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Unit 11 What time do you go to school?(精选2篇)

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Unit 11 What time do you go to school?(精选2篇)

Unit 11 What time do you go to school? 篇1

  unit 11 what time do you go to school?

  lesson 1

  i. language goals:

  talk about routines.

  ask about times.

  -new language:

  what time do you get up? or when do you usually get up?

  i get up at five o’clock. or i usually get up at five o’clock.

  when does she take a shower?

  she takes a shower at five o’ clock.

  what time is it?

  it’s ten o’ clock.

  ii. teaching aid:

  teaching clock with moveable hands

  iii. vocabulary words:

  routines, run, eat breakfast, go to school, do homework, go to bed, shower, o’clock, morning, get up, usually, pen pal, arrive, around, pretty, lunch, quarter, noon, break, finish, half, evening, hour

  iv. teaching steps:

  1.    greetings.

  2.    read the short description below (about routines). tell students that this is what nancy’s pen pal does everyday. listen carefully.

  *i usually get up at a quarter past seven-that’s seven fifteen in the morning. i have breakfast at eight o’ clock and then take the bus to work at half past eight. i usually arrive at work at a quarter to nine. my morning is usually pretty busy and i like taking a lunch at noon. in the afternoon, i usually have another break at three fifteen. i usually finish work at a quarter to five and arrive home around six in the evening. at night, i usually go to bed at eleven o’ clock.

  3. read the vocabulary words on the board.

  4. read again and ask students to repeat every word after you.

  5.give the meaning of every word using the description above. don’t forget to use some gestures to make every meaning clear.

  6. ask the class to read the words again. correct every mispronounced word.

  7. have students do exercise 1a. check the answers afterwards.


  lesson 2

  1.    say, look at the rules for telling time in english.

  a. in english we use “past” to say times after the hour until half past, or 30 minutes past the hour. example: 9:30 it’s half past nine.

  b. in english we use o’ clock only at the full hour. example: 2:00 it’s two o’ clock.

  c. we can also say the number in groups of two. example: 7:25 it’s seven twenty five.

  d. when speaking about the different times of the day we often use: in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening.

  e. in english we use “at night” not “in the night.

  2.    ask students to do activity 1b. remind them to listen carefully.

  3.    ask students to practice the dialogue in pairs.

  what time do you usually get up, rick?

  i usually get up at five o’ clock.

  4.    let the children listen to the conversation (2a) and ask them to do the written exercises (2a and 2b)

  5.    discuss grammar focus. go over the rules for telling time. try to extend the grammar focus by giving more examples. below is just a simple example. take note how questions are answered. look at the verbs used.

  what time do you get up? i get up at six o’ clock.

  what time does he eat breakfast? he eats breakfast at seven o’ clock.

  what time does she go to school? she goes to school at eight o’ clock.

  6.    ask students to read the grammar focus repeatedly.


  lesson 3

  1.    oral practice: go over the shower schedule (2b). this time teach students on how to ask and answer questions correctly. then let students do it in pairs..

  2.    introduce the passage (3a). read it aloud to the students then ask them to read it after you.

  3.    have the students answer the written activity (3a).

  4.    more oral practice! talk about parts of the day (morning, afternoon and evening).

  5.    ask the students about their daily routines or every day activities like: get up, eat breakfast, go to school and so on and so forth.

  6.    take students to the pictures under section b 1a. let them answer.

  7.    point the conversation in the picture 1b. ask a partner questions about when people do these things. (pairwork)

  example: when do people usually eat breakfast? people usually eat breakfast in the morning.

  8.    now call a student and ask him/her to read the conversation in the picture (2b). ask the students then to work in pairs. direct pairs of students to ask and answer one or two questions as the class listens.

  9.    proceed to activity 3a. call attention to the letter from jennifer to selina. read it aloud then ask a student to read it again. encourage students to ask questions about the contents of the letter and answer every question.

  10.have the students read the letter again and ask them to answer the written activities (3a and 3b). then check the answers afterwards.


  lesson 4

  1.    go over the daily routines of the students.

  get up, take a shower, eat breakfast, go to school, run, do homework, eat dinner, go to bed

  2.    review telling time and parts of the day.

  3.    share you daily routines to the students. let them listen.

  4.    call some volunteers to talk about their daily routines too (individually).

  5.    enrichment activity: tell the times below.

  note: explain am and pm first.

  example: 10:30 am   answer: it’s half past ten or ten thirty in the morning.

  1.    12:15 pm

  2.    9:45 am -

  3.    9:25 pm

  4.    2:28 pm

  5.    6:10 am

  6.    how do we ask the time? look at the following:

  1.    what’s the time?  it’s half past three.

  2.    what time is it?  it’s eight twenty.

  3.    do you have the time, please?   it’s six fifteen.

  4.    sorry, could you tell me the time, please?  it’s quarter to two.

  5.    do you know what the time is?  it’s ten past twelve.

  7.   let the class read the additional information or knowledge given above.


  unit 12 what’s your favorite subject?(一)





  1.what和 why 提问的特殊问句及其回答

  2.科目名称以及描述对其认知的性质形容词(fun, interesting, boring, difficult, relaxing , exciting)



  why do you like…. because …







  1)懂得尊重别人的爱好, 明白爱好不分高低主次和先后。



  1)词汇  a.掌握各科科目的名称以及描述其性质的形容词。  b. 熟记星期的名称

  2)语法项目  掌握 what 和why所引导的特殊疑问句及其回答。

  3)语言目标 what’s your favorite …?

  my favorite … is…

  why do you like…?



  提前准备一些时令水果,像苹果,香蕉,梨,橘子等, 把他们摆放在讲桌上, 教师拿起自己喜爱的一种水果说i like … and …is my favorite fruit.然后询问学生what’s your favorite fruit? 由此引出本单元的重点句型

  模块二: 音乐导入

  播放三段音乐,分别是pop music, folk music and classical music. 当放到他们自己喜欢的音乐时,他们就急需表达自己的意见,想用英语来表达自己,这时,教师可以自然而然地引出本单元的重点句型。





  what’s this?     who is your friend?

  2) 对定语提问

  用“疑问词+被修饰的词+一般疑问句”句型。 如:

  what class are you in?   what time do you usually go to school?


  用“疑问词+ 一般疑问句” 句型。 如: when do you get up every day?  why do you like english?

  特殊疑问句的回答不同于一般疑问句,它不可以用yes, no来回答,而必须具体回答它所提问的内容。比如why do you like english?

  这一句的回答就是because it’s interesting.


  共有七个表星期的名词: sunday, monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday and saturday.他们的提问方式是:

  what day is it today? 或 what day is today? it’s … 或today is …

  要表示在星期几,介词要用on 而不是in.比如: on monday。


  sunday --- sun  monday---mon  tuesday--- tues   wednesday---wed  thursday---thur  

  friday---fri    saturday---sat特别提醒学生在英语中sunday为一星期的第一天,而不是monday.


  1.fun 既有名词也有形容词,它作形容词一般是用于口语中,在本单元它的用法相当于funny.

  2.interesting 和interested都是形容词,interesting 是性质形容词,他的主语一般是表示物的,而interested的主语是表示人的。

  类似的形容词还有moving 和moved , exciting和 excited等等。

  3.difficult 其同义词是hard 反义词是 easy,它用来表示事物的属性,其名词形式是difficulty.



  目    的:

  练习使用 “what’s /who’s your favorite…?”句型,培养学生收集信息、整理信息以及分类归纳的能力。

  材    料:



  speaking, listening and writing



  a bike/  skating/…

  (2) what’s your favorite sport?

  who’s your favorite singer?

  (3) how many students like…?










  目    的:


  材    料:



  speaking and listening


  (1)favorite color/food/book/tv play/sport/city

  (2)what’s your mother’s favorite…?

  1.       (3)why does she like…?




  目    的:


  材    料:



  speaking and writing


  (1)what’s your favorite book/film/song/color…?

  (2)why do/don’t you like it?

  (3)because it’s very interesting/boring/difficult/fun…





  words                 sentences

  subject               what’s your favorite subject?

  science               my favorite subject is science.    

  why do you like it?

  fun /interesting      because it is fun/interesting.

  when do you have science lesson?

  on tuesday            i have it on tuesday.          

  art                   why don’t you like art?

  boring                because it’s boring.



Unit 11 What time do you go to school? 篇2

  unit 11 what time do you go to school?

  一. 指导思想

  1. 坚持以学生为中心,以任务为主的教学原则。

  2. 创造使用英语的机会,“学以致用”,贯彻英语学习的交际性原则。

  3. 教师的作用:设计者,研究者,组织者,促进者,协调者。

  二. 教学内容

  1. talk about daily routines

  2. ask about and say clock times

  3. new words, phrases and sentence patterns.

  三. 教具


  四. 教学目标与要求

  1. 语言目标:掌握问和表达不同时间段的时间及日程安排相关的单词,词组和重点句型。

  2. 能力目标:学生能自如谈论和表达自己和他人的日程安排,能询问和回答时间,能笔头设计和表达科学合理的作息时间安排表。

  3. 德育目标:培养学生形成互相关心,互相学习;促使学生形成良好的日常作息习惯。

  五. 教学重难点

  1. 重点词组和句型的用法.

  2. 不同时间段的表达法.

  3. 设计和表达日程安排.

  六. 课堂教学步骤

  the  first  period

  step 1:presentation(设计意图:通过展示时钟,引导学生如何询问和表达时间。)

  display a clock with moveable hands to the students, placing the hands at various times from 1:00 to 12:00 and calling on students to say the clock times shown and lead the students to read them. then present following dialogue

  t: what time is it?

  ss: it’s five o’clock

  step 2:pairwork(设计意图:学生通过合作练习,掌握如何询问和表达时间。)

  ask students to draw some clocks with various times. then ask and answer about the clock times each other.

  step 3:presentation(设计意图:通过描述自己的早晨作息安排,使学生掌握如下语言知识:1.词汇go to school ,eat breakfast, take a shower, get up :2.句子结构:i usually do something at +times)

  show some pictures of my morning routine with a clock showing different times and describe what is happening in each picture. for example: i usually get up at 5:00.usually eat breakfast at 7:00.i usually go to school at 8:00.then ask students  to repeat the sentences and the new words.

  step4:survey( 设计意图:学生4人一组互相调查早晨的时间安排,如几点起床,几点吃早饭等,看谁最认真,时间安排最合理,通过这一任务的完成学生在交际的过程中进一步掌握询问和表达时间及作息安排的词汇和句型结构)   


  ask students to narrate their own daily routines. then ask several to report it to the class. at last decide who does the most things and makes the most reasonable daily routines.

  step6 listening

  listen to the recording and try to finish 2a & 2b

  step7 writing

  make a reasonable daily routine for themselves in groups. and write them out.


  write out their own daily routines in the exercise books. remember the new words ,new phrases and sentences.

  the  second  period

  step 1: revision(设计意图:通过完成汇报自己的日程安排,复习时间表达法和作息安排相关词组。)

  revise how to ask and say clock times.

  revise the important phrases by asking students to talk about their own daily routines.

  i usually get up at five o’clock.

  i usually have breakfast/go to school….

  step 2: presentation(通过转述一个学生的作息安排,引导学生如何描述他人的作息安排,且教会学生相关句子结构和表达方式。)

  after the last student finish talking about his/her daily routine. then i say she/he gets up at 6:00. she/he runs at 6:30.   she/he has breakfast at 7:00. she/he goes to school at 8:00…. and write down the sentences on the bb. then lead the students to read the sentences and pay attention to the third singular verb forms.

  step 3: interview(设计意图:学生通过完成调查和描述他人的作息安排这一任务进一步熟悉且掌握相关语言结构和词汇,注意第三人称单数动词形式,提高学生的口语表达能力。)

  ask students to interview a student’s daily routine and write it down on a piece of paper. then ask several students to report to the class, using sentence: he/he does something + 时间。

  step4: presentation(设计意图:通过展示或画出不同的时间,教会学生如何表达24小时制时间及半小时和一刻钟等,学生通过观察,听,思考学会表达一切时间,掌握am和pm 的区别)    

  use a teaching clock or draw a large clock face on the board and erase and redraw the hands as needed. first ask students to say whole-hour clock times such as nine o’clock. explain the differences between am and pm, and show how you can show the differences between am and pm by using 0-24 for times. write 0-24 on the board, point to each number, and make sure the students can give you the correct times, eg: 21:00 is nine pm. introduce the half hours by setting the clock hands to show half hour time, saying the time and ask students to repeat.

  introduce the quarter hours the same way. for example: set the hands to show 6:15, say six-fifteen, and ask students to repeat.

  step 5 practice (3b)(设计意图:学生通过完成表达各种时间这一小任务,从而达到在用中学,通过交际来落实语言知识,各种时间表达法)

  ask students to name clock times using full hours, half hours, and quarter hours. set the hands at various times in random. order and call on individuals to answer or write down different times on the blackboard. and let students ask and answer in pairs.

  5:15 a: what time is it?

  b: it’s five fifteen am.(am means in the morning)

  17:00 a: what time is it?

  b: it’s five o’clock pm.(pm means in the afternoon)

  step 6: reading (3a)

  ask students to read passage. then match the pictures with the correct clocks

  at last discuss any difficulties that students have.

  step7:practice in pairs(设计意图:学生通过完成讨论和汇报下列表格这一任务,必然在交际中练习时间表达和日常安排相关的词汇,短语及句型 ,从而进一步掌握该语言结构和功能,提高学生的听,说,读的能力。)

  following is a daily routine of lily’s or jim’s

  name   time  activities

  6:00 get up

  6:15 have/take a shower

  6:30 make one’s breakfast

  7:00 practise one’s guitar

  7:30 eat breakfast

  8:00 go to work/go to school

  18:00 watch tv

  21:30 go to bed

  ask students to discuss the form in pairs by practicing following dialogue

  a: what time is it?

  b: it’s 6:00 o’clock

  a: what time does lily/jim get up?

  b: she/he usually get up at 6:00

  step 8 writing(设计意图:写作是语输言出形式之一,它训练了学生的语言组织能力,思维能力,反映了学生的语言掌握情况,学生通过完成笔头描述表格这一任务,在语言的运用中学习表达时间和作息安排的语言结构和语言内容,达到语言目标的最终落实。)

  ask students to write a short passage about above form like this: lily gets up at 6:00.she has a shower at 6:15. she makes her breakfast at 6:30.she eats breakfast at 7:00 and so on.

  ask two students to write their passages on the blackboard. the others  write  on the paper.

  homework (设计意图:作业是课堂教学的有效延伸,合理的科学的家庭作业对学生成绩的提高大有帮助,学生通过完成对家庭成员日程的调查,制表和写成文章这一任务环,达到 复习掌握时间表达法及日常作息安排表达法,同时通过用中学,掌握相关词组和重点句型。) 

  make a survey and write a short passage about your family members’ daily routines.

  设计思路:《英语新课程标准》提倡任务型教学模式,以学生为中心设计各种切实可行的任务,创设各种教学情景,让学生在“学中用”“用中学”,使学生完成各项语言任务进行语言交际,这两课设计了描述自己的早晨作息时间安排,调查和汇报对方和他人的日程安排,制作表格和分析表述表格等易操作的任务,同时遵循由易到难逐渐推进的原则,第一课时主要内容是学生较熟悉的整点时间表达法及第一和第二人称的日程安排,第二课时则是学生较难掌握的24小时制时间与12 小时制时间的转换和各种非整点时间的表达,以及第三人称的日程安排 ,在前一课时的基础上内容和难度都有所增加。学生通过完成任务进行语言交际,逐渐完善语言内容,步步体会成就感 ,调动自己的学习积极性,真正达到教学目标的落实。



Unit 11 What time do you go to school?(精选2篇)
