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Unit 3 Our senses(通用2篇)

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Unit 3 Our senses(通用2篇)

Unit 3 Our senses 篇1

  unit 3 our senses

  科目: 七年级英语                     授课教师:

  课  题




  教学目标1.帮助学生理解并正确运用人称代词和反身代词。 2.引导学生发现并归纳出人称代词和反身代词的意义与用法,并能在模拟交际中正确运用这三个连词。 3.培养学生探究学习、合作学习、自主学习的能力。


  重点和难点1.       人称代词的主格和宾格的使用 2.       反身代词的语法功能

  教具准备ppt 录音 图片





  step1 warming up give some names of people and things, get some students to speak out the pronouns of them quickly. show some cards with some   names on them and have ss to speak out the pronouns of them quickly. step2 grammer learning let the ss read a short passage show ppt, help the ss to find the personal pronouns and the differences between them step3 practise time1. get the ss to give more examples. 2.use the correct form to complete the report. 3.check the answer on the slide show step4learning b------using  reflexive pronounssay a sentence :i can do it alone. help students to say it in another way. step5 further study,time for game & race 1.have ss  use the past time when expressing things happening in the past 2.try to find the day/date as soon as possoble t: last monday three days ago … 3.ask ss to have a race by making longer sentences in groups of 4-6 4.tell ss to talk about the picture, the longer, the better summaryask ss to sum up what they learned today


Unit 3 Our senses 篇2

  unit 3 our senses  

  reception 接待处;接待区

  clerk     接待员;职员

  blind 瞎的

  explain 解释

  lead     带路;引领

  exit    出口

  safety 安全

  describe 描述,形容

  asleep 睡着的

  bark     吠叫

  loudly 大声地

  smell 闻到;嗅觉

  smoke 烟

  fire alarm 火警

  towel 毛巾;手巾

  dead     不运动的,不转动的

  minute 分钟

  fire engine 消防车

  against 反对,与…相反

  mostly 主要地

  perfume maker 香水制造者

  sense 感觉官能

  useful 有用的

  taste     味觉

  close 闭上;关闭

  programme 节目

  skill     技术;技能

  hearing 听力

  sight     视力;视觉

  deaf     聋的,失聪的

  simple 简单的,容易的

  able   能够

  chance 机会

  sign language 手语

  disability    缺陷,障碍

  wheelchair 轮椅

  left      左边,左方

  opposite 在…对面

  cupboard 橱柜;碗柜



Unit 3 Our senses(通用2篇)
