.对香港全景的俯瞰              a bird’s view of hong kong


  a modern city of tall buildings with lights shining in the evening

  76.买东西的好地方                 a good place to buy thins

  77.在海滩玩的愉快                  have great fun at the beach

  78.前天                            the day before yesterday

Travel 篇11

  unit 2 you’re sitting in my seat.language goals 语言目标1. key vocabulary重点词汇nod  tear  towards  cigarette  though 2. key phrases 重点短语set off  push…away  look out of  get off3. key sentences重点句子  don’t forget where you come from.  write to us as soon as you get there.  i’m getting off before you.  even if it’s only 10 minutes, you should move.language skill 能力目标read and grasp the main idea of the articles.enable the students to talk about their trips they have made.write something that happened during a trip you have made.teaching methods 教学方法reading and writing, pair work, group workteaching important/difficult points教学重难点learn to talk about and write something that happened during a trip you have made.teaching aids教具准备a tape recorder, a computer and a projector.teaching procedures and ways教学过程与方式step 1 greetingstep 2 revisionencourage students to act out the dialogue in unit 1.t: first, i’ll check your homework. which group can act out the conversation in unit 1?ss: …(acting out the conversation in groups of three)t: well done! now let’s compare which group is the best?ss: …group 3…t: yeah, the winner is group 3. congratulations!ss: hooray!step 3 warming up and leading in

  show the following pictures and talk about trips by train with students.     

  t: have you ever taken the train?

  ss: of course.t: look at the pictures. have you ever met such a situation? how do you feel about taking the train? how about the environment on the train? are there so many people?s1: at usual times, i feel comfortable because there are not so many people and the environment on the train is good. but sometimes...s2: especially during the spring festival, so many people go back home for the traditional holiday, so it’s very crowded at the train station and on the train. it’s very dirty and noisy, so i feel uncomfortable.

  t: really it’s a problem. what happened during your trip? can you think of some things and share with us?

  s3: i met a strange man…

  s4: there were many foreigners around me…

  t: good stories. now, look at the phrases and sentences from the passage. what do you think the passage will be about? what happened during the trip?

  …step 4 listening and readinglisteningt: today we are going to learn a story. do you know what it will be about? let’s listen to the tape and answer my questions. ok?q1. what does the story happen?  q2. where is lin going?q3. does lin have the right ticket?ss: …check the answers with the whole class.t: ok! let’s read the story quickly and number the phrases in the order they happen.ss:…(reading the passage)t: are you ready? let’s check the answers.ss: …(showing the answers)sample answers:1. ...his first long trip by train...   2....leaving his village and his home...3. with tears in his eyes...4. ...sitting in lin’s seat.4. this young man has the right ticket...5. slowly the young man stood up.play the recording to check the answers.t: listen for the second time to fill in the following blanks. show the following on the screen. 1.       lin often dreamed about the _____, and about going to the ______.2.       lin ______, _______ to speak.3.       lin looked at the other ________ for help.4.       i am ____ _____ before you.5.       it’s ____ hours away from her                  e.sample answers:1. train; capital  2. nodded; unable  3. passengers 4. getting off  5. sevenreadingt: he/ she is right. now read the passage quietly and carefully again and find out the answers in activity 2.ss: …(reading again)t: are you ready? let’s check the answers together.ss: …(showing their answers)sample answers to activity 2: 1. a   2. b  3. a   4. c   5. d   6. d   7. a   t: you all did very well. now listen and repeat after the tape.ss: …(listening and repeating)step 5 pairworkwork in pairs to talk about the answers to the following questions.q1: how does lin feel about this trip? why?     do you think you will ever have the same feelings about a trip?q2: was lin right to ask the young man to move?q3: what do you think of the young man’s behaviour?q4: what do you usually do if you see someone standing on a bus or a train?q5: can you think of ways to make travel by bus, train or plane better?    make some suggestions about: the season, the time of day, the number of seats, booking tickets…the sample answers:s1: how does lin feel about his trip? why? do you think you will ever have the same feelings about a trip?s2: he feels unhappy and sad. he is angry with the person who takes his seat. if i meet such a man in my trip, i will also be very angry.s1: was lin right to ask the young man to move?s2: i think he was right to do so because the young man’s ticket was in another car and he was tall and strong and besides he was impolite. s1: what do you think of the young man’s behavior?s2: bad and impolite.s1: what do you usually do if you see someone standing on a bus or a train?s2: if someone standing on a bus or a train is old, ill or pregnant, i will let them take my seat. s1: it’ s nice of you! step 6 language notes1.       now it was in front of him, to set off soon.  火车现在就在他前面,马上就要开了。这里的set off表示“出发,起程,动身”。例如:they wanted to set off early in order to get there on time.他们想早点出发,以便准时能到达那里。2.lin nodded, unable to speak.  林点点头,说不出话来。   unable to speak是一个形容词短语,说明点头时的状态。   unable表示“不能的,不会的”。be unable to do表示“不能做某事”。例如:many passengers were unable to reach the lifeboats.      许多乘客无法够到救生艇。    3. i’ve got a long way to go. 我要坐很长时间的火车。      have a long way to go通常表示“(为达到某个目标)仍有许多事要做”。例如:li lin has still got a long way to go before she becomes a successful teacher.    要成为一名成功的教师,李林仍有许多路要走。step 7 writingask the students to write about something that happened during a trip you have made.1.       say when and where you were going.2.       say how you were travelling.3.       say what happened before you left.4.       say who was travelling with you.5.       say what happened.6.       say how the story finished.sample dialogue:a: where have you been?b: i have been to jilin.a: when did you go there?b: i went there last summer vocation.a: what happened before you left?b: i lost my ticket and bag.a: who was traveling with you?b: i was traveling with my parents.a: what happened on the train?b: the guard told me to leave the train.a: what happened in the end?b: my father showed the guard their tickets and explained what happened.sample passage:     last summer i was coming back from my holidays in jilin and i was traveling by train with my parents. but unfortunately i lost my ticket and bag before i left. when the guard checked the tickets, he told me to leave the train. i was very sorry about it. then my father showed the guard their tickets and explained what happened. luckily, the guard gave me a chance to take the train. i thanked him very much and promised to be careful in the future.homework1.       learn the new words by heart.2.       retell the story in your own words.3.       finish off the workbook exercises 11-13.

Travel 篇12

  unit 3 online travel(main task)学案


  1. to select , organize and present information.    2. to develop an understanding of the key components of writing articles or oreative stories.    3. to write an article about a favourite educational computer game. 二、预习作业:a . fill in the blanks      1. ----- what’s the g_________ of the game?  ------ saving princess laura. 2. it’s said that the ________ (珍宝) box was hidden in the arctic. 3. the p____________ of the film “tom and jerry” is walter disney. 4. who is the ___    ____(设计者) of the game? 5. she knows a lot of history k____    ___.     b. try to find the answers to the following questions. 1. what is the game called? 2. how many levels does the game have? 3. what is the main character called? 4. what is the goal of the game? 5. where is the game set? 6. who designed it? 7. which company produced it? 8. in which countries is the game sold?    c. write the problems you have when preparing.                                                                    三、当堂检测(一)完成表格

  favourite educational game



  name of the game

  number of levels

  main character



  area of study




  sold in(二)完成短文my f  1     computer game is called “hunt for the doctor”. it is a role-playing game w   2    ten l   3   . the m   4    character is a detective called waston. waston has a small gun, but he loses points each time he uses it.the game is set in a small village in the mountains in europe. waston can c  5   mountains, ski very fast, jump over rooftops and see in the dark. his g  6     is to find clues that will lead him to the evil doctor. he should a  7     correctly the villagers’ questions which test his knowledge of geography and m  8   , and then the villagers will tell him the clues he needs. when waston finds the d  9   , he can arrest him and put him in prison.the game was designed in and it was written by agatha brown. it was p  10    by mystery games. this game is sold in europe, singapore and australia.(三)writing                    my favourite educational game                                                                        

Travel 篇13



  复习两个阅读技能---scanning, skimming;













  Teacher’s activity

  Students’ activity


  Step 1

  Show and tell the students the learning goals for them and make possible explanations

  Students listen to the teacher and have an idea of what they are going to learn in this class.

  To make the students know what they are to learn in this class

  Step 2

  1). Show some pictures with beautiful scenery

  2) Ask the students two questions:

  Are they attractive?

  Where do you want to travel? I dream about traveling…

  1.) Students appreciate those pictures

  2) Students answer teacher’s questions and practice the sentence pattern “I dream about traveling in/to…”

  1). To arouse students’ interest

  2) To practice a sentence pattern

  Step 3

  1). Show the title of the reading passage

  2). Ask the students whether this passage is about the whole process of the journey.

  3). Ask the students how to skim.

  4) Tell the students the skill of skimming on the screen

  1) Students answer the question after they read the subtitle of this part.

  2). Students tell how to skim.

  1) To make the students pay attention to the subtitle, which can tell the main idea of the passage.

  2) To review how to skim

  Step 4

  1) Ask the students to skim more―to find out the main idea of each paragraph.

  1) Students tell the main idea of each paragraph

  1) To practice how to skim

  Step 5

  With four questions, teacher asks the students to scan paragraph 1

  Ask students how the scan

  Show the skills of scanning on the screen

  Students scan paragraph 1, and answer the four questions

  Students tell how to scan

  To review how to scan

  To practice how to scan

  Step 6

  1) Ask the students to scan paragraph 2 and find out what different attitudes Wang Kun and Wang Wei have, and then finish the table

  1) Students scan paragraph 2 and finish the table

  1) To practice how to scan

  Step 7

  1) Provide the students with a picture which describes a geographic word as well as a few sentences about the flow of the Mekong river on each slide and ask them to read the sentences.

  2) Ask the students to match each geographic word to the proper meanings

  1) Students read the sentences loudly together and look at the pictures and the related geographic words in the meanwhile.

  2) Students do the matching work

  1) To better know how the Mekong river flows

  2) To help the students better learn the geographic words which are new to them

  3) To check how the students understand the new words

  Step 8

  Review the structure of the passage together with the students and show some key words on the screen

  Provide the students with some words and phrases which are the new words in this unit

  Ask them to retell the main content of the passage in groups

  With the teacher, students review the structure of the passage

  Retell the main content of the passage in groups

  To help students form the schema of the passage by reviewing the structure of it

  To know the content of the passage better as well as to create more chances for the students to use the new words

  Step 9

  1) Ask the students what they learn from the story

  2) Give the students some useful and related proverbs

  1) Students share their opinions with the group members what they have learned from the story.

  2) Students read the proverbs loudly together.

  1) To encourage students to form their own views and share them with others

  2) To learn some useful proverbs

  Step 10

  1) Summarize this class by showing the learning goals again


  1) Students review what they have learned by reading the learning goals on the screen.

  1) To help students review what they have learned in this class




  1. 通过学生分享自己的旅游经历,用英语进行交流与表达。

  2. 通过略读与找读,使学生获取文章主要信息,练习阅读技巧。

  3. 通过小组讨论为旅游准备的物品,使学生用英语简单的语言实践活动。





  I、Warming Up:

  1. I’d like to share my travelling experience with you, and would you like to share your travelling experience?

  2. The world has many great rivers. Have you been to these rivers?


  II. Pre-reading

  Have you been to the Mekong River? What countries does the Mekong River flow through?


  III. Reading

  1. Skimming

  Skim the passage and find the main idea for each paragraph

  Para 1: Dream

  Para 2: A stubborn sister

  Para 3: Preparation

  设计意图: 略读:学生快速浏览课文,寻找相关信息并搭配段落大意。点拨阅读技巧:注意每段开头及结尾。

  2. Scanning

  1). Read Para 1 and find the key word for the information:

  Who and What

  Where and How

  Why and When

  设计意图:1.寻找who,what,where,how,why and when等关键信息,让学生把握这类记叙文的阅读要点。2. 根据图表复述,练习学生语言整合与连贯的能力。

  2). Please use at least three adjectives to describe Wang Wei according to Para2, and give your reasons.


  3). Read 3 and answer: what can they see along the Mekong River?

  Suppose you are a tourist guide, please introduce the Mekong River briefly to your audience.


  IV. Group work

  Imagine that you are preparing for your own trip down the Mekong. In your groups of four: choose 5 things that you think are the most useful, and give your reasons why you choose them.


  V. Summary

  What have we learned in this class?




  1. Read the passage as fluently as possible after class.

  2. Preview Learning about Language.



  Unit 3 Travel Journal

  Part 1 The dream and the plan

  careless waterfall

  determined entire

  excited view




Travel 篇14

  unit 3 online travel(grammar ii)学案

  学习目标: 1 to become familiar with the function of the word ‘by’ to indicate the agent who does something

  2 to consolidate the passive voice

  学习重点:to become familiar with the function of the word ‘by’ to indicate the agent who does something

  学习难点: to consolidate the passive voice

  教具学具:  blackboard, ppt, etc

  教    学    设    计





  1. buy ______ ________          2. teach _________ _________

  3. sell ______ ___________       4. catch ________ _________

  5. design _______ _________      6. cut _______ -_________

  7. produce ________ ________     8. set ________ _________

  9. earn _________ ____________   10 print _________ _________


  1.millie doesn’t know how to open her ___________ (电子词典)

  2. let’s ___________ (重启) the computer, ok?

  3. we should check the ___________ (设置) of the computer first.

  4. please _________ (连接)your computer to a telephone line.

  5. p_________ the green button, then the machine will be turned on.

  6. before simon can play the game, he must ________ (通过)a test.

  7. princess laura was born in __________ (魔幻)land eighteen years old.

  8. mr. green is over six f___________ tall.

  9. princess laura was caught by an e___________ witch.

  10. the game is set on __________ (火星)

  教    学    环    节 


  step .check the preparation out.


  step . having a revision

  get the students to review the structure of the passive voice, including the simple present tense and the simple past tense.

  when can we use the passive voice? 

  change the following sentences into passive voice:

  1. people make this kind of computer in beijing.

  2. people use this kind of computer widely.

  3. my father mended the computer for me.

  4. mum often washes clothes for us.

  5. they search the information on the internet.

  step . presenting

  1. we can use ‘by’ to say who or what does the action.

  2. read through the sample sentences on page 49 and make them understand how to use ‘by’.

  3. tell the students to complete ‘work out the rule!’ on their own. ask a volunteer to read out the rule.

  step . practising

  1. simon has bought a new educational cd-rom called ‘saving princess laura’. before he can play the game, he must pass a test.

  (show the pictures in part b1 on pages 50-51 to the students.) help simon pass the test by rearranging the words to form correct sentences.

  2. millie has bought a new educational cd-rom. daniel is asking her some questions about it. (show the profile of the game to the students.) according to the information about the cd-rom, complete the conversation between millie and daniel in part b2 on page 51.

  step additional language points

  1. in our book, we only learn the use of the past and present form of the passive voice, but there are some other forms of the passive voice we should know.


  一般现在时 am(is/are)given  

  一般过去时 was(were)given  

  一般将来时 shall(will)be given        

  现在进行时 am(is/are)being given   

  过去进行时 was(were)being given

  现在完成时 has(have)been given  

  2. 感官动词和使役动词在主动结构中,后面接不带‘to’的不定式,但如果改为被动句,则需要把省略的‘to’加上,这类动词有hear, watch, make, help, let, see, have等等。如:

  a. the boss made us work twelve hours a day. 改为

  we were made to work twelve hours a day.

  b. they often hear the girl sing in the room. 改为

  the girl is often heard to sing in the room.

  doing additional exercises

  complete the sentences in the passive voice. use the correct forms of the verbs in the box.

  build,  eat,  paint,  steal,  catch,  grow,  sell,  write

  1. this picture _____ by millie.

  2. coke _____ all over the world.

  3. rice _____ in china.

  4. some money _____ from the bank yesterday.

  5. the thieves _____ by the police.

  6. this flat _____ in 1986.

  7. this newsletter article _____ by daniel.

  8. all the snacks _____ before the party ended.

  step . sum up  


  (一)用括号内所给动词的正确形式填空。 (请注意时态和语态两个方面噢)

  1.it's said(据说) that the long bridge______________(build)in two months.

  2.which language _______the most widely_______(speak)in the world?

  3.the lost boy_____________(not find)so far.

  4.last year a large number of trees______________(cut)down.

  5. the students _____ often _____(tell) to take care of their desks and chairs.

  6. the old man is ill. he ______ (must send) to the hospital.

  7. vegetables, eggs and fruits_________ (sell) in this shop.

  8. what _______ knives  ______ (make) of ?

  they_______________(make) of metal(金属) and wood.

  9. can the magazine ________ (take) out of the library?

  10. the room _____________ (clean) by me every day.

  11. the stars can’t _____________ (see) in the daytime.

  12. some flowers _______________ (water) by li ming already.

  13. this kind of shoes __________ (sell) well.

  14. how long _____ your uncle ______(be) in the city?

  15. ______ you _______(see) the film yet?

  yes, i _______(see) it last week.

  16.the food _____________ (smell) delicious.

  17. look! someone __________(dance).


  1.is tea grown in south china?(改为主动语态)

  _______ people _________ tea in south china?

  2.i am given a birthday present by my parents every year.(同义句转换)

  a birthday present _______  _______  _______  _______by my parents every year.

  3.the work is going to be finished in two days. (对划线提问)

  how_______  _______ the work going to be finished ?

  4. the children will sing an english song. (改为被动语态)

  an english song ______  ______  _______ by the children.

  5. you needn't do it now. (改为被动语态)

  it ______  ________  ________ by you now.

  6. people use metal for making machines. (改为被动语态)

  metal ________  _________  _______making machines.

  7. he made me do that for him. (改为被动语态)

  i ______  ________  ________  ______ that for him.

  8. did they build a bridge here a year ago? (改为被动语态)

  __________ a bridge ____________ here by them a year ago?

  9. they have sold out the light green dresses. (改为被动语态)

  the light green dresses ________  _________  ___________ out.

  10.we call the game “lianliankan”. (改为被动语态)

  the game _______  ________ “lianliankan” by us.


  a. go over what we have learnt.

  b. correct the mistakes in the following sentences.

  1. word processing skills is taught in our school.          

  2. football is played by all over the world.      

  3. the printer didn’t sold last month.          

  4. the book was bought by i yesterday.

  5. the old people are spoken politely.  



