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Unit 5 Can you come to my birthday party ?(精选2篇)

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Unit 5 Can you come to my birthday party ?(精选2篇)

Unit 5 Can you come to my birthday party ? 篇1

  unit 5 can you come to my birthday party ?

  section a

  一、教师寄语:god helps those who help themselves.


  knowledge aims: 1) words and phrases : lesson, another, concert, whom, weekday, study for a test, have a(n)……lesson, have to,  another time, go to the doctor.

  2) important sentences: ―can you come to my birthday party?

  ―sure, i’d love to./ i’m sorry, i have to……

  ability aims: 1)学会发出、接受和拒绝邀请。


  emotion aim: 学会邀请他人和接受或拒绝他人的邀请,增进与他人之间的情感,培养交往能力。


  1)熟练掌握情态动词can 的用法



  (一) 预习导学



  listening and writing.(finish1b, 2a and 2b)

  check the answers in groups. then complete the test below.

  a. 英汉互译。

  1.another time________  2. 谢谢你的邀请___________3.go to the guitar lessons ___________4.太多作业___________5.go to the concert________6. 棒球比赛_______   


  1.thanks for_______(ask).

  2. i’m sorry. i have to ______(go) to my piano lesson.

  3. ―can she _____(go) to the movies?  ―no. she can’t .she ______(play) soccer.

  4. i’d love _____(come) to your birthday party tomorrow.

  5. ―can they go to the concert?   ―no, they _____. they ______(go) to the party.


  1.practice the conversation like 2c.

  2.finish 3a first and then make a birthday card like 3a.


  look at your birthday card , practice the conversation like the following:

  a: hey, simon , can you come to the party

  b: when is it?

  a: it’s friday, june 30, at four thirty.

  b: great! i’d love to.  


  what have you learned in this class? please write them down:



  1. ―happy birthday!  ―____________.

  a. thanks  b. the same to you  c. i do too     d. not at all 

  2. you can’t find him. he usually _____ at 4:00.

  a. have an english lesson     b. is having an english lesson 

  c. will go to the guitar lesson  d. goes to the guitar lesson

  3. ―what are you going to do this weekend?  ―i’d like _____my parents.

  a.to visit     b.visit     c.visiting   d. visit

  4. ―she has a headache.she can’t attend the meeting.   ―______.

  a.it doesn’t matter  b.it sounds wonderful  c.i’m sorry to hear that d. really

  5. ―i’m sorry,i can’t go to the movies with you.―oh,that’s too bad.maybe _____ time.

  a.the other    b.other     c.another     d. others

  6.―can you go to the science museum with me tomorrow?

  ―_______,but i have to study for my chemistry test.

  a.i'd love to b.never mind  c.it’s nothing  d. yes, please

  7. he ______ stay at home, because his mother was ill.

  a. has to     b. have to     c. had       d. had to



  1. my american friend is going to v_____ me next week.

  2. hey! can you come to my b______ party? 

  3. don’t talk in class, please keep q______.

  4. for w_____ are you waiting?

  5.  i’m sorry, i can’t come, i have to s________ for the math test.


  1. can you __________(come) to my house for dinner? sorry, i can’t .

  2.thanks for __________ (ask) me to your birthday party.

  3. he’s trying _________(go) out, please _________(help) him _________(open) the door.

  4. do you want_______(go)_______(swim) with us saturday afternoon?

  5. would you like ______(come) to my office ______(discuss) the report?


  1. he has to go to his guitar lesson.(改为一般疑问句)

  _____ he ______ to go to his guitar lesson?

  2. he has to help his parents at home on saturday.(改为否定句)

  he_____ ______ _____ ______his parents at home on saturday.

  3.i am studying for a test.(对划线部分提问)

  ____ ____you studying for?


  1. the shoes are too big, so i’d like to try _____pair.

  a. other  b. the other  c. another  d. the others.

  解析:答案:c 。another 在此泛指“另一双”.

  2. ―could i borrow your dictionary?   ―of course you_____.

  a. can  b. must  c. should  d. will

  解析: 答案: a.  can 最符合题意。“当然你能。”

  3.―can you finish your homework before dark?  ―_______.

  a. no problem.  b. that’s ok.  c. never mind  d. with pleasure.

  解析:a, 没问题;b, 不客气;c; 不介意 ;d,很愿意。问句句意为:“天黑前你能完成你的作业吗?”故只有a符合题意。故选a.


  1.chinese climbers carried the olympic flame to the top of the world’s highest mountain______8th of may .(,苏州)

  a. on  b. at  c. in  d. from

  2. ―¬ben, would you like to play football with us?

  ―¬ _____,but i have to wash the dishes first.(,重庆)

  a. no, i can’t  b. i don’t want to  c. yes, please.  d. i’d love to.

  3.great changes have taken place in china, who can tell ______it would be like in ______five  years?(,青岛)

  a. how;other  b. what; more  c. how; another  d. what; another




  unit5  section a


  1.lesson 2.another 3.concert 4.study for the test  5.go to the concert 6.have a

  piano lesson 7.help my parents 8.visit my aunt

  自主学习: a. 英汉互译1.另一次,改天吧2.thanks for your invitation 3.去上吉他课4.too much homework 5.去听音乐会6.baseball game

  b.用所给单词的适当形式填空1.asking 2.go 3.go, is playing 4.to come 5.can’t, are going

  达标检测一.单项选择1.a 2.d 3.a 4.c 5.c 6.a 7.d


  a.根据首字母提示填空1.visit 2.birthday 3.quiet 4.whom 5.study

  b.用所给词的适当形式填空1.come 2.asking 3.to go 4.to go, swimming 5.to come, to discuss

  三、按要求完成句子,每空一词1.does, have 2.doesn’t have to help 3.what are

  中考链接1.a 2.d 3.d

Unit 5 Can you come to my birthday party ? 篇2

  unit 5 can you come to my birthday party ?

  section b

  一、教师寄语:.do nothing by halves. (凡事不可半途而废。)


  knowledge aims: new words and phrases : tomorrow, weekday ,invitation ,training, chemistry,american , match, whole, free, the day after tomorrow ,come over, have… training

  ability aims: 1)学会询问及回答日期


  emotion aim: 通过本节课的学习,学会婉言拒绝别人的邀请,礼貌待人


  熟练掌握: 1. a: what’s today?

  b: it’s monday the 14 th.

  2. thanks a lot for the invitation. i’m sorry i can’t ……


  (一) 预习导学

  take out a calender and ask students the date, then fill the blanks below.

  a:  英汉互译:



  b: 默写出星期的名称。(从周日开始)

  (二)自主学习:finish 2a,2b.

  (三)合作探究:1. practice the conversations about vince and andy. like this:

  a: hi, vince , can you play tennis with me?     b: when?

  a: today.                                b: sorry, i can’t. i…

  2. read 3a only once. then answer the questions:

  判断正 (t)误(f)。

  1) sonia is visiting henry although she is busy this week.

  2)  sonia is going to her cousin’s birthday party on monday evening.

  3)  sonia has a toothache.

  4)  sonia is in the school tennis team and she has tennis training on wednesday.

  5)  sonia has a chemistry test on thursday. 

  3. fill in the blanks in the e-mail message. use “i’m+ing” or “i have to + verb.”(finish 3b)

  (四)拓展创新:write an email message to a friend. say why you can’t visit next week.


  what have you learned in this class? please write them down:




  1.thank you very much for your i_______.

  2.i’m sorry,i can’t.i have a r¬¬¬¬¬¬_______busy day.

  3.tom is an a_______ boy.

  4.he is coming back s_______.

  5. i am f_____ today. i can help my parents clean the house.


  1. thank you______me to your party.

  a. asking b. ask   c. for asking d. to asking

  2. may 12th is xiao ming’s birthday.he____ us to his birthday party.

  a. invites b. makes   c. tells d. pleases

  3. in my class,some students love music; ____are fond of drawing and _____enjoy reading.

  a. some;the other b. others;the other c.others;the others d. some;others

  4. 一what day is it today?  一it’s _______.

  a. evening b. june  c. saturday  d. summer

  5. -linda,when shall we take a walk? -after i finish_____ the dishes.

  a. wash b. washed c. to wash d. washing

  6. 一may i use your ruler? -_______.

  a. yes, please  b. you are nice c. it doesn’t matter  d. it was a pleasure



  i’m______ ______this week.


  i have basketball _____ _____ the school team this thursday.


  i’m going to the movies with some friends _____ _____ ______.


  he has to study for the _______ _______ on wednesday.


  are you ______ ______ vacation this weekend?

  pleas call me ______the vacation.


  1. mr smith often watches football match¬ ____ after he is retined (退休)

  a. whole the day  b. all the day  c. the all day d. the whole day

  解析:“whole”意为“整个的,全部的”表示整天可以说“the whole day”可排除a,除此之外all day 可以表示整天,不与定冠词连用,故选d

  2. since i had a lot of home word to do .i didn’t go to bed¬¬___12 last night

  a. until  b. when  c. while

  解析固定搭配not until表示“直到…才”句意为“直到12点才去睡觉”

  3. shall we go out for a walk after supper?(改写句子,句意不变)

  ¬¬____  _____ _____ a walk after supper?

  解析:句意:表示征求意见,用what about/how about


  1. thanks a lot for ¬¬____me____ your birthday party.

  a. invite  for  b. invite  to  c. inviting  for  d. inviting  to

  2. ―listen! is tom singing in the classroom?―no, it___ be tom. he has gone to pairs.

  a. may not  b. needn’t   c. can’t  d. mustn’t

  3. ―harbin is really a beautiful city and there’re many places of interest.

  ―so it is. why not stay here for¬¬____ two days?

  a.other  b. others  c. another  d. the anthers




  unit5  section b

  预习导学:a:1.weekend 2.weekday 3.yesterday 4.today 5.tomorrow 6.the day after tomorrow 7.babysit his sister 8.play tennis with me

  b. sunday, monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday


  一、根据句意和首字母完成单词1.invitation 2.really 3.american 4.soon 5.free

  二、单项选择1.c 2.a 3.d 4.c 5.d 6.a

  三、根据所给汉语完成英语句子1.really busy 2.training with 3.on friday evening 4.chemistry test 5.going on, after

  中考链接1.d 2.c 3.c



Unit 5 Can you come to my birthday party ?(精选2篇)
