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A teaching plan for Unit 1,Module(精选3篇)

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A teaching plan for Unit 1,Module(精选3篇)

A teaching plan for Unit 1,Module 篇1

  一、teaching materials: unit 2 he decided to be an actor. (module 10 life history) 二、targets for this period: to get information from the reading material about william shakespeare to write sentences about events in one’s life 三、key points: key vocabulary―some of, marry, at the age of, move to, join, still, become key structures ―past simple 四、teaching methods: task-based approach and bottom-up approach 五、teaching aids    reading material, blackboard 六、teaching arrangements: step one  lead-in  (homework) students work in pairs to make a dialogue about when they were five years old step two  to pronounce some new words and expressions of unit 2 1.       students read the words after the tape. 2.       students practice pronouncing the words by themselves. 3.       to help some students correct the pronunciations of some words. 4.       students should understand some word-formations: (1) actor   visitor  sailor        (2)writer  reader  player  thinker  (3)poem 诗歌  poet 诗人        (4)company  companies (pl.) (5)successful (adj.)   success (n.)   successfully(adv.)   succeed(v.) step three  students read the passage quickly and answer the questions. (activity one)1.       who was william shakespeare?  ---- a writer of plays and poems2.       when was he born?  ---- in 1564 3.       where was he born?  ---- in england step four  students read it again and put the sentences in the correct order (activity two)    d f c a b e step five  to complete the timeline for shakespeare (activity three)1.       students match the verb with the right timeline2.       students make sentences according to the given information 1564    be born       shakespeare was born in 1564 in england.1578    finish school   he finished school in 1578 and decided to be an actor1582    marry         he married in 1582 and had three children.1592    move to       he moved to london and joined a theatre company in 1592.1599    open          his company opened the globe theatre in 1599.1616    die           he died in 1616. step six  language points1.       some of some of the students like reading. = some students like reading. (pron.)                        (adj.) 2.       年龄的表达方法 1) be + 数字 (+ years old)   he is ten (years old). 2) 数字-year-old           he is a ten-year-old boy. 3) at (the age of) + 数字     he started school at (the age of) ten.                        = he started school when he was ten (years old). 3.       1) marry (v.) = get / be married (adj.) 结婚的,已婚的                they (were/got) married when they were young.    2) marry sb. = be married to sb.      she married a famous doctor. = she was married to a famous doctor.    3) marry sb. to sb.   把某人嫁给某人      they married their daughter to a famous doctor. 4.       move to we’ll move into a new house next month. 5.       1) join + 党派/ 团体         he joined the communist youth league of china last year.      this afternoon we will go swimming. will you join us?    2) join in + 活动      everyone joined in the game.    3) join sb. in sth./ doing sth.  参与到与某人一起的行动中      i joined them in welcoming you. 6.  become (became)    at last, she became a popular singer.    our country is becoming more and more beautiful. 7.  still  (肯定句中,be/助动/情态动词之后,实义动词之前;否定句中,否定词之前。)    he was still working when i saw him.    he still can’t do it. step seven  students practice reading the passage aloudstep eight  students match the words with their meanings (activity five)step nine  to talk about the life of shakespeare. (activity four)1.         students put the words and phrases in the correct order of time.2.         students retell the passage according to the given information.homework:   1. to write sentences about events in your life.     2. to finish unit2, module10, 点中典     blackboard designing

  unit 2 he decided to be an actor.

  the life of william shakespeare1564    be born       shakespeare was born in 1564 in england.1578    finish school   he finished school in 1578 and decided to be an actor1582    marry         he married in 1582 and had three children.1592    move to       he moved to london and joined a theatre company in 1592.1599    open          his company opened the globe theatre in 1599.1616    die           he died in 1616. 1.      some of some of the students like reading. = some students like reading. (pron.)                        (adj.) 2.      年龄的表达方法 1) be + 数字 (+ years old)   he is ten (years old). 2) 数字-year-old           he is a ten-year-old boy. 3) at (the age of) + 数字     he started school at (the age of) ten.                            = he started school when he was ten (years old). 3.1) marry (v.) = get / be married (adj.) 结婚的,已婚的                        they (were/got) married when they were young.     2) marry sb. = be married to sb.       she married a famous doctor. = she was married to a famous doctor.     3) marry sb. to sb.   把某人嫁给某人       they married their daughter to a famous doctor. 4.      move to we’ll move into a new house next month. 5. 1) join + 党派/ 团体         he joined the communist youth league of china last year.      this afternoon we will go swimming. will you join us?    2) join in + 活动      everyone joined in the game.    3) join sb. in sth./ doing sth.  参与到与某人一起的行动中      i joined them in welcoming you. 6.  become (became)      at last, she became a popular singer.      our country is becoming more and more beautiful. 7.  still  (肯定句中,be/助动/情态动词之后,实义动词之前;否定句中,否定词之前。)      he was still working when i saw him.      he still can’t do it.

A teaching plan for Unit 1,Module 篇2

  一、teaching materials: unit 1 we listening to the radio. (module 10 life history) 二、targets for this period: to understand conversations about life in the past to understand and be able to ask questions with “did” to learn months of the year to understand the prepositions before date, month, season or year 三、key points: key vocabulary―january, february, march, april, may, june, july, august, september, october, november, december, autumn, spring, summer, winter key structures―did you do…?            yes, i did. / no, i didn’t. 四、teaching methods: task-based approach and interactive approach 五、teaching aids    tape recorder, blackboard 六、teaching arrangements: step one  brain-storm (activity 2) 1.       students write the months of the year in the correct order on the blackboard.2.       students pronounce and remember the words of the months. 3.       students pay attention to the prep. “in” before months. step two  to match the months with the seasons (activity 3)     students pay attention to the prep. “in” before seasons, and make sentences. 1.       march, april and may are in spring. 2.       june, july and august are in summer. 3.       september, october and november are in autumn. 4.       december, january and february are in winter. step three  to match the festival with the months (activity 1)1.       students pay attention to the prep. “in” before months, and make sentences. 1)      teachers’ day is in september. 2)      women’s day is in march. 3)      christmas is in december. 4)      national day is in october. 5)      children’s day is in june. 6)      new year’s day is in january. 7)      labour day is in may. 8)      spring festival is in january. 2.       students pay attention to the prep. “on” before dates, and make sentences. 1)      teachers’ day is on september 10th 2)      women’s day is on march 8th. 3)      christmas is on december 25th. 4)      national day is on october 1st. 5)      children’s day is on june 1st. 6)      new year’s day is on january 1st. 7)      labour day is on may 1st. step four  to listen twice and check the dates (activity 4)     students answer the questions in complete form one by one. 1.       when did tony come to china?    tony came to china in october, 1999. 2.       when did tony start school in beijing?    tony started school in beijing in march, . 3.       when did tony meet lingling and daming? tony met lingling and daming in august, . 4.       when did tony visit his grandparents?   tony visited his grandparents in january, . step five  listening (activity 5)1.       in the first listening, students answer questions. 1) when was betty’ grandpa born?    he was born in november1935. 2) tell me one thing that betty’ grandpa had at that moment.   he had bike, chess, movie, telephone or train at that moment.2.       in the second listening, students check the things betty’s grandfather had. (activity 6)he had bike, chess, movie, telephone and train at that moment.step six   language points of the dialogue1.       when 引导的时间状语从句。i was reading a book when he came in. (注意时态的一致性)   i’ll go to work in a hospital when i finish school. (“主将从现”原则,主句为一般将来时,从句用一般现在时态。)2.       we had games like chess. 我们有像象棋之类的游戏。1)like (prep.) 像一样,例如 (反义词:unlike)like other students, he also likes english.2)like (v.) 喜欢(反义词:dislike)3.  start school ←→ finish school4.  my brother and i visited my aunt near the sea. 我和哥哥拜访了住在海边的阿姨。   near the sea 作定语修饰 my auntstep seven  students practice reading the dialogue aloudstep eight  to listen and repeat (activity 7)( students should pay attention to the tone of simple questions.) 5.       go away 走开  e.g: don’t go away. our teacher has something important to tell us.     别走开,老师有些重要的事情要告诉我们。     go away from me. 给我走开。 homework:   1. to recite the dialogue of unit1, module 10     2. to finish unit1, module10, 点中典     3. to preview some phrases: blackboard designing

  unit 1 we listening to the radio.new year’s day  women’s day  labour day  children’s day  teachers’ day  national day  christmas

  january february march april may june july august september october november   december   winter          spring         summer          autumn                winter 1.       when 引导的时间状语从句。i was reading a book when he came in. (注意时态的一致性)   i’ll go to work in a hospital when i finish school. (“主将从现”原则,主句为一般将来时,从句用一般现在时态。)2.       like (prep.) 像一样,例如 (反义词:unlike)like other students, he also likes english.like (v.) 喜欢(反义词:dislike)3.       go away 走开  e.g: don’t go away. our teacher has something important to tell us.     go away from me.

A teaching plan for Unit 1,Module 篇3

  一、teaching materials: unit 3 language in use (module 10 life history) 二、targets for this period: to summarize and consolidate past simple questions and negative sentences and the new vocabulary 三、key points: key vocabulary― in, a lotkey structures―did you do…?  yes, i did. / no, i didn’t. we didn’t do …. 四、teaching methods: task-based approach, formal and interactive approach 五、teaching aids    blackboard, handouts 六、teaching arrangements: step one  to translate the sentences into english 1.       当你是个小男孩时,你骑自行车去上学吗?did you ride a bike to school when you were a boy?2.       他是世界上最出名的作家之一。 he is one of the most famous writers in the world. 3.       七、八月份,我和哥哥拜访了住在海边的阿姨。 in july and august, my brother and i visited my aunt near the sea. 4.       莎士比亚是一个戏剧家和诗人 shakespeare is a writer of plays and poems. 5.       1950年人们不使用移动电话和计算机。 in 1950 people didn’t use cell phones or computer. 6.       当他在十四岁毕业时他决定当一名演员。 he decided to be an actor when he finished school at the age of fourteen. 7.       你爹妈什么时候结婚的? when did your mother and father marry? 8.       二十八岁时他迁往伦敦并加入一家剧团。 at twenty-eight he moved to london and joined a theatre company. 9.       他成了一名成功的演员并开始写戏剧。 he became a successful actor and started writing plays. 10.   你仍然能看到他的英文版和许多其他语言版的剧本。 you still see his plays in english and in many other languages. step two  to complete the conversation (activity 1) 1.       students finish it by themselves. 2.       check the answers in pairs. 3.       two student act out the conversation. 4.       detailed explanation: 1)      in +原料 / 颜色 e.g: he is in black.      he wrote a diary in ink.  cp:   he wrote a diary with a pen. 2)      a lot = very much ; often e.g: he learned a lot when he was a child. step three  to use the conversation in activity 1 to write about your parents. (activity 3)1.       students finish it by themselves.2.       students read aloud their passage in the front of the classroom.(students should pay attention to the tense)example: my parents didn’t use computers at school when they were young. they watched tv with plain color and few channels. sometimes they played football and tennis in the park.step four  to learn about life in the past (around the world) 1.       students read the passage and answer questions. 1)      did people use computers in 1950?  no, they didn’t. 2)      was there satellite tv or internet in the past?  no, there wasn’t. 3)      why did people travel by bike or by bus?  because cars were expensive. 4)      did they go to other countries on holiday?  no, they didn’t.     2.  students read it aloud. step five  to answer the questions according to the actual life (activity 5)1.         students do it by themselves.2.         students work in pairs.step six  to finish all the exercises in workbookhomework:   1. to review module 10 and copy all the words and expressions in p159     2. to finish module10, 点中典 & 轻巧夺冠



A teaching plan for Unit 1,Module(精选3篇)
