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6A Unit 7 At Christmas教案(精选2篇)

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6A Unit 7 At Christmas教案(精选2篇)

6A Unit 7 At Christmas教案 篇1

  unit 7   at christmas        单元分析






  1、能听懂、会说、会读、会拼写单词和词组:answer ask hers his mine ours yours 2、能听懂、会说、会读单词:a calculator a comb a diary a hairdryer a mirror a wallet a seat a skateboard sunny a teapot get off 3、读日常交际用语this one is from grandpa .open it for me ,please.who are they from?they are from grandpa and grandma. 4、会说、会读、会写句型 whose…is it/are /they? it’s they’re/mine/yours/his/hers/ours. 5、了解字母组合oo在单词中的读音。 6、能诵读歌谣my shirt’s black






  课题:unit 7 at christmas


  教学目标:1.通过机械操练和有意义操练掌握5个单词hers,his,mine,ours,yours 和2个句子whose …is it ? it’s mine/his/hers/…(词汇1、学习有关本级话题范围的600~700个单词和50个左右的习惯用语;)2、通过机械操练和有意义操练使学生知道名词性物主代词和形容词性物主代词的用法和区别。(语法2、知道主要人称代词的区别;) 3、通过圣诞互送礼物了解西方人送礼与受礼的风俗。(话题 能理解和表达有关下列话题的简单信息)重点与难点:名词性物主代词的用法mine=my thing课前准备:图文卡。





  一、greetings 二、presentation

  三、practice and consolida- tion 四、homework 1.what’s that in english? it’s my watch. it’s mine. mine=my thing eg: the watch is mine. 2.用同样的方法教授his,hers, ours. 3.look, this is my birthday present , a teapot. it’s from my mother. 4.what’s that in english? great! it’s a wallet, too. whose wallet is it? oh, it’s hers. 5.what’s in the box? guess! look, it’s a comb. whose comb is it? it’s his. what a pretty comb! 1.look and read my--------mine   your-------yours her--------hers   his--------his 2.look at part c and work in pairs. 1.copy the new words 2.make some dialogues with the drill “whose …is it?” it’s a watch. (learn the word “watch” and “mine”) make sentences: ①the koala is mine. ②the toy is mine. ③the cd is mine.  how nice! how lovely! say like this: ①my pen is from my father. ②my coat is from my uncle. it’s a purse. (learn the word “wallet” and make phrases) it’s …’s.(learn the word “hers”and make sentences) is it a book? is it a wallet? (learn the word “comb”) it’s mine. it’s …’s. read the words and make sentences: eg: the book is mine.    the wallet is yours.    the comb is his.    the teapot is hers. act in pairs ①whose comb is it? it’s mine. ②whose magazine is it? it’s mine. ③whose cds are they? they are hers. 通过真实的情境呈现mine his,hers, ours. 把名词性物主代词放在一起练习使学生有整体感,并通过对话练习使学生熟练运用 名词性物主代词 课题:unit 7 at christmas


  教学目标:1.通过学生在真实的情境中的运用使学生四会5个单词mine,hers,his,ours,yours。(词汇1、学习有关本级话题范围的600~700个单词和50个左右的习惯用语;)  2.通过圣诞互送礼物使学生使用the…is/are from…. (词汇1、学习有关本级话题范围的600~700个单词和50个左右的习惯用语;) 3.能演唱歌曲,my shirt’s black感受歌曲的旋律美。(情感态度二级1、有兴趣听英语、说英语、背歌谣、唱歌曲、讲故事、做游戏等;)重点与难点:区别使用 who’s …from? who’s it for? 以及答句。课前准备:录音机,图字卡。





  一、greetings 二、revision 三、presentation

  四、practice and consolida- tion 五、homework what’s this in english? can you spell it? whose teapot is it? it’s hers, i see. thank you. 1.look, i can skate. can you skate? we can skate with a skate-board.whose skateboard is it? it’s from him.it’s from … 2.i’ve washed my hair. i need a hairdryer. look, it’s this. it can dry my hair. whose hairdryer is it? here you are. 3.let me have a look. i need a mirror. whose is it? 1.the mirror is …’s. it’s from …. 2.look at part d 1.copy the words of pd 2.make some sentences with the drills. 3.preview pait’s a teapot.yes, t-e-a-p-o-t.i think it’s …’s. not at all. yes/no. (learn the word “skateboard”) it’s …’s. it’s his. what’s that? (learn the word “hairdryer”) wow. it’s…’s. it’s from … here’s a mirror for you. (learn the word “mirror”) it’s…’s. it’s from…. 用所给句型作口头表达 listen and write 1.the eraser is from       . 2.the crayons are from    . 3.the model ship is from   . 4. the cd is from        . 5.the football is from      . 6.the stamps are from     .通过复习反馈学生对上一节课的单词的掌握情况。 通过真实的情境呈现skateboard hairdryer mirror,帮助学生正确理解。 通过the mirror is …’s. it’s from …. 的练习帮助学生区分名词性物主代词和宾格。以及这两种句子的不同问答。 课题:unit 7 at christmas


  教学目标:1.在图片的帮助下听懂录音内容。语言技能二级目标(听: 1、能在图片、图像、手势的帮助下,听懂简单的话语或录音材料;) 2、通过和同伴交流录音材料的内容以及自己的圣诞礼物,能听懂,会说,会用this one is from grandpa. open it for me. .who are they from? (词汇1、学习有关本级话题范围的600~700个单词和50个左右的习惯用语;) 3、通过和同伴交流录音材料的内容以及自己的圣诞礼物学会描述物品,提高语言表达能力。(说:2、能就所熟悉的个人和家庭情况进行简短对话;)重点与难点:区分whose…are they? who are they from?课前准备  卡片、录音机





  一、greetings二、presentation三、1.hi,boys and girls. what festival is dec.25? do you like christmas day? children like christmas day very much. why? yes. jim’s family were very happy onchristmas day. let's listen to the tape.2.教师根据录像内容提问: what are the presents? 1)jim’s family have got so many presents. who are they from? whose calculator and skateboard are they?

  whose watch is it?

  whose hairdryer is it?2) 出示句型,教师带领学生朗读三遍。 3)who are they from? let’s listen to the tape then match.

  4)retell the text.


  2)做句型:whose … are they?

  they’re …

  3)背诵课文第二部分对话。it’s christmas day. yes. because we can get some presents. 1) 学生观看录像,初步体会课文内容。 学生指着图片将文章中涉及的物品找出来: a …/… 学生听课文录音,完成匹题: grandfather grandmother  watch  wallet teapot  hairdryer skateboard father motherjim  根据教师提供的跟课文相关的图片复述课文。要求学生可以适当添加句子。通过自由交谈引出christmas day这个话题激发学生的兴趣并通过播放录音帮助学生更好地理解课文。通过单词的默写了解学生对本单元所学过的单词的掌握情况。课题:unit 7 at christmas


  教学目标:1、在录音的帮助下,能正确朗读所学短文。(读:4、能在教师的帮助下讲述简单的小故事。) 2、通过和同伴的机械和有意义的操练掌握who are they from? they’re from…(词汇1、学习有关本级话题范围的600~700个单词和50个左右的习惯用语;) 3、通过和同伴的机械和有意义的操练,能理解和表达有关节日的简单的信息。(话题 能理解和表达有关下列话题的简单信息)重点与难点:句型的四会运用以及语音。课前准备 :教学挂图。





  一、greetings 二、 revision 三、presentation 四、practice and consoli- dation 五、 homework last class, we’ve learned the text. who is the wallet from? who are the teapot and the tea from? who is the watch from? who is the hairdryer from? 1.on christmas day, jim has got two presents. who are the presents from? what’s in the box? 2.where are mum’s and dad’s presents? what are they? who are they from? how about the presents? 1.read the text 2.try to say sth about the text 3.now, let’s sing a song. 4.read the whole passage 1.read the text 2.write the words and phrases of the text. 3.try to write sth about the text as sth as you can write it’s from jim’s grandpa. they’re from jim’s grandma. it’s from jim’s father. it’s from jim’s mother. they’re from his mum and dad. a calculator and a skateboard. (learn the word “calculator” and make some phrases) they’re on the christmas tree. they are a watch and a hair-dryer. they’re from grandpa and grandma. they are very nice. read the text one by one and together. say sth about the text as sth as you can learn the song “my shirt ‘s black.” read the whole passage work in groups and act in pairs. 通过复习反馈学生对前几节课所学内容的掌握情况。 通过真实的情境呈现calculator,并复习前面所学的内容。 通过复述课文提高学生综合运用英语的能力。课题:unit 7 at christmas


  教学目标: 1、通过师生及生生间的情境交流,能认读所学词语police station, at the back of, get off1. (词汇1、学习有关本级话题范围的600~700个单词和50个左右的习惯用语;) 2.通过学生的自由的拼读,了解简单的拼读规律,知道oo的读音。(语音3、了解简单的拼读规律;) 3.会唱歌曲my shirt’s black. (情感态度二级1、有兴趣听英语、说英语、背歌谣、唱歌曲、讲故事、做游戏等;)重点与难点:区别at the back of 和behind ; 学会字母组合oo的发音规则。课前准备:相关图片。





  一、greetings 二、presentation

  三practise 三、homework 1.       look at the picture and read by yourself. 1)who are they in picture 1? what happened? 2)look at picture 2 and what did he do? 3) look at picture 3 and what did he do then? 4 )look at picture 4 and what did he do at last? 2.try to say sth about the pictures. 3.part g [ u ] 1.做语音练习 2.play a game 1.copy the words and phrases. 2.finish the workbook this morning, mum and i went to the supermarket by bus. we      at the back of the bus. soon the bus stopped and some people got off. suddenly, i      a cd walk- man under the seat in front of me.he asked the man: “is it   ?” “no, it’s not       .” he pointed to the woman beside him.“is it      ?” i asked the woman beside the man. “no, it’s not     .” she said. “whose cd walkman is it?” i asked. nobody answered. the bus stopped again. i        the cd walkman to the driver and asked him to take it to the police station. say sth about the pictures as sth as you can. listen and repeat book  football     good  look 1)find the similar words 2)   tooth room [u:] put sth in the bag and guess who is it /are they from? eg: the calculator is from hers. no, you’re wrong. it’s mine. the pen is yours, jim. yes, you’re right. 通过看图片首先初步理解图意,然后通过say sth about the pictures. 通过学生综合运用英语的能力。 首先通过读,使学生在读中体会字母的发音,然后通过1)find the similar words 使学生的知识能得到迁移。

6A Unit 7 At Christmas教案 篇2

  6a unit 7 at christmas教案

  一、teaching content

  part b  look, read, and learn

  part c  look and say

  二、teaching aims

  1、  be able to listen, say and read the words “a watch,a wallet, a comb, a mirror, a teapot, a hairdryer, a calculator, a skateboard.”

  2、  初步掌握名词性物主代词hers , his , mine , ours , yours ,theirs的用法。

  3、初步掌握句型whose … is it / are they ?

  it’s / they’re mine / yours /his/hers /ours .

  三、important points:

  1、初步掌握名词性物主代词hers , his , mine , ours , yours ,theirs的用法。

  2、初步掌握句型whose … is it / are they ?

  it’s / they’re mine / yours /his/hers /ours .

  四、difficult points

  1、  理解并掌握名词物主代词和形容词性物主代词的区别

  五、teaching aids


  六、teaching procedures

  step1. free talk.

  what date is it today? (the 23rd of november)

  what festival is the 25th of december? (christmas)

  step2. presentation and practice

  1. today, we’re going to learn unit 7 at christmas.

  read after teacher ‘unit 7 at christmas’

  t: christmas is coming.

  look, here’s a christmas tree.

  learn the words: christmas tree, father christmas

  suppose today is christmas. let’s say “merry christmas!”

  t: here are some presents for you.

  2. t: what would you like a christmas present?

  would you like a …..?

  s: yes, please (i’d like …)

  t: this …is for you.

  teacher give the present to the students.

  3. look,what’s this?

  s:a watch.

  t: who would like a watch?

  give the watch to a student.

  learn the word : watch.

  learn the other words in the same way.

  4. t: whose book is it?(ask several students)

  s: it’s my book.

  then one student ask the teacher:

  s: whose book is it?

  t: it’s my book. it’s mine.

  learn the sentences: whose book is it? it’s my book, it’s mine.

  teacher ask some students: whose …is it?

  ss: it’s mine.

  work in pairs:   whose …is it?

  it’s mine.

  t: whose … is it?

  s: it’s my … .

  t: yes. it’s your … .it’s yours.

  learn the word and sentences: it’s your … .it’s yours.

  t: whose … is it ?

  s: it’s yours .

  learn the other words in the same way .

  5. show the picture (part c look and say)

  ask some students to talk about the picture .

  whose … is it ?

  it’s mine/his/hers/ours .

  whose … are they ?

  they’re mine/his/hers/ours .

  work in pairs

  ask some students to practice

  step 4 consolidation

  1. work in groups of four

  whose … is it/are they ?

  it’s/they’re mine/his/hers/ours .

  2. finish exercise one

  check the answer

  step 5 homework

  1. copy the new words.

  2. practice the sentence: whose …. is it/are they?

  it’s/they’re mine/yours/his/hers/ours/theirs .

  blackboard design:

  unit 7 at christmas

  whose …. is it/are they?

  it’s/they’re  my …           it’s/they’re mine.

  your….                    yours.

  his……                    his.

  her…..                    hers.

  our….                     ours.

  their…                    theirs.



6A Unit 7 At Christmas教案(精选2篇)
