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Unit 3 Online travel(通用2篇)

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Unit 3 Online travel(通用2篇)

Unit 3 Online travel 篇1

  unit 3 online travel


  1.在线旅游                       online travel

  2.我不知道                       i have no idea. / i don’t know.

  3.看起来像电视机                 look like a television

  4.同意某人的看法                 agree with sb.

  5.遥控器                         remote control

  6.换频道                         change the channel

  7.举行写作比赛                   hold a writing competition

  8.他最喜爱的教育光盘             his favourite educational cd-rom

  9.电脑的不同用途                 different uses of computers

  10.搜索信息                       search for information

  11.发送电子邮件                   send and receive e-mails

  12.文字处理                       word processing

  13.编写电脑程序                   write computer programs

  14.八小时周游世界                 around the world in eight hours

  15.电脑俱乐部简讯                 computer club newsletter

  16.问世,出版                      come out

  17.帮助你同时学习英语和地理       help you learn english and geography

  18. ---的主要人物                   the main character of---

  19.一个13岁的男孩                a thirteen-year-old boy

  20.躺在草地上                     lie on the grass

  21.看着美丽的蓝天                 look at the beautiful blue sky

  22.熟睡,入睡                      fall asleep

  23.做了个奇怪的梦                 have a strange dream

  24.上面有问题的不同颜色的大块云朵 big clouds of different colours with questions on them

  25.正确地回答出一个问题           answer a question correctly

  26.把你带到一个你从未去过的地方   carry you off to a place you have never visited

  27.扮演---角色                     play the role of ---

  28.周游世界                       travel around the world

  29.测试你的英语语法知识           test your knowledge of english

  30.看到许多有关---有用的信息       see a lot of useful information about---

  31.例如                           for example

  32.你已经参观过的地方             the places you have visited

  33.用亮紫色做上标记               be marked in bright purple

  34.在所有的电脑店和书店           in all computer shops and bookshops

  35.售完,卖光              sell out

  36.一张世界地图          a map of the world

  37.点击图标看更多的细节  click on the icon for more details

  38.打开我的电子词典      open my e-dictionary

  39.打开显示器            turn on the screen

  40.被广泛地使用          be widely used

  41.关闭所有的窗口        close all the windows

  42.正确地连接电脑和键盘  connect the keyboard to the computer properly

  43.双击 “自动运行”图标   double-click on the ‘auto-run’

  44.长到六英尺长          grow to six feet long

  45.剪短她的头发          cut her hair short

  46.按“控制”键          press the control key

  47.装入磁盘              put in the disk

  48.日常英语              daily english / everyday english

  49.一个新的英语课程      a new english course

  50.有益与旅游者和学生    be good for tourists and students

  51.谈论天气和时间        talk about the weather and the time

  52.听起来令人兴奋        sound exciting

  53.去短暂的旅行          go on short tours

  54.通过无线电听音乐      listen to music on / over the radio

  55.包含许多话题          cover many topics

  56.在网上订购---          order--- online

  57.做练习                do exercises

  58.怎样使用这项功能      how to use this function

  59.出现在屏幕上          be shown on the screen

  60.今天计算机的使用      the uses of computers today

  61.计算机的历史          the history of computers

  62.历史知识              knowledge of history

  63.打开宝物箱            open the treasure box

  64.不同的国家            different countries

  65.研究领域              area of study

  66.游戏的目的            the goal of the game

  67.有8级水平的游戏      a game with 8 levels

  68.保存文件以便将来使用  keep the file for future use

  69.使用电脑写一篇文章    use the computer to write an article

  70.被包含在课题中        be covered in the topic / subject

Unit 3 Online travel 篇2

  unit 3 online travel

  一. 教学内容:

  unit 3 online travel

  language points

  二. 教学目标:



  1. a new educational cd-rom called َ… has just come out.

  when you have got enough points, a cloud will come down.

  come out    出版,发表;开花,吐艳

  come down 掉下来,塌下来;(雨 雪等)落下;(价格,温度等)降低

  come from, come in, come into, come on,

  come true

  the moon has come out.                                

  it is too cold for the flowers to come out. 

  2. this game is designed by nancy jackson.   由……设计的


  =nancy jackson designs this game.

  =the designer of this game is nancy jackson.


  e.g.: the door was closed by me.

  the tv is turned on now.

  ①these words were written on it…

  ②the places you have visited are marked in bright purple.

  ③get it now before it’s sold out.

  ④he is a thirteen-year-old boy and…=he is thirteen years old and…

  3. one day, he was lying on the grass and looking at the beautiful blue sky when he fell asleep and had a very strange dream.

  躺,位于  lie-lay-lain     lying   

  don’t lie in bed all morning.

  he likes lying on his back/side/front.

  there is a dog___________ beside his master’s feet.

  i like the snow lying thick on the ground.

  this province lies in northern china.

  the town lies on the coast.

  you are still young-- your whole life lies before you. (喻)

  说谎        lie-lied-lied    lying   (n. liar)

  he’s lying! don’t believe!

  she lies about her age.

  you are lying in your teeth.  扯弥天大谎,睁着眼睛说瞎话。

  放,搁;下蛋   lay-laid-laid   laying

  when he fell asleep and had a very strange dream.

  she went to bed at 10:00p.m., but she couldn’t get to sleep first. then, she listened to some light music. after a few minutes, she fell asleep/went to sleep.

  go to bed    去睡觉           

  fall asleep,go to sleep 入睡,睡着(强调睡的动作)get to sleep(设法)入睡

  fall f______-f_________  feel f_______-f________(过去式,过去分词)

  fall asleep 入睡,

  be asleep 睡着(强调睡的状态)

  4. see those big clouds of different colours with questions on them?


  with 表“带来”,或“带有,具有”,在……身上,在……身边之意

  the girl with golden hair looks beautiful.


  the famous director will come to the meeting with the leading actor and actress.


  a storm with a hurricane has come onto its way.


  do you have money with you? 你身上带着钱吗?



  mary married a man with a lot of money.


  i often dream of a big house with a nice garden.


  the old man lived with a little dog on the lonely island.



  i cut the apple with a sharp knife.


  tom drew the picture with a pencil.



  make friends with sb.

  talk with sb.

  quarrel with sb.

  struggle with sb

  fight with sb

  play with sb

  work with sb

  cooperate with sb

  i have been friends with tom for ten years since we worked with each other, and i have never quarreled with him.


  (4)with 表原因或理由

  john was in bed with high fever.


  he jumped up with joy.


  father is often excited with wine.


  5. when you have got enough points, a cloud will come down and carry you off to a place you have never visited before.


  carry sb off  to     带某人离开去……

  carry   v. 携带;运送;背着;搬运

  e.g.: 我需要你拎所有的包。


  i need you to carry all the bags.

  this plane can carry 70 passengers.

  6. when you play the game, you will play the role of itchy feet.

  play the role of…  扮演……角色 the leading role主角


  i want to play the role of king in the play.

  7. this cd-rom helps you learn english by testing your knowledge of english grammar and vocabulary.

  (1)test v. 测试, 试验, 检验

  the teacher tested the children on their homework.

  n. 测验,检验,试验,检查 have a test

  (2)by  (介词)“通过;经由……(方式)”

  by car/train…                   by doing sth.


  he got the money by selling newspapers.

  8. every time you reach a new place, you will see a lot of useful information about that place on your screen.

  every time:连词;后面跟一般现在时的句子, 构成时间状语从句;而主句用一般将来时,意思为:每一次……,……就会……


  ______ _______ he _______ to see us, he ______ talk with us ______ his new factory.

  9. this game is the best on the market.

  on the market:on sale  待售,上市


  these computers are on the market.

  at the market 在市场上(强调地点)

  10. the places you have visited are marked in bright purple. 你去过的地方被用亮紫色标了出来。

  mark   v. 标记,在……上标记


  she marks the important words with a red pen.

  n. 标记,分数,记号


  the teacher gave me _____ ______ _____for _____ ______.

  11. that’s for you to find out!


  12. get it now before it’s sold out.

  sell out    卖完


  those books are sold out.



  1. 莉莉的新小说已经问世了。

  lily’s new novel ___ ____  _____   _____.

  答案:has already come out

  come out:出版,问世    

  come on! 加油   

  come in/into:进入

  2. 如果地震的话,墙会倒下来。

  if there __ an earthquake,walls may ____  ____.

  答案:is, fall down/come down

  there be句型      come down,fall down:倒下,落下,下降

  3. 昨天他对我说谎了,我非常生气。现在他躺在床上,读着一本书。

  yesterday he ___ ___ me, and i was very angry. now he is ___ on the bed, _____ a book.

  答案:lied to, lying, reading

  lie―lied―lied―lying 说谎     

  lie-lay-lain ― lying  躺,位于

  4. 昨晚,她10点上床睡觉,但一开始她睡不着。然后,她听了点轻音乐。几分钟后,她睡着了。

  she__ __ __ at 10:00p. m. last night, but she ___  ____  ____ ___first. then,she __ __ some soft music. after a few minutes, she __ __/__ __ __ at last.

  答案:went to bed, couldn’t get to sleep, listened to, fell asleep, went to sleep

  go to bed 上床睡觉(动作)

  fall asleep, go to sleep入睡,睡着(状态)

  get to sleep渐渐睡着的过程

  5. 她梦想将来成为一名电脑程序员。

  she __ __ __ a programmer in the future.

  答案:dreams of being

  dream: n./vt.     dream of(doing)sth 梦想(做)……

  have a dream: 做梦      

  dream a(strange, funny…)dream做了一个(奇怪,有趣)的梦

  live a… life

  6. 女性在社会上正扮演着越来越重要的角色。

  women are ___a____ ___ ____ important role in our society.

  答案:playing, more and more

  play the role of:扮演……的角色      more and more:越来越……

  7. 他们计划推出一款新车。

  they plan to put a new kind of cars ____ ____ ____.

  答案:on the market

  put… on the market: 把……推向市场

  on the market, on sale: 待售,上市

  8. 我们每次一看到蛇就吓一跳。

  we are frightened ____ ____ we ___ a snake.

  答案:each/every time, see


  1. this is a new_______(education)cd-rom called “around world in eight hours”.

  2. the story sounds_________(interest).

  3. nancy jackson is one of the _________(design)in the city.

  4. he bought me a _______(gold)watch in japan.

  5. i hear he can use this new kind of computer______(easy).

  6. daniel is a very famous actor. he _____ _____ _____ ____(扮演角色)a successful fbi agent(特工)in his last movie.

  7. there are 8 _________(关;级别)in the game.

  8. if you _______(通过)all levels, you’ll earn 10,000 points.

  9. the questions test your ___________(知识)of english.

  10. the boy likes ____(lie)on the lawn. he has____(lie)here for forty minutes today.


  1. educational     2. interesting    3. designers   4. golden    5. easily

  6. playes a role of    7. levels      8. pass       9. knowledge    10. lying, lain


  (   )1. ---what are you going to do this sunday?

  ---______, what about you?

  a. i’ve no idea    b. i’m afraid    c. i’m sorry    d. i’m ok

  (   )2. will you please ____ the radio? i want to listen to the news.

  a. turn on    b. turn off    c. turn to       d. open

  (   )3. i use my computer ______ information every week.

  a. to search    b. to search for     c. to finding    d. to look

  (   )4. i don’t think it is designed _____ nancy jackson.

  a. in    b. with     c. by          d. on

  (   )5. he _____ on the grass and looking at the blue sky.

  a. was lying   b. laid    c. lay         d. was laying

  (   )6. he _____ at eight last night but he didn’t ____ until 11 o’clock.

  a. went to bed, go to bed     b. went to bed, fall asleep

  c. fell asleep, go to bed     d. fell asleep, fall asleep

  (   )7. the machine _____ memory robot.

  a. calls   b. is called   c. is call     d. is calling

  (   )8. my printer can ____ very quickly.

  a. be printed   b. print   c. be print    d. to print

  (   )9. it’s used ____.

  a. to writing   b. for write   c. for writing    d. to write

  (   )10. tea is ____ in the southeast of china.

  a. made     b. grown   c. produced      d. grew

  (   )11. english is used ____ travelers all over the world.

  a. to       b. for     c. by            d. as

  (   )12. ---where ____ the machines _____, do you know?

  ---in china.

  a. is, made    b. are,  made    c. have, made    d. do, made

  (   )13. this kind of machine _____ cutting paper.

  a. uses for    b. is using for    c. is used to   d. is used for

  (   )14. about 500 cars ____ in the factory last month.

  a. were produced    b. are produced    c. produce    d. produced

  (   )15. the printer is used ____ printing information.

  a. to      b. by     c. for        d. as

  答案:1~5  aabca   6~10  bbacb   11~15  cbbac



Unit 3 Online travel(通用2篇)
