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Unit 3 I’m more outgoing than my sister SectionB 1a---1e(精选2篇)

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Unit 3 I’m more outgoing than my sister SectionB 1a---1e(精选2篇)

Unit 3 I’m more outgoing than my sister SectionB 1a---1e 篇1

  八   年级   英语    教学案

  执  笔

  审    核

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  姓   名


  no .5

  【课    题】

  unit 3 i’m more outgoing than my sister

  sectionb 1a---1e










  一、  导入(启发探究  3分钟)比较级运用i am older than tom.

  m y book is newer than yours.

  kate 's skirt is cheaper than mine.

  my hair is longer than hers.

  you are heavier than me. write down what you think a good friend should be like . a good friend …  a. is friendly / kind .  b. makes me happy .  c.  d.e.  f.1. go through the sentences in activity 1a , and do the activity . 2. discuss :

  a: i think a good friend makes me laugh .

  b: for me , a good friend ____________________ .

  c: yes , and a good friend ____________________ , too .

  d: that’s not very important for me . i think a good friend____________ .

  e: i agree with you . and a good friend ____________________ . etc . 选择正确答案。 1.i work as ______as my sister, so we both get good grades. a. harder  b. hardest  c. hard  d. hardly 2.i have the same hairstyle ______ his, but my hobby is different ______ his. a. as, from  b. from, as  c. for , from. d. with, from 3.their book is ________ than mine. a. very interesting  b. more interesting  c. most interesting  d. interester

  二、自学(自主探究  6分钟)

  though   conj.虽然;尽管;adv.不过

  care about关心 

  talented ['tæləntɪd] adj.有才能的;有天赋的   

  truly ['truːli] adv.真实地;真诚地;正确地                 

  care [keə(r)] v.关心;担忧;照顾;在乎 

  请选择正确的词组翻译填空。 对…有好处;擅长于…;善于与某人打交道;对某人和善; be good for___________;           be good to sb._________________  be good with sb.__________________; be good at____________; do well in_______________。

  根据上边所学词组,完成下列问题。 1.she is good _____children, so we think she should be a teacher. 2.we both get good grades because we are both good ______ school work. 3.if we are good ______others we can build a society of hamony. 4.her cousin can do better _____math than her. 5.don’t smoke any more! it isn’t good ______ your health.

  三、交流(合作探究  10分钟)阅读1a中的内容及1b中的对话后,完成下列各题。 1.翻译下列词组。 have cool clothes_______________;  be popular in school_______________; like to do the same things as me_______________________; be good at______________;        make sb. laugh________________; 2.使用1a中的词句,按下边对话提示制作对话。 a:i think a good friend should have cool clothes. what about you? b: in my opinion, a good friend should like to do the same things as me. i don’t think a good friend should have cool clothes. c: for me, a good friend should …. i think it’s unnecessary for a good friend to be good at school- work.. 3.展示你们的对话。

  四、总结(引深探究  15分钟)

  阅读1c、1d题目,完成下列要求。 1.弄清题意并小组讨论如何做才能提升自己的听力。 2.听磁带,完成听力。注意使用你们讨论所得的听力技巧。 3.同老师同学核对答案。

  make用法小结1. 当make的意思是“做、制造、制作”时,常用的句型是:     (1) make sth. (to do sth.) 意为“制造某物”。例如:     she can make kites. 她会制作风筝。     (2) make sb. sth. / make sth. for sb. 意为“为某人制作某物”。例如:     his mother made him a beautiful coat. / his mother made a beautiful coat for him.  他的母亲为他缝制了一件漂亮的外衣。     (3) 被动语态中常用be made of / from, be made in, be made by等短语来表示“……是由……制成的”,“……是在……制成的”和“……是被……制成的”。例如:     wine is made from grapes. 酒是由葡萄酿制成的。      these cars were made in changchun. 这些汽车是在长春制造的。     .be made of 表示制成成品后,仍可看出原材料是什么,保留原材料的质和形状,制作过程仅发生物理变化。如: the kite is made of paper.风筝是用纸做的。 .be made from 表示制成的东西完全失去了原材料的外形或特征,或原材料在制作过程中发生化学变化,在成品中已无法辨认。如: the paper is made from wood.纸是木头做的。 butter is made from milk.黄油是从牛奶中提炼出来的。 2. 当make的意思是“使、使得”时,一般用于“make + 宾语 + 宾补”这种结构,常用的句型是:     (1) make + sb. / sth. + adj. 意为“使某人或某物处于某种状态”。例如:     the news made him happy. 这个消息使他很高兴。     在此句型中,通常用it作形式宾语,而动词不定式或从句才是真正的宾语,而且要后置。例如:     computers make it easier to learn english. 电脑使英语学习更加容易。     当然,除了接形容词作宾补外,还可以接名词、动词的过去分词等作宾补。例如:     they all want to make jim their monitor. (名词)他们都想让吉姆当班长。     i spoke loudly in order to make my voice heard.(过去分词) 我大声地讲话,以便让别人听到。     (2) make + sb. / sth. + 省略to的动词不定式, 意为“使某人或某物做某事”。例如:     our english teacher often makes us retell the texts. 我们的英语老师经常让我们复述课文。     当把这样的句子变为被动语态时,原句中省略的动词不定式符号to必须要还原。如把上面的句子变为被动语态,应为:     we are often made to retell the texts (by our english teacher).  3. make还可以构成大量短语: make the bed                  make a plan make faces 做鬼脸            make friends 交朋友 make cakes 做蛋糕            make noises 制造噪音 make paper 造纸              make money 赚钱 make yourself at home 请自便   make oneself understood   使别人理解 make up 编造/化妆/构成       make use of be made of/ from              be made in              be made up of make sure (确信、弄清楚)

  五、练评(包含“考点链接”   应用探究  6分钟)

  选择题。 1. lucy is very short, but she is __________ than her sister. a. shorter b. longer c. taller d. older 2. frank is __________ friendly than his brother. a. a little more b. a few more c. much d. a little 3. sam is __________ at chinese than jim. a. good b. well c. better d. gooder 4. this one is too large. can you show me a __________one? a. larger b. large c. small d. smaller 5. ―do you think march is __________ than january? ―yes, it’s __________ warmer. a. better, a little b. well, much c. worse, very d. nicer, quite 及时巩固练习:汉译英。 1. 昨天放学后老师为什么让他呆在教室里。 ______________________________________________________ 2. 你已经铺好床了吗?_____________________________________ 3. 小动物们选猴子为森林之王。_________________________________ 4. 叫他上课不要做鬼脸。________________________________________ 5. 自从她来到中国以来,她已经制作了二十多个飞机模型。 ______________________________________________________ 6. 我已下定决心要学好英语。_______________________________________ 7. 他说的话使我很伤心________________________________________ 8. 这些玩具狗是用木头做的。___________________________________


Unit 3 I’m more outgoing than my sister SectionB 1a---1e 篇2

  八 年级   英语    教学案

  执  笔

  审    核

  课   型

  课    时




  姓   名


  no .6

  【课    题】

  unit 3 i’m more outgoing than my sister

  sectionb 2a---2e










  一、  导入(启发探究  3分钟)

  选择填空。 1.lu xian has more foreign friends than wang ban __________. a. is  b. have  c. was  d. does. 2.i think the chinese are _________than the japanese. a friendlier  b. more friendly  c. friendlyer  d. more friendlier. 3.their grandparents ________ at home on weekends. a are all  b. are both  c. all are  d. both are. 4. are you good _____ spending time with kids? we need a teacher. a. as  b. in  c. at  d for 5.this summer is much _______ than last summer. a. too hot  b. hot  c. hotter  d. hottest. x k b 1  .  c o m “it”做形式主语和形式宾语。 getting on well with your classmates is very important for you.仔细观察这个句子,你可以发现,划线部分是这个句子的主语。英语也是一门非常美的语言,为了避免头重脚轻,让这个句子均衡,主语可用it来取代,把真正的主语使用to+动词原形放到句子后边。具体如下: it is very important for you to get on well with your classmates. i find it a little difficult for me to get on well with my classmates. 在这个句子中,你可以发现,划线部分是做了这个句子的宾语。而it仅仅是它的形式宾语。其目的跟上边的的句子是一个道理。请根据上边所讲,完成下列问题。 1.it is a little tired for us ________ to watch the soccer games held in south africa. a. stay up  b. to stay up  c. staying up  d. stays up 2.our parents think _____ impossible for me to get good grades in the coming final exam. a. /  b. it  c. i  d. me 3. getting up early is good for our health.(同义句) _______ is good for our health_______ ________ ________early.

  二、自学(自主探究  6分钟)

  serious [ 'sɪəriəs] adj.严肃的;严重的;庄重的                

  mirror ['mɪrə(r)] n.镜子;反映 

  necessary ['nesəsəri] adj.必要的;必然的                     

  both [bəʊθ] adj.两者都 pron.两者

  should [ʃəd] aux.应该;可能;应当;将要                      

  touch [tʌtʃ] vt.触摸;感动 

  reach [riːtʃ] v.到达;伸出;达成;取得联系;延伸去够   

  heart[hːt] n.心脏;内心

  fact [fækt] n.事实;真相;实际                     

  break[breɪk] v.打碎;折断;违背;解决;中断  

  laugh [lːf] v.发笑;笑;嘲笑 n.笑声;笑;笑料                 

  similar ['sɪmələ(r)] adj.类似的 

  share [ʃeə(r)] vt.分享,共享;分配;共有

  1.翻译下列词组。belike                       like reading books                                        like studying harder.                   enjoy studying together. it’s not easy for me to make friends. don’t need a lot of them               as long as it’s not necessary to               be different from helps to bring out the best in me.  getting better at tennis.              much less hard-working,  maybe                      i don’t really care be the same as.               in fact , “ a true friend reaches for your and touches your heart .”  she’s funnier than anyone i know. made me laugh and feel better. talk about and share everything care about                          be always there to listen.



  三、交流(合作探究  10分钟)

  read2a again . then fill in the blanks .

  a. i like to have friends who __________ like me . (be)

  b. there are some __________ , though . (different)

  c. it’s not __________ to be the same .(必要的,必需的)

  d. he always __________ me in tennis . (打败)

  e. i don’t really __________ .(对…在意)

  f. i think differences are not __________ in a friendship . (重要的)


  1.who likes to have friends who are different from him or her?

  a. james green  b. huang lei  c. mary smith  d. larry.

  2.yuan li is ________ than james smith.

  a. smarter  b. quieter  c. taller  d. more outgoing

  3.huang lei thinks it’s _____ to be the same.

  a. necessary  b. important  c. unnecessary  d. different

  4.larry always beats huang lei in ______.

  a. basketball  b. baseball  c. tennis  d. soccer.

  5.who have opposite views according to the passage?

  a. james green and mary smith  b. james green and huang lei

  c. yuan li and larry           d. carol and mary smith

  四、总结(引深探究  15分钟)both用法: 1)both单独做主语谓语用复数形式。 both are smart. 2) both of + porn. (pl.) / both of + the/her +n.(pl.) both of us/ the boys are doctors. 3) not both 部分否定“并非两者都”,全部否定时用 neither… nor… 4) both 可以做限定词 both her eyes are red. 5) both… and… 连并列成分 both lucy and lily are having supper.

  laugh v. & n.  笑we all laughed loudly when she made a joke. 她说了个笑话,我们都大声笑起来。 we all laughed at his joke. 听了他的笑话我们都笑起来。 he laughs best who laughs last. 谁笑在最后,谁笑得最好。/不要高兴得太早。 (与at连用)嘲笑 don’t laugh at him. 别嘲笑他。 people have often laughed at stories told by seamen. 人们常常嘲笑海员所讲的故事。 everyone laughed at his foolish antics. 大家都笑他那种愚蠢的滑稽动作。 笑;笑声     we had a good laugh at his joke. 我们被他的笑话逗得哈哈大笑。

  though conj. 虽然;纵然;即使;尽管 = althoughthough it was raining,he went there. 虽然当时正下着雨,他还是到那里去了。 though he was poor he was happy. 虽然他很穷却很快乐。 注意:不能受汉语的影响,在though引导的从句后使用but。如: though he was poor,but he was happy.(误) though   adv.. 不过,可是,然而,常用于句末,用逗号隔开。jim said that he would come, he didn’t , though.

  五、练评(包含“考点链接”   应用探究  6分钟)1. (,浙江宁波)-have you seen the funny movie let the bullet fly?一yes,it made me ___________ many times.a.laugh b. cry c. sleep d. sing2. (,江苏宿迁)paul isn’t as ___________ as sandy. he often makes mistakes in his homework.a. careless b. more careful c. more careless d. careful3.(,广东肇庆) ____________you don’t give up,your dreams will come true.a. as long as b. as soon as c. as well as4. it’s important _________ us _________ _english well.a. of; learning b. for; to learn c. of; to learn .   d.or; learning5.betty and mary are in _________ school,but they are in __________ classes.a. same;different b. same;the different c. the same; the different d. the same;different6.(,安徽模拟)jack is good at drawing. i think no one draws __________ .a. better b. best c. worse d. worst7. (,辽宁鞍山)there are millions of websites on the internet and there _________ a lot of useful ________ on the websites.a. are;informations b. are;information c. is;information d. is;informations8. (,湖北孝感)-let’s go shopping at the new mall. 一why not shop online? it’s ____. a. expensive b. more expensive c. less expensive d. the most expensive9.(,甘肃白银)now, some robots are ____________ to do the same things ______ people. .a. enough smart;as b. enough smart;for c, mart enough;as d: smart enough;with10.( ,江苏无锡) ___________amy likes to go to the cinema,but she doesn’t like to see horror films.a. since b. as  c. though d.不填




Unit 3 I’m more outgoing than my sister SectionB 1a---1e(精选2篇)
